Balboa Park History 1906
January 8, 1906, 8:5. Government aid for city park a possibility if plans now being made are successful.
January 9, 1906, 8:6-7. Park Board rooms ready; Commissioners will meet today in their newly furnished quarters in the city hall; landscape architect Cooke expected here soon; government official coming.
January 11, 1906, 5:4. Cooke discusses park work with Commissioners.
January 13, 1906, 3:3-4. Work planned for the City Park; considerable planting will be done along west side; curbing on the Date street entrance.
January 14, 1906, 6:1-2. A thousand trees for city park; firs, spruce and pines will be furnished by Forestry bureau; Commissioners to do the planting.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: January 16, 1906 . . . Moved by Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. White, that Mr. Cooke be authorized to plant about 200 trees on the west margin of the park between Quince and Nutmeg streets . . . carried.
January 16, 1906, 3:4. Passed over Mayor Sehon’s veto; Date street entrance to city park to be widened against his wish.
January 17, 1906, 8:1-2. Renewed action in park improvement; Board of Park Commissioners receive report of architect Cooke and determine future action.
January 18, 1906, 6:1-2. Death of Ephraim W. Morse.
January 22, 1906, II, 7:5-7. The Passing of Ephraim W. Morse, by William E. Smythe.
January 29, 1906, 8:3. Pacific Ocean Exposition to be held in San Francisco in 1913; federal government to aid financially.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: January 30, 1906 . . . After a discussion with Mr. Cooke in regard to park plans, it was resolved: that the plan for a lake with palm plantation opposite Laurel and Maple streets, east of the main drive, changing the park entrance from Kalmia street to Juniper street and opening a new entrance at Maple street be adopted and Mr. Cooke be authorized to prepare the drawings accordingly . . . carried.
January 30, 1906, 3:3. Shrubs must be removed; such is provision of resolution of Council relative to south side of the park; Miss Kate Sessions ably defended the Park Board’s plans; 30th street.
January 31, 1906, 5:3. Beautiful lake for city park; Commissioners decide to have one constructed near Kalmia street entrance; city attorney to be asked his opinion as to powers of Board.
February 3, 1906, 5:2. One hundred sample trees for city park have arrived; first shipment to be furnished by government came Friday.
February 6, 1906, 3:2. Death of architect William Quayle.
February 9, 1906, 5:2. To provide funds for small parks; Logan Heights Club wants money from sale of pueblo lots set aside.
February 9, 1906, 8:1-2. Common Council exceeded authority says Mayor Sehon in veto of resolution prescribing plan of improvement of south park front; measure signed.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: February 13, 1906 . . . Report and plans of City Park as prepared by Samuel Parsons & Co. adopted by Park Commissioners as official plan of City Park . . . carried.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: February 20, 1906 . . . Residents of Golden Hill want boulevard built to connect the Golden Hill section with the 12th street entrance; residents asked to contribute about half of the estimated expense.
City attorney’s communication regarding right of Park Commissioners to grant use of park lands for other than park purposes setting forth his reasons why it could not legally be done was ordered filed.
February 23, 1906, 6:2. Superintendent of Schools Davidson to name a date for celebration of Arbor day here.
February 23, 1906. Ed Fletcher told the Park Commission yesterday the Bartlett Estate Co. will furnish men to plant 500 of the trees recently received from the government for planting in the city park.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: March 1, 1906 . . . Mr. Moran reported that he had notified the Country Club to discontinue removing earth from the heads of canyons.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: March 6, 1906 . . . Mr. Ed Fletcher and Mr. Rendle of the Bartlett Estate Co. appeared before the Board and asked for further improvements at the southeast corner of the city park.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: March 14 1906 . . . Mr. Cooke appointed advisory landscape engineer for the parks of the City of San Diego at a retainer of $100 per annum . . . carried.
March 15, 1906, 6:4. Last week here for George Cooke.
March 20, 1906, II, 8:1-2. La Jolla park wants sewer system.
