Balboa Park History 1910
San Diego Union, January 1, 1910, Sec. 1:1 to 5, Sec. 2:4 to 5. Exposition number containing pictures of directors and of businessmen booster of Fair; articles by Geo. Burnham, G. C. Stephens, Ford Carpenter; summary of accomplishments in 1909.
San Diego Union, January 1, 1910, Sec. 13, 1:4. EDITORIAL on why San Diego should be Panama Canal Exposition city.
San Diego Sun, January 5, 1910, 1:5-7. Plan to lease section in the center of city park is discussed with favor.
San Diego Sun, January 6, 1910, 2:2-4. Point Loma Heights to embody pure Spanish architecture under direction of D. C. Collier.
San Diego Sun, January 6, 1910, 8:1. EDITORIAL: The City’s Business To Provide Pleasure.
San Diego Union, January 6, 1910, 5:1. R. Korzumi, Japanese silk manufacturer, supports 1915 Exposition in San Diego.
San Diego Sun, January 7, 1910, 5:5. Do you want a city zoo? How’s this plan for start? Park Board has it all mapped out.
San Diego Sun, January 8, 1910, 7:6. For that park zoo.
San Diego Sun, January 8, 1910, 8:2-4. Distinguishing feature wanted for San Diego Exposition; ideas of D. C. Collier (novelty like Eiffel Tower); Colonel Jewell (exhibit from southern republics); Judge Thomas
Hayes (permanent auditorium).
San Diego Union, January 9, 1910, 16:1. George P. Hall advises erection of permanent buildings; horticultural hall for city park suggested as monument to Fair; subtropical gardens similar to acclimating gardens of Society of Florists in Santa Barbara; change admission fee and sell exotic plants; landscape portion of park with avenues of plumosas and seyforthyanas; avenues leading down to waterfront; grand scheme of architecture and horticultural embellishment; streets leading of horticultural exhibit forming a radius; all streets leading up to a crystal building; series of cascades falling over stony precipices fed from a miniature lake; parterres on sloping sides with natural terraces for seating; stadium formed by blooming plants with unlimited space for amusements; example of Kew Gardens and Champs Elysee; Appeal to A. Robinson, G. W. Marston, Putnam sisters, Stowe for support.
“Let us united to have the horticultural display of the world that shall made San Diego the Mecca of all who want to know and see the greatest assemblage of earth’s kingdom of most beautiful and variegated life.”
San Diego Sun, January 10, 1910, 1:7-8. $1,000,000 bond issue started; council votes unanimously in favor of plan.
San Diego Sun, January 10, 1910, 10:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: we are going to have a real zoo here in the park.
San Diego Sun, January 11, 1910, 4:2-3. Under the Peppers in the Park: Collier’s suggestion for a prominent Exposition feature.
San Diego Sun, January 11, 1910, 4:2-3. William Branch offers plans for big circular tower at Exposition with moving platform, merry-go-round, etc.
San Diego Sun, January 12, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Francisco Willing To Compromise.
San Diego Sun, January 12, 1910, 4:5-6. H. E. Wright, A. G. Swanson offer suggestions for Exposition.
San Diego Union, January 12, 1910, 1:4. EDITORIAL: The Exposition Conference on San Francisco Exposition; promoters asking for conference with San Diego representative.
San Diego Sun, January 14, 1910, 7:1-2. Los Angeles gives its endorsement freely; city council says it will back Exposition.
San Diego Union, January 14, 1910, 6:1. Los Angeles Council endorses Fair; Conard speaks for home city; Colonel D. C. Collier, when called on to express his appreciation for the spirit which Los Angeles is showing, said San Diego was only fighting for what was right and that San Francisco in all the appropriations she has asked for, asked them on the ground of celebrating the discovery of the Pacific Ocean by Balboa; it was not until San Diego broached a Panama exposition that San Francisco decided she would have a canal completion fair; Colonel Collier pointed out that the total cost of erecting the Exposition buildings in Seattle was $2,100,000 while San Diego will have raised $2,000,000 before any construction work will be started.
San Diego Union, January 14, 1910, 6:2. San Diegans insist on open meeting with northerners; agree on conference with San Francisco delegation tomorrow in Los Angeles.
San Diego Union, January 15 1910, 5:1. Directors of Fair send delegation to Los Angeles to meet San Francisco delegates at San Francisco’s request to change Fair date or drop out; local men determined not t yield to northerners on main questions.
San Diego Union, January 15, 1910, II, 10:2. Council confers police authority on park employees; they will serve as special officers without extra compensation; Park Superintendent A. B. Christopher will have charge of the park at large.
San Diego Union, January 16, 1910, 1:1, 8:2-3. Delegations deadlocked over Fair project; conference in Los Angeles displays San Diego’s firm intention to win; Lyman J. Gage presides.
San Diego Union, January 17, 1910, 1:1. Local delegates stand pat on world’s fair question; conference over Exposition dates results in permanent deadlock; will be two big shows; San Diegans determined that city is big enough to go it alone.
San Diego Union, January 17, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Exposition Conference.
Park Commissioners Meeting, January 18, 1910. Foreman Christopher reported the donation by Louis J. Wilde to the park aviary of ten pheasants.
San Diego Sun, January 18, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: an aviation field in the park.
San Diego Union, January 18, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Mission that Failed on failure of San Francisco Fair promoters to persuade San Diego to give up 1915 Fair at conference in Los Angeles.
San Diego Union, January 18, 1910, 5:1. San Diegans take firm stand in claim of priority of rights to celebrate opening of canal when they met San Francisco Fair representatives; committee members declare that they are not at liberty to divulge proceedings; say all was amicable; Collier: “From now on it is a question of fight. The best man will win and the best man is San Diego.”.
San Diego Union, January 18, 1910, 8:1. Subscriptions to Fair are given new impetus; citizens respond handsomely, following conference at Los Angeles; Lyman J. Gage and Senator L. A. Wright point out moral to San Diegans.
San Diego Sun, January 19, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: An Exposition That Is Different.
San Diego Union, January 20, 1910, II, 16:4. Wilde donates ten golden pheasants to Park Commissioners; handsome birds are added to collection in city park aviary.
San Diego Union, January 21, 1910, 6:1. George H. Ballou, coffee merchant, boosts local Exposition; writes for Trade Journal on San Diego undertaking; gives view of market.
San Diego Union, January 22, 1910, 5:3. Denver Republican, journal of February 17, published lengthy article telling of Panama-California Exposition plans.
San Diego Union, January 22, 1910, 5:4. Newspapermen give support to Exposition.
San Diego Union, January 23, 1910, III, 26:1-3. Chicago Tribune boosts San Diego; compliments city on Fair director personnel.
San Diego Union, January 24, 1910, 14:2. “San Diego will be my home,” says Mme. Schumann-Heink
San Diego Sun, January 25, 1910, 7:2-3. Playgrounds in the city’s park; Board asks city for $50,000 to carry out its program which includes beautification of park’s edges, boulevard to connect with Grape Street.
San Diego Sun, January 26, 1910, 2:3-4. Park Board urges more trees; Commission outlines plans for coming year; report lays emphasis on playgrounds; 20,000 trees growing now.
San Diego Union, January 26, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Age of Expositions
San Diego Union, January 26, 1910, 14:1. Exposition fund reaches $620,000.
San Diego Sun, January 27, 1910, 7:1. Merchants’ Association presents Louis J. Wilde with loving cup.
San Diego Union, January 27, 1910, 5:1. Subscriptions to Fair stock are now $630,000.
San Diego Union, January 27, 1910, 7:3-5. Park Commissioners ask for $50,000 appropriation for tree plantings in city’s pleasure ground and along boulevards; road work proposed.
San Diego Union, January 28, 1910, 5:1. City Attorney W. R. Andrews claims tide lands are not city property; reviews Spanish laws.
Park Commissioners Meeting, February 1, 1910. Marston advised the Board that the services of Samuel Parsons could be obtained for 2 or 3 weeks in February by payment of his expenses and offered to pay one-half of the expense for his services, if Board would pay the other half; accepted.
San Diego Sun, February 5, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Exposition Progress.
Park Commissioners Meeting, February 8, 1910. Joseph Sefton offered to pay one-half the expense of a deer corral in park; accepted.
San Diego Sun, February 8, 1910, 1:2. Band concerts in park, catch that? In summer maybe. Board isn’t sure about funds, but will put stand up.
San Diego Sun, February 10, 1910, 1:8. Stingaree dances halls are wiped out by law.
San Diego Sun, February 11, 1910, 4:1. Under the Peppers in the Park: Has Nolen plan for a city beautiful and for a civic center been forgotten?
San Diego Sun, February 17, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: talk about selling part of park.
San Diego Union, February 20, 1910, 5:1. Letter from Chamber of Commerce, Globe, Arizona, asking how they can assist Exposition; scores “Fair thieves.”
San Diego Sun, February 23, 1910, 5:5. Country Club will erect handsome large clubhouse.
San Diego Sun, February 25, 1910, 1:4-5. Exposition fund now swelled up to $753,000; Gas Company, Spalding, Hardy and others follow up John D. Spreckels’ gift of $100,000, half of which is conditional on prompt action in reaching total.
San Diego Union, February 25, 1910, 1:2. John D. Spreckels subscribes $100,000 to San Diego Fair.
San Diego Sun, February 28, 1910:4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: beginnings of zoo in city park.
San Diego Sun, March 11, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Park Commissioners have decided to divide the flock and build an aviary on Golden Hill Park.
San Diego Union, March 14, 1910, 9:1-2-3. Colonel Henry E. Dosch, Director of Seattle Fair; article on San Diego as real place for Exposition; $100,000 must be raised for Fair in two days.
San Diego Sun, March 16, 1910, 8:1. Exposition books still open for money; million mark reached by guarantee of citizens for fund.
San Diego Union, March 16, 1910, 1:1. $100,000 Fair fund is subscribed; hands on dial at 5th and D streets complete circuit; moved in a single day from $861,000 to $1,000,000.
San Diego Sun, March 17, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Exposition.
San Diego Sun, March 18, 1910, 4:1-2. Deer Park is ready for deer.
