Balboa Park History 1905

January 1, 1905, I, 10:1-3. Parsons is enthusiastic over San Diego’s big city park.

January 1, 1905, I, 10:3-7. Past year’s work on the park.

January 3, 1905, 5:2. Governor Pardee selects old mission type for California building at Lewis & Clark Exposition in July.

January 7, 1905. ELECTION: Shall the proposed amendment number fourteen to the charter of the city of San Diego relating to and providing for a board of park commissioners be ratified?

Yes 1,466 No. 665

January 15, 1905, 6:1-2. Trees on the park are flourishing; report of past week’s operations and preview of next week’s; personnel of Fraternal Memorial committee.

January 25, 1905, 7:1-2. 51 lodges were represented; Fraternal Memorial Arbor Day warmly endorsed; enthusiastic meeting.

January 27, 1905. CITY CHARTER amended creating Park Board; annual appropriation — tax levy — fixed.

February 2, 1905, 8:1. Oil drives of city park, now one of San Diego’s best possessions says Emmor B. Weaver.

February 3, 1905, 7:1-3. Governor Pardee names the new city council; members recommended by chairman of city and county Republican Central committee.

February 17, 1905, 5:2. Palm trees will be moved; Golden Hill Improvement Club at first objected, but yielded to the eloquence of Mr. Cooke.

February 20, 1905, 3:3. Julian Hawthorne, guest of chamber of commerce, takes trip over bay and city park.

February 21, 1905, 3:4. Hawthorne sees harbor and park; full day of sightseeing by noted writer.

February 28, 1905, 6:4. Park sentiment at La Jolla.

March 3, 1905, 7:1-5. Republicans name the next city officials, Dan F. Jones for mayor.

March 3, 1905, 8:2-6. Democrats put up crazy-patch ticket.

March 5, 1905, 6:3. Rustic bridges in Mulvey canyon; work being done by Park Improvement committee at present; architect Cooke to leave next week; fertilizer from city streets wanted.

March 10, 1905, 9:1-3. Julian Hawthorne finds San Diego an ideal spot.

March 10, 1905, 5:1-4. The season’s work on San Diego’s park; landscape architect Cooke left yesterday on his return East; much planting has been done and many improvements made.

March 13, 1905, 4:1-2. EDITORIAL: Progress on the Park.

March 13, 1905, 7:3. Poppies of Del Mar Hills; proposition to plant them on city park in memory of Mrs. Coulston.

March 21, 1905, 6:4-5. An ordinance was placed on final passage and adopted by the Council providing for the laying of a 80-ft. boulevard with 45-ft. sidewalks on the south side of the city park from its east side to 10th street, and the city engineer was directed to plat such a boulevard and furnish estimates.

March 29, 1905, 5:1. Author Henry James a Coronado guest

April 5, 1905, 2:1-4. John L. Sehon elected mayor of San Diego; Republicans elect entire City Council with the exception of F. J. Goldkamp of the 9thward.

April 5, 1905. City Council Monday evening adopted an ordinance extending the width of the boulevard along the south side of the city park between 6th and 8th streets so as to make a sidewalk of 20 ft. and a driveway of 62 ft.

April 6, 1905, 6:4-5. Mayor Frary will name library trustees and park commissioners; slates being made for new mayor.

April 15, 1905, 5:3. West side city park boulevard; property owners willing to share grading of proposed drive; meeting street committee last evening.

April 16, 1905, 7:1-3. San Diego’s gem exhibit at Portland’s Lewis and Clark Exposition will astonish the world.

April 18, 1905, 3:1-2. First park board named last night: G. W. Marston, E. E. White and A. Moran proposed.

April 18, 1905, 3:1. Provided for ‘Park Avenue’; Board of Works to grade and oil 100 ft. wide boulevard; property owners to pay half; estimates for paving 16th street filed.

April 23, 1905, 4:2. EDITORIAL: A Los Angeles Exposition.

April 25, 1905, 7:1-2. Annual message of Mayor Frary.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners:

First meeting of Board, May 1, 1905

Marston, G. W. elected president

White, Ernest E. secretary

Moran, A. elected Superintendent of Parks

Munn, E. A. appointed gardener in charge of city park at a salary of $75 per month

Webb, S. E. appointed gardener in charge of the Plaza and New Town park at a salary of $60 per


Moved by Mr. Marston that the committee at Golden Hill we be allowed to put up tennis courts,

croquet grounds and swings near the 25th entrance to the city park.

Mr. Miller employed as gardener in charge of Golden Hill section of city park at a salary to be

arranged by Mr. Marston.

May 1, 1905, 1:3-5. Sehon forced his way into the mayor’s office; took possession at about 2 o’clock this morning and declared that his administration has commenced; broken glass carted away.

May 2, 1905, 3:1-3. Mayor Sehon’s first message to Council.

