Balboa Park History 1908
San Diego Union, January 1, 1908, IV, 22:1-7. Fine boulevard and park system would be a credit to larger city; immense 1400-acre park is being made into scene of beauty; coast road from San Diego to Los Angeles will afford enjoyable drive for autoists.
San Diego Union, January 1, 1908, V, 27:1-7. San Diego Company a prize winner at Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition; 14 medals secured in addition to coveted Wiley prize, by James A. Jasper.
San Diego Union, January 1, 1908, V, 42:1-3. Big Naval coaling depot now under construction.
San Diego Union, January 3, 1908, 14:2-3. Frank and Warren Kimball, pioneers of National City, to be honored.
San Diego Union, January 7, 1908, 12:2-5. Bennington memorial shaft unveiled today.
San Diego Union, January 8, 1908, II, 9:1, 10:1-7, 14:5. 2,500 people see shaft for Bennington heroes unveiled.
San Diego Union, January 24, 1908, 7:1. George Cooke outlines system for beautifying streets of city with trees.
San Diego Union, January 30, 1908, II, 9:4. Driveway from west end of park to 28th street to be opened soon.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: February 1, 1908 . . . Voted that 100 men be employed for “relief work” for one week beginning February 3 at $1.00 per day per man.
San Diego Union, February 23, 1908, 22:1. New road through park begins at 8th and Elm and runs north third of a mile.
San Diego Union, February 27, 1908, 14:1. Arbor Day will give way to Fleet welcome; Mayor and Superintendent of Schools agree both celebrations not wanted.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: March 2, 1908 . . . Proposition of a rock pile on the park was received favorably.
San Diego Union, March 5, 1908, 3:1, 7:3. War ships will come inside harbor; Navy officials say half Admiral Evans’ fleet is certain to anchor in Bay; stay of several days is assured; Committee hard at work on reception plans; D. C. Collier, chairman of finance committee, announces result of canvass for funds; city has set out to raise $20,000 for entertainment of Fleet; plan to have a water carnival on Bay, small yachts in gala dress, rowing clubs on parade, display of fireworks over the wall, ball for officers and petty officers, free nights at city’s three stock theaters for enlisted men, 10,000 bronze medals ordered for occasion.
San Diego Union, March 5, 1908, 8:2-5. Park Commissioners set aside 15 acres for athletic field in City Park on A street between 26th and 27thstreets in Golden Hill section; provisional plans by landscape architect George Cooke; half-mile track is part of plan; baseball, tennis and basketball courts to be laid out for public use; there will be no fence surrounding the field and it will be open at all times.
San Diego Union, March 8, 1908, 20:2. Governor James M. Gillett will greet Fleet at San Diego.
San Diego Union, March 8, 1908, 20:4. Golden Hill section of park has a new fountain at the west end, near the 25th street entrance; made of irregular pieces of rock; circular in form with a diameter of about four feet; portion of funds for improvement contributed by people of Golden Hill.
San Diego Union, March 9, 1908, 14:7. City Park is searched for little ones; finally return after a small army of hunters has about given up.
San Diego Union, March 12, 1908, 14:3. $6,500 price for 75 ft. at northwest corner of Quince and Park Avenue; there is an unprecedented demand for building sites located near the park according to George H. Hazzard, manager of the Cottage Realty Co.; more then $70,000 worth of residences are either underway or about to be built along the park between Laurel and Upas streets.
San Diego Union, March 15, 1908, 5:4. Chamber of Commerce to send exhibit to Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle.
San Diego Union, March 15, 1908, 1:7. Mayor Forward, in wire to William Clayton, director-general of the Fleet celebration, says Fleet will be here April 12 to 15.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: March 24, 1908 . . . Voted that the matter of erecting a grand stand on the park for Evans’ Fleet celebration be referred to Mr. Marston . . . Voted that Southern Construction Co. be asked to furnish plan for improvement of Plaza . . . Voted that Park Commissioners cooperate with County Supervisors in the establishment of a rock pile for chain gang in the Pound enclosure.