San Diego Sun, March 19, 1910, 4:1-2. Exposition Progress and Program, by Director General Colonel Collier.
San Diego Union, March 20, 1910, 9:1-2, 9:3-4. How $1,000,000 was raised for Fair in San Diego; articles by Robert Connolly, publicity director, and Colonel Fred E. Jewell, director, on achievement in raising $1,000,000 in six months.
San Diego Union, March 20, 1910, 15:1. Rufus Choate, secretary of Chamber of Commerce, writes article on Exposition.
San Diego Sun, March 21, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: viewpoints in park; why not have a picnic and invite everybody?
San Diego Union, March 22, 1910, 5:2-3. Los Angeles to mediate Exposition controversy between San Diego and San Francisco as to which of the two cities shall be officially declared the Exposition city commemorating the opening of the Panama Canal.
San Diego Sun, March 23, 1910, 1:2, 12:2. San Francisco’s manipulation of Santa Barbara conference laid bare.
San Diego Sun, March 23, 1910, 2:5. Boom for Exposition in New Orleans.
San Diego Sun, March 23, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Proceed with the Program.
San Diego Sun, March 23, 1910, 8:5. Big changes at Cliff Park.
San Diego Union, March 23, 1910, 10:1. Conference in Santa Barbara of over 100 delegates to settle Fair site questions between San Diego and San Francisco; vote to award San Francisco the Panama-Pacific Exposition; San Diego stands by plan to hold Fair.
San Diego Sun, March 24, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: the Santa Barbara conference.
San Diego Union, March 24, 1910, 1:1, 8:1. Fair directors to ask for bond election; Exposition committee instructed to lay out site and prepare building plans.
San Diego Sun, March 26, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Improve the Park in a Permanent Way.
San Diego Sun, March 26, 1910, 4:1-3. Under the Peppers in the Park: city must adopt a new policy for park.
Park Commissioners Meeting, March 29, 1910. Foreman Christopher asked for timber and instructions for building two bridges in Switzer’s Canyon in connection with a new foot path to the Golden Hill Park; granted.
San Diego Union, March 29, 1910, 1:1. Los Angeles votes for two 1915 Expositions; decides to offer compromise to San Diego and San Francisco; would award 50 percent of State appropriations to San Diego if $2,000,000 is raised.
San Diego Sun, March 30, 1910, 10:6. Who is donating the deer to park, John H. Gay or A. Campbell? Both want the credit, and the Commissioners are waiting for them to compromise.
San Diego Union, March 30, 1910, 10:1. City Council in favor of voting $1,000,000 municipal bonds for construction of 1915 Fair.
San Diego Sun, March 31, 1910, 7:4. Council is against Exposition abuse; opposes reference to San Francisco as “earthquake city” in petition.
San Diego Sun, April 8, 1910, 1:1-2. Pursell declares he will hurry road.
San Diego Sun, April 12, 1910, 2:2. Hotel men against the park for Exposition; say waterfront is the place to have improvements.
San Diego Union, April 12, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL on bond elections.
San Diego Union, April 12, 1910, 8:1. City Council adopted resolutions in favor of $1,884,500 bond issue; election set for June 1.
San Diego Sun, April 14, 1910, 1:1. Hunters in park nearly hit woman while she was driving on Park Boulevard near the 12th street entrance; has narrow escape; Park Board licensed Nimrods to hunt rabbits in park to exterminate them.
San Diego Sun, April 14, 1910, 4:5-6. W. M. Moore says city should sell 400 to 500 acres of park for building lots.
San Diego Sun, April 15, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: the zoo for the big park is started; we now have an aviary and a peer of deer in a paddock.
San Diego Sun, April 28, 1910, 1:3. Member of Park Board says Huntington is back of Pursell; wants to know when work is to begin.
Park Commissioners Meeting, April 29, 1910. Cost of deer park $242.54, one half or $121.27 donated to city by Joseph Sefton . . . the foreman was authorized to being construction of bird cage at Golden Hill Park.
San Diego Union, May 1, 1910, 17:1. Exposition to get government aid in the plan to exploit a leading feature of the Fair — the problems of irrigation and conservation.
San Diego Sun, May 4, 1910, 1:2, 3:3. Attorney A. Haines sends open letter to City Hall challenging city administration to defend Exposition bonds.
San Diego Sun, May 4, 1910, 3:4. Hoot, hoot, hoot, but O’Hallaran can’t talk Scotch; owls given to Park Board; lynx also offered to city’s zoo.
San Diego Sun, May 6, 1910, 1:6. Four deers in park, but alfalfa is scarce.
San Diego Sun, May 7, 1910, 1:7-8. Exposition compromise.
San Diego Union, May 8, 1910, II, 1:1. Exposition stockholders endorse terms of compromise proposed by San Franciscans; compromise arranged at meetings held in Washington, DC, between Director-General Collier and San Francisco delegates; terms of compromise; entire California delegation pledges itself to do all in its power to pass resolutions inviting the Republic of Mexico and the nations of Central and South America to participate in San Diego Exposition; meeting in Lincoln School, held May 7, also supported the voting of $1,000,000 in bonds to be expended in park improvements for Exposition purposes.
Northern city to boost San Diego Fair project; agrees to assist in securing cession of tides lands and state appropriations.
That San Diego will hold the Panama-California Exposition in 1915 precisely as outlined at the inception of the local fair project; that San Francisco will not only support San Diego’s Exposition, but will use its influence in the election for the passage of state bonds to improve San Diego’s harbor and later will back San Diego’s petition to the state legislature for the cession of the waterfront to the city, is the substance of the compromise presented at a mass meeting of subscribers to the local Exposition held last night in the auditorium of the Lincoln School.
Resolutions endorsing the work of Director General D. C. Collier in securing the best possible terms for San Diego in the proposed compromise and agreeing to the conditions involved were introduced and carried without a dissenting vote.
The meeting of stockholders and subscribers was called by Acting Director General J. W. Sefton upon the receipt by him of several telegrams from Colonel Collier outlining the terms of the compromise as arranged between the representatives of San Francisco and San Diego, now in Washington, and asking that they be acted upon here.
(Text of telegram and details of discussion given.)
Upon suggestion of Judge Hayes, a resolution endorsing the voting of $1,000,000 in Exposition bonds was introduced and adopted with only one dissenting vote.
San Diego Sun, May 9, 1910, 1:7-8. Seek later date for vote on Exposition bonds; change made advisable by compromise agreement; action Director-General Sefton tells Council; say people ought to decide whether water celebration would be better than one in park; legislators will ask City Attorney if item can legally be removed from ballot now.
San Diego Sun, May 9, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego’s Program.
San Diego Sun, May 10, 1910, 1:1. Discuss the bond election; attorney advises Council it can’t cut Exposition item.
San Diego Sun, May 11, 1910, 3:4-6. The Council yesterday afternoon somewhat reluctantly decided to postpone the bond election set for May 31 until such time as the Exposition stockholders and directors decide more definitely what they want to do.
San Diego Sun, May 12, 1910, 5:3. San Diego started to have Exposition in 1890 — 20 years ago — but for some reason abandoned the idea; petition signed by G. P. Hensley, H. P. Palmerston and Philip Morse asked Council to set aside southwest corner of city park for the Southwestern Exposition.
San Diego Sun, May 12, 1910, 10:6. City Council finds park proposition for strip of land at intersection of Albatross, Union and Fir Streets to be confusing.
San Diego Sun, May 13, 1910, 1:8. Sailors to camp near park range.
San Diego Sun, May 18, 1910, 1:6, 2:3-5. Collier back from East after work on Exposition; says San Diego is big on map now; as optimistic as ever.
San Diego Sun, May 24, 1910, 7:3-4. Boosters’ Banquet a great success; Colonel Collier tells big crowd at Coronado what Exposition officials hope to do in park; auditorium and stadium are two of the features.
San Diego Sun, May 26, 1910, 3:3. Park site for Exposition is approved.
San Diego Sun, May 27, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Exposition plans.
San Diego Sun, June 1, 1910, 7:1. Is L. A. Wright to resign park post?
San Diego Union, June 5, 1910, 8:1-4. Rival cities fight for federal aid as San Diego plans details of Exposition; press of country take up battle for southland; excerpts from Shreveport, Louisiana Times, May 8, 1910, and Phoenix, Arizona, Republican, May 31, 1910; Sefton says right to hold celebration has become a national question.
San Diego Sun, June 6, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: agitation in favor of opening 6th Street through the park.
San Diego Sun, June 8, 1910, 10:3. Plans for playground for field sports at 26th and A Streets; Golden Hill Improvement Club has subscribed some money toward its equipment.
San Diego Sun, June 9, 1910, 3:3. At a joint meeting yesterday of the Directors of the Panama-California Exposition, the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council it was decided to submit the Exposition bonds to the voters at the same time the municipal improvement and municipal gas and electric bonds are voted on.
San Diego Sun, June 13, 1910, 3:4. Election is again delayed; for economy’s sake the big municipal bond election may come after the primaries.
San Diego Sun, June 14, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Pursell railroad.
San Diego Sun, June 15, 1910, 1:7-8. The Council this afternoon again took up the matter of the municipal bond election.
San Diego Sun, June 15, 1910, 2:5-6. Old Town Plaza to be improved; Samuel Parsons, Jr., the famous architect, will be here soon.
San Diego Sun, June 15, 1910, 3:3. The Board of Park Commissioners this morning turned down a request made by the San Diego Consolidated Gas & Electric Co. to run a line of poles through City Park from Date to Elm on 6th Street.
San Diego Sun, June 17, 1910, 8:4 Sunbeams: City Park as a bunch of lynx.
San Diego Union, June 17, 1910, 3:2. Unwilling to favor either of the rival Panama Canal Exposition cities, San Francisco or New Orleans, the house committee on foreign affairs June 16 decided to report two resolutions authorizing the President to invite foreign nations to participate in each Exposition to be held in the two cities, whenever each city has raised $7,500,000 for the purpose of holding its Exposition. The senate committee has taken no action on similar measures, and neither house is expected to act on them during the present session; details.
