Balboa Park History 1924
Auto Camp land required for Zoo expansion
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Service
New Mexico Building completed as one department of
San Diego Musical Association
Midwinter Festival
Opposition to using old Marine Site for Auto Camp
Auto Camp Closed
Scouts to erect Fountain in Indian Village
Uses of Assembly Hall at Indian Village
O’Rourke Building Dedicated
War Memorial Building Dedicated
Music Festival
Marston Gives Land to Balboa Park
New Bear Grotto at Zoo
Costume Ball at Organ Pavilion
Scouts to Repair Indian Village
Yorick Theater Improvements
County Fair
Spreckels Objects to Organ Pavilion Use as a
Political Rostrum
Dog Show in County Fair Building
Name Park Point for George W. Marston
Nativity Tableaux
Admission to be Charged to Art Museum
January 1, 1924, San Diego Union, Park Section:
Front Page: San Diego’s Dream City. Park Commissioners: John Forward, Jr., president; Hugo Klauber, secretary; William Templeton Johnson, commissioner; John G. Morley, superintendent; T. N. Faulconer, executive secretary.
3:1-4. Balboa Park is San Diego’s crowning glory; exposition buildings give lasting art treasures to city; during 1922 the people of the City donated $150,000 to restore exposition buildings; Electric Railway park entrance building restored; Zoological Gardens cover 150 acres and had attendance of more than one half million in 1923.
Balboa Park, 1400 acres in extent, lies in the heart of San Diego. Surrounded by residence and business districts, this great tract of land is easily accessible to everyone, and is never without its throng of visitors. From the shores of San Diego bay, the ground rises sharply on south and west, culminating in high table lands, intersected by deep canyons.
These heights comprise Balboa Park and rest above the city like a wreath of evergreen upon its brow. The acres of brilliant green, studded with towers and minarets of snow-white exposition buildings are visible from the sea-lanes, where ply the great ships of the coastal trade, and from the rising ground of the foothills and mountains that form a barrier north and east of the city.
In all, San Diego has 23 parks, embracing more than 2,000 acres. La Jolla park, upon the brink of the ocean cliffs in the little suburban town from which it takes its name, is a place of beauty. Plaza park and Newtown park in the business district afford a resting place for tired shoppers and workers. There are other parts in the city that are admired and extensively used, but it is Balboa Park that is thought of in New York, Chicago or even in foreign lands, when one speaks of San Diego’s wonderful park.
Buildings in Park are Rehabilitated.
No more enlightening commentary upon Balboa Park, San Diego’s park par excellence, could be made than to recite the fact that during 1923, the people of the city donated $150,000 for the restoration of the finer examples of architecture bequeathed to the city by the Panama-California Exposition of 1915 and 1916. Today, nearly a dozen of these superb examples of Spanish and Mission architecture, fully rehabilitated, stand as a lasting and beautiful monument tot he love that San Diegans bear towards this tract of land that has been transformed from cactus vales and hills into a city of dreams.
Artists from the east and from capitals of Europe have visited San Diego that they might put upon canvas the charm that has made this spot a lure to lovers of beauty from the ends of the world, and many of these canvases have been admired in the galleries and salons of Paris, London and Rome.
Nowhere in this country has nature so favored the horticulturists, and the profusion of blossoms never wanes. The season flowers of spring and summer are literally crowded out by the no less prolific growth of fall and winter. The procession is endless and of infinite variety. Stately yuccas from the arid desert grow among the massed foliage of jungle origin, and tropic Hanas bind the tall trunks of pines that germinated beneath the snows of the far north. Flaming hibiscus from the South Seas flaunts its radiance amid roses and lilies, against a background of graceful palms.
Expansive Lawns Bordered by Trees
Entering Balboa Park from the west, the eye meets expansive lawns bordered by stately eucalyptus trees, with miles of quiet shaded paths that border acres of beds filled with season flowers. The main entrance is by way of Laurel Street, which debauches upon Cabrillo Bridge, its quarter-mile span connecting the Exposition grounds with the western part of the park. From this bridge the view is one of the most delightful to be had in the city. A hundred and twelve feel straight below may be seen the lotus pond, where in season lotus and pond lilies spring in thousands, casting their reflection upon the quiet bosom of the pond.
To the north, bison and other ruminants are seen grazing in their paddocks in the Zoological garden, and the southern outlook embraces the downtown district of the city, San Diego bay, and beyond that, the Silver Strand of Coronado, ruffled with the silvery lace of breaking surf, and the sill more distant Coronado islands of old Mexico.
At the east end of the bridge stands the Administration building, flanked by the majestic tower of the California State building, housing the Scientific Library. Facing the California building and with it forming a small Plaza is the Fine Arts building, with exhibition galleries and the Academy of Fine Arts.
East of these and facing each other, on either side of the main street or Prado, are the Science of Man and Indian Arts buildings, in which are shown the archaeological, anthropological and Indian art exhibits of the San Diego Museum. The buildings form the western wall of the Plaza de Panama, a vast paved court, where public festivities, outdoor dancing, fiestas and similar entertainments are of frequent occurrence.
American Legion Building Is Feature
The American Legion Building, at the northeast corner of the Plaza, is being reconstructed for activities of the Legion, and will contain one of the finest museums of World war relics in the west. The Foreign Arts Building, at the southeast corner of the Plaza, has been reserved for expansion of the Natural History Museum, which now fills to overflowing the old Canadian Building of exposition days. The mounted specimens of native animals, current and extinct varieties, the herbarium and other exhibits form an exceedingly interesting display of the fauna and flora of San Diego County.
South of the Plaza de Panama, flanked by its graceful peristyle framing glimpses of the blue Pacific, the great Spreckels organ commemorates the love of two brothers for their fellow citizens. This largest outdoor pipe organ in the world, a gift to San Diego of John D. and Adolph Spreckels, is heard daily in concerts throughout the year, and is a source of unending delight to San Diegans and visitors from elsewhere.
Just north of the Prado and east of the American Legion Building, the lagoon, with its thousands of pond lilies and lotus blossoms, mirrors the lath dome of the Botanical Building, through which giant bamboo, nearly 70 feet in height, poke their frond heads. In this building and in the adjoining conservatory are displayed the luxuriant tropical planting that would not thrive even in the mild climate of San Diego. Rare exotics and the more delicate native flowers are shown here under the most perfect growing conditions, and are the subject of admiring comment the year round.
The Domestic Arts Building, one of the largest and handsomest of the exposition group, is in frequent use for industrial and agricultural exhibits, the annual County Fair being the most important of these features.
Auditorium In Demand for Many Conventions
The Balboa Park Auditorium, restoration of which has not yet been completed, is in charge of the Auditorium Association, and is in great demand for state and national conventions, large gatherings for business or social purposes, and for such civic assemblies as require large seating capacity.
Much favorable comment has resulted from the restoration by the San Diego Electric Railway of the colonnade forming the east entrance and car station. This entrance building, through which enter some 90 percent of all visitors by trolley, is now one of the most attractive features of the exposition grounds.
The Pepper Grove picnic grounds is one of the most popular sections of the park. Groups of tables in shaded nooks, convenient drinking fountains, playground apparatus and other equipment attract to this spot many picnic parties each day. The local Girl Scouts occupy two buildings in the Pepper Grove, and their activities add greatly to the life and spirit for which this part of the park is noted.
Zoological Garden Covers 150 Acres.
The Zoological Garden has taken over three of the exposition buildings and restored them for use as administrative, educational and exhibit purposes, in connection with the 150-acre tract that has been transformed into an extensive Zoological Garden. The largest group of animals, birds and reptiles in the west is maintained in this Zoo. The records of the Society show an attendance of more than half a million people during the last 12 months.
The Painted Desert occupies a large area in the north end of the park and comprises a group of replicas of Indian community houses. This, during the exposition, was regarded as one of the greatest attractions ever shown, ad it was considered of so great value to the community that the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, by whom it was built, was prevailed upon to donate it to the city. The Painted Desert is now occupied by the Boy Scouts, for whom it makes an ideal group.
In addition to its supremely beautiful landscape effects, its museum exhibits and its attractiveness for lovers of art and music, Balboa Park provides facilities for the entertainment of those who have athletic tendencies. An 18-hole golf course, a battery of six concrete surfaced tennis courts, horseshoe pitches, miles of dirt road for equestrians, and many more miles of quiet trails for pedestrians afford ample enjoyment for outdoor exercise.
Baseball and football, track meets and similar sports may be indulged in on the several fields located in the park, while the huge concrete bowl Stadium, seating 35,000 people, is reserved for the more important football and baseball matches. In addition to athletic events of importance, great gatherings for which accommodation is not possible elsewhere, are held at the Stadium. The Prince of Wales, President Wilson, General Pershing and other of the world’s great men have spoken at the Stadium to enormous audiences, more than 50,000 people having assembled there on one occasion, filling not only eight miles of concrete seats, but every available foot of the athletic field as well.
In charge of this great institution that is a park, and, at the same time, a small community in itself, embracing dozens of features not commonly found in parks, stands John G. Morley, superintendent of parks. To him, in large measure, is attributed the beauty of the landscape, the excellence of the miles of roads and trails, the efficient and quiet administration of park affairs, and the high regard that all San Diegans feel toward this magnificent park.
4:1-2. Art and Sciences featured by San Diego Museum; fine scientific library bequeathed to city by late W. W. Whitney.
4:2-3. Six municipal tennis courts recently completed in park.
4:4-5. Complete history of man depicted in exhibits, by Margaret E. Bard.
4:7. Art Gallery has fine collection of masterpieces, by Cuthbert Homan, curator.
4:8. Academy of Arts offers artists rare subjects; institution has its studios in the heart of Balboa Park; under tutelage of faculty, directed by Eugene de Vol.
5:1. Rapid progress, fast-growing membership of Zoological Society.
5:3. Park Auto Camp well equipped; average population in 1923 was 179 persons a month; average number of visiting automobiles was 60; total of 21,600 persons stayed an average of three days; spent an estimated $97,300 during year; camp is situated on land required for Zoo expansion; new camp in park is planned.
5:4-5. Great work accomplished by Girl Scouts.
5:6. Great panorama seen from California Tower.
5:6. Floral Association has annual exhibit.
5:7-8. Educational institution valuable adjunct to Zoo; Junior Zoological Ranch formed in 1917.
6:1-4. Spreckels Outdoor Organ nucleus of music center; daily recitals given; Dr. Humphrey H. Stewart wants to use Kern County and San Joaquin County Buildings as part of civic music center.
