Balboa Park History 1912

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912. Building record in 1911 was $5,703,605
as against 4,005,200 in 1910 and 1,632,200 in 1909

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, Section ?. 7:1-3. Parks Abound in Beauty; Masses of Bloom Please Visitors; City Spares No Expense in Beautifying Playgrounds for Her People.

Playgrounds are a necessity to any city, those beauty spots where men and women and children may go to get away from household or business cares and seek recreation by getting near the heart of Nature. They are doubly a necessity in a place like San Diego where God’s sunshine is out of doors and everyone seeks the outside to breathe the pure air and drink in the natural beauty of the surroundings.

The city of San Diego has an abundance of parks. They are beauty spots that are used too, visited every month of the year by thousands and thousands of persons. San Diego’s parks, for the half of the year, are not draped in a mantle of snow or put out of commission by blizzards and layers of ice. There is not a week in the year when vegetation, luxurious in its verdure, is not nodding in the breeze from the distant sea. There is not a day when flowers are not blossoming in the open air along the edges of the walks. A San Diego park is a park 365 days in the year, and is used as such.

Balboa Park Beautiful

There is Balboa park, a mere trifle of 1,400 acres, which crowns the crest of the hill at the edge of the downtown district of the city. Acre by acre, it has been and is being reclaimed, set to shrubs and trees and flowers, becoming an earthly paradise. It is entered through any one of a score of entrances. There are winding walks, bordered by flowers and shaded by trees, that lead in a rambling fashion to the crest of the hill. There are rest places every rod or so. And when the crest of the hill is reached, there is a wide, open space where benches are scattered about, and here a person may site and rest and look out upon the scene before him.

Directly beneath him he will see the business section of the city, its streets black with men and women, thousands of automobiles darting here and there. To one side is one of the residence sections, glimpses of the houses being seen through masses of flowers and palms. Back of him is more residence section, as far as the eye can see, with the broad, well-paved streets, the neat homes, the children romping across the lawns. To the other side are canyons, rough country, and in the distance, in bas-relief against the southern sky, the mountains of the Mexican state of Lower California.

The he can raise his head and look beyond the business section of the city. There is the bay, busy with shipping. There is the channel, with, perhaps, half-a-dozen gigantic cruisers or battleships anchored in it. There is beautiful Point Loma and Fort Rosecrans and the government reservation, the lighthouse, the wireless station, the military and naval cemetery with it huge shaft erected to the memory of those who lost their lives on the gunboat Bennington.

Coronado in Distance

Beyond the bay is the island of Coronado, with its hundreds of pretty homes and its great resort hotel and its tent city and resort and recreation buildings. To the right is North Island where the hangars are, from which the nation’s greatest aviators start in flight, working like heroic pioneers to solve one of the greatest mysteries of all time.

And beyond that is the Pacific, sparkling in the glory of the sunshine and Coronado islands, score of miles out, and perhaps a vessel or two rounding Point Loma and entering the waters of the bay. It is a scene that can be enjoyed hour after hour because of its beauty and its unusual environment, and because, to a certain extent, it is constantly changing. IT never grows monotonous, this view from the crest of the hill in Balboa Park.

(The article goes on to describe briefly the attractions of Mission Cliff Gardens, the New Town park, and the Plaza.)

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, IV, 8:1-2. Harrison Albright helps build city; designed Union building, Spreckels theater, U. S. Grant Hotel, Timken building, Coronado public library, Spreckels’ residence.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, V, 1:1-6. Work on San Diego’s Big Fair Begun; Laborers Start to Build Magic City thousands will visit in few years; Unique plans followed.

The Building and Grounds committee of the Panama-California International Exposition has adopted the plans and estimates of Director of Works Frank P. Allen and the designs for the administration and California buildings drawn by Bertram G. Goodhue. Work began on the grading and on the foundations for the administration building November 6, 1911.

These plans comprehend one of the most beautiful architectural compositions that has ever been devised, a California landscape filled with examples of Spanish-Colonial architecture, designed by Bertram G. Goodhue, the highest authority in the world on architecture of this style.

(This article is the same as the article published in The San Diego Sun, September 25, 1911, 1:4-5, 10:3, which see.)

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, V, 4 & 5. Diagram showing Exposition grounds as they will look when buildings are completed.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, V, 4:1-5. Idea of Exposition is instant success.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, V, 6-1-2 Unique exhibits to play big part in drawing great crowds.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, V, 13-14., VII, 1-3. Prominent citizens help plan for Fair.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, V, 6:1-7. San Diego’s Fair will be vastly different; Balboa Park to be scene of beauty; Brazil has great plans; Diagram of plan lists Frank P. Allen, Jr. as Director of Works; Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue as consulting architect, and Irving J. Gill as associate.

San Diego Union, January 1, 1912, XVII, 7:1-4. J. Clyde Power, eastern landscape architect, says Balboa Park has great prospects.

That Balboa Park possesses potentialities which, with time and pains, will permit of its being transformed into one of the finest parks in the country, is the opinion of J. Clyde Power of Washington, DC, a distinguished eastern landscape engineer, who visited in San Diego recently. It was the third visit Mr. Powers had made to San Diego in the last five or six years, and it gave him a good opportunity for judging the amount of improvement made in the park in the meantime.

“I went over a part of Balboa park and was greatly surprised to find so much improvement,” said Mr. Power, who can speak with authority on such topics, having been landscape engineer for the city of Indianapolis for twelve years, and having also passed several years in the service of the government as an engineer. “It is certainly a beautiful location, and there is no reason it cannot be developed into a most beautiful place. In a few years it will develop into as fine a park as there is in the country.”

Parks of Ancient Days

Passing from a discussion of the local grounds to one of parks in general, Mr. Power said:

“In looking over the history of the past we find that public parks are not modern inventions, as had been supposed, but have been objects of interest since the dawn of civilization. Back in the days of Nebuchadnezar we are told that the hanging gardens of Babylon were most beautiful and certainly they must have been, for they are handed down to us in history as one of the seven wonders of the world. Then the great Solomon tells us that in his wonderful gardens he had all the beauties of the floral world, together with wondrous fountains and flowing rivers. We also go back to the early history of Damascus and learn that Naaman the Leper described the beauties of the Abana and Pitarar rivers and their surroundings. Again, nine hundred years later, Mohammed the Prophet sadly turned away from Damascus with its beautiful parks and gardens, fearing that the paradise of this world might so entrance him that he would denied entrance into the next, and, we are told, that in the descriptions of this hereafter, which he gave to his followers, one of his strong points was that of natural scenery outdoing beautiful old Damascus.

Decline of Parks

“For many years parks were lost in the general turmoil which ensued, during which time highway robbery and war seemed to be the principal pursuits, and people were divided into two classes — the proprietors of vast tracts of land, holding them by might, and common people, who serve these landed proprietors in any manner necessary.

“In the course of time many of these tracts of land were consolidated, and we next hear of public, and a little later of royal forests. These, however, were generally game preserves for their owners, or served as sources of revenue in furnishing timber for construction purposes. At the same time the common people were allowed pasturage, and were permitted to gather firewood from these forests. After a time the idea occurred and the thought grew that these vast forests, nearly as nature had left them, were of much value to the public at large, and by reason of the waning of property rights, or probably by the demands of the common people, these forests became public parks or public forests. England and France have many such places, some of them being ‘New Forest,’ ‘Epping Forest,’ ‘Hempstead Heath,’ ‘Bois de Boulogne,’ and ‘Bois de Vincennes.’ In England, most of these forests are kept in the natural state, while in France many artificial means are used to combine with the natural.

A Debt to France

“To the French we owe more than to any other people for the great results obtained from their ideas have had much influence on the park of today. They taught us that in and around our cities are lands, that for practical purposes, are nearly valueless, unless great amounts of money are spent on them, and that seve as dumping grounds and the abode of squatters, and, as such, are dangerous to public health and morals, which can be transformed into beautiful parks. No matter what the cost in dollars and cents, it is cheap when a city can eliminate her unsightly, unhealthy, filthy and worthless lands and from them produce that which is beneficial to both the health and morals of the community. One place I have in mind, that of the ‘Parc des Buttes Chaumont’ in Paris, which were formerly a number of abandoned stone quarries, containing about sixty acres, was converted into a beautiful pleasure ground, and on account of the transformation and present condition it is noted throughout the world.

“When we look at America in our densely settled parts, much younger in settlement than any of the foreign countries, we do not see vast tracts of forests which may be used for parks, but instead, we have to follow the French plan and produce a combination, which conserves the natural beauty and affect, and, at the same time, supplies sufficient of the artificial to render the parks handsome and convenient for those who use them. Some of the early settlers of this country had ideas, which seemed to lead toward parks, for every little town of the eastern states had its commons, usually one or more squares in the center of the town. On these commons the people had the right of pasturage, or cutting hay, firewood or building timber. As long as they remained common property good care was taken of them and the officers of the town often took action regarding their usage. For instance, about 1650 an order was passed by the selectmen in several New England towns that ‘No one shall fell any tree upon the commons without the consent of the selectmen.’

Early Conservationists

“In 1673 the town of Stoneham, Massachusetts, appointed an officer to inspect the number and bigness of the trees cut down in Cewar swamp, for shingles and posts were in demand. The early settlers were keen to observe that the destruction of the forests would not do, as in shown by the fact that in 1639 the provisional government was petitioned to order ‘that whosoever shall kindle a fire in other men’s grounds, or in any common ground, shall be fined forty shillings.’ Similar care and forethought would have been beneficial to all the country. After a time we find these commons disappearing, and in 1694 one of the New England towns appointed a commission to divide the common land among the citizens, and so this went on until Boston Commons is the largest and only important tract which has always been common land. Still these older settlers possessed an eye for the beautiful, for just after the revolution it was ordered: ‘Whereas a number of people have manifested a desire to set out trees for shade near the meeting house and elsewhere about the town, and the town being desirous of encouraging such a measure, voted that any person that shall injure or destroy such trees shall pay a fine of not exceeding twenty shillings for each offense.’ These were wise precautions, and who can go to any of the New England towns today and enjoy the shade of the majestic elms and maples without thinking of the wisdom of a hundred years ago in this particular, and endorsing the old adage that ‘he who plants a tree works for posterity.’

Our First Park

“It took a long time in this country to imbibe the park idea, and it was not until the establishment of Central Park in New York in 1856 that the ‘first step’ was taken to secure a good-sized park. Other cities gradually followed the example, and now there is scarcely a city of any size but has secured or is endeavoring to secure land for a rural park; for it has become a recognized fact that no matter how much a system of small parks and the connecting highways may benefit a city, still, in the bustle of our nerve-exhausting city life, there is a necessity for parks of such extent that the tired mind, as well as the body, may with nature seek rest and refreshment. The improvement of parks for the use of the people is an important thing. Too many hands and too many ideas will spoil anything,, and it requires no mean mind to grasp an entire park proposition and produce results which in after years will show proper handling. It takes years for parks to grow, and, if handled intelligently, they are things of beauty; but, if not, they are abominations.”

San Diego Sun, January 2, 1912, 8:2. Sunbeams: City Park has its attractions.

San Diego Union, January 3, 1912, 3:5. Order of Panama to be organized; Charter members will hold dinner and meeting on Friday; E. O. Tilburne, organizer.

San Diego Union, January 3, 1912, 12:1. Exposition may include agriculture as part of show; letter from Belgian indicates widespread interest in 1915 Exposition; mimic Panama Canal surrounded by native flora suggested.

Monsieur Pulickx Eeman of 258 Chaussees des Bruges Gand, Belgium, writes the Panama-California Exposition:

“Will you I pray make known to me if there will be at your exposition a section for aviculture and horticulture and temporary exhibits of these two branches and at what date? Thanking you very kindly. Signed: Pulickx Eeeman.”

The gentleman encloses a postcard of Belgium which carries the advertisement of the exposition held in that city last November, an annual affair in that country.

There is nothing to prevent one of the finest exhibits of aviculture ever assembled. The climate of this city is such that the whole exhibit can be kept here the entire year and in the open air. There will be no necessity for expensive buildings such as have been required at other expositions and European faciers can ship their exhibits here with the knowledge that Jack Frost will not damage them and that hot weather will not interfere with keeping the exhibits right up to standard.

The exposition already has an interest in the science of aviculture and has offered a handsome trophy I competition that will not be won outright until 1915. It will be contested for at the coming poultry show of the San Diego Fanciers’ association.

As to horticulture, the Panama-California Exposition will in itself be the most complete exhibition of horticulture ever held in the United States. Here again the climate affords an advantage and plans already laid out are for the most complete and beautiful display of scientific horticulture ever shown. On whole section of the exposition is to be given over to lath and green houses, hot houses and propagating gardens, and it has been proposed by the U.S. agricultural department to construct a miniature Panama Canal and line it with the very flora and vegetation that surrounds the construction camps of the canal engineers.

Another foreigner who is expected here shortly is Dr. Eugenio Dahne who, if his present plans do not fail, will bring with him an engineer of the Brazilian government to investigate and survey the site of the Brazilian building. As Brazil was one of the first countries of Latin America to signify an intention and desire to exhibit here, she has been given the choicest site, a move proved to have been a wise one from the fact that Brazil, complimented by the action, has signified her intention to spend more on her building and exhibit than all the other South American countries put together, with the possible exception of Argentina.

A reply has been sent to Monsieur Eeeman and an effort will be made to secure his cooperation at the exposition.

San Diego Union, January 3, 1912, 12:2. School of American Archaeology to meet here next September; Collier and Goodwin make arrangements during trip to Pittsburgh. . . . Washington, Jan. 2 – Col. D. C. Collier and Director Goodwin of the exposition company, one just back from New York and Pittsburgh, in the latter place attending sessions of the Archaeological Institute of America, of which they were elected life members. It was arranged that the School of American Archaeology shall meet in San Diego next September, when delegates from all parts of the world will attend.

Col. Collier is highly pleased with this achievement, which is only one of the many things he did in the interest of the exposition and San Diego regarding details connected with exposition plans, and got many valuable ideas.

Collier and Goodwin have been conferring today with John A. Fox, newly appointed commissioner at large for the exposition, regarding plans for promotion and exploitation.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, January 5, 1912. Board has not given up jurisdiction of that section of the park turned over to Exposition management . . . Board requested Mr. Masten to have specifications drawn up in regard to 6th Street opening.

San Diego Sun, January 5, 1912, 2:1-2. Order of Panama will be formed here tonight.

