Balboa Park History 1909

San Diego Union, January 1, 1909, IV, 4:1-7. Outline of John Nolen’s beautification plan for San Diego; Civic Center, Paseo and Esplanade.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1909, IV, 1:8, 2:1-4, 3:1-4, 4:1-2. City park and waterfront included in Nolen plan; project would take many years to complete.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1909, IV, 4:2. City has great 1400 acre park; many trees and shrubs planted and boulevards constructed last year.

San Diego is a good place in which to live. This is so trite and universally well known as to scarcely need repeating. It is an attractive, a beautiful city today; but is to be made every more so during the coming year. A boulevard commission, which has gained for itself not only a state but a national reputation, is planning a system of boulevards that will place San Diego County well to the fore in the good roads movement before the year is hot.

The piece de resistance of these plans, however, the one which will doubtless appeal to the greatest number of people is the city’s 1400-acre park. The park commission has extensive plans outlined for beautifying this vast tract and, as fast as funds are made available, trees will be planted, sidewalks laid out, and the 1400-acres made a beautiful resting spot for the city’s residents.

City Park, situated on a high slope of ground, commands a magnificent view of bay, ocean, mountain and valley.

Already work on boulevards through the park is underway and will be completed early this year. When these contour drives have been completed, with the natural canyons that cut through the park, and the shade trees and shrubs planted, the city’s park will be one of the chief show places of Southern California.

In addition to this, there are several other parks of smaller size in the city which will aid in the park scheme planned, among the principal ones being the Pavilion park, commanding a magnificent view of Mission valley, Golden Hill park and the plaza.

During the past year considerable improvements have been made in the big 1400-acre tract, among them being the planting of numerous trees, principally eucalyptus, shrubs and flowers. An immense aviary, containing aome 300 rare and beautiful birds, was also erected the past year.

During 1908 nearly $1,000 was expended on improvements at La Jolla park, and a magnificent drive to Torrey pines was constructed. Much improvement work was accomplished in the other parks.

It is expected that the park lands will be augmented this year by the addition of 100 or more acres at Torrey pines park through an exchange of property, and by the transfer of 65 acres of city land on Point Loma. If the latter arrangement is made, the new tract will be planted at once. D. C. Collier, president of the Point Loma electric line, now building, having agreed to plant the park.

In the early part of the year, heavy planting will be done in the big city park, east of the west boulevard. Several groves of high trees at central points in the park will also enhance the scenic effects.

In the midst of carrying out extensive plans for the beautification of the city park system, George Cooke, the noted landscape engineer, succumbed to injuries received in a runaway, and the work came to a standstill for a time. However, another engineer has been obtained and the work of beautifying the park will be pushed forward with all rapidity this year, a generous proportion of the bond issue having been set apart for this special purpose. When completed, San Diego’s parks will rank with those of any other California city.

San Diego Sun, January 4, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The Playground Movement.

San Diego Sun, January 6, 1909, 3:2. Supervisor Fisher suggested a lake in City Park.

San Diego Sun, January 7, 1909, 1:1-2. Father Horton died.

Minutes, Board of Park Commissioners, January 7, 1909. Mr. Cook’s letter of acceptance was read; he is to be here January 15, 1909.

San Diego Union, January 7, 1909, 7:2. Fix assessment for park grade. City engineer outlines district for improvement of city boulevard in report for grading of Park Boulevard from south line of University avenue to north line of park.

San Diego Sun, January 8, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: Father Horton.

San Diego Union, January 8, 1909, 7:1. Alonzo Horton, father of city, succumbed after lingering illness yesterday morning.

San Diego Union, January 9, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Playgrounds Movement.

San Diego Sun, January 11, 1909, 8:1. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Sun, January 18, 1909, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Sun, January 27, 1909, 2:4-5. Plan to reclaim tide lands between D and B streets on waterfront for children’s playground.

San Diego Union, January 27, 1909, 8:2. City Improvement Association would bond city to provide for playgrounds; need $75,000 to $100,000 for purpose of reclaiming some of the tidelands and converting them into a public playground; land is owned by the State.

Mr. Melville Klauber said the 1400-acre park is available for some of the [playgrounds] and that the park commissioners have expressed a willingness to devote certain portions of the park for that purpose.

San Diego Union, January 27, 1909, 5:1. Free use of park range tendered to Navy; Company B invites Uncle Sam’s fighting men to use targets; offer means all warships on Pacific coast may come here for land practice.

San Diego Union, January 27, 1909, 8:2. Civic Improvement Association would bond city to provide for playgrounds; Melville Klauber, member, said the 1400-acre park is available for some of the playgrounds.

San Diego Sun, February 1, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Sun, February 3, 1909, 8:1-3. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Sun, February 5, 1909, 1:5-6. Plans for a high school oval.

San Diego Sun, February 5, 1909, 4:5. Councilman Winter working to put a bond issue before the people for the construction of the 15th street conduit running from a point in Switzer canyon along 15th street into the bay.

San Diego Sun, February 6, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Union, February 6, 1909, 6:3. Plan stadium on high school campus; school authorities discuss feasibility of area in rear of building; Marston offers $1,000.

San Diego Union, February 26, 1909, 7:2. Mayor of Seattle and Director General Nadeau on way south to boost Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition; expected to visit San Diego.

Minutes of Park Commission, February 29, 1909. U.S. Government given permission to place Kiosk in Plaza.

San Diego Sun, March 1, 1909, 1:7-8. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition officials visit city.

San Diego Union, March 1, 1909, 7:2. Exposition party arrives in city; will remain two weeks.

Minutes of Park Commission, March 2, 1909. Plans of Mr. Gill for improvement of Plaza accepted; moved that Masten and Kendall be given permission to erect a flag pole on the northeast corner of the park.

San Diego Union, March 2, 1909, 6:2-3. Seattle Exposition boosters being royally entertained; 50 enjoy trip through El Cajon.

San Diego Union, March 7, 1909, III, 1:1. $45,000 school bond issue wins by two votes; opposition active.

San Diego Union, March 9, 1909, 7:3. Council plans two more parks; Old Protestant cemetery and 60-acre tract near Point Loma to be set aside; Park Commissioners accept D. C. Collier’s offer.

