Balboa Park History 1922
San Diego Public Library
C. San Diego (City) Board of Park Commissioners Correspondence (3 boxes)
Box 3.
- Board of Park Commissioners, Correspondence, 1922-30.
File A-G, 1922
Revolving fund of $50,000 to be advanced to organizations who have raised equal amounts; money to be used for urgently need repairs, particularly as to foundations.
Building 1 Used by Park Board (Administration)
Building 2 Permanent (Fine Arts)
Building 3 Permanent (California State)
Building 4 San Diego Museum Society (Science of Man)
Building 5 San Diego Museum Society (Indian Arts)
Building 6 Presently closed; tentative to Federation State Societies or to Art Association
(Sacramento Valley)
Building 7 San Diego Recreation and Athletic Association; Armory for National Guard Troops;
American Legion Building (Home Economy)
Building 8 Society of Natural History (Foreign Arts)
Building 9 Skating Rink (Canadian)
Building 10 San Diego County Fair Association; Motor Exhibits; Industrial Shows; U. S. Post
Office (Varied Industries and Food Products)
Building 11 Botanical Building
Building 12 Civic Auditorium (In less than eight months, ladies of San Diego raised over $15,000
for this building; seating capacity of 3,000). (Southern California Counties)
Building 13 Street Rail Entrance
Building 14 Service Yard
Building 15 Temporarily Used by Naval Hospital
Building 16 Musical Societies and Musicians (used by Marines during war)
Building 17 Musical Societies and Musicians (used by Marines during war)
Building 18 State Building (to be wrecked)
Building 19 State Building (to be wrecked)
Building 20 Spreckels Organ
Building 21 State Building (to be wrecked)
Building 22 New Mexico Building: Girl Scouts
Building 23 To Be Wrecked
Building 24 To Be Wrecked
Building 25 To Be Wrecked
Building 25 Fisheries Building: Community Players
Building 27 Cristobal Building
Building 28 Model Farm House: occupied by Park Superintendent
Building 31 Old Harvester Building: Zoological society
Building 32 Wrecked
Building 33 To Be Wrecked
Building 35 Indian Village: Boy Scouts
January 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 2:3-4. Marine Barracks on Barnett Avenue best in America.
January 2, 1922, San Diego Union, Annual Edition, Business Section, 5:1-8. Zoological gardens of city equal best in America; splendid specimens of animal life show here; unique system of animal den in park; hidden barriers instead of steel cages confine kings of forest, by T. N. Faulconer, Executive Secretary, Park Commission.
Pride in their home town, the ambition to make San Diego preeminent in the arts and sciences and the love of children and animals, the last probably more than all else, have inspired the officers and members of the San Diego Zoological Society to undertake the financing, construction and equipment of a zoological gardens in Balboa Park.
At the close of the 1916 exposition this Society was formed and its members donated the funds required for the purchase of the valuable collection in the exposition zoo. Until two years ago the maintenance costs of the zoo were borne entirely by these few men and women, and upon their heads has been heaped the criticisms and abuse of those persons whom the howls of the animals annoyed, or who, for other reasons, found fault with the zoo.
The condition of the ancient and flimsy cages became such that the necessity of replacing them with modern quarters or selling the animals and depriving the city of a zoo became apparent, and the Zoological Society assumed the labor of securing the required funds. Regarding this work, Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president of the Society and in a large measure its inspiring genius, says
Animals Owned by People of City
“We are doing just what every man and woman in San Diego would do if they could be made to understand the . The animals belong to the city of San Diego, to every person in the city, and not to the Society or its members. The new Zoological Gardens will add to the beauty and usefulness of the park, will provide entertainment and educational advantages for everyone, and will not in any way benefit the Society or its members financially or otherwise than it will every other citizen or visitor to San Diego.”
Government encouragement is being extended in all civilized countries to those institutions tending toward the preservation of those species of wild animals that encroaching civilization would otherwise exterminate. Attention is being called in government bulletins to the fact that the carrier pigeon, once so numerous as to be a menace to crops, is now utterly extinct. Except for those few specimens bred in government reservations and zoos, the great American bison has vanished, and many other species of beasts and birds native to the United States have become extinct or nearly so.
To aid in the establishment of a well-equipped Zoological Garden is to encourage the work of preserving to posterity specimens of the fauna peculiar to this continent. The history of the United States is replete with legend and story of red men and wild animals, of pioneer and gallant deeds. To prevent the extinction of the American Indian, the government has established reservations and has provided the necessary funds. Prolonging the existence of the wild animals of America is largely a matter for such public institutions as the San Diego Zoological Gardens.
Gives Entertainment to Many Visitors
Prosperity, business, progress — because San Diego has been particularly fortunate in natural endowments, these things have come to be as a natural consequence. Broad, able men of affairs and of finance have aided in starting San Diego upon the pathway that leads to metropolitan greatness and now that the world has become cognizant of her great advantages in geographic location and climate and resources, nothing short of universal disaster can stop her onward march.
To provide entertainment for the hordes of visitors to whom San Diego has become a mecca for annual pilgrimages, and to furnish educational features for youthful inhabitants and visitors, a number of citizens have formed the San Diego Zoological Society and pledged themselves to construct in Balboa Park a Zoological Garden equal in size, in the artistry of its landscaping and construction, and in the variety of its exhibits to the best in the United States.
The possibility of surpassing the largest and best of existing Zoological Gardens is not remote, as local conditions are from every standpoint far more favorable to the establishment of such an institution than can be found elsewhere in the United States.
Zoological Gardens Urgent City Need
The personnel of the San Diego Zoological Society comprise hundreds of citizens who having succeeded in business and professional lines, are ready to devote their energies to the good of the community without other compensation than the knowledge that they are aiding in the accomplishment of something worth while.
The community’s need of a zoological garden is acknowledged to be greater than that of other cities, as there are few places so constantly filled with visitors seeking recreation. In adding attractions of this nature, the popularity of San Diego as a winter and summer resort is enhanced and the city thereby is advanced commercially. The tourist is to San Diego in a large measure what steel is to Pittsburgh, what cotton is to the south, and realizing that the object is not to bring the tourist to San Diego, but to entertain him, prolong his visit and send him home with pleasant memories, San Diegans are gladly aiding in the campaign for a Zoological Garden.
Thanks to summer skies throughout the year and to a constant, mild temperature, winter houses, steam-heated and inclosed, are not needed even for those birds and animals whose habitat is tropical. The African lion, leopards from India, monkeys from the Philippines, Africa or Central America thrive through summer and winter, with only the protection of dens for sleeping or for escaping occasional rainstorms. It is recognized among animal men that the inmate of the California open air is healthier and less subject to tuberculosis, the great enemy of captive animals than the animal in winter quarters.
For this reason, it is possible for the San Diego Zoological Society to devote its funds and genius to making the new gardens attractive, artistic, instructive and convenient to sightseers as nothing need be sacrificed to the effort to protect the animals from blizzards and inclement weather.
Ideal Zoo Site Located in Park
The Board of Park Commissioners has set aside in Balboa Park, adjacent to the north side of the exposition grounds, a tract of land ideal for the purpose. Canyons, steep hillsides and broad mesa provide the topography best suited to the laying out of corrals for ruminant animals, dens for the carnivores, dams and lagoons for aquatic animals, and playgrounds for children, where Jumbo the elephant, a dromedary and sundry donkeys or burros will joyride the youngsters to their hearts’ content.
Included in the tract provided is the building occupied by the International Harvester Company in Exposition days. Plans have been drawn for the remodeling of this structure and making it a reptile house, where quarters will be provided for several hundred snakes and saurians. Donations already promised this section of the zoo are three varieties of rattlesnakes, an Anaconda from Central America, a Gila monster from the Arizona desert, a Central American iguana, and countless horned toads, gopher snakes, king snakes, lizards and other reptiles native to this country and to Mexico.
Replica Planned of Water System
Mayor John L. Bacon says:
“I would rather see 100 tourists come to San Diego, spend a month or a season, be busy every minute with healthful, outdoor entertainment, and go back home to tell their relatives and neighbors that San Diego is the greatest town in America than to have 10,000 tourists come, stay 24 hours, and go away ‘knocking’ because they had a dull time.”
That is why Mayor Bacon is boosting, working and making his friends work for the new Zoological Gardens. The mayor is an engineer, and he is giving his earnings and his other spare time in the planning and laying out of the aquatic features of the new zoo. This will be not only a very interesting attraction, but, if Mayor Bacon’s plan materializes, the aquatic features will be a replica of the great water system from which San Diego derives her copious supply of that most necessary fluid.
Miniature mountains and gorges were provided by nature in the zoo tract and comparatively little alteration to nature’s handiwork will be necessary in covering several acres into a huge relief map showing the streams, dams, conduits and watershed of San Diego’s back country. The plans include bronze tablets bearing detailed information concerning the several units of the water system so that tourists may be shown in an hour or so the vastness of out water resources and the local San Diegan may learn just how enormous have been the accomplishments of the city departments having this work in hand.
In and upon the waters of the lakes formed by these will be several varieties of trout, bass and other fresh water game fish, gold fish, carp, ducks, swans, cranes, beaver, muskrat and possibly many of the large aquatic animals from the tropics. Aside from the entertainment and educational features of this branch of the zoo, it is planned to make the area ___________________ most beautiful, landscape features of the entire park.
Mayor Bacon has volunteered his services as structural engineer. Nathaniel E. Slaymaker, landscape architect and a new resident of San Diego, has given several months of his time and has visited the best zoological gardens in the east in the preparation of the plans for the new zoo here. Louis J. Gill, architect, has donated his services, as have Dr. Fred Baker, J. W. Sefton and others. The society will incur no expense in the preparation of plans or other preliminary work, and every dollar raised can and will be spent on the actual material and labor of construction.
The society has been promised the aid and cooperation of the common council of the city. The park commissioners are aiding in many ways, and a very large portion of the citizens approached have responded generously. Sufficient funds for the construction of several units of the new zoo are available, and some construction already has been done. It is hoped to have the greater part of the animals in their new quarters by the first day of March 1923, and it is intended to keep the campaign until the work is completed and San Diego can point with pride to a zoological garden in keeping with the city’s progress along other lines.
The accomplishment of a task of such proportions as the raising of funds for the construction of a zoological garden such as San Diego is destined to have, the interesting of the public in a municipal improvement, and the gathering together of the widely diversified groups required to handle the various phases of such an undertaking needs that inspiration that comes only with great ambition.
Such an ambition inspires the officers and directors of the San Diego Zoological Society. It is an ambition to achieve for San Diego the preeminence along the lines of education and entertainment that the city merits.
January 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2-4. Boy Scouts of City win distinction; have unique home in Indian Village; fine facilities in park give perfect setting for activities on scout craft.
January 2, 1922, San Diego Union, Navy Section, 3:1-8. Photographs of Naval Hospital, Naval Training Station, Marine Post, and Fleet Repair Base.
January 2, 1922, San Diego Union, Mission Section, 3:5-8. Balboa Park is like coronet of jewels.
January 2, 1922, San Diego Union, Outing Section, 2:5-7. Free auto camp in Balboa Park entertains many.