7:1-2. Natural History Museum grows in popularity.
7:3-4. Balboa Park Auditorium is big municipal asset; used for social gatherings, conventions, balls.
7:5. Annual County Fair increases in popularity; first organized five years ago; well over 5,000 exhibits last year.
With perhaps the most delightful setting and environment in the world, San Diego County conducts in the latter part of each September, a four-day, old-fashioned County Fair, utilizing some of the restored buildings of the 1915 exposition in Balboa park, together with a number of specially constructed buildings for the purpose of housing the livestock division.
Here, under ideal weather conditions which permit of all amusement and concession features being held out of doors amidst the gardens, lawns, shrubbery and semi-tropic trees of San Diego’s 1400-acre park, located in the center of the city, farmer, merchant and manufacturer alike view with one another in presenting the product of their labor.
The fair is held under the auspices of the San Diego County Farm Bureau, whose membership is comprised of 19 rural groups called “farm centers: scattered at strategic points near and far in this very extensive county and covering a variety of agricultural and horticultural products found I few parts of the county, owing to the diversity of soil and climatic conditions to be found from the lowlands fronting the Pacific to the more rugged elevations of the inland mountain ranges.
The activities displayed cover agriculture, horticulture, livestock, farm center competitive exhibits, farm bureau projects, an auto show, commercial and industrial exhibits of the city, and a wide variety of entertainment and amusement featuring a rode with wild west riding, roping and cow pony racing. The fair was first organized five years ago and has increased from a small exhibition to one that contained well over 6,000 exhibits last year.
The livestock division has grown astonishingly and authorities stated last years Guernsey exhibit was the best on the coast. Poultry also has shown enormous strides during the last few years, San Diego’s eggs being quoted at a premium on the New York market where coast combined associations, headed by a local man, maintain a large warehouse of their own, shipping something over 1,000 carloads last year.
The farm center competitive displays are a feature of the fair and the fair itself has been pronounced the best farmer-controlled fair on the coast.
7:6-7. Restoration Committee does excellent work on Balboa Park buildings
Within 30 days from the announcement that the public would be asked to share in financing the work (in 1923), the estimated cost of $100,000 had been oversubscribed by 20 percent and George Edward Chase, who has charge of much of the work during the original construction of the buildings, was employed to direct the restoration program.
Eight buildings rehabilitated — new foundations, new roofing material, plaster and staff replaced, waterproofing.
Restoration Committee:
-W. S. Dorland, chairman
-George W. Marston, vice president
-Mayor John L. Bacon
-G. Aubrey Davidson
-Henry C. Ryan
-John Forward, Jr.
-Hugo Klauber
-Alexander Reynolds, treasurer
-T. N. Faulconer, secretary
Receipts, Accounts Receivable and Disbursements itemized
Total receipts $110,290,49
($25,000 each from
City and County)
Total disbursements 110,195.41
Sources of Money are Tabulated
Interest on deposits in savings banks $ 258.13
Reimbursement by Natural History Society
for labor and materials used in fitting up museum 4,703.96
Laskey corporation repairing plaster 23.16
Salvaged material, scrap lumber, etc. 50.00
$ 5,035.26
7:8. Yorick Theater is successful park feature; Director Francis P. Buckley, President Frank Spalding; an amateur Community Theater.
The San Diego Players have as their ultimate aim the production of original work, plays and sketches that merit presentation, but would not be accorded a hearing in the commercial theatrical world. Their first effort of this sort was a contest, with a prize of $100 offered for the best three-act play, and $50 for the best one-act play. The former was won by William A. Conselman, a Los Angeles newspaperman, and presented by the Players for three successive performances. It had the intriguing title of “And Then What,” and aroused a great amount of interest and enthusiasm when produced.
Other dramatic ventures of the Players have included “Alice Sit By the Fire,” “Everyman,” Austin Adams’s play, “Who Knows?,” “Paolo and Francesca,” and recitals by such notables as Frederick Warde, veteran tragedian, and Havrah Hubbard, nationally-famous operalogist.
The plans of the San Diego players are many and varied. One of their fondest dreams is the organization of a group of Junior Players children who will be directed to express themselves in worth-while drama and comedy easily and naturally, and encouraged in the appreciation of art in its truest sense. They aim also at having a building so perfectly equipped that it will lend itself to the necessities of any organization desiring it for entertainments or conventions. Above all, they aim at producing the best, and doing their share in making Balboa Park what it should be, and will be, the artistic center of San Diego and the southwest.
January 1, 1924, San Diego Union, Educational Section, 5:5-8. Montezuma Gardens display zinnias six inches across, by T. N. Faulconer.
January 1, 1924, San Diego Union, Business-Industrial Section, 8:1-2. Mission Beach enterprise underway; work to be started soon on $300,000 bathhouse; plans and specifications by Lincoln Rogers, architect, and F. W. Stevenson, associate.
January 1, 1924, San Diego Union, Regular Section, 7:2-3. Beautiful Christmas tableaux at Balboa Park praised.
January 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 22:3. San Diego City Council believes that the electors should vote to give the U. S. Navy several additional acres of land near the Naval Hospital in Balboa Park, provided the War Department will deed to San Diego the block of land near the front of Market Street, formerly occupied by the old Army Barracks.
Mayor Bacon told the Council that it is the Navy which wants the park land, and the Army which owns the barracks site. The Councilmen paid little attention to this warning.
January 5, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:1-2. Out of the recent use of the Christmas holiday of the double cypress tree near the Sixth Avenue side of the park has grown the idea of using living trees in the future for this purpose and the connecting of Arbor Day with the Yuletide by planting the trees on that day.
January 5, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:5. Because of the completion of the Boys’ Gymnasium of the San Diego High School the basement of the Technical Department is now occupied by the Printing and Automobile Departments.
January 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:5-8. Huge python at Zoo will be fed in public for the first time.
January 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 21:4-5. Marston bust wins high praise; likeness of San Diego merchant shown in California Building (photo).
January 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:2-4. Mme. Schumann-Heink sends check for $500 to local American Legion post; will sing later in Memorial Building (photo).
January 6, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:5-6. Wedding ceremony in St. Francis Chapel.
January 6, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 10:3-4. Christmas tableaux at Balboa Park praised.
January 7, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:3-6. Python at Zoo takes monthly meal; table manners bad; about 6,000 San Diegans paid Zoo admission to watch him eat.
January 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:1. American Legion gives party in Memorial Building, Balboa Park.
January 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:2-3. If City Manager Rhodes has been successful yesterday, the Automobile Camp grounds in Balboa Park would soon be a thing of the past, but he wasn’t. The Council turned down Rhodes’ recommendation that the Park Camp be abolished so that the land it occupies may be utilized by the San Diego Zoo.
January 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 21:3- Photograph of crowd watching python being fed at Zoo last Sunday.
January 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:1-3. John Nolen will consider development of city at a meeting this afternoon with various official and semi-official bodies; in city at invitation of George W. Marston and G. A. Davidson.
January 19, 1924, San Diego Union, 19:1-2. John Nolen advocates survey to decide best plan before starting city improvement campaign.
January 21, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:5-6. Asserting that the erection of a fence around the Roosevelt Junior High School to the Auto Camp grounds in Balboa Park, now underway, will work a hardship on many San Diegans and Coronadans who find recreation in horseback riding, Doctor Arthur Wegeforth of Coronado yesterday voiced a protect on behalf of the San Diego riders against the elimination of traffic across the school grounds.
According to the Coronado physician, the Board of Education has received permission from the Park Commission to build the fence from the school building to the camp ground to eliminate all traffic on an extension of the Cabrillo Canyon road which traverses the school property.
January 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. Testimony in suit brought by Frank H. Buck against Zoological Society yesterday centered around a tiger which died at the Zoo. Buck alleges animal’s death was due to medicine given it by a Zoo official, while the defense is attempting to prove that the animal was struck over the head with a heavy weapon.
January 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:1. Council diverts $3,000 to repair Civic Auditorium; another $3,000 from Supervisors with cash on hand believed sufficient; some of the beams under one part of Auditorium have been attacked by dry rot. The Council had hoped to use some of the excess bond money to build a dirt rod for trucks through Powder House Canyon in the park, but it is feared that this will have to be eliminated. The Park Commissioners have notified the Council they do not wish such a road in the park, not considering it a proper place for truck traffic.
January 29, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. The San Diego Zoological Society won a decision in Superior Court yesterday in the suit brought by Frank H. Buck for $22,500 alleged to be due to him in salary and damages following his discharge from his position.
January 29, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3. An ordinance adopted by the City Council yesterday appropriated $3,000 to be used for repairs on the Civic Auditorium in Balboa park; the money is to be taken from the general funds to which it was transferred from the bond funds left after 12th Street through the park had been paved.
February 2, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3. John Forward, Sr., president of the Union Title Insurance Company and a former mayor of San Diego, has made a substantial donation to the Zoological Society for the construction of a series of bird cages to be erected along the edge of the small mesa where the eagle cage now stands.
February 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:1-5. Federation of State Societies of San Diego to hold annual open-air winter picnic at Balboa Park, Saturday, February 23 (photos).
February 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:3. Rowing Club and Athletic Association to hold festival at Civic Auditorium, March 1 to 10.
February 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 13:1-2. Balboa Park has graceful group of mimosa trees; scientific names is Acacia Baileyana; form bowers along west boulevard in Balboa Park; line the sides of the lower end of Cabrillo Canyon; Botanical Building and Conservatory have been recently restored.
February 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 18:1-5. Lenore E. Downey interviews Mme. Schumann-Heink.
February 3, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 5:4-5. More than 600,000 persons visited the San Diego Zoo in 1923; paid admissions were 164,000.
February 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:1-8. Former President Woodrow Wilson dies.
February 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:3. 2:3. Woodrow Wilson’s visit to San Diego in 1919 recalled.
February 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 3:3. San Diego will hold memorial service for Woodrow Wilson Sunday afternoon at Organ Pavilion.
February 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:1. San Diego Zoological Society elects officers for 1924; Dr. Harry Wegeforth unanimous choice for president.
February 7, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:6-7. 523 tennis players used Balboa courts during last month; a small charge is made for the use of the courts for the purpose of liquidating the debt incurred in building them.
February 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. The municipal Auto Camp in Balboa Park will be closed on or around April 1; the decision was announced last night after City Council members, Park Board members and Board of Education members met with Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth; the Park Zoo needs more room right away.