May 2, 1905, 7:1-2. Park Commission has organized; G. W. Marston elected president and Ernest E. White secretary yesterday.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 9, 1905 . . . Mr. Miller’s salary fixed at $25 per month.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 16, 1905 . . . Mr. Moran reported that the stable on the Howard tract could be repaired and fitted up with rooms to make a suitable residence for the gardener for about $200; Mr. Moran’s salary was fixed at $80 per month.

May 16, 1905, 5:1-2. L. J. Wilde takes over National City bank.

May 17, 1905, 5:3. Meeting of Golden Hill Improvement Club last evening; Golden Hill park commissioners tendered their resignation, their work — according to the amended city charter — having been turned over to the City Park Committee.

May 17, 1905, 6:1. Water system on city park; Commissioner Moran reports good start made on piping tract; house of Howard tract.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 24, 1905 . . . Moved by Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. Marston, that the secretary make application to have E. A. Munn appointed a special police officer and game warden for service in the park . . . carried;

Mr. Hy Haley appointed a special police officer for service in the park; Moved by Mr. Marston, seconded by Mr. Moran, that the park superintendent notify the owner of the cattle grazing in the city park to remove the cattle.

May 25, 1905, 3:5. Bridge bids to be opened; board of works may provide construction of Quince street structure today; other bridges.

May 25, 1905, 7:6. To perfect city park boulevards; Commissioners plan for care of oiled drives during summer; want ordinance no. 1992 rescinded.

May 25, 1905, 8:1-2. Monday, July 24, set aside as San Diego day at Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland.

May 26, 1905, 6:2. Don’t mar the city park; proposed change in the width of Date street should not be made; L. A. Wright calls attention to what he terms an unfortunate alteration.

May 27, 1905, 5:3. Destroying a park entrance; what Commissioners say of the movement regarding the south boulevard; Committee will recommend to Council that proposed changes be made.

May 29, 1905, 5:2. Speaks with authority; proposed changes at street and park entrance would destroy value; Miss K. O. Sessions hopes they will not be made; plans were carefully thought out.

May 29, 1905, 7:3. Spirit of change in San Diego; what it has already cost the community in growing trees; Father Horton implores the people to let the present park plans remain.

May 30, 1905, 6:4. Defacement of the city park; Mrs. E. B. Scott, president of San Diego club, points out the folly of it; bad precedent established; discourtesy to Mr. Parsons; trees scarce anyway.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 31, 1905 . . . Salary of A. E. Webb, gardener in charge of Plaza and New Town Park fixed at $65 per month.

June 2, 1905, 1:1-2. President Theodore Roosevelt opens Lewis and Clark Exposition; touches button that starts machinery at the World’s Fair in Portland.

June 3, 1905, 6:1-2. Discussion of South Park Boulevard; councilmen decide to postpone action until they can hear more fully from the people; some arguments last evening.

June 4, 1905, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Park Question

June 4, 1905, 12:1-3. San Diego’s newspaper graveyard.

June 5, 1905, 6:1-2. Fraternal Grove idea is growing.

June 5, 1905, 7:4-6. H. E. Doolittle makes plain the position of Mr. Chick regarding controversy over Park Boulevard.

June 7, 1905, 5:2. San Diego at the Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland

June 7, 1905, 7:6. Must not throw rubbish in park; warning signs to be placed by commissioners and special officers will enforce; boulevard conference.

June 7, 1905, 8:1. Mayor Sehon vetoes new ordinance; believes establishment of grade of boulevard on Date street should be deferred; would wait settlement of the dispute as to width which it affects.

June 12, 1905, 5:3. Property owners state their case; explain why a change in park plan was asked for and why it would be unjust not to grant it.

June 14, 1905, 6:2. YMCA cadets camped last evening near the north end of Pound canyon after a march through the city park.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: June 20, 1905 . . . Mr. Moran elected president pro tempore; Mr. Moran reported that he had viewed the road on Switzer canyon and found it in pretty bad shape. One man is now at work clearing away boulders and another man will start work tomorrow. The road opposite Quince street into Pound canyon is being put in shape.

June 20, 1905, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego at Portland . . . Lewis and Clark Exposition.

July 1, 1905, 3:1-4. Referendum held to be unconstitutional; far-reaching decision of Judge Torrance in the Boone-Butler writ of mandate case yesterday.

July 4, 1905, 3:1-3. Crowds expected at Tent City for Fourth of July; literary exercises and picnic at Mission cliffs pavilion; band concerts at Coronado.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 5, 1905 . . . Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Moran, that the secretary ask the city attorney for his opinion of the legal rights of the Commissioners to grant portions of the city park for other than park purposes, i.e., for city purposes such as the Fire Department or Pound, and for private purposes such as the Powder House, gun clubs, etc. . . . carried; Mr. Moran reported that the Switzer canyon road was in shape for travel, but was far from being in perfect shape.

July 9, 1905, II, 7:1-3. Father Horton bought San Diego sites at 26 cents an acre; what he found when he arrived.