January 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:2-5. Paintings on view during January in Fine Arts Gallery, Balboa Park (illus.)
January 7, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1-3. Third annual poultry show opened in Cristobal Building yesterday; more than 600 birds; will continue until Monday.
January 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:3. Horseshoe pitching in Balboa Park, about 100 yards north of Date and Eighth Streets, enlists interests of tourists (illus.).
January 15, 1922, San Diego Union, 19:1. Natural History Museum reports activity in all departments; holds annual meeting; members trebled.
January 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:3-4. Nature walk leads to birds and animals in Balboa Park; naturalists favor San Diego plan; letters from W. T. Hornaday and G. Stanley Hall.
January 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:5. Goofs to restore park light poles; series of dances to be given in Civic Auditorium to raise $3,500.
January 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:1. Meeting of subscribers and others called for Monday night at U. S. Grant Hotel to discuss paving of Pershing Drive.
January 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 18:3. Forum to discuss Balboa buildings; opinion on preservation to be crystallized at meeting tomorrow night in Unitarian Church; principal speaker will be John W. Mitchell, president of the Los Angeles Municipal Art Commission and a member of the American Institute of Architects.
January 22, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:3-4. “One Who Loves San Diego” writes suggesting Spanish architecture as appropriate for buildings in San Diego.
January 22, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 4:3-4. Aims of Community Chest pictured in pageant of symbolism at Organ Pavilion at opening of 1922 campaign to collect funds yesterday afternoon.
January 22, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:4-5. Manuel Mora, Spain’s foremost tenor, to sing at park Sunday, January 29, in Civic Auditorium.
January 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. John W. Mitchell speaks at Open Forum; hopes San Diego will save park buildings; George W. Marston, Dr. Edgar L. Hewett and Councilman Fred Heilbron also spoke in favor; Mitchell called group a fine group of Spanish architecture than any he had seen in Spain; Committee of 21 appointed by Mayor Bacon had an examination of buildings made by the Architects’ Association of San Diego which estimated $100,000 will be necessary to rehabilitate buildings.
January 24, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:6. Agreement made for paving of Pershing Drive; city offers to supply labor and gravel; property owners will provide cement.
January 25, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Architects kept busy preparing building plans; Frank P. Allen designed new plant for San Diego Ice and Cold Storage Company on Imperial Avenue between 8th and 9th Streets; prepared plans for remodeling Marston’s store annex; is now working on plans for two business buildings in the downtown section of the city.
January 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3. Council pledged $25,000 for fund to save Balboa Park buildings yesterday; city’s help contingent on $75,000 gifts.
January 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:5. Meeting to discuss Pershing Drive called for tonight in auditorium of Jefferson School.
January 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Our Crown of Art
We are sure that there will be a ready and generous response from the body of our citizenship when the committee shall ask them for pecuniary aid in the effort to save these park buildings to be an artistic memorial for the San Diego of today to the San Diego of tomorrow.
January 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:3. Pershing Drive meeting raises $2,140 for paving; swells total on hand to $5,813; city to put up dollar for dollar.
January 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 5:2-3. San Diego again on Exposition map; representatives of leading civic organizations approved plans for four-month Exposition in buildings in meeting last night in Chamber of Commerce rooms; Exposition to be opened January 1, 1923; Balboa Park will not be closed, but a system of coupon tickets admitting holders to exhibit building will be used; plans presented by John W. Ryckman; Frank J. Belcher said he opposed rehabilitation of the buildings and the holding of an Exposition; Hugo Klauber of the Park Board took a middle ground.
January 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:5-6. Midwinter Exposition directors approved proposed four-month fair in present park buildings yesterday; endorsed John W. Ryckman as director of works; Exposition will commemorate limitation of armament plan at the Washington conference.
January 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:3-4. Edwin F. Banning, architect, urges art commission to regulate signs, poles, wires, street parkings and planning; advocates city planning by trained architects; praises exposition buildings: “The chief beauty of the exposition was, however, no so much in the individual beauty of each building, but on account of the unanimity and homogeneity of the whole, all in one common style, and one which is most happily adapted to our climate and historical atmosphere. This one fact will make it the most beautiful group of exposition buildings this country has ever had.”; would like to see whole architecture of city carried out in same style.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3-4. Thousands throng galleries in Balboa Park to see splendid works of art.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. Senor Manuel Mora, Spanish singer, gives impressions of city at request of The San Diego Union.
. . . I have before my eyes the surprising spectacle of a romantic city of Spain rising amidst luxuriant verdure. From immediately about the buildings down to the depths of the canyons, the land is covered with a growth of semi-tropical foliage, with lofty trees and generously spreading shrubs and bushes. A magic garden has taken the place of the desert. This Aladdin performance must be most interesting and instructive to those that never have been privileged to visit your city. And then take that Venetian spectacle while standing over the terrace of the home where I am a guest. The sun has dipped into the ocean behind Point Loma and San Diego in the distance presents itself at night in a new appeal. There is no new experimentation in evidence here in the field of lighting. Your city at night is full of mystery and enchantment.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:6. Goofs to held series of balls; object is to raise money to replace light poles in Balboa Park.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-8. Photograph of development form Florida Street looking east from Balboa Park illustrates city’s rapid growth; a year ago the land on which these numerous homes are situated was almost completely covered with sagebrush.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:7. Plan to complete big cold storage plant by May 1; $400,000 enterprise marks growth of concern; announcement made yesterday by Frank P. Allen, architect and builder of new plant.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Board of Education awarded contract to Eckles Construction Company of new Junior High School at Park Boulevard and Upas Street; bid was $319,000; enrollment of new school, consisting of 7th, 8th and 9th grades, will be between 1200 and 1400.
January 29, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:3. Members of local Architects’ Association favor Spanish-Renaissance type of architecture for downtown business districts (illus. of building occupied by Wells Fargo Company in Mexico City).
The downtown section of San Diego is the district which is a fertile field for better architecture, and businessmen are asked to look critically at their places of business and see how they compare with the architecture of the exposition. This type of architecture would greatly enhance the beauty of the business district and give it the character which is desired.
January 30, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:3. Boy Scout Camp in Indian Village nationally famous.
January 31, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:3. R. P. Plain objects to “high-brown architecture”; “too many people have been building as they wanted to, without any regard for Spanish-Renaissance of Moorish influence, and the matter has got to be reformed and regulated.”
February 1, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:4. Wallace Reed, movie actor, and a cast of 1,500 to film play in Balboa Park.
February 1, 1922, San Diego Union, 22:3. First dance given by Goofs’ Club to raise $3,500 for restoring ornamental lights in Balboa Park to be held in Civic Auditorium, Saturday, February 11.
February 3, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:4. Old Bre’r Possum, resident at Zoo, to be placed on exhibit in Reptile House tomorrow; Dr. W. H. Raymenton, director of the Garden, to show new blueprint of the Zoological Gardens prepared by Nathaniel Slaymaker, landscape architect.
February 3, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:2. D. C. Collier, who was recently chosen Commissioner General to the Brazilian Centennial Exposition by President Harding, recommended appointment of Carl H. Heilbron as his executive assistant position given to an Illinois man as a result of political influence; the building to be erected under Collier’s supervision will become the permanent home of the American embassy; Collier and his wife are looking forward to the time when they can take up permanent residence in San Diego.
February 4, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Park Commission opposes trucks in city park in letter to Council; trucks in park will be inconsistent with uses named in the original dedication of Balboa Park lands.
February 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:3-4. Natural History Society reports course of free lectures, nature walks, Saturday, February 11; will discuss plants and shrubs of Balboa Park.
February 6, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Sunday afternoon concert in Civic Auditorium by Senor Manuel Mora, Spanish tenor.
February 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:6. San Diego Zoological Society to hold annual meeting in newly completed Reptile House next Saturday; work started on construction of dam in canyon north of Reptile House.
February 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. Confiscated whisky given to Naval Hospital for medicinal purposes; Commanding Officer, Captain H. C. Curl, says rumors of improper use of stimulant are unfounded; less than a gallon used in about ten months; hospital has a daily average of 500 patients.
February 10, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Industrial Show to be held for fifteen days in April at Agricultural Building, Balboa Park; H. J. Penfold, managing director of show.
February 12, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1-2. Thirteenth annual Charity Ball to be given in Civic Auditorium next Friday evening.
February 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:7-8. “Speed-up-the-wheels” slogan for Southern California Industrial Exposition to be held in Balboa Park, April 1 to 15.
February 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:1. Nearly 2,000 persons attend Lincoln program at Organ Pavilion; Mayor Bacon and Reverend Roy Campbell speak; Dr. Stewart plays selections.
February 15, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:4-5. Industrial exhibit scheduled April 1 to 15.
February 18, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:1-5. The first of San Diego’s Charity Balls to be held in Civic Auditorium was given last night; San Diego and Coronado elite filled boxes; ballroom was draped with ferns and smilax.
February 19, 1922, San Diego Union, First Spanish-American Ball to be held at Civic Auditorium, February 27; Senor Manuel Mora, Spanish tenor, to give recital.
February 21, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:5. Reptile House rebuilt under direction of G. Edward Chase, who had charge of original construction of building; two months of work at $7,500; Zoo wants man who understands care of snakes.
Installation of the reptilian boarders will begin in about two months.
There has never been a treatise published on the subject of reptilian dietetics according to local zoologists who have had correspondence with all the leading zoological institutions and it is hoped to fine someone here who has a practical knowledge of caring for reptiles and small animals in this climate.
The foundations of the Harvester Building were reconstructed and an all-concrete base put in. The stringers were changed, the entire building “painted up,” the roof repaired, and the skylight supports strengthened. The outside of the building was also refinished with new wire lath and a coat of tinted plaster.
Numerous cages and two reptile pools were installed inside the building. There are now five large rooms, partitioned off with wire screen and 17 feet square, where large reptile groups will be kept. New windows have been cut so that the “scenery” of trees inside the cages is blended , to the spectator, with the foliage outside the large windows. On the balcony a large number of cages have been placed. They are adjustable in size, so that groups of various sizes can be accommodated.
The completed building contains also a woman’s rest room and the offices of the Zoological Society. Work is now in progress, west of the building, on a pool for seals, another for alligators, and a wading pool.
- Lewis, the Australian collector of reptiles and wild animals, probably will be given an order for a large group of Australian snakes for the new house, to be delivered in two or three months. In the collection will be two gigantic lizards 10 (?) feet long, which Lewis has offered to deliver for $100 a pair.
Having surmounted many obstacles in completing the new reptile house, officers of the society
are confident of success in their present effort to find a competent dietitian and caretaker for the inmates of the house. The dietitian’s duties would not appear to be very onerous for some of the larger snakes — boas and pythons — will take nourishment only once in three months.
February 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:2. Reverent Ernest C. Wilson writes letter indorsing Dr. Stewart’s stand and protesting against monopoly of Balboa Park by any private commercial enterprise:
“It seems regrettable that moving picture enterprises should be granted so great a preference, let us encourage movement to make Balboa Park an artistic and cultural community center.”; cites instance where a national art institute was refused studios in Balboa Park.
