Balboa Park History 1927
January 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:7. San Diego’s Zoo provides natural habitat for birds and beasts of many climes.
Located in the center of Balboa park, San Diego boasts of a Zoological garden in fact as well as name. It is unique among the zoological gardens of the world in that its many varied exhibits are not crowded into gruffy animal houses but are outdoors, living in almost natural conditions, each den or cage arranged to give the nearest possible reproduction of the native habitat of the occupant, the whole arranged in a garden setting that is incomparable.
Due to the mildness of the San Diego climate and its equability, the various animals located in the San Diego zoo live in health and comfort, and the exhibits range from arctic polar bears to the exotic and unusual birds and beasts of the tropics and of far away Australia. The polar bears no not suffer from the heat. The tropical exhibits are not stiffened with the cold. The rare little Koala bears from Australia live in comfort here, subsisting on their native eucalyptus, which grows luxuriously.
The zoo grounds extend over 150 acres, giving ample room for deer paddocks and buffalo range. More than 1500 specimens occupy the dens, pens, pools, paddocks and cages, and many of them are so prolific that their numbers are increasing steadily, the zoo trading off the younger generation for rare specimens on which other zoos have a monopoly. During the past year 40 deer and antelope yards have been built, and more than 800 trees have been planted in the development of the garden feature of the zoo. Four miles of road were built within the zoo enclosure, and 31 finch cages of concrete and rat proof wire were constructed.. The deer pastures are without question the finest in the world. Nothing in the United States even compares with them.
The most important addition during the past year has been the erection of an animal hospital and research laboratory, which will be in use in another month, giving the zoo national and probably international significance. It is one of the most important additions since the zoo was founded, and as the completion of a four-year development program brings the zoo investment up to a third of a million dollars.
The zoo is unique in more ways than one. In addition to being the only real outdoor zoo with a 12-month garden setting for the pens and cages, the collection includes several animals not found in captivity anywhere else in the world. The most notable of these is the elephant seal or the sea elephant. These animals are extinct save for a colony on Guadalupe island, 150 miles off the coast of Lower California, which has been made a sanctuary by the Mexican government for the protection of the long-nosed monsters that have escaped slaughter. Originally there were plenty of the sea elephants in the Pacific, but they were slaughtered for the oil in their blubber, and only a few are left. The zoo secured permission from the Mexican government to capture a pair, and an expedition of naval reservists made a cruise to Guadalupe to capture the specimens now on exhibition here.
In the world’s highest flying cage are many rare tropical birds, waders and flyers, living in quarters large enough to enable them to get real exercise and to enjoy an environment very much like their native habitat.
Every year sees an increase in the number of interesting and rare exhibits. There are already eight varieties of deer. The ugly wart hog was added last year. New varieties of monkeys have been brought here, and the reptile house has some fine specimens of serpents from all over the world. Another expedition to Australia is planned for the coming year and more rare exhibits will be added.
San Diego people are not only proud of their zoo, but they are interested in it as well. More than 275,000 visitors passed through the turnstiles the year just past. The children, who are naturally especially fond of the animals, form the bulk of the crowds, but parents never seem averse to accompanying their youngsters to the zoo. Several of the animals, notably the camels and the elephants, have been gifts to the children of San Diego, who regard them as their special property.
No San Diegan thinks of the San Diego Zoological gardens without thinking of the president of the Zoological society, Dr. Harry Wegeforth, whose enthusiasm and interest in all animals, generosity and unremitting labor have built the institution.
January 1, 1925, San Diego Union, 7:8-3. Fine Arts Gallery fills popular need.
January 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:5-6. Natural History Museum tries to cover southwest United States.
January 1, 1927, San Diego Union, Recreation, 2:2-6. Balboa Park affords splendid setting for cultural activities of city, by Gertrude Gilbert.
For many years music has taken the lead in the cultural life of San Diego, and the many successful organizations of the city which has fostered the musical activities have been the life and strength of its successful musical development.
This last year has been a momentous one in the cultural progress of San Diego, for the completion and opening last February of the Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bridges to the city, has given a tremendous impetus to the interest and enthusiasm of the public for pictorial and sculptural art, and has brought a long step nearer to reality the dream of many of our citizens that a unique and permanent center may be developed in the park which shall represent all the arts, and shall give San Diego a distinguished position among the cities of the country.
The Fine Arts Society, of which W. S. Dorland is president, has already a valuable collection of pictures, tapestries, sculpture and other objects of art.
The untiring energy and enthusiasm of the director, Reginald Poland, has in these 10 months created an active organization which is carrying on an extensive work at the gallery, with constantly changing exhibitions of classical, modern and contemporary art, daily lectures on various art subjects, and a weekly education program especially arranged for the children of the county schools.
The Fine Arts Gallery with its interesting exhibitions, the San Diego Museum with valuable archaeological collections and reference libraries, the Natural History Museum with an instructive display of bird and animal life from all over the world, the Floral Association with its lectures and studies of California flora, the organ recitals at the Spreckels outdoor organ, are already established in the park and form a group of cultural and educational activities which are of inestimable value to the city and give promise of a unique development.
The story of San Diego’s musical progress during the last year is told in the activities of these organizations and individuals whose artistic and successful achievements have been responsible for the high standard of its musical development.
Musical development through cooperation has been the spirit which has characterized the policy of San Diego musicians and organizations, and it is this spirit which has made success possible.
The San Diego Oratorio Society, Mrs. William Hobart, president, is one of the youngest of San Diego’s music family, but in the three years of its existence has proved itself one of the most valuable additions to the musical life of the city. Under the direction of Nino Marcelli, the society has presented three oratorios each year, which have been artistic and inspiring performances, reflecting the greatest credit upon the director and officers of the society, who have been able to attain such unusual results in so short a time.
The San Diego Philharmonic Orchestral Society has brought the Los Angeles Philharmonic to San Diego in its annual series of six concerts and the interest in these concerts increases year by year. With A. D. LaMotte as president and many prominent men and musicians of the city on the board of directors, a strong organization has been developed for the management of this society, and the Women’s Auxiliary, under the leadership of Mrs. John Vance Cheney, has been a great stimulus to the public interest.