San Diego Sun, January 6, 1912, 8:2. Order of Panama officers elected.

San Diego Union, January 6, 1912, 20:1. Order of Panama is formed; members are all boosters.

San Diego Sun, January 8, 1912, 1:7-8. Council comes to assistance of unemployed; penniless men put to work on pueblo lands; Park Board also asked to aid with that million in bonds; Supervisors scored for failing to cooperate.

San Diego Sun, January 8, 1912, 8:1. Collier to fight for Exposition support; Senate committee will meet Monday, January 15.

San Diego Union, January 9, 1912, 15:1. Finished plans for new Polytechnic School accepted; Board of Education passes on drawings of Quayle Brothers & Cressey.

San Diego Union, January 10, 1912, 8:1. Playgrounds show marked advance during year.

San Diego Sun, January 11, 1912, 7:4. Submit report of playgrounds for past year.

San Diego Union, January 11, 1912, 7:3. Exploring ruins of ancient tribes; Panama-California Exposition will be enriched by Dr. Bandelier’s research.

San Diego Union, January 11, 1912, II, 11:1-4, 14:2-3. Exposition stockholders elect directors for coming year; officers present detailed reports of activities; 53,778 shares represented at meeting, either in person or by proxy.

San Diego Union, January 13, 1912, 1:1, 6:2-3. San Diegans win support in fight for Fair; Sefton presents plan for separate exhibits by counties of south; stirs up opposition; visit to city and conference to decide question is proposed.

San Diego Union, January 14, 1912, 1:1, 2:3. Delegates to Counties’ Committee meeting due in San Diego today.

San Diego Union, January 15, 1912, 9:1. Choate to explain San Diego wants to Congress; leaves for Washington, DC.

San Diego Union, January 15, 1912, II, 11:2. Collier will present claims of San Diego to Senate committee today; asks only that San Francisco keep agreement.

San Diego Union, January 15, 1912, II, 11:2. Call meeting to discuss Stadium; proposal to construct immense athletic field in Balboa Park.

San Diego Sun, January 16, 1912, 6:4. Sunbeams: What San Diego needs is more of a zoo in that city park.

San Diego Union, January 16, 1912, 7:1. Visitors prolong stay; charmed by environs; officials of northern counties more surprised the longer they stay here; site in Balboa Park for Exposition endorsed at mass meeting; Sefton wants separate county building for Southern California and sectional exhibits for counties north of Tehachapti.

San Diego Union, January 16, 1912, II, 11:2. Congressional committee postpones action of Exposition claims.

San Diego Union, January 17, 1912, 8:4. Native Sons favor stadium in park.

San Diego Union, January 17, 1912, 12:3. Old Town reservoir breaks with pressure; superintendent says he will recommend building new on in park.

San Diego Union, January 17, 1912, 14:1. San Diego to have carnival in July next; Board of Directors, Order of Panama, take preliminary steps for display.

January 18, 1912, Board of Park Commissioners Correspondence, Box 1, San Diego Public Library. Letter, Samuel Parsons to Julius Wangenheim, president Park Commissioners, January 18, 1912, expressing appreciation for interest taken during his visit to San Diego; hopes Wangenheim will be able to carry out a comprehensive plan with buildings and general arrangement of the park, “associated each with the other in the most artistic and practical manner.”

San Diego Union, January 18, 1912, 8:2. Brazil agent to visit here again; expected that South American commissioner will complete Exposition arrangements.

San Diego Sun, January 19, 1912, 1:4. Wide Awake Club urges sale of park for water funds; favor Mayor Wadham’s scheme; do not want bond issue.

San Diego Union, January 19, 1912, 6:5. Country Club may establish new golf links on Point Loma.

San Diego Union, January 19, 1912, II, 9:1. Exposition heads agree on action to be asked by U.S. Senate; amicable arrangement made by representatives of two 1915 Fairs; Collier is satisfied.

San Diego Union, January 20, 1912, II, 9:2. Latin American states anxious to exhibit their historical relics.

San Diego Union, January 22, 1912, 5:4. Senate committee to give hearing today on Exposition requests.

San Diego Union, January 23, 1912, 13:1-2. Senators suggest federal aid for expositions; Government should lend support if it invites foreign exhibits; “I’m satisfied,” says Collier; northerners complain about extensive scope of San Diego’s plans.

San Diego Union, January 23, 1912, 16:1. Chief Wilson asserts rock pile will be revived; blames street speakers; convinced that their meetings have attracted men of undesirable class.

San Diego Union, January 24, 1912, 8:1. Plan for carnival of July, 1912, approved.

San Diego Union, January 25, 1912, 6:1. Curtiss is after Exposition aviation privileges; applies for one of the most valuable concessions of the year 1915; would have ten acres.

San Diego Sun, January 26, 1912, 4:2-3. San Diegans on Exposition work.

San Diego Union, January 28, 1912, 16:1. Exposition fiesta arranged for next June; pageants and sports outlined under direction of Order of Panama.

San Diego Sun, January 30, 1912, 15:3-4. Sunbeams: Lovemaking on a park bench; the pheasant in the bird cage in the city park.

San Diego Sun, January 30, 1912, 16:1. Plan to replace beauty spot in park with road; pretty canyon to give way to boulevard; property owners protest in vain.

San Diego Union, January 30, 1912, 8:4. Grants for 6th Street extension; Commission authorizes building of boulevard through Balboa Park; work is to cost $50,000; owners of business property on 6th Street and north of park to pay; thoroughfare will be opened to University Avenue; 110 feet in width with a 12 foot parking strip in the center flanked by a 24 foot driveway on either side and a 20 foot parking strip along either edge of boulevard.

San Diego Sun, January 31, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Putting A Street Into The Park. . . . It is announced that the park board has decided to wipe out one of the most beautiful canyons in the park, so as to continue Sixth Street through to the north from Date Street. The Sun can understand the desire of some businessmen and property owners to have an outlet for Sixth Street to the north, but that this was of such an urgency as to compel the filling of a beautiful canyon hardly seems likely. And this, even though the new boulevard will be sightly.

There are a good many San Diegans who will view this action as giving a possible opportunity for the street car company to run a line into the park, which The Sun believes would be mighty band for business.

San Diego Union, January 31, 1912, 5:1. Boosters’ steamer to Panama has been secured.

San Diego Union, February 4, 1912, 42:1. Golf clubs invite plan to build links equal to best; Point Loma will become popular playground.

San Diego Sun, February 5, 1912, 1:4. Happy pair cut initials in park bench; arrested; pretty girl and devoted escort released at police station.

San Diego Sun, February 5, 1912, 6:4. Sunbeams: The latest thing Charlie Collier has ‘grabbed’ for the Exposition is the frieze that surrounds the main assembly room of the palace Andrew Carnegie built for the Pan-American Union, in Washington, DC.

San Diego Union, February 5, 1912, 6:5. Exposition fight given new phase; President Taft’s invitation to foreign countries to exhibit in San Francisco came as a surprise; it was understood he would not do so until a commission has been appointed to assure just treatment for foreign exhibitors.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, February 8, 1912. Motion made and carried that Superintendent construct new road at High School connecting Midland Drive and 12th Street.

San Diego Sun, February 8, 1912, 8:1-3. Has Taft traded Exposition for Frisco’s Support? Local show may not have official government endorsement. Collier has made a great fight, however, resolution may still come through. W. E. Smythe, writing from capitol, says Frisco’s action is very suspicious.

San Diego Sun, February 9, 1912, 1:7-8. Exposition bill is voted down; not a defeat: “We will have an exposition that will surprise the world,” Colonel Collier telegraphs; can get private exhibits now that agreement with San Francisco is broken; says Taft traded support of California delegation.

San Diego Sun, February 9, 1912, 14:3. Supervisors are enthusiastic in regard to Exposition; Southern California Counties are to be represented at 1915 Fair; business meeting of visiting supervisors of Southern California Counties held in partially completed Administration Building.

San Diego Union, February 9, 1912, 1:2-4, 7:2-5. Southern Counties to join in Exposition plan; central building will occupy commanding site in large area of Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, February 9, 1912, 6:1-4 (may be February 10). Senate Committee on Expositions acted adversely on resolution requiring President to invite Latin American countries to participate in Panama-California Exposition; Collier: “The war is on. San Diego accepts the challenge. They have long sought to destroy the San Diego Exposition. . . . They have deprived us of an official invitation to Latin America; but they have thereby given us the wide world as a field. We are relieved of all obligation and the way is now clear to us to assemble from every country on the globe such exhibits as will be essential to an exposition absolutely unique in history.”

San Diego Sun, February 10, 1912, 10:1-2. Boosters undaunted; predict great Exposition.

San Diego Union, February 10, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: No Cause for Concern . . . refusal of Senate Committee to report favorably the resolution asking the President to invite Latin America to participate in San Diego Exposition “may prove a positive benefit to the exposition.”

San Diego Union, February 10, 1912, 6:1-4. San Francisco breaks faith; Collier says “War is on.”

San Diego Sun, February 13, 1912, 1:1-2. Collier to support Theodore Roosevelt for presidency; confers with Roosevelt in New York.

San Diego Sun, February 21, 1912, 9:1-2. Big booster banquet Wednesday evening, February 28, to welcome Colonel Collier back to city.

San Diego Union, February 22, 1912, II, 13:1. Capitalization of Exposition increased to two million dollars.

San Diego Sun, February 23, 1912, 1:6. Artesian water flow is struck in Powder House Canyon; sewer department makes find; may be further developed.

Artesian water has been struck in city park.

The flow is heavy enough, say those who have investigated, to keep a three-inch pipe working overtime. The strike was made in “powder-house” canyon by employees of the sewer department. It is flowing continuously and will probably be developed on a larger scale. One plan is to erect an ornamental pagoda over the spring and improve the ground around it.

Powder-house canyon is one of the prettiest canyons in the park. At a point where the well was struck, the grass is always green. Even when all the surrounding country is dry and parched, this little oasis retains its freshness, which has always been considered remarkable. It is now known that this was caused by the water being so close to the surface of the ground.

Just what the medicinal properties of the spring are remains to be seen. An analysis of the fluid will probably be made soon. Walter Moore, assistant superintendent of streets, is much interested in the strike. He declared today that a natural spring was a big asset for the park. He believes that it should be developed at once.

The flow was struck at a depth of only a few feet, and the water is emerging with considerable force. It is not a hot spring, but the water is cool and refreshing. Similar excavations were made for a considerable distance, but at no other point was water found.

San Diego Sun, February 26, 1912, 4:5-6. Lummis says San Diego’s Exposition will be “glorious.”

San Diego Union, February 26, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Waiting For An Accounting.

San Diego Union, February 27, 1912, 8:2-3. Park Commission reports to Mayor; out of $1,000,000 fund, only about $66,000 has been spent; 80 acres planted in trees (mostly eucalyptus, acacias, cypress and pine) along north, east and south borders; remodeled oil boulevard on west side; put in water system for west side; planted eastern side of new boulevard to correspond with planting already made on west; 5 or 6 acres of lawn planted from Juniper to Maple Streets and from 6th Street to new boulevard; gave permission to citizens to construct a boulevard along west boundary from Date to Juniper Streets.

San Diego Sun, February 28, 1912, 1:2-3. Collier coming tonight; to speak at big dinner.

San Diego Sun, February 29, 1912, 3:1-2. Collier raps Taft in speech to 450 boosters in the Grant Hotel grill last night.

San Diego Sun, February 29, 1912, 4:3-4. Fire Limits and Exposition, letter from O. K. Bullard . . .

Editor, Sun: “Fire Limits Extended to Protect Exposition.” The above headlines appeared in the morning Union, and it seems to me to be a poor excuse, or reason, for extending the fire limits. Had the exposition site been allowed to remain where it was at first located by the park board, in conjunction with Olmsted Bros., where it should have remained, the argument might be of some weight, but when the present park board saw fit to throw away $15,000 already expended on the first site, favored by the Olmsted Bros. and removed the same to the Laurel street entrance, tell me where the fire limits as now proposed will be any protection to the Exposition buildings. Why discriminate against localities?

San Diego Union, February 29, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Crediting Collier’s Account.

San Diego Union, February 29, 1912, 10:1-7, 12:2. City must fight says Collier; booster chief given ovation; reiterates charge of betrayal by legislators, after part they took, northerners may ask for help to retain Mint; work to go on as usual, by Irwin Graham Lewis.

“San Diego has had to fight for everything she ever got and she has to fight for everything she hopes to get,” roared Charles Collier last night at a booster dinner in his honor at the U. S. Grant Hotel, held in celebration of his return to San Diego after an absence of three months in Washington, DC.

For a week friends of Collier have been preparing for his return. A dinner was planned for him that called out 500 of the best citizens of the city and county. Seated side by side were descendants of Robert E. Lee, President Jefferson Davis of the Southern Confederacy, and of General-President Grant, the greatest soldier of the reunited republic.

It was a notable gathering.

Harmony in Evidence

It was notable, not only from the fact that so many of San Diego’s representatives were present, but for the harmony exhibited on every side.

All creeds and all cliques, all classes and all interests, were present.

Side by side with Clark and Wilson Democrats were Taft and Roosevelt Republicans. The chief support of the free speech element and the man responsible for the enforcement of the city ordinance restricting free speech in certain locations in the city were at the same table.

Business and social organizations were represented and all were there for one purpose, to do honor to one man whose long, hard fight for San Diego and her greatness is appreciated; whose sacrifice of home, business and friends, as President Spalding said, has been for the benefit of San Diego.

Dining Hall Crowded

Monday it became evident that the dining hall would not hold those who desired to do honor to the president of San Diego’s Panama-California exposition on his return from a campaign in Washington that ended in bitter disappointment for many in San Diego.

The capacity of the dining hall is limited. Tickets were issued for every available seat. These tickets were oversold. No matter. Seats were found for those who crowded in at the last moment to pay tribute to the man who fought in season and out of season for the San Diego idea.

Yesterday morning one of the most prominent bankers in the city phoned the banquet committee for a seat. Seats, he was told, were all gone. The banker became indignant. A confirmed booster, who would “go” for Charlie Collier and the exposition whether or no, gave up his seat that the banker might sit in a place of honor.

Spirit of San Diego

A subscriber to the stock of the exposition sat in his seat and listened while Collier told of the necessity for everyone now to stand to the yoke, and excused himself while he wrote out a check for his total subscription which he handed to an exposition officials.

Such is the spirit of San Diego.