February 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:3. Spanish dances feature fiesta program next Monday in Civic Auditorium
February 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:2-3. Baby Show part of State Federation Program to be given in Indian Arts Building, February 25.
February 25, 1922, Board of Park Commissioners to Board of Education, Correspondence (San Diego Public Library, Box 3, File A-G, 1922) – permission given to Board of Education to use Kern and Tulare Counties Building for library purposes on a temporary basis is terminated; musical organizations of city have requested building; other uses may be found if an exposition is held in 1923. .
February 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:2. Second annual Police Ball at Civic Auditorium a success.
February 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 11:5. Preparations to start this week of industrial display in April.
February 26, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-2. Natural History Museum program for March made up; Dr. Phifer to give lecture today on cliff dwellers of Southwest.
February 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:3. An airplane scattering advertising matter for the Spanish Ball disturbed H. J. Stewart’s recital at Organ Pavilion Sunday outdoor recital yesterday afternoon.
March 1, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 3:4-5. Pledge to restore Exposition buildings; many speak at meeting; raise $75,000; fund started with a rush; County supervisors to aid if taxpayers approve; no dissenting note sounded; three-fourths of required $100,000 to rejuvenate structures pledged yesterday in meeting at city hall; Mayor Bacon opened meeting; W. S. Dorland named chairman of committee; G. W. Marston, vice president; John S. Akerman, Secretary; Alex Reynolds, Jr., treasurer; Council and Board of Supervisors offer $25,000 each; $20,645 pledged from among persons present in Council chamber.
George W. Marston was ill and confined to his bed yesterday. But Mr. Marston was not too ill to send an expression to the meeting. In a note written by him on his sick bed, he said:
“I am thoroughly with you in the movement for saving the exposition buildings. No time should be lost now, as recent storms have played havoc with them.
“My chief concern centers upon the plaza. It is vitally necessary to maintain the plaza, both for practical and aesthetic reasons. If its architectural outlines should be broken, its beauty is gone. Therefore, I recommend that the first restoration work should be done of the four central buildings where the Prado crosses the plaza.
“It seems to be that the city administration is justified in appropriating as large a sum as can be spared from its funds. Probably $100,000 is needed at the least. If the city can provide only $25,000, then the people should be called upon for the balance. This is not a large amount, considering the interests involved. I shall be glad to cooperate.”
March 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:6-7. Exposition buildings restoration fund lacks $15,000 of amount required; intensive campaign on; Ministerial Association yesterday agreed to make restoration of buildings topic of morning sermons March 12; Taxpayers’ Association in favor of restoration..
March 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Preserve This Asset
Balboa Park is San Diego’s garden spot, and there are few as beautiful in all the world. Topographically it is unique — its miniature mesas rimming deep, cool canyons that drop away abruptly and flow down to the shore of a sun-bright sea; its terraced slopes which the art of the gardener has converted into an open-air embroidery of the plant life of many lands; its flower-bordered paths, its broad driveways, and its magnificent vistas of mountain ranges, opaline sea, and the bay sparkling in the sunlight far below. Neither the Riviera, nor the famed regions of the Mediterranean coast , nor the gardens that hang above the Aegean sea can boast a beauty as varied as that which we possess in Balboa Park, partly bequeathed by Nature in her most generous mood, partly bestowed by the inspiration of man’s artistic genius.
Embowered in this garden are structures of exquisite architecture, composed from the salient features of the order that was the glory of old Byzantium, that mingled with the medieval Gothic and developed through the Italian Renaissance into the towers, domes, minarets and arabesques of the Moorish and Spanish-Colonial. These buildings are as essential to the picture as the garden itself; the sunlight that bathes them, the landscape that stretches around them.
The garden without the buildings would be as incomplete as the buildings without the garden. They are complementary to one another, as the pyramids are complementary to the desert, as the palms that fringe the South Sea atolls are suggestive of the coral reefs that hint of primitive romance, as the pagodas of the Far East are reminiscent of a religion as ancient as Buddha, to whom they utter their reverence in the tinkling of innumerable bells swaying in the wind.
March 3, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:5. Restoration fund is three-quarters full; haste urged.
March 4, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 5:4. Restoration sentiment strong in city.
March 4, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3. E. O. McCormick, vice-president of Southern Pacific Railroad, praises architecture and scenic beauty of Balboa Park.
March 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:5. When J. A. Olson, wealthy South Dakota tourist, rushed out on aviation field yesterday to get a picture of a landing plane, that speeding plane struck him a terrific blow with its lower wring from which he is not expected to recover.
The accident occurred at the end of the third stunt of the program put on by stunt flyers yesterday at the old Army campsite, west of Indian Village.
March 5, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Women’s Clubs united in favor of restoration.
March 5, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:6-7. John S. Akerman praises heritage left to city in exposition buildings.
March 6, 1922, San Diego Union, 2:6. San Diego Players will use proceeds from presentation of “Jane Clegg” at Spreckels theater for rehabilitating Fisheries Building; Park Commission has promised building to Players after the Naval Hospital is moved to buildings just being completed.
March 6, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:4-5. A. W. Anthony, director San Diego Natural History Museum, shoots bobcat through a small window in the rear of the Museum.
March 6, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:5-8. Stuart N. Lake writes article about meeting a married couple from Buffalo, New York, in Plaza de Panama who told him how buildings put up for Pan-American Exposition has been torn down because citizens would not contribute to their rehabilitation; couple gave ten dollars for San Diego restoration fund.
March 6, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. Fund increasing for restoring park buildings; citizens urged to pin $1.00 to coupon printed in newspapers and mail to Alex Reynolds, Jr.; letter from A. F. Hunt, general manager Santa Fe Railway, praising park buildings.
March 6, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:3. Natural History Museum presents feature program; Boy Scouts invited to attend lectures and take walks arranged by Museum.
March 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 2:4. Restoration Committee urges citizens to complete park fund; $24,987 needed to complete $100,000 necessary; collection to be taken up in local churches Sunday, March 12.
March 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3-4. “Yorick” writes of San Diego Players; pleads for endorsement.
March 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:1. Old Sefton block on C Street, between 4th and 5th, will probably be site for San Diego Savings Bank, says Joseph W. Sefton, Jr., vice president of bank.
March 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2-5. Letter from Claus Spreckels favoring preservation of exposition buildings: “I assume that the $100,000 now being raised in intended merely to recondition the principal buildings, and that, from time to time, plans will be devised to reproduce them in enduring stone and steel.”
March 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:5. Lamp post fund growing; Goofs hope soon to begin restoration of light standards in Balboa Park.
March 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. Federation of State Societies urges various units to give additional sums toward restoring park buildings; plans completed for all-winter picnic and carnival to be held in Montezuma Gardens, March 11.
March 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:3. Donors from far away send checks to restoration fund.
March 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4-6. W. S. Dorland writes letter asking workers to campaign for restoration of buildings in park.
March 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4, 2:1. $15,000 balance needed to save edifices in park; some contributions.
Marston Company $2,500
San Diego Gas & Electric Company 2,000
Claus Spreckels
for San Diego Electric Railway 1,500
for San Diego Coronado Ferry Company 500
John W. Mitchell 2,000
Miss Ellen B. Scripps 2,500
- A. Davidson 1,000
- S. Bridges 1,000
Lyman J. Gage 1,000
John Dupee 1,000
Louis J. Wilde 500
Julius Wangenheim 250
Samuel I. Fox 250
March 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Our Banquet of Beauty
It we would have our cake, we must buy it. It doesn’t cost much, and it is sweet to the taste; it is worth far more than we will ever pay for it. So don’t be reluctant or niggard in providing this feast of art and beauty, nor only for out pleasure, but for all the world besides.
March 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3-6. Letter from G. A. Davidson in behalf of restoration fund.
March 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:6, 2:5. Committee needs $13,000 to assure saving buildings; Federated Parent Teachers Association recommends restoration; also Women’s Public Welfare Commission.
March 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2-5. Letter from George W. Marston recommending restoration.
To the Editor of The Union: Why should the park buildings be saved? Were they not built as temporary structures, without any thought of being retained after the Exposition period? Yes, it is quite true; but there may be reasons for doing differently. Notwithstanding our purposes, notwithstanding the advice of architects themselves, the dangers involved and the sheer impossibility of permanent restoration at present, the community has grown slowly into conviction that what we have there in Balboa Park — which is something more than mere buildings — must not perish. You may prove what you will in facts and figures about the shaky old buildings, the only answer is: “They shall not pass.” Somehow, without knowing how to explain it, we are instinctively, sub-consciously, incurably in love with them, and will not give them up. It’s the grand emotion and is founded, I think, on something real and vital.
The truth is that the Exposition “builded better than it knew.” Instead of a collection of exhibition sheds, we have the simulacrum of an old Spanish city. It may be a phantom in some respects, but it looks like the real thing. The wonder of it amazes me. Built for a day, it has the elements of permanency: historical interest, architectural integrity, beauty of form, color, group relationship, and landscape setting. You can cross the great bridge, pass through the stately portal, and find yourself in another world — that’s partly the charm of it — the transition from San Diego to Seville, from California to Spain.
Shall be let this wondrous treasure slip away? It is crumbling to pieces rapidly these rainy days, and, as Mr. Davidson well says, sentiment will not save it. Money is needed and needed quickly.
Someday San Diego will rise to the idea of rebuilding our “garden fair” in the permanent materials of the California Quadrangle. The best we can do now is stay the downfall of these buildings for a few years. The amount of money is slight compared to the incomparable values at stake.
I confess to some disappointment over the dragging of the campaign. It seems to me that self-respecting citizens should not wait for Mr. Dorland, Mr. Bard, and their fellow committeemen to call upon them. It is everybody’s business to send the contributions by mail or to carry the money to the chamber of commerce. It is absurd that I should be called upon to write an “appeal” (Mr. Dorland had to telephone about it three times). Doesn’t the object itself make the appeal? Are not the printed coupons staring in the face in very newspaper? I appeal — Subscribe, Oh, Subscribe!
March 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:1. Chauncey Olcott, actor and singer, now at Spreckels Theater, urges San Diego to save buildings.
March 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:5, 2:6. Park building rally staged for this afternoon in Balboa Park; more than 6,000 expected to attend picnic of State Societies; Major Davis and his band to play in Plaza de Panama for an hour.
March 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:3. Joseph Jessop writes letter suggesting exhibits from Exposition at Rio de Janeiro in 1923 be brought to Balboa Park and placed in buildings; money left by visitors would pay for permanent reconstruction of buildings; “Our own Charlie Collier would surely put his shoulder to the wheel and help us through.”; also wants to import nightingales and English skylarks to supply song in Balboa Park.
March 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:3. Grade schools orchestra created among students of various schools to give concert at Organ Pavilion tomorrow afternoon.
March 11, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1-2. Philadelphia architect Max Levy pleased with San Diego; praises exposition buildings: “The things we regret least in after life are our extravagances, if these beautiful and artistic buildings are extravagant. Personally, I think they are one of the city’s most valuable assets.”
March 12, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2-6. Charlemagne Tower, former ambassador to Russia and Germany, writes enthusiastically about preserving exposition buildings.