(The article goes on to describe the musical activities of the Amphion Club, the San Diego Musical Teachers’ Association, the Musicians’ Guild, the Cadman Club, the Morning Choral Society, the Rike Chanters, the San Diego High School Orchestra, the San Diego Opera Society and the San Diego Mastersingers.)
A Christmas pageant which has been given every Christmas night for the last 10 years at the Organ Pavilion, was presented again this year, as usual under the auspices of the Fine Arts Society, which sponsors the tableaux and the staging, and the Amphion Club, which is responsible for the music.
These tableaux of the Nativity, with accompanying carols and program of Christmas music, are witnessed each year by a silent and reverent crowd, which fills the space before the organ to capacity, has become one of the artistic events of San Diego’s civic life. This Community Christmas Festival, inaugurated the first year of the Panama California Exposition in 1915, staged by a committee including Mrs. Fred M. Gazley, chairman, Mrs. C. Fred Henking and Miss Gertrude Gilbert, representing the Fine Arts Society and the Amphion Club. It is an interesting fact that not once in three years has inclement weather interfered with this presentation, the climate of San Diego, the beautiful setting in Balboa Park and the great outdoor organ providing ideal conditions for this community celebration of Christmas.
For 10 years Dr. H. J. Stewart has given daily concerts at the great Spreckels organ in Balboa Park, which have attracted thousands of our citizens and visitors to the city and has proved one of San Diego’s greatest musical assets. To be able to sit out-of-doors in December or January sunshine, listening in comfort to an organ recital, while other parts of the world are wrapped in a mantle of winter snow, is an attractive experience which is taken advantage of daily by an appreciative public.
One cannot review the events of the past year without expressing sincere regret for the death of John D. Spreckels, who contributed so greatly to the musical life of San Diego, when he presented to the city in 1915 the wonderful outdoor organ which has given pleasure to so many thousands of citizens and visitors through these daily concerts by Dr. Stewart and the many interesting and important events which have been held there.
January 1, 1927, San Diego Union, Building, 2:5-6. Balboa Park exceptional in topography and flora.
January 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:1. Beauties of Balboa Park attract thousands of visitors to San Diego.
January 2, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 11:1-2. Natural History Museum outlines busy program.
January 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1. Planning Commission to choose tideland site for Civic Center.
January 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1. Fire Chief Algren asked City Council to request Park Commission to set aside small piece of ground in Balboa Park for a fire station yesterday; station will house central apparatus of alarm system for all parts of San Diego.
January 13, 1927, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
Present: Commissioners Johnson (president), Marston and Jones.
Mr. Louis Algren, Chief of the San Diego Fire Department, appeared before the meeting relative to locating a Central Alarm Station in Balboa Park.
Resolution No. 10274 of the Common Council, requesting the Board of Park Commissioners to set aside a suitable site for such a station was presented at the meeting.
At the request of Mr. Algren, the secretary read a recommendation contained in the Report of the National Board of Underwriters that a central Fire Alarm Station be located in Balboa Park.
Mr. Morley, superintendent of parks, stated that Mr. Algren and he had looked over three sites: one near Pershing Drive and Upas Street; one near Vermont and Upas Streets; and one south of Upas Street, between Park Boulevard and Indiana Streets.
Upon motion of Commissioner Marston, duly seconded, the matter was laid on the table until next meeting in order to give the commissioners a chance to look over the ground.
In the matter of a table commemorating the act of the trustees of San Diego in dedicating Balboa Park, suggested inscriptions were offered by the commissioners. The matter was carried over to another meeting.
The secretary presented a check for $150, being a donation towards the two additional Roque Courts. The secretary was instructed to hold the check for further consideration of the subject.
The secretary having reported that Mr. Stewart had not signed he lease for rental of the stables, he was instructed to request Mr. Stewart to be present at the next meeting of the Board.
Mr. Morley, superintendent of parks, submitted an estimate of the cost of a road from the former Marine Camp to and in Dehesa Canyon to Cabrillo Canyon, as follows: 18 ft. road, $1,746; 20 ft. road, $1,910. Action on the estimate was carried over to the next meeting.
Communication from Mr. A. H. Knoll, cornetist, relative to giving a concert at the Spreckels Organ was referred to Dr. Stewart.
January 16, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:1-5. Report of Zoo officials shows progress in 1926; many plans outlined for 1927.
Accomplishments of the Zoological society during 1926 and the plans for 1927 were related by Dr. Harry Wegeforth in his annual address as president of the society last Monday. At this meeting the present officers of the society, headed by Dr. Wegeforth, were unanimously re-elected.
- T. Mercier is now vice president, D. R. Wray secretary and Rank Spalding treasurer. Gordon Gray is the fifth director.
Following are Dr. Wegeforth’s report and the report of the curator of reptiles:
“Of the contemplated improvements and additions mentioned in my last report, we have been able to complete or nearly complete them all. The first of the year found us hard at work upon the second unit of our deer paddocks. These were ready for occupancy late in the summer. By careful expenditure we were able to build four fine enclosures, containing craglike shelters for sheep and goats, animals famous for their climbing propensities. We have added to our possessions in this line a trio of Rocky Mountain sheep, the gift of the Canadian parks, and a pair of Barbary sheep. These may frequently be seen standing high on the ledges and shelves of their artificial homes.
“The new paddocks have afforded room for many of the rarer and for that reason more interesting varieties of the antlered family. These include the Indian Muntjac, Barashinga deer, Axis, Hog and European red deer, as well as numerous increases in the varieties of Fallow and American deer that are already in the garden.
“I think it is not untimely to acknowledge at this time the gift of a large new elk paddock made by the Elks’ club. We have been anxious to put these animals in a larger enclosure in order that with freer range we could safely enlarge our herd. A membership drive as put on by the officers of B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 168, which resulted in a generous fund being raised, ample for its purpose.
“Several miles of new roads and trails have been added, costing over $8,000 in all. The washouts suffered in April cost us another $2,000 in repairing the already existing roads, which we greatly widened and improved at the same time.
“The heating plant which we promised for the reptile house was completed and has been in constant operation since December 1.