San Diego Union, March 26, 1908, 5:1. J. W. Sefton, one of city’s self-made men, is dead; president of San Diego Savings Bank succumbs to attack of La Grippe; leaves one of the finest aviaries in city, located on Park Avenue in the rear of his residence; owned 900-acre ranch in Jamacha valley.
San Diego Union, March 26, 1908, 5:2. L. A. Wright of Park Commission and engineer Cook have been detailed by Commission to take charge of beautifying that section of City Park between the club house of the Country Club and the Howard Tract, nearly all of which is used by golf enthusiasts; Club has offered to set out trees and shrubbery furnished by Park Commission along sides of east boulevard, extending from the High School past the Howard Tract.
San Diego Union, March 27, 1908, 1:7, 2:1-5. Program for Fleet’s stay in San Diego forwarded to Rear Admiral Evans for approval.
San Diego Union, March 27, 1908, 24:1. Marston outlines City Beautiful; urges for consideration civic improvements along far-reaching lines; thinks $1 million would cover requirements; advocates condemnation of real estate and voting of municipal bonds.
San Diego Union, March 29, 1908, 11:2-6. Ten miles of roads completed; more authorized by bond issue; 14,000 trees recently planted in comprehensive plan of adornment for 1400-acre plot.
San Diego Union, March 29, 1908, II, 13:1. Supreme Court rules bonds are legal; orders released $790,712 municipal issue that has been tied up for months; way paved for big civic improvements.
San Diego Sun, April 1, 1908, 1:1. Rear Admiral Evans comes ashore very weak.
San Diego Sun, April 2, 1908, 1:1-2. Evans much better, but had rough trip.
San Diego Sun, April 2, 1908, 1:1-2. Fine arches for Fleet celebration parade.
San Diego Sun, April 2, 1908, 5:2-3. Architect C. H. Edmond Blackmann has sketched a design for a memorial monument in honor of the visit of the Evans’ Fleet to San Diego; monument to be placed in the City Park on the spot where the welcome to the Fleet will be given.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: April 6, 1908 . . . Voted that Engineer Cooke be instructed to remove seats from Plaza not later than the morning of the arrival of the Fleet.
San Diego Sun, April 8, 1908, 3:3-4. Disbursements to the amount of $19,271.23 are shown in the Report of the City Park Commission which has been filed with Mayor Forward.
San Diego Union, April 8, 1908, 10:5-7. Annual report outlines year’s work in City Park.
Work begun in 1904 under Parsons and Cooke plans
1904 1. Central and west boulevards built
- Rough ground at southwest corner (6thand Date) graded and planted
1905 1. Ten acres planted on northwest corner of 6th and Upas
- Grounds about high school, Fraternal Grove tract, and Children’s Home planted
- Golden Hill section remodeled; roadway built and new planting done
1906 1. Terrace on west side between Fir and Juniper planted with flowering shrubs
- Large group of cypresses put in at Olive and Palm streets
- Park Avenue (100 ft. wide) constructed from Juniper to Upas
- Water pipes laid when planting done
1907 1. West and south margins, Golden Hill section, Children’s Home, Fraternal Society Grove
- Juniper street entrance planted witheucalyptus rostrada
- Maple street entrance planted with pepper trees
- Palm trees (cocos plumosa)set out on both sides of Park Avenue from Juniper street to Upas
San Diego Sun, April 11, 1908, 1:4-5. Fleet exercises at City Park arranged; Mayor Clayton and Spreckels to sit next to Admiral Thomas on stand.
San Diego Sun, April 14, 1908, 1:1. Great Atlantic Fleet is here.
San Diego Sun, April 15, 1908, 1:1-2. Thousands see great parade.