March 12, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:5, 19:1. Announce rally for buildings Monday morning; rain prevented rally planned for yesterday afternoon.
March 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3-6. Milton A. McRae writes letter urging building restoration: “The preservation of the buildings in Balboa Park will increase the value of every piece of property in San Diego.”
March 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3, 5:4. Many interested in restoring park buildings send in checks; Mr. and Mrs. William Templeton Johnson send in check for $400.
March 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:7, 3:5. Park fund needs only $8,000 to spell success.
March 15, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2, 3:4. Final and urgent appeal made for restoration fund; Committee hopes to raise $6,500 balance before meeting today.
March 15, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1-2. Fanny Hodges Newman says restoration of park buildings will give impetus to cultural activities here.
March 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2. Deficit of $3,500 for restoration must be made up; Committee will stage final rally next Saturday afternoon in Balboa Park.
March 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:5-6. Howard B. Bard asks, “Shall we lose park buildings for lack of only $3,500 more?”
March 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:1. Louis J. Wilde writes on Community Oil Company affairs; denies corporation is in trouble or in debt; attacks local critics.
March 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:4. Restoration fund deficit reduced to $2,750 by gifts.
March 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 18:1. Goal reached for restoration fund; flood of last-minute gifts “puts it over”; John D. Spreckels sends in check for $2,500.
March 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL:
We chose the process of rehabilitation and maintenance as the more economical policy in relation to something that we had come to regard as absolutely necessary and essential.
No other city has looked upon its works of temporary beauty from this point of view. San Diego, therefore, has not only created something unique, but it has furnished an exemplary precedent for the conduct of cities in all future circumstances.
March 20, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:1. Five hundred turned away from lecture in Natural History Museum on Hawaii by Will J. Cooper; more than 3,000 heard naturalist’s talk.
March 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4. Training Station Hospital to open by midsummer.
March 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:5. Councilman Harry K. Weitzel plans for City Hall in Park on knoll of ground near Fir and Sixth Streets; would cost city nothing.
March 24, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:4. Heavy travel expected on car lines to park tomorrow; all-day outing State Federated Societies; baseball game at Stadium; Goofs’ Illuminated Ball in Civic Auditorium in evening.
March 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3-4. Great gathering expected of “Old Home State” folks on Plaza de Panama and in Montezuma Gardens today.
March 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 12:4. Nathaniel E. Slaymaker writes letter protesting City Hall in Park.
March 27, 1922, Letter, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners to Bertram Goodhue.
Mr. Bertram G. Goodhue,
#2 West 47th St.
New York City.
My dear Mr. Goodhue:
The exposition buildings present a problem of such magnitude that we are taking the liberty of writing to you, in the hope that you will feel sufficient interest to generously held the Park Board solve it.
The question as to whether or not the buildings should be saved or demolished is ably answered by George W. Marston, in the enclosed newspaper clipping. We know it is entirely contrary to your convictions that the buildings should be retained, but they have been retained and now the people refuse to part with them.
Furthermore, the task of taking down the buildings and properly laying out the grounds would be one of great magnitude and expense, and it would take many years to make the grounds attractive again. The citizens of San Diego have raised more than $100,000 to save the buildings, if only for a few years. In the meantime, perhaps some plan can be devised whereby at least some of the buildings can be replaced by permanent structures.
Before placing our problem before you in concrete form, I should like to outline briefly the present status of the buildings.
Building No. 1 In excellent shape and is used as quarters for the Park Board, and for some other purposes. (1915, Administration Building)
Buildings Nos. 2 and 3 are permanent.
Buildings Nos. 4 and 5 Used by the San Diego Museum Society and in pretty bad condition, especially No. 5 (1915, Indian Arts); Building No. 4 (1915, Science of Man).
Building No. 6 Is in pretty good condition outwardly. It is now closed, having been used for various unimportant purposes from time to time.
Building No. 7 Is in fair shape. It has been closed most of the time since the Exposition closed.
Building No. 8 Has been used for several years by the Natural History Society, who have installed and maintained a very extensive exhibit. Over 3,000 people visited the building last Sunday, although there was nothing unusual going on. Enough money has been spent on the building to make it usable, but the exterior looks very shabby. (1915, Foreign Arts)
Building No. 9 Is in pretty good shape outwardly. No doubt it needs a new foundation badly.
(1915, Commerce and Industries)
Building No. 10 Has been largely used for motor exhibitions, County Fairs, Industrial Shows, etc. It needs a large expenditure of money to put it in shape to last a few years longer. (1915,
Varied Industries and Food Products)
Building No. 11 Permanent and now very attractive indeed. (1915, Botanical)
Building No. 12 This building has been restored by the ladies of San Diego for used as a Civic Auditorium. From $15,000 to $20,000 has been spent on it, and more is being constantly spent, now, especially on the exterior. The work was started last May and met with such encouragement that the ultimate outcome was never in doubt. The building is in constant demand for large balls, and will soon be in use for conventions, etc. The success of the movement to restore and use the building undoubtedly is responsible to a considerable degree for the determination of the people to save the others. (1915, Southern California Counties)
Buildings 16 and 17 Are in very bad shape, having been used all during the war by the Marines.
The buildings mentioned above are the only ones which need to be discussed. The others are either unimportant, or have been already condemned.
It is perhaps needless to say that all buildings north of Building No. 28 on the Isthmus, with the exception of the Indian Village, have been wrecked.
Our principal problems are the following:
First, Shall be try to save all the main buildings or shall we put our money in some of them
and allow the others to go? If so, which?
Second, What would be the best treatment of areas where buildings are removed?
Third, Would it be wiser to spend out money mostly on foundations, retaining walls, roofs,
side walls, plastering, staff work or painting?
Fourth, How about arcades, pergolas and other minor walks?
Fifth, As it is evident that the people are determined that the buildings shall remain standing,
what would be the best purposes to which to devote them? It is assumed that it would be
better for many reasons to use the buildings as much as possible, rather than to keep
them permanently closed.
It is our intention to have, in the near future, a thorough survey made of all the buildings mentioned above, with estimates in detail of the cost of restoration.
The people of San Diego appreciate more each year the wonderful “Dream City” which you created in Balboa Park, and would esteem it a great favor if you would give us the benefit of your valuable advice and suggestions.
Sincerely yours,
Executive Secretary.
March 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:1. Miss Teresa Morley and Miss Agnes Tobin preside over bridge tea at Miss Morley’s home in Balboa Park.
April 4, 1922, Letter, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, Architect, to T. N. Faulconer, Esq., Board of Park Commissioners, Balboa Park, San Diego, Cal.
My dear Mr. Faulconer:
I am in receipt of your letter of March 27th for which I am glad to express my thanks, even though the question you ask me seems to be already settled.
My opinion as to what should be done to the temporary fair buildings, or at least to most of such is well known. However, please permit me to reiterate it here. In my opinion, the only buildings or structures of any kind that should be permitted to remain in Balboa Park are the following:
The bridge, #2, 3, the organ building, the Botanical Building (11) and such pergolas, pavilions, etc. as form necessary items of the gardening and parking system. Building #1, the Administration Building, entirely nullifies the dignity and impressiveness of the California Building (3). I pointed this out when #1 was first projected. The fact that this building was for strictly utilitarian purposes necessitated the presence of a great number of windows, this giving it a restless and, to my mind, in view of the scale of the California Building, an impertinent appearance. However, it site is probably strategically the correct one and I believe a new building that would be fireproof, dignified and in harmony with the California Building could well take its place. As for the other buildings on the “Prado” and the “Plaza de Panama” up to an including #12, these are all mere stage scenery. Their windows come where they look well and have no reference to anything within. They are, structurally, of the flimsiest sort and should come down.
Of course, it is quite true that the needs of the San Diego Museum Society should be met; but this could be done without any tremendous expense by building a lower and simpler building on the site of #4 with, possibly, a still lower and still simpler U-shaped addition to #2, which would extend around three sides of a little garden between #2 and #5. In this way the resultant pile, i. e. #1 modified, #2, #3, #4 modified, and a substitute for #5, would form an impressive whole, would have the advantage of bringing everything together and make everything, as it certainly should be, fireproof. I am sure that Dr. Hewett would approve the principle of all this. As for the present #5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 27, they are now crumbling, disintegrating and altogether unlovely structures, structures that lack any of the venerability of age and present only its pathos, and the space they occupy could readily be made into one of the most beautiful pubic gardens in the new world. I have the utmost confidence that were this process placed in the hands of Mr. Morley, it would not be a matter of “many years” but that in, say, two the beauty of the result would be apparent to even the most hardened sentimentalist.
A very convincing answer to that overwhelming body of citizens who would preserve the buildings comes to me, a quotation, and not of my own making, to wit, “There’s nothing in majorities: how about Noah?”
With no hope whatsoever that the suggestions I have outlined above will be followed or that my opinion or that of any other expert will be regarded as of any value, let me close by reminding you that at the time I was first called in to act as Consulting Architect for the Panama-California Fair, I asked for and received a definite promise from the Building Committee that the temporary buildings should come down when they had served their purpose.
I should be very glad indeed if you would give this letter of mine the widest publicity. For Mr. Marston as a man and as a citizen I have the highest respect; but for the appeal he makes in print my sentiment is distinctly the reverse.
Very faithfully yours,
(Signed) Bertram G. Goodhue.
Copy to C. M. Winslow
” ” Geo. W. Marston
” ” Olmsted Bros.
April 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:3. Services at Organ Pavilion to commemorate 100th anniversary of General and President Ulysses S. Grant’s birthday to be staged April 27.
April 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego Museum
The Natural History Museum in Balboa Park is one of the most important educational institutions in San Diego. It should be the nucleus of every local scientific activity, a research laboratory, a repository of specimens of every variety from the fields of geology, zoology, archaeology and paleontology; a museum, in short, wherein the student and passerby may learn the history of the world and of man, almost at a glance, with an object lesson to illustrate the revelation on every hand, and experts in every department to make the record clearer.
The Museum is only fifteen months old, but in that short time it has more than justified its existence and the ambitious purposes of its founders and sponsors. Perhaps, therefore, it will be interesting to those no familiar with the work of the museum to know that during the past winter, the Museum authorities arranged for and delivered 51 lectures on subjects pertaining to the work of the association, and that these lectures were attended by more than 11,000 persons; that 28 groups of school children and special students, numbering more than 600 individuals, visited the Museum and were given such information and instruction as they desired; and that, in the same period, 26 Outdoor Nature Walks have been conducted with an attendance of more than 1400. The Museum also circulates 20 natural history cabinets among as many schools in San Diego, these miniature museums containing no fewer than 700 natural history objects, representing practically all the branches of the natural sciences. A Museum truck calls at the schools at intervals for the purpose of shifting these cabinets during the school term of forty weeks.
. . . The Museum received no pecuniary aid from the city, county or state, and is, therefore, dependent for support on private subscriptions, membership fees and special donations.
April 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:4. Park Buildings Fund Committee elects officers; Edward Chase chosen engineer to direct rehabilitation; Committee to open office; Mr. Dorland, chairman, said $105,500 has been subscribed to the restoration fund to date.