“The research building is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy early in February. Complete equipment has been ordered and will be installed at once. It is a building we have every right to be proud of and is a handsome addition to the park as well as to the zoo. Situated just back of the California building, in the main part of the park, it is easily accessible to all.
“The two buses, money for which was donated early in the year, began operation in the middle of June. These proved even more successful than we had anticipated, both in the pleasure and comfort given to our visitors, and from a financial standpoint as well. The net earnings from these two buses had been designated by their donor for the building of additional bird cages.
“Now under construction, just back of the monkey enclosures, is a substantial and attractive bird cage group. In this will be housed all the many varieties of small birds which are now crowded together in the horse-show group. This will greatly facilitate breeding and enable us to enlarge our bird groups at little or no expense.
“Under general supervision of Mr. Morley, part superintendent, about 5,000 trees have been planted during the year. The hillsides in the vicinity of the lion and tiger grottoes have been cleared and planted to trees and shrubbery. The planting of the deer mesa has been planned not only for the beauty of the grounds and the comfort of the animals, but in such a manner, that in a sort while the walks and roads will be shaded at all times of the day.
“Several interesting and valuable exhibits, in addition to those already mentioned, have been added this year. Probably the most noteworthy would be considered the trio of warthogs, an Indian elephants, a pair of young yak and out much advertised elephant seal.
“In November, J. W. Coffroth was the donor of $9,000 (?) to be used for the purchase of the bark “Star of India.” This will soon be brought down from San Francisco and stationed on the bay front, where it will be converted into a maritime museum as unique as it will be interesting. Further plans in regard to this will be announced when they are sufficiently matured to be accurate.”
“The second expedition to Australia, although the sailing was unavoidably delayed until after January, rightfully belong to the last year, the collection of animals and plans for the trip having all been consummated during the year just closing. Three hundred and seventy-eight animals, birds and reptiles make up the shipment which left San Pedro January 3 under the direction of Robert Bean, superintendent of the garden. Aided greatly by the experience already gained on the first trip by Mr. Faulconer, every provision for the crating, feeding, provision and comfort of the animals in transit each way has been made. We have every right to feel confident that this expedition will prove even more successful than the first.
“During the last year our program has necessarily been one of forced and intensive expansion. Starting with little more than the wonderful natural conditions our seal for the cause and the loyal support and interest of our friends, we have succeeded in building a zoo which ranks among the first five in the United States in size and interest. To expand as rapidly as we have, has of necessity forced us to sacrifice some things we would have liked to do, to advance the greater good of the whole.
“Now we feel that the time has come when the exhibit of animals justified a slowing up in that line. We do not meant by that statement that new exhibits will not be added; our desire for hippopotami and giraffe and other longed for things, is only held in abeyance. We feel, however, that more urgent than any of these things is the need for improving some of the now existing conditions. Therefore you will see that in the announcement of next year’s plans the nature of our projects is somewhat different than heretofore.
“Provision has been made in our budge for the repainting as well as further strengthening and beautifying the large Scripps flying cage. All of the ponds and dams are to be cemented, equipped with subterranean drainage and generally improved this year. Money has been set aside for these purposes. We are also planning the construction of small cages and dens for the coyote, coon and other species of animal now improperly housed with the primate group. These will be constructed along the lanes leading to the deer mesa, adding interest and variety to that walk.
“The enlargement of the ice plant enabling us to handle our own fish and meat looms as an immediate necessity. Repairs to many of the now existing cages and grottoes must be provided in the near future.
“The planting this year includes the completion of the work long under way of beautifying the grounds in front of the main entrance.
“One of the most interesting of our plans perfected during the last year, operation of which will begin at once, is the educational work in connection with the city schools. This consists of regular class and lecture work, as well as project work, under the direct supervision and with full cooperation of the nature study and visual educational departments of the city system and will gradually be extended to include the entire county. Classes are brought to the zoo in our buses, together with their teachers, where they are taken in charge by out assistant superintendent and educator, who gives them interesting and accurate instruction in the desired subjects. Two such expeditions have been made for the purpose of experimentation and have proved highly successful. It is fitting at this time to acknowledge our appreciation of the work accomplished by the educational committee this year under the direction of Dr. Myrtle Johnson of state college. We also wish to thank the officers and teachers of the city school system, especially Mr. Scott and Miss Evans for their hearty support and cooperation.
“During the past year our turnstile record shows an increase of 21,008 visitors; 78,425 children have been in the gardens. Our attendance still largely consists of out-of-town folk. We would like to see more of the townsmen visit the zoo regularly. We appreciate the fact that the thing at hand is often neglected, but your time is well spent anywhere in the grounds of Balboa park. We invite each member to visit the garden at least once during the year, then we are sure you will come not once but many times.
“I wish to thank the members of the various city departments who have assisted us so generously again this year in every way they were able. I want to thank the council of the city for their timely aid at the time our grounds were so nearly destroyed by floods.
“The support, encouragement and cooperation that I have received at all times from members of the society and the standing committees throughout the year has been a source of constant pleasure and gratification to me. I am, I feel sure, only voicing the thought of all the directors in saying this tonight. I wish to again thank the board for its unfailing loyalty and interest, and their unselfish efforts on behalf of the society during the last year.”
L M Klauber, curator of reptiles, gave the following report:
“During the last 12 months the reptile department has had one of the most successful years in its history. There is some evidence that snakes were unusually plentiful in San Diego county, this being borne out not only by our own collection, but by the observations of others in southern California.
“During the year 748 snakes were brought into the zoo from San Diego county, in addition to which the writer recorded 93 live and dead specimens in the county, bringing the total for which locations records were obtain to 841. This figure is to be compared with 703 in 1925, 443 in 1924, and 477 in 1923. It will be seen that there has been a substantial increase. It is hoped that by continued stimulation of amateur collectors, large numbers of specimens will be brought in during the coming year. There have been 2464 specimens recorded during the last four years.
“In addition to the San Diego county specimens we secured from adjacent localities in southern California, Arizona and Lower California 55 specimens. There were also a considerable number of lizards and amphibians brought in, together with 21 turtles and tortoises.
“From eastern collectors, dealers and scientific institutions we received through trades and purchases 301 snakes, two lizards, 33 amphibians and 193 turtles. Likewise we received a number of specimens from Europe through trade, totaling 52 snakes, 24 lizards and 35 amphibians.