San Diego Union, June 17, 1910, 7:5. Grading is begun on the Pursell road: Several men with a six-horse plow are engaged in leveling the old belt line railroad in City Park, about a quarter of a mile up Switzer Canyon from the conduit intake and the city stables.
The route of the line through the City Park will follow the old belt line roadbed as closely as possible, emerging on the mesa north of Brooklyn Heights, not far from 30th Street bridge, which spans Switzer Canyon. Some changes will be made in the old road for better grades and to eliminate curves. Not having been used for more than a score of years, it is covered with sagebrush and weeds and in many places big gulches have been washed out by the rains of many winters; details.
San Diego Sun, June 18, 1910, 7:2-4. D. C. Collier outlines a play for Exposition grounds.
San Diego Sun, June 20, 1910, 10:3. Sunbeams: rattlesnakes in City Park.
San Diego Union, June 21, 1910, 14:3. Collier writes letter endorsing A. G. Spalding for U.S. Senate on the Republican ticket; also letters by J. W. Sefton, Leroy A. Wright, G. A. Davidson, William Kettner, Colonel Fred Jewell, E. W. Capps, Mayor Grand Conard.
San Diego Union, June 23, 1910, 6:4. Designer of City Park Revisits San Diego; Samuel Parsons Now Living in New York, Makes Inspection Tour of City.
Samuel Parsons, landscape engineer of New York City, arrived yesterday and is stopping at the Brewster. Five years ago Mr. Parsons laid out the improvements in city park. Yesterday, in company with Park Commissioners L. A. Wright and Thomas O’Hallaran and George W. Marston, of the civic committee, he made a tour of the park for the purpose of noting the improvements.
Mr. Parsons was particularly pleased with the growth of trees and shrubbery in the park. He was enthusiastic about the vast amount of work that has been done since he laid out the grounds and particularly commended the road building. He was driven over fifteen miles of excellent highways built by the park commission and the city.
Following the inspection of the park, Mr. Parsons, in company with William Clayton and members of the park commission, was taken to Old Town, where he inspected the restored Ramona’s Marriage Place. He also looked over the old plaza. Mr. Parsons will be asked to make plans for improvements to the historic old plaza. In all probability he will recommend its restoration in Spanish style.
Mr. Parsons made his first visit to San Diego in 1903. He is impressed with the growth and progress made in buildings and business institutions.
San Diego Sun, June 25, 1910, 3:5. Getz of the Estudillo place in Old Town has offered to take the collection of relics belonging to the Pioneer Society and give it a suitable exhibition place until the Society can build a home of its own.
San Diego Sun, June 25, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Polytechnical School.
San Diego Sun, June 25, 1910, 4:2-4. Park Commissioner Thomas O’Hallaran gives plans for City Park.
San Diego Union, June 26, 1910, 7:1. Plant More Trees is Advice of Noted Artist to Park Commission; Samuel Parsons to Plan Further Improvement of City’s Pleasure Ground; Is Preparing a Report; Recommends Setting Out Eucalyptus to Outline Border of Park.
The planting of more trees on the outer edges of the city park, especially trees of height, is suggested to the park commission by Samuel Parsons, Jr., of New York, landscape artist who, with the late George D. Cooke, worked out plans above five years ago for the improvement of the park.
Since arriving here several days ago, Mr. Parsons has made a number of trips of inspection over the park, in company with Senator L. A. Wright of the park commission and with George W. Marston, at whose suggestion Mr. Parsons say he came here to outline the proposed improvements.
Mr. Parsons last night said he was at work on a report — to be made to the park board next Tuesday night. Mr. Parsons emphasizes particularly the desirability of planting eucalyptus trees, which, on account of the height they may attain, are of value in the outlining of parks. He says that if eucalyptus are planted around the city park, the view from the waterfront or downtown section would be all the more attractive.
Mr. Parsons also is planning several new entrances to the park. One of these will be at Juniper street, where, just inside the enclosure, extending from Kalmia and Maple, will be a children’s playground.
Mr. Parsons is an earnest advocate of the propagation of the pepper tree. More of this class of trees, in his opinion, should be grown in the park. He deplores the absence of water in the city park. He thinks some arrangement should be made whereby water could be used in large quantities at a minimum of cost, or, better still, free of charge.
Surprised by Results
“It is surprising to me that the growth of the park is of such magnitude as I find it without water,” said Mr. Parsons. “Back east years have ensued before such growth was manifest. There they have an abundance of water. Here the crying need is water. The possibilities of future growth, with water as an incentive, are almost beyond imagination.”
San Diego Union, June 26, 1910, 9:1. Southern California Editorial Association Editors at Banquet Table in Hotel del Coronado pledged support to 1915 Exposition last night.
One of the most enjoyable banquets ever held in the spacious dining room of the Hotel del Coronado was served last night in honor of the hundred or more members of the Southern California Editorial Association, their wives and friends, who have been visiting and sightseeing in the city since the arrival of their excursion Friday in the midday train. Covers were also laid for members of the Chamber of Commerce, the San Diego “boosters” and other civilians who were assisting in the entertainment of the guests.
Before the banquet was over the gathering had been converted into one of the most enthusiastic and spontaneous “booster” meetings every held in San Diego or its environments. Long before the last toast had been proposed and responded to, every editor present, by his hearty applause to the sentiments expressed, had pledged himself and his publication to the cause of the completion of the Panama Canal and the celebration to be held in this city in 1915 in honor of its opening. The editors were made to feel and to realize, through the speeches, that the proposed exposition is not a local affair, as many have been led to believe, but is sufficiently broad in its scope, to include all the southwestern states and the Latin American countries bordering on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The fact was impressed upon the editors individually and collectively, that the coming exposition is to be as much an advertisement for their immediate field of efforts, that their section of the state will derive as much ultimate benefit from it as though the buildings were erected in their own city and the crowds were to visit their home town.
Collier Takes ‘Em By Storm
During the course of the speech-making, Colonel D. C. Collier took the editors by storm when he announced that through the efforts of the San Diego county chamber of commerce, congress, a few hours before it adjourned, passed an emergency appropriation, whereby $1,000.000 had been placed in the hands of the President for the control of the Colorado river. The director-general said, in effect, that when word was received in San Diego in the middle of the week that the Colorado river was about to go upon another of its semi-occasional rampages and perhaps might overflow its banks, that the local chamber of commerce conceived the idea of asking Congress, through the President, for financial aid to control the waters. Colonel Collier made the point that in taking the action which it did, the San Diego county commercial body had the interests of its neighboring commonwealths at heart. He added that such a spirit is the prevailing one in San Diego for advancements are not confined to this city and county alone.
(Later in the program Collier outlined the scope of the proposed exposition.)
Park Commissioners Meeting, June 28, 1910. Samuel Parsons made a report as to the plan for further improvement of city park.
San Diego Union, June 28, 1910, 8:2-3. Spalding declines to run for Senate.
San Diego Union, June 28, 1910, 8:4. The San Diego Park Commission is taking advantage of the presence of landscape architect Parsons to arrange for further work in beautifying the 1,400 acre park. . . . Parsons is furnishing the commission details of tree planting in the city park and is said to be working on plans for the improvement of the Old Town plaza, which will be submitted to a meeting of the Board today.
San Diego Union, July 2, 1910, 9:5. To Urge Planting Trees in City Park; Samuel Parsons, Landscape Architect, Will Submit His Report to Board Today.
A feature of the report will be the recommendation for the planting of a grove of live oaks in a little canyon as a memorial to the late George Cooke, who was superintendent of the city parks at the time he was killed in a runaway accident near Escondido a few years ago.
“This is a suggestion of Senator L. A. Wright, president of your park commission,” said Mr. Parsons, “and I think it is an excellent idea. The spot that has been designated for this purpose is the little canyon leading up from the city pound to the high school. The trees selected grow to an old age, and they will be a lasting monument. It is not proposed to plant many of the oaks, only 25 or 30.
The report will consist of 15 to 25 pages. . . . Mr. Parsons, who has been the guest of George W. Marston during his stay in the city, will leave tonight for the east.
San Diego Sun, July 4, 1910, 1:4-5. Parsons says name it Cabrillo Park.
San Diego Sun, July 5, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Mr. Parsons and the Park.
San Diego Sun, July 5, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Who likes the park?
San Diego Union, July 5, 1910, II, 9:1-3, MAKE CITY PARK PARADISE OF SOUTH, URGES SCENIC ARTIST; Samuel Parsons Makes Lengthly Report to Civic Commission; Wants More Trees Planted.
After several days of exhaustive study of the various municipal parks of San Diego, plans for their beautification have been evolved by Samuel Parsons, landscape architect, under whose control is the entire parking system of the city of New York.
The trip from New York to San Diego made recently by Mr. Parsons was his second for the same purpose. His reports and recommendations, while commending the work already accomplished and complimenting the San Diego climate, provides for monster improvements all along the line, and lays out a system of improvement which is admitted by all to look toward perfection in the most minute detail.
The text of the report follows:
San Diego, Ca., June 30, ’10
To the Board of Park Commissioners, San Diego, California
Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, I have undertaken a careful examination of the following parks of San Diego, namely: the City park, the park at Old Town and the park at La Jolla, and desire to submit the following report:
In view of the study I have given the City park during the life of George Cooke, with whom I had originally associated myself in preparing plans I returned with much expectancy to a consideration of the work you have done during my absence.
Opportunities Unsurpassed
The opportunities for park making afforded by the unsurpassed climate of San Diego and the wonderful scenic advantage of its parks, led me to expect much. It is now five years since I have seen the City park. Yet, notwithstanding the fact that I had already observed during other visits something of the marvelous rapidity of the growth of vegetation in San Diego, I must confess that I have never seen anything like it. So rapid a transformation of the appearance of a park surface as that along the drive leading from Date street to Upas street, and in the neighborhood of Golden Hill and Twenty-eighth street, is a revelation to me, and I have had unusual opportunities of seeing parks in Europe and America.
But, although you have already accomplished wonders in park making at astonishingly small cost, it is to be hoped that you may be able to do even better in the future, with the assistance of previous experience and a more liberal supply of money. With the hope that they may prove helpful in carrying on future work, I desire to present you, as preliminary to more detailed notes, some general observations which I have been able to make after several days’ study of City park.