San Diego Union, March 10, 1909, 11:1. Another school election will be called if the validity of Saturday’s election is attacked.

San Diego Sun, March 11, 1909, 7:4. Talk of a lake in Switzer Canyon.

San Diego Union, March 11, 1909, 7:3. Plan for artificial lake in City Park.

San Diego Union, March 14, 1909, 22:3. No plans to contest school election; received majority of six over two-thirds.

San Diego Union, March 16, 1909, 8:3. Sefton Memorial Hospital to be built as an adjunct of Children’s Home; plans by Irving Gill.

San Diego Union, March 21, 1909, I0:3. An initiatory step was taken at the meeting of the common council Monday evening looking to the sale of $50,000 worth of bonds for the construction of conduit between City Park and the south line of K street, through Switzer canyon.

San Diego Sun, April 1, 1909, 5:2-3. County will have big display at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.

San Diego Sun, April 2, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The Elimination of Stingaree.

San Diego Union, April 2, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego’s Exhibit at Seattle.

San Diego Union, April 2, 1909, II, 9:4-5. Chamber of Commerce reports it will send 40,000 lbs. of exhibits to Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.

San Diego Union, April 6, 1909, 5:4. Percy Benbough secures 6th street lot between Thorn and Upas, facing City Park.

San Diego Union, April 7, 1909, 1:8. City goes “wet” by overwhelming majority; Conard beats Forward; Eugene Capps heads Board of Education.

San Diego Sun, April 8, 1909, 5:3-4. Commission urges park development.

San Diego Union, April 8, 1909, 5:1, 6:1-2. Park Commission urges quick purchase of Torrey pines.

San Diego Union, April 8, 1909, 6:3. Klauber heads Park Commission.

Minutes of Park Commission, April 21, 1909. Commissioners went over Irving Gill’s plans for plaza; moved and carried that Masten and Kendall erect a flagpole on the northeast corner of the park; Voard voted to tend thanks for the donation of the pole and flag.

San Diego Union, April 25, 1909, III, 17:3. Start work on beautifying Plaza tomorrow.

San Diego Union, May 4, 1909, 7:1-5. Mayor Conard’s message to Common Council: “I believe certain portions of the city park should be set aside for playgrounds and school gardens.”

San Diego Union, May 4, 1909, II, 9:2-3. Park Commissioner L. P. Swayne received letter yesterday threatening him with death if he does not replace benches in plaza park.

Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners, May 6, 1909. Swayne, only commissioner present

Sign placed on bird cage showing list of birds in cage; Sign placed on oiled boulevard from Quince street into Pound canyon warning automobiles to go slow as this is a dangerous curve; contract for Plaza work let to Brelin and Walker for $1,576; Swayne got the consent of Councilman Woods and the Finance Committee to allow the full eight cents appropriation for the park.

San Diego Union, May 6, 1909, 7:2-3. San Diego to have great display at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition; James A. Jasper, Commissioner of Board of County Supervisors, in charge of exhibit.

Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners, May 25, 1909,

Swayne carried on the work of the Commissioners, other members being absent, with special attention to work on the Plaza, the building of walks through Golden Hill to the Howard tract, the finishing of Palm Canyon boulevard, planting several new plantations on the west side of the park, building rustic bridges into Pound Canyon.

San Diego Union, May 25, 1909, 5:1-5. Plan stadium and outdoor theater for city park; Wilbur David Cook, landscape architect.

San Diego Union, June 1, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego and the Exposition – It will be a big feather for San Diego’s cap should a crew from the city carry off the international championship at Seattle.

San Diego Sun, June 6, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park – The park has both a big drainage and a fine reservoir site. It should be made self-sustaining in the matter of irrigation water.

San Diego Union, June 15, 1909, 5:5 and June 16, 1909, 14:7. Switzer duct bids too high; big drainage system may be postponed until after next years tax levy; bids provide for a reinforced concrete dam at the mouth of Switzer canyon.

San Diego Union, June 21, 1909, 6:3 and June 22, 1909, 7:1-2. Fred A. Carpenter gives impressions of Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.

Minutes of the Park Commission, June 22, 1909. Mr. E. Winebaugh offered to donate goldfish for the Plaza fountain; $500 claim of Brelin and Walker for work on the Plaza allowed; Frank Salmos to improve the street known as Park Boulevard from the north line of the tract to the south line of University Avenue; Park Commission to improve it from the north line south to the north line of the Howard tract; Mr. James Morse to be employed to construct the same at a rate of $5.00 per day.

San Diego Union, June 29, 1909, 14:1. Park Boulevard through center of park to be finished; fine strip planned by Commissioners to equal Point Loma roadway; old oiled surface will be turned under and surfaced with decomposed granite and rolled with a steam roller, width to remain the same as the old; work to begin July 8.

San Diego Union, July 9, 1909, 5:2-3. Fred A. Carpenter reports on Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition’s benefits.

San Diego Union, July 9, 1909, 8:3. Property owners petition Common Council to complete Park Drive; $10,000 recently expended by city; there remains a small strip north of Robinson Avenue to complete drive and give it an outlet to University Avenue at 10th street; there is a growing necessity and increasing demand for an outlet off University Avenue that will enable vehicles to reach the central portion of the city without having to follow the congested street car route,

Minutes of Board of Park Commissioners, July 10, 1909. Property owners along south boundary of park between east line of 6th street and west line of 8th street agreed to put in at their expense a curb and sidewalk; trees and shrubs in the way of proposed lawn and sidewalk to be taken out and transplanted in other parts of the park.

San Diego Union, July 10, 1909, 8:1. Switzer conduit again held up; lack of rights-of-way on private property delays drainage project from south line of park to a point on Newton Avenue.

San Diego Union, July 14, 1909, II, 14:6. 1400-acre park owned by city.

San Diego Union, July 15, 1909, 6:1. City’s “finest” to be drilled; a target revolver shooting range to be established in one of the canyons of the city park.

San Diego Union, July 16, 1909, 11:3. Honor memory of John E. Mulvey; too active part with late George Cooke in beautifying the park that joins his property on Hawthorne Street.

San Diego Union, July 20, 1909, 6:3. Switzer conduit will be rushed; Council signs deeds for right-of-way for drainage project.