“We sent out as trades and donations to eastern and European zoos, museums, universities and natural history societies 322 snakes, 151 lizards, 24 turtles and 383 amphibians, these being live specimens. In addition, we forwarded a number of preserved specimens.
“Altogether in number of specimens, our results were better than those of any previous year. In rarities we secured two live and one dead specimen of California Trimorphodon vandenburgi, these being so far as I know the fourth, fifth and sixth specimens taken in California. All were taken by the writer personally.
“The heating plant in the reptile house has now been completed and on the date of this report is being operated in an entirely satisfactory manner. It is hoped that this will change the winter character of our exhibition from one which has been comparatively poor in past years to an exhibit which will be almost equal to hat shown in spring and summer.
“Our annual prize award unquestionably stimulates interest and brings us a large number of specimens. Prizes for 1926 were offered as follows:
“For the individual bring in the greatest number of snakes, $35.
“Next largest number, $20.
“Most unusual specimen, $10.
“A total of $65.
“Similar prizes were offered in 1925.
“The prizes for 1926 should be awarded as follows:
“First prize, for the largest number of specimens, to F. E. Walker of East San Diego, who brought in 205 snakes.
“Second prize to L. F. Faidberg of Chula Vista, who brought in 116 specimens.
“The prize for the most unusual specimen should go to Frank Stephens of San Diego for a sidewinder from Mason valley, While sidewinders are quite common in Imperial Valley we have had during the past four years only three specimens from San Diego county.
“For the year 1927 I would recommend similar prizes. However, I would change the award for most specimens, making it on a basis of points, these points to be based on the rarity of the specimens brought in. In other words, a common snake, such as a San Diego gopher snake, would give the donor one point toward the prize, while a rare snake, as for instance a western faded snake, would give the donor 30 points. In this way we would stimulate an interest in the collection of the rarer species. If this plan meets with your approval, I would be glad to arrange a fair schedule of points.
“I again recommend the possibility of interesting county schools in the collection of snakes, lizards and amphibians (rattlesnakes excluded), by which means we might be able to secure a large number of specimens and many important locality records. Particularly is it desirable that we do more work on the lizards and amphibians in the future.
“During the last year there has been established at Glenolden, Pa., the Antivenin Institute of America, under the directorship of Dr. Afranio de Amaral, late of the Institute de Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil. We are cooperating with the new institute to the extent of securing rattlesnake venom from our local species, whereby the institute may be able to manufacture antivenins, particularly designed to counteract the bites of out local snakes. Thus far we have forwarded to the institute the venom from 130 rattlesnakes. We hope to continue this work next year and every effort should be made to secure a large number of local rattlesnakes, as it will be greatly to our benefit, both from a scientific and practical standpoint to aid in the work of the institute.
“Two brief papers were published in Copeia last year, these being entitled :The Snakes of San Diego County, California” (a table), and “Field Notes on Xantimia henshawii.” The writer has prepared a paper on ‘Rattlesnakes of the Extreme Southwest’ for the Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute, which will probably appear in 1927.”
January 16, 1927, San Diego Union, Society- Club, 1:1, 3:1-2. Dr. Stewart wants San Joaquin and Kern and Tulare County Buildings set aside for Music Center in Balboa Park; need about $25,000 to restore.
January 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:1-2. Good Housekeeping magazine starts story of life of Mme. Schumann-Heink.
January 20, 1927, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
Present: Commissioners Johnson, Marston and Jones.
Mr. W. D. Stewart, applicant for lease of County Fair Farm Bureau Stables in Balboa Park, appeared before the meeting relative to signing of lease. After discussion of the form of lease drawn up by the Board, Mr. Stewart agreed that a form of lease revised as follows would be acceptable to him:
- Rental of stables for use as Riding School at monthly rental of $50.00 for first year
and $75.00 per month thereafter.
- Authorizing Lessee to act for and in behalf of Board of Park Commissioners in
renting stalls or groups of stalls in the other stable at rates to be prescribed by the
Park Commission.
- Requiring the Lessee to keep all grounds around premises in clean and sanitary
- Lessee not to be held responsible for conduct of persons renting stalls or groups of stalls in other stable or their stable attendants.
Mr. Stewart was informed that the lease would be restated, and submitted to him.
In the matter of location of a Central Fire Alarm Station in Balboa Park, upon motion duly seconded, Mr. Morley, park superintendent, was made a committee of one to confer with Fire Chief Algren and report back to the park commission regarding architecture of building.
It was the sense of the meeting that any building erected for the purpose should conform to the architecture of other park buildings and be planned by a certificated architect.
Report and estimate of Superintendent of Parks on road through Dehesa Canyon was held over for another meeting.
The matter of inscription for tablet commemorating dedication of Balboa Park was carried over to next meeting.
The matter of additional Roque Courts was carried over to next meeting.
The secretary reported that a Merry-Whirl, authorized to be placed in the Pepper Grove on 90-day trial, had been shipped from Milwaukee with freight charges of $40 – $43 due; that the shipment had been billed to the Board of Park Commissioners at $175 and is now in the railway depot; that he had tried to located Mr. De Sommers at the location given, but found him out of town. Instructions were given to communicate with the shippers and inform them that the order was not placed by the park department and that the shipment is held by the R. R. Co., subject to their order.
Letter was received from Community Service, Miss Alice Lee, president, requesting use of space in one of the park buildings to accommodate wardrobe and properties, Bureau of the Community Service.
Commissioner Marston moved that the secretary ask Miss Lee and Mr. Deering to look at the old Natural History Building in conference with Mr. Morley and report back to the board. The motion was carried.
January 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:1-3. Nemestrine pig-tailed monkeys proud parents at San Diego Zoo.
January 23, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 17:2-5. Richard S. Requa urges Mediterranean architectural style for San Diego (illus.).
January 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1. Councilman Heilbron criticized efforts of Park Commission to pay John Nolen an additional $1,000.
January 27, 1927, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
Present: Commissioners Johnson, Marston and Jones.