Undaunted in the face of discouragement and with charity for all, the chamber of commerce yesterday held a meeting to deliberate on the action to be taken on San Francisco’s plea for aid in retaining her mint. The directors left it to Charlie Collier to act.

Collier announced last night that he will bombard every member of congress with a telegram demanding that the mint at San Francisco be continued in full force and operation.

Such is the spirit of San Diego.

Collier arrived Monday evening at Los Angeles. Private business delayed him there until Wednesday noon. In company with Director-General Sefton, Director of Works Allen, and Director of Publicity Hogaboom, he left Los Angeles yesterday noon for San Diego.

Met at Oceanside

A committee composed of Percy H. Goodwin, Charlie Fox and Carl Heilbron have been at work for a whole week arranging for the biggest booster dinner ever given under the auspices of the chamber of commerce to signalize his return. A committee of the chamber of commerce, composed of President Spalding, Acting Secretary Reynolds, Auditor Vreeland of the exposition, and Assistant Director of Publicity Lewis, went to Oceanside to meet Collier’s party. This committee was joined at Oceanside by members of the Oceanside chamber of commerce and the party was met at San Diego by another committee of the San Diego chamber of commerce, headed by John Forward, Jr., who left the hospital where his wife is critically ill long enough to greet his confrere and friend Collier at the depot.

A March of Triumph

At the U. S. Grant Hotel hundreds of San Diegans were waiting to greet the returning president of the exposition. His progress through the lobby, with Mrs. Collier on his arm, was a veritable march of triumph. San Diegans showed him he is as dear in apparent defeat as in victory, and his welcome was warmer, if possible, coming as he did from the hostile meeting of the United States senate committee in Washington than that given him last spring when he “came home with the bacon” from the House of Representatives with the Raker resolution under his belt.

The dinner was scheduled for 7:30 but it was nearly an hour later before the waiters began to serve the food.

Seated on one side of the guest of honor was U. S. Grant, Jr., Jefferson Davis, Jr., who accompanied Collier from Washington and was welcomed by Mr. Grant as a family friend, and friend of Collier. On the other side were President Spalding of the chamber of commerce, who presided at the dinner, Collier’s right-hand man and lieutenant, Joe Sefton, Commodore Richardson and others.

Song Prevailed

Long before the time for speaking came, the assembled boosters, joyous and happy, began singing that good old song, “Mary Ann MacCarty,” led by Garretson, Simon Levi, Louis Blockman, and a half-dozen others. Then came “What’s the Matter with Collier,” and then the Companeros of the Order of Panama broken out into the song of the “Gallant Admiral.”

When President Spalding rose to introduce the guest of honor, he could not make himself heard. He made his whole speech, and was ready to introduce Collier when cries of “louder, louder,” started him all over again. Silence being gained, he made his speech and turning to Collier introduced him to those who are newcomers to the city as “San Diego’s biggest and best booster.”

Ovation to Collier

There was an uproar.

Five hundred men rose to their feet and cheered, yelled, waved napkins and indulged in all the usual, and some unusual, expressions of enthusiasm and joy.

The big-hearted giant at the head of the table stood with bent head, his hand in a napkin, and big tears stole down his cheeks, as he listened to the yells and cries of approval and affection. His lips trembled as he started to speak, and his hands, lifting a glass of water to his lips, shook with the emotion that a strong man tries to quell, emotion felt during one of the supreme moments of his life.

For it was one of Collier’s supreme moments.

He was on trial and knew it.

For the first time since the exposition started, he came home unborne on the wings of victory.

His first words were simple and unaffected.

He said:

“I want to express my appreciation of the reception I have received here this evening. For any loss of time, any expenditure of energy and trails or troubles undergone for San Diego, in this tribute I feel that I have been amply repaid. It was something I did not expect. I did not come back with which I expected to get when I left here in the fall, but I want to tell you that if I did not bring home the bacon, I have come back with my fighting clothes on.

“When I went to Washington last April, my companions and myself were told that we might as well pack our trunks and go home. That the matter of securing governmental recognition would be comparatively easy in the senate, but that we stood not chance in the house of representatives. Notwithstanding that discouraging assurance, I stayed on and made the fight and notwithstanding the lukewarm members of the California delegation, who came from around San Francisco bay, we succeeded in having passed on the nineteenth day of August, the resolution we wanted.

Impregnable Showing

“When we returned to Washington at the opening of the session in December, we found that our work was with those members of the senate industrial committee who were supposed to represent the administration. But the showing made was such that when the San Francisco delegation arrived they learned that San Diego’s hold on the house of representatives and the senate members was such that they should have to be honest and square for once in their lives.

“C. C. Moore, president of the San Francisco exposition, in conversation with a friend of San Diego, said, ‘You don’t mean to tell me that that little town is serious in its demand for recognition for an exposition? What does Charlie Collier want? Why San Diego has already received one million dollars worth of advertising through that exposition business?’

San Francisco Quiet

“But so strong was our position that when Messrs. Moore, McNab and Lindley, appearing for San Francisco before the senate industrial committee — Lindley as spokesman — stated that San Francisco was reluctantly compelled to withdraw its opposition to the resolution according recognition to the San Diego exposition.

“I had the assurances of Senators Root and Crane, and similar intimations were conveyed in talks with Newlands, Taylor, and in fact every member of that committee except Gronna, that under the terms of the agreement made by San Francisco there was but one thing to do — pass the resolution.

“It came like a thunderbolt when I learned that at a secret conference an agreement was reached by President Taft and the San Francisco delegation, the ultimate effect of which, as regarding the Panama-California exposition, was that we should die. Or to put it in the presidential phrase, ‘no sideshow shall be permitted to interfere with the Panama-Pacific exposition.’

Denounces President

“I have been criticized for utterances I have made with regard to Taft, but I want to say to you, speaking not only as an officer of the exposition, but as an American and a San Diegan, that no man who holds the exalted office of President of the United States should grovel down as he did to get delegates, and when one does such an act to the injury of San Diego, I don’t apologize, I don’t equivocate — I fight. I say that the time has gone by when a man can stick a knife into our dearest hopes and San Diego will get down and grovel at his feet.”

There were a few hisses and some scattered applause at the outset of the speaker’s allusion to Taft, but by the time he reached the conclusion of his remarks, a hush had fallen over the gathering. The speaker relieved the tension by telling a funny story and was off in a moment again in the full tide of his message.

Always Prepared

“We have always been prepared for what has happened. We never for a moment depended on congressional action. The work will go on just as if the action at Washington had been the reverse of what it has been, and when the first day of January 1915 arrives, you will find nestling on the hilltops that overlooks the shores of San Diego bay, a group of exposition buildings that will fill your heart with pride.

“Our exposition has a deeper meaning than the ordinary project of this sort. You will find behind the San Francisco exposition a force of men whose every effort is concentrated, every nerve is stained to make of the project a great exposition. But more than that, our exposition shall be utilized wisely as an instrument for the building of a great city on the shores of San Diego bay.

The Publicity Boon

“During two years of quiet and dullness throughout the rest of the country, isn’t it singular that a community away down in the southwestern corner of the United States should have grown from a city of 37,000 to one of 60,000 inhabitants? That its bank clearings should have increased from $52,000,000 in 1909 to $86,700,000 in 1911. That its building permits from a value of $2,632,100 in 1909 should rise to one of $4,005,200 in 1910 and to $5,700,000 in 1911? (And, please God, shall rise to $10,000,000 in 1912.) That there should come within our borders in two years more than $28,000,000 to be invested in San Diego? Isn’t it all rather singular? If it is due to the growth, the natural tribute of other climes to the climate and possibilities of Southern California, why have not the other communities of this section of the state advanced with similar stride? How is it that the valuation per capita of the building permits granted in San Diego is $79, while the next highest community in the United States has a per capital of but $49 and the next of but $39?

“I do not claim that all the advance made by San Diego in the past two and one-half years is due to the exposition project, but I do honestly and sincerely believe that of this growth more than ninety percent is due to the work that has been done by the exposition people, and the publicity given the city through that work. In the last two years no city of equal size anywhere has received a tithe of the publicity achieved by San Diego.

Pledged to Exposition

“And while we have received benefits through the publicity vastly in excess of the money contributed to bring it about, the matter does not end here. We stand pledged to build this exposition, and it must be done or we stand disgraced before the world. And we cannot do it unless every man, woman and child interested in the welfare of the city stands in and does all in his or her power toward its successful completion.

“If there be any men in this city who have benefited through the exposition project — men like Colonel A. G. Gassen, who has benefited to the extent of $50,000 — and yet refuse to support it, they ought to get out of town.”

The speaker here diverted a moment from his theme to say that for his own part, for all his expenses incurred in travel and otherwise, for the benefit of the exposition, he had never received out of the exposition funds, the equivalent of a five-cent cigar.

San Diego On Trial

“San Diego is on trail before the world,” he continued. “Let those of you who have subscribed, with an agreement to pay when the gates are opened, look into your hearts and ask yourselves if you are doing all that loyal citizens of the town and supporters of its exposition should, and are not hanging onto the coattails of those who are bearing the heat and burden of the day — who are doing the work and putting up the money now.

“In order to make the exposition a success those who have subscribed to the $1,000,000 fund, and have the money in the bank, ought to put it up now. Every man who had a piece of property two and one-half years ago in San Diego and who has it yet and has seen it advance fifty percent in that time owes thirty percent to the exposition and surely some return is due.”

Colonel Collier went on to state that he had received a telegram today asking the aid of San Diego to prevent the mint being taken from San Francisco, and said he would wire every member of the California delegation at Washington to fight any such attempt. He counseled harmony between the different communities of California, except where vital interests conflicted, and speaking of the attempt of Los Angeles to prevent the national highway coming to San Diego said in characteristic tone and manner, “When she gets done, she’ll know she’s been in a fight.”

“I believe in fighting when the interests of my city are threatened, and yet in being friends when our interests lie in common,” he continued. He again expressed his appreciation of the reception given and closed by repeating Henley’s “Invictus.”

He was again greeted with tremendous applause and after the conclusion of his remarks was kept buy in the banqueting room and in the hotel lobby, shaking hands with a great number of persons who tendered their congratulations on his effort.

March, 1912, Sunset Magazine, Vol. 28, No. 3. “A Palace of Lath” by A. D. Robinson, pp. 283-284.

Claims authorship of lath house idea; should be gigantic in size; would have concerts inside: “After the exposition is over and forgotten, there should be a reminder in San Diego, a botanical garden that in years to come shall rank with the Boston Arboretum and Kew gardens.”

March, 1912, Overland Monthly, San Francisco, Vol. 59, No. 3. “Panama-California Exposition, 1915,” by Major John B. Jeffrey, pp. 239-244. . . . Refers to Plaza de Panama as a “Court of Honor” . . . A rectangular plaza to the south would be called “Plaza de las Republicas Americas” . . . Lath House will be 600 feet square and 100 feet high with a central court for band concerts . . . A dam in Spanish Canyon will contain 50 million gallons of water . . . directors want all buildings finished by January 1, 1914 . . . the architecture is to be Spanish-Colonial or Mission in style . . . Nearly every country in Latin America have been invited . . . the exhibits will emphasize process rather than mere display . . . All grading and street work are so arranged that when the buildings are removed there will be a system of roads and streets with ornamental centers, lined and surrounded with groves of trees and flowering bushes, the erstwhile foundation spaces being sodded with bluegrass irrigated from a 14-inch pipeline that enters the park in the north and leads to the south end of the park, where it connects with the city water mains.

San Diego Union, March 1, 1912, 9:1.Commissioner-at-large John A. Fox, former director of National Rivers and Harbors congress, says San Diego will be best advertised; praises Collier but says one man cannot do Exposition work alone; millions coming here; 80 percent will visit San Diego

San Diego Union, March 1, 1912, 10:1. San Diego Federated State Societies plan to erect 4-story building with 2,000 to 5,000-seat auditorium; meeting at Savoy Theater Thursday afternoon; Colonel Collier and John Fox, principal speakers; Collier had the ‘soft pedal” on; he did not roar, did not once refer to politics, made only a slight reference to the northern metropolis, and then plunged into a regulation Collier booster address; discussed proposed ticket arrangement of Salt Lake, Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railroads which would make it possible for people to visit San Francisco and San Diego at the same low fare.

San Diego Sun, March 2, 1912, Sunbeams: 8:4. To a San Diego booster who has studied in the D. C. Collier School, the sight of a broad expanse of starched dress shirt is as aggravating as a red flag to a black bull.

San Diego Union, March 2, 1912, 13:1. Gallant rank conferred on Collier; Order of Panama bestows highest degree for distinguished services; 25 members admitted; song, speech and story, fun and feasting enliven session of companeros.

San Diego Union, March 3, 1912, 12:2-3. San Diego attracts national attention; newspapers throughout country comment on enterprise and commend plans for 1915 Exposition; publicity work of directors praised.

San Diego Union, March 4, 1912, II, 9:1. Burr M’Intosh, noted artist and writer here on his first visit, praises originality of Exposition.

San Diego Union, March 5, 1912, II, 13:2. Collier reports to Fair Directors who endorse past actions and future program; three million copies of folder “The Lure of the Land of Romance and Roses” will be distributed along line of railways from Washington, DC to San Diego.

San Diego Union, March 5, 1912, 20:4. San Diego Advertising Men’s Club formed yesterday; Collier enrolled himself as member..

San Diego Union, March 9, 1912, 9:1. Collier and Fox to campaign in New Mexico; Collier: “The exposition was never in better shape. . . . We have changed plans somewhat as to the form and size of buildings; but not as related to the appearance of the buildings themselves.”

San Diego Union, March 9, 1912, 13:1. San Diego Riverside and Los Angeles Railway Co. filed articles with County Clerk; to take over Pursell road; $250,000 stock subscribed.

San Diego Union, March 11, 1912, 15:5-6. San Diego’s Exposition is treated as big news feature; Exposition first to be presented with appearance of permanence instead of usual mushroom construction; article in California Advocate states Collier has given the Little Landers authority to put in two model farms in the exposition so that these little farms may be in full bearing by 1915.

San Diego Union, March 13, 1912, 18:1. Federation State Societies endorse stadium idea; urge Park Commissioners and exposition officials to take steps.

San Diego Union, March 14, 1912, 11:1. Architect William Templeton Johnson advises limiting the height of buildings.

San Diego Union, March 16, 1912, II, 13:1. Order of Panama elects new officers; Carl Heilbron placed in supreme position of boosters’ organization.