San Diego Sun, April 15, 1908, 2:3-4. Thrilling ceremony at City Park in afternoon; jeweled key and casket presented to Admiral Evans today; given to Rear Admiral Thomas to have over to his superior because of Admiral Evans’ illness.
San Diego Sun, April 16, 1908, 1:6-7. Happy throngs of sailors in city.
San Diego Sun, April 17, 1908, 1:7-8. Great crowd saw illumination of the Fleet and the fireworks.
San Diego Sun, April 18, 1908, 1:1-2. Battleships off in a long white line.
April 22, 1908 . . . E. A. Munn resigned as Foreman of City Park.
San Diego Sun, April 23, 1908, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, April 24, 1908, 11:4. Rock pile stockade in City Park; County jail innovation means riddance from hobo element; North section of City Pound bounded with a high board fence; has been in operation since Monday.
San Diego Union, April 30, 1908, 11:5. George Cooke drawing specifications to make Plaza more attractive.
San Diego Union, May 1, 1908, II, 9:3, 13:1-3. Citizens united to dedicate new Russ High School; city’s $200,000 gift to education completed.
San Diego Union, May 2, 1908, 8:2. George W. Marston will take charge of building of Fort Stockton and Old Town boulevards and the boulevards in City Park.
One of the boulevards in the City Park is to extend the entire length of Pound Canyon, the southern end beginning at 10th street. The other will start at a point near 18th and A streets, running in a northeasterly direction. The two boulevards are to cost $10,000. [They are] to be constructed from proceeds of bonds described in Ordinance No. 2736 of the Ordinances of the City of San Diego, approved on the 29th day of January 1907. [The] bonds have been sold and money placed in the Treasury of the City of San Diego.
San Diego Union, May 2, 1908, 13:2-5. 9th anniversary of dedication of Normal School observed yesterday.
San Diego Union, May 3, 1908, 7:2, 8:1-2. Businessmen invited to inspect High School.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: May 4, 1908 . . . Bill presented to Fleet Reception Committee for expenditures by Park Board which did not go into permanent improvement; to wit $314.28. . . . Entrances to park from south side at 25th and 27th streets ordered.
San Diego Union, May 5, 1908, 8:1. Board of Education split on bill for stone for High School; Hercules Cement Stone Co. wants an additional $837.50.
San Diego Union, May 5, 1908, 8:3. Rock pile waits for offenders; emergency ordinance makes labor compulsory for city prisoners; Park Commissioner Wright said the present operation of the rock pile was costing the Park Commission twice what they were getting from it; objected to providing a noon-day meal for prisoners; the Board could not consent to the taking away of one mil from the eight cents allowed by the Charter for the support of parks.
San Diego Union, May 7, 1908, II, 9:7. Surplus of $1,752 left from Fleet celebration; subscriptions exceeded amount necessary.
San Diego Union, May 7, 1908, II, 14:3. Russ High School is open to public.
San Diego Union, May 8, 1908, 5:1. Park funds are growing small; enough money for maintenance, but none left for development work; $12,000 of the money coming to the Park Commission from the annual tax levy has been expended in the first four months of the year; only $1,000 per month for the maintenance of parks left for the remaining eight months of the year.
It is hardly expected that the Park Commission will be able to put out much money this year on the park system of oiled boulevards.
Ten thousand dollars of the bond boulevard money is to be devoted to boulevard building in city parks which will be completed during the present year.
San Diego Union, May 17, 1908, III, 17:1, 21:2-4. Irving Gill drawing of proposed new Children’s Home dormitory.
San Diego Sun, May 20, 1908, 5:3-4. Colonel Collier sees end of boss rule; has returned from Republican state convention in San Francisco.
San Diego Union, May 20, 1908, 11:3. 57 will graduate from High School week of June 21.
San Diego Union, May 22, 1908, 5:1. Fleet Committee is surprised by park bill; demand for $328.17 for putting park in shape for Fleet exercises which occurred there April 16; itemized account given chiefly for labor and extra police protection; letter from Leroy A. Wright explaining bill; Chairman E. C. Hickman: “The City Park is a public place and there is no reason why this committee should pay for arrangements for the celebration there which was unauthorized by it.”