On the subject of Roque Courts, the secretary reported that the committee from the Roque Courts reported collection of around $200 to apply on construction of two additional courts. Mr. Morley reported that the cost would be around $900. Commissioner Marston moved that the park department do the work, provided the committee will contribute $350. The motion was duly seconded and carried.
Mr. Morley, part superintendent, reported that he has seen Mr. Almgren regarding plans of Central Fire Alarm Station and had advised him to see Commissioner Johnson. The matter was held over for another meeting.
In connection with repairing the curtain at the Organ Pavilion, Mr. Morley reported that he has an engineer look the situation over, and he had advised that nothing be done until detail plans and drawings can be secured.
Consideration of Dehesa Canyon Road was carried over to another meeting.
Further consideration of tablet and inscription commemorating dedication of Balboa Park was held over for another meeting.
Letter was received from Grant Circle of the G. A. R. offering gift of new flag to replace the one at the organ. The gift was accepted with thanks.
The secretary presented letter from Mr. John Nolen stating that he is planning to complete the General Plan of Balboa Park and details in time to come to San Diego in the middle of February.
Upon motion, duly seconded, the following increases in pay of park department employees were authorized:
Bookkeeper clerk, $10.00 per month; Manager Refreshment Stand, $15.00 per month;
Foreman Nursery, $5.00 per month.
Mr. Morley reported that the manager of operations has raised his daily men 25 cents per day to take care of pension deductions and that the park employees were asking for a like increase. The matter was held over for further consideration.
January 27, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1-3. Gordon Whitnall, Los Angeles city planing director, assures local Realtors that there is “no bunk in Nolen plan.”
January 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 26:2. San Diego Fine Arts Society elects new directors.
January 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 6:3. Nolen’s city plan book goes on sale tomorrow at $1.50 a copy.
February 4, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1-2. John J. Observer says slow-moving trucks on Pershing Drive cause part of park rush.
February 6, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:4-5. Animals of far lands at Zoo aid school children in subjects.
February 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:1. City Park Commission asked City Council yesterday to put $656,000 park bond issue on ballot; engineer ordered to estimate expense of widening Pershing Drive and of constructing a road for the use of trucks up Powder Canyon.
February 9, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:2. Eugene Shelby suggests park site for civic center.
February 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:4. John Nolen due here; believed he will enter campaign for tideland civic center site.
February 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:2-4. “Dead Eyes” declared greatest triumph of San Diego Players at Yorick Theater/
February 13, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 1:2-7, 2:1-3. Harding Castle at Del Mar designed by Requa and Jackson.
February 15, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:5. Zoo amendments to go on April ballot; would make separate institution of gardens to prevent interference.
February 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:1. San Diego is isolated by floodwater; no trains or stages leave.
February 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:4-5. Switzer Canyon diversion dam may go out; lake in low area between 16th and 19th Streets on B and C.
February 19, 1927, San Diego Union, 2:3-4. John Nolen gives advantages of tidelands civic center site.
February 20, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:1-3. Keeper rescues tigress from watery grave in rain-filled moat (illus.).
February 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:2-3. Zoo amendments will be put on ballot in April election.
February 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:3, 4:4-5. Zoo friends win first round in fight to keep roads from cutting gardens; Council refuses to reword agreement as Marston leads Park Board’s plea to aid Nolen’s City Plan.
Battling against the encroachment of roadways through the San Diego Zoological gardens before the city council yesterday, in the face of a united attack by the city park commissioners, Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president of the zoo, came out with colors flying.
The park commissioners appeared in support of the Nolen plan, which would run roadways through the south and north ends of the zoo, but were unable to convince the council that alterations should be made in a proposed charter amendment setting aside all ground now occupied by the zoo for zoo purposes exclusively.
Council voted last Monday to submit this amendment to the voters at the April election, and City Attorney Higgins yesterday ruled that is it now to late to change the legal description of the land, unless there had been a “clerical error.” Dr. Wegeforth had no difficulty in proving to the council that there had been no such “error.” The commissioners made a determined effort to have certain land at the south end of the zoo, which they desire for one of Nolen’s proposed roads, eliminated from that area which the voters will be asked to set aside for the zoo, but it was a waste of breath.
Dr. Wegeforth declared that the proposed Nolen road entering the park at Nutmeg street would destroy every pond and en in the canyon. He said that the road proposed by Nolen to cut across the north end of the zoo would cut through land deeded to the zoo by the board of education.
Park commissioners were accused by Dr. Wegeforth with taking little interest in the zoo.
“They know nothing about animals,” he said. “Not one of them has been in the zoo for a year. It seems to me that when we give them a fine institution like the zoo, they would at least meet us half way.”
Dr. Wegeforth further charged that funds which should have gone to the zoo were given to the art museum and other institutions. Citizens, he declared, have spent $330,000 on the zoo while the city had only provided $60,000. He explained the popularity of the zoo with the people by declaring that 800,000 people visit it annually.
“This proposed road at the south end,” he continued, “is merely a road to cut our research building and hospital off from the main zoo.”
The doctor declared that it was much better to set aside 80 acres for a zoo then to let it go to sagebrush. “You can’t play golf on the park golf course without breaking a stick,” he added.
George W. Marston, W. Templeton Johnson and Colonel E. W. Jones, all members of the park commission, each spoke at length. Mr. Marston defended the Nolen plan and told of the commission’s hope to follow out that plant to successful conclusion. He said all roads suggested by Nolen are needed.
“All friction the park commission has encountered is with the board of education and the zoo,” continued Mr. Marston.
Councilman Held said that the zoo is the greatest attraction in the park, and that all city officials ought to cooperate in every way with the people who “put the zoo across.”
Dr. Wegeforth insisted that the Nolen plan for park improvement is a “beautifully colored’ thing and looks fine as a map, but that it has faults. Nolen, he declared, should have designed a road to run through from Upas street and not from Nutmeg street through the seal ponds of the zoo.
“If the road would interfere with the seals, the doctor could remove them,” suggested Mr. Marston, who then told of his 20 years of service in developing Balboa park.
The park commissioners asserted that the ground through which the south road would pass was never intended for zoo purposes, but Dr. Wegeforth declared that it was granted to the zoo by a former park commission, and allowed a letter as evidence.