San Diego Sun, July 23, 1909, 1:1-2, 3:4-5. Swayne fired off Park Board for removing curb at night; mayor hot.

San Diego Tribune, July 23, 1909, 1:1, 8:2-3. Mayor Conard removes Swayne; appoints Judge M. A. Luce and Thomas O’Hallaran to Park Board after stormy scene this morning; L. P. Swayne shows mayor the door; trouble caused by work in changing of Date Street.

Minutes of Park Commission, July 24, 1909. Present: M. A. Luce and Thomas O’Hallaran, appointed by Mayor Grant Conard on July 23, 1909. Revoked permit to make changes on boulevard in park between the boulevard and the south line of the park, extending from 6th to 9th street inclusive.

San Diego Sun, July 24, 1909, 1:5-6. Mayor stands pat on dismissal of Swayne; sends policeman around to ex-secretary of Park Board for his papers and confesses that he is worked up yet over that removal of curb at night.

San Diego Tribune, July 24, 1909, 10:2-3. Swayne is required to turn over books to his successor; policeman accompanies him home; drastic action is taken by Mayor Conard following the refusal of the former park commissioner to turn over books before next Monday morning.

San Diego Union, July 25, 1909, 16:1-2. Mayor demands Park Commission records; sends policeman to Swayne’s home.

Minutes of Park Commission, July 27, 1909. Property owners on south side of Date Street, between 6th and 8th streets, notified to replace curbing torn out and destroyed by them on the night of July 23.

San Diego Union, July 27, 1909, 5:5. Work begins on canyon conduit.

San Diego Union, July 29, 1909, 8:3. Marston spend $10,000 for city.

San Diego Tribune, July 30, 1909, 5:4. Park Board is after rooms in the city hall.

San Diego Union, July 30, 1909, 8:2. Colonel Collier to act as Chairman of Committee to entertain President Taft during his visit here this fall.

Minutes of Park Commission, July 31, 1909. M. A. Luce was appointed a committee of one to see that the dam to be built across Switzer Canyon was put in the right place.

San Diego Sun, July 31, 1909, 1:1-2. Rip Swayne’s minutes off park record; Swayne declared that Date Street work was unauthorized.

San Diego Tribune, July 31, 1909, 5:5. Park Board holds special meeting today; adopt resolution giving the city the necessary authority to lay sewer pipe in City Park.

San Diego Tribune, July 31, 1909, 10:1. Mayor Conard vetoes ordinance for park sewers; holds that city must first obtain permission to do work from Park Board.

San Diego Union, July 31, 1909, 8:3. Land in City Park at 20th and A streets probably will be secured for city stables of the Water and Street Departments; now located at 10th and Beech streets.

San Diego Union, August 1, 1909, 12:2. New Board of Park Commissioners wants a room in the city hall; now located in a temporary office in the Scripps block.

Minutes of Park Commissioners, August 3, 1909. Mrs. J. W. Sefton’s offer of ducks for the park was accepted; Mr. Christopher was directed to prepare a place for the ducks.

San Diego Tribune, August 4, 1909, 8:1. Good roads bonds carry four to one.

San Diego Union, August 4, 1909, 1:7. Good roads bonds carry four to one.

Minutes of Park Commission, August 10, 1909. Board of Education requests change of entrance to Park Boulevard from 13th street to 12th street.

San Diego Tribune, August 11, 1909, 5:1. Beautify park, not mar it by building roads; Commissioners to enact many conditions from G. W. Pursell for his electric line.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1909, 10:7. Conduit builder is rushing work; large force employed in city drainage line from canyon to bay.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1909, 12:2-3. Park Commissioners demand improvements in return of railway right-of-way.

San Diego Tribune, August 12, 1909, 5:3. Park curbing to be replaced at southwest entrance to City Park.

San Diego Union, August 13, 1909, 8:2-4. Boy’s dormitory for Children’s Home; Irving Gill, architect.

San Diego Union, August 18, 1909, II, 9:1. Commissioners vote to repair Park Boulevard; $100 appropriated to pay for the work; that portion of the West Boulevard leading from Date Street to the crest of the hill is to be put in good repair; Colonel Ed Fletcher to do the work; has offered to pay all charges over $100.

San Diego Union, August 20, 1909, 5:2-3. Building operations attest city’s growth.

San Diego Union, August 20, 1909, II, 9:3. Council favors Pursell project.

San Diego Union, August 20, 1909, 14:1. San Diego Electric Railway plans line on 30th street.

San Diego Sun, August 23, 1909, 5:3. James Wallace writes about the railroad and the park.

Minutes of Park Commission, August 24, 1909. Letter from L. J. Wilde regarding his offer of a fountain for Plaza.

San Diego Tribune, August 25, 1909, 8:7. No sleeping in public parks is to be allowed; police say they will break up practice of some man and boys; first arrest is made.

San Diego Union, August 25, 1909, 6:1. Common Council favors $1 million city bond issue for new city hall and enlargement of sewer and water systems.

San Diego Union, August 25, 1909, 8:2-3. L. J. Wilde notifies City Council that money for Plaza fountain is ready.

San Diego Union, August 25, 1909, 14:2-3. Railway gets permit to cross City Park.

San Diego Tribune, August 26, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Why not?

San Diego Sun, August 27, 1909, 1:3-5. San Diego’s the aeroplane town.

San Diego Tribune, August 27, 1909, 1:7. Chamber of Commerce now at work planning World’s Fair for San Diego in 1915.

San Diego Tribune, August 28, 1909, 4:4. G. W. Pursell files plan for right-of-way through park.

San Diego Union, August 28, 1909, 8:3. Park Commissioners grant permit for line through park.

San Diego Union, August 28, 1909, 14:2-3. Plan World Exposition for San Diego in 1915; John S. Mills, Secretary of Chamber of Commerce, gave out first information about plans for an Exposition to be held in 1915 to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal.

San Diego Union, August 29, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Canal Exposition – urging San Diego residents to support Exposition; desirability of same as the nearest city to the Canal; the propriety of celebrating the coming of the battleship fleet to San Diego; Tampa, Florida, a much smaller town, celebrating opening of Canal; San Diego’s population is 55,000.