San Diego Sun, May 23, 1908, 8:1. EDITORIAL: False Bay as a Public Park.
San Diego Union, May 23, 1908, 11:5. High School retains Russ insignia; after debate student body decides to keep letter “R” on uniforms; school authorities have decided school should be named “San Diego High School”.
San Diego Union, May 25, 1908, II, 9:3. Council may accept offer of citizens to build roads; expected to turn over $70,000 bond money to the Chamber of Commerce.
San Diego Union, May 26, 1908, II, 9:5. Proposition to turn idle money over to Chamber not carried; lacks one vote of necessary two-thirds; will lay over until next meeting; Councilman McNeill opposed measure because the bonds had been voted with the understanding that the work would be let at public contract; Colonel Collier, president of Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council on behalf of proposal; Contractor John Engebretson opposed.
San Diego Sun, May 27, 1908, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, May 28, 1908, 11:1. Members of Chamber of Commerce special boulevard committee still hopeful Council will allow them to expend the $72,000 bond money by private contract under supervision of the committee.
San Diego Sun, May 29, 1908, 2:1. Gill and Meade design $4,860 fountain for Mount Hope Cemetery.
San Diego Union, June 5, 1908, 11:1. Board of Public Works referred matter of boulevard work to city engineer for report; rights-of-way to be secured and other conditions relating to construction known; contractors expected to fight if the Board does not advertise for bids.
San Diego Union, June 5, 1908, 5:1. Lee F. Hammer, field secretary of the Playground Association of America, addressed members of the Ladies’ Civic Committee yesterday on children’s playgrounds at Germania Hall; urged playgrounds as preventatives of crime; meeting resolved to ask School Board to reserve space for the purpose.
San Diego Union, June 7, 1908, III, 17:1. Commissioners to oversee road work inside city; to confer with mayor and city officials over plans for boulevards; does not necessarily bar out contractors; intent of appointment is only to see that work is properly done; Board of Public Works has named Messrs. Spreckels, Scripps and Spalding as overseers of the work for constructing boulevards inside city; provision for which was made at the last election; this in addition to their work on County Highway Commission.
San Diego Union, June 8, 1908, 11:3. Contractors unite to prevent Board of Public Works from adopting boulevard plans.
San Diego Sun, June 10, 1908, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, June 10, 1908, 8:1. Commission takes up highway task; three members qualify for city-county supervision of boulevards; Cooke will assist engineer with plans.
San Diego Union, June 18, 1908, 14:1. Chamber of Commerce selects D. C. Collier to arrange reception for Gifford Pinchot, forestry chief.
San Diego Union, June 19, 1908, 8:1. Boulevard work to begin at La Jolla next week; Commission will not attempt to build any of the other boulevards until the one from San Diego to La Jolla is completed.
San Diego Union, June 19, 1908, II, 9:2. U. S. Grant, Jr. resigned from Park Board yesterday; Mayor Forward will recommend appointment of L. P. Swayne to fill vacancy.
San Diego Union, June 21, 1908, 7:1. Cooke reports on north coast and east to Imperial Valley boulevard routes; highway commission engineer completes inspection of two highways; will proceed with construction estimate.
San Diego Union, June 23, 1908, 8:1. Park Commission will accept the gift of an ornamental fountain to be installed in the city Plaza; only $10,000 allotted for improving and beautifying city parks this year.
San Diego Union, July 1, 1908, 5:1. Park Commission takes preliminary steps for construction of park boulevard, as provided for in the $10,000 park boulevard bond issue, at meeting yesterday afternoon; Engineer Cooke instructed to make an estimate of the work to be done; roadway as proposed will begin at 11th street and will extend two miles in length; George W. Marston elected president and Lawrence P. Swayne secretary at meeting.
