Balboa Park History 1921
January 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:1-5. San Diego built around beautiful Balboa Park; fast becoming splendid cultural center of community; recreation, education find idea facilities in city’s biggest park.
January 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:7-8 (no annual edition on microfilm at San Diego Public Library).
SAN DIEGO BEAUTIFUL EXPOSITION TO BE PERPETUATED; Exposition Grounds Famed for Beauty Will Be Preserved.
Now that the San Diego Mid-Winter Exposition has undertaken the task of obtaining funds to repair and make permanent the beautiful buildings which were set up for the wonderful exposition of 1915 and 1916, residents are confident that this beauty spot will be saved to San Diego for all time.
January 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:3. The radio “pow-pow” last Thursday at Indian Village was a success. Gray model field set demonstrated in the compound.
January 4, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:1-8. Company opens Exposition office in Balboa Park; City Board allots part of Administration Building to Midwinter Fair concerns; H. J. Penfold, secretary, in charge; Alexander Reynolds, Jr., president of concern; plan to hold Exposition in Balboa Park for 4 to 6 months each year, the proceeds to be used to make all the Exposition buildings permanent.
January 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:4. Chamber of Commerce approves movement to vote bonds for paving of Pershing Drive and other roads.
January 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:6-7. Laborers, carpenters working on new Naval Hospital strike; contractors say men replaced; job supposed to be “open shop.”
January 9, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3. Exposition heads seek big men for advisory board; directors ask prominent San Diego businessmen to counsel.
January 9, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-5. Carroll De Wilton Scott advocates making Mission Bay recreation park and wild bird refuge.
January 9, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 3:2-3. Nearly 1,500 men and women attended the reception given in the Persimmon Room, Balboa Park, New Year’s Day by literary societies of city.
January 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:6. Exposition plan arouses interest.
January 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Preserving An Asset
Aside from all artistic or merely sentimental considerations, San Diego cannot afford to let this beautiful picture fade. Balboa Park is not a luxury to be maintained merely for the pleasure of San Diego; it is a necessary of our civic life and a profitable adjunct of our future metropolitan development. To keep this wonderful possession and to make the most of its limitless resources of beauty and pleasure is the main object of those who have organized the Mid-Winter exposition movement. Its purpose should appeal to every San Diegan, every public-spirited citizen and every lover of the beautiful in art and nature.
January 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:3. Prominent men to explain plan for exposition; arrangements made for musical program at mass meeting Thursday evening.
January 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:6, 3:1. San Diegans must act soon to save park structures; Mid-Winter exposition seems to be only way of raising funds for preserving them.
January 20, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:6-7. Interest keen in mass meeting called for tonight to consider plans for Mid-Winter Exposition.
January 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 3:4-5. Mass meeting gives Exposition indorsement; Councilmen pledge support to movement.
January 22, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: An Exposition Plan
The groundwork of the great enterprise is now laid. It is only necessary to build on it substantially and permanently. In the success which we feel is assured from the beginning of the enterprise, San Diego city and county will reap incalculable benefits and all the renown attaching to a great work well done.
January 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:3-4, 15:3-4. Wonderful marine brigade post, most beautiful in West, will be put into commission about March 15; more than $2,000,000 already expended.
January 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Nathaniel E. Slaymaker, landscape architect, praises plan to preserve Exposition buildings; “San Diego actually has a civic center and doesn’t realize it.”
January 26, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:5, 5:5. Body of stranger found yesterday in Rose Garden off Laurel Street entrance into Balboa Park; foul play suspected.
January 29, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:1. The Community Theater Association, henceforth the Community Players, have moved into their new home in the Southern Counties Building; members sought.
January 30, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: An Exposition Feature . . . suggests planners of Mid-Winter Exposition contact Professor Herbert Eugene Bolton, University of California, for help in creating a historical and archaeological exhibit.
January 30, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:5-6. Acacias in Balboa Park blooming in golden masses, by Carroll De Wilton Scott.
January 30, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 7:4. San Diego County Federation of Women’s Clubs indorses plan to rehabilitate Southern Counties building for a municipal auditorium; will present spring carnival to raise funds for project.
February 8, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. $50,000 asked of County for fair in park; supervisors agree to contribute that sum providing it can be legally done.
February 9, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:1-3. Aimee Semple McPherson concludes series of meeting at Organ Pavilion; 8,000 in attendance; evangelist treated more than 300 cases during services which lasted about five hours.
February 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:4-5. Congressional appropriations totaling $2,139,000 for naval work at San Diego contained in bill approved by House; $1,975,000 appropriated for Naval Hospital; wards increased from 194 to 800 beds.
February 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:6. Council members see quick muster of four divisions; about 500 boys gathered on short notice for review at Indian Village; formal inspection made by Governor Balarezo of Lower California, Milton A. MacRae, Commissioner, Commission MacKinnon, George Burnham, president of the San Diego council, and other local officials.
February 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:7. Scouts relinquish old cavalry site; Executive Committee decides Indian Village will fulfill all requirements for years; will repair buildings..
The approval of extensive repairs to the village property will result in entirely restoring the appearance of the village walls and buildings to their original condition.
February 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 2:3-4. Citizens decide on drive to raise $250,000 by popular subscription for fair; city officials, business and professional men take action at meeting; J. F. Sefton, Jr. says city’s problems of water, harbor development and roads should come before exposition.
February 17, 1921, San Diego Union, 13:5. $257,750 bonds to go on city ballot, April 5, including $62,300 for paving Pershing Drive.
February 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Lost Civilization.
Under the direction of Dr. Edgar Hewett it is the intention to gather within this magnificent temple of science the best results of archaeological research on the American continent.
February 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:6. Park quadrangle to reopen after short ceremony; George W. Marston will preside during program tomorrow afternoon; quadrangle had been closed for repairs and decoration; structure to be Museum of Ancient and Modern American Art.
February 18, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 16:1. Magnavox relayed music from park organ to Rotary Club luncheon in U. S. Grant Hotel yesterday.
February 19, 1921, Letter, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners, to Motor Car Dealers’ Association (San Diego Public Library).
By authority of the Board of Park Commissioners, given in adjourned meeting of this date, and in consideration of the agreement by the said Motor Car Dealers’ Association to the terms hereinafter set forth, permission is hereby given the Motor Car Dealers’ Association to occupy Building No. 10, Balboa Park from date until April 3, 1921, and to hold in said Building No. 10 and Auto Show from March 26 to April 2, inclusive, subject to rules of the park department and to ordinances of the City of San Diego.
The Motor Car Dealers’ Association hereby agrees:
(1.) To reimburse the Board of Park Commissioners for all labor and material furnished and for
any and all expenses incurred by the Park Department as a result of occupancy of park
premises herein authorized.
(2.) To pay to the Park Department an additional sum equal to 10 percent of the net profits of
said Auto Show, and, upon demand, to open the books of the Motor Car Dealers’
Association for inspection by representatives of the said Board of Park Commissioners in
order that a proper accounting may be shown upon the records of the Park Department.
(3.) To make no alterations or repairs to said Building No. 10 and to do no construction work
therein except with the approval of the Superintendent of Parks and under his supervision.
(4.) To comply with all rules and regulations of the Park Department and with ordinances of
the City of San Diego governing parks, plazas and public squares, and to leave the premises
in a clean and neat condition.
(Signed) Board of Park Commissioners by
Executive Secretary.
February 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Civic Investment
Every dollar invested in [the Midwinter-Exposition] is a dollar added to the capital wealth of the community. The return will be direct to every investor, like interest in any other business investment. The only car to complete success is lack of unity in the community itself.
February 19, 1921. Park Commissioners. San Diego Battalion, Coast Artillery, National Guard, given permission to use San Joaquin Valley Building (Building No. 7) as an armory.
February 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:4-5. Coast artillery battalion, California national guard, will have armory at Balboa Park in Building No. 7 which lies between the Plaza de Panama and the goldfish bowl; Park Commissioners granted permission yesterday; there is room inside the building to permit drilling on rainy nights and plenty of room in the Plaza de Panama to drill an entire battalion.
February 19, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Lecture series on city planning opens Thursday; speaker will be Dr. Carol Aronovici; lectures timely in view of the forthcoming report by Frank P. Allen, Jr. relative to waterfront improvements and beautification.
February 19, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 12:1. Large reception in rotunda to compliment George W. Marston; event to be leading feature of opening of California Quadrangle; the walls of the rotunda are now decorated with six large murals by Carlos Vierra, nine murals by Gerald Cassidy of New York, which were I the Indians Arts Building, and three new murals by Henry Lovins; frieze of Aztec architecture by Jean Berman Smith have been rearranged.
February 20, 1921, San Diego Union, 15:5. Everything in readiness of spring folic; event to begin tomorrow night with ball at Cristobal Building; proceeds to be used to convert Southern Counties structure into an auditorium.
February 20, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:2-4. Redecorated California Quadrangle reopened with reception; occasion was to do honor to George W. Marston as head of the California State Building Commission; throng of art lovers crowd spacious rotunda and galleries; walls, floor and balustrade around the balcony have been tinted an old ivory shade that has been given the proper mottling effect productive of the color of Tennessee marble; columns that support the gallery around the rotunda have been changed from round to square pillars, whose lines are in harmony with the straight heavy columns and pillars placed on exhibition as replicas of Maya hieroglyphic stones; frieze by Mrs. Jean Berman Smith, formerly hung in the various galleries, now incorporated in balustrade surrounding the rotunda; four panels by Henry Lovins of this city representing Maya life are in the rotunda and mural paintings by Carlos Vierra depicting ancient civilization are on walls underneath the gallery; art and architecture exhibits of ancient and modern America are to be found in the galleries forming the quadrangle; Persimmon Room was gathering place for visitors last evening.
February 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 3:3-4. Carnival spirit rules city throughout frolic program; pageant composed of floats of historic significance precedes circus exhibition at Stadium; 10,000 people attend circus; carnival concluded with dance at Cristobal.
March 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Dr. Edgar L. Hewett asks support for San Diego Museum.
Not fewer than 10,000 passed through the museum during the four days following the reopening of the California quadrangle. That number is considered a large attendance for an entire month in museums by cities much larger than San Diego. It is unnecessary to make any claims for the museum. Those of our people who care for art and science and the thousands of cultured travelers who sojourn in San Diego for pleasure rather than for business opportunities are most generous in their praise of it. Every expression has been heard so far to the effect that this is a priceless possession of this city and state. The purpose of this statement is to acquaint the people of San Diego with some important facts concerning the museum and to request their cooperation in maintaining it.
Ancient America Art
The permanent quadrangle, consisting of the State building and Fine Arts building, contains the museum of ancient American art, showing the achievements of the native American peoples of ages ago; collections illustrating the culture of the Indian tribes of the southwest and of California in recent times, and native village life from Alaska to Patagonia; rooms especially provided for official use; and the rooms devoted to social purposes which became noted during the exposition as the women’s headquarters, including the famous persimmon room. These rooms are now devoted to exhibitions of modern American art, an oriental collection, the museum library and officers, and an excellent heating plant which warms the entire quadrangle.
The Science of Man museum is not so fortunately housed. This unique collection, illustrating the physical evolution of man through the ages, and the early steps in human culture that have led to civilization, has no parallel in the world. To it is being added the Joseph Jessop archery collection, without doubt the most complete and valuable to be seen in any museum. This building also is provided with a good heating plant. It is to be regretted that the Science of Man museum cannot be in finished fireproof buildings, where its safety would be assured and the material, as an educational exhibit, brought to its highest efficiency. This is something to work for. Its loss would be irreparable.
Unique in Make-Up
No effort is being made to build a museum of vast size, but instead one that will illustrate a few things of great importance in a manner not to be seen anywhere else. Whatever distinction it has attained is due to its unique character. This places it among the half dozen most important museums of the country. It will be proper here to call attention to how little this museum has cost the people of San Diego.
- The immensely valuable site cost nothing. It is on the public park.
- The California building, one of the finest architectural achievements in America, was built
by the state.
- The Fine Arts and Science of Man buildings were erected from the sum voted for park
improvement in building the exposition of 1915.