March 24, 1906, 10:l. Architect Cooke leaves for East after 2-1/2 months of work here.
April 3, 1906, 3:4. The Council last night sustained Mayor Sehon’s veto to the ordinance establishing the grade of Park avenue from Juniper to Upas. The mayor has vetoed it on grounds that it came under the jurisdiction of the Board of Park Commissioners. H. E. Doolittle stated that Mr. Marston of that Board has expressed himself as satisfied with the grade of the thoroughfare as established. The motion to override the veto was lost by a vote of five to four, those voting against the motion being Thorpe, Ludington, Blochman, Kelly and Goldkamp.
April 11, 1906, 3:2. Park Commissioners took request of school board for sites under advisement.
April 19, 1906, 1:1-7, 2:1-5. San Francisco is a mass of ruins.
April 25, 1906, II, 7:2. Park Board changed course of golf links at meeting.
May 1, 1906, 6:1. Athletics in the city park; petition in circulation asks that ten acres be set aside for outdoor sports.
May 2, 1906, 5:3. Be careful of the park; its natural beauty must not be marred by buildings and fences; Chairman Marston opposed to anything tending to commercialism.
May 5, 1906, 8:1-7, 9:1-4. Mayor Sehon’s annual message to Council.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 8, 1906 . . . Mr. Moran elected president of Park Board to serve for the ensuing year.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 18, 1906 . . . Mr. Moran volunteered to interview the German Shultzer Verein regarding the removal of their home from Pound canyon.
May 20, 1906, 11:3-4. Park plans for the coming year; over $14,000 will be expended on road improvements.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: May 29, 1906 . . . Property owners of west Park avenue ready to pay into the treasury ½ of estimated cost of grading on the west side of said avenue; Board of Park Commissioners to let the contract as soon as possible.
May 30, 1906, 3:4-5. Plans for grading of Park avenue; preliminary steps taken by Park Commissioners; expenditure of $4,000; extends from Juniper to Upas.
June 5, 1906, 10:1. For grading Park avenue; specifications for that section of 6th street being drawn by engineer; Commissioners will call for bids; estimated expense $4,000.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: June 12, 1906 . . . Mr. Munn reported that the Country Club in clearing for the new golf grounds allowed the fire to get beyond the clearing into the park; some damage has been done to native growth.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: June 26, 1906 . . . In the matter of grading Park avenue, Mr. Doolittle reported that the property owners wished only the grading to be done now, without any surfacing with oil or disintegrated granite.
June 27, 1906, 6:3-4. Improvements in the city park; Golden Hill people ask for a number of things.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: June 29, 1906 . . . Mr. Moran reported that he had interviewed the Bartlett Estate Co. on the subject of the Park drive from Amherst street to the connection with the oiled drive near Russ School; the Secretary was authorized to buy some signs prohibiting shooting in the park.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 3, 1906 . . . Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Marston, that foreman Munn be instructed to arrest persons who are caught shooting in the park or persons dumping garbage or refuse in the park.
July 4, 1906, 3:1-2. Bids for Park avenue received; Board of Education wants school sites located within the city park.
July 5, 1906, II, 7:1-2. Mission Cliff park patriotic celebration
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 6, 1906 . . . Mr. Doolittle reported that he had paid into the City Treasury the sum of $1,742.38 on behalf on the property owners on the west side of Park avenue for grading Park avenue for its full width, including the sidewalks, from the south line of Juniper street to the south line of Upas street; G. E. Gabrielson’s bid for grading accepted.
July 7, 1906, 3:2. Park avenue contract awarded; Gabrielson gets contract and will being work immediately; property owners pay half.
July 8, 1906, II, 9:4. Quick job for Park avenue; contractor Gabrielson to complete grading in 30 days; contract signed yesterday afternoon; work to commence tomorrow.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 10, 1906 . . . Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Marston, that Mr. Emmor B. Weaver be employed to prepare plans and specifications for a summer house for the Golden Hill section of the city park . . . carried.