San Diego Union, August 29, 1935, II, 9:2. San Diego’s exhibit at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition wins visitor commendation.

San Diego Tribune, August 30, 1909, 2:1. Park Board gives right-of-way; petition for electric road filed today.

San Diego Tribune, August 30, 1909, 4:2. J. C. Connel thinks City Park would be idea site for Exposition here in 1915.

Minutes of Park Commisson, August 31, 1909. Competitive designs asked for Plaza fountain.

San Diego Sun, August 31, 1909, 1:5-6. “I’ll finish the Grant Hotel, but let everyone help out,” says Wilde.

San Diego Union, August 31, 1909, 6:5. James E. Wadham, attorney for G. E. Pursell, submits permit for park road.

San Diego Sun, September 1, 1909, 1:7-8. William Clayton, general manager of the Spreckel’s interests, said that the San Diego Electric Railway Co. would soon take steps to run a line through the City Park to relieve 5th street traffic; new cars in November.

San Diego Tribune, September 1, 1909, 5:3-4. Directors discuss question of holding World’s Fair in 1915.

San Diego Union, September 1, 1909, 6:2-3. G. W. Stephenson believes year-round Exposition would attract 50 percent of tourists visiting California.

San Diego Tribune, September 2, 1909, 6:3. Directors name committee to work for Fair.

San Diego Tribune, September 2, 1909, 8:1. City Council considering the Pursell petition.

San Diego Union, September 2, 1909, 5:1. Committee named to boost World’s Fair; Chamber of Commerce take up project; G. A. Davidson confident.

San Diego Sun, September 6, 1909, 1:2-3. San Diego bankers have incorporated for World’s Fair in San Diego in 1915.

San Diego Tribune, September 6, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The 1915 World’s Fair.

San Diego Tribune, September 6, 1909, 5:2-3. World’s Fair Company incorporated in County Clerk’s office.

San Diego Union, September 6, 1909, 1:2, 3:4. Corporation organized to extend of $1 million to hold Exposition; Articles of Incorporation filed with County Clerk; name is “Panama-California Exposition”; list of names of projectors of movement; also articles of incorporation; Lyman J. Gage, first president of 1893 Columbian Exposition, to be advisor.

San Diego Union, September 6, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The San Diego Exposition Assured.

San Diego Sun, September 7, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: A World’s Fair Here in 1915. – It will take not only a lot of noise and confidence, but a lot of good American coin to float that world’s fair.

San Diego Union, September 7, 1909, 1:3, 3:1. Directors of Panama-California Exposition plans immediate action; names of prominent businessmen approving Exposition, including Colonel Fred Jewel, president Citizen’s Bank.

San Diego Sun, September 8, 1909, 2:2-4. Work of organizing for Panama-California Exposition begun; Colonel Collier suggests that City Park be used.

San Diego Tribune, September 8, 1909, 5:3-4. Ulysses S. Grant, Jr. likely to be first president elected for San Diego Exposition Co.; park is favored as site for World’s Fair.

San Diego Union, September 8, 1909, 1:3, 5:12. Plan for Panama-California Exposition outlined; President G. A. Davidson of the Chamber of Commerce, temporary chairman of Panams-California Exposition Co.; Director Collier proposed City Park as site and bonding the City for Fairgrounds and building improvements; structures to be permanent and to eventually revert to municipality.

San Diego Union, September 8, 1909, 12:1. Boosting campaign begun with settlers writing letters to eastern newspapers lauding San Diego; Judge Hayes, president of the 150,000 club, works out plan to boost Panama-California Exposition.

San Diego Tribune, September 9, 1909, 6:1. Directors of World’s Fair to meet Friday; Colonel Collier to be Director General.

San Diego Sun, September 11, 1909, 1:7-8. Red Light District cleaned up.

San Diego Sun, September 11, 1909,5:4-5. Fair officials elected.

San Diego Tribune, September 11, 1909, 10:2-3. Officers of World’s Fair Board are selected.

San Diego Union, September 11, 1909, 1:3, 5:1. Exposition directors elected; Ulysses S. Grant, Jr., first term president; D. C. Collier, Director General; John D. Spreckels, first vice president; A. J. Spalding, second vice president;, L. S. McLure, third vice president; G. A. Davidson, forth vice president; F. W. Jackson, treasurer; F. G. Spalding, temporary secretary; William Clayton, L. S. McLure and J. W. Sefton, Jr. on Executive Committee; City asked to vote bonds for an estimated $500,000; State and Federal Government will be asked for appropriations; Imperial Valley lends support.

San Diego Union, September 12, 1909, 16:4. Judge Thomas Hayes, president of the 150,000 club, comprising more than 200 members, offered prize for best letter to eastern newspapers advertising and boosting San Diego.

San Diego Sun, September 15, 1909, 8:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park – Exposition in the park will cause business to jump from downtown sections to more northerly locations.

San Diego Sun, September 16, 1909, 1:4-5. Santa Fe ready to build big Union Station in city.

San Diego Union, September 16, 1909, 9:1, 2, 3. List of names of Finance Board and Legal Board members chosen by Exposition directors; Joseph W. Sefton, Jr. will go to Washington to promote the interests of the Panama-California Exposition; William Clayton, chairman of the Executive Committee, outlines plan for Exposition and defines its scope.

San Diego Sun, September 17, 1909, 4:4. All boost for Exposition; State Promotion Committee to aid.

San Diego Sun, September 18, 1909, 1:2-5. San Diego to have an Aero Club.

San Diego Sun, September 18, 1909, 3:4. W. W. Bowers wants Fair on North Island and not on the City Park.

San Diego Union, September 19, 1909, 4:1-3. California newspapers encourage San Diego; Riverside Press notes that “while Los Angeles and San Francisco have been talking about a World’s Fair to celebrate the opening of the Canal, San Diego has gone ahead and formed a corporation for that purpose.”

San Diego Union, September 19, 4:1. EDITORIAL on encouraging comment from newspapers.

San Diego Sun, September 22, 1909, 1:7-8. Corner room in Elk’s building secured for Exposition headquarters.

San Diego Tribune, September 23, 1909, 8:3. Colonel D. C. Collier and George Burnham, directors of World’s Fair, go to Seattle.

