Balboa Park History 1907
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: January 1, 1907 . . . Annual Park Report
The principal improvements of the City Park have been the construction of the driveway known as Park Avenue, extending along the west boundary line of the park from Juniper street to Upas street, a distance of about 4,200 feet, and the construction of the entrances to the park at Juniper, Maple and Quince streets, aggregating 1,000 feet.
San Diego Union, January 1, 1907, 4:2. Would transfer La Jolla park; Park Commission will ask legislature through Senator Wright; recommend routes for park boulevards over three miles long.
San Diego Union, January 1, 1907, 6:5-6. New history of San Diego by William E. Smythe.
San Diego Union, January 6, 1907, 10:1. George Cooke will be in San Diego for two or three months to carry out improvements in City Park and to lay out small park on Normal Heights for Ralston Realty Co.
San Diego Union, January 9, 1907, 3:2. Park Commissioners let contract for boulevard.
San Diego Union, January 9, 1907, 3:2. Cornerstone of new Russ High School to be laid tomorrow.
San Diego Union, January 10, 1907, 5:1. Landscape architect talks of park improvement; speaks well of possibilities of City Park.
San Diego Union, January 11, 1907, II, 9:1-5, 10:1-3. New high school cornerstone placed in position.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: January 14, 1907 . . . Permission granted to Board of Public Works to temporarily occupy a portion of City Park between 18th and 21st streets, near the south boundary line, until the permanent location of said yard has been determined . . . carried.
San Diego Union, January 15, 1907, 5:1. Park Commissioners allow City to use Switzer Canyon as temporary site for stables.
San Diego Union, January 17, 1907, II, 7:4. George Cooke chosen manager; will remain here with Southern Construction Co.; elected vice president and general manager yesterday; D. C. Collier was reelected president.
San Diego Union, January 19, 1907, 6:4. Southern Construction Co. to develop Point Loma; plan big hotel at Ocean Beach; roads to follow contours.
San Diego Union, January 20, 1907, II, 9:3. George Cooke will begin laying out grounds for big amusement park at the end of the proposed Adams street car line; Venice Construction Co. will build park.
San Diego Union, January 20, 1907, II, 9:4-5. Collier protests against demands; arraigns signers to the petition against franchise on Point Loma.
San Diego Union, January 20, 1907, 12:1. Chamber of Commerce requests Council to adopt prohibitory ordinance against teeming on park streets.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: January 22, 1907 . . . A letter was received from R. L. Chingan, foreman at Miramar ranch, conveying an offer of Mr. E. W. Scripps to donate to the Park Commission any surplus palms which he may have and which the Commission might desire to take . . . offer accepted.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: January 29, 1907 . . . Board of Public Works requested to remove Pest House now in City Park to some location outside the park at the earliest possible moment. . . . Common Council asked to pass an ordinance prohibiting heavy traffic on Park Avenue.
San Diego Union, January 30, 1907, 14:1. Stables to be ready by March; cement foundations are being put in the Switzer canyon site.
San Diego Union, January 31, 1907, 14:1. Emily F. Overbaugh’s will, filed for probate in Superior Court, leaves $15,000 for City Park.
San Diego Union, February 1, 1907, II, 9:4. Park Commissioners turn down request of Health Board for pest house in park; act to prohibit teaming.
San Diego Union, February 6, 1907, 6:1-3. Annual report on parks filed with mayor yesterday; Park Commissioners object to fence around high school athletic grounds; want removed.
San Diego Union, February 7, 1907, 6:1-2. Park Commissioners and School Board meet to discuss compromise 40 ft. shift of athletic field fence.
San Diego Union, February 8, 1907, II, 9:1-3. Charleston anchors in San Diego bay; first visit of Admiral Swinburne to San Diego as commander of Pacific Squadron; Paul Jones arrives.
San Diego Union, February 10, 1907, 6:1-2. Project for an Exposition at San Francisco in 1913 presented to Governor Gillett and the legislature; $3 million asked.
San Diego Union, February 10, 1907, 7:1. Compromise action on fence in park expected at meeting of Board of Education tomorrow night.
San Diego Union, February 12, 1907, 5:3. Cooke wants “bull pen” removed; characterizes fence as an unsightly object.
San Diego Union, February 12, 1907, 16:1. Protest against fence edict; Board of Education will opposes intention of Park Commission.