- The original collections, cases, furniture and other equipment were secured with an
allotment of $100,000 from the funds subscribed by the exposition stockholders. With the
assistance of the Smithsonian Institution and the Archaeological Institute of America, the
School of American Research planned, collected, assembled and installed the material
during the years 1912, 1913 and 1914. Valuable additions have since come as gifts and
Department Added
- The exposition corporation at the close of the fair, transferred the property of the department
of science and art to the San Diego Museum association for the purpose of founding a
permanent museum, as contemplated from the beginning of the exposition. The California
state commission and the city park board granted the use of the buildings above named for
the purposes of the museum as long as the association continues to carry on its part of the
- The museum association has conducted the museum free to the public for the last four years
at an average annual expense of $10,000. This sum has been derived from the following
sources: The fees ($5 a year) of an average of 300 corporate members; the fees of a few life
members ($100); the contributions of three or four sustaining members ($500 a year); the
contributions of two or three patrons (those who have given $1000 or upwards); a small cash
balance transferred to it by the exposition corporation to assist in maintaining the
The museum as it is today, including buildings, could not possibly be built anew at a cost of
$1,000,000. It is a perpetual asset to the city and state. Improved as it has been during the last year by the completion of the California building and its reinstallation. It will be one of the chief assets of the proposed mid-winter exposition, and it is the desire of the board to make it contribute to this purpose to the fullest extent. It will help toward the preservation of the architectural features of the park, for which public sentiment in San Diego is overwhelming.
Assured Fund Essential
This bring us to the final statement which must be made at this time concerning the museum, and it is one which must have the serious consideration of every citizens. It has cost $10,000 a year to keep it doors open to the public, its buildings in habitable condition, and the collections reasonably well cared for. Twelve thousand dollars a year is the minimum on which it can be run with any margin at all for development. It has never received a dollar for maintenance from public taxation. The small cash inheritance from the exposition is exhausted. An assured maintenance fund must be found//
The board has decided that the first essential step must be the securing of not less than 1,000 members at the annual fee of $5. The steps for raising the additional amount needed are now under consideration. The plan of charging admission to all non-members, as in most eastern museums and art galleries, with only one general free day, has been proposed and is being considered. Under any arrangement made with the mid-winter exposition, the museum membership card will be duly honored. Some valuable bequests have been made to the museum which will become available in future years.
Means of Assistance
It is hoped that everyone interested in the welfare of San Diego will respond to this appeal by calling the museum secretary and asking to be enrolled for membership. There must be many whose interest extends further than simply being a member. The following citizens stand ready at all times to advise those who desire information and who will consider helping in any way with the permanent financial foundation of the museum.
George W. Marston, G. Aubrey Davidson, Alice Lee, Wheeler J. Bailey, Mrs. W. P. B. Prentice, Duncan MacKinnon, Alice Klauber, Dr. Fred Baker, Mrs. Anna Connell, William Templeton Johnson, Edgar L. Hewett. Membership blanks may be obtained at the museum office and remittances should be sent to the San Diego Museum, Balboa Park. The month of March will be devoted to this campaign for the permanent founding of the museum.
March 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 11:5-6. “La Bella Sevilla,” Beatrice Dominguez, Spanish dancer of Exposition, dies.
March 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Balboa Park Museums
The citizens of San Diego will certainly respond to Dr. Hewett’s appeal and make the museum features of their beautiful park a dominant incentive to their civic activities.
March 4, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:7. Contract signed for 13 buildings at Naval Station.
March 11, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:3. Doctor Carol Aronovici, said San Diego should be divided into four zones: industrial, commercial, civic and residential in lecture at Unitarian Church yesterday evening.
March 13, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:1. Large attendance expected at St. Patrick’s Day ball at Cristobal building next Thursday evening.
March 16, 1921. Park Commissioners, Stromberg Process Company allowed to use part of first floor of Sacramento Building as a studio.
March 16, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:3. San Diego County Farm Bureau annual meeting to be held in the Cristobal building Saturday.
March 18, 1921. San Diego Union, 10:1. Park Board to give out poinsettia plants to residents next Thursday; plan to make city a blaze of color for exposition.
March 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:3-4. Hundreds of bike riders to join in sociability run from library to park tomorrow afternoon.
March 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Detailed plans prepared for port’s development, elaborate drawings submitted by Waterfront Improvement Committee of Chamber of Commerce, George W. Marston, chairman, to Board of Harbor Commissioners; plans and drawings prepared by Frank P. Allen, Jr.; 30 deep water piers provided for; minimum of 20 deep water piers extending from present municipal pier to foot of 27th Street; segregation of tidelands into residential and industrial areas; establishment of a yacht basin with swimming pools, tennis courts, aquarium and park along the waterfront between Laurel and Grape Streets; closing lower portion of Market Street and looping street cars around to G Street; section reserved for residences along Point Loma bayshore from Kellogg to Lowell Streets; seafood packing houses and fishing fleet anchorage to be located at easterly line of marine brigade base with yacht basin and park adjoining; from the foot of Grape Street piers and industrials sites take up the waterfront area until it reaches the northern end of the new fleet base; the Navy now controls virtually all the waterfront from foot of 31st Street to National City line.
March 20, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:1-4. Plant lovers make excursion about Exposition buildings and “card index” fifteen eucalypts, by Carroll De Wilton Scott.
March 20, 1921, San Diego Union, Automobile Section, 1:1. Big automobile show in Agricultural Building beginning March 26.
March 22, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:4. Natural History Museum to get Egyptian relics; Miss Ellen Scripps provides funds to obtain art objects from buried city.
March 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. Wadham leads in mayoralty race; Bacon second.
March 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Wadham’s Record
James E. Wadham has met the test and has been found to be a good mayor for all the people.
March 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:3-5. Auto Show Building in Agricultural Building in Balboa Park transformed into scene from Fairyland; Boston Grand Opera quartet will appear daily and nightly at the Auto Show for the eight days of the show, starting Saturday.
March 26, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:1 Organ recital, Easter Day; Cadman Club will sing tomorrow afternoon.
March 28, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 2:5. Large Easter crowd sees auto show and enjoys musical treat.
March 29, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:1-8. Picture of throng at Easter service before great organ.
March 29, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:3. Today is Auto Trade Association Day at show in Balboa Park
April 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:1. Museum of Natural History received present of group; work of William Gillette, taxidermist, presented to local institution by J. W. Sefton, Jr.
April 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:2-4. Same human throng of Auto Show indulges in luxury of looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of motor cars; Booth of the American Automobile Club of Southern California will occupy center of stage today; attendance to date estimated at between 12,000 to 15,000; tomorrow will be “Los Angeles Day”; show closes Saturday.
April 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:4-5. Large tea and reception will be given this afternoon and evening in Persimmon Room; program of vocal music in afternoon and band music in evening; social climax of Auto Show.
April 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Auto Show
San Diegans ought to be united in making the last day of the show a really big one.
April 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. Businessmen to have day in great Automobile Show; believe all records will be broken today when owners pay visit to Balboa exhibit; management plans to make last day one of the most eventful of occasion; backers predict total attendance will be in excess of 30,000.
April 3, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:1-2. Nature lovers list 50 species of wild flowers in canyons and on mesas of Balboa park, display above normal, by Carroll De Wilton Scott.
April 4, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:1-3. Advertisement urging “yes” vote for paving Pershing Drive with map showing same.
April 5, 1921. Proposition 2: bonded indebtedness of $62,300
permanent pavement of Pershing Drive extending from northerly end of 18th Street
through Balboa Park and connecting with 28th Street at northeast corner of park
extension of Redwood Street connecting with Pershing Drive
extension of Upas Street connecting with Pershing Drive between Oregon Street and
28th Street
Yes 8,926
No 4,962
Proposition 3: bonded indebtedness of $27,250 for pavement of 12th Street through
Balboa Park and connecting with existing pavement at Exposition grounds
Yes 9,256
No 4,359
April 5, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:5-8. Map of five sections of street paving to be voted on April 5, including 12th Street extension and Pershing Drive.
April 6, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:1-2, 2:3. Bacon leads by scant margin; old councilmen returned by voters; light vote (53 percent of registered voters) is cats; recount is likely; Barrett dam bonds carry; paving propositions lost; three of present Board of Education returned to office.
April 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:8. Latest figures cut down Bacon’s lead; plan recount; opponent now only 82 votes ahead.
April 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:4-5. Grading work started for Naval Training Station.
April 12, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:4. Bacon sworn in as mayor; plans to file contest being considered; official canvass brings no change in election results.
April 15, 1921, San Diego Union, 18:4. Bill ratifying grant from city to school board of 17 acres in Balboa Park passed state assembly yesterday and will go to Governor Stephens for signature.
April 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:2-3. Exposition to open January 1, 1923; decision made by directors.
April 17, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-5. Permanent construction work for naval projects in San Diego runs about 2 and 2 and ½ millions; wards and administration building at Naval Hospital 33 percent competed; will be ready for occupancy late this fall.
April 18, 1921. San Diego Union, 4:7. READERS’ VIEWPOINT.
Editor: I quote the following from The Union of April 14:
“The largest open air organ constructed in any city of the Rockies [sic] has just arrived a the University of Virginia and is now being set up as part of the equipment of the new McIntire Greek Amphitheater.”
This paragraph is of special interest to me, for it happens that I have been engaged to go east next month to give the opening recital on this new organ.
The University of Virginia is — or was — at Charlottesville, Virginia, but now that is has been moved to “the Rockies,” I will not have to travel so far to play my program!
Incidentally, why do people always speak of “the largest organ,” as though mere size were the only test of merit?
Having played occasionally on organs loudly proclaimed to be “the largest,” I can testify that some of them are very defective and lacking in many of the features which are essential in a good instrument.
The Spreckels organ at the park, at which I have the honor to preside, is by no means one of the largest in the world, but I can safely say it is one of the best. Perhaps someday we shall learn to regard quality and not quantity as the real test of these instruments.
Yours very truly,
Humphrey J. Stewart
April 20, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. A. B. Spreckels presents life-size statue of John McLaren to San Francisco.
April 21, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:3-4. Park shown as big asset in report by Tom N. Faulconer, secretary Park Board; commissioners declare city and citizens received $10 for every dollar of appropriation spent for maintenance; tourists attracted and become permanent residents.
“The day must come when San Diegans will recognize the fact that your park system is not what parks are to many cities — just a pleasant place to go and loaf for an hour or so, but an advertising feature worth millions as entertainment and educational feature that makes boosters and permanent residents of tourists, an institute that is not an expense to the taxpayer but a producer of cash dividends as certain and as tangible as the wealth that must accrue to the city through her harbor and her climate.”
April 22, 1911. Park Commissioners decline a U. S. Marine Corps request for renewal of lease on buildings in Balboa Park.
April 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:2. Flower show to open in Southern California building in park this afternoon; children admitted free until 3 p.m.
April 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:1-3. “Kite-Flyin” time brought out throng of boys to Indian Village yesterday afternoon.
April 24, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:1-3. Kite flying brought out throng of boys to Indian Village yesterday afternoon with “birds” of infinite variety of shape, size and hue.
April 24, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:5. Exposition finds indorsement in many quarters; representatives of big importing grocery house give approval.
April 25, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Flower exhibit draws 5,000 as exhibit closes; Irish Rose winner.
May 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. Several thousand hear Dr. Stewart lecture on compositions before playing them on outdoor organ yesterday; part of The Union music memory contest.
May 6, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Children to give annual May festival in Balboa Park tomorrow afternoon in back of pansy garden.
May 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 3:3-4. Natural History Museum has series of interesting talks on conservation of resources, by Carroll De Wilton Scott.
May 8, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 2:1-3. Boy Scout executives to attend biennial conference opening in park; San Diego chosen because of success attained at Indian Village.
May 8, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 6:1. Penwomen have annual all-day event in park; meet in Persimmon Room.
May 9, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. Three thousand attend organ recital of music contest numbers; Dr. Steward explained and played ten selections for appreciative crowd.
May 12, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. Dr. Stewart on eve of departure for East; will devote program next Saturday afternoon to selections in The Union’s third week of musical education for children..
May 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Dr. Stewart on eve of departure for East.
May 15, 1921, San Diego Union, 2:2-7. Color masses in Balboa Park carry all shades for weddings; gorgeous blossoms in profusion, by Carroll De Wilton Scott.
May 16, 1921, Letters, Thomas Faulconer, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners, to Rev. Chas. T. Murphy, Chairman, San Diego, California.
Dear Sir:
The request of your committee for permission to utilize the East half of the first floor, Sacramento Building, Balboa Park, as a recreational and amusement center for men of the U. S. Navy on shore liberty, under auspices of the Seaman’s Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, has been filed with the Board of Park Commissioners, and the following action thereon was taken:
Permission for above described use of the premises named is hereby authorized until such time as the said premises may be required for other purposes, on the following conditions, to wit:
(1.) No construction work nor structural alterations shall be made except with the expressed
approval of the Board of Park Commissioners or its superintendent.