San Diego Sun, September 27, 1909, 1:3-4. Pursell only bidder; Will Spreckels buy in?

San Diego Sun, September 27, 1909, 3:2-3. Captain Sehon says Exposition is OK, but Collier isn’t.

San Diego Sun, September 27, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: Popularizing the Park.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1909, 2,3,4,5. Outline of what San Diego has done and expects to do about Panama-California Exposition; panorama view of proposed site in City Park; slogan suggested “Southwest Gateway”.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1909, 2:2. San Diego weatherman Ford A. Carpenter tells why climate is advantageous to Exposition; suggests celebration be held year round.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1909, 3:4. Mayor Grant Conard claims Exposition will tell the story of the New Pacific; calls Exposition “the timekeeper of progress”.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1909, 3:5. Daniel Cleveland writes article telling how irrigation has made Southern California the garden spot of the United States.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1909, 3:7. Origin of Exposition idea; Articles of Incorporation submitted to committee set up by Chamber of Commerce, September 3; approved; filed with San Diego County Clerk, September 4; a copy of article sent to office of Secretary of State in Sacramento for entry into State records.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The San Diego Exposition – Why San Diego was the best place for celebrating opening of Panama Canal; expected population of 100,000 by 1915.

San Diego Sun, September 28, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Union, September 28, 1909, 3:2. Judge Thomas J Hayes suggested plans for advertising Panama-California Exposition throughout the East; advocated City voting $1 million in bonds.

San Diego Sun, September 29, 1909, 1:7-8, 3:1. Sehon says William Clayton did not approve of Collier as head.

San Diego Sun, September 29, 1909, 6:6. Clayton explains Collier selection.

San Diego Sun, September 29, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The Exposition Site.

San Diego Union, September 29, 1909, 3:1. Death comes to Cassius Carter, lawyer and clubman; Shakespearean scholar.

San Diego Union, September 29, 1909, 7:3. William Clayton, executive committee chairman, answers criticism of appointment of D. C. Collier as Director-General of Exposition.

San Diego Union, September 29, 1909, 7:4. Colonel Collier and George Burnham now at Seattle.

San Diego Union, September 30, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Chamber of Commerce’s Stand – The resolution of the Chamber of Commerce requesting the press of the city to refrain from the publication of articles reflecting upon the directorate or any officer connected with the Panama-California Exposition should be the last work in a controversy whose continuance might easily thwart San Diego’s hopes of a great celebration in 1915 in honor of the opening of the canal.

San Diego Union, September 30, 1909, 5:1. Sehon reiterates his criticism of Panama-California Exposition plans.

San Diego Union, September 30, 1909, 5:2. George H. Ballou urges everyone to stand by Exposition directors.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 1, 1909, 5:3. Chief of Police Wilson and his men are being kept busy keeping the city free of white and colored women of the underworld who are constantly floating into the city from Los Angeles.

San Diego Union, October 1, 1909, 1:1. President Taft says he will attend Exposition here in 1915; gives promise to directors Collier and Burnham at Seattle banquet.

San Diego Union, October 3, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Good Work by Collier and Burnham.

San Diego Union, October 3, 1909, 8:1. H. P. Wood, secretary of the Hawaiian Promotion Committee, former San Diego resident, advertises 1915 Exposition through oriental countries.

San Diego Union, October 3, 1909, 8:2. G. P. Hall urges hill site for Exposition; cites Seattle example.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 4, 1909, 12:4-5. Merchants protest against repeal of speaking ordinance.

San Diego Sun, October 4, 1909, 1:6-7. Merchants want street speaking law to stand.

San Diego Sun, October 4, 1909, 5:3-4. Publicity campaign for Exposition.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 5, 1909, 4:2-3. Lyman Gage says city should be beautified for Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 5, 1909, 7:1-2. Colonel D. C. Collier and George Burnham study Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle; given access to records and every department opened to them.

San Diego Sun, October 6, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 7, 1909, 8:2-3. Park Board not to get any money from Pursell franchise; Council turns down request; says city needs the $5,100 received to liquidate portion of Point Loma Boulevard indebtedness; Park Commission will be out of money by first of year.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 7, 1909, 8:4. Council is in favor of street talks; Socialists win fight over protests of Merchants’ Association.

San Diego Sun, October 7, 1909, 3:4. Park Commissioners seek part of $5,100 which Pursell had paid to run a railroad through park.

San Diego Union, October 7, 1909, 5:5. Park Commissioners will ask Council to name special officer to save street trees.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 8, 1909, 8:4. Collier and Burnham due home soon.

San Diego Union, October 8, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL about support San Diegans are giving to Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 8, 1909, 6:1-2. Retail Growers Association of San Diego offers their support and assistance to Exposition project.

San Diego Union, October 8, 1909, 6:2-3. By-laws committee completes its work.

San Diego Union, October 8, 1909, 6:2-3. Retail grocers endorse Panama-California Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 8, 1909, 8:1. Councilmen deny part of funds from Pursell franchise to park; say they need all of the money to play old debts; Board is in hard straits; Judge Luce say finances will be exhausted by first of next year.

San Diego Sun, October 9, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: Street Speaking.

San Diego Union, October 9, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: In Line for the Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 9, 1909, 5:3. Members of Wide Awake Improvement Club support Exposition; article in Los Angeles Times, October 3, 1909, states San Diego is entitled to this support.

San Diego Union, October 10, 1909, 9:2-4. Governor of Washington guest of Panama-California Exposition commissioners.

San Diego Sun, October 11, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park – alludes to Pursell railroad.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 12, 1909, 5:2-3. Collier and Burnham return from northern journey.

San Diego Sun, October 12, 1909, 3:2-3. Collier back from grand boosting trip.

San Diego Union, October 12, 1909, 10:1-2. President Taft in Los Angeles receives San Diego Exposition committee; promises to visit here during Exposition; commends San Diego’s spirit; names of members of San Diego committee given.

San Diego Union, October 13, 1909, 5:1-2. Pictures of San Diego Exposition Committee members returning from Los Angeles reception for President Taft; Senator Frank P. Flint working for federal aid for Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 15, 1909, 7:1. San Diego County exhibit at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition shipped to Chicago for United States Land Exposition; Davis M. Faltz, representative of air promoters, will advertise San Diego’s 1915 Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 15, 1909, 9:1. Marston’s home from trip abroad.