“Is something they gave you in writing worth only a pinch of snuff?” asked the doctor.
As the thing now stands, two zoo amendments will be submitted to the voters in April. One sets aside that ground now occupied by the zoo, including the land near the new research building, over which yesterday’s discussion originated, to be used exclusively for zoological purposes. If this amendment is approved by the voters, the park commission will not be able to put roadways through the zoo.
The second amendment allows the zoo 2 cents annually on each $100 assessed valuation, to which Dr. Wegeforth asserts the zoo is already entitled, but is unable to get in full from the park authorities.
Another proposed amendment operating a zoo commission was turned down by council last Monday, the councilman believing that everything in the park should be under one head.
February 27, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:5-6. Tom Isabell calls proposed street through Zoo “spite” road.
February 27, 1927, San Diego Union, 15:3-5. Lower Otay Dam replica impounds waters for seal boarders of Zoological Gardens.
March 4, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:1. Children offered prizes for best letters on Zoo; cash to be given students for arguments in favor of charter amendments.
March 5, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:4. Navy to spend $1,000,000 for many projects at local base; Hospital addition among structures to be underway before July 1.
March 6, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:5. Children to win cash for letters on Zoo measures.
March 9, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:5. H. C. Godell of the educational research department of the San Diego Zoo tells Kiwanians of Zoo’s needs.
March 10, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:2. Zoo to defend charter issue; speakers will officiate at request of any club desiring information.
March 11, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-8. New John D. Spreckels building opens today on south side of Broadway between 6th and 7th streets.
March 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 25:1. Zoo directorate lists purpose of amendments.
March 14, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:1. Board of Park Commissioners issues comprehensive report on Noel plan to make Balboa Park world’s loveliest.
March 15, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:4. Zoo directors get inquiries about contest.
March 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:5, 2:4. Zoo fight ended with compromise; directors of Society and Park Board agree on all points of difference; as public to vote tax.
The zoo fight is over. Members of the park commission and the directorate of the San Diego Zoological society met yesterday afternoon to consider the matter of compromise and the park commissioners agreed to a compromise road and to set aside land asked for zoo purposes. Both parties agreed that the two-cent tax asked in charter amendment No. 4 is a desirable measure and should be voted.
The principal objection offered by the zoo to the running of a road through the park at the location mentioned by the Nolen plan was that it would isolate from the zoo the beautiful new hospital and research building now nearing completion, and that it would destroy important pools, cages, pens and planting in the zoo.
The park commission generously agreed to meet the zoo half way and compromised on the road location, bring it up just south of the research building and behind the California building, thus providing an entrance to the zoo through the building. Such a location for the road will neither disturb present developments nor the birds and animals along the southern boundary of the zoo.
On the matter of the two-cent tax, the park board decided that such a tax is a reasonable amount to ask for zoo support, and agreed that so large an institution as the zoo cannot be dependent on a variable income when the lives of so many valuable animal specimens are dependent on the proper funds and upkeep. Both the zoological society and the park board will accordingly urge the citizens to vote for charter amendment No. 4 on the ballot next month.
The agreement regarding the road and the setting aside of zoo grounds for zoo purposes was outlined by the meeting and put into the hands of a joint committee, Colonel E. M. Jones representing the park board and Gordon Gray the zoo, to be drawn up in proper form. The legal agreement will be published as soon as it is completed, it was announced, so that the people may know just what the two important park bodies recommended in the way of votes on the municipal ballot.
“We are happy that an agreement has been reached,” said Dr. Harry Wegeforth,, president of the Zoological society, last night. “Both the park and the zoo will profit by it.”
“It is a matter of great gratification that our differences have been reconciled and that the park and the zoo will work together in harmony,” declared members of the park commission.
March 27, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. South entrance to Zoo will be opened today.
Providing a short and interesting road to the zoo a new entrance to be known as the south entrance will be opened to pedestrian traffic today.
The entrance is reached by passing north through the east arcade of the California Quadrangle just at the foot of the California tower and is intended only for foot passengers. It will make the gardens more accessible for pedestrians crossing the Cabrillo bridge.
The new entrance reached the Zoological gardens at the zoo research building as is the focal point for zoo roads. The bus, which makes the rounds of the gardens, stops at the new entrance.
The zoo directors urge that those who come to the park in automobiles continue to use the main or east entrance of the zoo, as ample parking space for cars is provided there.
The board of park commissioners and the directors of the Zoological society have reached an agreement in regard to the territory occupied by the zoo and it is by this agreement that the board is allowing the zoo to open the new south entrance.
As this same agreement provides that the road proposed in the Noel plan will be constructed south of the zoo research building and not through zoological territory, the directors of the Zoological society are asking the people to vote No on Proposition No. 3 at the general election April 5.
However, the directors feel that it is essential that everyone vote Yes on No. 4 as this insures the continuance of the present financial arrangement whereby the city provides a portion of the zoo’s upkeep. This amendment has been indorsed by the park board, the chamber of commerce and many other organizations in the city.
March 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:5-6. Manager beams as he funds bumps are on Park Board; bad hole at 6th near Upas Street and two holes on Cabrillo Bride; angle park on Balboa Park horseshoe grounds, by John J. Observer.
March 17, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 14:1. Gunshot victim’s body is found in a canyon in Balboa Park near 6th and Quince Streets.
March 19, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. W. Wooley says tidelands site not contemplated in Nolen plan.
March 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:1. Harry C. Clark leads in mayoralty fight at city primary election; Percy J. Benbough second; tidelands site approved for civic center.
March 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 6:6. Los Angeles firm gets contracts for construction of hospital buildings in Balboa Park; Orndoff Construction Company to construct hospital corpsman’s barracks, mortuary ward and three officers’ quarters at a cost of $347,500; total wards amounted to $427,182; work will start about April 1.
March 27, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2. South entrance to Zoo will be opened today at Research Center; intended only for foot passengers.
March 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:8. School bonds defeated in light vote; first school bond to fail in 18 years; rainy day is blamed for result.
March 31, 1927, Letter, J. W. Sefton, Jr., President, San Diego Society of Natural History, to Board of Park Commissioners, Balboa Park, San Diego, California (Board of Park Commissioners, Correspondence, Box 1, San Diego Public Library)..