San Diego Union, March 17, 1912, IV, 26:1-2. What newspapers have to say of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Sun, March 18, 1912, 15:6. Dr. Dahne declares Brazil plans to exhibit at Fair; Local Exposition men entertain distinguished visitor; he leaves for New Orleans.

San Diego Union, March 19, 1912, 8:1. Forest Service trying to start botanical garden in San Diego in conjunction with lath house; will include a chemical laboratory for experimentation; “everything that grows on the face of the earth, of known use to mankind and those of economic use which has not been determined will be included in the specimens to be placed in the botanical garden.”

Active work has begun to secure for San Diego the first and only botanical garden maintained by the government of the United States, a garden which will rival that at Kew, England, and be the greatest of its kind in America.

The forest service has been trying for years to have such a botanical garden started. There has up to this time been no suitable location for and no occasion for starting it, other than the desire of the service to have such a garden somewhere in the country.

The plans of the San Diego exposition, embracing as they do a complete horticultural exhibit, attracted the attention of the forestry bureau and the botanical garden is now proposed in connection with it. The exposition lath house showed the service the possibilities of not only the lath house but of a botanical garden such as they desire to start immediately.

This garden would contain under suitable glass and lath houses specimens of every known plant in the world Those of known economic use would be utilized in experiments by chemists, who seek new uses for woods and fibers and new places for the wastes and byproducts of trees and shrubs of every kind. This garden will if established here, and every effort is being made to get it for San Diego, employ many men, both workmen and scientists. It will cover a good many acres of ground and be supported by the government forest service for experimentation work, really a huge horticultural farm operated by the government. . . . . .

San Diego Union, March 19, 1912, 8:5. Dr. Eugenio Dahne, envoy from Brazil, visits San Diego; inspects Exposition site in company of G. A. Davidson, J. W. Sefton and F. P. Allen

San Diego Union, March 21, 1912, 12:1. Charles F. Mills, secretary of National Dairy Herd Association, here to consult with exposition officials about a live stock exhibit at Fair; “Your Little Lander movement and your climate are your greatest assets. . . . The fact that a man can make a good living off one acre of land in this country is one of the finest things you have to advertise.”

Mr. Mills was one of the officials at the Chicago world’s fair and also at the St. Louis exposition, where he had charge of the live stock section. He was called to San Francisco by Commissioner Skiff to take a similar part there. . . . “Your exposition will not interfere with us at all and will help us.”

San Diego Sun, March 22, 1912, 13:5. Administration Building ready for offices.

San Diego Union, March 24, 1912, IV, 26:2-3. What newspapers say of San Diego Fair.

San Diego Union, March 25, 1912, 18:2-3. David R. Francis, president of World’s Fair at St. Louis, here on visit.

San Diego Union March 26, 1912, 10:1. Collier invited to address New Mexico legislature; will leave Santa Fe, New Mexico, Sunday for Pacific coast.

San Diego Union, March 27, 1912, 20:1. Arizona Republican has article about former Arizonian Lucius R. Barrow, exposition director, who went to Phoenix to prepare way for Collier’s and Fox’s appearance at the first session of the Arizona state legislature.

San Diego Union, March 27, 1912, 20:2. New Mexico solons listen to Collier; Governor McDonald thanked Collier and said New Mexico would respond to the invitation to exhibit to the limit of her ability.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, March 29, 1912. Petition presented to Board in regard to opening of 6th Street from Date to Juniper Streets and the amount of subscription for the work set opposite the names of each subscriber thereto; petition granted. . . . Frank P. Allen presented revised plans for the opening of 6th Street. . . . Allen presented a sketch of the proposed bridge across Palm canyon, connecting Laurel Street with the Exposition grounds; sketch accepted; Forward and Belcher, yes; Wangenheim, no; Wangenheim said sketch should have Bertram Goodhue’s approval.

San Diego Union, March 30, 1912, 1:8. Sehon demands clean-up; Women’s Christian Temperance Union tells him he must wipe out vice district of city.

San Diego Union, March 30, 1912, 11:1 Civic Association discusses public improvements.

San Diego Union, March 31, 1912, 4:2-3. EDITORIAL: Exposition Work Is Making Great Progress: “The success of the Panama-California Exposition of 1915 is assured. The more loyally the people of San Diego support the project, the greater will be that success.”

San Diego Union, March 31, 1912, II, 9:1-4, 10:1-3. Exposition staff moves to new quarters in Administration Building, Balboa Park, March 30; moved from Union Building where they had been for two years; history of the first two years of the exposition: “Thousands upon thousands of plants were set out on the northeast border of the park, a plantation more than 100 acres in extent. Canyons were planted with baby palms to furnish a green landscape visible from the mesa and high ground around them Trees by the thousands have been set out in various parts of the park and now are many feet high in every section”; roof of Administration Building arranged so visitors can see county, city and harbor; practically entire acreage between West Park Boulevard or 6th Street side and the bottom of Cabrillo Canyon has been cleared for lawn; grading and preparation for lawn made along Park Boulevard and 6th Street; activities of Publicity Committee described; total cost of improvements to date $150,000.

President Collier has been at home less than three weeks during the entire year just passed. It was a year ago this week when he left for Washington to secure passage of the Raker resolution through the House of Representatives, which he did during the last days of the special session. While in Washington, he took occasion to visit the different government bureaus and departments and to connect with the American Archaeological Society, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Pan-American Union.

San Diego has grown over 200 percent in population, bank clearings and building permits, and is just beginning. The city expected to have 100,000 people on January 1, 1914 and 150,000 on January 1, 1916.

April, 1912, Sunset Magazine: “The Panama-California Administration Building,” by Winfield Hogaboom.

San Diego Sun, April 1, 1912, 1:1-2. Arizona and New Mexico to aid Exposition.

San Diego Sun, April 2, 1912, 1:4. Beat plan to cripple local Exposition; plan proposed by San Francisco director of exhibits to have counties of state contribute to fund for erection of a counties’ building at San Francisco exposition.

San Diego Sun, April 2, 1912, 11:5-6. Dr. Hewett, managing director of American Institute of Archaeology, promises exhibit at Exposition showing progress of man.

San Diego Sun, April 5, 1912, 3:3. Collier leaves to speak at Southern Convention Congress at Nashville, Tenn.; following Congress he will go to Chicago for conference with railroad officials.

San Diego Union, April 7, 1912, 21:1. Lower branch of Arizona legislature voted to select site at Exposition for exhibit.

San Diego Sun, April 10, 1912, 2:1. Exposition stock is increased; stockholders and deputies approved proposal to increase stock from $1.0 million to $3.0 million; Colonel Fred Jewell pointed out scope of Exposition had enlarged since original plan.

San Diego Sun, April 16, 1912, 1:6. More money is needed to keep up city’s parks; park fathers want full share; offer to build comfort stations.

San Diego Union, April 16, 1912, 18:1-4. Bird’s eye view of Exposition and Architecture (similar to drawing on cover of West Coast Magazine, June, 1913); main entrance on Juniper Street; all buildings to be completed by January 1, 1914.

San Diego Union, April 16, 1912. Exposition Results: harbor improvements costing $6.0 million; transcontinental railway; street improvements and roads in suburbs at about $2.2 million; buildings going up in the city at the rate of about $500,000 a month.

San Diego Union, April 17, 1912, 11:2. Artist’s sketch of California Building; Exposition officials hold open house.

San Diego Union, April 18, 1912, 9:2-3. Drawing showing Exposition grounds in relation to the city and harbor; portraits of representatives who will go to Bolivia, Central America and southern states; in April, 1912, H. H. Clarke visited Bolivia and other Pacific countries seeking their participation in the Exposition.

San Diego Union, April 20, 1912, 12:3-4. Architect submits Exposition drawings; second bridge plan, Frank P. Allen design, for 9 arches, 750 feet long, 125 feet high, 100 feet wide. . . . Lagoon planned in Myers or Spanish Canyon impounding 50 million gallons of water behind Foreign Liberal Arts and Domestic Liberal Arts Buildings, east of Plaza International and Brazil Building, and west of hospital and Pepper Grove; cut off in the south by a bridge dam.

San Diego Sun, April 23, 1912, 3:3. Park Commissioners want more park improvement bonds placed on market.

San Diego Union, May 1, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Politics and the Exposition: So far as sentiment in favor of San Diego’s exposition is concerned, Colonel Roosevelt is evidently less friendly to the city than is President Taft.

San Diego Union, May 1, 1912, II, 11:5-6. Governor Johnson will support Exposition; state legislature appropriation of $50,000 will be available in July.

May 3, 1912, Letter John Morley, Superintendent, to Board of Park Commissioners.


The following is a synopsis of the new work accomplished from December 1st , 1911 to May 1st, 1912.

The whole of the area east of the West Boulevard to the Palm Canyon slopes was plowed and harrowed from Quince to Elm streets, excepting that portion between Juniper street and the south side of Maple street; the slope and canyon south of Quince street to the Palm Canyon road, and also the slopes and canyon adjacent to the road leading to the City Pound; also along Sixth street from Juniper to Maple streets were plowed and harrowed, an estimated area of about 100 acres.

The conditions met were very good as to depth of soil if half of the area plowed; the balance was very shallow, with hardpan close to the surface, especially between Juniper and Fir streets on the knoll between the West Boulevard and the lower road leading to Palm Canyon.

A large amount of planting has been done, the following varieties of trees and shrubs having been used: 225 Monterey Cypress, 750 Arizona Cypress, 50 Pittosporum Rhombifolium, 50 Tecoma Capensis, 75 Heteromeles Arbutifolia, 100 Oleanders, 50 St. John’s Bread Trees, 10 Live Oak, 50 Acacia Latifolia, 300 Carolina Cherry, 1000 Cedrus Deodora, 750 Pincus Maritima, 250 Pinus Muricata, 200 Rhus Integrifolia, 20 Mellalucca Hypericaefolia, 120 Metrosideros Micromeria and a few Pepper trees.

The planting was expensive on half of the ground, as it had to be blasted owing to hardpan and shale, and in a number of places good soil has to be hauled to fill the holes so that the trees and shrubs could grow. The cost of the trees and shrubs planted was $667.00. This does not include the Rhus Integrifolia, which were grown at the park and are valued at $45.00.

There has also been planted 300 Eucalyptus Rostrata and 960 Pinus Torreyana on the slopes between Quince street and the north end of Park. The ground for the Pines was plowed, but not for the Eucalyptus. These trees were grown at the nursery, their valuation being – Pines $239.00 and Eucalyptus $15.00.

750 Live Oaks (Quercus Agrifolia) were planted on the west slopes of Golden Hill, and 156 Pinus Torreyana of the North slope. The Oaks were purchased for $75.00 and the value of the Pines is $35.00 The majority of the holes had to be blasted, owing to the hardpan.

75 Magnolia Grandiflora were planted in the triangle on Midland Drive, adjacent to the High School Athletic Field. These trees cost, including freight, $135.00. The triangle was plowed and two-thirds of the tree-holes blasted.

Total number of trees and shrubs planted – 6241.

A new road past the High School was made for a distance of 4140 feet, and 40 feet wide. 1162 loads of dirt were used to make the fill in front of the High School, at a cost of $232.40; hired teams $1809.50. The road is now completed, on a good easy grade, at a total cost of $3,876.00, which includes laborers, teams and all materials furnished by the Park Department.

The road from the West Boulevard to Palm Canyon at Quince street was regraded and contours changed to make a better and more uniform grade, at a cost of about $700.00. This road has to be surfaced before it is completed; material from the hill between Juniper and Fir streets is available for this work.

The new water system is well under way. The 6-inch main has been completed, 6000 feet. Over 4000 feet of the 4-inch pipe is laid, and several thousand feet of laterals. The laying of this pipe is more expensive than I figured on, and it will probably run over the 10 per cent of my estimate.

The total expense for labor to date on all work included in the above report, since December 1st, 1911 is $10,467.67. The maintenance labor account to date is $3,066.00.

The total expended for Powder, Fuse and Caps is $649.00. Two-thirds was used for tree planting and the balance on road work and blasting pipe line.

These totals do not include horse feed, tools and other incidentals.

The continuation of improvements on the West side will be the grading and seeding of the lawn along Sixth street from Juniper to Maple, 275,000 square feet. The cost of grading complete will be about $2,250.00; grass seed, 850 lbs., at 35 cents per lb., $297.50; 250 lbs. white clover seed, at 35 cents per lb., $77.50; Mulching $250.00; Laying water pipe laterals $150.00; Installing sprinkler system 15 250-foot 2-inch pipe, 2500 feet 4-inch pipe, 1100 feet ½ inch pipe, 854 2 x ½ inch Tees; 122 2-inch Gates if the Redlands System is used, single line, three-line system, 42 Gates, 122 2-inch unions, 854 Sprinklers, estimated cost complete $2,787.10. If the Hadden System is used money will be saved on pipe fittings, but cost of sprinklers will bring it as high or higher than the Redlands System.

Grading and preparing the ground for planting along the West Boulevard will be expensive, as there is so much that will have to be blasted, excavated and hauled away and replaced with good loam and fertilizer. The total lineal feet of the planting strip, including both sides of the Drive from Elm to Quince streets, is 16,000 feet, varying in width from 6 feet to 25 or 30 feet, so as to allow for the walk to lead away from the road and back again, according to the topography of the ground, and give change of scene. This will be better appreciated after it is planted and the trees and shrubs have attained good size. There are 1800 lineal feet between Juniper and Fir streets, 90 per cent of which will have to be removed to a depth of at least 2 feet, and replaced with good loam and fertilizer. This strip has been blasted its entire length on the East side of the road. On the West nothing has been done as yet. I believe the strip will cost fully $1.00 per lineal foot from Fir to Quince streets, at an average of 12 feet wide for the planting strip; including the walk $1.25 per foot.

The planting of trees and shrubs, Mysembryanthemum, and the cost of same, will be about $4,000.00; tool cost about $14,000.00. This will include all team work, labor, powder, etc.,, and from Elm to Quince streets.

The main body of the land beyond the strip will not figure nearly so high, as I believe that should be carried out later, excepting in a few instances. However, walks shirting the hillsides above Palm Canyon should be laid out and temporarily graded; also walks leading from the road connecting with the walks along the hillsides, and at various places leading down into the canyons.

Estimated cost of completion of the Water System from Upas to Date streets – $650.00; cost to date – $1100.00.

On the north and east boundaries of the Park there will have to be a large quantity of water pipe put in, as there are places where it requires 400 feet of hose to do the work. This will have to be temporarily laid on top of the ground, as it will be subject to change after the trees grow up. The old pipe taken from the West side can be used for this work.