San Diego Union, February 13, 1907, 1:4. To establish Naval Coaling Station here.
San Diego Union, February 13, 1907, II, 9:1. Will fight out fence question; Board of Education and Park Commission are at loggerheads; attempts at compromise fail.
San Diego Union, February 15, 1907, 6:3. Judge Ryan wants school fence removed; says it is an eyesore.
San Diego Union, February 15, 1907, II, 9:2-3. Mayor signs ordinance granting franchises to San Diego & Arizona.
San Diego Union, February 17, 1907, 5:2. Justice Thorp advocates chain gang as eradicator of tramps.
San Diego Union, February 17, 1907, 7:4. Drivers of heavily loaded wagons or other vehicles will hereafter avoid the boulevards of the public park or pay a fine of $500 for their violation of a city ordinance; placards placed at the entrance to the park and in conspicuous places lining the boulevards.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: February 19 1907 . . . Arguments regarding fence around Russ athletic oval.
San Diego Union, February 19, 1907, 1:6-7. Coaling station for San Diego is assured.
San Diego Union, February 20, 1907, 14:1. Long pow wow with no result; Board of Education and Park Commission fail to agree; moving of high school fence proves knotting problem to settle.
San Diego Union, February 21, 1907, 14:1. School boys may seek new athletic fields; outcome of dispute with Park Commission is still problematical.
San Diego Union, February 26, 1907, II, 9:3. Say Colorado River curbed.
San Diego Union, March 1, 1907, II, 9:4. City officials pay visit to new stable in Switzer canyon at 19th and D streets; land was purchased from Leonard and Goodbody and comprises 2-1/2 acres.
San Diego Union, March 4, 1907, 5:1. G. Aubrey Davidson, head of new trust company, says San Diego has great future.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: March 5, 1907 . . . Moved by Mr. Marston that cocos plumosa palms be adopted as shade tree for Park Avenue . . . carried.
San Diego Union, March 6, 1907, II, 7:1-2. To supervisors busts are white elephants; Park Board rejects statues which once adorned county building; may be offered to county schools.
San Diego Union, March 8, 1907, 6:2. Board of Public Works yesterday denied application of the Board of Park Commissioners to have the city engineer set graded stakes on Park avenue; grades established by two departments are different.
San Diego Union, March 9, 1907, 16:1. Chamber of Commerce favors issue of $75,000 worth of bonds for boulevard improvements; $10,000 for park boulevards.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: March 12, 1907 . . . Mr. J. M. Dodge and Mr. Frank of the City Guard Band appeared before the Board and stated that the Band hoped to be able to give two concerts each week during the coming season, but that no one on the Band liked the bandstand now in the Plaza. They would like it removed and a new stand constructed in the Plaza more in accord with their views.
March 12, 1907 . . . SPECIAL ELECTION: Bonds for Boulevards – provisions for two boulevards in City Park amount allotted being $10,000 for the two; Proposition No. 4 – for bonded indebtedness of $70,000 for the construction of certain boulevards and the repair of certain roads:
Yes 1,254 . . . Carried
No 318
San Diego Union, March 12, 1907, 14:4. Cooke plans contour roads for Point Loma to preserve natural beauty.
San Diego Union, March 13, 1907, II, 9:1. All but two propositions are carried; electors vote to bond city for $791,712 for some needed public improvements; Proposition No. 8, which was planned to expend $25,000 for a park in the 9th ward, lost; $63,821 sewer system in Chollas Valley lost; Proposition No. 17 for three public lavatories approved by a bare 2/3rd majority.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: March 26, 1907 . . . Mr. Marston stated we would better finish the tree plantings at the entrances of the west side of the park; that he knows of money coming in the Park Fund before the end of April sufficient to complete this work.
San Diego Union, March 27, 1907, 1:7, 5:2. Father Ubach, pioneer prelate, passes away.
San Diego Union, March 1, 1907, 11:3. Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition at Hampton Roads recalls early history; opens May 1 in a blaze of lights.
San Diego Union, April 3, 1907, 1:7. John F. Forward, Republican, elected mayor of San Diego.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: April 9, 1907 . . . Arguments for and against 25-ft. wide sidewalks along Park Avenue; moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Marston, that sidewalks remain unchanged . . . carried.