San Diego Sun, October 16, 1909, 3:3-4. Grand boost for Exposition; D. C. Reed pounds Sehon at dinner in Coronado Hotel.

San Diego Union, October 16, 1909, 5:2-4. Harmony keynote of Booster Dinner; Businessmen united in Exposition movement.

San Diego Union, October 17, 1909, 4:2. EDITORIAL: The Union’s Exposition Number will be published on January 1, 1910.

San Diego Union, October 17, 1909, 4:2. EDITORIAL: Harmony the Watchword.

San Diego Union, October 17, 1909, 5:1. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition is closed; final exercises unique; pays all debts and earns a surplus.

San Diego Union, October 18, 1909, 12:8. Exposition directors meet today to hear reports.

Minutes of Park Commissioners, October 19, 1909. The Secretary reported the collection of $45 from the Western Metal Supply Co. for rent of powder house for months of July, August and September; same turned over to City Treasurer.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 19, 1909, 4:2-3. Exposition directors plan campaign to secure funds.


San Diego Sun, October 19, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park mentions improvement to Russ school grounds.

San Diego Union, October 19, 1909, 5:5-6. Panama-California Exposition directors plan campaign for funds; selection of site left to stockholders; Burnham and Collier make report of visit to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 20, 1909, 4:2. EDITORIAL: San Diego’s Part.

San Diego Union, October 21, 1909, 12:3. Hotel keepers petition for public gold links.

San Diego Union, October 23, 1909, 5:5. D. F. Garretson, president First National Bank, appointed chairman of Finance Committee; campaign for Exposition funds to start immediately.

San Diego Union, October 24, 1909, 11:1-7. Advertisement for Orange Park with good map of City Park.

San Diego Sun, October 26, 1909, 8:2-3. W. W. Bowers comments on plants for Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 27, 1909, 8:2-3. Churchmen discuss Exposition site; Mayor Conard favors City Park; others support tide flats.

San Diego Sun, October 28, 1909, 1:7-8. Engineer Capps has plans for lake in City Park.

San Diego Sun, October 28, 1909, 5:3-4. Exposition seal chosen.

San Diego Union, October 28, 1909, 9:1. Exposition seal designed by O. F. Ahring awarded $50 and adopted; picture given.

San Diego Union, October 28, 1909, 9:4. Exposition to be booster theme at banquet Thursday evening at First Congregational Church.

San Diego Evening Tribune, October 29, 1909, 5:4. Cedar Street most feasible route to park; City Engineer prefers it to Elm Street as thoroughfare from 31st Street.

San Diego Sun, October 29, 1909, 1:7-8. Many approve dam across canyon.

San Diego Sun, October 29, 1909, 2:2-3. Dinner and public meeting bring out Exposition enthusiasm.

San Diego Sun, October 29, 1909, 7:1-2. Holly Sefton Memorial Hospital is dedicated.

San Diego Sun, October 29, 1909, 8:1-2. EDITORIAL: Regulation of Public Meeting Places.

San Diego Union, October 29, 1909, 6:2-3. Lyman J. Gage, George Burnham and D. C. Collier address enthusiastic meeting in First Congregational Church.

San Diego Union, October 29, 1909, 7:2-3. Plaza fountain design symbolic of local history.

San Diego Sun, October 30, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: Save the Water in support of plan for dam in Switzer Canyon.

San Diego Union, October 31, 1909, 6:1. Boosters launched Exposition project in earnest last week.

San Diego Union, October 31, 1909, 17:1-4. Three new homes for Percy Benbough, Sherwood Wheaton and Hugo Klauber erected in park district.


San Diego Evening Tribune, November 1, 1909, 12:1. Playground Commission may be named; City Council requests Mayor Grant Conard to make investigation and submit recommendations.

San Diego Sun, November 1, 1909, 3:6. Playground is assured.

San Diego Union, November 1, 1909, 11:7. Trustees acquire 15 acres in heart of National City for a park.

San Diego Evening Tribune, November 2, 1909, 8:1. San Diego had fine showing at Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 2, 1909, 9:1. San Diego County must raise $1 million for Exposition; will vote to sell bonds in County by stock subscription; 100,000 shares to be issued.

San Diego Union, November 2, 1909, 9:2. U.S. Senator Frank P. Flint sends copy of proposed federal appropriation bill for San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 3, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Fund for the Exposition – on bond subscription for the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, November 7, 1909, 1:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park . . . discussion of location for Exposition.

San Diego Evening Tribune, November 8, 1909, 10:1. Council gives franchise to G. W. Pursell.

San Diego Union, November 8, 1909, 7:2. Hotel men object to City Park as Exposition site; claim waterfront, using reclaimed lands, as most logical site.

San Diego Evening Tribune, November 9, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Why We Should Subscribe For All the 1915 Exposition Bonds.

San Diego Union, November 9, 1909, 12:2. City Council grants franchise to G. W. Pursell after he files satisfactory bond.

San Diego Evening Tribune, November 10, 1909, 8:2. L. J. Wilde gives up management of Grant Hotel.

San Diego Union, November 12, 1909, 9:1. G. C. Stephens employed as financial superintendent; Subscription campaign for raising fund for Exposition starts within ten days.

San Diego Sun, November 13, 1909, 1:1-2. Collier tells Cabrillo Club that City Park is the only place for the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, November 13, 1909, 3:3-4. Order of Panama for noted guests.

San Diego Union, November 14, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: It Depends on the People.

San Diego Union, November 14, 1909, 5:2-4. Boy’s Dormitory at Children’s Home completed.

San Diego Union, November 14, 1909, 7:1. Architect Irving Gill proposed Ballast Point, the east side of Point Loma, and the western portion of North Island as site for the Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 14, 1909, 9:1. B. P. Cheney gives 5-acre park tract to National City.

San Diego Sun, November 15, 1909, 8:2-5. John Berry offers suggestions on the Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 15, 1909, 5:5. Sefton hustles in Washington, D.C. for San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Evening Tribune, November 18, 1909, 8:1-3. San Diego celebrates D Street illumination; 25,000 persons witness parade.