Adhere to Principles
In all landscape work, no matter how detailed and complete this study has been, new and unexpected conditions may at any time arise, forcing a revision of the original scheme. The wise thing to do in such cases is to adhere to the broad underlying principles of the plan, and modify only the minor features. It is surprising to find after one assumes this attitude, how much of the important part of the design can be retained, and in no place will this apply with more force than in San Diego. There is one good broad scheme of treatment, which can always safely be adhered to in the midst of many modifications of the original plan, and that is to plant the ridges and promontories with as high-growing suitable trees as can be found, and the low sides of the gulches or canyons with comparatively low shrubbery or bushy trees. It is well to keep all trees some little distance from the bottom of the canyons, occupying its lowest parts with vines of very low shrubbery, so as to secure as deep an effect as possible. This effect of deepness will also be increased by leading the tall pines and eucalyptus over the edge of the slope, straggling just a little downwards.
All this makes for picturesqueness and striking park scenery. For instance, all the high places of the San Diego City park should be planted with eucalyptus, pepper trees, acacias and Casuarinas. Or, on the same places could be used pines — P .Canariensis, P. Pinea, P. Muricata, and cypresses — C. Gaudaloupensis, and the ordinary Italian form, for a certain sense of park fitness prevents one from using the two classes intermixed, just as one avoids employing in the east, deciduous trees with conifers.
To Frame Picture
Another effective scheme of treatment for these as well as other parks, is to frame the picture. That is, emphasize and mark out the boundaries of the park domain with large trees like the sugar gum (E. Corynocalyx) and E. Citriodora planted not less than 150 feet apart, and in some cases even 300 feet, the distance to be determined by the character of the surrounding scenery. The eucalyptus, like all park trees, have their limitations; in other words, are rapid growing, like our eastern willows, and often exhibit naked stems and more or less ungainly forms, but the lofty grace of such kinds as E. Citriodora and sugar gums is unique in its way and especially valuable in the San Diego landscape. To overcome this weakness of the appearance of their stems, it is only necessary to surround the group, or better still, intermingle with the trees such trees as peppers, acacias — A. Baileyana, A. Floribunda, and A. Latifiola, Leptospermum, Levigatum, the bushy E. Cornuta Lehmani, etc.
I would like to say a word about the idea of using blue grass sod for the park. It is doubtless expensive, but it is not altogether the expense that makes me hesitate to advocate its general use. The fact is that it does not seem to produce an effect that really harmonizes with the general appearance of the country in Southern California. Reds and blues and the yellows predominate everywhere and the greens themselves are apt to shade off into other tints. Why not, therefore, use the native vines, the ice plants or Mesembryanthemums, in great variety, the Tecomas, the Bougainvillea, the lippia, and a number of other vines and native grasses. If properly planted, most of the ground of the park will be eventually covered with trees and shrubs, and only the borders of the paths and roads and occasional small places will need covering with such creeping plants.
In confirmation of the wisdom of the original scheme of planting a large distance apart, it is interesting to see how, after only four or five years of growth, the trees occupy already a great part of the considerable space of 25 to 30 feet allowed for their development.
Leave Borders Cleared
Care should be taken to avoid planting the borders of drives and walks with high trees so completely as to prevent sufficient outlook down the hollows of the canyons and out to the scenery beyond. Naturally, if any planting of trees is done, a certain amount of shutting off must occur, but the distant views are really more startling and impressive when seen bursting on one after a short period of eclipse. In like manner, the views down the canyons will be more attractive when framed with tall trees rising above and shutting them in , and then suddenly giving an open outlook.
One more general observation should always be borne in mind in all park making and particularly in San Diego, where, after all, the conditions are especially difficult on account of the light rainfall; which is, that a list of trees and shrubs to be successful for park making increases in value almost in the ratio of its smallness. In the east it has been said by good authorities that a park can be better planted with 12 deciduous trees, 12 deciduous shrubs, and 12 conifers, than with a greater number; for myself, it seems that the list would even then be too large. If you will think of it in the light of the experience of the last five years, would not the park have been better off and more economically maintained if there had been used a small number of trees — at least if some that had been used had been left out? A few of these which seem to me to be both beautiful and hardy are two or three species of eucalyptus and pepper trees, three or four acacias, Casuarinas, sumachs, Canary pines, Muricats, pines, Arizona cypress, Guadaloupe cypress, and Cedrus Deodara. On the other hand, the following might well be dispensed with in future planting: the Monterey cypress, the tree Grevilleas, the Blackwood acacias and similar kinds, which have not been quite satisfactory. The park is not a botanical garden or experimental station, but a spot of great natural beauty, which it is desired to make accessible by roads and paths, and ornament with trees and shrubs in the most economical and effective manner possible.
Suggestion may be shocking
If you would allow me, I would like to make another general recommendation that may at first shock. But you will have to meet the question and solve the problem eventually, and why not now? There are trees in various parts of the park that must be cut down, because either they do not suit the place or they are more of less worthless through decay or other causes. They will go eventually. They will have to be replaced by better and more fitting things. Why not have done with them now, once and for all?
As soon as possible, it will be well to develop more roads in the park with a special view to their scenic effect. Thus far roads and paths have been made largely to lead somewhere; in other words, to serve chiefly a useful purpose in going from a street on one side of the park to another street in a more or less distant region, where the home or place of business lies, or that of some neighbor; or to a golf field or athletic grounds. It is high time, however, to secure an approach to and develop more scenery like that of the Golden Hill section, where winding walks and drives run along the contours out to the extreme ends of the promontories, and one can look far away, down the canyons and over to the mountains and bay. In order to enjoy these views, it is a good idea to leave wide enough spaces between the groups of lofty trees that are planted on these eminences. There are a dozen or more promontories in the park that could be circled by winding contour drives with the result, when the planting has been done, of acquiring some of the finest panoramic effects in Southern California. As one studies the park more and more, one realizes what can be done in the way of development, but I am sure no one as yet has formed any adequate conception of the richness and beauty its scenery will display when once it reaches completion. The most vivid imagination, coupled with the utmost knowledge of parks, would fall far short of gaining a true conception of its full beauty. There is nothing with which to compare it. Nowhere in California, or in other semi-tropical countries, has such a well-organized undertaking absorbed the interest of the people. A world’s fair, astonishing and impressive as it may be, with its effective showing of the accomplishments of art and science, could never in the long run satisfy a city with its permanent results as would a fully developed park like that of San Diego.
Plea for Water Pipes
A strong plea for more water pipes on the park, I feel constrained to make. Any larger scheme of planting in the future would require a much larger water supply. At present the supply of water on the park is inadequate for the needs of the trees. Sight should never be lost of the importance of irrigation, for it lies at the bottom of all success in tree planting in this climate. This may seem a somewhat odd and trite remark, but I believe it needs repetition, for I find a tendency, even in San Diego, to think this or that tree will do well without water. This is not true. Some trees will stand better than others, but no tree will thrive well without water, especially when it is young.
And now, having considered some general ideas and experience in connection with the City park, let us take up a more detailed examination of the accompanying maps which I have prepared to explain more in detail the results of my study.
Sheet No. 1. In the neighborhood of Upas street, the plantations are somewhat gloomy and uninteresting in effect. There should be several trees removed at the end of the walk, where it touches Sixth street, and in their place should be planted bright colored peppers. To the rear of these in any opening close by that will permit it, should be set several eucalyptus. The actual removal of trees need not extend back more than 70 feet from the street, but there are several places where there is enough space to set out a pepper tree or a eucalyptus to give a better character to the growth of the region. Along Upas street in several openings, it would be well to plant specimens of Acacia Baileyana; and, opposite Seventh street, some more peppers. Following out the general scheme of outlining the boundaries of the park with sugar gums, there are three more trees planted between each street, about fifteen feet inside; a tree in front of each of the cross streets, and one half-way between. This arrangement is intended to extend, with certain variations depending on local condition, all around the park.
Several Promontories
On the east side of the drive as far as Quince street, the several promontories have already been planted to a considerable degree. They are given more character by using, in one case, E. Citriodora to lift the plantation higher. On another promontory, the strange forms of the Casuarina are used, to give a variety of effect where there are sufficient Eucalyptus to give the desired height. At intervals along the drive it will be seen that peppers are introduced to vary the somewhat somber appearance of that region. Across Pound canyon, nearly opposite Upas street, are arranged a number of Italian cypress to change radically the character of the planting in that region, and further south, opposite Spruce street, on the far side of Pound Canyon, many E. Citriodora, and, outside the group, peppers extending to the end of the promontories and somewhat down the steps.
Opposite Quince street, bordering on the winding drive running down into Pound canyon, is a high promontory on which has been placed a group of Guadaloupe cypress. The banks of this promontory, extending down to the drive, are especially raw and steep. It would be well to plant on the surface Mesembryanthemums.
Sheet No. 2. Opposite Olive street and just above is located a group of Pinus Canariensis, which is intended to extend somewhat down the slope toward the drive passing at that point. A little further down, on a high promontory overlooking a considerable stretch of Pound canyon, is a group of sugar gums surrounded by pepper trees. Somewhat further to the west and directly adjoining the boulevard is another group of sugar gums with a border of camphor trees. This group extends from Maple to Nutmeg streets.
Group of Sugar Gums
On another promontory, looking over Pound canyon, opposite Laurel street, is another group of sugar gums, bordered by a plantation of E. Cornuta Lehmani. Going southward to another point, we find still another group of sugar gums, but these are surrounded by Acacia Baileyana, with a straggling narrow group of Acacia Baileyana leading to the sugar gums bordered with E. Cornuta Lehmani.
Near Juniper street, running close to the east slope of the western boulevard, comes an irregular group of peppers. At the west corners of the boulevard, where it joins Juniper streets, are two groups of E. Cornuta Lehmani, and here and there bordering Juniper to Sixth street are several pepper trees to thicken and brighten the foliage at this point.