February 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:4. Boy Scouts to hold anniversary celebration at American Legion building in Balboa Park tonight (illus.).
February 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:5-8. Prayer and Thanksgiving will mark Woodrow Wilson Memorial Services at Balboa Park today.
February 10, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Boy Scouts initiate their dads at Indian Village; paters enjoy flapjacks over campfire and rolling up in blanket.
February 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:6, 2:2-3. Five thousand persons honored Woodrow Wilson in big meeting at Organ Pavilion; G. A. Davidson presided; Reverend Wallace Hamilton delivered memorial address.
February 17, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Free elephant rides in park will end today; hereafter children will be taxed ten cents; camels to carry adults.
February 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3. Doctor Henry Frank Speaker delivered Lincoln oration before Illinois Society yesterday at Organ Pavilion.
February 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:5. Natural History Society report given to public.
February 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:5. New Mexico Building in Balboa Park has been completed as one department of the San Diego Musical Association under the direction of its art curator, Cuthbert Homan; several card parties have been arranged to supply funds for the furniture.
February 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:3-4, 2:3. State Societies gather at outdoor picnic today.
February 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:8, 2:3-5. Twenty thousand attend picnic of state societies in park; all corners of country represented (illus.).
February 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:1-2. Natural History Museum educational program for March in Park announced.
February 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Sioux Indians will entertain Midwinter Festival patrons March 1 to 10; also Ratliff dancers, trapeze artists and a fashion show.
March 1, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. Midwinter Festival will open tonight at Civic Auditorium for the purpose of raising funds for amateur athletics in the city.
March 9, 1924, San Diego Union, 13:5. Signs notifying campers they must vacate the place by April 1 were placed in the Municipal Camp Grounds in Balboa Park by the Board of Park Commissioners yesterday.
March 9, 1924, San Diego Union, 2:3-4. A. G. Stacey writes letter in favor of giving U. S. Navy ten acres of Balboa Park for Naval Hospital.
March 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 19:1. E. W Peterson writes letter opposing abandonment of Auto Camp in Balboa Park, occupies ten acres.
March 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:5-6. Mrs. R. S. Henry wants Auto Camp to continue in Balboa Park.
March 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3-6. New Pantages Theater in San Diego done in Spanish-Moorish style; B. Marcus Pretus, architect.
March 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 17:4. Scouts to erect a fountain at the Indian Village.
March 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:3. A burglar Monday night rifled a collection of semi-precious gems at the San Diego Museum in Balboa Park.
March 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 15:4. J. M. Hunolt wants Balboa Park renamed San Diego Park with a “beautiful electric sign at the entrance gates.”
March 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3-5 and March 14, 1924, 5:5. Five hundred sailor Navy Training Band will provide music at Organ Pavilion Sunday.
March 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3. Colonel D. C. Collier back for visit; banquet planned by Chamber of Commerce; arrived in San Diego last night.
March 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:4. Rodent section at Zoological Garden nearly finished; new cage group donated by Colonel Milton McRae.
March 16, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-4. Naval Training Station lads will play and sing at Balboa Park Organ Pavilion this afternoon (illus.).
March 17, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3. Navy Day brings record crowd to Organ Pavilion; automobiles packed both sections of Plaza de Panama and all parking spaces on both sides of the main streets from gate to gate.
March 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:6. A proposal by the Zoological Society that the School Board exchange with the Zoo a section of land in the park territory, now a part of the Roosevelt school grounds, for an adjoining triangular section was approved by the Board of Education last evening.
March 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:6. San Diego Zoological Society seeks land for large aquarium at foot of A Street.
March 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:1. Council unanimously favors Marine site south of Organ pavilion as site for Auto Camp.
March 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Dr. Stewart opposes old Marine Corps base as auto site; Board of Education members join in protest.
March 21, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:3. Rotary Club observed “D. C. Collier Day” yesterday; Collier gave short talk; returned to his old home at Ramona last night.
March 21, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:5. Chamber of Commerce to honor D. C. Collier next Wednesday evening.
March 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:1. Auto Camp site puzzles Park Board; no suitable place suggested.
March 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3. Marston to speak at D. C. Collier dinner to be held next Wednesday evening in Pompeian room of San Diego Hotel; tickets on sale at $1.50 a plate; Collier is staying at Hotel.
March 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. Congress votes million for San Diego Naval Hospital; expenditure is contingent upon City granting additional acreage; new buildings in north quadrangle will be erected this year.
March 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:2-3. Zoological Society plans great aquarium on Bay Front.
March 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 16:5. Exposition days dinner subject; reminiscences of San Diego fair will be give at D. C. Collier banquet next Wednesday.
March 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 17:4-5. D. C. Collier will help Normal Heights celebrate completion of improvements; Colonel Collier laid out Normal Heights subdivision more than 12 years ago.
March 23, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:2-3. Mi Careme fashion show and card party at Civic Auditorium Thursday afternoon to raise final sum to complete restoration and interior decoration of building (photos of society women who will as mannequins).
March 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:4. Boy Scouts Court of Honor outgrows rooms; quarters will be moved from Court House to Roosevelt Junior High School.
March 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:5. The entire chorus of the Elks Chanters will sing at the dinner to be given by the San Diego Chamber of Commerce in honor of D. C. Collier Wednesday evening.
March 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:5. The Assembly Hall of the Indian Village will soon contain a permanent exhibit of articles made by Scouts for the various requirements in the 70-merit badge; will show subjects for which they can work.
March 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 22:4. Silver Gate trio rounds out program for testimonial to Colonel D. C. Collier.
March 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:3. Final preparations have been completed for the testimonial dinner to be given in honor of Colonel D. C. Collier.
March 27, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:4-6. Citizens pay tribute to D. C. Collier at banquet; San Diegan back from Brazil hailed as man who had great vision which resulted in Exposition; honor guest predicts brilliant future for city.
Collier declared with pride that the City of Rio de Janeiro, inspired by San Diego’s example, in making her big exposition buildings permanent, had likewise made the Brazilian buildings permanent, thus creating one of the most beautiful groups of buildings anywhere in the world.
“They also gave us some suggestions of value,” he said, “when they decorated the interiors of their exposition buildings, so that they are as beautiful as any interiors anywhere. They are perfect gems, and future expositions will do well to follow their example in the interior decoration of their buildings.”
. . . It was the exposition spirit of cooperation and determination that brought us our harbor development; that made North Island the finest air station in the world bar none; that brought us the marine base and the naval training station.”
March 28, 1924, San Diego Union, Balboa Theater Section, 1:8 Balboa Theater combines beauty, comfort, charm.
March 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 16:6. 5th Brigade Marine Band to give concerts at Balboa Park on Monday afternoons at 3 o’clock.
March 29, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:2. Colonel Collier at Sciots luncheon pays special tribute to John D. Spreckels.
March 30, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:2. State College to present annual vaudeville offering at Yorick Theater in park this afternoon; delegation of 40 arrives on way to national conference in Los Angeles to make tour of city.
April 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:3-5. Animals in San Diego Zoological Gardens receive best of treatment.
April 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3. Zoo management requests public not to capture baby seals found on shore; infants brought to Zoo have died.
April 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:4. John Nolen, noted landscape architect, will attend at “city beautiful” conference to be held at the City Hall tomorrow afternoon.
April 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 17:1. San Diego Sciots to stage public initiation at Organ Pavilion Friday evening, April 28.
April 13, 1924, San Diego Union, Real Estate and Development, 4:3-6. Hugo Klauber Gives Comprehensive Outline of Development, Management, Financing and Natural Difficulties That Must Be Overcome In Beautifying Grounds
San Diego=s park system, its management, financing, future development, and the
difficulties which such development must overcome, but particularly the future of the park as the center of San Diego city and San Diego interest has been interestingly and instructively discussed by Hugo Klauber, member and secretary of the San Diego park commission. At a recent gathering of an unorganized group of men interested in civic affairs, Mr. Klauber presented his comprehensive outline of the future of San Diego parks as follows:
San Diego=s park system has become of such importance in the daily life of the community that no pains should be spared to assure its permanency and continual future expansion along carefully worked out lines.
To anyone who has give the matter even superficial study, certain problems at once present themselves, which show how San Diego=s park problems differ from those of other western cities. Briefly, these may be included under the headings: Topography, poor soil, small annual rainfall, lack of native trees.
These are the natural obstacles which are here met with that make San Diego=s park problems uncommon, and which present difficulties to be overcome, which must be met with due recognition of the handicaps under which we are compelled to work.
On the other hand, these natural obstacles carry with them certain advantages which lend themselves to unusual development. The topography, though difficult to handle, gives us the beautiful combination of canyon and mesa. These offer unusual opportunities for landscaping, broad vistas, and outlooks over mountain and water. The deficiency of rainfall is more than outweighed by other characteristics of our climate which enable us to use with success a larger variety of semi-tropical flora, perhaps than is found in any other part of our country. Then again, our dry, level mesas adapt themselves to all-the-year recreation, which is an important consideration where so much of the daily life of the people is spent in the open.
The above discussion, covering natural obstacles which are encountered, naturally leads to a consideration of other difficulties to be overcome to insure permanent and proper development of our parks. These may be summarized under plans and policies, management, finance, water.
Here again we must immediately recognize the difference of our problems from those of
most cities. In almost every respect the conditions in our parks, and particularly in Balboa park, are different from those usually met with. Not only must we at all times bear these differences in mind, but we must also recognize that the charm of Balboa park is its departure from the usual and stereotyped.
Under the heading Aplans and policies@ it is evident at once that we are confronted with almost a total absence of any definite plans, either for the future development of Balboa park or of the larger subject of a park system plan. This is too intricate a subject to permit of discussion at this time, but its importance will surely be recognized. It may be said in passing that the plans originally made for the development of Balboa park were rendered impracticable by the building of the exposition. As to policies, it is quite evident that these must be carefully thought out and developed through changing commissions, and can be permanently established only by their general acceptance from year to year. The permanent employment of such a superintendent as we now have can in the end, however, be made perhaps the most important factor in perpetuating sound park policies.
The word Amanagement” referred to as the second problem, was intended to relate to commissions as distinct from superintendence. Here we have a most vital factor in park development. It is needless to dwell on this any more than to say in passing that commissioners should be selected with the greatest care and entirely apart from political consideration. They should be men of broad vision, executive knowledge and experience, courage, devotion, and, of course, unquestioned integrity. A superficial knowledge of horticulture is an additional advantage, but not a necessary qualification. Leisure to devote to park matters is a necessity. It is, perhaps, unnecessary to state that the present writer is well aware how far he is from fulfilling these requirements.