(2.) The Board of Park Commissioners shall be reimbursed for electric light consumption, gas
consumption, labor or any other expense incurred as a result of such use of the premises.
(3.) That this permit may be terminated at any time by notice in writing, and the premises shall
be vacated within ten days from the date of delivery of such notice.
(4.) That the premises shall at all times be under supervision of Rev. Frank Thompson or other
person of authority, who shall maintain order and protect the premises from damage, and
that the premises shall be closed when such supervision is lacking.
(5.) That the premises shall be left in as good condition as on the date when occupation under
this permit shall begin.
Board of Park Commissioners
Exec. Secy.
Above terms hereby accepted by San Diego Convocational Committee, Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles by (Signed) Charles T. Murphy, Chairman
May 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:7-8. Dr. Stewart’s annual report; played 2,376 pieces in Balboa Park in 1920; 314 recitals given.
May 17, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:3-6. Bridge tea party in Persimmon Room yesterday afternoon..
May 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. Marshall Giselman will relieve Dr. Stewart during his vacation; first recital this afternoon..
May 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:6. More than 2,000 persons heard moonlight organ recital by Marshall Giselman last night.
May 20, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. Giselman to give moonlight recital at outdoor Organ Pavilion Sunday night; result of his interest in The Union’s memory contest.
May 22, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2. F. F. Grant of Park Board tells work accomplished; welcomes Hugo Klauber, his replacement on Board.
May 22, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:4-6. “Harbor Park,” eight blocks long from Date to Laurel Streets, planned by Chamber of Commerce; plans drawn by Frank P. Allen, Jr.; two swimming pools, pleasure piers, basin for yachts, dock space for motor boats included in scheme.
May 22, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 8:4-5. Douglas Smith, boy soprano, will appear with Hugo Goodwin in a concert at Organ Pavilion this afternoon.
May 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. The Union’s memory contest will be given splendid ending in Balboa Park Saturday morning; Paul Maiss will be heard in piano numbers; five days for review.
May 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:6. More than 2,000 persons heard moonlight organ recital presented by Marshall Giselman last night.
May 28, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:1-2. Two thousand five hundred at Stadium to observe Memorial Day exercises given by High School.
May 31, 1921, San Diego Union, 3:3-4. Organ Pavilion filled for Memorial Day exercises yesterday.
May 31, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:6. Gilselman to give Leatherneck’s Day at Balboa Park organ for Marines in park.
June 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2. “Marines’ Day” program at Organ Pavilion this afternoon.
June 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:1. Formal ball opening new Civic Auditorium set for June 16.
June 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 18:1. Park Board reorganized yesterday; Judge Henry C. Ryan, president; John F. Forward, Jr., executive secretary; plan to lay out athletic field in park and to install baseball diamonds and tennis court; proposal to construct new building for county fair adjacent to old tractor building.
June 5, 1921, San Diego Union, 11:7. Home Building and Industries Exposition to be held in Balboa Park, July 16 to 31.
June 5, 1921, San Diego Union, Society Club Section, 1:1-2. Formal affair to open Civic Auditorium, June 16.
June 6, 1921. City by deed gave two parcels of land to San Diego School District, 17.42 acres for Roosevelt Junior High School, and 9.99 acres for Synder Continuation School.
City decided to remove all save the permanent buildings; $40,000 was raised and buildings
were repaired.
June 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Civic Auditorium
The Balboa Park auditorium now in process of construction under the direction of the Civic Center and about 20 cultural organizations will add an essential element to the progressive enterprises underway in this community.
The building chosen for the purpose is the Southern Counties building of the San Diego, California exposition, one of the handsomest structures in the park, and, at the same time, amply commodious for all purposes to which it will be devoted. Two paramount objects will be achieved in this enterprise — the permanent preservation of a beautiful architectural conception and adequate provision for the accommodation of assemblies of any magnitude. Seldom has this combination of the artistic and the thoroughly practical been so felicitously effected. The Southern Counties building was designed in composite replica of every phase of the Spanish Colonial order of architecture. Its facades, interiors, corridors, towers, arches, roofs and portals are reproduced from originals of some of the most famous structures in the world included within the Renaissance and Moorish forms; these decorative features have a lineage in direct descent from the architectural arabesque art of the Alhambra and the Escorial through the cathedral forms and their modern modifications in Colonial America, some of which was the product of the genius of native Americans in Mexico and South America. Never before has the experiment of this composition been attempted, and the praise for its successful accomplishment must be award to Goodhue, who conceived the general plan in the hope that future generations of California architects might find in it a basis form upon which to build a true California order of their constructive art. In view of all the circumstances involved I this uniquely artistic result it would have been a vandal act to destroy this magnificent building.
The women of San Diego have undertaken not only to preserve the Southern Counties building in Balboa park; but they have arranged to make practical uses of it as a civic asset. The auditorium, which these women propose, has been long desired as a necessary adjunct of the city’s public and official activities; but other public necessities have been deemed more pressing and this one had to wait. As it is, the auditorium will not cost the taxpayers a dollar of tax money: when it is completed it will be a contribution to the community by the individual citizens through the popular methods devised by the women of the Civic Center and its collateral organizations.
With the completion and equipment of this splendid structure San Diego may enter the competitive list of “convention cities” on equal terms in any bid for national and state assemblies. We can offer every facility for these conventions in the most attractive environment on the American continent, amid beauty, natural and artificial, unsurpassed anywhere else in the world. What the women of San Diego are doing for this community in this regard will be counted in millions of dollars within the next decade; and the fame of our city will be trumpeted far abroad from the lips of thousands who come in doubt, to leave with naught but praise of that which we will give them.
June 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:5. THE READER’S VIEWPOINT: Enthusiastic Golfer Issues Rallying Cry
Editor San Diego Union: I have read with considerable curiosity and wonderment a recent article in the daily press wherein the board of park commissioners were quoted as favoring the construction of a large athletic field in Balboa park, said athletic field to contain several baseball diamonds, with grandstands, bleachers, tennis courts, etc. In fact, something of the kind to be built on a large scale and at considerable cost to the city. I am wondering what the big idea is and why.
In the first place, the only site I can think of suitable for such a purpose is the old cavalry field on the northeast border of the park, and I think this site can be used eventually for something far more suitable and of which I shall speak later.
We have at the present time within the limits of the city of San Diego nine baseball diamonds, three on the Y. M. C. A. service field at the foot of Broadway. I think all of these have bleachers and, in some cases, covered grandstands. We have numerous tennis courts, located at the different playgrounds and at the high school. We also have football gridirons at these different places. I cannot say just how many. Furthermore, we all hope that before many years San Diego will occupy a berth in the Coast league. This will mean another large and first-class baseball field, with modern grandstand and bleachers, located within the city. When the San Diego team was playing away from home, this field could, no doubt, be used for baseball and other athletic events.
Now, last but not least, allow me to mention our stadium, one of the finest in the country and surrounding an athletic field second to none, with a fine baseball diamond, football gridiron, running track and other facilities for holding almost any kind of a field meet — even up to Olympic games, if we all got together and talked loud enough. Now, can anyone tell me why we need another large athletic field?
I wonder if it has occurred to our honorable park commissioners and sport-loving citizens of San Diego that there is something already built and in good use in our city that I believe has greater potential value for the future good of our community and the entertainment of our tourist friends in the way of healthful outdoor sport than another athletic field? I mean our municipal golf course. With all due respect to whose faithful and far-sighted ones who were the fathers of this project and our park commissioners, who have done what they could to build it up and keep it going, yet I must apologize when I say that our municipal golf course in a joke. It is a sad thing to have to apologize to one’s friends, who have played over municipal golf courses in other cities, when we take them to play over ours. Even out of respect for our feelings, they cannot hide their own. I believe I am not alone in saying that the present course is not properly laid out. This probably through no fault of the builders as, when the first nine holes were built, the other nine were not thought of seriously. However, if possible, this should be changed and the clubhouse located in a more accessible position relative to the two nine-hole courses, as in other modern 18-hole courses. The present course should either be made over with grass fairways and greens, properly trapped and bunkered, or, as I intimated in the beginning of this letter, a new 18-hole grass course should be laid out on the site of the old cavalry camp.
- F. Disbrow
June 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:5. San Diego Junior College transferred from High School to Normal School last night and the name changed to San Diego State Teachers College.
June 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:4-5. Golfers desire improvement in Balboa Park municipal course; meeting in field house of Golden Hill Playground.
June 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. Miss Virginia Brissac, out-of-towner, to be honor guest at opening of Civic Auditorium, June 16; structure will last for 50 years; renovation was directed by William Templeton Johnson.
June 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:4-5. Civic auditorium to be bower of beauty on occasion o f Homecoming Ball, June 16.
June 10, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:1. Splendid program of entertainment arranged for Civic Auditorium ball; Little Community Theater auditorium is part of building.
June 10, 1921, San Diego Union, 18:1. Seventy thousand pansies in Montezuma Gardens; snapdragons, pentstemons, roses; Sam Elmer, gardener.
June 11, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. Marshall W. Giselman to present organ program this afternoon.
June 12, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:1. W. O. Bourne debates J. W. Sefton on excessive expenditures of Natural History Society.
June 12, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:4. Theodore C. Kistner chosen as architect of new Junior High School building to be built in Balboa Park.
June 12, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Continuous movie show, Spanish dancers to feature gala opening of Civic Auditorium Thursday night.
June 12, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2-3. William Templeton Johnson says auditorium floor safe.
June 17, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:1-2. Thousands attend ball formally opening civic auditorium; interior decorated by John Morley and decorative committee with Mrs. George McKenzie as chairman; program planned by entertainment committee with Miss Gertrude Gilbert as chairman; Mrs. Frederick Henking was chairman of executive chairman; service in banquet room given by Mrs. F. J. Campbell; many volunteers.
June 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:3 and June 19, 1921, 7:4. Mexicans ready for two-day fiesta in Plaza de Panama for relief of needy families; Spanish and Oriental dancing in former Sacramento building; open-air dance on Plaza; flower girls.
June 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 14:1 and June 21, 1921, 4:6. Dr. Stewart returns after receiving honors in eastern cities.
June 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 19:2 and June 22, 1921, 10:3. Three-day carnival of Parent Teachers’ Association relief fund to be held in new Civic Auditorium, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
June 26, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:5. Gross receipts for grand opening ball of new Civic Auditorium were approximately $6,600.
June 26, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:6. George W. Marston spoke to Business and Professional Women’s Club Wednesday evening on “The Playgrounds of California”; he described natural wonders of state and quoted frequently from John Muir’s “The Mountains of California.”
June 28, 1921, San Diego Union, and June 30, 1921, 18:3. Greeters of city to stage big carnival in Balboa Park Saturday evening; concessionaires engage space around Plaza where jazz dancing will be done; a preparation is to be used on the asphalt which will make it smooth and easy to dance upon.
Date?. U. S. Marine Corps given permission to occupy Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Kansas, Washington, Kern and Tulare, Alameda, Salt Lake and San Joaquin buildings for barracks between July 1, 1921 and June 30, 1922.
Date?. San Diego Academy of Fine Arts moved from Sacramento to Indian Arts Building.
July 2, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Hotel Greeters of San Diego putting on big carnival in Balboa Park tonight.
July 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 11:6. Men of submarine flotilla given jaguar, anteater to park zoo.
July 5, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:4. Athletic events chief feature of park celebration; dance at night in Civic Auditorium also popular event on Trades Council Forth of July bill; speeches at Organ Pavilion; about 4,000 were there.
July 5, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:1-2. Home Industries to be featured at 16-day show in Agricultural Building beginning July 16; Woman’s League among organizations promoting this section of Exposition; H. J. Penfold, managing director.
July 8, 1921, Minutes Board of Park Commissioners.
Present: Commissioners Ryan and Forward; Commissioner Klauber absent.
Permission given postal clerks and carriers to use Stadium for baseball on Labor Day.
Permission given to American Legion to use Stadium for a series of motorcycle polo games , the first to take place July 31; part superintendent to specific what steps should be taken to protect the field.
This department not able to participate in annual convention of park superintendents because of insufficient finances.
Proposed addition to San Diego High School must be submitted to this Board before construction can be granted.
A request of the San Diego Girl Scouts for permission to utilize as headquarters the New Mexico Building as soon as same should be vacated by the U. S. Marine Corps was granted provided
(1.) that the Girl Scout organization should place the premises in a first-class state of repair;
(2.) that the Girl Scout organization should at all times keep the premises in repair and in a clean
clean and neat condition;
(3.) that all repairs and maintenance should be without cost to the city park department, and that
meters should be installed for the measurement of gas and electricity consumed in the
building, all of which should be paid from funds of the Girl Scout organization.