The treatment of Mulvey canyon extending from Juniper to Fir streets requires a good deal of planting along the slopes, leaving the extreme bottom comparatively unchanged, except by encouraging the natural growths of sumach and other wild shrubs. In the neighborhood of Juniper street, it is intended to plant around the steps a considerable mass of Acacia Baileyana. Along the borders of the canyon at intervals, the usual practice of planting sugar gums 150 feet apart is employed. Near Fir street several more sugar gums are used in order to shut out unsightly objects.
In front of Hawthorn street, extending across the canyon, are planted pepper trees. About half way up the slope of the west side of the canyon, and on both sides of the canyon in the spaces left open between the other planting, are used a number of Acacia Baileyana to correspond with similar acacias on the west side of the boulevard. At intervals among these acacias are located groups of sugar gums, especially near Juniper street. On the promontory extending out opposite Juniper street over the Pound canyon are planted a group of rubber trees, and among these are specimens of sugar gums to life [sic] the appearance of the entire group.
Find Acacia Baileyana
Going southward, we find on a neighboring promontory sugar gums and peppers and along the east side of the adjacent drive are a number of Acacia Baileyana. Still further to the south on another promontory are a number of sugar gums with pepper trees, and over the slope on the steep borders of the next canyon, opposite Fir street, are groups of Canary pines, and again on the further side of the same canyon are more of the same species. Nearing the adjacent drive, screening the head of the canyon, are a number of Acacia Baileyana. Around the children’s playground and across the junction of the two adjacent drives are pepper trees, and on a higher slope between the two drives to the north are sugar gums and a few pepper trees.
Coming up from Pound canyon in the neighborhood of Tenth street and so on around the children’s playground are more peppers. On the higher ground to the southeast are Canary pines. On both sides of Date street, three feet from the edge of the curb, are pepper trees, in no case directly opposite each other; and on the park side, among the trees in open spaces in the park and not on the sidewalk, are planted more peppers to increase the general effect of that tree. At intervals on either side of the curving walk, enclosing the space between Seventh and Ninth streets, near the children’s playground, are planted at irregular intervals, about sixty feet apart, pepper trees; and in each of the corners near Seventh and Ninth streets are added more peppers to strengthen the effect at these points.
Sheet No. 4. All the territory in the park near the entrance of Eleventh street, and extending to Date street on the north and Twelfth street on the east, having been planted with eucalyptus, peppers are used to make a border in front of them and mask the naked character of their stems.
Groups of Live Oaks
In a small canyon running along the border of the drive leading from the Pound canyon road at Eleventh street to the central boulevard, is to be planted a grove of live oaks, filling the entire hollow of the canyon. At the same time it is proposed to encourage the growth of sumachs and plant more of them. This grove is intended to be a memorial of the late Mr. George Cooke, landscape architect and former superintendent of parks.
The hill to the southwest of the high school is planted with a mass of sugar gums and pepper trees, with a group of E. Cornuta Lehmani and nearer still to the high school is a group of Guadaloupe cypress. Going down the road toward the Women’s home, we find a large part of the territory planted and in the neighborhood of the junction of the central boulevard, sugar gums with peppers along the drive, and a little further, on both sides of the road, are groups of Acacia Baileyana. Below the next junction with the Women’s home road are groups of peppers and eucalyptus. Along the south boundary between Russ high school and the Women’s home is planted an irregular mass of sugar gums and peppers, with the peppers inside looking toward the park. Entering at Eighteenth street, we find soon after passing the first road, that there are large open spaces between the gum trees. In these have been planted a considerable number of sugar gums and peppers.
Sheet No. 5. Starting at the Eighteenth street entrance and following along the road, I have used a lot of pepper trees which should be backed up along the outside boundary of the park adjoining the city with a number of sugar gums. At Twenty-fourth street, along the boundary, are fecting [sic] the mass of Monterey pines continuing along the ridge and perfecting the mass of Monterey pines above. Continuing further up the drive on the entire bare hillsides opposite Twenty-first and Twenty-third streets are planted a large group of sugar gums with peppers around the outskirts. On the level of this territory is a dry course of a winding stream over which has been erected a wooden bridge connecting a path from the Golden Hill section across to the center of the park. This bridge is planted along either side and along a considerable portion of the path nearby with wild sumach (Rhus-Laurina).
Keep Out of Certain Tract
It is the idea to keep out of this large level tract presentations (?) of eucalyptus and other lofty growing trees, confining the character of the growth to comparatively low shrubbery like sumachs, wild mahogany, Christmas holly, and Australian salt bushes. If the supply of water were sufficient, it would be good idea to have a large patch of alfalfa planted on these meadows, with outlying masses of sumach and other wild plants. This low wild shrubbery should be continued up the bottoms of all the neighboring canyons; in fact, all the bottoms of the canyons throughout the park should be planted with either vines or low shrubs of this character.
It is especially important to encourage by watering and cultivation all the native growths on the sides and in the hollows of the canyons.
Near the wooden bridge, on the main drive, is a stone bridge made of cement and cobbles. It is the idea to cover this entirely with vines such as theFicus ripens and plant in the neighborhood a mass of Acacia Baileyana. Continuing up the grade on the steep banks, should be planted the usual lot of sumachs, and on the top of the promontory the usual mass of eucalyptus and peppers.
Sheet No. 6. The most interesting new feature of road-making and planting suggested on this sheet is a drive extending on either side of the high plateau, winding around the bold promontory and enclosing the large level athletic field. This drive being high, is planted with the usual peppers and sugar gums. This specimen of park treatment is similar in theory to that of Golden Hill section and should be carried out on many other sections of the park, thereby adding to its scenic character.
Plants in Canyon
Between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eight streets is a shallow canyon and around this are planted in the usual way eucalyptus and peppers. As usual, the boundaries of this territory are marked with tall-growing eucalyptus. The borders of Twenty-eight street, running north from the southerly boundary of the park, are planted with mingled masses of peppers and eucalyptus.
The Golden Hill Territory is already planted with great beauty and picturesqueness, but there are certain points in it that can be improved. On two promontories, one looking north and the other looking west, it would be a good idea to plant on the slopes and the other looking west E Cornuta Lehmani. On the point and down the slope are to be planted Arizona cypresses.
Sheet No. 7. This sheet shows the bordering plantations of eucalyptus and peppers extending from Date street to Juniper and a little beyond, so as to mass the planting on both sides of the entrance. The main part of this sheet is occupied by a continuation of the promontory plantation on the other sheet, which includes the athletic grounds and gives an indication of the way in which the high promontories of the park should be encircled by drives and planted with lofty-growing trees.
The importance of adopting a name for the park has impressed me with renewed force during my present visit to San Diego. To call it the “city park” means nothing because all the park reservations are city parks. Some name that is distinctive, euphonious and that suits Southern California is what is wanted. There has been much discussion and many names have been suggested. It is not an unploughed field. Why not meet the question fairly now and settle it? There can be no better time. I would suggest the name of “Cabrillo Park.” It is distinctly euphonious and applies distinctly to this country, for was not Cabrillo even more the discoverer of San Diego than Columbus was the discoverer of America?
Fix Up La Jolla Park
La Jolla Park. The park at La Jolla is a bit of brown sand by the sea, comparatively level and about three acres in extent. The original plan has been partly carried out and I would suggest that the development be continued on the same lines, except as to the kinds of trees and shrubs. Experience has taught us much about the planting of this park. Close proximity to the seashore is trying to most trees and shrubs and for that reason many kinds have failed here. The cypresses, however, do well in such exposed places, as proven by the picturesque and vigorous Monterey specimens growing in one or two parts of the park. Even better than the Monterey cypresses, perhaps, are the Guadaloupe and Italian forms, and also the Arizona cypress, which is especially hardy wherever it has been tried. These cypresses are intended to be the chief attraction of La Jolla park. A number of the Halipensis pines also find acceptable employment. Perhaps the most satisfactory of the plants suited to this park are the lower-sized kinds, such as the Tamarisk, deciduous a very little while, which, everywhere around the world, loves the ocean. Then there is also the Australian salt bush, always vigorous in such places, the Pittisporums and the lovely Coprosomos Brewerii, with shining leaves. Wherever the trees do not occupy the ground of the park, the various beautiful kinds of Mesembryanthemums should be used, for they do particularly well on the seashore. There are other vines, like the Bougainvillea, that can also be used with success in such places. Many forms of cacti might be made to do excellent work on these seaside banks.
Along the southern side of the park is a boulevard, from which a wide opening across the lawns to the sea is carefully retained. Here, large beds of brilliant flowers are maintained. One of the best kinds that can be used for this exposure is the Agapanthus Lily, the great sky-blue flowers of which bloom a long time and give life and variety to the scenery. A park by the seashore, with cottages around it, welcomes the color of brilliant flowers provided they are properly arranged.
Old Town Plaza
Old Town Plaza. The historic interest and peculiar Mexican atmosphere which pervades Old Town, not only because the Ramona homestead is there, but also because the little group of buildings is largely Mexican in character, makes it difficult to treat the plaza in a sympathetic manner. It is a place where it would be easy to do too much and violate the harmony of the scenery which establishes the real value of the little town. Its fashion is that of the beginning of things in San Diego and it would be well if this atmosphere could be preserved to the end. There ought to be an understanding, of, if possible, a restriction of the character of all buildings hereafter erected in Old Town within a certain radius of the Ramona homestead, so that they could show the Mexican spirit. Adobe or cement walls, and flat roofs with perhaps tiles, or, at least, unpainted shingles should be used. It ought not to be difficult to do this, as the Mexican mission style of architecture is growing in favor all over California. When this idea is once accepted and enforced it ought to be easy to secure the removal of the more modern houses and have them replaced by new buildings designed in the appropriate style. Having designated the old Mexican scheme of architecture, one feels constrained also to insist on a similar restriction in respect to the character of park treatment. It is hardly a park, but a simple Mexican place or plaza, where people for various reasons gather together. Consequently, I am going to ask you to keep it as simple as possible — just the old-time space with a large well or pool in the center twenty feet wide, made with three-foot walls of rough coated cement two and one-half feet high, resting on a sandstone base perhaps six inches above the ground. This will give room for people to come together around the well or pool. The boulder with inscription could be lifted a little higher on its base so as to show above the water and be left there, or it could be moved with the flag staff just outside the pavement around the well. Across the square or plaza should run paths ten feet wide, both the long and short way of the plot, paved with the large old-fashioned Mexican brick. These paths should simply end at the extreme confines of the lot. In the four corners should be set sugar gums and peppers and also on either side of the entrance to the brick paths, with four more sugar gums along the boundaries as shown on the accompanying maps. Just enough trees are used to give a little shade, for the Mexicans were not given to trees in their squares. They seemed to want the open space.