April 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:5. Community Sing at Organ Pavilion Easter afternoon; Cadman Club and Girls Glee Club of Community Services to sing.
April 15, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:2. Mormon Choir to sing at park organ, April 30l
April 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:3-4. Barn owl invades Natural History Museum in Balboa Park to hobnob with stuffed birds.
April 16, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. Two thousand attend Community Service egg hunt in Balboa Park.
April 16, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:5-6. Easter program in Park to follow organ recital.
April 20, 1922, Letter, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners, to City Park Commission, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Attention: Secretary of or Official in Charge of Schenley Park Golf Course.
The enclosed clipping was taken from The San Diego Union, a morning daily paper, of April 1, 1922, and the information therein has aroused much interest in this department, by reason of the fact that municipal golf has become an important factor in the entertainment of the many thousands of tourists who visit this city annually.
We believe that you can materially help us with such information as you may care to furnish in regard to the methods employed in so successfully introducing and handling the game in Schenley Park, and we enclose a questionnaire with our request that you answer the questions therein as fully as you care to go into the matter.
It may interest you to learn that in 1400-acre Balboa Park, adjacent to the Panama-California Exposition Grounds and buildings, which now are being restored, we have an 18-hole course that last year brought in gross receipts of $8,972.70 from green fees.
Our charges are as follows: Daily tickets .50
Monthly (good 30 days) 2.00
Annual 12.00
Owing to climatic conditions, golf is an all-year sport here, and the course was in use 345 days in 1921; total play for the year was 29,152 players or an average of 85 persons per day.
Course embraces some 275 acres of table-land, intersected by deep valleys, affording natural hazards and unusual playing conditions. Greens are of oiled sand, which many golfers like quite as well or better than turf by reason of their uniformity.
Our total cost of maintenance and operation for 1921 was $5,470.39, leaving profit of $3,502.31, which will go back into improvement of Course.
Sincerely yours,
Exec. Secy.
April 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3. Laying of cornerstone for Roosevelt Junior High School, April 22, is marked by Masonic ceremonial rites; structure will cost approximately $350,000.
April 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 12:4. Pageant to be produced at Spreckels Organ in connection with Mid-Summer Carnival next August; Community Service seeks ideas.
April 24, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:1. Get acquainted “feed” held at Indian Village; 70 Scoutmasters and San Diego Council Boy Scouts of America attend.
April 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:6. Navy contracts for San Diego include paving and electric lighting for Naval Hospital.
April 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:3-6. Balboa Park ceremonial today to mark Ulysses S. Grant’s 100th birthday.
April 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:2-3. Veterans and orators honor memory of Ulysses S. Grant in ceremonies at Balboa Park preceded by band concert at U. S. Grant Hotel.
April 30, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:3. 15th annual Rose and Spring Flower Show to be given at Civic Auditorium next Saturday and Sunday; John Morley, chairman of awards; Balboa Park rose garden is in full bloom (illus.).
April 30, 1922, San Diego Union, 17:1. Reptile House at zoo is one of best on coast; Zoological Society will appreciate donations of reptiles.
April 30, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-8. First group of Naval Station buildings nears completion; cost approximately $1,000,000.
April 30, 1922, San Diego Union, 22:3. Rats eliminated from city Zoo; H. W. Clifton, zoologist, produces secret poison.
May 5, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:1. Children’s Center is being planned for Balboa Park; two hospital buildings in Pepper Grove to be used.
May 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 16:1. The San Diego Museum Association announced the opening of the Fine Arts Gallery this afternoon.
May 7, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:1-2. Shriners preparing for Mardi-Gras in Civic Auditorium, May 15.
May 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Balboa Park
Balboa Park is one of the coordinate factors of San Diego’s civic growth and prosperity. It has been called an “asset”; it is more than that — it is as much an integral part of our community as our chamber of commerce, our banks, our business houses, our religious organizations, our newspapers, our cultural and commercial activities. It is complementary in actual material importance with our harbor development. There is no reason why it should not aid in that development, as the improvement and use of the harbor must provide from its traffic the means for the development of the park. The harbor and the park serve to make San Diego a complete city; the harbor is the source of the wealth that will build the city to metropolitan proportions, and should be our first consideration in every civic enterprise; our park is the direct result of that prosperity, also serving its special purpose of advertising to the world that we possess the concomitant to wealth which is leisure to enjoy the rewards of culture, the healthful relaxations of recreation, and the indulgence of our love of the beautiful.
. . . We must understand as a community that whatever we contribute to any of the park’s activities is absorbed for the sole emolument and further improvement of the park and its unique structures, which add so much to the beauty of the environment. There is no personal profit for any feature established in the park, and every dollar invested is so much relief from the general taxation. The business policy of the park board and those connected with the management of the various subordinate and accessory departments are entirely apart from any hint of commercialism. Balboa Park represents the finer side of San Diego’s civic aspiration; it is our best bid for the appreciation of the world at large; its affairs are wisely administered, and always in direct contact with the cultural, the recreational and the educational uses of the community. Balboa Park is San Diego’s garden, school and playground, and, as such, should be forever cherished as our most precious ornament and possession.
May 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:4. Boy Scout First Division makes camp out at Indian Village.
May 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 2:1. Museum of Fine Arts given to city; beautiful building to be erected; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bridges announce gift of permanent fireproof structure; fine collection promised: G. A. Davidson said: “There is a move on foot to make the park an art center, not only of San Diego, but of the southwest. Mr. Bridge’s gift will go a long way toward making this possible.”
May 12, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Museum of Fine Arts
The magnificent gift to San Diego announced by A. S. Bridges on behalf of himself and Mrs. Bridges will be received with sincere gratitude by the citizens of this city and with full appreciation of its inestimable value to the cultural growth of the community.
May 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3-4. Students “capture” Stadium despite Park Board’s orders; 200 football players, marshaled by principal of high school, take possession of Bowl for practice; representatives retire after threat of arrest.
May 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 11:2. Stadium dispute nears settlement according to J. Weinberger, member of School Board; conflict between Park Board and School Board due to misunderstanding.
May 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:5. Plans for fine public library in Balboa Park told to Board; A. S. Bridges informs members of proposed gift, but declines at this time to give donor’s name; plans have not been worked out.
May 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3. 23rd annual Convention of Parent-Teachers’ Association to open in Civic Auditorium this evening.,
May 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4. More than 1300 volunteers from organized religions meet in Civic Auditorium to plan home visitation canvass; will invite everybody in city to visit a church.
May 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3. United States agent of Department of Agriculture makes inspection of Balboa Park with view of establishing plan experiment station.
May 28, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. State College development assured; group of citizens guarantee purchase of site at Park Boulevard and Meade Avenue.
May 31, 1922, Letter, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, Architect, to J. W. Sefton, Esq., Sefton Investment Company, San Diego, California.
Dear Mr. Sefton:
Although it is my firm conviction that anything you may write me or anything I may reply to you will make no difference in the final result, I am grateful to you for your letter of May 22nd and the stand you take in it.
Reading your letter very carefully and several times over, so far as I can see, your point of view is exactly the same as my own. This point of view I have repeatedly expressed in writing to various people in San Diego, notably to Mr. Marston. I have volunteered to make a revision of the plot plan of the Fair, showing how very simple a matter it would be to park the spaces now occupied by the rapidly disintegrating, shabby and altogether disgusting looking buildings, and indicating in “block” proper fireproof continuations (wings and what not) in which could be housed safely, conveniently and beautifully, the various collections now in the possession of the City. That I should be glad to make such a drawing without cost to the City remains as true as hitherto, providing that the scheme were accepted — something of which I have no doubt whatsoever — I should, of course, be made architect for the fireproof additions, which I believe should be very simple in character indeed; though again, I think it extremely improbably [sic] that this would occur.
One thing you can be certain of; in this way and in this way only, the City of San Diego would have at the least possible cost, one of the finest, if not the finest public gardens in America. Furthermore, that in this way and in this way only, would the cost of fireproof housing for your collections be reduced to the minimum. It is idle for an architect to guess at any such time as the present; but I believe you can count on forty cents a cu [sic} foot as a fair average price.
However, I have talked this over with so many people that, while I am delighted to find you sympathetic and in harmony with my views, I think it is probably quite idle to express them again in this fashion.
Believe me
Very faithfully yours,
(Signed) Bertram G. Goodhue.
June 1, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Our Musical Culture . . . expresses satisfaction with development of San Diego High School orchestra under Nino Marcelli’s direction; mentions daily organ recitals in Balboa Park, sustained by John D. Spreckels.
June 4, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1-2. Garden party in Lagoon Court, Balboa Park, to entertain Edwin Denby, Secretary of the Navy, Major General George Barnett and other distinguished visitors from Washington, D. C., to be held Friday afternoon, June 9; sponsored by prominent society women; names given.
June 4, 1922, San Diego Union, Music Section, 7:6-7. Chorus concerts by Glee Clubs of San Diego high schools, Balboa Park, June 11.
June 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:4. Henry Lovins recently moved his studios from the Sacramento Building to make room for new museum of art; illustration of Mayan mural painting done by Lovins for California Building.
June 6, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:3. Civic Auditorium elects officers; president Mrs. F. W. Haman; first vice president Miss Gertrude Gilbert; second vice president Allen H. Wright; Association reports receipts of $18,018 from benefits and rentals; $16,536 expended on building last year; main auditorium used 78 times during year.
June 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:3-4. Secretary of Navy and party to be guests at ball at Civic Auditorium tonight.
June 9, 1922, Letter, Mr. Carl C. Dorland to Mr. Joseph W. Sefton, Jr. (George W. Marston Papers, Collection 219, Box 2, File 31, San Diego Historical Society Research Library).
I return herewith Mr. Goodhue’s letter of May 31st which you left with me. I took it up with the intention of writing a replay, and I find that his views are so at diversity with mine that I feel it would be a waste of time to write to him and of his time to read what I would write, and I am sure that neither of us would change our opinion.
However, I am very glad to have seen his letter, as it has been suggested, and I think I have backed the suggestion that he would be the man to be employed to lay out a permanent plan for use to build to for the future, but after reading his letter, I am satisfied that he is not at all the man we should have, assuming that we want any kind of beautifying buildings in the park. His interest, as I understand it, is purely in developing a public garden. My interest is in building in our garden, in an artistic way, a group of buildings for art and cultural purposes, and I would, myself, much prefer to employ some architect who was in sympathy with this idea.
However, if you and I cannot agree in all matters connected herewith, I am strong for the Natural History Museum, and would like to see one that is ornate and of beautiful structure, rather than Mr. Goodhue’s building that would be “very simple in character” indeed.
June 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:1. Y. M. C. A. plans $750,000 for Navy building here; George W. Marston announces plan at meeting of secretary with Chamber of Commerce directors.
June 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:1. Throngs greet head of Navy at garden fete yesterday afternoon.
June 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2. Two thousand school children parade to Park in 640 automobiles from Protestant churches of San Diego; parade ended with exercises at Organ Pavilion.