San Diego Union, July 1, 1908, 8:4. San Diego Electric Railway keeping work train busy on Adams Avenue car line; hauling gravel from Normal Heights quarry of Southern Construction Co. to Mission Cliff Park, where a children’s playground is being constructed.
San Diego Union, July 7, 1908, 7:1-2. Revolutionists carry out attack on Mexican border town Mexicali.
San Diego Union, July 9, 1908, 3:3. Captain W. E. Lewis seeks exhibits at Chicago for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle.
San Diego Sun, July 15, 1908, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, July 25, 1908, II, 9:1-2. Pass route from Boulevard to desert; engineer Cooke makes informal report after return from trip; San Felipe declared to give easiest grades.
San Diego Union, July 16, 1908, 8:1. Plan to create American Venice; Southern California promoters to build extensive system of canal waterways.
San Diego Sun, July 27, 1908, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: July 30, 1908 . . . Mr. Swayne took place on Board to fill vacancy caused by resignation of U. S. Grant, Jr.
San Diego Sun, August 2, 1908, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Sun, August 3, 1908, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, August 3, 1908, 12:1-2. Engineer George Cooke badly hurt in runaway; thrown down bank on Conejo Mountain Road; sustains fracture of five ribs and dislocates shoulder; two companions escape; harness breaks and fiery team take fright.
San Diego Sun, August 4, 1908, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, August 4, 1908, II, 9:1. Cooke’s doctors fear pneumonia.
San Diego Sun, August 6, 1908, 1:4-5. Engineer Cooke dies.
San Diego Union, August 7, 1908, 8:1. Injuries fatal to architect Cooke; fracturing of ribs causes pneumonia; Lodge of Elks to conduct funeral of fellow member next Saturday morning..
San Diego Sun, August 8, 1908, 1:3-4. Daniel Burnham or Samuel Parsons may succeed Cooke; Highway Commission pays tribute to engineer’s memory by considering informally who may be retained to carry on his work.
San Diego Sun, August 8, 1908, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, August 8, 1908, 14:2-3. Cooke’s funeral to be held today; civic bodies pass resolutions of respect for late landscape engineer.
San Diego Union, August 9, 1908, 7:1. To commemorate Cooke’s work; fine oak grove near El Cajon may be named in his honor.
San Diego Union, August 9, 1908, 12:4. Obsequies for George Cooke; body of dead architect is buried in Greenwood Cemetery planned by himself.
San Diego Union, August 10, 1908, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Tribute to Mr. Cooke.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: August 14, 1908 . . . Voted to plant a grass parking on the D-street Plaza as a temporary improvement; lack of funds preventing the larger and more elaborate embellishment planned by Mr. Cooke. . . . Application of Messrs. McKee and Ganott (?) for use of D-street Plaza for public meeting September 9 denied. . . . Address of Park Commissioner George W. Marston at the funeral service of Mr. George Cooke, held in Elks Hall, August 8, 1908.
San Diego Union, August 14, 1908, 7:3. Commissioner Spalding in charge of building Point Loma road; Commissioner Scripps supervising the La Jolla boulevard.
San Diego Union, August 22, 1908, 6:1. Highway Commission considers successor to George Cooke; work as outlined by late engineer going ahead under assistants.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: August 27, 1908 . . . Discussion of Powder Magazine now located in park; Mr. McKenzie, president of Western Metal Supply Co., willing to pay for use of powder house; Park Board concerned about liability in case of explosion. . . . Voted that lawn be placed upon entire expanse of the Plaza and the work be done as soon as possible.
San Diego Union, August 28, 1908, 5:3. Highway Commission finding difficulty in securing capable chief to succeed engineer Cooke.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: September 4, 1908 . . . Mrs. J. W. Sefton’s gift of birds to City Park accepted.
San Diego Union, September 4, 1908, 6:1. Cooke’s will filed in court; estate valued at $4,000 left by late landscape engineer.