Mission Hills Park. This park consists in large part of a deep ravine of a very picturesque character. I would suggest that two roads be led along the contours, on reasonably easy grades, to connect Washington street with Stephens Boone street and Randolph street. The conformation of the sides of this park suggests the use of live oaks on either side of the road, as shown on the accompanying map. Sumach and other wild-looking growths should be encouraged on the slopes below the oaks. Along the borders of the Catholic cemetery should be planted sugar gums with pepper trees in front of them looking toward the park. This treatment should also extend along the east side of the park.
SAMUEL PARSONS, Landscape Architect
List of trees and shrubs with numbers applying to accompanying sheets.
- Camphor tree
- Italian cypress
- Torrey pine
- Guadaloupe cypress
- Blackwood acacia
- Pinus Canariensis
- Pinus Halipensis
- Acacia Floribunda
- Cedar of Lebanon
- Casuarina Equisietifolia
- Eucalyptus Polanthema
- Ficus Nitida
- Schinus Molle (Pepper tree)
- Ficus Rubignosa (Rubber)
- Eucalyptus Corynocalyx (Sugar gum)
- Pinus Pinea
- Eucalyptus Citriodora
- Acacia Mollisaima
- Cedrus Deodora
- Eucalyptus Sideroxylon
- Cupressus Arizonicum
- Eucalyptus Cornuta Lehmani
- Cupressus Fastigiata (Italian cypress)
- Pinus Muricata
- Tamarix Africana
- Australian Salt Bush
- Quercus Agrifolia (Live oak)
- Acacia Latifolia
- Coprosma Brewerit
- Rhusintegrifolia
- Pittosporum Tobira
- Grevillea Thelmani
- Leptospermum Levigatum
- Acacia Baileyana
- Hakes Pugeoformis
- Melalenca Lencodendron
- Rhusiaurina
- Acacia Gravillis
- Carrisa Arduina
- Crataegus Lalandil
- Pittisporum Undulatum
San Diego Sun, July 6, 1910, 6:2. Cabrillo? No! says Wright and Luce.
Commissioners Wright and Luce oppose suggestion of architect Parsons, selection is postponed; name proposed by public will be considered at next meeting of Board. O’Hallaran seems to be in favor of Parsons’ suggestion. Senator L. A. Wright thinks the name of Marston would be more appropriate; also thinks Sierra, suggesting a high ridge or ravine, would be a good name. Judge Luce thinks Ocean View or Bay View or Spanish name suggestive of the same would be suitable. Wright and Luce finally agreed that the public should be consulted. Parsons’ report was ordered filed with the understanding that it shall be taken up for consideration at an early date.
San Diego Sun, July 7, 1910, 3:4. Park afire, O’Hallaran is called.
San Diego Sun, July 7, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Name for park.
San Diego Sun, July 8, 1910, 2:1-3. Letters offering names for park.
San Diego Sun, July 9, 1910, 3:1-4. Letters offering names for park.
San Diego Sun, July 9, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Name for park.
Personally, I am in favor of calling it Cabrillo park because he “saw it first.” How do we know that Cabrillo did not climb to the summit of Date street to view the bay and ocean? Is it not very probable that Cabrillo was the first man to set foot on the golf links, or to contemplate the Sefton deer pasture as a possible town lot to be sold to the future tourist enraptured of the climate and rich enough to enjoy it without building a factory to work up the raw material of the native products?
San Diego Sun, July 11, 1910, 1:1-2, 2:3-4. “Horton” and “Silver Gate” close in park name race.
San Diego Sun, July 11, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Name for park.
San Diego Sun, July 12, 1910, 2:1. Naming of park is up to people; Commissioners loath to take quick action on the matter.
San Diego Sun, July 14, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: The Park Commissioners didn’t name the park.
San Diego Sun, July 15, 1910, 11:2-3. Citizens much interested in naming park.
San Diego Sun, July 16, 1910, 2:1-2. Names for park submitted by Sun readers.
Park Commissioners Meeting, July 19, 1910. Hubbard presented two bear cubs to the park.
San Diego Sun, July 19, 1910, 10:2. Mrs. Hubbard offers cub bears for city park originally intended for resort; now up to Board.
San Diego Sun, July 20, 1910, 2:5. Park Commissioners agree to accept cub bears.
San Diego Sun, July 22, 1910, 1:7-8. Tired, little old lady couldn’t find park bears.
San Diego Sun, July 26, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: an Indian Village on this park would be a tourist attraction..
San Diego Sun, July 26, 1910, 5:5. Playgrounds can’t use city’s money.
San Diego Union, July 26, 1910, 8:1-2. La Jolla citizens pledge unanimous support to one million dollar Fair bonds.
San Diego Union, July 26, 1910, 9:1. Phil A. Stanton, Republican candidate for governor, promises aid to 1915 Fair.
San Diego Sun, July 27, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: “Nothing can head us off now, we are bound to have a zoo in the park.”
San Diego Union, July 27, 1910, 9:1. Citizens present strong pleas in support of Fair bonds; park improvement urged as one of the many good reasons for favorable vote; $10 prize to be given to writer of best letter on behalf of bonds; excerpts from interviews with G. A. Davidson, H. L. Moody and Dr. F. R. Burnham.
San Diego Union, July 27, 1910, 16. Booster’s Special over San Diego & Arizona will carry big crowd to present end of track in Mexico.
San Diego Sun, July 28, 1910, 1:6-7. Lady will bring wild cat before Park Board.
San Diego Sun, July 28, 1910, 3:7. Bears in den at park soon.
San Diego Union, July 28, 1910, 7:1. Fair Bond boosters plan grand finale for campaign; big meeting to be held on Brooklyn Heights tonight; final rally on plaza August 8.
San Diego Union, July 29, 1910, 5:1. First passenger train over San Diego & Arizona line leaves today.
San Diego Union, July 29, 1910, 10:1-2. Fair bonds meet approval of improvement clubs; residents in North Park district unanimously in favor of project; would down gas scheme; adopt resolution in favor of state building at Exposition.
Judge Haines expressed opposition to the bonds at a meeting of residents of Brooklyn Heights last night. He said Exposition would turn out to be a “regular midway.” Dr. F. R. Burnham denied he endorsed bonds: “I do not care to be quoted and I wish you to state that the interview in which my name was attached was unauthorized.”
San Diego Union, July 29, 1910, 18:1. Canvass shows sentiment for Fair bonds is almost unanimous; civic improvement issue is also favored; interviews with W. W. Gunnis, Dr. R. W. Austin, Arthur Marston, C. M. Gifford, Napoleon J. Roy, Walter Moore, Senator Leroy A. Wright.
San Diego Union, July 29, 1910, 18:2-3. What bonds cost taxpayer, by J. W. Sefton, Jr. . . . Bonds were voted in 1903, 1905 and 1907. The tax rate in 1904 was but sixteen cents per thousand dollars greater than the tax rate of 1903. In 1906, the tax rate was $1.32 per thousand dollars less than in 1905. In 1908, the tax rate was sixteen cents per thousand dollars greater than 1907.
San Diego Sun, July 30, 1910, 4:3-5. D. C. Collier considers Panama Canal celebration from a business standpoint.
San Diego Union, August 2, 1910, 16:1-3. Final rally for park bonds to be enthusiastic round-up campaign; to close with blare of trumpets; speakers will address assemblage from front of U.S. Grant Hotel on August 8, the eve of the election; letters of support from Mayor Grand Conard and L. J. Wilde.
San Diego Union, August 3, 1910, 6:1. Loyal citizens boost for Fair bonds at first dinner given in Grant Hotel; speakers appeal to civic pride.
San Diego Union, August 5, 1910, 10:1. 9th warders at rally urged to vote and boost for Fair bonds.
San Diego Sun, August 6, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: the new baby bears in the park.
San Diego Sun, August 6, 1910, 4:3-5. Judge M. A. Luce, member of Board of Park Commissioners, writes article on “The City Beautiful.”
San Diego Sun, August 6, 1910, 4:3-5. Park Improvement With Bonds, by J. W. Sefton, Jr.
San Diego Union, August 6, 1910, 5:1. Test vote results 57 to 0 for park improvement bonds.
San Diego Union, August 8, 1910, 6:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Some Suggestions for the Exposition Building Committee, by Director-General D. C. Collier.
As the site for the Panama-California Exposition has been chosen, it is evident that the Committee on Buildings and Grounds must soon proceed with permanent plans for improvement. The stockholders, on the occasion of their meeting held May 25, made choice of a site and approved the scope and general purpose of the Exposition submitted for their consideration, and we know of no reason why some of their number may not be allowed to make a few suggestions that may or may not find favor with the public. It is our belief that valuable time and effort may be saved by early action and with this end in view, we present the following brief summary, the result of considerable thought and discussion.
The problem of making permanent improvements in the park that will prove of lasting benefit to the City of San Diego and at the same time furnish a fit setting for such as Exposition as is proposed, is one that requires the highest type of professional ability. One of the earliest questions that is to be determined is the general type of architecture to be employed. In view of the historical character of the Exposition, we believe that the Mission style would be most appropriate, as typical of Southern California and emblematic of the entire southwest. It should produce a pleasing harmony and create in the mind of the visitor an interest in the romance of the Pacific. The style is severely simple and solid, and substantial buildings my be created at an expense much less than would be required by adoption of any of the classic styles.
Having in mind the Nolen plan, we are of the opinion that all permanent buildings should be located near the south side of the City Park, immediately back of, or adjoining the present High School site, more commonly know as the old Howard tract.