In regard to the Park Roads: There are 435,600 square feet on the West side, and near the High School additional, that will have to be sprinkled; and another sprinkling wagon should be added to the equipment. This will keep two teams busy all the season, and sometimes we will have to use a night force to keep the roads in shape.

The above estimates are very conservative and may probably exceed the amounts given.

There will no doubt be other conditions come up as we proceed with the work, which will be called to your attention as occasion demands.

Respectfully submitted,

Signed: J. G. Morley,


San Diego Union, May 4, 1912, 2:1. Crowd expected at Labor picnic in park tomorrow in the 6th Street canyon between Date and Kalmia Streets.

San Diego Union, May 5, 1912, 25:4. Director Edgar L. Hewett, of the School of American Archaeology and director of exhibits of the Panama-California Exposition arrived in Guatemala, May 4, accompanied by W. Jefferson Davis, of the Exposition’s Publicity Department.

San Diego Union, May 7, 1912. Bond Election: Sewer extension through city park west of Park Boulevard – carried; $10,000 for playground equipment in Balboa Park – carried.

San Diego Sun, May 8, 1912, 16:1-2. All the bonds carry; light vote; close for playgrounds; few women at polls.

Sewer system 3742 yes 639 no

Playgrounds 3357 yes 1006 no

San Diego Union, May 12, 1912, 8:4-5. What newspapers say of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Sun, May 15, 1912, 1:2. Plan model groves for 1915 Fair; C. L. Wilson, representing Southern California Commission, conferred with Frank P. Allen today; plans model orchards and model bungalow.

San Diego Sun, May 15, 1912, 1:8. Theodore Roosevelt winner in State Primary.

San Diego Union, May 15, 1912, 13:2. Plans for Southern California Counties Exposition building ready; structure to be of Moorish and Mission design; designed by C. L. Wilson.

San Diego Union, May 16, 1912, 13:1. C. L. Wilson in town to confer with Frank P. Allen concerning plans for Southern California Counties building.

San Diego Sun, May 17, 1912, 6:3-4. Balboa Park to be Most Remarkable in America; horticultural features of Exposition greatest appeal; architect Bertram Goodhue praises work already done on grounds; arrived yesterday from New York office; conferred with Frank P. Allen.

“Of course, I am interested in the success of the building features of the exposition,” said the architect, “and all of the structures are being designed with the greatest care to fit the landscape, the surroundings and the traditions.

“But there is another side to this exposition which I think will make even a greater appeal. At least to eastern people – I refer to the horticultural features. The man or woman who gazes at skyscrapers and immense blocks of brick and steel seven days a week yearns for the sight of the graceful palm. The palm suggests the quiet and restfulness of the ‘manana’ lands, where the fierce strife of the twentieth century, with the overcrowded conditions of metropolitan life, does not enter.

“San Diego knows as well as I do that the exposition at San Francisco cannot have growing palms because they haven’t the climate for palms. I might add that the Italian cypresses in Southern California, thanks to the mild, all-year climate, do twice as well as in their native land.

“The easterners will wish to see also the bougainvillea, rare tapestry of your walls, and the gorgeous purple carpets of mesembryanthemum covering your lawns.”

Mr. Goodhue stated that one feature of the exposition impressed him more than any other, and that is “permanence.”

“When the gates are closed, December 31, 1915, San Diego will have something left – a permanent park without a rival in North America. This park will stand with the great triumphs of foreign lands, the Villa Borghese of Rome, the Boboli Gardens of Florence; the wonderfully beautiful public gardens of India, known as the place garden at Jeypore; and the garden at Agra, which forms a setting to the priceless jewel, Taj Mahal. I am quite familiar with these, and I do not hesitate to say that San Diego will be able to offer tourists from any part of the world something that will appeal to the most highly cultivated tastes.”

San Diego Sun, May 17, 1912, 12:4. Abolishment of Stingaree still being agitated.

Park Commissioners – Minutes. May 24, 1912. On motion of. Wangenheim, seconded by Forward, the seats recently placed in Plaza park were ordered removed at once. . . . Marston and Allen appeared before the Board in regard to the Laurel Street bridge plans; they stated the Exposition Buildings and Grounds Committee had recommended a 3-arch bridge in preference to the design recently approved for a 9-arch bridge.

San Diego Union, May 25, 1912, 9:3-4. Plan for building to house exhibit of Southern California Counties at Panama-California Exposition; Director of Works Frank P. Allen completed plans of Spanish-Colonial design in harmony with the architecture of other buildings; plans practically the same as those brought here by C. L. Wilson, representative of the Commission; Bertram G. Goodhue, who arrived here a few days ago from New York, added arcade.

San Diego Union, May 26, 1912, 4:4-5. What newspapers say of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, May 26, 1912, 7:1. Southern California Counties approve plan for Exposition building, May 25; Commissioners indorse design as altered by Exposition architects; 44,000 feet for exhibits.

San Diego Union, May 28, 1912, 13:5. Track layers now at work in Balboa Park on right of way of San Diego, Riverside and Los Angeles Railway; Pursell says he will endeavor to have track completed by June 1 in order to fulfill the company’s agreement with the Park Commission.

San Diego Sun, May 29, 1912, 4:6. Exposition Architect and His Ideas . . . First appearances are like the initial bite of an apple — you can tell pretty well from that simple mouthful whether or not you’re going to like the rest of it.

The world’s first look at the Panama-California exposition on opening day, January 1, 1915, is going to be rewarded with such artistic and interesting composition that only the whole apple will satisfy, according to the plans of B. G. Goodhue, consulting architect to the exposition company.

It is “Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue,” in “Who’s Who,” and the list of accomplishments that follows occupies twenty-three and one-half lines. Mr. Goodhue is a member of the firm of Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson, New York architects, and one of the largest firms in the country. He has traveled all over the world, taken a horseback ride through Persia, knows Mexico from grandees to brigands almost as well as he knows New York, has written books and scores of magazine articles, has drawn plans for more church edifices than probably any other man in the country, and is considered one of the greatest living authorities on Spanish-Colonial architecture.

The combination of all these things might easily have spelled arrogance, but in Goodhue it has resulted in making the man one of the most companionable mortals alive. He is armed with a thoroughly American sense of humor, the typical New York habit of being continually “on the job,” a wide knowledge of men, matters and materials, and the sometimes unusual quality of being willing to consider other people’s opinions.

To this man is entrusted full authority to accept or reject the plans offered by any country, state or society, for the buildings within the exposition grounds. He personally supervises the drawings of all the buildings belonging to the company, and has the power to deny entrance to anything that will spoil the general effect. It is directly up to Goodhue to make this exposition unique, in that every building will be carried out in the same style of architecture, the Spanish Colonial, and will bear a definite relation to every other building, thus offering a harmonious whole, impossible to obtain under any other system.

Uniformity is Keynote

“It is this way,” and the architect swept the dishes on the café table out of the way, drew a pencil from his pocket, and began to sketch a plan of the exposition grounds on the tablecloth. “Here is the main entrance and the bridge across the canyon at Laurel street. Whether the visitor looks at the exposition grounds from this entrance or from any other point, uniformity is to be the keynote and nothing is to disturb the general harmonious outline.

“The group of permanent buildings at the east end of the bridge is naturally my pet work, and the structures are going to be the very best I can make them. The walls of the tower, for instance,” and he indicated with his pencil a point on tablecloth drawing, “these walls are to be nine feet thick, built to last indefinitely. This tower and the big dome of the auditorium, also one of the permanent group, will be large enough to be seen for forty miles.

“The architectural idea of the exposition is Spanish Colonial. That is the very best of the Mexican buildings, better in some instances than the original Spanish itself. The mission architecture, so well know here, is much the same, having been derived by the old monks from the real Spanish Colonial and carried out as well as indifferent tools and uneducated Indians could do.

The Concessions

“Even the concessions must conform in a general way to the whole scheme. Such things as scenic railways must be built in canyons. In other words, go down as far as they like, but not up, for the perspective must be kept in harmony.”

“We can’t have the biggest fair naturally, but we’re going to have the most distinctive architecturally and horticulturally that was ever built.”

San Diego Union, May 30, 1912, 11:2. Commissioner Fox expected here soon; has been touring south and will now visit western states; attended Ad Men’s convention at Dallas, Texas.

San Diego Sun, May 31, 1912, 3:1-2. Southern California Counties start Exposition building; architect C. L. Wilson of Los Angeles going over plans that include a 5-acre citrus orchard and a building to house exhibits.

San Diego Sun, June 1, 1912, 3:1. Pennsylvania Society will ask Exposition building.

San Diego Union, June 1, 1912, 10:3. G. W. Pursell will be granted time extension; Council to allow Company five months to complete road to La Mesa; acted on question today; promoter stated road was financed to Escondido; work to be rushed; if the extension were not granted, the franchise would expire tonight because one of the provisions is that the road must be completed to El Cajon by June.

San Diego Union, June 2, 1912. W. W. Wilson, member Southern California Counties Exposition Commission, met with C. L. Wilson, architect of Southern California Counties building, and Frank P. Allen.

San Diego Union, June 2, 1912, 4:4-5. What newspapers say of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, June 2, 1912, 5:1. Pennsylvania will be represented at San Diego Exposition; local state society unanimously adopts resolution asking for building and exhibits.

San Diego Union, June 2, 1912, II, 10:1. Fox says south is boosting San Diego Fair; Commissioner-at-large returns from trip of 10,000 miles.

San Diego Union, June 2, 1912, V, 40:1. Council scores Pursell; grants extension of franchise until November 1 to complete road from 22nd Street and Balboa Park to La Mesa; he escapes forfeiture.

San Diego Union, June 4, 1912, 9:1. Supervisors refuse money for California Building at Panama-Pacific Exposition; claim San Diego County has done enough and State should erect own building.

San Diego Union, June 5, 1912, 20:1. Reservoir for 5 million gallon tank in city park at the intersection of Ivy and 15th Streets if these streets were continued through the park is selected; Councilman Fay and Frank P. Allen selected site..

San Diego Union, June 6, 1912, II, 13:2. Sewer trunk line is built through park to University Heights.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, June 7, 1912. Samuel T. Black, new member of Board; Frank J. Belcher, Jr., term expired. . . . Franchise with San Diego Interurban Railroad discussed. . . . Board authorized construction of bridge across Pound Canyon along the lines to be approved by Frank P. Allen, Exposition engineer, and, if possible, by Bertram G. Goodhue; cost not to exceed $150,000.

Present: Commissioners Wangenheim Black and Forward. Absent: None.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The question of the San Diego Interurban R. R. franchise was brought up and discussed by the Commissioners and Mr. Pursell, as to the putting up of a sufficient bond by the R. R. Co. to guarantee the parking of the right of way of said R. R. Company.

Mr. Black then moved the adoption of the following resolution:

“RESOLVED, that the franchise granted to the Interurban Investment Company on or about May 31st, 1911, having expired by limitation, the conditions not having been complied with, said franchise and all rights are hereby annulled, revoked and expired; and, RESOLVED, that it is on Park property without any rights, franchise or privileges, and all work now in progress should be immediately stopped.”

Mr. Wangenheim seconded the above resolution; and, on call of the roll, Commissioners Wangenheim and Black voted AYE, Mr. Forward voting NO, stating that the R. R. should have every encouragement to proceed with construction and giving them a franchise without bond.

Mr. Purcell defended the course of the R. R. Company and protested against the adopted resolution. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Purcell should meet with the Board on Saturday a.m., June 8th at 9 o’clock to draw up a franchise that would be suitable to the R. R. Co. and the Board of Park Commissioners.

The question of the Laurel Street Bridge was brought up, and after a general discussion by the Commissioners, Mr. Marston, Mr. Sefton, Mr. Belcher, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Allen, Mr. Wangenheim presented the following resolution:

“RESOLVED, that the Park Board authorize the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge across Pound Canyon at the extension of Laurel Street, to be constructed along the lines to be approved by Frank P. Allen, Exposition Engineer, and if possible by B. G. Goodhue, Exposition Architect; the bridge to be constructed by the Exposition Management under the contract entered into between them and the Park Board, but to cost not to exceed One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars )$150,000.00) for the bridge and all its appurtenances.”

Commissioner Forward moved, and Commissioner Black seconded, the adoption of the resolution, the vote on call of the roll: Ayes – All, Noes – None.

San Diego Union, June 7, 1912, 1:4-6. Envoy from New Mexico says Balboa Park is ideal place for Exposition.

San Diego Union, June 8, 1912, 10:1. New Mexico may duplicate old pueblo at San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, June 10, 1912, 15:4-5. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, June 12, 1912, 6:4. Spreckels Theater to open August 23.

San Diego Union, June 12, 1912, 8:1. Order of Panama requested to initiate movement to raise funds for stadium project.

San Diego Sun, June 14, 1912. G. W. Pursell, promoter of line between San Diego, Los Angeles and Riverside by way of La Mesa, El Cajon and Escondido; rails laid in city park except where bridges are necessary; road enters park near city stables and emerges near City Heights.

San Diego Union, June 15, 1912, 8:1. Material ordered for Pursell line; track has been laid in Balboa Park almost to 30th Street bridge under which right-of-way passes.

San Diego Union, June 16, 1912, 9:1. Nevadans organize to boost San Diego during banquet for former governor of Nevada in the grill of U. S. Grant Hotel.

San Diego Union, June 16, 1912, 11:1-4, 15:2. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, June 16, 1912, III, 17:1-2. On the Margin, by Yorick . . . Scientific exhibit at Panama-California Exposition: Archaeological, Ethnological and Anthropological Department will take the rag off the bush in competition with San Francisco’s all-round, up-to-date, ultra-modern, superficial, curio-encumbered, machinery-infested showcase-littered, something-doing-every-minute exposition.

San Diego Union, June 21, 1912, 22:1. Arizona delegation enthuses over San Diego’s big show.

San Diego Union, June 22, 1912, 6. Arizona may spend $250,000 for exhibit.

San Diego Union, June 23, 1912, 5:1. Arizona’s pennant is planted on site of exposition building.

San Diego Sun, June 25, 1912. Can’t Build Schools on Park Land: Julius Wangenheim, president of Park Board, says, “Not my policy”; Board of Education wants block near northeast corner of Balboa Park, 500x500; 120 residents of neighboring districts petitioned Board of Park Commissioners “sometime ago”; Trustee George Magly: “I do not see why we should spend any part of this school money for land when the people already own land enough. Out there in the park we have 1400 acres which it will be impossible for the Park Commissioners to improve in 20 or 25 years.”; Julius Wangenheim: “It is my plan and policy to keep the public park intact.”