San Diego Union, April 10, 1907, 12:1. A number of property owners along Park avenue from Juniper to Upas appeared before the Board of Park Commissioners yesterday to discuss trees on Park avenue.
San Diego Union, April 11, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego at Jamestown: San Diego has bone well to join the Southern California procession to Jamestown. This county is assured of an exhibit that will bring results.
San Diego Union, April 14, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: To Beautify the City.
San Diego Union, April 14, 1907, II, 11:2. City Guard Band concert this afternoon in the City Park at the junction of Date and 8th streets.
San Diego Union, April 15, 1907, 2:1-7. Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition to commemorate founding of Jamestown to open April 26.
San Diego Union, April 16, 1907, 5:2. San Diego County exhibit at Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition.
San Diego Union, April 17, 1907, 5:3. Fraternal Grove Society holds meeting; 20 lodges represented.
San Diego Union, April 17, 1907, 14:1. Work is being rushed on new $180,000 high school building.
San Diego Union, April 20, 1907, 5:1. San Diego Floral Association decides on May 29 date for flower show; first exhibit to be a “housewarming”.
San Diego Union, April 26, 1907, 1:7, 2:4-5. President Theodore Roosevelt opens Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition today.
San Diego Union, April 27, 1907, 1:1, 1:7, 2:1-5, 3:1-4. Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition opened; Naval display is most brilliant in world’s history; half a hundred men-of-war in Hampton Roads.
San Diego Union, April 27, 1907, 8:1-3. Boulevard bonds to be well spent; will do all the work instead of estimate; $10,000 for boulevards in City Park.
San Diego Union, April 27, 1907, II, 9:3. Civic Center idea is well received; plan to do something each year for development of City’s beauty.
San Diego Union, April 28, 1907, 5:3. Will lay streets in Pacific Beach; suburb will soon have three roads as good as any in city.
San Diego Union, April 30, 1907, 7:1-5, 12:3. Suggestions in Mayor Sehon’s annual message.
San Diego Union, May 3, 1907, 5:3. Park avenue residents want ordinance forbidding heavy teaming enforced.
San Diego Union, May 5, 1907, 7:1-7. Birds eye view of Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition.
San Diego Union, May 5, 1907, 14:1-3. New high school is half finished.
San Diego Union, May 8, 1907, 2:5. Park Commissioners hold regular meeting yesterday afternoon; only routine matters came up; Marston, Moran and White present.
San Diego Union, May 10, 1907, II, 9:1-2. Mayor Forward fills six vacancies in city offices; Wright succeeds Moran on Park Board.
San Diego Union, May 11, 1907, II, 9:2. Mayor Forward has approved the ordinance giving the streets east of City Park, between A and Upas streets, uniform names.
San Diego Union, May 16, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Still Another Exposition.
San Diego Union, May 16, 1907, 5:1-2. Citizens advance boulevard funds; Council to pass ordinance for roads today.
San Diego Union, May 19, 1907, II, 13:4. It is expected that the high school fence problem will be taken up and settled now that the Park Commission has been reorganized.
San Diego Union, May 20, 1907, 5:1. Largest flume line in California is complete; carries surface water from City Park.
San Diego Union, May 22, 1907, 12:1. Ernest E. White resigned from Park Board yesterday afternoon; no reason given.
San Diego Union, May 23, 1907, 12:1. Imperial Valley people favor a new county; to file petition for division in 30 days.
San Diego Union, May 26, 1907, 10:4. Contention that Cooke is not a resident of City; Park Commission to find way to retain his services as Park Superintendent.
San Diego Union, May 29, 1907, II, 9:1. San Diego Floral Association puts on first flower show in Unity Hall tonight.
San Diego Union, May 29, 1907, 14:1. Regular weekly meeting of Park Commission held yesterday; G. W. Marston, U. S. Grant, Jr. present; L. A. Wright absent; no action on Cooke matter; Board considered plans for building two boulevards in the City Park provided for by the bond issue; two bridges will be necessary.
San Diego Union, May 30, 1908, 12:1-3. San Diego’s first flower show an eminent success.
San Diego Union, June 1, 1907, 14:2-3. Cooke to have charge of construction of boulevard along the edge of False Bay through property owned by the Mission Bay Co. at Mission Bay and Venice parks.
San Diego Union, June 2, 1907, 2:5. Ground broken for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.