June 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8, 3:5. Reference library to be presented to city; W. W. Whitney, retired businessman and world traveler, announces intention to erect memorial to book-loving wife; gift of $30,000; building will occupy site of old Salt Lake Building.
June 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:5. Collier returns from Rio de Janeiro to battle with his deputy commissioner, F. A. Harriman of Nebraska.
June 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:7, 3:5. Park building restoration to be started soon; G. Edward Chase has just completed a survey of buildings; $100,000 fund not sufficient to restore eleven buildings, so Committee was forced to decide what buildings to repair; Work to start on No. 10, the Foreign and Domestic Products Building (Note: 1915, Varied Industries and Food Products); given precedence because of letter from Felix Landis of San Diego County Farm Bureau; building will be ready for Fair, date of September 20; Foreign Arts, Science and Education, Russia and Brazil, Panama-Pacific [sic], Canadian, Kern and Tulare Counties and San Joaquin Buildings to be repaired in order given; none of state buildings included in survey; New Mexico Building has been offered to Girl Scouts; Committee has on hand about $47,000 in cash and $10,000 in uncollected pledges.
June 18, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. New Zoo plans given; membership drive underway.
June 18, 1922, San Diego Union, Real Estate Section, 2:4-5. Expect to complete paving of Pershing Memorial Drive through park in early fall.
June 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:3-4. Articles on plans for San Diego Zoo by H. M. Wegeforth, M. D., and Burritt S. Mills, chairman membership committee.
June 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:4. California Construction Company to be awarded contract for paving Pershing Drive.
June 20, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:1. Opening event for Ad Club Convention to be staged at Organ Pavilion next Sunday afternoon.
June 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:5. Collier and other members of Brazilian Fair Commission ask President Harding to oust F. A. Harriman.
June 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: History in Pageantry
The use of pageantry in furtherance of community activities and enterprises serves a double purpose — it enlarged the public spirit by an appeal to the public interest through the individual citizen, and, properly presented, it has educational value in its historical aspect. These are the purposes specified in the program offered by the San Diego County Federation of Women’s Clubs in their “Mission Pageant” in Balboa Park on Saturday; the monetary proceeds will be contributed to the rehabilitation fund of the Balboa Park Auditorium, and, at the same time, a vivid picture of our local history will be unfolded before the spectators.
June 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Description of pageant to be given tomorrow afternoon and evening back of California Building in Balboa Park, cast of 500.
June 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 11:2. President Wegeforth explains plans for housing animals at Balboa Park; they are not going to roam around the park loose.
June 24, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:3. Work to begin on repairs for park buildings; assembly of materials for restoring County Fair building already started; will cost $21,720; skylights to be fixed, walls plastered, ornament retreated, roof repaired, footing replaced with concrete.
June 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 19:6. Mission pageant of Cabrillo era given in Park.
June 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 19:6. Swedish residents held picnic in Pepper Grove yesterday afternoon.
June 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:8. Dr. Rufus E. Klein Smid, president University of California, addresses Pacific Coast Advertising Club Association at first meeting at Organ Pavilion; Dr. Stewart gives organ recital; community singing.
July 1, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:7. Harriman quits Brazilian Fair Board; President Harding accepts resignation; lack of harmony charged.
July 2, 1922, San Diego Union, Real Estate, 1:5. Professor Dick Wilson, of Princeton Theological Seminary, says Balboa Park buildings superior to buildings in Europe.
July 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:1-4. Santa Barbara undertakes plan to restore restful Spanish atmosphere of early years.
July 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:3. Half million dollars available for continued construction of hospital in park; plans for buildings to be erected are on way from Washington, D. C.
July 15, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:5. Hotel men given leopard’s cage to Zoo in Park.
July 16, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-7. Zoological Society members pose in cage for camera at dedication of gift from Hotel Men’s Association; address of dedication given by Sam S. Porter; Mayor replies for City.
(Caption for photograph: This is entitled “One the Inside Looking Out.” It is a view of the east front of the hollow square of new tile and steel cages built at the Zoological Gardens with money given by public-spirited San Diegans. The “wild animals: in the high center cage are members of the San Diego Hotel Men’s Association, who financed this particular cage and who dedicated it with appropriate ceremonies Friday afternoon.)
Running true to form — “out in front” in civic and public enterprises — the San Diego Hotel Men’s Association dedicated the first of the new, sanitary, humane animal cages that has sprung into being as a result of the gifts of many public-spirited San Diego organizations and individuals, with a brief but impressive little ceremony at the zoological gardens Friday afternoon.
The particular cage dedicated, one of the four large, arched structures that form the centers of the hollow squares of the new animal homes just west of the reptile house, had been duly decorated for the ceremony with the bronze plaque that attests its dedication to the children of San Diego and environs by the hotel association. As a preliminary to the ceremonies, which were attended by many citizens, the members of the association, accompanied by Mayor John L. Bacon and Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president of the Zoological Society, has themselves locked within the cage and were duly photographed in the role of wild animals by Gen. M. O. Terry of Coronado, an enthusiastic supporter of the new zoological gardens.
Introduced by R. B. Thorbus, president of the Hotel Men’s Association, Sam S. Porter of the San Diego Hotel happily choosing as his theme the humane side of housing collections of wild animals for study, delivered a short but effective address of dedication. He prefaced his talk by reading G. E. Goodrich’s touching poem, “A Prayer for Dumb Creatures,” and cited the Chinese as the world’s race most kind to dumb animals — never allowing themselves to get angry with them nor maltreating them. The “Prayer” is reproduced in another column. (Not included in this collection.)
Another striking point brought out by Porter was the cardinal reason for conserving bird life. “If such a calamity should occur,” he said, “as the sudden extermination of all bird life on earth, the human race would not survive it by a year — the insects would multiply and overrun the earth, devouring every vestige of the food of mankind.”
Following Porter’s address, Mayor Bacon spoke briefly in acceptance of the Hotel Men’s gift on behalf of the city and of children of all ages.
“This Zoological Garden,” said the mayor, “has outrun my knowledge in its rapid growth — it is developing into a splendid monument to the men and women whose devotion, hard work and sacrifices are making it possible. IT is a boon to our children. Moreover, from the purely selfish viewpoint of advertising of our city, it will become famous all over the world. I want to express the profound gratitude of the city, and my own gratitude for this splendid gift.”
George H. Champlin, who has been indefatigable as an aide to Dr. Wegeforth in “putting across” the improvements in the gardens, followed the mayor with a short discussion of the underlying purpose of the Zoological Society — education of the younger generation. He impressively waved a page from a recent magazine section of The Union before his audience, bearing an illustrated story of the innovation in supplying anti-snake bite serum by airplane, as introduced by the San Diego Zoological Society; then produced a similar page from a Syracuse, New York, paper, bearing the same story, and said that it had been “lifted” and “syndicated” to such a wide extent that more than a million and a half copies had been circulated, reaching probably no less than five millions of readers.
Dr. Wegeforth, Champlin, Landscape Architect N. E. Slaymaker, Director W. H. Raymenton, and Capt. Burritt S. Mills, chairman of the membership committee, then conducted the hotel men and guests through the lower grounds, gleefully pointing out to Mayor Bacon the fact that the Zoological Society could give the city administration pointers on efficiency and economy in dam construction, inasmuch as for an expenditure of only $11,000 in four months the Society has built exact duplicates of Morena, Barrett and Lower Otay dams in the canyons below the Reptile House, where aquatic animals, birds and reptiles will disport themselves.
Names of members of the Hotel Association present at the ceremonies follow.
July 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:1-2. Submarine base at San Pedro and naval training personnel at San Francisco to be transferred here.
July 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:5. Woman gives Zoo $10,000 to build a fence around 150-acre Zoo.
July 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 12:1-2. Mrs. A. B. Spreckels given treasures abroad for California museum in San Francisco; French government presents rare porcelains and pottery; Marshal Foch donates uniform and sword of Battle of Marne; Queen of Rumania to give room.
July 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 12:5. Mayor Bacon to present Merit Badges to Girl Scouts at Balboa Park service in the Court of Women at the Botanical Garden to the left of the lily pond tomorrow.
July 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:4. Only four days remain in which to raise $3,500 to complete financing of Pershing Memorial Drive.
July 29, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3. Marshall W. Giselman, popular organist, arranged for prelude from “Parsifal” to be played on organ with themes by members Marine Corps Band; part of tonight’s recital.
July 30, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:7-8. John Doane will give moonlight concert at Spreckels organ, August 2, to benefit Civic Auditorium.
July 30, 1922, San Diego Union, Real Estate Section, 1:4-5. San Diego Museum of Natural History possesses only specimens of southern fur seal known.
July 30, 1922, San Diego Union, Real Estate Section, 1:8. Masterful organ recital thrills 8,000 persons; unique lighting effects lends enchantment to rendition of prelude from “Parsifal” in which U. S. Marine Corps ably assist.
August 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:1. Dr. Stewart returned from vacation; recital at organ this evening; recitals will continue Wednesday and Saturday evenings during summer; other day recitals will be given in afternoon beginning at 3:15.
August 3, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:16. A. B. W. writes letter expressing desire for ample parking system to take care of demand for spaces during events staged in the park for the public.
August 4, 1922, Letter, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners to Board of Education, relative to a bond issue to pave Park Boulevard from Russ Street to Exposition grounds.
August 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:6. Organ recitals to be held every evening for remainder of summer.
August 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:3. Rehabilitation of County Fair structure almost finished; other work rushed; work started on Building #5, the old Mining Building, of Exposition days.
August 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:4. Education Board adopts contract for Stadium use; will pay Commission $200 a month for use of Stadium and a 15 percent share in the receipts of student activities.
August 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2-3. George W. Marston tells why he is for Charles C. Moore and against Hiram Johnson for U. S. Senate.
August 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:6. New $1,000,000 hospital will be commissioned August 24; total personnel of big Naval Hospital will approximate 600 by September 1; 160 hospital corpsmen and patients are occupying tents on the new hospital reservation grounds; bids are to be opened August 23 for construction of two more wards and an industrial building; September contract will be for a group of six more structures; Naval Training Station at Point Loma will open November 1.
August 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:1. Doane to give second recital this evening.
August 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:1. Madame Boshko, violin virtuoso, displayed masterly technique in program at Spreckels organ last evening.
Admiral 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:5. Admiral Roger Welles wants $35,000 in bonds to be issued for paving of Park Boulevard from Russ Street to Exposition grounds; new hospital is situated east of this road and dust from unpaved road will blow in that direction.
August 12, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:1. Submarine base will remain at San Pedro.
August 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:3-4. Frank P. Allen, Jr., architect, writes letter indorsing Charles C. Moore for Senate: “Charles C. Moore is an engineer, a big engineer, he is familiar with the advantages and disadvantages, the problems and the difficulties of such a project as Boulder Dam. He need not depend upon what someone else tells him or take what someone else hands him. He is in his chosen field and profession when he passes upon a phase of this project and his judgment is a personal, technical knowledge, not hearsay, that may or may not be right.
August 15, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:3. George W. Marston and Julius Wangenheim protested against the granting of a lease to the Marine Engine Works of a factory site at the foot of D Street in an appearance before the City Council yesterday.