Upon motion of Commissioner Forward, executive secretary was directed to confer with the Common Council and to request that police badges be issued the several members of the park commission.
July 8, 1921, Letter, Marion M. Kettner, Commissioner, County Headquarters Girl Scouts, San Diego, California, to Board of Park Commissioners, San Diego, California.
The Girl Scouts have reached such a membership in San Diego at the present time that we are urgently in need of suitable headquarters. We find that the New Mexico building in the park grounds is admirably suited t our needs, and we hereby make application for the use of the building. We understand that we cannot occupy the building until the marines are no longer using it; and we agree to return it to you in as good condition as when we take it over, except the ordinary depreciation as the building grows older.
(Signed) Marion M. Kettner,
July 10, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-8. First units of Naval Hospital to be ready for occupancy in September.
July 11, 1921, San Diego Union, 2:5-6. Professor Carol Aronovici, University of California, to lecture at Home Building and Industrial Exposition; Mayor Bacon will open show Saturday afternoon.
July 11, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 10:4. Bible meetings to open in park; series of interdenominational conferences will begin July 17; sessions to be held in Cristobal building.
July 12, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:2. Nathaniel E. Slaymaker writes letter praising Carroll De Wilton Scott, naturalist, who is retiring from active work with San Diego Natural History Museum.
July 13, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:3. “Community Sing” to be feature of home building and industrial exposition; Mayor Bacon to deliver principal address at opening on Saturday afternoon.
July 15, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 17:7. Community Service staged an outdoor sing in patio of Civic Auditorium last night, Cadman Club sang.
July 16, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 1:7-8, 10:5. Big San Diego Home Building Exposition opens doors at noon.
July 16, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 4:6. Benefit dance at Auditorium tonight.
With Bebe Daniels, famous screen actress as one of the attractions, the civic auditorium in Balboa park is expected to be crowded to capacity tonight, when a dancing party and entertainment will be given for the purpose of raising funds to purchase a printing press for “The Optimist,” the weekly newspaper published for the benefit of the disable servicemen at Camp Kearny.
July 16, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 4:7-8. Miscreants in park guilty of cowardly cruelty to animals.
Instances of almost unbelievable cruelty to animals, caged and helpless, were reported at the city hall today by Dr. H. J. Wegeforth, president of the San Diego Zoological society, which conducts the exhibits in Balboa Park. His statements would make it seem that humane societies have little hope for popularity because society at large is not humane.
A favorite pastime for some of the inhuman “beasts” that roam the park at will is to drop boulders on the bears in their pits, according to the doctor, their special diversion being to see if they can hit a bear on the head. The Polar bear was one on which a “bull’s eye” was scored, and an abscess was started that nearly killed the animal.
Another popular “sport” is throwing rocks at the lions, picking out the biggest rocks that will go between the bars. As many rocks as would fill a bushel basket have been taken from a lion’s cage at one time, Dr. Wegeforth stated. One of the lions was so badly battered by rocks when a keeper made the rounds one morning that he could not stand on his feet and was unable to recuperate enough strength to do so until noon.
The kangaroos of the zoo are all extinct, aided on their way to that state by persons whose intentions may have been none but good in giving them herbs to eat.
Special efforts are to be made to apprehend and prosecute these inhuman miscreants, it was stated today.
“The number of cruelties inflicted on animals in the park is almost unbelievable,” said one official today. “We are determined that an example shall be made and we are going to spare no efforts to bring about the arrest and prosecution of any person guilty of practicing cruelty on the animals. These miscreants are in the same class as dog poisoners. The ply their cruelties at times when they think there is no possibility of detection. Not one of them would have the courage to throw a rock at one of the animals when they thought there would be a possibility of their being observed. They are snakes of the worst variety and there is not one of them that does not deserve a heavy fine and a term in jail. We have the starting of an excellent zoological garden and the animals are being maintained at the expense of the city and for the benefit of San Diegans as a whole. We, therefore, insist that a jail term as well as a fine shall be given to any person convicted of cruelty to any of the animals.”
The zoological society is at present trying to find and employ an engineer to plan zoological gardens in the park, to enable exhibit of the animals in something like their native haunts. Such places would be laid out along the canyons without view obstruction to passerbys, deep moats to cut between the roads or walks and the haunts” instead of building fences on the view sides of the enclosures.
July 16, 1921, San Diego Sun, 11:1-8. Leslie Ray visits the Home Building and Industrial Exposition in the Agricultural Building, Balboa Park.
July 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. San Diego Home Building Exposition to open today; Mayor Bacon to deliver inaugural address on “Own Your Own Home and Patronize Home Industry” at park this afternoon; indorsed by Chamber of Commerce; free dancing tonight and each weekday evening.
July 16, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 18:1-3. Knights of Pythias of San Diego and Bay Region to stage field meet at Balboa Park tonight in Plaza de Panama; band concert, water melon contest; drills.
July 17, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. San Diego shown how to provide comforts cheaply; every conceivable product displayed which enters into equipping of home.
July 17, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 10:2-3. San Diego Zoo assured fine zoo gardens on 200-acre site; Zoological Society announces completion of preliminary plans; habitat idea to be carried out in preparation of grottos; money for several of which already has been pledged; city to aid in upkeep; $5,000 yearly promised.
As the culmination of plans quietly prepared by officers and members of the San Diego Zoological society, in cooperation with the city park board and the city council, work will begin this week on a 200-acre zoological garden in Balboa Park designed to be among the finest establishments of its kind in America. This announcement was made yesterday by Dr. H. M. Wegeforth, president of the Zoological society.
The total cost of the gardens, much lower that it would be in a city where winter housing for animals would have to be considered, is estimated at $60,000. The city council will allow $5,000 a year for upkeep of the gardens, Dr. Wegeforth said yesterday, and Mayor John L. Bacon will act as consulting engineer during their construction.
Surveying has already begun on the tract of approximately 200 acres, just north of the exposition buildings, allowed for the gardens, and work on some of the dens will be begun within two or three days.
The entire gardens will be constructed on the habitat plan, Dr. Wegeforth announced. There will be no cages or bars, and no pits. The public will be protected by a system of moats and low walls, all being so “camouflaged” as to preserve, as far as possible, the appearance of a natural wilderness, and the animals will be so housed as to insure light, air, sunshine and shade, together with adequate housing at night.
A member of the local society, Dr. Slaymaker, who has had wide experience in the designing of zoological gardens in the east, will have charge of that part of the work here, Dr. Wegeforth said, and plans are now being prepared. Mayor Bacon has promised to act as consulting engineer for the project.
Robert S. Mears will be superintendent of the new zoo. Mr. Mears has had charge of other establishments, according to Dr. Wegeforth, and has owned circus and exhibition zoos. The society has the promise of valuable animals for the collection from many different parts of the country, and navy men have promised a liberal supply of specimens from South American countries. The park board will also turn over all the animals which it is at present keeping in various other tracts in the park.
Dens and grottos for the smaller animals will be begun in January when final work on the whole project will be started. Complete plans will not be available until the last of this year, Dr. Wegeforth said, and it is planned to begin the work in earnest when they are completed, so that the construction work can be done at one stretch rather than by degrees.
The garden will include an area beginning south of the International Harvester building, and running west to the road through Cabrillo canyon. It will extend north to the edge of the park, exclusive of the tract allotted to the new intermediate high school.
The Harvester building, according to present plans, will be used as an administration building, and also as a reptile house. West of it a large space will be given over to a playground for children and a picnic ground. The rest of the tract will be landscaped to permit the construction of dens and grottos for the animals and also to give the whole area a natural “wild” appearance.
A lagoon for waterfowl is planned. Aside from the planting of shade trees and the growth of vines along the walls in front of the dens and grottos, there will be no “parking” on most of the tract.
Money for the building of grottos and dens to house the animals here is being raised rapidly. Those who wish to build a grotto to house some particular group are allowed to make a choice, and each grotto so donated will bear a brass plaque with the name of the donor.
Several of the grottos have been already donated, at prices ranging from $300 to $3500 and work on some of the dens will begin at once.
“Raising money for this big project is comparatively simple,” said Dr. Wegeforth yesterday. “Between 2500 and 5000 persons come to the present zoo every Saturday and Sunday and among them are many children. The older folks are showing the wild animals to the children, and when they are asked to contribute to the new gardens, they realize they are contributing something worthwhile to their children and to their grandchildren.
“The new gardens will be a splendid thing for San Diego, ranking with the best of the kind that America has to offer. I have a letter from Director Hornaday of the New York Zoological Society, which controls the famous Bronx zoo, telling me that he has looked over our plans and considers that our gardens will be the finest in the country.
“We are constantly receiving plans, advice, congratulations from zoological societies all over the country. Several local organizations are cooperating in the work, and we are assured of success.”
July 17, 1921, San Diego Union, 20:1. Rocks and boulders dropped on bears in their dens and rocks thrown at lions at zoo by visitors; Dr. Wegeforth asks jail terms for those caught injuring animals.
July 17, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Home Building Exposition opens its doors at park.
July 18, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 10:2-3. Thousands attend big Home Building and Industrial Exposition.
The San Diego Home Building and Industrial exposition is a known worth-while attraction today, thousands of visitors having voiced their approval with enthusiasm since the opening Saturday afternoon. There are 65 exhibits by San Diego firms gathered in one large building in the park, aside from the exhibits there are numerous inviting amusement features, entertainment and dancing being provided for as diversions.
The home-building phase is emphasized in the exhibits, and here anyone may see collected for his study all the latest materials and appliances which will make a home strictly modern. A visit to the exposition enables one to compare materials and prices from the foundation to the last furnishings of a home — all within one building, where a day’s study affords more complete information than could be had in weeks of calls at the various plants and stores.
In making his address opening the exposition, Major John L. Bacon voiced his opinion that the exposition should be a permanent one because of its usefulness and convenience to anyone interested in building or improving a home. Rufus Choate and Carl Heilbron were other speakers at the opening exercises, and Prof. Carol Aronovici of the University of California lectured both Saturday and yesterday on home building and the housing problem.
Two programs daily is the order of the show, which will continue 16 days, lectures and entertainment being without charge. Bann’s syncopated orchestra furnishes music for the dancing. Refreshments, lunches and plate dinners are served by the women’s auxiliary of the American Legion, so that visitors need not leave the exposition to get meals.
Congratulations are being heaped upon Manager H.J. Penfold and his assistants for the success of the exposition and upon exhibitors for their excellent displays of San Diego made or sold building products.
Hours of the exposition are from 1:30 until 11 p.m.
July 18, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 13:3. Bible sessions opened in Balboa Park.
The Southwestern Bible conference opened yesterday afternoon with a large audience at the Cristobal building. H. A. Ironside of Oakland made the opening address. In the afternoon he spoke on “The Great Mystery: or the Spirit’s Baptism and Its Results.” His text was from Ephesians 5:32, where the apostle Paul calls the relation between Christ and His Body, the Church, “A Great Mystery.” He gave a comprehensive definition of the word “Church: and the organization of the “Church of Christ” on the day of Pentecost, and also the early development of the church, its mission in the world and its future destiny.
In the evening he spoke on “The A B C of Prophecy: or the Great Image of Daniel Two.” In his address he showed from Scripture how the Gentiles were given the government of the world because Israel had been unfaithful. He also held forth how the final form of the Gentile nomination would develop and come to its final destruction.
Ironside is an easy, fluent speaker, with a voice that carries well, and yet is comfortable to hear. This afternoon at 2:30 he will begin a series of studies in the Epistle to the Ephesians and this evening he will speak on “The Backbone of Prophecy: or the Seventy Weeks of Daniel Nine.”
July 18, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:3. 1200 persons marvel at big building exposition; many seriously interested in home pay visit; Professor Carol Aronovici discusses need of building; Rufus Choate speaks.
July 19, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 15:1-2. Brilliant color display of eucalyptus blossoms in park affords great treat.
July 19, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 18:2. Exposition arranges “Uniform Day” tomorrow.
July 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:2-4, 3:6. City will put on big carnival, August 18, 19 and 20.
July 19, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:4. Servicemen in uniform to be guests at Home Exposition tomorrow.
July 19, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 18:4. Carnival and circus in Civic Auditorium, July 22-23, for benefit of new Children’s Home on Georgia Street.
July 20, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 13:3. San Diego California Club will have big day at Exposition.
July 20, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 7:3. Sundown recitals at Organ Pavilion begin tomorrow evening.
July 20, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:3. Sundown recitals at Organ Pavilion beginning tomorrow at 7 in evening instead of 3 in afternoon.