San Diego Union, June 25, 1912, 8:4. Plan to beautify Balboa Park is proposed.

San Diego Union, June 25, 1912, II, 13:1-2. Southern California Counties break ground on site allotted for exhibit.

San Diego Sun, June 27, 1912, 11. Dr. L. G. Jones, president of Board of Education, wants park lands for city schools; suggests an election.

San Diego Sun, June 27, 1912, 20:2. General plan to create interest for stadium outlined; $125,000 necessary; Order of Panama to raise $25,000; State Societies will contribute $25,000.

San Diego Union, June 27, 1912, 6:4. Southern California Counties plan for action; grading of site for join exhibit begins next week.

San Diego Union, June 27, 1912, 6:5. Secretary Knox to send out international invitations to participate in San Diego exposition.

San Diego Union, June 27, 1912, 12:1. Park Board favors accepted site for stadium.

San Diego Sun, June 28, 1912, 15:4. Pickpockets in city park working people on park benches near Upas Street.

San Diego Union, July 2, 1912, 5:4. Federation of State Societies supported stadium project at meeting last night.

San Diego Union, July 5, 1912, 9:5. Stadium project makes progress; preliminary sketches and estimates to be ready within week; meeting of Order of Panama.

San Diego Sun, July 6, 1912, 1:7. Pursell loses extension of franchise; time was up July 2 for filing bond with city clerk.

San Diego Union, July 7, 1912, II, 10:2. Businessmen lend support to stadium.

San Diego Union, July 9, 1912, 8:4. Pursell Railway $15,000 Bond Rejection. . . . Council demands financial reliability of construction company be established; Pursell promised sufficient funds would be available July 12 from London bankers to complete road.

San Diego Union, July 10, 1912, 9:3. Committee sends invitation to architects and engineers of City to offer suggestions for proposed stadium

San Diego Union, July 11, 1912, 8:1. Collier reports that South American republics are highly favorable to San Diego; has finished the work that took him to South America and has sailed for Europe en route to the United States.

San Diego Union, July 12, 1912, 5:4. Material Men’s Association of San Diego cancel stock subscription and make straight cash donation to Fair of $10,000; $2,500 to be paid at once; statement by Director F. J. Belcher: “We would urge upon your managing body the advisability and necessity of restricting the scope of the exposition well within limits, insuring the quality rather than the quantity of the exhibits.”.

San Diego Sun, July 13, 1912, 1:1-2. Plan to cede part of park for schools; Wangenheim proposes to cut off park at south end generally between Date and A Streets so that instead of forming an irregularly-shaped figure, it will be a quadrangle.

San Diego Union, July 14, 1912, II, 9:1-4. Citizens of every class indorse stadium.

San Diego Union, July 14, 1912, II, 24:1. Wangenheim would cede part of park. . . . In answer to the request of the Board of Education for the use of lands in the city park for school purposes, President Julius Wangenheim has replied with a counter proposition, to give the school authorities part of the park outright.

The part he would cede is an irregularly shaped tract at the south end of the park, between A and Date streets. The cession of this land would leave the park in the form of a quadrangle, and would surrender the site of the high school, the proposed stadium and the children’s home.

The plan, which has not yet been considered by the School Board, would have to be ratified by the voters and the legislature.

Chairman George Magly of the School Board has contended that the Park Board ought to give one or more school sites without any preliminary elections.

San Diego Union, July 16, 1912, 10:1. City Attorney ordered to probe Pursell bond; Councilman Sehon not satisfied with surety given by Railway Company.

San Diego Union, July 17, 1912, 10:1. Robert Newton Lynch, president of California Development Board, visits Exposition grounds and expresses surprise at progress made.

San Diego Sun, July 18, 1912, 1:8. Exposition stockholders vote to raise stock from $1,000,000 to $3,500,000; vice president Davidson and Director-General Sefton go over accomplishments; vice president George Burnham defends Collier: “If he is given a little incidental publicity in connection with his work, he is entitled to it.”

San Diego Union, July 18, 1912, 18:1. Council rejected Pursell railroad bond yesterday on advice of City Attorney W. R. Andrews.

San Diego Sun, July 19, 1912, 1:4-6. How San Diego’s Exposition will look in 1915; drawing.

San Diego Union, July 19, 1912, 5:1. Exposition stock is increased to $3,500,000; growing prosperity of city and enlarged scope of Fair lead to action; former capital was $1,000,000; 68,731 shares of stock represented; no dissenting votes cast; meeting held yesterday in Administration Building on Exposition grounds; vice president George D. Burnham said, “Certain persons have claimed Charlie Collier is getting too much publicity.” Burnham explained Collier serves without salary and does not have an expense account.

San Diego Union, July 21, 1912, V, 40:1-2. What newspapers say about Exposition.

San Diego Union, July 23, 1912, 10:4. Governor of Colorado and others promise big exhibit at Fair; R. O. Willison, architect, preparing plans for Colorado building.

San Diego Union, July 23, 1912, 13:2. Pursell fails to file surety bond.

San Diego Union, July 24, 1912, II, 11:2. Hogaboom assured Wyoming will exhibit at San Diego Fair.

San Diego Sun, July 15, 1912, 3:5. Sefton goes east to meet Collier in Chicago; Collier arrived in New York yesterday from South America.

San Diego Union, July 25, 1912, 11:3. Sefton goes to meet Collier in New York; telegram announces arrival of Exposition president in that city.

San Diego Sun, July 26, 1912, 2:6. Mulveys appeal 6th Street case; filed an appeal bond in Superior Court this morning to restrain Park Commissioners from grading 6th Street until case has been reviewed by Appellate Court of state; claim it will leave their property high above the grade.

San Diego Union, July 27, 1912, 6:3. The R. M. McInnis Co., 8th and I Streets, has just completed a fifteen-ton, horse-drawn truck for the Panama-California Exposition Co.; built for hauling palms and heavy machinery to exposition grounds; picture.

San Diego Union, July 31, 1912, 9:3. Forward favors stadium project; Park Board member says his associates also favor idea.

San Diego Union, August 1, 1912, 9:3. Four sets of plans for stadium are submitted; Stadium Committee listens for two hours to explanations by architects; no decision is reached.

San Diego Sun, August 2, 1912, 8:2. Order of Panama has approved Quayle Bros. and Cressey’s plans for stadium.

San Diego Union, August 2, 1912, 3:2-5. Committee of Order of Panama selects stadium plans; design adapted to site; open-air auditorium to be one of adjuncts of structure; plans of Quayle Brothers and Cressey approved yesterday.

San Diego Sun, August 3, 1912, 11:1-2. Collier fell in with a delegation of the National Association of Coffee Importers of the United States during his tour of Brazil; was wined and dined and his picture was published in local periodicals.

San Diego Union, August 4, 1912, 5:1. Propose whirlwind campaign for stadium fund.

San Diego Union, August 4, 1912, 14:1. Mulveys file bond in sum of $5,000; John H. Gay also in fight to prevent extension of 6th Street.

San Diego Union, August 5, 1912. Park Commission has proposed a new ordinance for city park to submit to Council: Unlawful to drive any vehicle faster than 8 mph

to ride bicycles on pathways

to conduct a parade without a permit

to play games except in places specified

to peddle articles

to camp or tarry overnight

to use bad language

to conduct an entertainment or game of chance

to deposit rubbish or garbage

to kill birds or animals

to deface property

to distribute handbills or post advertising matter

San Diego Sun, August 6, 1912, 1:6. Collier happy to be back.

San Diego Sun, August 6, 1912, 1:8. Firebug ignites entrance arch of Exposition.

San Diego Union, August 6, 1912, II, 9:2. Ringling to return today to conclude deal for zoo grounds; circus magnate expected to close negotiations for Balboa Park quarters.

San Diego Union, August 6, 1912, II, 9:2. Shortly before 12 o’clock last night the archway leading to the Exposition from the end of Laurel Street was practically destroyed by fire of unknown origin.

San Diego Union, August 7, 1912, 10:1. Collier brings good news from Brazil; that nation will participate in 1915 show; plunges into Exposition work.

San Diego Union, August 8, 1912, 14:1. Collier tells of visit to Brazil . . . Dressed in the full costume of the Brazilian equivalent of the American cowpuncher, booted and spurred, as the Brazilians are, with striped poncho of the hair of the alpaca and breeches of balloon shape, with wide belt, a wide sombrero shading his face, bronzed by exposure to the sunshine of the South American republic, Colonel D. C. Collier, “the gallant admiral,” strode into the assembly hall of the Cortes Order of Panama at the beginning of the meeting Tuesday night. He was enthusiastically welcomed by the large gathering. As the founder of the order, he was accorded the reception due him, but as San Diego’s booster king returned to his throne, he was given an evidence that his efforts in behalf of the city he loves were appreciated by those who make up the hustling booster organization.

San Diego Union, August 9, 1912, 9:1. Committee formed to look after Arizonans; Exposition officials, Chamber of Commerce and others unite their forces; arrange program Sunday.

San Diego Union, August 10, 1912, 8:1. W. L. Ellerbeck, Salt Lake man, writes letter urging Governor of Utah to install exhibit here.

San Diego Union, August 10, 1912, 10:1. Committee headed by Winfield Hogaboom to entertain delegates from Arizona increased.

San Diego Union, August 10, 1912, 10:4. Under the direction of Colonel D. C. Collier a party of archaeologists will leave San Diego Sunday morning for Palomar mountain to search for a buried city, or at least relics of a forgotten race. Professor Hewett of the University of New Mexico will be in charge of the party.

San Diego Union, August 10, 1912, 12:1. Commissioner-at-large John A. Fox returns from tip to Idaho and Utah; left here in July to attend Western governors’ meeting at Boise City, Idaho, August 1 to 4; ample appropriations will be asked for participation in San Diego’s Fair.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1912, 8:1. Mass meeting will inaugurate campaign for stadium; “Pennant Day” is set.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1912, 24:1-3. What newspapers say about San Diego’s Exposition.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1912, 29:1. Gigantic British exhibition will be held in 1915 to exploit dominions.

August 12, 1912, Marston File, San Diego History Center Research Archives. . . . Letter, Wangenheim to Marston: Proposal to sell 150 acres south of Date Street from 11th to 28th, Golden Hill excluded; encroachments on south side: High School, Polytechnic School, Children’s Home, Stadium, playground on 26th Street; adequate amount of land could be given to each of these institutions and the rest sold or leased with approval of Park Board; move requires approval of State Legislature.

San Diego Union, August 13, 1912, 10:3. First actual work on bulkheads for harbor; million dollar improvement begun under the supervision of Engineer Capps.

San Diego Sun, August 15, 1912, 9:1. Panama-California Exposition has decided to back stadium financially; over $1,500 is realized by the sale of pennants; Stadium Committee will get 10 percent of all new subscriptions to Exposition.

San Diego Union, August 15, 1912, 11:1. $2,167.70 raised from sale of pennants; Collier says Exposition will support stadium project.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, August 16, 1912. Frank P. Allen, Jr. submitted plans for the Botanical Building for the Exposition to be erected in Balboa Park; plans approved.

San Diego Union, August 16, 1912, 1:7. Water bonds win by a vote of five to one.

San Diego Union, August 16, 1912, 6:1. A summer school of archaeology is to be held in San Diego from August 24 to September 2 of this year. . . . It was through the work of D. C. Collier and Dr. Edgar L. Hewett that the school was established here and a notable faculty induced to come here and deliver a series of lectures.

San Diego Union, August 16, 1912, 10:1. New Mexico plans fine exhibit for Fair; Commissioners will present outlines to Legislature at a meeting in January; details.

San Diego Union, August 17, 1912, II, 11:2. Joseph W. Sefton, Jr. resigns as Director-General; Frank P. Allen is successor; Allen will remain as Director of Works and will assume the duties of Director General without increase of salary.

San Diego Union, August 18, 1912, 5:1. Arizona girls conclude visit.

San Diego Union, August 18, 1912, 8:1. Summer school of archaeology to begin August 25; institution brought to San Diego through efforts of D. C. Collier; 30 lectures to be given.

San Diego Union, August 21, 1912, II,13:1. Dr. Edgar L. Hewett is now at work digging an ancient palace out of a forest near Quirigoa, Guatemala; Panama-California Exposition is one of backers of expedition.

San Diego Union, August 22, 1912, II, 9:2. Elephants from projected zoo at Ocean Beach to be used on work of local Exposition.

August 23, 1912, Board of Park Commissioners, Correspondence, Box 1, San Diego Public Library, File Board of Park Commissioners – 1912: Letter, Frank P. Allen, Jr. to Julius Wangeheim . . . Received plans for Goodhue bridge . . . If it runs too high and it is decided to build small arch bridge, will probably commence construction in September . . . Plans for Botanical Building will probably be finished by last of September.

San Diego Union, August 23, 1912, 9 (whole page). Spreckels Theater opens tonight.

San Diego Sun, August 24, 1912, 4:2-4. “Who’s Who — G. Aubrey Davidson”.

San Diego Union, August 25, 1912, 10:1. Inyo County will have exhibit at Fair.

San Diego Union, August 25, 1912, 16:1-2. What Newspapers Say About the Exposition.

San Diego Union, August 29, 1912, 6:3-5. New Mexico commissioners plant pennant on Exposition site this morning; across main drive from Arizona site, opposite Juniper Street and in front of Administration Building; New Mexico state legislature has yet to make appropriation.

San Diego Sun, August 30, 1912, 1:8. George W. Pursell’s permit to run an electric railway through the park has been declared expired by the Park Commissioners, according to announcement made to the City Council today by Mayor Wadham.

San Diego Sun, August 30, 1912, 10:1. Drivers charge city park roads are in bad shape; sign at 12th Street entrance to park warns people not to take Park Boulevard road as it is dangerous; another sign advises people to take the Canyon road.

San Diego Union, August 30, 1912, 1:8. Trans-Mississippi Commercial Conference, meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, recommends federal funds for both San Francisco ($5 million) and San Diego ($1 million) Fairs.

San Diego Sun, August 31, 1912, 4:2-4. “Who’s Who — Colonel Ed Fletcher”.

San Diego Union, August 31, 1912, 9:1. Dr. John Harrington illustrates talk on Indians with weapons and utensils.