San Diego Union, June 5, 1907, 12:1. $28,000 available for work on parks; $10,000 will be devoted to general maintenance; $8,000 for roads; much planting of trees is planned; Park Commissioners agree on routes of two of the boulevards.
San Diego Union, June 13, 1907, 8:1. School Board election propositions carry except for B-street sale.
San Diego Union, June 14, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The New School System.
San Diego Union, June 14, 1907, II, 9:1. Marston to build at 5th and C streets; sketches made by W. S. Hebbard.
San Diego Union, June 14, 1907, II, 9:4. Plan conduit in Switzer canyon extending from B street to M street; Street Committee of Council discussed way to open land for building yesterday.
San Diego Union, June 18, 1907, 5:1. Board of Public Works formally accepted B-street flume last night.
San Diego Union, June 21, 1907, 16:1. City attorney holds bond election was illegal; probable that combination of boulevard and municipal items was cause.
San Diego Union, June 22, 1907, 5:2. Probable that City Council will call second bond election at next meeting.
San Diego Union, June 24, 1907, 12:1. Former city attorney W. R. Andrews says bond issue is legal.
San Diego Union, June 27, 1907, 7:4. Board of Park Commissioners yesterday afternoon made arrangements for rabbit hunts in City Park; Mr. Marston will employ a hunter to have charge of the hunts.
San Diego Union, June 27, 1907, 12:4. Plan to move City Pound site; Park Commissioners take action toward ridding park of undesirable buildings.
San Diego Union, June 29, 1907, 14:2. Marston received many applications for permits; expects to arrange hunt at next meeting of Park Commission.
San Diego Union, June 29, 1907, 8:1-3. Marston tells visiting editors the history of San Diego’s Eastern Railroad.
San Diego Union, June 30, 1907, II, 9:3-6. Seventh story of U. S. Grant Hotel nearly completed.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 2, 1907 . . . Mr. Marston advised that Henry Seabold would undertake to rid the park of rabbits; appointed game warden of City Park for two months. . . . Voted that the Superintendent be authorized to purchase 152 cocos plumosa palms for Park Avenue from Miss Kate Sessions at $1.50.
San Diego Union, July 4, 1907, 5:1. Petitioners ask culvert from City Park to bay; property owners request Council to appropriate $50,000 for plan.
San Diego Union, July 4, 1907, 6:1. Poundmaster Davis holds a license from the City Council to shoot rabbits in the City Park. To date he has shot fifty-one. A member of the Park Commission says that the gopher is nearly as great a nuisance as the rabbit.
San Diego Union, July 9, 1907, 12:4. Lease ground for ball park; field will be located in South Park.
San Diego Sun, July 10, 1907, 5:2. Park Boulevard being rolled from Normal School through eastern part of City Park, past the Country Club to the high school.
San Diego Union, July 10, 1907, 12:3. Slaughter of rabbits begins in City Park; Chief of Police has given Henry Seabold, his sons, and others permission to shoot rabbits in City Park under the direction of the Park Commission.
San Diego Union, July 10, 1907, 12:3. Park Commissioners to select site in Golden Hill reservation for fountain this morning; employment of Frank W. Brown in park work was authorized.
San Diego Union, July 14, 1907, 20:2. YMCA members camp in park.
San Diego Union, July 16 1907, 5:1. Police make raid on Tenderloin district.
San Diego Union, July 21, 1907, II, 11:2-6. Harrison Albright, architect, prepares plans for home for John D. Spreckels in Coronado.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: June 26, 1907 . . . It was reported several of the lights on the Plaza stand were out of commission. Voted that the Superintendent be authorized to renew them. . . . Mr. Cooke’s report concerning palms on the Plaza was received. He advised blasting and manuring. Voted to authorize the Superintendent to do whatever was required to improve the condition of these trees.
San Diego Union, July 26, 1907, 5:3. Golden Hill people have filed a petition with the City Council for an electric tower with four arc lights to be located in the center of the bed of roses in the Golden Hill Park, near the corner of 25th and A streets.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: July 30, 1907 . . . Mr. J. C. Ross appeared before the Board and presented a petition signed by 180 prominent citizens, the text of which was as follows: “We, the undersigned residents and taxpayers in the City of San Diego, respectfully petition the Park Commission to remove at the earliest practical moment, the benches and bandstand now situated on the Plaza . . . and that the same be improved according to some architectural landscape plan which will make it attractive to the public and in keeping with the new hotel which is approaching completion and which faces the Plaza on the north.” . . . Superintendent directed to prepare a plan for improvement of the Plaza.