When representatives of the Fine Arts Society, the San Diego Museum Association and the San Diego Society of Natural History called upon you recently, it was agreed that, for the present, institutions in Balboa Park should seek support through the Park Board rather than attempt a charter amendment for a direct tax levy. The San Diego Society of Natural History has not hitherto shared in city funds, although we believe that the records of the Park Board for the year 1925 will show that the Board was unanimous in recognizing the principle that the Society of Natural History stands in a position no different from that of the Fine Arts Society and the San Diego Museum Association in maintaining one of the “exhibits in Balboa Park,” referred to by the City Council in that year.
As the increasing cost of keeping its building in repair and the uncertainty of private subscriptions, upon which the Society has been dependent, render continuance of its work s one of the major attractions of Balboa Park exceedingly difficult without financial help from the City, the San Diego Society of Natural History hereby respectfully makes formal application for a share of the city funds allotted to the Park Board. The Society does not at this time request a definite sum, and will use its influence toward securing the largest possible apportionment to the Park Board under the new City assignments. The Society feels, however, that its work justifies an amount an least equal to that made available to the San Diego Museum Association.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. W. Sefton, Jr., President
San Diego Society of Natural History.
April 1, 1927, San Diego Sun, 4, 10:2-3. Park and Zoo agree on vote.
A joint appeal to the citizens of San Diego urging them to vote “No” on Proposition No. 3 and “Yes” on Proposition No. 4 of the proposed charter amendments at the election next Tuesday, has been issued by the park commissioners and the zoo directors.
Proposition No. 4 sets aside two cents of the tax levy for the exclusive use and the maintenance of the zoo. The request to the people to vote “No” on No. 3 came as the result of a conference held recently between the park board and the zoo directors. This conference brought about an agreement whereby the park board promised to allocate additional land to the use of the zoo, if the officials of the zoo would agree not to press their demands for concessions which would interfere with the successful carrying out of the Nolen plan.
The zoo officials proposition was to have set aside for the zoo’s exclusive use the land it now occupies and an additional nine or ten acres. This was opposed by the park board and the save-the-park committee on the ground that the additional land sought would forever block construction of the proposed east and west highway through the park, which was considered a vital part of the Nolen park plan. As a result of the conference, the zoo officials gave up their claims for this particular land in return for the park board’s agreement to set aside land for the zoo’s use in a location that would not interfere with the proposed cross-town highway.
April 2, 1927, San Diego Sun. EDITORIAL: Propositions on Ballot — Number One, Yes; Number Two, Yes; Number Three, No; Number Four, Yes; Number Five, Yes; Tidelands Lease, Yes.
April 2, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:3-4. Zoo hospital and research laboratory formally opened; scientists and physicians attend opening of new building equipped for study of animal diseases; directors invite public to visit late at unit in Balboa Park building designed by Louis J. Gill in Spanish-Renaissance style of architecture.
April 3, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1-3. New California Theater more than 95 percent complete (illus.).
April 3, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 6:1-4. New Zoo animal hospital open to public today (illus.).
April 3, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1-4. Rain menaces San Diego Boy Scouts’ Indian Village; lack of funds prevents restoration of picturesque exposition group.
(Photographs of two rooms in the Indian Village which have gone to ruin.)
When the Panama-California Exposition opened its gates in 1915, one of the largest, most important and interesting exhibits on the grounds was the Indian Village which had been located at the north side of the exposition by the Santa Fe Railway.
In the erection of the buildings of the Indian enclosure, the Santa Fe has not only considered their adherence to the very details of the New Mexico villages, but it had made them more than semi-permanent. When, therefore, the exposition days were over, the Indian Village, including the residence houses, the kivas and the imitation boulders of the fence and the grounds were in good condition and fitted for occupancy, at least ___________.
After careful consideration, the Indian Village, which was too fine a thing to be destroyed, was turned over to the San Diego Boy Scout troops as a permanent headquarters, and immediately it became apparent that the San Diego Boy Scouts had a headquarters that was unique in the United States and which was worthy of permanent preservation.
The enclosure, made by the walls of the village, was large enough for two or three athletic fields, a swimming pool, and spaces for the exemplification of Boy Scout activities. Some of the rooms of the village were large enough for assembly work, and from the beginning it was seen that the gift of the village to the Boy Scouts had been in reality a gift to all the scouts of southern California, and a rallying ground such as no other city in the country could afford.
After a short time, however, it was seen that the buildings needed supervision and repairs, and for this work there was no money. Many of the roofs of the village had been covered deeply with earth to carry out the Indian idea of roofs and the weight of this earth began to destroy the roofs. The plaster fell away from the walls of the rooms, floors were rotted through, and the ravages of time became increasingly severe until now the Boy Scouts are able to use only one or two rooms of what would be the largest and most complete Boy Scout headquarters in the possession of the organization.
The work of the Boy Scouts, it has been said by men and women who have concerned themselves with the scouts and the Indian Village, is being supported by the Community Chest, but in the chest there are no funds for the repair and maintenance of the buildings or grounds of the headquarters. The result has been, it is pointed out, that interest in scouting in San Diego is dying, the boys are losing their former lover for their rallying ground in Balboa Park, and visiting troops here on vacation trips and hikes, find their accommodations worse than poor.
The space allotted in the grounds for a swimming pool for the scouts, it was also remembered yesterday, has never been used for that or any other purpose, although the scouts have been promised a swimming pool every year since they first took over the grounds. What may be done to remedy conditions for the Boy Scouts is now a matter of deep consideration to Boy Scout executives and friends of boys in general who fear that unless definite steps are taken in the immediate future to repair the buildings of the Indian Village, the magnificent gift which as been made to the Boy Scouts will in a short time be reduced to such a condition as will demand its destruction because of unsightliness and real danger to those who frequent the inclosure.
April 4, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:3-4. Zoo heads explain purpose of Charter Amendment No. 4.