The third item, Afinance” is perhaps the most important of all problems mentioned. Insufficiently financed, the overcoming of other park problems would avail nothing, and failure would be inevitable. Properly financed, nearly all problems can be somehow met, excepting only Awater.” The problem of water supply in this case is a city problem and nor a park problem, for the reason that no plan has ever presented itself which suggested any possibility of an independent water supply for Balboa park. Public sentiment, however, would undoubtedly prevail in saving Balboa park in case of a water famine.
Having now skimmed hurriedly over some park problems, it may be in order to
give some suggestions as to their ultimate solution. This must be done with a full realization that the question of how much money should be spent on parks in San Diego can never be considered as definitely settled, and that a list of Athings which should be done” will always be met with the question: AHow shall we finance them?” This being granted, we must always endeavor to fix upon the most important projects to be carried out, leaving those of lesser import to be taken up later.
We have in San Diego 22 parks, 25 including East San Diego, ranging in area from one-tenth of an acre to 1400 acres, the total being 1921 acres. Of these only six are partially developed, and these are the only ones of any importance. This list does not include Spalding esplanade and Mission Cliff park, nor does it include the three county parks at Lakeside, El Monte and Fallbrook. The six parks referred to are La Jolla, New Town park, Horton plaza, Old Town plaza, Torrey Pine park, and Balboa park. Mention should be made also of Soledad park, with its superb view from the summit of Soledad mountain.
All these parks, both municipal, private and county, as well as the military and naval reservations (which may be broadly considered as coming within the park system) should be connected by a system of paved highways, carefully laid out with regard to present and prospective traffic. These should be broad boulevards wherever possible, should be planted with trees, and developed in such a manner as to fit in with and progress along with park development.
The La Jolla park, with the exception of the bath house, has already reached a full stage of development. Plans for a new bath house have already been drawn, and probably will be taken care of soon by a district bond issue to be voted on in La Jolla. New Town park is simply a breathing space and is fully developed at the present time. The Horton Plaza park needs little further development. The chain fence around it should be replaced with a substantial low wire fence. It should then be planted on the borders and particularly in the corners with low, hardy shrubs, particularly those which flower over a long season and those which have orange and red berries.
The Old Town plaza is a pressing problem. This very important historical landmark should be immediately improved. Careful study should be given the landscaping of this park, so that the planting would harmonize with its surroundings and historical atmosphere.
Torrey Pines in the past two years has, through the generosity of Miss Ellen Scripps, shown marked improvement, with which all are more or less familiar. Plans are now on foot to greatly expand this park. This is to be done by including within its boundaries the present Government Experimental station. This most important proposition is soon to come before the common council for final action, and will no doubt receive favorable action.
The development in Torrey Pines, in case the above extension is carried out, will be along the lines of replanting and filling up bare spaces with San Diego county shrubs and trees, particularly those which thrive in that section, such as the Torrey pine. The plan is to make of it a native plant garden. The success of this idea is assured by the growth of native plants which have been placed on the grounds around Torrey Pines lodge.
The last and by far the most important of our parks is Balboa park. One hesitates to try to visualize the possibilities of this remarkable tract of land, which, perhaps by the merest chance, was saved for us by the wisdom and foresight of our earliest settlers.
If we have made mistakes in the past, let us insure ourselves against any more in the future by employing, as soon as possible, the best park designer available. Such a man must live with Balboa park for a while before he undertakes the big work of planning for its future development. Having secured such a plan, having adopted it, and rendered it secure against important changes, we can then proceed with plans for financing it from year to year as funds are available.
Before proceeding with the vital question of finance, it may be well to review briefly some of the pressing needs of Balboa park. These may be grouped as follows: Roads, paths, and trails; buildings and grounds; recreation; planting.
There are three paving projects which must soon be undertaken: Cabrillo Canyon road; West boulevard and connecting links; and the streets that border on the park. These streets, being now partially park property and partially city property, the paving of which must be partly financed by assessments against abutting property. The remainder of the cost must be met by the city. Cabrillo Canyon road and West boulevard should be paved by bond issue. A number of contour drives, as distinct from through highways, should be built for those who wish to visit and enjoy at their leisure all parts of Balboa park.
A number of trails should be laid out, particularly in an east and west direction to connect the area east of Cabrillo bridge with than on the west side. Equestrian paths are common in all large parks, and, in this respect, Balboa park should offer facilities for the enjoyment of those fond of horseback riding.
The problem of buildings in Balboa park has been to a certain extent solved, at least for the present. Seventeen of the more important buildings of Exposition days have been wholly or partially restored, and are in used by the many institutions now housed in Balboa park. Here again we have pioneered in park policies, first in having so many buildings in our park, and second in giving certain organizations certain control of those buildings (and in a few cases of grounds). Thousands of public-spirited men and women have, as a result of this policy, devotedly sacrificed time, energy and money in the interests of these organizations, with results which, it must be perfectly evident, would otherwise have been impossible. In the future these societies need encouragement and assistance in carrying forward their plans.
Eight exposition buildings have been removed. The expense of cleaning up and replanting the areas left vacant has been a severe tax on the finances of the board. In fact, many of these areas are still unimproved, and must be taken care of in the future. One of the buildings is to be replaced in the near future by a magnificent art gallery, the gift of one of our generous citizens. It is hoped that other public-spirited men of wealth will come forward with similar gifts, either to make present buildings suitable for use or preferably to replace temporary buildings with permanent fireproof structures, suitable for housing safely the valuable exhibits which are now subject at all times to a severe fire hazard. At this point it may be well to mention that no provision whatever has been made for the permanent preservation of the Pueblo Indian village. A suitable sum of money must be somehow provided in the near future to save that remarkable replica.
Under the heading of recreation in its broader sense, we should have in Balboa park, where there is ample room for every variety of outdoor recreation, including playgrounds, picnic grounds, music, sports of all kinds for young and old, etc. Space forbids covering this matter in detail. Suffice it to say that each of these requires individual consideration as to plans, finance, development and operation. The present golf course is altogether inadequate for our needs. A new course and club house must be built in the near future.
It may puzzle you to know why the subject of planting has scarcely been mentioned so far
in this paper. That is because the planting problem is purely a question of money. It must be perfectly evident to anyone who has even a superficial knowledge of conditions in Balboa park that the planting of any new tracts of any size is at present impossible, and, perhaps, even inadvisable. Strips of planting, yes; but large areas, no. The cost of piping, blasting, hauling dirt and fertilizer and plants, which with labor constitute original outlay, are altogether out of proportion to results obtained, and the cost of upkeep has to be added. Even if indigenous shrubs are used, and they surely must be over some areas, the initial cost is practically the same. Large areas of Balboa park should, and necessarily must, for a long time to come, be left in their native state. It may be necessary even to help the natural growth by placing water on these tracts.
Notable exceptions to the above are the southwest corner of the park, and the northeast corner. The southwest corner must be highly improved without delay. This area extends from Date street along Sixth to Juniper street. This statement does not, we think, permit of any argument. It is a very expensive piece of work, but it must be done, and will be done as rapidly as park funds permit. The Winslow plan has been adopted for the area from Date to Fir. From Fir to Juniper, there should be a sunken garden, which would provide a beautiful feature at a minimum of expense.
The other exception referred to is the northeast corner of the Balboa park. The growth of the city toward the northeast has been far beyond expectations. The people in that vicinity are entitled to some development along their park frontier. No plan has been made for this development, but it needs immediate consideration. The cost will be great as this corner of the park has almost no soil on the surface. Blasting will be required before any planting can be done. The policy of the present board is to do no work unless it can be properly done. Much of the old planting will have to be renewed, as the trees can make no headway on account of faulty planting at the start. Many trees have died, and many have been removed, and literally hundreds have blown down because of insufficient root formation, caused by faulty planting during the rush of preparing for our exposition. This is very costly economy and should never be repeated.
The last subject to be considered is Afinance.” Park funds are procured from the following sources: Tax levy bonds, concessions, profit-yielding operations, gifts.
It is not advisable at this time to enter into a discussion as to how much San Diego
can afford to spend on parks. The main point to be considered is the adoption of a policy which insures the proper maintenance of the already completed projects and to provide at least something for additional future development. The present minimum which the common council can allow is 10 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation. Under this law the council, if unsympathetic with park development, could cut the budget to $100,000 a year for parks, whereas it did allow for 1926 (?), $135,000, of which the zoo received $20,000. From concessions and profitable activities about $10,000 more was realized, leaving the park maintenance, apart from the zoo, about $125,000. If the council has allowed the minimum, there would have remained for park maintenance, apart from the zoo, only $20,000 (?), as against $25,000 actually allowed, or a difference of $35,000. The present council is sympathetic to park work, but a future council might not be, and the charter should be amended so that Balboa park can never be subject to adverse action, as explained above. The allowance for the present year, $186,000 (?), is the very minimum that could have met our present requirements for maintenance, without any extensions, additions or improvements. The minimum of 10 cents should, therefore, be raised to at least 14 cents or 15 cents. At this point it should be stated that Balboa park is seriously handicapped by lack of police, no provision being made for this under our charter. In San Francisco about 15 police are provided for in the parks. This force is paid out of city funds, not park funds.
Permanent park improvements in most cities are provided for by the issuance of bonds. It is sound economically to make the future user play, in part at least, for all permanent improvements. In Balboa park the cost of maintenance is so high that it seems clear that costly projects of a permanent nature should be taken care of by the sale of bonds. Among such projects may be mentioned buildings, athletic fields, roads, bridges, waterways, lakes, and the laying out of new parks hitherto undeveloped. The attitude of our people toward park improvement insures favorable action on such projects if presented to them in the proper manner.
Park concessions are everywhere used by park commissions to add to park revenue. In fact, it is becoming common practice for park boards to operate concessions themselves, and to use the profit for park development. In Balboa park we have some profitable concessions and also profit-yielding activities. It is hoped these revenues can be increased in the future.