San Diego Union, July 30, 1907, 12:5. Many people besides the Park Commissioners are opposed to allowing the Water Department stables to remain at the head of 10th street in City Park.
San Diego Sun, July 31, 1907, 2:1. Julius Wangenheim and L. A. Wright of the Park Improvement Committee stated Wednesday afternoon that plans had been submitted or would be submitted in a day or two by several architects in a competitive contest for the best method of improving and beautifying the city plaza. . . . The Committee has offered a prize of $100 for the best set of plans, and the various plans will be on exhibition in Marston’s window Friday. . . . A Bennington memorial monument in the midst of a grass plot has been suggested by a prominent San Diegan; Julius Wangenheim favors a monument to Junipero Serra with a big fountain; various other ideas have been brought forward.
San Diego Union, August 4, 1907, 20:1. Harrison Albright architect of home for Henry L. Titus at Orange Avenue and 8th street, Coronado.
San Diego Sun, August 5, 1907, 5:1. Plans to beautify other parts of city.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: August 6, 1907 . . . Voted that the matter of preparing a plan for the improvement of the Plaza be held in abeyance until the various architects shall have submitted their plans in reference to the general improvement scheme and that Mr. Marston advise the WCTU that the Board cannot give a definite answer at present as to the placing of a drinking fountain on the Plaza. . . . Voted that Superintendent Cooke’s salary for the year beginning June 11, 1907 and ending June 11, 1908 be $1200 per year.
San Diego Union, August 7, 1907, 5:4. Harrison Albright to submit plans for beautifying D street.
San Diego Union, August 7, 1907, 6:2. Will protect flowers and trees in City Park.
San Diego Sun, August 10, 1907, 6:1-2. A handsome fountain for Golden Hill Park.
San Diego Union, August 14, 1907, 12:1. Wild flowers are rapidly disappearing.
San Diego Union, August 14, 1907, 12:4. Use sweepings in city parks.
San Diego Union, August 19, 1907, 5:1. Labor plans big celebration in City Park.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: August 20, 1907 . . . Voted that the National Bridge Co. be employed to prepare plans and specifications for the two bridges on the Golden Hill road, estimated cost not to exceed $2,500 for the two bridges; the larger bridge to be a single-span bridge.
San Diego Union, August 22, 1907, 4:2. EDITORIAL: The Fiasco at Jamestown.
San Diego Union, August 22, 1907, 12:3. Fine homes to be erected at Hillcrest.
San Diego Union, August 25, 1907, 8:1. Park Commissioners plan concrete bridges.
San Diego Union, August 26, 1907, 12:4. Line sides of streets with palms.
San Diego Union, August 28, 1907, 1:1-7. San Diego and Arizona Railroad construction begins next week.
San Diego Union, August 28, 1907, 2:4. Henry Seabold, park warden, kills 1,000 rabbits.
San Diego Union, August 28, 1907, III, 18:1-7. New high school being erected at cost of $200,000; F. S. Allen architect.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: August 29, 1907 . . . George Cooke tendered resignation as Superintendent of Parks . . . accepted; Cooke was vice president and manager of Southern Construction Co. . . . Voted that the president authorize a thorough fertilization of the palms on the Plaza, in accordance with suggestion of Mr. Cooke.
San Diego Union, August 31, 1907, II, 10:1-7. Chamber of Commerce urges work on 200 miles of boulevards; George Cooke also advocates building of at least 50 miles of system each year.
San Diego Union, August 31, 1907, II, 14:1-2. Labor Unions to enjoy a big celebration; plans include all-day picnic in City Park grove.
San Diego Union, September 1, 1907, II, 11:2-6. Harrison Albright, architect, completes plans for Coronado library.
San Diego Union, September 3, 1907, 1:3. William Randolph Hearst, chief speaker at Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, expresses views on labor unionism, capitalism and trusts.
San Diego Union, September 3, 1907, 6:1. Huge clam shell to be centerpiece of fountain in the ravine at the entrance to Golden Hill Park; “find” made by architect Gay at Frank Holzner’s shell shop on 6th street.
San Diego Union, September 3, 1907, 8:1-2. Labor Day celebration, races, contests, speeches in City Park; about 4,000 people attended.