July 21, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 16:3. Today is San Diego-California Day at Exposition.
July 22, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 13:4. Many see San Diego advantages at Exposition.
July 22, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 18:1-2. Midsummer Carnival plans arouses great enthusiasm; tentative program.
July 23, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 11:1. Stage Chamber of Commerce Day at Exposition.
July 23, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Commerce body to see Exposition today.
July 25, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 18:2-3. Closing days of Exposition to be filled with choice features.
July 25, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2. Home Exposition plans to receive 15,000 visitors; closing days of show expected to be crowded with interesting features.
July 25, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 14:8. Hugo Klauber, park commissioner, pleased with Indian Village during inspection Friday afternoon; Village is kept open to visitors daily from 9 to 5; average number of visitors daily is in excess of 100.
July 26, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 11:3. Women staging day at Exposition.
July 27, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 20:3. Coronado plays host today at Exposition.
July 28, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 10:4. Community Theater players may be ousted from home in park.
Unless some agreement is reached at a conference to be held this afternoon, a group of loyal San Diegans, known as the Community Players association, stands an excellent chance of being ousted from house and home.
Some months ago the Community Players fitted up the east wing of the old Southern Counties building as a theater, and there they have been giving plays at regular periods. Now this theater, it is said, is claimed by the Women’s civic center, as a part of the new civic auditorium.
According to members of the Community Players organization, the theater was fitted up at no expense whatever to the women’s civic center and the Community Players derive nothing more than a sum sufficient for its maintenance by giving a play once a month at a nominal admission, the receipts being meager because of the seating capacity, which is limited to 200.
Members of the Community Players were somewhat surprised and shocked recently, they say, upon receipt of a formal notice that the theater is claimed by the women’s civic center as a part of the new civic auditorium, and that, hereafter, the Community Players would be subservient in its business dealings to that body.
Immediately upon receipt of the notice, there was some tall skirmishing on the part of officials of the Community Players, which resulted in the appointment of a committee to confer with officials of the women’s civic center. The latter agreed to meet the Players’ committee to “talk things over.” This conference is set for 4 o’clock this afternoon in the blue room of the civic auditorium.
“The Community Players’ association fitted up the east wing of the Southern Counties building as a theater long before the women’s civic center or any other organization every thought of the structure as a civic auditorium,” said one of the officers of the Players’ association this morning.
“The plays given by the Community Players’ association are not given for profit. This would be impossible even under the conditions prevailing before the women’s civic center declared the theater to be part of a new civic auditorium, because the theater has a seating capacity of only 200 persons. The entire expense of fitting up the theater was borne by the Community Players. Now the women’s civic center is insisting that the Community Players shall pay a charge of $100 a might for the use of the building. This it is impossible for the Community Players to do. If it is impossible for an agreement to be reached, the Community Players will be forced to seek quarters elsewhere, or to give up the production of plays.”
The civic auditorium was fitted up through the securing of funds from a spring frolic given under the auspices of the women’s civic center and through a number of subscriptions. Since being fitted up the auditorium has been placed in the hands of a board and charges for the use of the building are now being made. Recently when an effort was made to secure funds for the disabled veterans at Camp Kearny by means of a benefit dance, it is said that a charge of $100 was made for the use of the building. The dance proved a financial failure and, instead of netting a sum of money for the disabled veterans, there was a deficit, including $100 said to have been charged for the use of the building that had to be met.
July 28, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 5:3. Plumbers have day at Exposition.
July 29, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 3:3. Women honored with day at Exposition.
July 29, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 8:4-5. Decide to arbitrate Community Players’ rights for theater.
July 30, 1921 San Diego Evening Tribune, 7:2. Industrial Exposition to close tomorrow.
July 31, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: ‘Spooning in the Park’
The romance of young love is intimately associated with moonlight and calm, still nights and whispering winds in immemorial groves and the nightingale warbling melodiously. The jasmine-perfumed gardens of Italy have been famous for their love stories, and the lemon groves of Spain have lent themselves to the service of great writers of great love tales. Poets have been inspired by the variety of moonlight that bathes the orchards and vineyards of Provencal; and such masters of the art of romance as Conrad and Louis Becke and Blasco Ibanez and Lafcadio Hearn have written stories of love beneath the palms in “climates sultry” when a tropic moon disarmed the effulgence of Cancer and deepened the shadows of the mysterious jungle.
In real life, of course, it is seldom so. If, for example, a great poet like Richard Le Gallienne or a great writer of love stories like Robert W. Chambers should come to San Diego, he would find the stage set for his love drama, but he would also find that the city council had prohibited the action of the play as immoral, and that the chief of police had ordered his purity squad to arrest all persons caught “spooning in the park.” That’s what the chief calls it — “Spooning in the park.” Imagine Petrarch “spooning” with his Laura, or Mrs. Browning writing a sonnet from the Portuguese riming “spoon” with “loon” or “coon!”
“The city park is no place for spooning,” the chief of police announces in his matter-of-fact, unromantic way of saying it. “It these warm summer nights affect people that way, they will have to go some place other than the park to spoon.” What, indeed, is Hero or Leander or Abelard or Heloise or Paola or Francesca to our chief of police! It they warm summer nights affect them that way, they must not create their immortal romances in our park — let them go to the Hellespont or to Brittany or to the rose terraces of Rimini.
This is most unfortunate, for there is no lovelier spot on earth than Balboa Park under summer skies, when the moon is shining, and the west wind softly blowing, and a barcarole murmuring from the great organ; nor a place where romance should be more welcome — a place where “soft stillness and the night become touches of sweet harmony.” Someday, perhaps, when San Diego shall learn to live in its traditions, our children’s children will regret that the city council and the chief of police forbade their ancestors to “spoon” in Balboa park; for they will search in vain through contemporaneous literature for such legends as Boccaccio wrote and such love lyrics as flowed from the inspired pen of Ovid, although nature and the genius of man had provided everything necessary as a background for master tales and immortal poems of this sort — wooded canyons, gardens, ordorous with the perfume of a thousand flowering plants and shrubs, purple vistas from broad mesas, starshine and moonshine on distant ocean waters, primrose paths, greenswards beneath tall trees, and the clustered architecture of old Spain, towered, pinnacled, and carved in the fashion of Cordoba of the Moor of Seville the superb.
Everything will be in keeping with the story except the actors and their romances, and our children’s children will speak ill of us, and say that there was no poetry in our souls, and that we were unworthy ancestors who preferred to do their “spooning” in the “parlors” and back porches of Main street, or in automobiles on the state highway, because when the warm weather affected them that way they were debarred by a city ordinance and an unromantic chief of police from “spooning” in the park.
August 1, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 5:1. Advertisement: What to see and do in Balboa Park.
August 1, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 8:2-3. Civic Auditorium directors publish report of finances.
August 1, 1925, San Diego Union, 5:1. Marshall W. Giselman, visiting organist, will bid farewell next Sunday evening.
August 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:1-2. Auditorium directors report receipts of $9,300; expenses $12,904; $12,500 more needed to complete interior and exterior repairs.
August 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:3-4. Three groups representing local bird life “unveiled” at Natural History Museum in park.
August 4, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 13:7. American Legion may move to park building.
August 5, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 5:6. San Joaquin Valley Counties building wanted for American Legion.
A committee consisting of Rear Admiral Roger Welles, Brig. Gen. J. H. Pendleton, Judge W. P. Cary, Judge E. A. Luce, and P. A. Whitacre has been appointed to draw the petition.
If the plan is granted, club rooms for other veteran societies will be set aside, say the legionnaires.
August 5, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 8:2. Big county fair in Balboa Park in September is planned.
August 5, 1921, San Diego Union, 3:3. Plan to remove American Legion’s club room to park; change to be made if petition favorably acted upon by Commission.
August 6, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 1:7-8. Big open-air pageant being planned as one feature of three-day Mid-Summer Carnival in Balboa Park, August 18, 19 and 20.
August 6, 1921, San Diego Sun. Here’s at $250,000 attraction open to you; sketches and article about Indian Village by Wallace F. Hamilton.
In the Painted Desert, San Diego has one of her main attractions. This colossal structure, imbued with the spirit of the Rio Grande, appeals powerfully to young and old without distinction, stirring the fancy, quickening the imagination and arousing an ardent desire to explore and play.
Officials of the Santa Fe railroad must have sensed the attraction that lay within recreating Indian haunts of the southwest when they determined to spend $250,000 in the undertaking back in 1914. Since then thousands have enjoyed what was built up; and when the Santa Fe, at the conclusion of the Panama exposition, gave the Painted Desert to the city, it was patent that the permanence of the structure as a place for visitors was assured indefinitely.
Under the supervision of the San Diego park board, the Painted Desert was thrown open to the public free of charge and will remain so according to present plans. The visiting hours are from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily. In this connection there has been some misunderstanding. When the park board turned the Painted Desert over to the Boy Scouts of San Diego for their headquarters, many believed that the public would thereby be excluded. The park board and the Boy Scout officials are both eager to have this supposition corrected. The park board has posted signs announcing that the Painted Desert is free and open, and Boy Scout officials have been at pains to keep someone standing by to assist the public in every way.
No Longer There
The Indians, the Taos, Hopis and Zunis, who built many of the structures in the same fashion as they did their own homes along the Rio Grande, are no longer to be seen. But they have left their stamp and artistic imprint in every part of the village. The entire structure stands as a monument to their interesting influence. The half-dome bake ovens are still in evidence, although savory odors of baking food no longer lift on the warm ocean breeze; the hogans of the Navajos in the west mesa of the walled area are almost as appealing, if not more so, that when dusky blanket weavers and silversmiths occupied them.
The kivas, or ritual places of the Indians, are as fascinating to the imaginative observer as when they served for such strange ceremonials as snake-eating and grotesque dances. Likewise, it is not hard to picture mentally Indians at work shaping pottery, and busy squaws, papoose-laden, scrambling up rough-hewn ladders with the ambidextrous agility of monkeys.
Pleasure There
There is a wonderful pleasure in merely wondering about the enclosed area, searching for charming vistas that haunt the eye for days and there are many such. There is a rugged reality about the adobe dwellings — a useful simplicity that is art. Deep-set doorways of rough-hewn wood, the sills worn deep with age and much friction, are picturesque, to say the least. The artistic eye is delighted with the play of color under the southern sun and the ever-changing effects of light and shadow. The wireless tower of the Boy Scouts is an interesting, though sharply contrasting note. It is a far cry from the ancient cliff dwellers, whose existence is commemorated so aptly at the village, to the modern electrical phenomenon which eliminates space as a factor in communication. The presence of the Boy Scouts, however, in addition to giving them a wonderful romantic playground, serves to keep the Painted Desert in repair. It is doubtful if, in other circumstances, the park board could afford to maintain the village because of the cost.
The time may come when a group of Indians may be moved here to further augment the attractiveness of the Painted Desert. Perhaps it may not be long until San Diegans may hear once more the rumble of drums and see figures limned high against the night sky, weaving and twisting in the strange ecstasy of the dance to the new moon.
August 6, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. History Museum planned for park; may be installed in old Sacramento building; request presented to Board of Park Commissioners yesterday.
August 9, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 5:4. John Doane to be heard in concert at Organ Pavilion Tuesday evening, August 16.
August 9, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:3. Marines honor visiting organist; enlisted men at local barracks, Balboa Park, made presentation of loving cup.
Marines stationed at Balboa Park last night united in an informal farewell reception to Marshall W. Giselman of San Francisco, the visiting organist who has several times given special recitals at the Spreckels outdoor organ for the entertainment of enlisted men of the marine corps.
As a climax to the festivities of the evening, held in the marine corps club rooms near the Organ Pavilion, Sergt. Maj. Edward A Platt, U. S. M. C., presented Mr. Giselman with a handsome silver loving cup on behalf of the officers and men of the detachment. The cut was suitably inscribed and was decorated with the emblem of the marine corps.
- L. St. Brown, traffic officer in the park, also came to the fore, presenting Mr. Giselman with a large bouquet of San Diego dahlias, grown in the park, and offered with a special letter of commendation by the board of park commissioners. A big crowd of marines took part in the festivities and in the handshaking which followed.
August 10, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 5:3. Park Board protects park from vandals.
Vandalism in city parks promises to become an expensive pastime if the campaign inaugurated by the board of park commissioners hold up to its present rate of speed, the proprietor of an apartment house on the park at Kalmia street having been required to replace a palm tree valued at $500, after painters engaged in decorating the apartment moved the tree without consulting the proper authorities.