August 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3. Installation of ornamental lamp posts in Park to be accomplished soon; Esco Ives, big chief Goof, turned check over to John F. Forward, Jr. of Park Board.
August 18, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:4. Rehabilitation of County Fair building progressing rapidly.
August 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:1. Tax Association opposes City Hall in Park; approves Mayor Bacon’s proposal to build a City Hall in conjunction with a Court House on present location.
August 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:7. Councilman Harry K. Weitzel writes letter favoring City Hall in Park.
August 20, 1922, San Diego Union, Automobile Section, 1. Balboa Park boasts splendid animal cages (illus.),
August 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:4-6. Robert E. Masters writes letter advocating park cactus garden.
August 22, 1922, San Diego Evening Tribune, 10:4-5. The Hospital Office announces that the Naval Hospital at Balboa Park is formally opened.
August 22, 1922, San Diego Sun, 1:4. The new million dollar hospital on Inspiration Point in Balboa Park was dedicated today with simple ceremonies.
Elaborate ceremonies were not held because the hospital staff could not interrupt its work.
By tonight all the hospital cases in the tents at Balboa Park, with the exception of surgical cases, will have been transferred to the new hospital, which has a capacity of 600 patients.
Captain J. A. Murphy (Medical Corps), U. S. N., is executive officer and acting commandant of the hospital. Captain Francis W. F. Wieber (Medical Corps), U. S. N., will become commandant of hospital later.
The new building consists of an administration building and two ward buildings and surgical and commissary buildings in the rear.
The Red Cross is constructing a recreational house which will be turned over to the government.
August 27, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:5-6. Community Circus to be held in Balboa Park, October 17-21, as benefit for Zoological Gardens; George Best, manager Coronado Tent City, to act as manager; about 12,000 persons visit the Zoological Gardens on Sundays and holidays.
August 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:6-7. George W. Marston urges election of William D. Stephens as governor.
September 1, 1922, Letter, Duncan MacKinnon, president San Diego Museum Association, to Board of Park Commissioners (Box 1, File: San Diego Museum. 1916-1930) protesting use of Science of Man Building (Building No. 4) for refreshment stand; on August 29, 1922, Park Board commenced tearing out north and east walls; cites 1917 agreement of Park Commissioners with Association.
September 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:4. Native Sons and Daughters of Golden West will celebrate Admission Day tomorrow at Pepper Grove, Balboa Park.
September 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:6. Sells-Fioto circus offers Zoo two elephants
September 10, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-5. Sells-Fioto circus asks $6,000 for pair of elephants.
September 11, 1911, Letter, Executive Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners to The San Diego Museum, San Diego, California, Attention of Duncan MacKinnon, President (San Diego Public Library).
Replying to yours of Sept. 1st, which was taken up with the Park Commissioners on Sept. 8th, and request therein that work be suspended on the installation of the refreshment stand in the No. 4 building, denied, I am directed to advise you as follows:
In granting your request for use of certain buildings in Balboa Park, the Park Commissioners, on Apr. 9th, 1917, specified that your occupancy of the premises should be authorized so long as certain uses were made of them. Your agreement in this respect has frequently been violated.
It was further specified that the Park Commissioners did not relinquish general control of the buildings.
These facts, while sufficient to warrant the use of a portion of the buildings by the Park Commission, would not have caused the several Park Commissions to feel that they would care to occupy any of these buildings without first considering your Board, except that Building No. 4 apparently has been abandoned by the San Diego Museum. Your exhibits were removed from that building on the first day of March of this year, and the plate designating this building as the Science of Man building was transferred by you to another building. Furthermore, the building has been closed to the public for the greater part of a year when the Park Commissioners decided to use a portion of it for other purposes.
Something over a year ago, Dr. Hewett stated to the Park Commissioners that the San Diego Museum had not sufficient means to provide supervision for so many buildings, and that it probably would be necessary for them to give up at least one of the buildings. He further stated that the Museum was in a precarious financial condition, and that its existence was seriously threatened by its lack of funds. In view of his statement and your later action in closing the building, this department assumed it was your wish to vacate the premises, and, as we have never enjoyed the confidence of your Association, we had no means of knowing that you intended to again occupy the building.
While the Restoration program does not include this expense, and will not be called upon to pay any of the cost of this installation, the removal of our present refreshment stand from the Plaza is certainly in keeping with the restoration idea. The stand was installed during the war as a temporary measure, and it was always the intention of the Park Board to get it out of sight as soon as possible. The necessity of maintaining a refreshment stand of some sort cannot be questioned. Visitors must have some place to obtain refreshment after the long walk across the bridge, or after walking for several hours around the park, and the stand has proven a great convenience to the several hundred people who are employed by the park department and the several institutions in the park. Of still greater importance is the fact that San Diego receives exceedingly valuable advertising from the postcards sold at the stand and from the thousands of pigeon pictures that are taken every month and sent by visitors to their friends and families all over the world. From five hundred to one thousand rolls of film are sold each month, which should give you some idea of the advertising value of maintaining the pigeons and a place where the films may be obtained.
As to the building No. 4, the Park Commissioners believe that the refreshment stand will be an asset, rather than otherwise. It will tend to make this one of the most attractive spots in the park, and will take so little of the floor space as to be of no consideration. According to our estimates, the floor space we are devoting to this improvement is small compared to the total area covered by this building, and is more than offset by the space the San Diego Museum is devoting to purposes other than those stipulated in the agreement which you quote.
The Park Commissioners appreciate the fact that the San Diego Museum is a valuable asset to the city and to the park. They have given it hearty support at all times, both morally and substantially, as they will no doubt continue to do. Other features, however, demand their consideration, and it is their wish to serve the best interests of the park, the various institutions operating therein and of the city at large.
If you will go over the situation with the Park Commissioners in person, we are sure that you will find that their action is fully justified by the facts in the case.
Sincerely yours,
Board of Park Commissioners
Executive Secretary.
September 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:4. Offer to sell elephants
September 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:5-6. Ten cents admission charge will be made at Zoo beginning Sunday; children will be admitted free.
September 13, 1922, Letter, Executive Secretary to Captain R. W. F. Wieber, Marine Corps, U. S. N.
The Board of Park Commissioners, in regular meeting of September 8 last, formally accepted
the return to this Department of the two buildings located in the Pepper Grove, Balboa Park,
and used by the Medical Department of the U. S. Navy since May of 1917.
September 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:6. Elephant deal falls down at final moment; circus demanded cash in full payment
September 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:2. In line with other improvements to the County Fair to be held September 20-24 at Balboa Park, including the addition of the Civic Auditorium for farm center exhibits, the erection of another livestock shed, the enlarge poultry show, the addition of a junior poultry division and the Boys’ and Girls’ Pig Club, and the building of a real dance floor for the big indoor dance, the County Fair Committee has authorized Manager Landis to fence in additional acreage and to grade a circular track therein, which can be utilized for other free attractions during the Fair.
The area is directly north of the livestock shed and will include what was originally the Tractor Demonstration Field during the Exposition days. The space will permit of a track about one-fifth of a mile in circumference and of sufficient width to permit cow-pony racing. It also will probably be used for bicycle races.
September 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:3. Los Angeles Club to hold annual picnic in Balboa Park Saturday morning.
September 15, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:4. County Fair to give prize dance for all nations.
September 15, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:2. Alligators arrive at Zoo.
September 16, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:3-4. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus Company tried to give a 31-year old elephant to Zoo, but the elephant refused to leave car.
September 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:4. Roosevelt Junior High School (on 17-acre tract) opened yesterday.
September 20, 1922, San Diego Union County Fair Section
2:1-8. New construction track is arranged for contests; bronco busting and cow pony racing;
promenade of milk maidens; flappers’ parade; boxing bouts
3:5-6. Bureau of Pest Control will display live insects
5:4-5. Plan many new entertainment features, by Ed Davidson
7:3-6. Receipts at annual County Fair will be used in financing bigger exhibit next year, by
Winfield Barkley, Southern Trust and Commerce Bank.
Approximately $5,000 was distributed in premiums during 1921 fair; more than $3,000 has been paid to Park Board as rentals for buildings used, while another $3,000 has been paid for old lumber.
The fair committee gave $500 toward the restoration of the exposition buildings. Permanent lighting for No. 10 building has been installed at a cost of $2,000, while a new electric service cable cost $600.
At the end of the 1920 fair, the committee returned $2,000 which had been given by the Board of Supervisors, believing that the fair had reached that stage where it was financially able to stand on its own feet.
September 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4. Japanese fencing to be feature at County Fair; local contestants have records for proficiency (illus.).
September 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4, 3:3. Snitzky, Bolshevik Navy bear, becomes Lady Jason of San Diego; latest star of elite set at Zoo; gift of U. S. S. Jason.
September 22, 1922, Letter S. G. Ames to Judge H. C. Ryan, Board of Park Commissioners stating 1,470 children registered at Roosevelt Junior High School.
September 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. San Diego County’s greatest fair exhibit opens with feature program of instruction and entertainment.
September 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 6:3. Building blocks use of Naval Station; officers expect opening of new $4,000,000 plant to be two months late.
September 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:3-4. Farm parade and races big fair features today.
September 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:5-6. Recapitulation of County Fair events.
September 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:3-5. Japanese broadsword fencing feature at County Fair.
September 24, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:-34, 7:4. Rodeo provides thrills at County Fair; big Farm Bureau exhibition to close tonight.
September 24, 1922, San Diego Union, 22:1. Numerous San Diegans will realize dream to be clowns at Community Circus; opens in Balboa Park, October 17; Tommy Getz and Jack Dodge, leaders of troupes of clowns.
September 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. Annual County Fair ends; some criticism of keeping fair open on Sunday; directors estimate that last year’s attendance of 43,000 will be equaled; baby show and livestock parade were outstanding features of final day; expense of fair will exceed $25,000; livestock sales during week totaled several thousand dollars; total exhibits last year 2,902, this year, 5,815.
September 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:6. Flower show to exhibit rare flora; 16th annual event to be held next Saturday and Sunday in Cristobal Building.
September 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:2. Fourth Division Boy Scouts has review at Indian Village Friday evening.
September 25, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:6. Reverend Roy Campbell scores Sunday carnival feature of County Fair.
September 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:5. Three thousand dollars asked for aid of Zoo; Council favors assistance, but conditions of City’s finances said to prevent.
September 28, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Thomas Lee Woolwine, Democratic candidate for Governor, to speak tonight at Civic Auditorium.
September 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 18:5. Community Circus in Park, October 17 to 21, will held Zoo; meeting at U. S. Grant Hotel last evening; W. E. Slaymaker, architect, outlined plans.
September 30, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Our Own Architecture.
As at present designed, the [Y. M. C. A.] building will follow the lines of the Spanish-Colonial order so beautifully expressed in the cluster of composite facades and ornate skyline of Balboa Park, the massive aspect of the Naval Hospital, and the distinctive characteristics of the Naval barracks group on the northern shore of the harbor.
October 1, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:1. Natural History Museum closes for one month; collection will be moved to larger quarters assigned in Canadian Building, which is directly east of building now occupied by museum; advantages: plastered walls and neat interior, absence of floor platforms, wide inviting entrances, room for expansion.