San Diego Union, August 31, 1912, 12:1. Vreeland resigns as secretary of Exposition; said he could no longer spare time from his private business; Hogaboom takes his place; J. W. Sefton and R. C. Allen added to executive committee. . . . Collier left yesterday afternoon for Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Hogaboom for San Francisco . . . Commissioners of Sacramento Valley and north of Bay counties to visit San Diego, September 6 and 7.

San Diego Union, August 31, 1912, II, 13:1. Park Board cancels Pursell’s line franchise.

San Diego Union, September 1, 1912, 7:1. “Holy Cities of the Maya,” subject of Dr. E. L. Hewett’s address tonight; plan for permanent museum.

San Diego Union, September 1, 1912, 13:1. Northern delegation to view Exposition site; will arrive on steamer Harvard Thursday night.

San Diego Union, September 2, 1912, 16:2. Dr. Hewett lectures on Maya.

San Diego Union, September 2, 1912, 16:3. Arizona writer here to work for annexation.

San Diego Sun, September 4, 1912, 3:3-4. McFadden and Buxton want to buy 240 acres of the east side of the park; would net the city $2,240,000.

San Diego Union, September 4, 1912, 8:3-4. What newspapers say about Exposition.

San Diego Union, September 5, 1912, II, 1:3. McFadden and Buxton, real estate men, offer $600,000 for 240 acres along east side of park; would convert strip into a high-class subdivision; John Forward, Park Commissioner: “I am in favor of selling part of the land and always have been.” Julius Wangenheim: “I would suggest selling the tract along Date Street in preference to that on the east end. I am not in favor of the present tract as specified. I believe in the sale of some of the land, however.”

Park Commissioners – Minutes, September 6, 1912. McFadden and Buxton offered to purchase 240 acres of Balboa Park.

RESOLVED, That the Board of Park Commissioners, in regular meeting assembled, hereby express themselves as opposed to any sale of park lands or any subdivision along lines contemplated by recent offer received, and, as trustees of the Park, they believe in maintaining its absolute integrity, and that while the Park may seem too large for the present population of San Diego, it will be in nowise too large for the City that in a few years we expect to have on these shores.

That the Park Commissioners consider themselves as trustees not only for the present generation, but for the generations to come, and their actions must be dictated by such responsibility.

Believing in the absolute integrity of the Park for park purposes, and for that reason, they favor the cutting off of that Southern section South of Date Street, along lines, however, not yet determined. This section of the Park has been encroached upon by the High School, the Children’s Home, and other buildings, and it is because we favor keeping the Park absolutely free and clear for park purposes, that we would favor cutting off this section. Portions of it should be deeded to the School Department, the part occupied by it, to the Children’s Home, and it might be advisable to give long leases to other semi-public institutions.

Out of this strip, of course, Golden Hill, the gem of the Park, must be excepted, to be maintained forever in conjunction with Balboa Park.

Legislative action will be necessary, but there will probably be no difficulty about this, as the plan must appeal to the lovers of the Park and to those who believe in getting rid of a portion of it.

San Diego Examiner, September 6, 1912, EDITORIAL: Ousting of Pursell . . . The expected has happened. The Pursell road has been ousted from the city park, which means that Mr. Pursell will not be permitted to finish his electric road, which he has been working on so faithfully for two years.

Mr. Pursell has been bucking a hard proposition ever since he started to build the road, as certain persons in San Diego have been placing every obstacle possible in his path.

It is a fact that Mr. Pursell is not a wealthy man, consequently he had the enmity of some persons the moment he launched the electric road to the back country.

In all fairness to Mr. Pursell, the city at large should allow him every courtesy possible and assist him to get his road in operation.

Railroads and interurban trolleys are what San Diego needs, and yet certain officials are blocking the progress of out city by refusing to extend the time and finally ousting Mr. Pursell from the city park, though which the road was to run.

Why not build a Chinese wall around our city and inform all outsiders they are not wanted here at present? This is the attitude of certain city officials. Mr. Pursell has the promise of financial assistance from outsiders if he could get his time extended.

San Diego Examiner, September 6, 1912, 7:1-6. Panama-California Exposition will be mammoth and unique.

San Diego Sun, September 6, 1912, 9:1. Northern commissioners promise to support Fair.

San Diego Union, September 6, 1912, II, 7:1. Forty commissioners to Exposition will pass two days conferring with Fair committee about sites; North of Bay, Inyo and Alameda Counties, and Sacramento Valley represented.

San Diego Union, September 7, 1912, 1:4-5. Fair is assured recognition in north; Commissioners will recommend exhibits at San Diego.

San Diego Union, September 7, 1912, 9:1. Board refused, September 6, to sell any part of the park; McFadden and Buxton offered $600,000 for 240 acres and William Humphries offered $2,240,000 for 160 acres in center of the park.

San Diego Union, September 7, 1912, II, 13:1. Southern California Counties plans to spend $350,000 at Exposition.

San Diego Union, September 8, 1912, 15:1. Commissioners from north banqueted.

San Diego Union, September 12, 1912, II, 13:1. Commissioners of Orange and San Bernardino Counties inspect operations; pleased with progress.

San Diego Sun, September 13, 1912, 1:7-8. City Park Board would bar small picnic parties of less than 25 people; would also prohibit anything heavier than 2,000 pound load traveling on any park road except the one from 18th Street across to the northeast.

San Diego Union, September 13, 1912, 12:6. Collier returns from trip to New Mexico; plans made for San Bernardino and Orange Counties exhibits at Fair.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, September 14, 1912. Percy J. Benbough wants to improve portion of Balboa Park between 7th and 8th Streets with lawns and to maintain for five years at his own expense.

San Diego Union, September 14, 1912, 8:1. Placer County may send Exposition exhibit; commissioners here to inspect park.

San Diego Union, September 14, 1912, 10:3. Buildings and Grounds Committee accepts two Fair Building designs: Designs and plans for the Electricity Building, as drawn by architect Bertram G. Goodhue, were presented and approved; the monster Botanical Building, which will consist of a lath house 600 feet square and 58 feet high, was shown in detailed design and approved. This is also the work of Architect Goodhue..

San Diego Union, September 15, 1912, 1:5. Electric edifice at Fair will sparkle with beauty and rival famous tower at Buffalo; modeled after the Palace of the Count of Heras in Mexico City; construction to begin about October 15; Botanical Building to begin in a few weeks; work on bridge set for near future.

San Diego Union, September 15, 1912, II, 16:1. Japan’s Exposition Commissioner here to select Fair site; M.Yaranawkai, representative of Associated Trade Organizations of Japan, said, September 14, Japan would probably need 12,000 feet of floor space and a large ground area for a tea house and garden.

San Diego Union, September 15, 1912, VI, 41:1-5. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, September 16, 1912, 9:7-8. Construction work on Fair will be rushed; Buildings and Grounds Committee instructs Frank P. Allen to begin work on a 7-arch bridge; bids for 3-arch bridge designed by B. Goodhue were rejected as they did not come within the $150,000 limit nor conform to design; designs for Electricity Building and Botanical Building approved; Botanical Building to be largest lath house ever constructed, 600 feet square and 53 feet high.

San Diego Union, September 17, 1912, 1:4-5. Japanese officials and cadets marvel at work accomplished and planned by Exposition; workmen engaged in grading and excavating the abutments of the bridge.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, September 21, 1912. 60 acres set aside at Point Loma for a city park named Collier Park.

San Diego Union, September 22, 1912, 48:1-2. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, September 23, 1912, 18:1. University of California professor considering a busy bee exhibit at Fair.

San Diego Union, September 24, 1912, II, 11:4. Citizens of Arkansas favor building for Fair.

San Diego Union, September 25, 1912, 8:4. Frank P. Allen to confer with directors; leaves to attend meetings in northern part of state.

San Diego Union, September 26, 1912, II, 11:2. Commission formed by northern counties to exhibit at Fair; building plans will be outlined at meeting within week.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1912, 8:1. Railroad men say Fair site is fine.

San Diego Union, September 27, 1912, II, 13:3. Collier addresses Conference of Southern California Alliance in session here; 18 million adherents.

San Diego Sun, September 28, 1912, 1:6. Collier free; cop dismissed; Exposition head ran car on Santa Fe platform; patrolman J. M. Campbell made arrest; Chief Wilson say his discharge of Campbell had nothing to do with Collier’s arrest.

San Diego Union, September 29, 1912, II, 9:2. Twelve northern counties pledge joint exhibit at Fair; plans for building to be made at once.

San Diego Union, September 29, 1912, 24:1-2. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, September 30, 1912. Appeal to the People . . . Protesting 6th Street Extension and advocating contour boulevard on rim of canyon to the east instead; letters signed by Willard Brown Thorp, Mrs. Mulvey, Mrs. Frary, John H. Gay, D. C. Reed, and C. S. Alverson, City Engineer.

October, 1912, The California Garden, pp. 3-4. The Sixth Street Extension . . . In the lively discussion as to the advisability of extending Sixth street through, or rather over, the little canyon park that blocks its straight and narrow path, there is quite a ray of hope for the future and that lies in the fact that reputable citizens entirely uninterested financially in the matter have been found to protest publicly against this improvement (?). Our gridiron form of street plan has pushed its devastating way through sightly hills and over pleasant canyons, tearing down one to fill up the other, so long, not only unopposed, but even uncriticized, that it was but natural to regard it as inevitable, like the doctrine of original sin. The present protest may not save the little canyon, but it surely will encourage the growth of a saving heresy in the orthodoxy of our level and square progress. Eye specialists classify a disease that restricts the vision to a straight line, the victim sees neither up nor down, nor to the right, nor to the left. We are suffering from the same trouble in our mind’s eye. There is a pesky ant called the army ant, or maybe it’s a land crab, anyway that does not matter, that on march keeps straight ahead. If it comes to a tree, it climbs up one side and goes down the other and so with every obstruction, it has no niche in its brain for the doctrine of least resistance. San Diego probably would vote that ant a fool, yet its methods in street building have a similarity to the ant in marching. It is admitted that the persistency of both is admirable.

We are in an age of cement, a hard, unyielding, soulless stuff, that hates a curve. It has invaded our offices, our houses, our streets and our gardens even. Today there are cement flowerpots, seats, fountains, even fence posts, and it is encasing our souls in a four-square little box. Perhaps a natural reaction from the “gingerbread” everything of boom days. There are still some specimens of architecture of the 80’s that would look funny beside the Grant Hotel, but the Grant Hotel would have looked funny in the 80’s. To state that we have not progressed since boom times would be not simply untrue, but silly, but it is true and well to remember that mere multiplication is not necessarily growth.

May the Sixth Street Canyon weather the march of “cementation” that threatens its existence, and long remain a monument to the beginning of a new era, a beautiful, a sane era in the building of San Diego — and may those that have fought for its preservation escape part of the usual fate of the righteous whose reward in heaven is preceded by damnation on earth.

San Diego Union, October 2, 1912, 5:2. Northern counties to have exhibits at Fair; Commissioner W. Jefferson Davis assured that generous fund will be provided.

San Diego Union, October 2, 1912, 6:1. Order of Panama will extend to other states; articles of incorporation adopted at the regular meeting of Cortez.

San Diego Union, October 2, 1912, II, 13:2. Democrats put San Diego Exposition in State platform; party in Colorado will recommend liberal appropriation for exhibit.

San Diego Union, October 3, 1912, 12:4. Former policeman who arrested Collier locked up; will answer charge today.

San Diego Union, October 4, 1912, 6:4. Collier goes east on Fair business; practically all the counties of the state will participate in the Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 6, 1912, II, 11:2. Senator Newlands of Nevada lends aid to San Diego Fair; promoted favorable action of International Irrigation Congress; to assist in preparation of irrigation exhibit.

San Diego Union, October 6, 1912, 38:1-2. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 6, 1912, 49 (whole page). Views of the trees and shrubbery in Mulvey Canyon which are in danger of being destroyed.

San Diego Sun, October 8, 1912, 7 (whole page). Pictures of Mulvey Canyon.

San Diego Union, October 8, 1912, 6:2. Gratifying progress has been made on Roman bridge at Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 9, 1912, 9:1. How Fox outwitted San Francisco Fair agents; tells ruse by which he secured place on Irrigation Resolutions Committee; Exposition is endorsed.

San Diego Union, October 11, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Politics and the Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 11, 1912, 13:3. South is active for Exposition; Commissioners hold meeting and decide to begin work on Exposition grounds.

San Diego Union, October 12, 1912, II, 9:1-2. Police to close Redlight district within fifteen days.

San Diego Union, October 13, 1912, 18:1-3. Birds at Mission Cliffs Gardens enjoying their remodeled home.

San Diego Union, October 13, 1912, 19 (whole page). Shall Our Heritage of Natural Beauty Be Lost? . . . Letters from Kate Sessions, A. D. Robinson, John Foster, C. S. Alverson against 6th Street Extension.

San Diego Union, October 13, 1912, 30:1-3. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, October 14, 1912, 8 (whole page). Shall Our Heritage of Natural Beauty Be Lost? . . . Letters from Kate Sessions, Mission Hills Improvement Club, Joseph Foster, A. D. Robinson, C. S. Alverson; quote from California Garden, October, 1912.

San Diego Union, October 16, 1912, II, 9:3. Utah, Idaho and Nevada plans exhibits at Exposition.

San Diego Sun, October 18, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Extending Sixth Street . . . Sixth Street ought to be extended, but it ought to be done, if possible, without tearing up any good work that has been done, even if that good work is not commercial.”

San Diego Union, October 19, 1912, 13:1. Six Monterey Bay Counties plan big exhibit.

San Diego Union, October 19, 1912, 15:1. Board to prosecute park speeders.

San Diego Union, October 20, 1912, 8:1. Artistic waiting room completed at Mission Cliff Gardens.

San Diego Union, October 20, 1912, 30:1-3. What newspapers say about Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 20, 1912, 53:1. Park Board president Julius Wangenheim gives history of 6th Street opening and states why he opposed it.

San Diego Sun, October 21, 1912, 6:1-2. Plan Is Blocked: Attorneys Crouch and Harris, on behalf of their client, Carey S. Alverson, asked and were granted an injunction this afternoon against Julius Wangenheim and thirty other defendants, to prevent the opening of 6th Street through the city park.

San Diego Union, October 23, 1912, 6:1. Financial support for Exposition is urged.

San Diego Sun, October 24, 1912, 8:3-4. Collier accompanying Brazilian delegation on train ride across continent from New York to San Diego.

San Diego Union, October 24, 1912, 13:1. Collier escorts Brazilian party.