July 13, 1905, 6:3. Park Board hears report of work done Tuesday morning; repairs now being made to the road in Switzer canyon running toward the northeast corner of the park; new water main on 16th street with pipes supplying grounds of Children’s Home; new toilets and tool house for New Town park completed.

July 22, 1905, 1:1-7, 3:1-5, 5:1-2. Over 50 lives lost on gunboat Bennington.

July 23, 1905, 8:1-3. Flags that have flown over California soil.

July 23, 1905, 8:4-5. Robin Hood’s forest in city park; Foresters of America will plant the first sapling there on Thanksgiving day.

July 24, 1905, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Noble Object.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 25, 1905 . . . Moved by Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. White, that the Park Commissioners offer to Dr. David Griffiths of the Department of Agriculture the use of about five acres of land near the southeast corner of city park for a government forage experimental station for a length of time as may be required, not to exceed 15 years.

July 25, 1905, 8:1-2. How to see the Portland Fair (Lewis and Clark Exposition) by Joseph Jessop.

July 26, 1905, 5:1. The government experiment station for the growing of spineless cactus was a theme for discussion at the meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners yesterday morning.

A resolution was adopted setting aside or rather offering a section of the city park near the southwest corner of the street; a place which was viewed with much favor by agristologist David Griffith during his recent visit.

July 27, 1905, 5:3. The Board of Park Commissioners at this week’s meeting considered the proposed memorial for the Bennington dead, and it was the sense of the commissioners that a suitable place in city park would be an exceedingly appropriate place to erect the monument.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: August 2, 1905 . . . Julius Greus employed as gardener at Golden Hill park at $60 per month.

August 11, 1905, II, 7:1-2. A Navy shaft for the Bennington dead; Pacific Squadron will erect a shaft at the National Cemetery on Point Loma.

August 13, 1905, 9:3. YMCA to have a fine new home; arrangements made to secure Burnham property at 8th and C streets.

August 17, 1905, 6:1-2. Builders are busy throughout the city.

August 17, 1905, II, 7:3-5. YMCA will soon be located on the Burnham residence; something of future plans.

August 17, 1905, II, 1:2. Two veto messages of Mayor Sehon; resolution of intention to grade 28th and Ivy street returned to Council without his approval.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: August 29, 1905 . . . Department of Agriculture declined offer of five acres of land in city park.

September 9, 1905, 5:1-3. Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest; much local interest at present centers in the old English wood from which a tree is coming to San Diego park, by Joseph Jessop.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: September 19, 1905 . . . Mr. Marston reported that he had written to Messrs. Parsons and Cooke in regard to the Fraternal Grove plantation plans; also, that he had asked Mr. Munn to plot the pipe plan of the city park as far as laid.

October 2, 1905, 10:1-2. Cheers for new fence at Russ high school; trustees’ action is popular with students; football plans are shaping themselves.

October 4, 1905, II, 7:4-5. No Sunday games on Russ grounds; some provisions made by Park Commissioners in consenting to fencing of oval.

October 18, 1905, 6:3. For small city parks; Golden Hill club last evening devoted considerable time to it.

October 24, 1905, 5:1-2. Appellate court for Mayor Sehon; three judges declare he is rightfully mayor.

October 27, 1905, 5:5. Fraternal grove is located; Park Commission approves site on line of new Golden Hill boulevard.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: November 7, 1905 . . . In the matter of the Fraternal Grove planting, it was decided to plant the group of 125 trees near the Children’s Home.

November 20, 1905, 8:1-2. Robin Hood oak in Fraternal Grove; George T. Magly tells some Sherwood Forest traditions that will cluster around sapling.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: November 28, 1905 . . . Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Moran, that a concrete sidewalk be placed at the southwest corner of 6th and Date streets from the park line on 6th street to the park line on Date streets, and that a concrete curb be placed on the south side of Date street, from 6th street to the west line of 8th street, and on the north side of Date street, from the east side of the alleyway opposite 6th street to and around the curve at the 8th street entrance as far as the Lippia lawn extends; on the south sides of Date street at the crossing of 6th, 7th and 8th streets to place culverts so as to obviate the stepping up and down from the sidewalks. . . . carried.

November 30, 1905, 5:1-2. This is the day of Fraternal Grove.

December 1, 1905, 8:1-2. A Fraternal Forest in the city park; Grove of Secret Societies dedicated yesterday with exercises replete with patriotic sentiment.

December 15, 1905, 6:5. Residents of 9th ward want a new city park to be located on Logan Heights.

Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: December 19, 1905 . . . W. G. Barth permitted to erect a Polytechnic School building upon plot of ground appropriated by Russ high school, provided his plan is approved by the Board of Education and the Board of Park Commissioners.

December 29, 1905, 3:1. Mayor Sehon filed veto message; he withholds his approval from ordinance establishing sidewalk grade near city park.

December 30, 1905, II, 7:1-3. J. D. Spreckels to extend electric line to La Jolla.

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