We herewith submit a drawing of this part of the City Park with the suggested locations for the various buildings marked thereon.
(See newspaper for drawing)
No. 1 represents a stadium which has been under consideration by our school board for some time, and which, when constructed, will eliminate the unsightly oval now used by the High School and obviate the necessity of taking money from the school fund for this purpose.
No. 2 located on the long, narrow point to the northeast, might be called the Auditorium, to be used as a public assembly building, large enough to house any public gathering, convention or delegation that might in the future visit San Diego.
No. 3, located on the point immediately adjoining to the southeast, to be used as a museum of archaeology and natural history.
No. 4, located in the shallow ravine, represents a Greek theater.
Nos. 5 and 6 might be the possible locations for State and National structures typical of our local history such as, for instance,
- A reproduction of the Cliff Dwellers of Arizona
- A Pueblo Village from New Mexico
- An Aztec village, the gift of Mexico
From the foregoing it will be seen that in this group of buildings the first four only will be built by the City of San Diego, and will represent the practical and the aesthetic. The last two groups we hope to obtain through the generosity of our sister republics as a lasting monument to the early history of this section of the world.
As to temporary structures, they must be largely determined by the character of the exhibits we will receive and would logically be placed upon the plateau immediately north and west of these buildings. Naturally this territory must be beautified and the laying out of paths, walks and vistas. The present boulevard might be widened and given the name of El Camino Real. Other buildings, gates and avenues throughout the Exposition grounds might be given such local names with which we are all familiar — names that were first used to designate the missions established by the Franciscan fathers up and down our coast.
The location of the Government Agricultural Experiment Station can only be determined after careful study of existing conditions by governmental authority.
The above are simply suggestions entirely devoid of detail, but we believe they will form the basis of one of the most beautiful and educational as well as unique group of buildings for any purpose.
San Diego Union, August 8, 1910, 7:6-7. Leading citizens of Portland and Seattle tell of benefits derived from their Expositions.
San Diego Sun, August 9, 1910, 1:1. Exposition bonds carried by a vote of 10 to 1.
San Diego Sun, August 9, 1910, 1:3. What It Means, by D. C. Collier.
San Diego Sun, August 9, 1910, 1:7-8. Gas bonds lost.
San Diego Union, August 9, 1910, 7:1-4. Thousands pack streets and cheer speakers at final bond rally last night; celebration between the hours of 8 and 10; lights gleaming for first time from front of U. S. Grant Hotel; estimated 10,000 people on D. Street from 3rd to 4th; parade, mounted police, automobiles, city guard band, Spanish matadors; Senora Gertrude Alta, oldest woman in California in a buggy brought round the Horn; Father Junipero Serra; to altar boys; 2 Mexican-style vaqueros mounted on burros; Spanish carreta made by Frank Whaley many years ago and covered with ferns and flowers; float representing first ship passing through Panama Canal designed, built and decorated by Paul Thiene; beauties on ship scattered flowers; old Hinton stage coach; stage operated at one time between Old Town and Los Angeles; cavalcade of cowboys.
Carl Heilbron, chairman of committee for arrangements; speeches by J. W. Sefton, Jr., Mayor Grant Conard, George Burnham, Frank Thomas, G. A. Davidson, D. C. Reed, A. E. Dodson, Judge C. N. Andrews, D. C. Collier, Judge T. J. Hayes.
Collier: “As I was making my way to this platform tonight, I was handed a document headed ‘Boost! Boost!’ It should have been headed ‘Knock! Knock!’ I hoped that the knockers were all dead or converted. I would far prefer the latter, but if they will not be converted, well —
“The knockers remind me of the Irish assessor who charged his friend $40 for owning a goat. The friend protested and the Irishman showed him the law, which specified a certain taxation for front feet abutting and abounding on streets. When asked the connection, the assessor said, ‘An shure, Molke, yer go-o-at is a-butting’ an’ a-boundin’ at people all ar the time.
“That’s like the knockers — they are ‘a-buttin and a-boundin’ all of the time, but they are producing no results. That’s all a knocker can do.
“I can look back at the day when it was suicidal for a man to stand before the people and advocate a bond proposition. Los Angeles people used to say that San Diego was so bad that even a skunk would lose his scent — time upon a time, they said there was nothing in San Diego but sand and fleas. How different things are now.
“Look across the street and see the signs present on the boarding around the Wilde fountain. When Los Angeles held her aviation meet, a train, absolutely unique in the history of this country, was sent from here. It contained 45 automobiles, the property of individuals, and these were used in parading up and down the streets of Los Angeles displaying those same signs you see across there. Heading the procession was a San Diego band. They showed the people of Los Angeles that San Diego had at last thrown off her swaddling clothes and was finally ready to take her place among the cities of California.
“Many days, weeks and months of incessant labor have followed. Tonight we are at the point of a momentous decision. Tomorrow the United Press and the Associated Press will flash out to the world one of two messages — the one will predict the greatest of futures for our city — the other will mean oblivion.
“It’s up to you men and the women who tell you how to vote. Maybe the message will say that San Diego has fallen down, but it is my belief that it will blaze forth to the world that the city has already given $20 (?) per capita in permanent subscription will vote for an equal amount in bond issue and will tell everyone that we have made good. Our faith is pinned to the loyalty and civic pride of San Diegans.”
San Diego Sun, August 10, 1910, 1:7-8. Election freakish; Exposition bonds carried by about 6-1/2 to 1; vote was 4,576 to 705; road items and one sewer bonds proposition defeated.
San Diego Union, August 10, 1910, 1:1-2. Exposition bonds carry by 7 to 1 vote; bonds for $13,000 for Old Mission and Fort Stockton memorial grounds defeated; bonds for $1,500,000 for municipal gas and electric plant defeated.
San Diego Union, August 10, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Exposition Is Assured.
San Diego Union, August 13, 1910, 5:4. Director General Collier and party of boosters reach San Francisco.
San Diego Union, August 14, 1910, 15:1. San Diegans speak at big banquet of boosters in north; Collier says, “We are here to suggest and receive suggestions.”
San Diego Sun, August 16, 1910, 9:3. Sunbeams: Children visiting the cages feeding candy to two baby bears.
San Diego Union, August 16, 1910, 7:1. Both parties have ratified “Washington agreement” which demarks scope of San Diego and San Francisco expositions, said Collier, who returned from San Francisco yesterday; San Diego exposition to be a southwestern and Latin-American exposition; San Diego to seek federal appropriation of agricultural and experimental station and state appropriation for a permanent agricultural college and forestry school.
San Diego Union, August 17, 1910, 1. Hiram Johnson elected governor.
San Diego Union, August 18, 1910, 1. Spalding 1,500 votes behind Works for U S. Senate.
San Diego Sun, August 22, 1910, 3:5-6. Councilman Frank Salmons, Monday, declared all the municipal bonds would have carried if the Fair directors and the Chamber of Commerce had kept their word to work for them.
Park Commissioners Meeting, August 23,1910. Samuel Parsons’ bill for professional services was allowed, the amount being $400.
San Diego Sun, August 23, 1910, 2:5-6. Pursell gets busy at 11th hour; many teams and men at work.
San Diego Sun, August 23,1910, 3:1-2. Sefton says Exposition not to be blamed in bond matter.
San Diego Sun, August 25, 1910, 3:3. Tropical trees to be planted in city park; Park Board members held a conference with Monrovia nurseryman who had returned from jungles of Africa.
San Diego Sun, August 25, 1910, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Two Celebrations.
San Diego Union, August 25, 1910, 10:2-4. Directors name Building Committee: G. W. Marston, chairman; A. G. Spalding (highway commissioner); Leroy A. Wright (park commissioner); Thomas O’Hallaran (park commissioner); Judge M. A. Luce (park commissioner); Russel C. Allen (fruit grower0; Howard M. Kutchin (capitalist).
San Diego Sun, August 27, 1910, 1:6-7. A plan for a great Pan-American University to occupy the buildings of the Panama-California Exposition at the conclusion of the Fair in 1915 was introduced at a meeting of the Michigan Society, held at Mission Cliff Pavilion, Friday night.
San Diego Sun, August 27, 1910, 3:2-3. Park Board members on Exposition building committee.
San Diego Union, August 30, 1910, 14:1. Collier goes to Los Angeles to represent city at bond issue conference; will meet San Francisco and Los Angeles legislators at latter place; discussion will touch on Exposition and harbor projects.
San Diego Union, August 31, 1910, 16:4. Board of Park Commissioners claim G. W. Pursell line has widened roadbed through City Park to 100 feet instead of 60 feet granted by franchise.
San Diego Sun, September 3, 1910, 4:3-5. The Objects and Aims of the Industrial Workers of the World, by Laura Payne Emerson.
San Diego Sun, September 6, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: Labor Day parade.
San Diego Sun, September 10, 1910, 1:7. Marston made chairman and O’Hallaran secretary of Exposition building committee at get-acquainted meeting.
San Diego Sun, September 15,1910, 12:4. A mass meeting was held in the open air Friday evening in Golden Hill Park, under the joint auspices of the Golden Hill and Brooklyn Heights Improvement Clubs, the Children’s Playground Association, and the Board of Park Commissioners to consider plans for the improvement of the 40-acres playgrounds and the building of a Field House on the high ground across the canyon east of the Golden Hill park improvements.
Park Commissioners Meeting, September 6, 1910. It was the sense of the Board that all shooting permits for the park be canceled on October 1.
San Diego Sun, September 20, 1910, 1:7-8. Landlords of Red-light are facing prosecution.
San Diego Sun, September 21, 1910, 7:5. Colonel Collier is right there on any topic.
September 22, 1910, Correspondence on Location of Exposition, 1900-1914, Marston File, San Diego History Center Research Library . . . Marston’s letter to Nolen.
Building and Grounds Committee: A. G. Spalding, G. E. Allen, H. M. Kutchin, Colonel Collier,
- W. Marston
Park Commissioners: Wright, Luce, O’Hallaran.
First choice for landscape architect – Daniel Burnham
Second choice – wavering between Olmsted Brothers and John Nolen
San Diego Union, September 25, 1910, 10:1. First piece of construction work done in preparing for Fair was improving waterfront from E to D Streets at a cost of $250,000; architect Nolen making plans.