San Diego Union, September 5, 1907, 5:3. High School is crowded to limit; enrollment of 550 pupils made additional accommodations urgently necessary.
San Diego Union, September 5, 1907, 8:1. John Nolen of Cambridge, Mass. engaged by Civic Committee to draw plans for improvement of San Diego.
San Diego Union, September 5, 1907, II, 9:1. Mayor proclaims Saturday half holiday for celebration of beginning of grading of Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad system to San Diego.
San Diego Union, September 7, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A More Attractive San Diego . . . regarding hiring of John Nolen.
San Diego Union, September 7, 1907, 6:1. Board of Education wants Supervisors to raise $85,000 for new Russ; Commissioners think rate will be too high.
San Diego Union, September 8, 1907, 1:1. Thousands see dirt turned for construction of San Diego and Arizona Railroad.
San Diego Union, September 8, 1907, III, 17:5-6. Construction work on west wing of $1 million U. S. Grant Hotel completed.
San Diego Union, September 8, 1907, III, 1:7. Board grants $53,500 for completion of school; Supervisors agree to make special tax levy for new Russ building.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: September 10, 1907 . . . Henry Seabold reported shooting 1,000 rabbits; Commissioners allowed him $50.00 in addition to net proceeds of his hunting.
San Diego Union, September 11, 1907, 5:4. Rushing work on Chutes Park; grounds on Normal School being cleared of brush for work.
San Diego Union, September 12, 1907, 12:2. Violators of quail hunting law had better be careful’ Henry Seabold, park warden, has been clothed with the necessary authority to make arrests.
San Diego Union, September 15, 1907, 5:2. Get attractions for Chutes Park; W. L. Warner rushing work on new amusement resort on Normal Heights.
San Diego Union, September 17, 1907, 5:1. Board of Education decides on Harrison Albright as architect of new school at 12th and E; structure will cost approximately $80,000.
San Diego Union, September 17, 1907, 8:4. Canyon Park is name of new amusement place on Normal Heights.
San Diego Union, September 21, 1907, 5:2. 531 students are enrolled at Russ; 262 boys and 269 girls.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: September 24, 1907 . . . Mr. Gay’s design for the Golden Hill drinking fountain was submitted to the meeting and the matter of the design was referred to Mr. Cooke. . . . All the trees on Park Avenue that interfered with the row of palm trees have been cut down; palms will be planted in a few days.
San Diego Union, September 25, 1907, 14:4. Miles of walks completed in Canyon Park.
San Diego Union, September 26, 1907, 14:4. Park Commissioners have appointed attorney L. A. Wright to press the matter of removing the City Pound to the site of the stables at the head of 20th street.
San Diego Union, October 6, 1907, II, 13:2-7. Harrison Albright architect of new plans for Timken Building.
San Diego Union, October 6, 1907, II, 20:3. Property owners around city stables at head of 20th street object to removal of City Pound.
San Diego Union, October 8, 1907, 14:4. Mayor Forward recommends rockpile as means of curtailing annual hobo nuisance.
San Diego Union, October 10, 1907, II, 9:2. Park Commission as accepted plans of the National Bridge Co. for two bridges in City Park on boulevard leading from 28th street to Golden Hill westerly; bridges to be of concrete with 12 and 20 ft. spans.
San Diego Union, October 10, 1907, II, 9:5. Vandals persist in driving over sidewalks along Park Avenue, the fine boulevard which has been completed along the west side of City Park within the past few days; three of the palm trees set out by the Park Commission have been damaged in this manner.
San Diego Union, October 10, 1907, 14:3. Residents win Pound protest; Park Commissioners decided against location near 28th street.
San Diego Union, October 17, 1907, II, 9:3. Site north of Old Town secured for isolation hospital.
San Diego Union, October 18, 1907, II, 9:3-5. Nolen outlines plans for city.
San Diego Union, October 20, 1907, 9:1-2. Nolen says San Diego’s hope is in early action.
San Diego Union, October 20, 1907, II, 9:2-6. Mrs. W. S. Waterman plans residence of William Clayton at 6th and Laurel streets.
San Diego Union, October 21, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Future Depends on the Present regarding article by John Nolen.