San Diego Union, September 13, 1908, II, 9:1. City-County rock pile may be abandoned; Park Commission runs out of funds to maintain work for prisoners.
San Diego Union, September 13, 1908, III, 22:3. Floral Society to honor Cooke; association to start library on horticulture in his memory.
San Diego Union, September 15, 1908, 5:5. Begin work on Park Boulevard.
San Diego Union, September 16, 1908, 14:3. Water main laid for Park Boulevard.
San Diego Union, September 26, 1908, II, 9:4. Rock pile to be perpetuated; Municipality agrees to purchase stones broken by chain gang.
San Diego Sun, September 29, 1908, 8:1. Under the Peppers in the Park . . . “In your time and mine, Nebraska, I do not think any part of the park will be sold.”
San Diego Sun, October 1, 1908, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The Useless Plaza.
San Diego Sun, October 1, 1908, 6:1. The first half of the new boulevard through City Park from the 18th street corner to the northeast corner is almost finished; work will be started on the Pound Canyon road from the south to the north side of the park.
San Diego Union, October 1, 1908, 8:4. Hard at work on Park Boulevard.
San Diego Sun, October 6, 1908, 8:1. EDITORIAL: A Needed Addition to Park.
San Diego Sun, October 7, 1908, 8:1. Most Commendable Plans.
San Diego Sun, October 8, 1908, 8:1. EDITORIAL: How About This?
San Diego Union, October 9, 1908, 6:1-5. Highway Commission submits report.
San Diego Union, October 9, 1908, 14:5. Mission Valley asks boulevard.
San Diego Sun, October 12, 1908, 8:1. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Sun, October 13, 1908, 8:1. Under the Peppers in the Park.
San Diego Union, October 18, 1908, 6:3. Park on Olive street, between 2nd and 3rd streets, offered to city.
San Diego Union, October 19, 1908, 7:1. Considerable improvements to stables at opening of Switzer Canyon.
San Diego Sun, October 22, 1908, 1:4-5. Father Horton will be 95 years old Saturday.
San Diego Union, October 25, 1908, 8:2-3. The late Herman Lee Ensign bequeathed fountain to city; National Humane Alliance gift may be placed in City Park.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: November 9, 1908 . . . Commissioners Wright and Swayne took a trip over the new road and inspected the new bridge in Switzer Canyon.
San Diego Union, November 13, 1908, 14:3. Park Commissions have installed the large bird cage containing 500 birds of various species given to park by the Sefton estate at the rear of the John Gay residence in City Park.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: November 18, 1908 . . . Commissioners looked over the boulevard and bridges under construction and conferred with Mr. Gay, the architect, and Mr. Munn, the superintendent of boulevards.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: November 28, 1908 . . . Commissioners went to investigate the matter of making an opening into the Park at 26th street.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners, City Park, November 28th, 1908.
Commissioners present, Marston, Wright and Swayne.
The Com. went to investigate the matter of making an opening into the Park at 26th street.
After investigating same, it was moved and carried that there be a 20 ft. alley way be left on the south side of the Park between 24th and 28thstreets, and that the opening of 26th into the park be left to Com. Wright, and if he found the public along 26th street desired the same left open, that they be given an entrance there if possible, after the laying out of the alley way.
After looking over the fountain and some of the walks the meeting adjourned.
- Swayne, Sec.
Commissioner Wright’s office, Keating Block, San Diego, Cal., December ?, 1908
Commissioners present, Marston, Wright and Swayne.