San Diego Union, October 27, 1912, 1:7. National leads great race to Phoenix; General Wood starts cars on 400-mile run.

San Diego Union, October 27, 1912, 3:1-5. Remarkable progress on great Cabrillo Canyon bridge; barren hillsides are being transformed into Fair grounds.

San Diego Union, October 27, 1912, 15:1-3. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, October 27, 1912, 43:1-3. Railway Company sparing no expense in beautifying Mission Cliff gardens.

San Diego Sun, October 29, 1912, l:3-5. Motor car race; San Diego cars first in Yuma.

San Diego Union, October 29, 1912, 6:1. San Diego car beats Los Angeles two hours; demonstrates superiority of southern route.

San Diego Sun, October 30, 1912, 1. San Diego victory at Phoenix race finish.

San Diego Union, October 31, 1912, 5:1. Fletcher says no Los Angeles to Phoenix race next year; San Diego and Phoenix will join in big event.

San Diego Union, October 31, 1912, 7:1. Varied program is ready for visit of Brazilians; visitors will be entertained during week in this place; big booster banquet; Hotel del Coronado is headquarters.

Park Commissioners – Minutes, November 1, 1912. A letter was received from William Clayton, vice president of the Spreckels companies, requesting permission to make a survey for a street car line to the Exposition and through the park, in order to furnish transportation to the district bounded by Adams Avenue and City Heights street car line; granted.

San Diego Union, November 1, 1912, 5:2. Brazilians enjoy Arizona capital; Mayor Wadham will accompany distinguished visitors to San Diego.

San Diego Union, November 1, 1912, 5:3. San Diegans will return in autos, headed by Franklin pathfinder; will leave Phoenix this morning.

San Diego Union, November 3, 1912, 5:1. Party of Brazilians expected tonight.

San Diego Union, November 3, 1912, II, 22:1. Dakotans boost for Exposition; members of State Society plan to raise $100,000 for building in 1915.

San Diego Union, November 3, 1912, II, 29:1-3. Lily pond charming spot in Mission Cliff gardens.

San Diego Union, November 3,1912, 42:1-2. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 4, 1912, 20:2-5. City greets distinguished Brazilians; week’s entertainment begins today; Dr. Dahne dedicated song to Collier and Fair.

San Diego Sun, November 5, 1912, 1. Woodrow Wilson carries the Bay State.

San Diego Sun, November 5, 1912, 12:5-6. Brazilians at Exposition; reception this afternoon.

San Diego Union, November 5, 1912, 10:2-4. San Diegans entertain Brazilians at dinner.

San Diego Sun, November 6, 1912, 1:7-8. Kettner won with plenty of votes to spare.

San Diego Sun, November 6, 1912, 3:2-3. Order of Panama gives booster dinner at Hotel del Coronado in honor of Brazilian guests.

San Diego Union, November 6, 1912, 1:1-7. Landslide for Wilson; victory for Kettner.

San Diego Union, November 6, 1912, 14:2-5. Brazilian visitors inspect Exposition site; praise city and work accomplished; Executive Committee guides party to points of interest; Order of Panama gives booster dinner.

San Diego Union, November 8, 1912, 5:1. Dillwynn Hazlett described resources of Brazil to large audience at Spreckels Theater.

San Diego Union, November 10, 1912, 58:1-2. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Sun, November 11, 1912, 1:6-8. Redlight District closed; inmates leave city.

San Diego Sun, November 11, 1912, 2:1. Brazilians leave after visit here.

San Diego Union, November 11, 1912, 5:2. Empire State asked to participate in Exposition; New York State Society of San Diego County makes request.

San Diego Union, November 12, 1911, 11:4. San Diego Kansans want home state represented.

San Diego Sun, November 15, 1912, 1:3. Pursell terminal tracks at foot of E Street removed; no explanation; roadway torn up as Railroad Commission of San Francisco allows bond issue for $2,500,000.

San Diego Union, November 15, 1912, 6:1. Former residents of Illinois want representation at big Fair.

San Diego Union, November 16, 1912, 6:1-4. Members of Arizona State Society go over Exposition grounds in a body.

San Diego Union, November 16, 1912, 16:1. Iowa urged to exhibit at Fair.

San Diego Sun, November 19, 1912, 1:5. Utah officials see Exposition site.

San Diego Union, November 19, 1912, II, 13:5. Commissioners from Utah here; site and character of state exhibit in 1915 will be decided upon.

San Diego Union, November 20, 1912, 8:1. Site is selected for Utah exhibit at Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 20, 1912, 8:2-5. Progress of Exposition impresses commissioners from eastern states.

San Diego Union, November 20, 1912, 10:1-3. Design of huge auto adopted for structure at Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 21, 1912, 6:5. J. A. Rembruch, Santa Maria, California, musician, suggests Sunday park concerts; would cost $20,000 yearly.

San Diego Union, November 21, 1912, II, 13:1. Japan to install exhibit at Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 22, 1912, 5:4. Former Nebraskans visit Exposition site; local society will commence campaign for home state representation.

San Diego Union, November 22, 1912, 8:1. Visitors marvel at work done by Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 22, 1912, 10:1. Brazilian exhibit is practically assured; Exposition officials anticipate Brazil will exploit resources here.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1912, 1:3-6. Fleet arrives in port after subduing revolution in Nicaragua.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1912, 11:1. Prizes offered for best essay on Exposition; contest open to boys and girls attending San Diego schools; $25 in cash offered.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1912, 16:1. President D. F. Garretson of the First National Bank exudes optimism.

San Diego Union, November 23, 1912, 16:1. G. Aubrey Davidson, president of Southern Trust and Savings Bank, says East shows interest.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1912, 10:1. Wolverines push Exposition plans; San Diego residents of Michigan to meet at lunch tomorrow.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1912, 10:1. Idaho committeemen, now residing in San Diego, pleased with site at Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1912, 15:1-3. Twin deer are chief attractions at Mission Cliff Gardens.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1912, 28:2-3. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1912, 42:1. Construction Company’s deal with Pursell found illegal.

San Diego Union, November 24, 1912, 42:1. Pursell sure line will be built in spite of obstacles.

San Diego Sun, November 25, 1912, 8:1-2. Exposition boosters open campaign for $750,000 Exposition fund.

San Diego Union, November 25, 1912, 5:2-4. North Dakota Governor-Elect will urge Fair appropriation; Society entertains him.

San Diego Union, November 26, 1912, 6:1. Many will complete in Exposition essay contest.

San Diego Union, November 26, 1912, 9:1. Colorado Society to work for success of San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 27, 1912, II, 12:2. Kansas Exposition Committee plans campaign.

San Diego Union, November 27, 1912, II, 20:1. North Dakotans and Minnesotans decide to form separate organizations; Fair committee is named.

San Diego Union, November 28, 1912, 7:2-5. Illinois and Ohio committees view plans of Exposition; Iowa Society proposes model agricultural culture for 1915 exhibit.

San Diego Sun, November 29, 1912, 7:5-6. Park street held up; Judge Sloane of Superior Court overrules demurrers; those in favor of construction have subscribed about $25,000.

San Diego Union, November 29, 1912, 6:2-5. Thomas Lipton, visitor, declares that Exposition is far ahead of San Francisco’s Fair.

San Diego Union, November 29, 1912, II, 13:1. Exposition’s scope is doubled; larger support is asked; irrigation exhibit planned to be biggest thing of kind ever gathered.

San Diego Sun, November 30, 1912, 14:1-2. Field House to open in Golden Hill; playground near 26th and A streets; the Playground Association, the Golden Hill and Brooklyn Heights Improvement Clubs and the Park Commission will join in opening.

San Diego Union, November 30, 1912, 7:4. John Fox, Exposition worker, leaves hastily in reply to summons by wire from Washington; named on Levee Association; regrets to leave city; Commissioner-at-large to help stop havoc by floods in Mississippi valley.

San Diego Union, November 30, 1912, 7:2-3. State Societies push campaigns; urge necessity of financial support for San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Union, November 30, 1912, II, 22:1-2. Subscriptions raised for Exposition fund.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Give New Support to the Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1912, 5:1. Exposition finds liberal support; businessmen encourage committee by large purchase of stock.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1912, 5:2-3. State Societies open subscription campaign.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1912, 29:1. State Societies plan permanent exhibit; ten states included.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1912, 43:1-5. What newspapers say about the Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 2, 1912, 5:2-3. Committee plans strenuous campaign; bankers toil all day Sunday preparing for Exposition subscription work.

San Diego Union, December 3, 1912, 6:1. Subscriptions for Fair pour in; campaign will start today when Committee begins real work.

San Diego Union, December 3, 1912, 6:2-5, 7:1-5. President Collier awards prizes to winners of essay contest.

San Diego Union, December 3, 1912, 20:3. Exposition directors select G. N. Goeppel to arrange traffic rates to coast.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1912, 5:1. Hard workers are engaged in fund campaign; thousands of dollars additional are pledged to Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1912, 5:2-3. Order of Panama subscribes $4,000.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1912, 11:2-4. Field House at Golden Hill dedicated.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1912, 12:1. Wright and Hinkle with ask State Legislature for one million dollar appropriation for Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 5, 1912, 5:1. Subscriptions pile up at campaign headquarters; businessmen respond to call for $750,000 additional for Exposition; $10,000 pledged in one day; Collier and George Burnham are among the most active workers.

San Diego Union, December 5, 1912, 7:3. Dr. E. L. Hewett, noted archaeologist, promises Congress of Indian tribes for Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 6, 1912, 5:1. Newcomers join in swelling funds for Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 6, 1912, 5:2-3. Portland offers cheer to Exposition doubters; northern city businessmen write that period of prosperity started with Lewis and Clark Fair.

San Diego Union, December 7, 1912, 5:1. Citizens eager to subscribe to Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 7, 1912, 5:3. Harry Minilaz, bootblack, surprises Carl Heilbron by making $100 subscription.

San Diego Union, December 8, 1912, 11:1. Campaign will be continued for one week longer.

San Diego Union, December 8, 1912, 16:1-3. Visitors to Mission Cliff Gardens are startled by panoramic view.

San Diego Union, December 8, 1912, 28:1. New tennis courts for high school grounds will adjoin stadium site; Board opens bids.

San Diego Union, December 8, 1912, 42:1-3. What prominent men say about San Diego Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 11, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: End the Park Dispute . . . It has always seemed to the Sun that though it is desirable to make Sixth street an easily traveled thoroughfare, it would be entirely possible to do this by building a road around the pretty park canyon instead of spending several thousand dollars — one estimate is $40,000 — to cut through the canyon and thus undo the ornamental work that has already been done by owners of abutting property.

San Diego Union, December 11, 1912, 10:1. La Jolla Chamber of Commerce to aid big Fair; subscriptions continue to pour in.

San Diego Union, December 11, 1912, 12:1. City Attorney answers complaints about extension of Sixth Street through park.

San Diego Union, December 12, 1912, 7:1. $10,000 block of Exposition stock is sold; San Diego Consolidated Realty Co. makes biggest single subscription received in campaign; Silver Gate Lodge also increases its financial support to big Fair.

San Diego Union, December 13, 1912, II, 15:1. San Diego vessel first through Panama Canal is project.

San Diego Union, December 13, 1912, 19:1. Utahans interested in San Diego Exposition; to arrive here February 6.

San Diego Union, December 14, 1912, II, 17:2. Boy finds lead mine in Balboa Park while playing ball.

San Diego Union, December 15, 1912, 30:1. Colorado appoints commission to select Fair site; representative of Rocky Mountain state will arrive here this week.

San Diego Union, December 15, 1912, 46:2-3. Messages of cheer for Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 16, 1912, 2:2. (Advertisement) Exposition Hospital Will Be Model and Sanitary Equipped. . . . The operating room of the California-Panama Exposition will surpass anything in the country in sanitary equipment when completed. The Woodstone sanitary floor recently installed by the Woodstone Marble and Tile Co. is one of the main features of the room, etc.

San Diego Union, December 16, 1912, 20:2-3. Navy’s enlisted fawn presented to city zoo.

San Diego Union, December 17, 1912, 1:6. $200,000 is asked for construction of California Building at San Diego Fair; controller recommends state appropriation; biennial budget completed.

San Diego Union, December 17, 1912, 15:1. Missouri officials soon will visit San Diego; architects are named.

San Diego Union, December 18, 1912, 4:1. EDITORIAL: State Aid for the Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 20, 1912, 10:1. Coloradans will view site of Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 20, 1912, 10:2. 15 carloads of structural materials for Exposition bridge on way here; cars bear placards advertising Exposition; the Kahn Company, from whom 500 tons of steel was purchased, furnished the signs free of charge.

San Diego Sun, December 21, 1912, 20:1-2. Idaho plans great exhibit for Exposition; resolution passed unanimously at banquet honoring Governor-Elect Haines.

San Diego Sun, December 21, 1912, 20:4-5. Colorado promises to aid Exposition; state urged to participate by Colorado Association of Commercial Executives; Colorado commission visits Exposition grounds.

San Diego Union, December 21, 1912, 16:1-3. Coloradans hold reception at U. S. Grant Hotel; commissioners view tentative site for building at Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 21, 1912, 24:1. State Societies cooperated with Exposition officials in securing state representation.

San Diego Union, December 22, 1912, 1:1. Mayor Wadham ousts Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth from Health Board on grounds of incompetence.

San Diego Union, December 22, 1912, 24:1-2. C. W. Oesting constructing Japanese tea garden on El Cajon Boulevard in East San Diego.

San Diego Union, December 22, 1912, 25:1-4. Coloradans leave boating for Exposition.

San Diego Union, December 22, 1912, 44:1-2. What prominent men say about Exposition.

San Diego Sun, December 23, 1912, 2:4. Council voted to drop matter of Sixth Street extension at Upas; regularity of Sixth Street broken by an extension of property owned by Mary J. Pringle at Upas, about 20 feet into the street; appointed commission placed value on land of $1,600.

San Diego Sun, December 23, 1912, 20:1. State Societies see city and fair site; will ask one million dollars from the state for the Fair.

San Diego Union, December 24, 1912, 20:3. Council decides against Sixth Street opening; property owners fail to agree.

San Diego Examiner, December 27, 1912, 1:1-2. $35,000 menageries coming to Ocean Beach to reside; to be here New Year’s Day.

San Diego Union, December 27, 1912, 10:1. Mayor names Dr. Homer C. Oatman to Health Board to succeed Dr. Wegeforth; Council approves.

San Diego Union, December 29, 1912, 26:1-3. What prominent men say about Exposition.

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