San Diego Sun, November 18, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 18, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Exposition Stock.

San Diego Union, November 18, 1909, 5:2-3. Commission chooses fountain designed by Irving Gill for Plaza.

San Diego Union, November 18, 1909, 5:4. George W. Marston named vice president of American Civic Association.

San Diego Union, November 18, 1909, 9:1. Finance Committee announces November 24, 1909 as starting date for Exposition bond campaign.

San Diego Union, November 18, 1909, 10:1. Biologists offer old quarters of La Jolla to Park Board free of charge; suggest public aquarium.

San Diego Sun, November 19, 1909, 1:1-2. Art Gallery on Exposition grounds.

San Diego Union, November 20, 1909, 5:3. 1,000 Elks pledge support for Exposition after speech at Riverside gathering by Colonel Collier.

San Diego Union, November 20, 1909, 8:2-3. Mrs. J. W. Sefton outlines plan for City Beautiful; organization of tree planters formed.

San Diego Union, November 20, 1909, 14:2. Architect Harrison Albright acquires Prentice Fruit Ranch in Upper Spring Valley.

San Diego Union, November 21, 1909, 16:1. First $40,000 is pledged for Exposition; Finance Committee elated.

San Diego Union, November 21, 1909, 11: 2, 3, 4, 5. Half-page advertisement for sale of Exposition bonds.

San Diego Union, November 21, 1909, 4:2. EDITORIAL: The Exposition Fund.

San Diego Union, November 22, 1909, 7:4. Militia men win Thanksgiving trophies; city park range turkey shoot affords sport for artillery company.

Minutes of Park Commissioners, November 23, 1909. The Board decided to install a urinal in New Town Park after January 1st; also to place chains at the corner of the Plaza at the same time.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1909, 5:1. San Diego entertained Japanese Commercial Commission yesterday. They pledged Japan’s support of Exposition and will be first to respond when Exposition opens. Citizens of San Diego extend warm welcome to commercial representatives from Japan. Visitors endorse Exposition. Beyel Nakano, vice president of Tokyo Chamber of Commerce, promised Exposition support.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1909, 8:2. Panama-California Exposition seal to be sent broadcast through business houses and shipping; picture of seal.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1909, 8:2. Joseph W. Sefton, director of Panama-California Exposition, returned from eastern publicity trip for Exposition; details.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego Will Go Right Ahead.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1909, 4:1. Angelenos asked to abandon Fair plan; Colonel Collier, at German banquet, tells of Committee conference in Los Angeles.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1909, 5:3. First Exposition stocks issued; picture of same.

San Diego Union, November 25, 1909, 1:1. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce decides to support San Diego’s Exposition; Exposition stock subscriptions coming from all parts of country.

San Diego Union, November 25, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Los Angeles for the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, November 26, 1909, 1:8. Rain causes an estimated cost of $10,000 in damages to Switzer Canyon project.

San Diego Union, November 28, 1909, 8:1-2. James McLachlin, representative from Pasadena in Congress, will aid San Diego Exposition; text of speech made at San Diego Chamber of Commerce discussed.

San Diego Union, November 28, 1909, 9:1. Santa Cruz businessman takes stock in Exposition; San Cruz will send an exhibit.

San Diego Union, November 28, 1909, 17:1. Stock subscriptions piling up; clock-like dial to record gain in total amount.

San Diego Union, November 28, 1909, 17:2-3. Miss Dorothy Dunn will serve as secretary to Director General D. C. Collier.

San Diego Union, November 28, 1909, 17:4. Publicity work for Exposition is doing good.

Minutes of Park Commission, November 30, 1909. Irving Gill was present and his design for an electric fountain for the Plaza, having been approved by L. J. Wilde, was accepted.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1909, 16:1-2. Washington Herald gives San Diego Exposition a boost telling of plans; picture of J. W. Sefton, who publicized Exposition in the East.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 2, 1909, 8:1-5. San Diego woman composes song for Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 3, 1909, 11:1, 2. $50,000 subscription added to Exposition fund in one day; picture of indicator that records sale of stock which has been placed on corner of 5th and D streets; records broken for sale of Exposition stock; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce passes resolution endorsing Exposition; Illinois also passes resolution.

San Diego Sun, December 4, 1909, 3:1-3. Enthusiastic crowds cheer as the Exposition dial starts.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1909, 1:4. $301,000 of stock subscriptions sold; picture of G. S. Stephens, manager of financial campaign, and facsimile of big dial at 5th and D streets.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1909, 5:1, 2, 3. Complete list of names to date of people who bought Exposition stock; Western Investment Co. (D. C. Collier, president): $12,000; Barret-Stine and D. C. Collier Co.: $3,000.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Exposition Fund Begins Well on subscription of $1 million for Exposition fund; $300,000 already received.

San Diego Union, December 5, 1909, 9:1, 2, 3. List of names of subscribers for one day amounting to $16,000.

San Diego Union, December 6, 1909, 6:1. People of Washington State favor San Diego as Exposition city.

San Diego Union, December 7, 1909, 8:1, 2. Directors of Exposition go to San Francisco to ask them to abandon their Exposition project and support San Diego enterprise; San Francisco businessmen call meeting to decide whether they will hold Exposition in opposition to San Diego; Representative Kahn introduces bill in Washington, D.C., asking for $5 million appropriation to aid San Franciso’s Exposition project.

San Diego Sun, December 8, 1909, 2:1-2. San Diegans determined to go on with Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 8,, 1909, 5:1, 2, 3, 4. San Francisco votes in favor of holding an Exposition in 1915; San Diego refuses to abandon project; $332,000 already subscribed; comments of local businessmen on San Francisco’s action; Escondido raises $15,000 for San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 9, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: Hold the Celebration Just the Same.

San Diego Union, December 9, 1909, 4:2. EDITORIAL: Has San Francisco Forgotten? alluding to Southern California’s generosity after April 1906 earthquake.

San Diego Union, December 9, 1909, 5:1-2. San Diego will hold Panama-California Exposition in spite of Northern opposition; comments of prominent people.

San Diego Sun, December 10, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park – competition from San Francisco.