Park commissioners assert that trees and plants frequently are damaged or destroyed in the city parks. Occasionally an offender is caught in the act and heavily fined. It the plans of the park commission are carried out, the law will be enforced to the limit, the penalty for such infractions being both fine and imprisonment.
The park commission also had directed that ordinance number 5380 regulating traffic over park drives be enforced. A fine is provided for trucking and teaming, it being forbidden to haul goods, wares, merchandise, or any other article of commerce, garbage, lumber or other building material over a park road.
Records of the park department show that Park avenue, Park boulevard, Pershing Drive, and Laurel street are being utilized for heavy traffic almost as constantly as are many of the heavy duty streets and its is claimed that the expense of road maintenance in the parks is approximately doubled by such illegal uses.
August 10, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:6-7 and August 11, 1921, 1:6-7, 5:5-6. Memorial services at park today for John D. Spreckels, Jr., automobile accident victim.
August 11, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 6:5. Everybody sing in park patio tonight; San Diego composers to be represented with numbers thrown on the screen for everyone to sing.
“In San Diego, the song by Thomas H. Sexton with which the Elks chanters made such a hit in Los Angeles will be used, and another of the “Tunes Dad Whistled,” feature by W. E. Kennedy called “Dear Old Dad.” The third will be the refrain of a song by Mrs. Isabella Churchill and Mrs. Edna E. Van Craig entitled “Now Hush-s-Bye, My Dear,” a lullaby.
Additional benches are to be placed in the east and west porticoes. The songs will begin at 8 o’clock, It is urged that those who come early, as several hundred did at the last patio sing, take the seats on the east side of the patio to avoid congestion at the main entrance. At 9 o’clock the auditorium doors will be opened for the dancing which is to follow.
August 13, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 6:7-8. Mme. Schumann-Heink home from her tour of Orient; expects to take long rest.
August 13, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:4. Three superdreadnaughts, Arizona, Oklahoma and Nevada, coming to San Diego Sunday, August 21; Monday will be known as “Military Day”; parade, luncheon in Balboa Park for the marchers, and an afternoon of sports for the servicemen planned; ball in Civic Auditorium in evening.
August 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:5, 5:3-5. Five-day carnival will open Thursday, close Monday; program.
August 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:2-5. Dr. William P. Gates, recently appointed director of archaeology for the Republic of Guatemala, gives San Diego Museum of Scientific Research works on Chinese art.
The rare books have been set apart in what is known as the William P. Gates alcove at the museum.
August 16, 1921, Letter, Jno. J. Byrne, Asst. Pass. Traffic Manager, Los Angeles, Cal., The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, to Mr. William F. Hamilton, care San Diego Sun, San Diego, Cal. (San Diego Public Library).
Dear Sir:
Your article with illustrations on the Painted Desert, the Santa Fe’s Exhibit at the Panama Exposition at San Diego, appearing in the San Diego Sun of Saturday, August 6th, clipping of which has been sent me, is very interesting and I wish to take this occasion to thank you and to assure you that we appreciate the publicity given us.
You, no doubt, will be interested in one of our new publications, entitled “California Picture Book,” wherein appear a number of views taken in an around San Diego.
I am also attaching hereto a copy of our Hopi Snake Dance Circular, which may give you very interesting date for a short story. The Snake Dance this year will take place at the village of Polacca about August 21st.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) Jno. J. Byrne.
August 16, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 6:4. Dr. Stewart’s music for Grove play, “John of Nepomuk,” heard at sequoian retreat of the Bohemian club near the Russian River in northern California.
August 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:3. Pageant of modern San Diego maids to be presented at Spreckels Organ Pavilion next Thursday in connection with five-day carnival; Community Service in charge.
August 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:3 and August 17, 1921, 5:1. John Doane, organist, and Mme. Snelling, contralto, to appear in benefit for Civic Auditorium tonight.
August 18, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:2-3. Evening organ recital by Dr. Stewart.
August 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:1. Evening organ recital followed by “Community Sing”; more than 3,000 persons gathered at Organ Pavilion; Wallace Moody, song leader.
August 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:3-4. Decorations for military ball next Monday evening to be the most elaborate yet arranged in Balboa Auditorium.
August 21, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-7. Fireproof building for Museum of Natural History, dream; San Diego Society aims to increase its membership; annual fund desired to insure carrying out of intelligent development program, By Howard H. Cleaves, managing director San Diego Natural History Museum.
(Editor’s note: Mr. Cleaves, for seven years a curator in the museum of the Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, New York City, and for the last two and a half years with the New York state commission, assumed his duties with the San Diego Society of Natural History on July 1 of this year. He is a wild-life photographer of note, has lectured widely in the east on birds and written extensively for many of the best-known magazines.)
“Will a billy goat eat sage brush?”
“What is the chemical analysis of a jelly-fish?”
“Can a queen bee sting?”
“Does a snake swallow its young?”
“Can a bird smell?”
“How should one kill a butterfly?”
“Does a bat carry bedbugs?”
Just a few of the dozen of inquiries that confront the museum man in the course of an average week; queries which might rudely jolt the author of the Edisonian questionnaire himself. But that is one of the whys of a natural history museum. It is a people’s dispensary for nature information. And heaven help the museum man if he falls down on an answer!
The things which a museum contains should answer many questions before they are asked. The ideal exhibit should give the visitor so much pleasure and information that he will have the involuntary desire to share his discover with another, as does the reader who comes unawares upon a rare phrase or witticism in a book. The modern museum is no longer “the chamber of horrors” that museums used to be in the old days.
The San Diego Society of Natural History maintains its free museum open daily the year round, in the structure known during the exposition as No. 8 or Foreign Arts Building, at the southeast corner of the plaza, Balboa Park. It is one of the comparatively few museums west of the Rocky mountains, and is hardly more than six months old in its present form, yet contains literally thousands of specimens of birds, mammals, insects, shells, corals, minerals, fossils, plants and reptiles. The natural history museum is without question one of the interest centers of Balboa Park and of the city, but the museum staff is by no means satisfied. To those who know, it is plain that San Diego’s museum will not bear too close comparison with up-state institutions and with museums in the central and eastern states.
The visitors’ register, which has been maintained at the museum since the opening last December, reveals interesting data. It shows that persons from every state in the United States have viewed the museum’s cases in these brief eight months, but this remarkable record is not the most astounding thing to be learned from the book. The register also holds the names of visitors from Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, England, France, Spain, Russia, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, China, Belgium, Australia and numerous smaller countries, mention of which is precluded by lack of space. It seems that all but Iceland are represented.
Can San Diego — the Wonderful — afford to have these visitors from round the globe return to their native lands and say that San Diego has the grand climate, the magnificent park, the wonderful organ, but somehow she “pay[s] not much attention to her museum?”
It is not much that the Natural History society asks of the 100,000 San Diegans — merely that 5,000 or more of them become members of the society in order that its museum may have an annual fund upon which it may depend to carry out an intelligent program of development. By a recent change in the by-laws, the general membership fee has been reduced to a dollar a year, so as not to exclude anyone. There is nothing in the by-laws to discourage one from making a special contribution in excess of the membership fee. A membership card in the Natural History society is one of the few necessities of life that can be bought for a dollar. Junior membership is 50 cents a year. One may enter the class of patron by the payment of $1,000. A hotel proprietor of the writer’s acquaintance in Buffalo, N. Y., regards so valuable the work that is being done by the Buffalo Society on Natural Sciences that he has enrolled not only himself, but his wife, daughter, and his hotel as members of the organization.
The history of the San Diego Society of Natural History is not different from that of many another scientific and museum organization in other parts of the country. These societies usually receive their original impetus through the initiative of a handful of kindred souls who are scientifically minded or otherwise devoted to the things of the outdoors. It was so with the San Diego Society as may be learned by consulting the musty old book containing the early records, where will be found this entry: “The following named gentlemen met at the office of D. Cleveland, Esq., on the evening of October 1, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a society of natural history: L. L. Roberts, E. W. Hendrick, Charles Coleman, jr., W. F. Allen, G. W. Barnes, O. N. Sanford, D. Cleveland, L. R. Wilson and J. B. Wells.”
During the period since 1874 the society has weathered many a lean year, when discouragement stood close at hand and some may have doubted the wisdom of “carrying on.” This again is an all too common experience with such organizations. The San Diego society is more fortunate than some — finding itself today a “going concern” in the midst of a healthy and aggressive population.
The time is at hand when the society and its museum must be enlarged and developed beyond anything which has heretofore been conceived. The whole organization must evolve into a veritable people’s institute. The museum plant, which is the society’s medium of exhibition, in order to be abreast of the times, should have the most modern plate glass cases, with exhibits skillfully organized and executed by a staff of taxidermists, preparators and other skilled artisans — men who can reproduce in glass and wax the life of the sea bottom, the plants and flowers of the mesa, and the cactus of the desert, with such fidelity that even the experienced eye can scarcely distinguish the artificial from the real. There should be a grand series of habitat groups, with painted backgrounds representing many of nature’s wonders from ocean, sea, beach, bay, mesa, canyon, mountain, lake and desert. There should be working models, miniatures and cases representing the industries of southern California which are based on natural products — fishing, agriculture, bee-keeping, mining, oil, quarrying, etc.
At present the museum is circulating natural history cabinets among 20 schools in San Diego, but these cabinets could be greatly improved and their range of usefulness widely extended so as to embrace the schools of outlying towns and districts.
A beginning has been made in the conducting of outdoor excursions and classes under the auspices of Mr. Carroll De Wilton Scott, but it has been only a beginning, and this work or practical contact with nature should be much emphasized. The museum should have corner or a room devoted exclusively to children, where books and objects easily understood by them would be specially arranged. There might also be special classes in this room where the children would be taught the elementary study of insects and plants, the painting of flowers, clay modeling of animals, etc.
The museum should have a collection of thousands of colored lantern slides, covering dozens of separate topics, for lectures in the schools and at the museum, and it is not too much to anticipate the establishment of a film library covering the same or different subjects to supplement the slides. The museum’s collection of slides at present embraces only a few dozen treating on trees, water supply, and a few on birds. A local cannery has offered the use of a fine set of pictures showing the entire sardine industry, and there is a wealth of other material near at hand if funds were available.
For the public at large the Natural History Society should do many things. Perhaps the most urgent and worthwhile of these would be the establishment of a winter course of monthly or semi-monthly lectures by the most eminent scientists, naturalists and explorers.
But this and the many other visionary plans for the society can hardly be realized without the solid backing of the people of San Diego. It must be the people’s own enterprise. By fully appreciating this situation and acting accordingly with promptness, it is conceivable that the people of this city, in keeping with their idealism, enthusiasm and estheticism, that are manifest on every hand, may in the near future witness another miracle in this land of miracles. In making this statement the writer has in mind the establishment of a large endowment fund and the erection of a modern and beautiful fireproof museum edifice, the dedication and opening of which would take place with no greater appropriateness than on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the Society of Natural History, which will be celebrated in 1924.
August 22, 1921, San Diego Evening Tribune, 6:2. Mme. Schumann-Heink in concert at Auditorium.
August 22, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:2-3. Mme. Schumann-Heink to dedicate Civic Auditorium, November 8.
August 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:2-3, 2:3-4. Carnival ends with ball at new Civic Auditorium.
August 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:6. Plan campaign for Midwinter Exposition here.
August 28, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:3. The Service Men’s Club in the north wing of the Sacramento building will be dedicated next Wednesday afternoon.
August 28, 1921, San Diego Union, 12:1-2. Hugo Klauber writes article about planting around new country club in Chula Vista; George W. Marston and Frank P. Allen served with him on committee.
August 28, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-4 and August 29, 1921, 1:4-5, 2:2-3. Familiar hymns to feature “Community Sing” at Organ Pavilion this afternoon.
September 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:3. Naval Hospital to be completed September 1922; Captain Curl says it will have capacity of 700 beds.
September 4, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3. Henry C. Ryan, member of Park Board appeals to people as whole; matchless ensemble must be preserved within year; says cost of restoration would not exceed $75,000; work must be done within year or buildings will be beyond repair.
September 5, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Save These Buildings
These building should be saved in their present architectural integrity.
September 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:5. Frederick D. Culver commends plan to save Fair buildings.
September 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:5. Mrs. Chester E. Smith thinks Elks, Masons, Knights of Pythias, Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Columbus, etc. could be induced to take over and replenish Balboa Park structures as their permanent homes.
September 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:5. D. F. Glidden in favor of preserving park buildings.
September 10, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:1-2. Mission San Diego de Alcala benefit ball in Civic Auditorium as successful as Admission Day celebration.
September 12, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Four thousand heard Hother Wismer, violinist, in joint recital with Dr. Stewart at Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.