Gifts to Balboa park have been increasing from year to year. Ever since its beginning Balboa park has received gifts of money from public-spirited citizens. Many thousands of people gave small sums to the restoration fund, thus testifying to the desire of every citizen to do his bit. Other thousands have contributed by taking membership in the scientific institutions in Balboa park. Valuable material of scientific and educational value has been donated by other citizens. Large funds have been raised for the building of our zoo, and for the maintenance of our natural history museum. The Spreckels organ is the most outstanding memorial of the generosity of one of our leading citizens, who has liberally endowed this gift so that we may have daily recitals free to all without cost to the city. The latest donation, soon to be erected, the splendid Bridges art gallery, is a further example of public spirit in a large way, which we hope will be emulated by others. The Whitney library is now housed in the California building and open to the public. The number and the value of gifts which in future will come to Balboa park will be measured by the attitude of the people toward their park. Wealthy citizens, if encouraged to do so, will come forward and finance deserving projects, if given assurance that their gifts will be properly handled for the permanent education and recreation of the people.
Definite plans and estimates should be worked out by citizens who are interested and presented to those who are in a position to give. In this way, not only does the public benefit, but men of means are often given an opportunity for public service of which they are glad to take advantage. Thus, as time goes on, will Balboa park become a worthy example of the results of public spirit intelligently directed and generosity encouraged and appreciated.
April 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:1. Council authorized employment of John Nolen to draw up extensive plan of city beautification last night, will cost about $10,000.
April 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:4-5. Zoological Garden and Aquarium Executives marvel at results achieved in Park by public-spirited citizens.
April 19, 1924, San Diego Union, and April 20, 1924, Classified, 3:1-3. Community singing, chorus, organ recital will mark Easter celebration at Organ Pavilion tomorrow afternoon.
April 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:2-3. Zoo’s regal python in new finery will appear for public feeding today.
April 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:4-6. Boy Scouts build house for birds in Balboa Park (illus.).
April 21, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:2-3. Song service at Organ Pavilion drew thousands yesterday afternoon.
April 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 24:3. San Diego’s site amazes John Nolen; spoke to Kiwaniis Club yesterday afternoon.
April 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:5. Bertram Goodhue, San Diego exposition architect, dies; victim of heart attack.
April 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Many San Diegans enjoyed Sciot’s public ceremonial at Organ Pavilion last night.
April 27, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:4. Widow of Father Horton tells how pioneer worked to establish Balboa Park 56 years ago, by Lenore K. Downey.
She’s genteel and unobtrusive, but she has raised a family, taught school, swelled the household exchequer, promoted a club, helped organize a church, assisted several thousand persons in right reading, and did a man-sized job in working for the success of the Panama-Pacific [sic] exposition in 1915.
Mrs. Lydia M. Horton, widow of Alonzo E. Horton, “father of San Diego,” lives today in a bungalow home at 3571 Fifth Street. There are flowers around the house, flowers and books upon books inside, reflecting the owner’s taste.
The book-and-flower lady lives in the house with her son, William Knapp, named after his father, her first husband. She reads much of the time, chats with numerous friends who call, or busies herself with little household tasks (an illness two years ago slowed up a bit her life-long activity).
Just 57 years ago this month, Mrs. Horton recalled yesterday, her husband, A. E. Horton, came to San Diego from San Francisco. It was a rather queer impulse that sent him here; the inspiration had its source in a lecture.
“Some day,” he heard the lecturer say, “San Diego is going to be as great a city as San Francisco. With its bay and its climate, it has marvelous possibilities. It’s bay isn’t as big as San Francisco’s, but it is deep and it is land-locked.”
Horton went home that night with his mind made up; he was going to San Diego. He hadn’t ever heard of the place before, but he had an advertisement in the next morning’s paper announcing the sale of his furniture store and all his other property. Two weeks later, with all his bridges burned behind him, he landed here from the steamer Pacific, the only passenger for this port.
Mrs. Horton quoted Mr. Horton as saying:
“While waiting for a wagon to take me to Old Town, I walked up to where the courthouse now stands. There was nothing but sagebrush and cactus covering the ground, but before me lay the bay, tranquil and picturesque, while beyond stretched the peninsula, and still further on the Coronado Islands, and to the south the mountains of Lower California.
“The beauty of the situation impressed me, and I was struck with the commercial aspects also, the gentle sloping land from the mesa to the bay insuring good drainage and the deep water so necessary for shipping lying in the foreground.”
Mrs. Horton continued:
“The next year — 1868 — Mr. Horton asked the Board of Trustees, which was composed of E. W. Morse, Joseph Manassee and Thomas H. Bush to set aside a large tract of land for a public park. Mr. Morse presented Mr. Horton’s petition to the Board, February 15, 1868, and Mr. Morse and Mr. Bush appointed a committee to select the land. There was much hilarity over this, as the new city of San Diego consisted of a few small buildings near the foot of Fifth Street. Mr. Bush refused to serve on what he called such a ridiculous proposition, and Mr. Horton was asked to serve with Mr. Morse. These two men selected the present site of Balboa Park.
“May 26, 1868, the trustees, acting upon the report of their committee, adopted an ordinance setting aside for a public park forever the lands embraced in the present city park. The trustees at this date were Marcus Schiller, Jose Estudillo and Judge Sloan.
“February 17, 1870, the state legislature passed the bill confirming the act of the trustees. At this time W. M. Robinson was our member of assembly, and W. A. Conn of San Bernardino was the senator from this district.
“These facts were compiled by Mr. Morse from the public records and constitute the first authentic report to be published of the beginning of the park, in recent years.
“In 1867 city planning as a profession was unknown, so the many mistakes of the founders are excusable. Fortunately, we have not progressed so far but many of those mistakes can be remedied by our present city planning board. We wish them all success.”
Mrs. Horton was born in West Newbury, Mass. Her father was an Argonaut, one of the intrepid men who came to California in ’49 by way of Cape Horn. Her first husband, a veteran of the Civil War, died in 1885; her marriage to Mr. Horton took place in 1896.
Mrs. Horton, with a few other persons, organized in 1870 the first Unitarian Church of San Diego. She helped found and was first president of the Wednesday Club. She was vice president for San Diego county of the Woman’s committee for the Panama-Pacific exposition. She served for several years on the library board, and for several years was librarian at the state teacher’s college. She has two sons.
May 1, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3. A dance is being planned for all the sailors stationed afloat or ashore at San Diego; to be held at the Civic Auditorium Saturday night.
May 1, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:5-6 and May 4, 1924, 1:4. World War Officers’ ball will be brilliant affair in American Legion building Saturday night.
May 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:8. Human flag features May Day Festival at Stadium; 1560 form huge stars and stripes; 15,000 witness sports events to raise fund for exhibit at Olympic games.
May 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:8, 2:6. Contract let for $450,000 bath house at Mission Beach; drawing.
May 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. San Diego Zoo will send 22 sea lions to Hamburg; gets pair of zebras in exchange.
May 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 13:1-4. More than 2,000 enjoyed entertainment of Federated State Societies at Civic Auditorium last week.
May 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:1. Octopus is added to Zoo collection.
May 4, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:6-7. Seventeenth annual rose and flower show opens for two days at Civic Auditorium.
May 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:2-3. Los Angeles library directors mourn death of Bertram G. Goodhue.
May 11, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-2, 3:3-6. Work started on beautiful art museum in Balboa Park; artist’s drawings of floor plans and front elevation; the statues and bas-reliefs for the facade are being modeled by the Piccirilli Brothers in New York City.
May 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:3. $500,000 units will be added t Naval Hospital; bids to be opened June 4 for new structures.
May 14, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:1. Dr. Stewart guest of honor at Kawanis Club; explains commercial value of music to City at noonday meeting yesterday.
May 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:1. Memorial Day observances this year limited to exercises at Organ Pavilion and cemetery service; customary street parade will not take place.
May 25, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. Three engine companies battled stubborn blaze yesterday in Balboa Park eucalyptus grove near organ; flames made rapid headway in dry litter; trees escaped serious damage.
May 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:2. G. Hamilton Hammon writes letter asking for place to eat at scenic point near 6th and Date streets.
May 29, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:2. Schumann-Heink to sing for boys at dedication; “mother” of American Legion post to fulfill deferred promise June 6; hall will seat 3,000 persons.
May 30, 1924, San Diego Union, 18:5. Two African Chapman zebras arrive at Zoo.
May 31, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:3, 2:4-5. Men of ’61 remember their dead; veteran spirit flames anew as they march through lane of flags to organ.
June 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 22:1. Elks to observe annual Flag Day at organ, June 14.
June 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 22:2. Dr. Stewart to give recitals at Organ Pavilion Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings through summer months.
June 8, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8 and June 9, 1924, 5:3-5. Two hundred to take part in High School student al fresco concert at Balboa Park today.
June 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:2. Combined orchestras of Senior and Junior High Schools to give concert at Organ Pavilion next Sunday afternoon.
June 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:3. O’Rourke buildings at Zoo to be dedicated July 4.
June 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:2. Elks to teach love for flag at park service.
June 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Full Schumann-Heink program to be given at War Memorial dedication tomorrow announced; general admission $1.00; reserved seats $2.00.
June 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:2. Annual G. A. R. campfire draws thousands to War Memorial Building in Balboa Park.
June 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. San Diego Elks to observe Flag Day at Organ Pavilion tomorrow afternoon.
June 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:1-2. Schumann-Heink thrills throng at American Legion concert; program presented by diva at dedication exercises of War Memorial Hall in Balboa Park; 2,500 persons take part.
June 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:5-6. Museum of Natural History valuable aid to biology students in San Diego schools.
June 15, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Thousands attend patriotic Flag Day exercises at Organ Pavilion given under auspices of local Elks.
June 15, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 2:3. Zoo having strenuous time in its efforts to provide suitable quarters for new arrivals (illus.).
June 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:4. Thousands heard concert by San Diego High School students at Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.
June 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:4-5. San Diego Zoological Garden boasts best collection of rattlesnakes in United States.
June 16, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department, to spend $30,000 painting Balboa Park Hospital buildings.
June 17, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:5. Officers, men of the destroyer squadron visiting here will give dance at Civic Auditorium, June 21.
June 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:3. Pomona College confers degree on George W. Marston.
June 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:1. Music Festival to open Sunday at Organ Pavilion; will continue for two weeks under direction of Wallace Moody.
June 21, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:2-5, Two hundred and sixty three High School graduates given diplomas at Organ Pavilion yesterday (illus.).
June 22, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:6-7. Concert by Sciots Band opens Music Festival at Organ Pavilion today.
June 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Swedish Festival was celebrated at Balboa Park yesterday under auspices of John Ericsson League.
June 22, 1924, San Diego Union, Real Estate and Development, 4:5-8. Advertisement announcing temporary real estate officers for D. C. Collier at 1050 9th Street.