San Diego Union, December 10, 1909, 1:1, 5:1, 2, 3. Riverside Chamber of Commerce passes resolution urging all Southern California to support San Diego Exposition; Knights of Royal Arch subscribe for $25,000 stock; Director-General Collier declares San Francisco has acted in bad faith.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 11, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Fair Depends on Our Citizens Only.

San Diego Sun, December 11, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The Attitude of Congress on Coast Expositions.

San Diego Union, December 11, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL on “San Francisco’s priority claim” to Exposition celebrating the opening of the Panama Canal.

San Diego Union, December 11, 1909, 5:1, 2, 3. Exposition promoters, undiscouraged by San Francisco’s course, proceed with details; propose wider advertising and ignoring of rival’s plans for a 1915 Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 12, 1909, 1:1. Los Angeles refuses San Francisco delegation request to support their Exposition; has already promised San Diego and will not repudiate promise.

San Diego Union, December 12, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL on controversy between San Diego and San Francisco over a Canal Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 12, 1909, 17:1. Subscriptions to stock pass $400,000 mark; Congressmen pledge help in fight for national appropriation for Exposition; Escondido businessmen endorse San Diego’s position.

San Diego Union, December 12, 1909, 17:2-3. Subscriptions for Exposition stock come from Holyoke, Mass., Berkeley and Los Angeles.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 13, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: If Citizens Want Fair, We Get It.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 13, 1909, 5:2. Mayor pleads for Playground Board.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 13, 1909, 10:1. Architect John Galen Howard, in conversation with D. C. Collier, favored park site for Exposition,

San Diego Sun, December 13, 1909, 1:3-4. Council declines to give opinion as to Exposition site.

San Diego Sun, December 13, 1909, 1:7-8. Exposition funds keep pouring in.

San Diego Union, December 13, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL to San Diego residents who are justly indignant over high-handed attempt of San Francisco to filch Canal Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 14, 1909, 1:2, 5:2. Slice off the park; plan which is being considered may go before Board soon; to take 400 acres and lease the land for homes; $16 million for rental maybe.

San Diego Sun, December 14, 1909, 3:2. Thomas O’Hallaran, secretary of the Park Board, filed a dummy ordinance with the City Clerk today for presentation to the Council covering regulation of San Diego parks.

San Diego Sun, December 14, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park commenting on Golden Hill section of the park.

San Diego Sun, December 15, 1909, 8:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park discussing location of Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 15, 1909, 1:1, 5:1-2. Exposition fund reaches $427,000; $126,000 is added to stock list in 11 days; San Francisco’s move to grab Exposition rouses resentment of people.

San Diego Union, December 15, 1909, 4:3. Southern California newspapers uphold San Diego in its claim to the Exposition; Editorials from Riverside Daily News, Pasadena Daily News, Ventura Daily Democrat, Los Angeles Express.

San Diego Sun, December 16, 1909, 5:4. La Jolla’s park to be improved.

San Diego Sun, December 16, 1909, 8:1. EDITORIAL: Divide the Park, But How?

San Diego Union, December 17, 1909, 1:1. Los Angeles Merchants and Manufacturers Association resolves to lend existence to San Diego Exposition; reciprocity appreciated.

San Diego Union, December 17, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL on San Francisco’s priority claim for Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 18, 1909, 5:3. Building inspector Kirkwood suggests that the only way to slice off some of the park for building lots is to cut a hole right out of the center. “There are 700 acres in the middle that would never be missed.”

San Diego Union, December 19, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL on controversy over Panama Canal is placing San Diego in limelight.

San Diego Union, December 19, 1909, 5:1. $500,000 mark nearly gained; San Francisco opposition makes boosters work to sell stock.

San Diego Sun, December 20, 1909, 1:7-8. W. H. Porterfield says people should vote for bonds to $1 million to erect buildings, improve grounds for Exposition.

Source?, December 22, 1909. United Wireless Telegraph asked for a 7 or 10 year lease for a two-mast station north of High School.

San Diego Sun, December 22, 1909, 3:2-3. Exposition fund is now over half-million mark.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 22, 1909, 3:2. Southeastern corner of park to bloom; Secretary O’Hallaran would improve and beautify section adjacent to Golden Hill district with paths, playgrounds, trees and shrubbery; Board hampered by lack of funds; would do more if it were possible.

San Diego Union, December 22, 1909, 16:1, 2. R. E. Connolly, Director of Publicity, explains financial site of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 23, 1909, 7:6. The proposed ordinance prescribing rules and regulations for the government of public parks and playgrounds of the city, which was introduced at the meeting of the City Council last Thursday, has been referred back to the Commission for certain amendments.

San Diego Sun, December 23, 1909, 3:5-6. Bond plan for Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 24, 1909, 1:8. Theosophists to erect Exposition building; Mme. Tingley makes formal application for a site.

San Diego Sun, December 24, 1909, 2:4-5. Approve Exposition bonding plan.

San Diego Union, December 24, 1909, 4:3. Articles from Los Angeles Examiner and Santa Barbara Press voicing sentiment in favor of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 24, 1909, 10:1. San Diego Chamber of Mines is first organization to offer exhibit for Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 25, 1909, 14:2, 3. Katherine Tingley applies to Exposition directors for site to build Brotherhood building to exhibit Saja Yoga system of education.

San Diego Union, December 26, 1909, 16:1-2. Southern editors boost and encourage San Diego’s Exposition; articles from 14 southern newspapers.

San Diego Sun, December 27, 1909, Panama-California Exposition Number, 1:7-8. San Diego, California, the city that has a future; drawings of Exposition, city buildings by the Sun’s artist.

San Diego Sun, December 27, 1909, 2:3-4. George J. Chambers says waterfront is the place for Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 27, 1909, II, 9:1-8. “San Diego’s Exposition and What It Means,” by Colonel D. C. Collier.

San Diego Sun, December 27, 1909, II, 12:1-8. The Women’s Clubs of San Diego stand in the very front rank.

San Diego Sun, December 27, 1909, III, 22:1-8, 23:1-4. Grant Hotel soon to open doors.

San Diego Sun, December 30, 1909, 3:1-2. John F. Schwartz offers suggestions on park improvement..

San Diego Evening Tribune, December 31, 1909, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Exposition, Not World’s Fair

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