September 13, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:4. This year’s Farm Bureau Fair to be enlivened by new features.
September 14, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Our Park Structures
If the issue were fairly before the voting citizens of San Diego there is little doubt that the almost unanimous opinion would be in favor of the preservation of the beautiful group of structures in Balboa Park.
In the existing conditions of the public finances and the prevailing rates of taxation, it is not even advisable to test the desire of the voting citizenship in a bond issue; there are other equally important and, perhaps, more pressing measures to be considered. The preservation of the buildings must, therefore, be left largely to the individual patriotism and generosity of the citizens.
September 19, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Big county fair is ready for gala opening.
September 20, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:5. Street railroad plans for heavy traffic at fair.
September 21, 1921, San Diego Union, 3:5. Three hundred Japanese sailors visited the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park yesterday.
September 21, 1921, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 6:4-8. List of Fair exhibits indicates show will be fair and away best; floor plan of Industrial Building (Varied Industries and Food Products) showing locations of various exhibits.
September 21, 1921, San Diego Union, Country Fair Section, 6:6. Best producing cows in exhibit.
September 21, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:4-5. Child welfare to hold program demonstrating value of work in Harvester Building at Fair.
September 21, 1921, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 18:3. Esco Ives, Big Chief Goof will lead the Goofs at the Fair tonight in a carnival of jazz replete with masquerade costumes and lively stunts.
September 22, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2. Goofs’ Day holds strong interest with crowing of cocks and lowing of herds at opening of grand session of annual County Fair Fiesta.; Grand Order of Boosters has much to do with celebration in Balboa Park.
September 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2-5. Lights go out on County Fair; remain off; big show will be continued through Sunday; double-header program announced for tonight; attendance doubles; tug of war between police and firemen to be held tonight.
September 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2-4. County Fair attracts record crowds; exhibits far surpass last year’s; entire change of program today.; displays of San Diego firms, farm centers, livestock, prominent features; boxing, moonlight dance tonight
September 25, 1911, San Diego Union, 5:1-3. Children’s Day at County Fair a success; sports from kite battle royal to tire rolling
September 25, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4. Dancing, “Tom Thumb” wedding, jazz to wind up Fair.
September 25, 1921, San Diego Union, 17:1-3. Youngsters of all sizes find fun in varied program; all sorts of sports from Kite Battle Royal to tire rolling amuses throngs.
September 25, 1921, San Diego Union, 17:4. Three features to wind up Fair; program includes dances, “Tom Thumb” wedding, jazz.
September 25,1921, San Diego Union, 17:7. Tells how judges selected posters; artistic merit, interest and effectiveness of ideas considered.
September 25, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 4:3. Dances will be held in new Civic Auditorium. Institution in Balboa Park supplies a long felt need.
September 25, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 5:1. Knights of Columbus to present carnival and fair in Balboa Park, October 6, 7 and 8.
September 26, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4. Mrs. Bertha C. Lawhead deplores conditions at San Diego Zoo.
September 26, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1, County Fair shuts gates in blaze of glory; “Tom Thumb” wedding, dancing and moonlight ball among closing features.
September 26, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 16:3. Boy Scout Notes: The mess hall at the Indian Village promises to become one of the most popular of the many Indian rooms again this winter. . . . The turnstiles at the entrance to the Indian Village are to be removed.
September 26, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 16:4. Elwood Barley, secretary, says Scouts’ Village unique center.
September 29, 1921, Letter, Wallace F. Hamilton to Mr. Jno. J Byrne, Los Angeles, Calif.
Dear Sirs:-
Your letter thanking me for an article featuring the Painted Desert, the Santa Fe’s exhibit at the Panama Exposition here in 1915, was most appreciated.
Since that time it has occurred to me that a sign such as the enclosed would gain for yourselves additional publicity and be of great service to the public as well.
I have had the matter of painting the sign before the Board of Park Commissioners who have given their sanction. This sign will be painted on the wall of the Village on the Park Boulevard side, the main thoroughfare and main entrance to the Exhibit. The dimensions of the sign are six and eight feet. White letters against a dark blue background with orange border and insignia, is the color scheme proposed. The cost will be $40.00.
I am located in the park and am also well equipped to do this work in a satisfactory manner.
Yours very truly.
September 29, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:1. Two men slugged and robbed by five sailors in Balboa Park.
September 30, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:3. Old hymns again compose program for Sunday sing; gathering to be held in Civic Auditorium.
September 30, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:1-2. William M’Arthur writes letter defending Zoo; denies quarters are cramped and food unwholesome; land for zoo was given to School Board; new section allotted; plans for lion’s den being completed.
October 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 10:2-3. San Diego assured fine zoo gardens on 200-acre site; Zoological Society announces completion of preliminary plans; habitat idea to be carried out in preparation of grottos; money for several of which already has been pledged; city to aid in upkeep; $5,000 yearly promised.
October 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 15:2-4. Specimens of monkey-face or barn owl shown at Natural History Museum in Balboa Park (illus.)
October 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 17:1-4. Mrs. L. L. Rowan, San Diego contralto, to be soloist in afternoon Community Sing in Civic Auditorium; public choral service will be held following usual organ recital.
October 2, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-7. Angelo Smith recalls beautiful days of old San Diego.
October 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. T. T. Wesley writes that zoo is a disgrace and crime.
October 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:5-6. Florence K. Kent writes that zoo should be disbanded for good of city.
October 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:5. Floral displays to be feature of show to be held this week.
October 4, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:4-5. Lath house plant exhibits among features planned for flower show.
October 8, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Flower show opens today at Cristobal building; exhibits piling in.
October 9, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 10:3-4. Fall flower show exhibits elaborate and unique; judge announces awards in different classes; proceeds to go to park improvement.
October 10, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Two thousand five hundred people visited flower show yesterday afternoon and evening.
October 11, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:4. San Diego Zoological Society has filed with City Council a map and drawings of the new zoological gardens which it hopes to establish in Balboa Park.
The council is asked officially to adopt the map and convey to the society the ground in question, so that there may be no interference with the work of the society in the future.
October 13, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:5-6. H. J. Penfold says civic clubs should repair park buildings.
October 16, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:5. San Diego County Medical Society considering building a community hospital in Balboa Park; Park Board has given encouragement to the physicians.
October 23, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1. Schumann-Heink to sing for Balboa auditorium; to give her services without remuneration at Spreckels Theater, November 7.
October 23, 1921, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:4-5. Daughters of the American Revolution to unveil tablet in Plaza de California, October 28, commemorating discovery by Cabrillo.
October 26, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:2. L. S. Gerlough writes suggesting historical museum for Balboa Park.
October 26, 1921, San Diego Union, 20:2. Skating rink planned in park; Canadian building to be remodeled and repaired at a cost of about $20,000; city to be paid percentage of gross revenue.
October 27, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:3-4. Dr. Stewart advocates use of Exposition buildings for musical center.
October 27, 1921, San Diego Union, 14:2. Architects Charles Quayle, Frank P. Allen, Eugene Hoffman and others want to look over proposed city council building ordinance; fear restrictions will be too great.
October 29, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:3. Bronze tablet commemorating discovery of California unveiled in Balboa Park by Daughters of American Revolution.
October 30, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: An Asset of Beauty
Among other things the citizens of San Diego have planted a wonderful park on the mesa overlooking the city, and for what they supposed at the time was only a temporary use, they provided a cluster of structures that for beauty of architecture are unrivaled. These exposition buildings were designed by Bertram Goodhue, the highest authority in the world on Spanish-Colonial architecture — artist, poet, lover of medieval romance as he visioned it in the facades of the cathedrals of old Seville, in the towers of Compostela, in the arabesques of the Alhambra, and in the composite Spanish-Indian architecture of Mexican churches and palaces of the vice-regal period of Spanish domination of America.
. . . If the park treasures are to be preserved, it must be through the public spirit and civic pride of the citizenship of San Diego.
October 30, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-4. Lyman J. Gage indorses movement to save Exposition buildings.
October 30, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:8. Scouts entertain George J. Fisher, deputy chief executive, in Balboa Park; Mayor Bacon extends welcome.
November 2, 1921, San Diego Sun, 1:3, 8:1-2. Sunset Magazine arraigns city; says San Diego’s running expenses are high; gives comparisons..
“San Diegans have good reasons for asking questions,” says a writer in the current number of Sunset Magazine in an article on taxation is 23 western cities.
The writer, Harold J. Fitzgerald, divides municipal expense into two parts — special projects, such as bond issues, and administration. He finds in San Diego something to criticize under both headings.
Under special projects, voted by the taxpayers, he says that more than one-fourth of the $31.91 per capita cost of government here came by special authorization of the voters.
“Interest along on the debt incurred by popular ballot for the 1915 exposition now adds $5 per capita to the city’s yearly expense,” he declares.
Referring to regular department government, the writer includes San Diego among the “horrible examples.” He says:
“The per capita cost of Seattle’s department government is $26.44, while that of Portland is only $23.78, and Denver’s is $21.99. San Diego taxpayers are charged $22.99 per capita, while those in El Paso get off at $14.64. The cost of Stockton’s departments is $21.92 for each citizen served by them, while the cost for the corresponding service in San Jose is only $16.02 and in Pueblo $13.85.”
The figures quoted by the writer are based on federal census statistics of 1919, But although the city tax rate is now lower than for that year, the assessed valuation of the city has increased, which in a measure equalizes the difference in the tax rates.
Concerning regular department government for which the heads of city departments are responsible, the Sunset Magazine writer says of San Diego.
The cots of the regular department government for which the administration is presumably responsible is considerably higher than the average for other cities. The average is $20.10. San Diego’s cost is $23.99. San Diegans have good reason for asking pointed questions.
(See San Diego Sun for balance of article.)
November 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Conserving An Asset
San Diego must keep these buildings and they will be kept if the citizens are given an opportunity to make them permanent. We are asking that this opportunity be offered in a concrete business-like manner as soon as possible, so that the work of rehabilitation may proceed before it is too late.
November 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:4. Goofs realize $1,500 for roof of Civic Auditorium at Goofs’ Halloween dance staged at Civic Auditorium.
November 2, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:4-5. H. C. Johnson, superintendent San Diego city schools, writes urging exposition buildings be saved.
November 3, 1921, San Diego Sun, 1:5, 6:3-4. Magazine article denied; City Department heads take Sunset to task.
. . . several city officials took their pens in hand to show that the Sunset Magazine article comparing San Diego unfavorably with 22 other western cities was full of errors.
November 3, 1921, San Diego Sun, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Let’s Get Going.
SAN DIEGO is often torn by strife and divided hopelessly on civic projects. But there is no reason in the world why the proposition of restoring and maintaining the exposition buildings in Balboa Park should not get 100 percent support in this fair city.
Balboa Park is a thing of joy and beauty now, and it should be a thing of joy and beauty forever. We have an opportunity now to maintain the GREATEST group of park buildings in America, in a setting of unexcelled beauty. We must not fail to take advantage of this opportunity. The longer it is put off, the more costly the work of restoration will be.
Some adequate and satisfactory plan for financing this work should be provided at once, and every ounce of energy put behind it.
This is a project on which we can all agree, and one for which we can all work, side by side.
Let’s get going!
November 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:2, 2:6. Noel Lewis, snake salesman, displays wares bought for zoo.
November 3, 1921, San Diego Union, 10:2-4. Walter Birch, L. J. Carpenter, Charles A. Pearson write in favor of move to restore buildings in Balboa Park.
November 4, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:1. City lines up for preserving park buildings; T. W. Murphy, D. S. Simpson approve.
November 6, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:2. Thomas J. Hayes suggests plan to rehabilitate park buildings; have roll of honor for people who subscribe a dollar or more.
November 6, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Committee of 21 will try to save park structures; G. A. Davidson, Lyman G. Gage, Reverend Roy Campbell, George J. Chapman, Alex Reynolds, H. J. Penfold, E. M. Champion, Duncan McKinnon, Sam Porter, Burt Levi, Colonel Ed Fletcher, Doctor Howard B. Bard, Arthur Marston, A. S. Bridges, Esco Ives, W. P. Frisbie, J. C. Harper, Mrs. Grant Webster, John Forward, Jr., Edward Barley, Doctor Humphrey J. Stewart.
November 6, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 7:5. Goofs raised $1500 for new auditorium; nearly 3,000 present at ball last Monday.
November 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Beautiful Picture
The committee of ways and means of preserving the buildings in Balboa Park appointed by Mayor Bacon is representative of every element and interest in the community.