October 1, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 7:1. Bazaar to raise funds for new home for children will be given Saturday afternoon and evening, October 14, at Civic Auditorium.
October 3, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:5. City Council approves $600 to help Zoological Society meet payroll.
October 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:1. Masonic order will hold dance tonight at Civic Auditorium.
October 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:4-5. Mrs. Florence Austin’s five-day lecture series to open tomorrow at Civic Auditorium under auspices of The Union and Evening Tribune; free instruction to housewives.
October 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 17:3. William E. Smythe, local historian and irrigation organizer, died Friday night at age 61.
October 8, 1922, San Diego Union, “Better Homes Week” Section, 3:4-5. Marine Brigade Band will play at Balboa Park; grading of a large area south of Painted Desert for 12 or more tennis courts to be undertaken soon, funds promised by local tennis association; area adjacent to 6th and Date Streets regraded and planted in 1922, approximately 2,000 cubic yards of dirt added to scenic point at this location; this entrance to park is easily accessible to guests of downtown hotels.
October 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:1. 16th Street franchise winds, charter amendment defeated; special election brought out 50 percent vote.
October 11, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:1.Kiwanis Club votes to help put on Circus to benefit Zoo; Circus starts Tuesday.
October 12, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:1. Fifth Marine Brigade Band concerts in Park assured.
October 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:1-2. Scientific Library Association formed to expend the $30,000 gift of W. W. Whitney, local capitalist; $10,000 to be spent fitting up California Building to house library.
October 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 2:1-5. Fifth Marine Brigade Band, U. S. Marine Corps, assisted by Dr. Giselman, gives concert at Park tonight (illus.).
October 15, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 7:5. Marine Brigade Band exhausts concert encores; first of Balboa Park music series draws 10,000 people to Spreckels pavilion.
October 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2. San Diego’s own Community Circus to start 5-day engagement on Zoo grounds today (illus.).
October 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 12:2. Benefit bazaar for Children’s Home, Saturday afternoon and evening, a success; record-breaking crowd at Civic Auditorium.
October 18, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2. Community Circus opens with bang at Balboa Park for four-day run; big top is at end of Sawdust Trail which begins at street car line running through the Park and cuts across back of Painted Desert to Zoo grounds; a Carnival City lines the Sawdust Trail and is made up of clean-cut amusements.
October 18, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:4. Pershing Drive fund ($10,800.30 in subscriptions); final report on status of fund filed with City Clerk; paving in progress.
October 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:3. Nothing is left out of Community Circus program; not even lemonade, peanuts, popcorn and clowns.
October 19, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:4. Bazaar realizes $3,947.82 in cash for children; subscriptions of $3,326.00 pledged.
October 20, 1922, San Diego Union, 20:1. Circus at Park repeats Wild West features; show will stay over Sunday instead of closing tomorrow.
October 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:1-2. George S. Best, Community Circus director, takes issue with pastors opposing show on Sabbath.
October 22, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Community Circus to close with afternoon and evening shows.
October 22, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 7:1. Woodmen of World to hold initiation at Indian Village.
October 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:3. Community Circus in Park comes to close after six days.
October 26, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2. New recreation center for children formed by group of prominent local men and women; park officials donate buildings formerly used by Naval Hospital to center; old surgery building has been renovated and furnished for resident director’s living quarters through generosity of Miss Ellen Scripps; Mr. and Mrs. Reardon now installed there; Girl Scouts given an office building to make their headquarters; “In the past the Pepper Grove has been a bad and unwholesome spot; in the future it will be a wholesome and happy spot for children and parents, a true children’s center.”; three directors appointed at a total of $100 a month.
October 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:7. About 65 percent of park building restoration done; less than 60 percent of fund expended; will be finished by January 1.
October 29, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:7. H. Lincoln Rogers, who has charge of the design and construction of the new Naval Training Station, has been appointed architect of the $750,000 Army-Navy Y. M. C. A. building.
October 31, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:1. Sciots to stage entertainment and dance at Civic Auditorium for Masons only Saturday evening.
November 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:4. American Legion plans ball as Armistice celebration at Civic Auditorium on November 11.
November 5, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:7-8. San Diego Zoo gets two green monkeys and big snakes; Dr. Wegeforth returns from East with turtles and lemurs; comments on Zoos of New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D. C., St. Louis, San Francisco and Los Angeles; ten cents admission charge for adults at San Diego, children admitted free.
November 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:5. Marshall W. Giselman, popular organist, expected at Marine’s concert at Park tonight.
November 15, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:3. Mayor asks advice on radio broadcasting station at Organ Pavilion.
November 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:3-7. Dr. H. J. Stewart writes letter in support of broadcasting organ concerts.
November 17, 1922, San Diego Union, 22:4. Park program at Pepper Grove; children invited today for celebration of Good Book Week; several local authors of children’s books will speak.
November 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:6. Do San Diego citizens want big radio station in park?; Committee wants to know public sentiment.
November 26, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-6. Lincoln Rogers, architect, F. W. Stevenson, associate; drawing of remodeling of Security Bank Building at 5th and E Streets.
November 26, 1922, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:4-5. San Diego fans swell demands for Balboa Park radio station.
December 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 3:5. Pershing Drive will be closed Monday for the purpose of removing paving; paving of entire drive planned; City to pay $7,500, the property owners a like amount.
December 2, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:3. Carol singing instruction free at Balboa park center; program will be given December 14 a 2 p.m.
December 3, 1922, San Diego Union, 13:4-5. Lovers of wild flowers have opportunity to tag flora in Zoological Garden.
December 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4-6. Architect’s drawing of Balboa Theater to be built at 4th and E Streets; William H. Wheeler, architect.
December 5, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:1-2. Louis J. Wilde writes letter-to-editor giving his opinion of San Diego; petty jealousies and microscopic analysis of small town peats, pikers and politicians.
“A live-wire in San Diego, trying to put the town on the map, has about as much chance as a buggy-whip salesman has in Detroit.”
December 7, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2. Fifty businessmen of the City yesterday launched plans for financing a municipal radio station slated in Balboa Park; to cost $20,000; outdoor music from Balboa Park organ will be broadcast; Mrs. Lillian Pray Palmer enthusiastic.
December 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:2. Council estimates budget. The Park was given the maximum of 12 cents on each $100 valuation, but will next year have the extra expense of maintaining the Park Zoo.
December 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego’s Miracle . . . supporting erection of a continental radio station in Balboa Park.
December 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:5. Marcel Dupre, Paris organist, praises organ.
December 8, 1922, San Diego Union, 22:2. Natural History Museum which has been closed since October 1, will open its doors to the public on Sunday, October 10; has moved from Domestic Arts Building [sic] on corner of Plaza into former Canadian Building.
December 9, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:3. The entire outdoor cover of the American Bee Journal of December issue contains a picture of the San Diego County apiarian exhibit installed at the Farm Bureau Fair in Balboa Park last September by Fred Hanson, County inspector of apiaries.
December 10, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Reptile House has varieties that pestered over indulgent before Volsted (illustration of Reptile House and of animal keeper Joe Mutter).
December 12, 1922, San Diego Union, 2:2. Council frowns on wage boosts
The council yesterday agreed to give the City Park Department the full amount legalized by the charter — about $93,000. The Park Commission also gets an additional $10,000 for the upkeep of the zoo, but it was agreed that the Zoological Society will have the right to say how this money is to be spent.
December 13, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:1. Will cost city $102,000 to maintain park in 1923 as against $93,976 last year.
December 14, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:1. Naval balance carries. $330,000 for work on Naval Training Station and for buying lands for a marine barracks at San Diego.
December 17, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1. Tableaux, carols planned for Christmas celebrations; Amphion Club and Friends of art to revive beautiful moonlight ceremonies at Balboa Park’s outdoor organ.
December 18, 1922, San Diego Union, 8:1. Marine Band will play park concert this afternoon at Organ Pavilion beginning at 3 p.m.
December 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 1:4. Park buildings need re-wiring for protection from fire risk; restoration fund committee applies to City Council for additional allowance estimated at $35,000.
Declaring that the present electrical wiring in Balboa Park is a fire menace and that rewiring is necessary to safeguard the handsome buildings and exhibits in the park, members of the Balboa Park restoration fund committee yesterday called on the City Council for additional funds. For this, and other work, about $35,000 is needed, it was asserted.
Both the Council and the Supervisors declared there are no funds available for such work, and that it might be possible to put before the people at the spring election the question or raising sufficient money by a popular vote.
The city attorney, the city auditor, and Councilman Fred A. Heilbron were appointed to a committee to go more thoroughly into the matter and decided upon the best method of financing the improvements.
The wiring would cost about $14,000. Repairs to the exterior of the Civic Auditorium would require about $11,000. About $2,500 is needed for restoring the Indian Village buildings, now occupied by the Boy Scouts and some money is required to repair the Botanical Building.
The committee reported that this is all new work, not provided for in the original restoration plans. The nine principal buildings provided for in those plans will be restored with the money originally provided, about $105,000. In fact, the work has been completed on eight of the buildings.
The committee has a balance of $9,963 on hand with which to finish its work. About $2,500 still remains in uncollected accounts. The Council and Supervisors provided $50,000 for the original work several months ago and the rest was raised through popular subscription.
- S. Dorland, as chairman of the committee, laid the plans for the new work before the Council and Supervisors yesterday. He explained that the entire electrical wiring system in the park is practically gone, and there is danger of a short circuit at any time. He urged also that more adequate police protection be provided for the park.
Several speakers told of the high value of the exhibits in the park and of the great loss that would result, in addition to the destruction of many fine buildings, if there should be a conflagration.
Others spoke on behalf of the Boy Scouts and Civic Auditorium. Among these speakers were G. A. Davidson, Lyman G. Gage, John Burnham, Hugo Klauber, Reverend H. B. Bard, Sam Porter, Jr., Della Haman, and Miss Alice Lee.
December 21, 1922, San Diego Union, 7:4 Faculty votes confidence in Principal Thomas Russell, San Diego High School; his attitude toward sororities praised.
December 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 10:5. Christmas fete to be given on special stage; Park Board and Superintendent cooperate to make celebration a success.
December 23, 1922, San Diego Union, 19:8. Cabrillo Bridge west entrance to be closed to cars during celebration of singing by vested choirs on Plaza de Panama; ceremonies to begin at 8 o’clock; antiphonal staging of four vested choirs from four balconies; living pictures of famous paintings of the Nativity will be shown.
December 24, 1922, San Diego Union. General Joseph H. Pendleton, commanding Fifth Brigade, U S. Marine Corps, proposes Marines get section of Zoo; will donate spider monkey from Nicaragua and other animals.
December 24, 1922, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1. Balboa Park Christmas celebration tomorrow night.
December 27, 1922, San Diego Union, 14:4. Living pictures revived at Park after interlude; Christmas tableaux and music festival to be annual affair; many attend; crowd estimated at 15,000.
December 28, 1922, San Diego Union, 5:2. Radio experts approve organ broadcast plan.
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