San Diego Union, October 22, 1907, 14:3. Strangers pay $10 each for shooting quail in City Park; office Pringle made arrests Sunday.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: October 30, 1907 . . . Voted that the Park Engineer locate road for entrance to the park on the east side at Juniper street.
San Diego Union, November 2, 1907, 14:2-5. Nolen delivers lecture on Civic Improvement at San Diego club house; advocates more parks in many sections; San Diego is sure of great future if it acts now.
San Diego Union, November 3, 1907, 5:1. Park Commission has made arrangements for early completion of west boulevard in City Park which runs out from Switzer Canyon and through the Howard Tract, connecting with the boulevard extending north from the street past the Russ School; Bids are to be called for two bridges; After the bridges are installed it will be possible to make the distance between the Howard Tract section of the park and the Golden Hill park within the lines of the park; At present it is necessary to leave the park and travel by either C or D streets.
San Diego Union, November 3, 1907, 5:2. Park Commissioners will undertake to use street sweepings in parks.
San Diego Union, November 6, 1907, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Rock Pile Is Needed.
It appears to be highly practicable to establish a rock pile. In fact, the plan is generally favored by officials who have to deal with the hobo bands. At present the county jail is swarming with members of the fraternity. It is high time to put them to work.
San Diego Union, November 13, 1907, 5:1. Park Board asked to give land for school; Commissioners meet Brooklyn Heights representative and Education Board members; say no funds left to buy property; Marston says granting of petition would be bad precedent.
San Diego Union, November 14, 1907, 4:2. EDITORIAL: The Brooklyn Heights School
There was sound sense in the remark of one of the commissioners who declared that in a city which has raised nearly half a million for the extension of the school system it looks a little bad to be calling for the donation of a lot from the park board.
San Diego Union, November 14, 1907, 7:2. Work has commenced on the installation of the fountain in the Golden Hill park under the auspices of the Park Commission.
San Diego Union, November 14, 1907, 8:3. Nolen scores city for ignorant plan of upbuilding.
San Diego Union, November 15, 1907, 5:3. Eucalyptus Plantation Co. purchased a 219-acre ranch near Carlsbad yesterday; ground will be plowed immediately preparatory to the planting of eucalyptus trees.
San Diego Union, November 17, 1907, II, 17:4. Nolen taken on a trip over bay.
San Diego Union, November 18, 1907, 12:1. New Russ school near completion.
San Diego Union, November 22, 1907, II, 9:3. Architects Gill and Meade have drawn plans for additions to Children’s Home.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: November 26, 1907 . . . Voted that piece of land in the canyon east of Boulevard and opposite Maple to Nutmeg streets be designated as a playground . . . Letter sent to Board of Public Works, November 25, 1907, stating Board will allow City Pound and pound keeper’s house to remain providing changes suggested be made; present corral to be reduced to one-half its present size; manure piles and rubbish to be moved away; houses and corrals must not be a blemish upon the appearance of that part of the park . . . signed G. W. Marston, president.
San Diego Union, November 30, 1907, 12:2. Campaign against hobo element is being waged.
San Diego Union, November 30, 1907, 12:4. Ed Fletcher named Lieutenant Colonel yesterday.
San Diego Union, December 3, 1907, 8:3. Marston asks Board of Public Works to reduce Pound to half its size and to beautify the grounds with trees and shrubs.
San Diego Union, December 4, 1907, II, 9:2. Park Board decides against school site.
San Diego Union, December 6, 1907, II, 9:3-6. Second squadron, U.S. Pacific Fleet, arrived in harbor yesterday for six week stay.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: December 9, 1907 . . . Voted that it is the intention of the Board to connect at some future time the road running up Switzer Canyon with the extension of Juniper street on the east side of the park.
San Diego Union, December 10, 1907, II, 9:3. City Pound is ordered repaired.
San Diego Union, December 13, 1907, 5:1. Park Board to use street sweepings in sections of reservation.
San Diego Union, December 13, 1907, II, 9:3. Repairs for City Pound.
San Diego Union, December 22, 1907, 11:2. No more trash will be dumped in City Park; haulers will be told of ordinance covering nuisance.
San Diego Union, December 22, 1907, 12:2. The Park Engineer has suggested to the Board of Park Commissioners that the oiled boulevard that enters the park bear off to the north at an angle similar to that of 12th street instead of skirting the margin of the park for one block in an easterly direction; change would give the new high school building more foreground.
Return to Amero Collection.
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