November 7, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:4. Reverend Roy Campbell spoke on “The Romance of San Diego” yesterday at the First Congregational Church; related history of Balboa Park.
He took the lesson of the park up into the spiritual realm and showed how the Master builds his kingdom on the same principles today. “Behind every condition, however discouraging, lies forces of the divine world which if unloosed through the patience and fidelity of man will make for us a world of beauty.”
November 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:3. An industrial building, three additional wards or barracks and a recreation hall are to be built at Naval Hospital.
November 8, 1921, San Diego Union, 18:3. Park committee organizes today; will consider plans to save Exposition buildings; Mayor Bacon recommends public plunge and gymnasium in one of the buildings.
November 9, 1921, San Diego Union, 18:1. Businessmen talk plans to restore park buildings; H. J. Penfold named temporary chairman; Ed Fletcher informed organization planning of Mid-Winter Fair was “sleeping peacefully”; some members of committee favor bond issue.
November 10, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:5-7. Armistice Day exercises at Organ Pavilion tomorrow following parade; address by Governor William D. Stephens; informal ball at Civic Auditorium in evening.
November 11, 1921, San Diego Union, 16:1. Spanish music, folk dancing, fete features to be given tomorrow afternoon and evening in the Cristobal café..
November 12, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:2-7. Photographs of Armistice Day parade and exercises at Organ Pavilion.
November 16, 1921, San Diego Sun, 2:3. Executive committee appointed by Mayor Bacon to meet this afternoon to discuss rehabilitation of park buildings; Lyman J. Gage, chairman.
November 17, 1921, San Diego Sun, 21:7. Senator Hiram Johnson not opposed to the appointment of Colonel Collier to the position of U. S. Commissioner General to the forthcoming Brazilian Centennial.
November 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:3. Marine Brigade starts removal to new quarters; stores and equipment in Balboa Park to be transferred as soon as possible.
The United States Marine Corps brigade post at Barnett Avenue, the most costly, most beautiful and largest of the kind in the country, will be formally occupied by the first battalion of the seventh regiment within two weeks.
Lieut. Col. J. M. Huey, commander of the marine barracks at Balboa Park, announced yesterday that all stores and equipment will be moved as rapidly as possible from Balboa Park to the new post. The first truckloads of equipment were transferred to the new barracks yesterday. Col. Huey said the transfer will be delayed because 245 men recently were assigned to guard duty in various railroads in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah and Nevada, leaving fewer than 150 men at the Balboa Park barracks.
The Balboa Park barracks, Col. Huey said, will be abandoned, all Marine Corps activities being concentrated after December 1 at the Barrett Avenue post.
Although $500,000 to be expended this winter and next spring in the construction of additional buildings at the brigade post, there are now sufficient buildings completed, officers announce to commission the post on a workable basis. The barracks completed and ready for occupancy has accommodations for more than 1,000 men.
November 19, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 18:1-2. Subscription started to save fair buildings; John T. Mitchell contributes $1,000 and asks 24 others to give like sum to raise half necessary money; supervisors and city to raise remainder.
November 21, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Public Conservation
The work of salvaging the beautiful structures in Balboa Park is well in hand. . . . In this effort there is one error of policy to be sedulously avoided. Municipal authority over the occupancy of the buildings thus reclaimed must not be lured by hope of profit into granting concessions to private enterprises. Balboa Park must not be “rented” to persons whose primary object is personal gain. Whatever the public pays must go into the funds for maintenance and upkeep of the buildings and whatever changes are made for entertainment, recreation and exhibitions in these buildings or any portion of the park area, it must be understood that all surplus is for the perpetuation and improvement of the park itself. Nothing savoring of a commercial profit at public expense must be permitted.
November 22, 1921, San Diego Union, 11:1-2. Mounted groups exhibited in new type of round-back cases at Natural History Museum at park.
November 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 5:6 and November 25, 1921, 18:2-3. Reverend Roy Campbell to speak at Thanksgiving services in park; community program of song to be part of observance.
November 24, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Firemen’s ball at Civic Auditorium affords pleasure to 4,500 dancers.
November 25, 1921, San Diego Sun, 7:1. Colonel Collier may land berth; San Diegan likely candidate for Brazil Exposition commissioner.
November 27, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Community Affair
There are hints of an undercurrent of opposition to the preservation of the park buildings based upon a vague opinion that the cost of reconstruction may be excessive. The objection, if it exists, is premature.
. . . Divested of these structures Balboa Park would be merely a garden spot and a site for rebuilding possibly upon a plan and in an architectural form contrary to the wishes of the people who own the park and contribute to its maintenance. . . . Let us be accurately informed how we can preserve these buildings, and then let the citizens of San Diego decided what they intend to do about it. This is a matter to be disposed of by the community, not by individuals or groups of individuals.
November 27, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:1-3. N. E. Lewis, animal and reptile collector of Australia, says park idea site for zoo.
November 27, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 4:4. Al Bahr temple of the Mystic Shrine will hold great ceremonial in Civic Auditorium Tuesday night.
November 29, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. County Fair Building No. 10 to be used for distributing Christmas mail.
November 30, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:4-5. U. S. Marines occupy $3,000,000 bay front home.
December 1, 1921, Letter, W. B. Frisbie, Division Passenger Agent, The Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System, to Mr. T. N. Faulconer, Exec. Sec’y., Board of Park Commissioners, Balboa Park, San Diego, California.
My dear Mr. Faulconer: –
Having just returned to San Diego after a month’s vacation, I find myself a little out of touch with local conditions.
I note copy of your letter to Mr. G. A. Davidson under date of November 2nd relative to placing sign at entrance to the Painted Desert exhibit in Balboa Park, and I am wondering if this has been done and shall appreciate your advising me at your early convenience.
In the file I note a letter written by Mr. Wallace F. Hamilton of the Park Board to Mr. Byrne at Los Angeles under date of Sept. 29th, 1921 in which he submits his proposition of a sign at cost of forty dollars and I believe it would be a courteous thing for use to make some reply to his letter, and therefore I hope you will explain to Mr. Hamilton that this sign was due us without cost by the Park Commissioners.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) W. P. Frisbie,
Division Passenger Agent.
December 1, 1921, San Diego Union, 2:4-6. Wide interest show in proposed new zoo.
December 4, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Unnamed donor gives $10,000 for improvements to San Diego zoo; dams to be built to impound water for seals, alligators and other water animals; Mayor Bacon in charge.
December 4, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Unnamed donor gives $10,000 for improvements to San Diego zoo; dams to be built to impound water for seals, alligators and other water animals; Mayor Bacon in charge.
December 7, 1921, Letter, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners, to Board of Park Commissioners, San Diego, California.
By your direction, I have advised the authorities in charge of the U. S. Naval Hospital in Balboa Park that the sale of merchandise in public parks is contrary to city ordinance #5380. My letter to Captain Curl, U. S. N., M. C., in charge, together with is replies are hereto attached.
In this connection, I have further to report that sailors bearing badges inscribed “master at arms” have appeared at park refreshment stands during the current week and forced sailor customers to stop purchasing articles there, stating that the men would have to by their articles at the naval hospital canteen or go without them.
It would seen that this department is entitled to reasonably courteous treatment at the hands of the naval hospital authorities, as the use of the premises is given them free. Moreover, very few days pass without this office being requested to grant special favors to the naval hospital, officers of the naval hospital or to other branches of the U. S. Navy, all of which are granted when possible.
Aside from the etiquette of the situation, this department is under considerable extra expense through occupation of the premises by the naval hospital, and its seems hardly reasonable or fair that we should be deprived of the opportunity to offset in some small measure, through the profits of our refreshment stands, the expenses incurred on us incidental to naval use of the park.
The refreshment stands contribute a considerable sum toward the maintenance of the park and should be encouraged by the support of this board if they are to be continued.
Trusting that our help in the refreshment stands may be encouraged in their efforts to make their places of business profitable and creditable to the park department, I am
Very truly yours,
Executive Secretary.
December 7, 1921, San Diego Sun, II, 1:1. Park repair is estimated; need $100,000 to rehabilitate buildings; Allen, Quayle, Banning, Buckner, Hoffman and Kistner made investigation.
December 7, 1921, San Diego Sun, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Rebuild Them!
A COMMITTEE of local architects has made a comprehensive report on the rebuilding of the exposition buildings.
They estimate that $100,000 will be required to put the buildings in first-class shape, so that they will stand for years.
These buildings are well worth more than that to San Diego. They are out biggest man-made attraction. Steps should be taken at once to raise the necessary funds to start this work
There is not doubt that at least 25 persons can be found in this city who would donate $1,000 each to the fund. Thousands of San Diegans would give smaller amounts.
The longer this work is put off, the more costly it will be.
Let the entire city get behind this worthy project and put it over.
Save the exposition buildings!
December 12, 1921, Letter, W. F. Frisbie, Division Passenger Agent, The Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System, to Mr. T. N. Faulconer, Exec. Sec’y, Board of Park Commissioners, Balboa Park, San Diego, California.
My dear Mr. Faulconer:-
On the 1st inst. I wrote you as follows: (See above.)
Will you kindly advise me when I may expect reply.
Yours truly,
(Signed) W. B. Frisbie,
Division Passenger Agent.
December 13, 1921, Letter, Offices of the Board of Park Commissioners, Administration Building, Balboa Park, San Diego, California, to W. B. Frisbie, Passenger Agent, A. T. & S. F. Railway, San Diego, Calif.
Dear Sir:
Answering your letter of December 12th, we wish to advise you that the park commission has authorized the making of a suitable sign to be placed at the entrance of the Painted Desert in Balboa Park.
The sign will bear the inscription:
open to the public
9 am to 5 pm
Donated to
A.T. & S .F. RY.
Headquarters, Boy Scouts
of America
December 13, 1921, San Diego Union, 2:5. Committee seeks public opinion to determine if money for the reconstruction of Balboa Park buildings should be by bond issue or by popular subscription
December 15, 1921, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. Storehouse and administration building, hospital and fleet repair base for Navy will be commissioned within six months.
December 19, 1921, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Capitalizing Beauty
. . . the Committee of the Paris Salon asked Bertram Goodhue, the architect who designed the buildings in Balboa Park, to exhibit photographs and drawings of these structures in the American architects’ section of the salon this year. Thus San Diego achieves international fame in the great art center of the world. What can be accomplished with our artificial beauty can be even more readily accomplished with our natural attractions.
December 23, 1921, San Diego Union, 6:6. Rain and wind destroyed more than 50 Naval Hospital tents for housing convalescents during the last few days; tents located on edge of canyon opposite the marine barracks.
December 24, 1921, San Diego Union, 9:4. Christmas program outdoors at park tomorrow night; scenes to be photographed for movies; Elks’ Chanters to have prominent part, will march from Plaza to organ singing “Oh Come All Ye Faithful”; Dr. Lathan True, eastern musician will substitute for Dr. Stewart.
December 25, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:4-5. Throng expected to attend outdoor gathering in park; Elks’ Chanters to sing Christmas carols at Spreckels Organ Pavilion tonight; Mrs. L. L. Rowan, contralto, will contribute to program; photographs of unusual scene to be taken.
December 25, 1921, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-5. Throng expected to attend outdoor gathering at park; Mrs. L. L. Rowan, contralto, will sing “Ave Maria” by Gounod.
December 25, 1921, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. Bond issue not feasible for Exposition buildings; City Attorney delivers opinion to Rehabilitation Committee; bond issues may be voted on only for original work, not for repairs, according to state law; private subscriptions probably will be resorted to; City may be asked to help with $25,000; $100,000 estimated to be necessary to restore buildings.
December 27, 1921, San Diego Sun, 16:5. A revolving fund of $50,000; $25,000 to be raised by City Council and $25,000 by citizens of San Diego for restoration of certain of the buildings in Balboa Park is the plan presented to the Park Board by the City Council today.
December 28, 1921, San Diego Union, 7:5. Council will aid restoration plan; members will confer with Committee on Measures to Save Buildings.
December 30, 1921, Letter, W. B. Frisbie, Division Passenger Agent, The Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System, to Mr. T. N. Faulconer, Exec. Sec’y., Board of Park Commissioners, Balboa Park, San Diego, Calif.
My dear Mr. Faulconer:-
Your letter of the 28th inst.
It was very nice of you to extend the invitation to look the sign over that you have now completed for the Painted Desert. Just at this time you can understand that I am extremely busy, and as I am well satisfied that the work will meet with the entire approval of all concerned, I hope you will put same in place at once, and I will at some later date come out and see you, and we will together look at it.
With the compliments of the season, I am
Very truly yours,
(Signed) W. B. Frisbie
Division Passenger Agent.
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