The regular payroll was approved and passed to the Auditor for payment as follows:
- Webb (La Jolla) $1.00
- Fiekel 60.00
- E. Cunningham 50.00
- Powers 65.00
- B. Christopher 75.00
- B. Christopher 2.60
- C. Winscott 54.00
- Field 60.00
- W. Cooley 65.00
- P. Anderson 60.00
- Fiegel 54.00
- Gearhard 54.00
- J. Drace 60.00
- Young 65.00
- Webb 70.00
The following bills against the regular Park fund were allowed and passed to the Auditor for payment:
Muehleisen Tent & Awning Co. $2.50
Southern Electric Co. 2.85
San Diego Home Telephone Co. 2.00
Luscomb & Watson 75.12
The Cottage Nursery 7.50
Chas. N. Oesting 24.00
San Diego Hardware Co. 2.35
Water Department 46.80
Harris Seed Co. 24.30
- Sessions 29.00
Chas. Dickens 180.00
San Diego Hardware Co. .70
The following bills against the Boulevard fund were approved and passed to the Auditor for payment:
- Munn $100.00
San Diego Hardware Co. 5.64
Benson Lumber Co. 12.71
Western Metal Supply Co. 73.90
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: December 4, 1908 . . . Colonel D. C. Collier offered to plant the 60 acres owned by the city at Point Loma as a city park . . . Marston to write to Wilber D. Cook as to his employment as landscape architect of City Park.
San Diego Tribune, December 7, 1908, 4:2. Council to consider exchange of lands for Torrey Pines viewpoint on ocean front.
San Diego Tribune, December 7, 1908, 4:2. Charles M. Faye, eastern newspaperman, praises City Park for its hills and ravines.
San Diego Union, December 13, 1908, 5:2. Home for Hugo Klauber on Park Boulevard planned by architect Irving Gill.
San Diego Tribune, December 17, 1908, 5:2-3. War Department plans new buildings for Fort Rosecrans.
San Diego Tribune, December 18, 1908, 6:2. Arthur Putnam completes bronze statue of Father Serra for E. W. Scripps’ ranch house at Miramar.
San Diego Tribune, December 23,1908, 6:2. Louis Wilde plays Santa Claus to newsboys
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: December 28, 1908 . . . Mr. Cook employed for one month as landscape artist of City Park, beginning January 15, 1908, at $200 per month.
Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners: December 28, 1908
A letter from Mr. Cook was read. It was moved that the Board employ him for one month, beginning as near Jan. 15, 1909 as possible at $200 per month, and expenses, as landscape artist for the park. The motion was carried.
It was moved and adopted that a team be employed at La Jolla to work on the Park there, and that Mr. Webb be changed to the Plaza from La. Jolla.
After discussing the laying out of paths in the park, and the planting various sections, the meeting adjourned.
- P. Swayne, Sec.
.Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: December 29, 1908 . . . Lawnmower to be purchased for cutting lawn on Plaza. . . . Commissioners discussed plans of the new kiosk and Mr. Gill was asked to draw plans of the Plaza.
Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners: December 30, 1908 . . . The Secretary was authorized to collect rent from Western Metal Supply Co. for Powder House at the rate of $15.00 per month from September 1, 1908. . . . Work on Pound Canyon road to be prosecuted under joint management of Mr. Munn and Mr. Gabrielson.
Office of L. P. Swayne, 1322 D St., December 30, 1908.
Commissioners present: Marston, Wright and Swayne.
The Secretary was authorized to collect rent from the Western Metal & Supply Co. for Powder
House in the Park at the rate of $15.00 per month from September 1st, 1908.
On motion of Mr. Wright, it was ordered that the work on the Pound Canon road be prosecuted under the joint management of Mr. Munn & Mr. Gabrielson, the latter to have charge of the moveing [sic] of all dirt, with his own teams, and the manner in which the same shall be handeled [sic]; that Mr. Munn shall have full charge of the laying out of the Boulevard, the manner in which it shall be finished, and to keep the time of the workmen & teams. It is further ordered that in case of any conflict in authority rising between the two, the same shall be referred to and adjusted by the Board of Park Commissioners. Mr. Gabrielson to receive no further compensation for his services, but to have the same wage for his teams as he did in the construction of the Switzer Canon Boulevard.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
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