July 11, 1906, 5:4. Plans for the summer house to be erected on the Golden Hill section of the city park will be drawn up by architect Emer H. Weaver and presented to the Park Commissioners in the near future.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 17, 1906 . . . The matter of granting five school sites in the city park as asked for by the Board of Education, having been deferred for consideration until this meeting, it was moved by Mr. Marston, seconded by Mr. White, that the secretary be instructed to prepare suitable resolutions setting forth the views of the Park Board and declining to grant the sites . . . carried; Mr. Weaver’s design for the Golden Hill rest house adopted.
July 18, 1906, 8:4-5. Park Commissioners decide not to give sites in the city park for schools.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 20, 1906 . . . Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Marston, that no poles for electric lights, telephones, telegraphs or other purposes be permitted to be placed on Park avenue . . . carried.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 21, 1906 . . . Moved by Mr. Marston that the Country Club be granted permission to tap the water pipe as requested; they are to have a water meter placed and are to settle with the City Water Department for the water used . . . carried.
July 21, 1906, 5:5. Park walks for Park avenue; Board of Park Commissioners considers petition of property owners favorably.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 31, 1906 . . . Application to set aside park lands for school sites denied . . . carried.
August 9, 1906, II, 8:4. Colton Brothers of Oklahoma get job of installing bridge over Switzer canyon.
August 14, 1906, 5:3-4. Parks improve city’s beauty; advise on selection of trees by G. P. Hall.
August 14, 1906, 9:1. Trustees in 1869 gave park as joke; Jose G. Estudillo tells of days of San Diego’s youth.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: August 21, 1906 . . . Edward L. Rambo’s bid of $275 to erect summer house in Golden Hill section of the city park accepted; G. E. Gabrielson, contractor, granted 30 days additional time to complete grading of Park avenue.
September 5, 1906, II, 8:2. Bathhouse to be enlarged; Board of Park Commissioners takes action in regard to La Jolla resort.
September 12, 1906, 12:2. A. Moran, president of Board of Park Commissioners, engaged in sport of shooting rabbits in the city park yesterday; his party bagged 40 rabbits between 4:30 p.m. and sundown.
September 22, 1906, II, 7:1. New boulevard in two weeks; men are now on work on the Maple street entrance to the city park.
October 8, 1906, 5:2-3. Magnificent boulevard is nearly completed; Park Driveway will be one of finest in the state.
October 13, 1906, 13:1. C. W. Fenn suggests plan for the city park; lake, dam and greensward proposed.
October 28, 1906, 15:1. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition in Seattle has $650,000 to its credit.
November 19, 1906, II, 7:4. Mass meeting of 9th ward; park site for Logan Heights to be subject of discussion.
November 21, 1906, II, 7:4. Citizens of 9th ward address resolution to the Council; want $25,000 for a park.
November 27, 1906, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Expositions in California.
December 11, 1906, 5:1. F. S. Allen chosen as architect of Sherman Heights Addition.
December 12, 1906, 6:3. World’s Fair for San Francisco; corporation capitalized at $5 million formed to promote great Exposition in 1913.
December 12, 1906, II, 7:1-2. San Diego Club house formally dedicated; Daniel Cleveland gives address of day.
December 14, 1906, 1:1-6. Railroad from San Diego to Yuma assured; Spreckels interests will build and own the line; is capitalized for $6 million; articles of incorporation filed yesterday with city clerk.
December 14, 1906, 4:1. EDITORIAL: At Last the Road to Yuma.
December 14, 1906, II, 9:2. Carols to be sung at Jessops; Christmas music will be rendered evening of December 24.
December 16, 1906, 24:2-3. Nearly $2 million worth of buildings going up.
December 18, 1906, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Exposition Craze.
December 27, 1906, 12:1. Work on Golden Hill boulevard to commence in two weeks.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: December 31, 1906 . . . Resolution adopted supporting $10,000 bond issue to be voted by people to construct two roads in the city park.
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