June 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Music Festival has auspicious opening before large audience at Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park.
June 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:4. Music Festival fills seats at Organ Pavilion; numbers by Marine Band and Orpheus Quartet.
June 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:5. Arizona Street Players will present “Robin Hood” in Montezuma Gardens next Saturday.
June 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:4. Naval Band and Chorus at Civic Auditorium tonight to get funds to build a bandstand at Training Station; reels of Naval pictures will be shown; general admission 50 cents.
June 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:3-4. School Board appropriates $150 a month for use of Museum of Natural History.
June 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 15:1. City Council hires John Nolen to make plan for city; salary $10,000; Kenneth Gardner is Nolen’s local representative.
June 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Dr. Stewart, Choral Club to present joint program tonight.
June 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3. A feature of the Southern California Dental Association was the entertainment put on by the Los Angeles County and Health Department at the Organ Pavilion yesterday morning. A number of juvenile motion picture stars sang and danced.
June 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 2:5-6. Women’s Chorus presents fine program at Music Festival; Guild of Organists to present Royal A. Brown in recital this afternoon.
June 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:3-4. Dr. Stewart’s compositions will feature organ recital on Music Festival program today.
June 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:5-6. A toy band made up of 20 children from the vicinity of Albatross Street will be a feature of the program to be presented at the Montezuma Garden on Saturday at 4 p.m.
June 27, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:5. Snooky, chimpanzee guest at Zoo, installed in special quarters; star of more than 50 motion pictures.
June 27, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:1. Royal A. Brown played works of Dr. H. J. Stewart at Spreckels Organ yesterday afternoon.
June 29, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 11:3-4. Park Board has promised Dr. Stewart building for Civic Music Center in Balboa Park.
July 1, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:1. Marine Band and Choral Club presented fine bill at Spreckels Organ last evening.
July 1, 1924, San Diego Union, Transportation Edition, 10:1-2. Balboa Park terminal declared to be best in country; remodeling done at a cost of $5,000.
July 2, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:8. Navy Department to expend $739,500 on Naval Hospital; four officers’ quarters, isolation unit, mortuary included.
July 2, 1924, San Diego Union, 24:1-2. “Song of the Camp,” Dr. Stewart’s setting to Baylard Taylor’s poem, presented at Music Festival last night; sailors and marines assist Cadman Club; other local singers on program.
July 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 17:2. Twelve-day Music Festival closes; draws thousands.
July 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:2. Zoo prepares to handle big crowds today; special exhibits arranged for Forth; dedication of O’Rourke group delayed.
July 6, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:1-2. Illinois State Society will hold annual picnic in Pepper Grove Saturday afternoon.
July 6, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 2:5-6. Attendance at 12-day Music Festival held at Organ Pavilion estimated at 38,000.
July 9, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. Sixteen Arizona girls, guests of city, gain permission from Governor Hunt of Arizona to ship pair of antelope to San Diego zoo.
July 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:3. Officials of the Ocean Beach Business Men’s Club yesterday stole for Ocean Beach a slogan Colonel Collier has created for his new Wonderland Beach, formerly Wonderland Park, “14 minutes on 14 cars to San Diego’s closest beach.” Collier chuckled and remarked good-naturedly about “some people’s nerve.”
July 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:4-5. New exhibit of San Diego County bird life prepared by staff of Natural History Museum.
July 17, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:5-6. San Diego music lovers will enjoy John Doane organ concert in Park tonight.
July 17, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:1. Park Board expresses appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Marston for recent gift of an addition to Balboa Park extending from north line of park between 9th and 10th streets, in Cabrillo Bridge canyon, northward 500 feet, thence northeasterly 1200 feet to a line halfway between Vermont and Richmond streets; its width varied from 200 to 600 feet; letter from A. S. Hill, executive secretary.
July 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:1. Doane concert delights large crowd at organ; Civic Music Center benefits by generosity of noted New York musician.
July 19, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2-3. Sciot Follies free to public at Civic Auditorium tonight.
July 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:1-4. Colonel Collier introduces new and novel features in home product material for new quarters at 1050 9th Street; drive-in inducement for customers (illus.).
July 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:3-5. San Diego Scientific Library, California Building, offers rare field to students; by Carroll De Wilton Scott, Museum staff.
July 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:3-5. New bear grotto in Zoo, donated by Miss Ellen Scripps, completed (illus.).
(Five bears of different species are occupying the new grotto just completed at the San Diego zoo. This grotto, said to be the finest in the country, is 75 by 100 feet, contains a large mountain oak, and a swimming pool, and is really a home de luxe for the representatives of the bear family. The five inmates show their appreciation by dwelling together in complete harmony.)
A little more than two years ago the common council of the city of San Diego yielded to the importunities of the Zoological society and appropriated a sum for the starting of a bear grotto in Balboa Park, thereby providing the nucleus about which the city’s present wonderful zoological garden has been built. The bear grotto, as first constructed, was a mere shell, but it served as a foundation upon which to lay the plans for what is today one of the foremost zoos in America.
During the past two months, reconstruction and completion of this grotto have been underway, and the zoo bears now have what is said to be the finest bear den every constructed. In it, despite the forebodings of eastern zoologists with whom the matter was discussed, are five species of bears, the kodiak, largest and most dangerous of all the bear tribe, black bear, cinnamon, Himalayan, and Malay sun bear, the last mentioned being a vest-pocket edition with bowed legs, pigeon toes, and a nasty disposition.
Expecting civil war, as eastern zoo men had predicted would be the case if bears of different species were placed together, Director T. N. Faulconer had men stationed at strategic points with fire hose, long poles, and other means for nipping in the bud any incipient battle. The bears, however, were so pleased with their new quarters that they found no time for fighting. The little sun bear from the Malay islands received a licking at the hands of the kodiak bear, the cinnamon established his right to occupy a corner that suited his fancy, and the Himalayan bear retired to sleeping quarters, after which harmony prevailed.
The new grotto is approximately 75 by 100 feet in extent. It is built of concrete and stone, tile blocks, and is of the “barless” type, which means that the animals are restrained by a concealed moat, there being no iron bars or other obstruction to the view.
One of the most remarkable features of the new grotto is the monster oak tree, nearly three feet in diameter and weighing three and a half tons, brought from Warner Springs by the Bent Concrete Pipe company, builders of the grotto.
Funds for remodeling and completing the bear grotto were provided by Miss Ellen B. Scripps, whose fondness for children and whose faith in the educational value of a zoological garden have been responsible for many handsome donations toward this work.
July 20, 1920, San Diego Union, Classified, 2:3-4. New York State Society will hold its annual picnic in Pepper Grove next Saturday (illus.).
July 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 2:3. Colonel Collier speaks on Brazil at Hammer Club lunch.
July 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:3. To break ground for tiger grotto at Zoo; work to start tomorrow; John Burnham to bear cost of work.
July 30, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. George W. Marston named president of Golden Scroll Society yesterday; purpose of society is restoration of California missions; John Steven McGroarty, author of “The Mission Play,” outlined plans of organization at meeting yesterday.
July 31, 1924, San Diego Union, San Diego Union, 5:3. Bond issue for park roads; $165,551 asked by Park Commission for paving streets in and around Balboa Park; includes that half of 6th Street from Date to Upas; paving Date Street from 6th to 9th Streets; paving West Boulevard from Upas to Date Streets; paving Upas Street, Alabama Street to Pershing Drive; paving 28th Street, Upas to Nutmeg Streets; Russ Street, 11th to 18th Streets; Arizona Street extension; Cedar Street extension; Cabrillo Canyon Road; widening Pershing Drive to 30 feet.
August 3, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 2:6. Asiatic leopards at Zoo have housewarming in cage provided for them by John Burnham (illus.).
August 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:5. Ex-New Yorkers had picnic in Pepper Grove last week.
August 3, 1924, San Diego Union, 18:1-3. Drive for new Children’s Home to replace condemned structure in Balboa park will be made this month; need $60,000; Oscar G. Knecht, City Building Inspector, issued edict that old building at 16th and Ash Streets must be torn down immediately; old house built in 1890; new home is designed to conform to the general scheme of the other structures in the park; estimated cost is $100,000; Building Committee has raised $44,000; Hazel W. Waterman has prepared plans; will accommodate 104 children and include dormitories for 44 girls.
August 5, 1924, San Diego Union, 2:3-4. San Diego voters to pass on land gift to Naval Hospital at March primary.
August 5, 1924, San Diego Union, 2;7. A proposal by John Forward, Jr., Park Commissioner, that the City Council submit to the electors a $166,000 bond issue for paving thoroughfares in Balboa Park met with considerable opposition at a Council meeting, largely on the part of Councilman Harry K. Weitzel and Don M. Stewart.
The opposition developed after Forward had explained that he had been led to believe that the property owners on Sixth Street would contest the matter in court in case the City failed to pave the entire width of that thoroughfare.
Asserting that Sixth Street has been opened for the benefit of the property owners, Steward said he could see no reason why they should not be made to pay for paving the entire street.
August 9, 1924, San Diego Union, 1;8, 2:2-3. Zoological Society and Park Board come to open break; split over charge to feed python, as result of Board’s ruling that children will have to pay admission to see big snake fed at Stadium; director T. N. Faulconer asked for use of Stadium Sunday from 2 until 3; Park Commission says 1/5th of proceeds must be used as Stadium rental; minimum fee of $20 would be charged whether that much should be taken in at gate or not.
Officers of the Zoological society, which maintains the big zoo in Balboa park, came to an open break yesterday with the park board, or at least the two members of the board who are now in control of park affairs. These two are President Huge Klauber and Secretary W. Templeton Johnson. The other member is John Forward, Jr., who recently retired as secretary, but remained on the board.
The break came as the result of an attraction which the zoo management plans to give to the public in the stadium, which is under control of the park board, tomorrow afternoon. The big show is to be the feeding of the zoo’s great python, which, being in captivity, has to be forcibly fed once in a while to keep him from starving.
As the result of the park board’s ruling, the zoo for the first time will have to charge an admission fee for children, who always have been admitted free to the zoo, and will have to pay rent for the use of the stadium, just as any outside organization would have to do, although the zoo is in the park and has spent large sums of money for the development of the park.
Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president of the Zoological society, said the park board’s action was the culmination of a long series of acts on the part of the park board to hinder and obstruct the zoo. Director T. N. Faulconer, of the Zoological society, declared that he had been “amazed and stunned” by the board’s attitude. Hq quoted Commissioner W. Templeton Johnson of the park board as saying that the commission “doesn’t care a damn whether it is policy or not,” in reply to a suggestion that the board donate to the zoo the money collected from the zoo show in the stadium.
Altogether it was a warm day in the park. The zoo people, however, are going right ahead with their plans for entertaining the public when the big python is fed tomorrow. A crowd is expected.
In a letter to the board of park commissioners, the Zoological society yesterday asked for use of the stadium Sunday from 2 o’clock until 3, that the great number of people expected to see the feeding of the zoo’s big python might not be crowded as has been the case when the python was fed at the zoo, where there are no seats or other accommodations for a crowd.
The letter stated that an admission of 10 cents would be charged to defray the expense of the feeding and the Zoological society has announced that the tickets would admit the bearer to the Zoological garden after the feeding, so that the cost would be no greater to the individual than if he had seen the snake fed at the zoo.
The letter also stated that every penny realized from the sale of tickets would be expended on improvements to the Zoological garden, a part of Balboa park.
The reply of the park commission was that one-fifth of the proceeds would be demanded by the park department as a stadium rental and that the same terms would be made as if the Zoological society were some out-of-town baseball team or other foreign organization; that is, that a minimum fee of $20 would be charged, whether that much should be taken in at the gate or not. It meant further that a charge of two cents would be made for every person entering the gates who did not pay, whether it be a child member of the Zoological society, as the stadium rules state that organizations using the stadium will be allowed only a limited number of passes, approximately a dozen, and that they must pay a commission on all others admitted free at their behest.
Director T. N. Faulconer of the Zoological society, who presented the request to the park commission, said that he protested vigorously against the charge on the ground that the park commission has no right to take money earned by the zoo to expend on other park features. He requested that the park commission agree to place the rental demanded in that part of the park budget set aside by the common council for zoological development and maintenance. Even this request was refused.
“The park commission doesn’t care a damn whether it is policy or not,” said Commissioner W. Templeton Johnson, according to Faulconer, when Faulconer suggested to the commission that insisting upon the rental might not be public policy. Not to disappoint the public, which has exhibited great interest in the public feeding of the big snake, Faulconer advised the park commission that he was forced to accept its terms, but that he did so under protest. And he requested that his protest be made a matter of record.
Commissioner John Forward said that he would be willing for whatever fee is charged to be placed in that part of the park budget devoted to the zoo, but when this suggestion was made at the park board meeting it was not approved.
“I was amazed,” said Faulconer yesterday, “and almost stunned when the park commission took the attitude that we would have to pay them for the privilege of using the stadium for the convenience of the public, despite the fact that we have raised and spent on the improvement of a part of Balboa park nearly a quarter of a million dollars.
“We could attract just as large a crowd in the zoo grounds for this event, probably a large crowd, but we didn’t want the public to be packed and jammed and disappointed. Therefore, we asked for the use of the stadium where the people might sit in comfort to view this unusual spectacle.
“If the park commissioners ‘don’t care a damn about policy,’ we do. We have a feeling that the park belongs to the people, not to the few wealthy people who can drive about in their motors here and there, and sit comfortably in their cars, parked in special privilege parking spaces, getting close-up views of everything that goes on while the rest of the world looks under their cars or peeps over their shoulders. The zoo and all it ever hopes to be is for the public, poor as well as rich, and for the children.
“Never since the zoo was started has any boy or girl under 15 years old paid one cent of admission to any event give by the Zoological society. The zoo is free to them and always will be. Everything that we have belongs to the children, but Sunday when the big snake is fed, every little tyke of a boy or girl that comes to the stadium must pay a dime. We are ashamed of that, and we hope to make it up to them someday, the Lord knows how, because the zoo hasn’t any money, not even enough to provide for the tax on free admissions that the park commission’s ruling demands.
“We’d like to call it all off. We would abandon the whole thing if we had time to stop our publicity, but we can’t disappoint the people this late in the game.”
Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president of the Zoological society, declared that the present demand of the park commission for a fifth of the gate receipts at the stadium Sunday, when the big snake will be publicly fed for the last time, is but the culmination of a long series of acts on the part of the park commission to hinder and obstruct the zoo.
“We know that the zoo is one of the greatest attractions in the park,” he said, “and we feel that it is entitled to the support of the park commission. Lacking its support, we feel that we have a right to demand a square deal, and it is not square to force upon us the alternative of abandoning our Sunday at the stadium or of charging children admission. No child has ever paid to see the zoo or anything connected with the zoo, and now, after having invited them all to come, we have to charge them admission so that we can pay the park commissioners their pound of flesh.”
August 10, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 3:1-3. San Diego’s Art Guild exhibit at Balboa Park Museum marks forward step in achievement; to continue to end of August.
August 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:1. San Diego residents gave $30,000 in week for new home of children in Balboa park.
August 10, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4, 2:4. Big python to be fed in Stadium today; Zoo tickets promised to all who attend; indignation expressed at Park Board’s action in charging for “Bowl.”
August 11, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 3:6-7. Great python takes quarterly meal before 5,000 spectators; Park Board relents at last and admits children under 12 free; San Diego Union distributes 150 tickets donated by sympathizers with youngsters otherwise out of luck; Commission collects $66 on exhibition.
August 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:1. Costume ball at Organ Pavilion Saturday night will climax the celebration of “Fiesta de San Diego.”
August 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:1. City Council settles tangle tying up $7,000 voted Zoo; sum given for storage barn transferred so Zoo can build animal cages.
August 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 2:1. “Snooky,” a chimpanzee actress, was wandering about her cage last night with a dangerous piece of pipe in her hands; four boys gave her the gas pipe yesterday; boys taken to police station.
August 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:2-3/ Crime wave sweeps over Zoo; trumpet birds and magpies imprisoned on murder charge.
August 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 15:1-2. Ten thousand see fireworks, big water circus today; costume ball at Organ Pavilion tonight; admission free to those in costume.
August 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:3. Summer flowering season makes Balboa Park scene of surpassing beauty; dahlia plot back of organ; Montezuma gardens carpeted with pansies; approach to Botanical Building beautiful; lotus pond on Cabrillo Canyon road a mass of leaf and bloom.
August 17, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. Keepers at Zoo disarm “Snooky” by trick device.
August 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:7, 2:2. San Diego units to hold test day in Balboa Park; committee meets tomorrow with Army officers to arrange details for September 12; citizens committee is expected to work out a demonstration that will be efficient and, at the same time, a rebuke to disloyal and pacifist elements which have been obstructing the program.
August 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:1. Plan to use Stadium for defense day exhibit.
August 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 16:1. Many exhibitors will compete in County Fair here September 24 to 27; exhibit spaces in industrial building have been on sale for a week.
August 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 13:5. Scouts repair Indian Village’ big rock bluff on west side patched up; fireplace in assembly hall repaired.
August 29, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:2. Mayor Bacon has reappointed John F. Forward, Jr. to Board of Park Commissioners.
August 31, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:5-6. United States tug Koka to land four elephant seals for Zoo today; captured off Lower California coast; two to be sent to Mexico City within few weeks.
September 1, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:4-6. Two elephant seals from Guadalupe Island take up new quarters at Zoo; two others dies on way; transported on Naval tug Koka and Eagle Boat No. 12.
September 6, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:5-6 and September 7, 1924, Classified, 4:1. Zoo’s big python will be fed tomorrow at Zoological garden; baby black bear to welcome children on grounds.
September 7, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 9:2. Yorick Theater now undergoing extensive improvements; has its interior ready for presentation of “The Boomerang,” September 12-13.
September 9, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:3. City Council orders improvements along west half of Sixth Street by park; paving will leave east half of street along Balboa Park unpaved as the City has no funds with which to care for that part of the work; owners or residences along Sixth Street wanted the Council to hold up the work until bonds could be voted to take care of the city’s share of it; street also is known as “Park Avenue.”
September 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. William Aaron Henry, former dean of University of Wisconsin’s School of Agriculture, spends his summers here because of Balboa Park; says it is “beauty spot of world.”
September 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:2. Nineteen thousand registered during Defense Day test; 10,000 men and women went to Stadium yesterday; 19,000 registered their willingness to serve their flag in the event of a national emergency (illus.).
September 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:2-3. Court of Honor in Balboa Park will be scene of public reception for Curtis D. Wilbur, Secretary of the Navy, next Tuesday.
September 14, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:6-7. Python to be turned loose today in seal pond at Zoo for exercise to terminate hunger strike.
September 14, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:2-6. Special prizes for dahlias to be offered at fall flower show at Balboa park (illus.).
September 14, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 7:1. Variety promised for visitors to County Fair; night show, rodeo, prize baby competition among attractions.
September 14, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 7:4. Antelope wolf from Chihuahua expected at Zoo today.
September 14, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 3:6. Seal vanquishes python in battle at park; combat took place in Zoo pool when snake got first bath in 15 months; attendants came to rescue in time to save reptile’s life; first scrap of kind in history.
September 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:1. President Coolidge cancels Secretary Wilbur’s visit to San Diego; needed in Washington for hearing on Navy cut.
September 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:3. Police to hunt mountain lion seen south of Naval Hospital in Balboa Park.
September 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 2:4-5. N. E. Slaymaker writes letter supporting development of cultural center in Balboa Park.
September 19. 1924, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: A Cultural Center.
September 20, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. County schools to have exhibits at annual fair; horses arrive for big rodeo.
September 20, 1924, San Diego Union, 13:1. Park Board asks $221,490 in bonds; proposed paving east half of Park Boulevard, north half of Date Street, all of West Boulevard, south half of Upas Street, north half of Russ Boulevard, extension and widening of Pershing Drive, paving Cabrillo Canyon Drive and Alameda Drive, paving from Cristobal Place to new Art Gallery.
September 21, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:4-5. “Mike,” Zoo’s young orangutan, to be given chance to build home in tree today.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:5-6. County Fair opens at 10 a.m. today; set aside as State Societies Day.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3-4. A. G. Stacey urges giving land to Naval Hospital.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:4-5. Scout exhibit at County Fair to show their work in detail.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:2-3. Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president San Diego Zoological Society, on trip east; has lion cub for Chicago park.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 1:1-2. Exhibits increased in number; varied programs offered.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 2:1-2. Horse show attracts fine stock in various classes; “monkey-drill team” from 11th Cavalry will give exhibitions nightly.