San Diego Union, September 29, 1910, 9:1. Sefton to resign as Fair director; prepares for world tour; takes effect October 1; will also resign as Chairman of Publicity Committee.
San Diego Sun, September 30, 1910, 1:7-8. Wilde buys half of Grant Hotel.
San Diego Union, September 30, 1910, 8:1. Sefton resignation refused; appointed “Director of Exploitation and Publicity.”
San Diego Union, October 6, 1910, 7:2. Plan to regrade Park Boulevard from City Park to El Cajon Avenue with a parking strip in center; graded in 1888 by College Hill Land Association; surfaced with oil “several years ago”; meeting of University Heights Improvement Association.
Board of Park Commissioners, October 18, 1910. Commissioners decided to go over the Pursell road and location of the station; the location finally decided upon being at the junction of Grape and 27th Streets.
San Diego Sun, October 19, 1910, 12:2. Grading through park completed; Pursell is busy; shows Park Commissioners work he has done; much money; ornamental station to be located at a point about even with Grape Street.
San Diego Union, October 20, 1910, 11:1. 4th annual exhibition of San Diego Floral Association closed last night; A. D. Robinson: “San Diego needs a botanical garden containing a permanent exhibit which could easily be maintained by the Association, the exhibit to be free to visitors.”
San Diego Union, October 23, 1910, IV, 25:6. Yorick’s comments about A. D. Robinson’s suggestion of a botanical garden.
San Diego Union, October 27, 1910, 5:2. Complete roadbed of Pursell line in City Park; San Diego, El Cajon & Escondido Railway will commence laying rails when more grading is pushed in direction of La Mesa; biggest piece of drainage work being done in the park is a point where the road will cross the boulevard; plans being drawn for a bridge t span boulevard, 40 feet long and 12 feet above highway; a fill 13 feet in height made across canyon.
San Diego Sun, October 28, 1910, 6:2. John C. Olmstead [sic] of Boston and John Galen Howard are coming to San Diego soon to confer with members of Park Commission on plans for laying out the big park for the Exposition.
San Diego Sun, October 28, 1910, 12:1. (see also San Diego Evening Tribune, October 28, 1910, 6:1): Balboa is name for big park: Commission suddenly decides, October 27, that big playground needs a handle; name was chosen from hundreds that were offered at meeting of Building and Grounds Committee with members of City Park Commission yesterday; “Horton,” “Silver Gate” and “Cabrillo” considered; “someone suggested” Balboa..
San Diego Union, October 28, 1910, 9:1. Balboa Park chosen as name of city’s pleasure ground; selection made by members of Commission; unanimous decision reached after long consideration of question; name chosen October 27 at a meeting of the city Park Commission with members of Building and Grounds Committee of the Panama-California Exposition. . . . City Charter amended in 1905 to provide an annual park appropriation based on assessed valuation of the city now exceeds $20,000 per year.
Balboa Park Name
Thomas O’Hallaran Scrapbook (California Room, San Diego Public Library)
George W. Marston, H. M. Kutchin and D. C. Collier present at a joint meeting
Daniel Cleveland (San Diego Union, May 30, 1926) gives November 1, 1910 as date
Geo. W. Marston (History of City Parks, p. 11) gives November 1, 1910 as date
Leroy A. Wright (San Diego Union, March 17,1935) gives November 1, 1910 as date
Leroy A. Wright puts Marston, Kutchin and Collier at meeting
Board of Park Commissioners, November 1, 1910. A resolution was adopted naming the 1400-acre city park “Balboa Park,” all present concurring.
San Diego Union, May 27, 1918, 4:2-4. Gives Harriett Phillips as author of name and puts O’Hallaran, Luce and Wright at meeting.
December 29, 1910, Document 38825, filed January 3, 1911 (City Clerk’s Office, San Diego): Letter Thomas O’Hallaran, Secretary Board of Park Commissioners to City Council . . . Balboa Park officially named November 1, 1910. Name ratified by State Legislature in 1911 (Statutes 1911, Chapter 286, Section 3).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
San Diego Sun, October 29, 1910, 4:1-3. Under the Peppers in the Park: comment on name “Balboa” for park.
San Diego Union, October 29, 1910, 8:1. L. G. Monroe engaged to boom San Diego’s Exposition as secretary; was newspaperman and booster of Spokane and eastern Washington.
October 31, 1910, Correspondence on location of Exposition, 1910-1914, Marston File, San Diego History Center Research Library.
Letter to Marston from Samuel Parsons & Company: Parsons would like the job of landscape
architect for the Exposition but cannot give it full time; wants opportunity to consider the
planting scheme to see if it corresponds with his original ideas.
San Diego Union, November 5, 1910, 8:1. Letters from foreign countries show interest in Exposition.
San Diego Union, November 6, 1910, 17:1. John C. Olmsted, eastern landscape artist, comes to San Diego to plan Exposition grounds; John Galen Howard, San Francisco architect, “will construct the buildings to be permanent structures and monuments to the enterprise of the city.” . . .
Olmsted: “I am sorry to say I cannot give you my opinion of San Diego as I arrived after dark. I am favorably impressed with your streets, especially with the group of lights which illuminate them. One thing should be eliminated. That is the unsightly billboard nuisance, which I noticed even though it was dark.”
San Diego Union, November 7, 1910, 5:2-3. Olmsted impressed with Balboa Park: “It would be interesting for people to see the land in its wild state. Not that improvements and a lot of them will be necessary for the novelty’s sake. I don’t know how feasible the scheme will be, but my idea is to put in the improvements on the outside of the tract, comprising the larger portion of the acreage, leaving the interiors in their natural manner, save for the installation of grass plots and shade trees here and there.”
San Diego Union, November 8, 1910, 9:1. Olmsted confers with Commissioners on plans for Balboa Park; George W. Marston, chairman of city Park Commission.
San Diego Union, November 11, 1910, 16:2-3. John C. Olmsted outlines plans for Exposition buildings and park improvements.
December 7, 1910. Correspondence on location of Exposition, 1910-1914, Marston File, San Diego History Center Research Library.
Letter Olmsted Brothers regarding employment of Mr. Blossom from Olmsted firm.
December 9, 1910. Olmsted Brothers approved as landscape architects for Exposition.
San Diego Sun, November 10, 1910, 11:7. The Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Panama-California Exposition Wednesday afternoon decided to employ John C. Olmsted, landscape architect, to lay out the city park for the Exposition.
San Diego Sun, November 12, 1910, 7:1-2. Judge M. A. Luce says Balboa Park is no garbage ground.
San Diego Sun, November 12, 1910, 7:2. D. C. Collier, who has large interests at La Mesa Springs, has generously donated to the people of the town a park that will be known as the “Collier Park”; lies between La Mesa Springs and the Collier Medicine Springs, southeast of the town.
San Diego Sun, November 17, 1910, 1:4-5. Autos in crash on bad curve in Balboa Park; new Tibbals machine strikes small Flanders car, driven by Mr. Darling, both being damaged; came near going off grade.
San Diego Union, November 27, 1910, 9:2-3. Reproduction of first postcard of series of ten Exposition subjects to be used to advertise Exposition by San Diegans mailing to friends, clubs and societies to assist novel plan of advertising.
San Diego Sun, November 29, 1910, 4:5-6. Charles Cristadoro urges botanical garden for the park.
San Diego Sun, November 30, 1910, 1:2-3. Park Commissioners are indulging in christenings; name city park and everything in it without consulting the citizens who are expected to stand for these pet names for all time to come; Commissioners now naming plateaus and canyons.
San Diego Sun, December 1, 1910, 1:3. Lovers Hiding Behind the Benches: “There are all kinds of benches there if the people only knew it,” said a Park Commissioner Thursday. “Fellows and girls pull them down out of the open under trees where nobody can see them and where their love-making will be uninterrupted. Consequently, all our benches are hidden by trees and the average visitor to the park thinks that none have been provided.”
San Diego Sun, December 2, 1910, 3:2-3. Sunbeams: objects to name “Balboa” for park.
San Diego Sun, December 2, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: the park and the Panama Canal celebration.
San Diego Union, December 4, 1910, 10:1. Arizona plans to make big exhibit at Exposition.
San Diego Sun, December 5, 1910, 4:2-3. When Balboa came west.
San Diego Sun, December 7, 1910, 8:3. Sunbeams: more criticism of “Balboa”; “Silver Gate” favored.
San Diego Union, December 7, 1910, 20:1. Guadalupe, West Indies, to have exhibit at Exposition.
San Diego Sun, December 13,1910, 3:1. Half million dollars for buildings in park.
San Diego Sun, December 14, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park; the Exposition and the Park.
San Diego Sun, December 14,1910, 9:5. Olmsted talks of park plans for Exposition.
San Diego Sun, December 19, 1910, 16:1. Country Club to have fine home at park’s edge.
San Diego Sun, December 23,1910, 2:4. Rock pile and City Pound must move; Park Commission orders city and county out.
San Diego Sun, December 27, 1910, 1:4. Seek new name for park; Council wants to hear from Commission; wants a popular choice.
December 28, 1910. Bertram Goodhue wrote letter to Elmer Gray inquiring about post of Exposition architect; Goodhue was summoned to San Diego (date unknown), Esther McCoy, “Five California Architects.”
San Diego Sun, December 30, 1910, 4:1-2. Under the Peppers in the Park: the rock pile and the pound.
San Diego Sun, December 30, 1910, 4:4-5. No “Balboa Park” for these citizens.
Board of Park Commissioners, December 13, 1910. Mr. Cleveland presented a request from the Anti-Tuberculosis Society for permission to erect an Anti-Tuberculosis Hospital on the grounds of Balboa Park; request was denied, it being beyond the power of the Board to grant such permission. . . . The Board approved the expenditure of $300 for a bird cage to be built in the Golden Hill Park by Superintendent Christopher.
Board of Park Commissioners, December 27, 1910. Mr. Olmsted and the Board to inspect the park Thursday afternoon.
Return to Amero Collection.
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