September 24, 1924, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 6:4-5. Park provides beautiful background for County Fair.
September 27, 1924, Board of Park Commissioners, Letter, John D. Spreckels to Board, saying Balboa Park organ should be kept out of politics; says his anti-La Follette position is not the real question (Box 1, San Diego Public Library).
September 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:5. Natural History Society, incorporated October 9, 1874, to keep 50th birthday.
September 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:4-5. “Diablo,” Zoo python, will swim in water today.
September 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 22:1. County Fair closes with big attendance.
September 29, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:6. Brush fire in park gives fight to firemen, burned about five acres in canyon.
October 1, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:5-6. Colonel Collier, guest speaker at Three Arts Club, recalls Exposition, pictures Brazil.
October 2, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:1-2. Make plans to observe Exposition anniversary; businessmen and former officials of 1915 Exposition call general meeting next Tuesday to consider arrangements for several days fete; it was suggested that any funds raised by means of the celebration be use in restoration and repair of old Exposition buildings; Carl Heilbron, chairman; Frank Goodman, chairman of publicity; dinner will cost $1.00 a plate; the perpetuation of the Exposition spirit for which City became famous ten years ago was the most impressive argument advanced.
October 2, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Elks to dedicate Elk group at Natural History Museum next Saturday afternoon.
October 5, 1924, San Diego Union, 13:1. Plan to observe anniversary of Exposition here; dinner and meeting Tuesday night at San Diego Hotel; Colonel D. C. Collier outlined plans he and other former Exposition officials had drafted at preliminary meeting.
October 5, 1924, San Diego Union, 16:4-5. Rare specimen of Mexican wolf will be added to Zoo; due to arrive last night; gift of Roscoe Hazard.
October 5, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 5:2-4. Local lodge formally presented case housing group of elk to Natural History Museum.
October 6, 1924, Board of Park Commissioners, Letter, Executive Secretary of Park Board, to John D. Spreckels, stating that it is policy of Park Board that permission be denied to any individual or organization to hold meetings of a political significance at Organ Pavilion.
October 7, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:5. Park Commission at meeting last Friday night unanimously voted that Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park no longer be used for political meetings of any character.
October 7, 1924, San Diego Union, 24:2. Chamber of Commerce has indorsed Park Board’s plan to pave most of the roads in Balboa Park.
October 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:5. Committee, consisting of Reverend Howard B. Bard, Ernest White, Miss Gertrude Gilbert, Carl Heilbron and Dr. Edgar L. Hewett, named to draw up tentative program for Exposition fete.
October 8, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Relief.
We unanimously approve the decision of the park board to ban political meetings from the organ pavilion in Balboa Park. When recently a La Follette pacifist vapored against that classic background, we felt annoyed, but refrained from any comment lest the reader might misinterpret our protest s a partisan one.
A political meeting at the Organ Pavilion is out of place — like waste paper on a new lawn.
October 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:1. San Diego Zoo valued at $250,000; accountant’s report shows success of work done by Zoological Society.
October 12, 1924, San Diego Union, Building & Development, 7:5. A. E. Roberts expects to dispose of tract between Alabama and Mississippi Streets, next to Balboa Park; announces short-cut highway from Pershing Drive to Alabama and Mississippi Streets will be paved soon.
October 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:5. 3:2. First big G. O. P. rally in county to be held at War Memorial Building in park tomorrow; building will seat 3,000; no charge for admissions and no collection will be taken.
October 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:5. City sets aside Mission Bay as bird sanctuary; law enacted by Council, after long fight, will become effective January 16.
October 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:1-3. Guiseppe De Luca, Metropolitan Opera baritone, here; marks epoch in musical history; pleased large audience in “Rigoletto” at Civic Auditorium last night; auditorium seats about 3,000.
October 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:2-3. Marines bring birds and animals from Central America to Zoo.
October 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:2-4. Chrysanthemums rule today in Floral Association home in park at third and best annual exhibit.
October 18, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:3. Marine Day tomorrow at Zoo; appreciation to be evidenced for shipment of rare creatures from tropics.
October 19, 1924, San Diego Union, 19:1. Annual dog show to open October 31 at Balboa Park in County Fair building.
October 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:4. November 8 set for “La Traviata,” second performance of Civic Grand Opera season to be given in Civic Auditorium.
October 27, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. San Diego to have scientific research institution; plan comprehensive study of diseases of man, beast; Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth obtains funds on eastern trip for structure in park to develop work; building to be begun in short time.
November 2, 1924, San Diego Union, Sport Section, 12:3-6. Bob White Quail at San Diego Zoo; T. N. Faulconer from Kentucky has long wanted to hear call of Bob White Quail resounding across the canyons of his beloved park.
November 2, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 19:6. Four thousand attended Greeters’ Ball at Civic Auditorium Friday night.
November 2, 1924, San Diego Union, Building & Development, 5:1-6. First aerial analysis of future growth and dazzling possibilities of San Diego, by D. C. Collier.
November 9, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:7. Roller skating rink planned at Mission Beach.
November 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 9:3. Ball given in Civic Auditorium last evening, feature of Armistice Day celebration.
November 12, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:3-4. Grand Army of the Republic proposes voting to Naval Hospital 30 or 40 acres on the west: “We petition the Council to consider favorably this proposition, which, if adopted, would add so largely to the present beauty of this greatest park in the United States.”
November 16, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 12:1-4. “Balboa Park in the Moonlight’ by Mary: “and in my heart there was an ache — the exquisite poignant ache which beauty always brings me.”
November 19, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. “El Capitan” winds 3 to 1; verdict of voters in approving bonds considered rebuke to interests obstructing city’s progress.
November 19, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:4. Park Board names park point for George W. Marston.
November 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 17:4-5. Mr. and Mrs. Bengal Tiger will hold housewarming in their new $10,000 grotto at Zoo today.
November 23, 1924, San Diego Union, 17:5. Free lecture on Christian Science in Civic Auditorium this afternoon.
November 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 10:1. San Diego Zoo opens its new tiger grotto; the fourth of its kind open at Zoo; made possible by a donation from Miss Ellen B. Scripps.
November 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 15:5-6. Federation of State Societies entertain in American Legion War Memorial Building in park tonight.
November 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:4-5 and November 27, 1924, Classified, 11:6-7, 13:5-6. Thanksgiving Services at Organ Pavilion to open at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow.
November 27, 1924, San Diego Union, 6:3. Zoo tigers will get Thanksgiving dinner today in new grotto; public invited.
November 27, 1924, San Diego Union, 20:2-4. Loma Haven, new residential subdivision, to be put on market today by D. C. Collier (illus.).
November 28, 1924, San Diego Union, 11:8, Service at organ draws big crowd.
November 30, 1924, San Diego Union, 14:4-5. Carroll De Wilton Scott, Natural History Museum writes letter refuting claim of live oak forest on Point Loma.
November 30, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 4:3-5. “Diablo,” huge python, magnet for crowds at San Diego Zoo.
December 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Zoo offers one-year membership for $5.00; regular gate admission is 10 cents.
December 4, 1924, San Diego Union, 12:2. Four marmosets, monkeys that act like squirrels, gift to zoo from Miss Anna Cabell of Glendale, California.
December 7, 1924, San Diego Union, Development & Building, 3:2-4. D. C. Collier has one-day sale today of Wildwood View sites on Point Loma (illus.).
December 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:1. Many donations to San Diego Zoo.
December 10, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:2. Players to give comedy, “To The Ladies,” for the third time tonight in the Yorick Theater, Balboa Park.
December 13, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:4. Thieves deplete park roses; several dozen beautiful bushes stolen from celebrated garden; John Morley announced it is the intention to prosecute the thieves to the fullest extent of the law as he considers the act of robbing a park maintained for all the people, of some of its most beautiful flowers, one of the meanest crimes that has ever come to his attention.
December 14, 1924, San Diego Union, Building & Development, 5:4. Construction far advanced on 1925 Paris Exposition.
December 15, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:2-3. Charles A. Small, known as “the father of Pershing Drive,” asks that $20,000 be allowed for the purpose of beautifying Pershing Drive; one-half of the expense of building the drive was borne by the property owners in the northeastern part of the city; text of letter given; western part of park has been improved to the highest degree, whereas the eastern part is, for the most part, in its natural state.
December 16, 1924, San Diego Union, 28:2. Dr. Wegeforth asked creation of Municipal Zoo Commission; City Council decided to submit question to voters in spring election; Councilman Harry K. Weitzel said that there are already too many conflicting heads to the city government; Wegeforth does not like going to the Park Board for every little thing the Zoo needs.
December 21, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1-2. Nativity tableaux to be given in park Christmas night; Friends of Art, Amphion Club arrange impressive outdoor spectacle at Organ Pavilion.
December 21, 1924, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 12:1-6. Wilma Frances Minor writes glowingly of beauty of San Diego and Balboa Park.
December 22, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:2-3. Evergreen monarch in Park at Sixth and Laurel Streets to be scene of chorus singing and novel play presentation under direction of Community Service on Christmas Eve.
December 24, 1924, San Diego Union, 7:4-5. Special organ music to be given at Balboa Park when Nativity is depicted.
December 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 1:4, 2:6. Christmas spirit pervades Naval Hospital (illus.).
December 25, 1924, San Diego Union, 3:3-5. Scene of Nativity will be depicted tonight at Organ Pavilion.
December 25, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:7-8. Chamber of Commerce plans conference of city beautification, January 2; Civic Committee would protect Balboa park from non-park uses; supports beautification of Pershing Drive.
December 25, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:7. No cars will be permitted to cross Plaza de Panama between 7:30 and 9 o’clock this evening on account of Christmas program at Organ Pavilion.
December 26, 1924, San Diego Union, 5:6. Impressive Nativity service held in Balboa Park; every seat at Organ Pavilion occupied; four quarters sang carols at corners of peristyle.
December 30, 1924, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. $20,000 asked for upkeep of Art Museum; Council objects to paying director on new institution annual $6,000 salary; Councilman Heilbron pointed out that the superintendent of the entire park system gets only $3,600 annually; William Templeton Johnson announced it is the intention to charge admission on certain days, amount has not been decided; if the Council decides to allow the amount asked next Mary, they must do so by giving the Park Department the full 16 cents on each $100 valuation, which is the maximum set by law; extra money would be appropriated from the general fund.
December 31, 1924, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Art Lovers.
The suggestion of a local art organization to help raise the needs funds (for a director of the new art museum) is a good one.
Return to Amero Collection.
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