Because of a certain amount of misunderstanding among the voters of the city regarding the intent and the effect of charter amendment No. 4 on tomorrow’s ballot, officials of the San Diego Zoological society are anxious to straighten the matter out, and to contradict some erroneous advertising that has been done by opponents of the measure, they announced last night in this statement:
“The amendment, providing that two cents of the 16-cent tax levied for park purposes shall be set aside for the use of the zoo, does not add a cent to the taxes of the city or increase the revenues of the zoo a nickel. Despite some advertising to the contrary, the amendment will neither raise more revenue nor give more of it to the zoo.
“The purpose of the amendment is to make certain that the zoo will never get less than a certain amount, so that the many valuable animals in the zoo will not be dependent for their lives upon the whim of any group that might control the appropriation of zoo funds from the park funds. The zoo is now getting the two cents for which it asks, but there is no legal requirement that the park board give the zoo the two cents. The amendment seeks to make permanent the income it now has be agreement.
“The members of the Zoological society’s directorate and the members of the park commission are agreed that the amendment is desirable and that the zoo should be assured of a revenue by law. Both bodies are advocating it.”
“We are not asking for more money or a higher tax,” said Dr. Harry Wegeforth, president of the Zoological society yesterday. “We merely want our income settled upon us by law. The park is already getting 16 cents. It will continue to get 16 cents, not a penny more. The zoo will get the two cents it is already getting, not a cent more. As far as the general tax rate is concerned, the amendment will not affect it.”
April 5, 1927, ELECTION
Proposition 3 — sets aside a portion of Balboa Park as a Zoological Garden and prohibits the land so used from being crossed by highways or used for any purpose inconsistent with a Zoological Garden.
Yes 9,610
No 9,368
Proposition 4 — not less than 10 cents and not more than 16 cents of each $100 valuation of property for maintaining parks, plazas and squares, at least 2 cents to be used for Zoological exhibit
Yes 11,149
No 8,291
April 6, 1927, San Diego Evening Tribune. Indian Village, Once Unique, Now in Danger of Destruction.
(Photograph shows the ravages which time and the elements are causing.)
Essentially the same article at that in the San Diego Union, April 3, 1927, see above.
April 6, 1927, San Diego Evening Tribune, 15:1. Zoological Society gives prizes for articles on “What the Zoo Means to the Children of San Diego and Why It Should Be Kept Intact.”
April 6, 1927, San Diego Sun, 1:1-2, 2:4-5. Seifert defeats Heilbron by more than two to one for Council vacancy; Dowell, M’Mullen win out for long term on Council; Harry C. Clark, attorney, was elected mayor of San Diego by a majority of 6,352 votes.
April 6, 1927, San Diego Sun, 1:1-2. Tideland leases, charter amendments all victorious.
April 6, 1927, San Diego Sun, 5:2. Zoo succumbs to Spring; reporter falls asleep too; snakes dream of summer, den high among Cuyamacas; tigers lost all interest in onlookers, by Charles Clark.
April 6, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. Harry C. Clark elected mayor; Charter Amendment No. 3, giving certain lands in the park to the zoo, was adopted despite the request of Zoo authorities and the Park Commission to vote it down; the Zoo also gets 2 percent on each $100 of assessed valuation.
April 9, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:3-6. State Visual Association delegates open annual 2-day conference in New Mexico Building.
April 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1-4. San Diego Council, Boy Scouts, ready to open campaign April 23 to rehabilitate Indian Village headquarters; buildings erected by the Santa Fe Railway Company at a cost of $150,000; “Jamboree” at Boys’ Headquarters Will Be Opening of Committee’s Campaign..
(Photographs of Boy Scouts signaling from the Hopi kiva in the center of the Indian Village; rescue practice from one of the cliffs in the Indian Village enclosure; inspection in front of one of the communal buildings of the Village.)
Designed to rehabilitate permanently what is generally described as one of the superlative beauties of Balboa park as well as the most distinctive and unusual Boy Scout headquarters in the world, the San Diego County Council of the Boy Scouts of America, acting through a special campaign committee, will begin on Saturday, April 23, the solicitation of funds with which to put the Indian Village at Balboa Park on a continuing basis of usefulness and beauty for the Boy Scouts of San Diego county and the public in general.
The campaign, which will continue from next Saturday to the following Saturday, will have for its object the obtaining of $39,274.50, the sum estimated to be necessary to repair and preserve the buildings of the Indian Village, to built an all-year swimming pool for the boys of the city, and to restore the Village to the attractiveness which was its during the two years of the Panama-California Exposition.
The sum required has been arrived had after a careful examination of the Indian Village and its buildings by a group of local contractors and engineers. Their investigations included all the walls surrounding the Village and the artificial stone formations, boulders and cliffs of the inclosure, and the net result of their work was a verdict either to rehabilitate the Village by permanent renewals and repairs or destroy it.
The Village, it will be remembered, was built by the Santa Fe Railway Company to be a residence place for the members of a number of tribes of Indians brought here during the Exposition to give, under natural conditions and in natural surroundings, a complete and true presentation of their lives on the desert. For two years the Indian Village was one of the most popular and attractive features of Balboa Park, and tens of thousands of visitors learned then to admire the really great work of the Santa Fe Railway Company in building, amid the verdure and softness of Balboa Park, so true and so large a replica of the communal Indian dwelling places of New Mexico.
When the Exposition closed its gates the Indian Village became the possession of the city park commission, which in turn gave it to the San Diego County Council of the Boy Scouts of America. At once it was recognized that in the Indian Village the San Diego Scouts had a headquarters and rallying group superior in beauty and value to that of any other troop in the world.
After some time, however, it became apparent, even to the boys, that the Indian Village needed attention and money. No definite effort to provide either of these was made. Time and the elements started their ravages, walls started to crumble, foundation rotted away, roofs fell in, the grand total of devastation having been reached during the past year, when it was found that the Village had become a menace to the limbs and lives of the boys.
Two course of procedure were open. Either the Indian Village would be repaired, or it would have to be destroyed. Under the direction of Charles E. Rinehart, president of the executive board of the San Diego Council of Boy Scouts, an investigation of conditions was started and with the result of this in hand the members of the board decided to make an effort to rehabilitate the Village, not only for the boys, but for all Southern California, and to perpetuate a feature of Balboa Park which cannot be duplicated.
The present campaign will open at the Indian Village, Balboa Park at 1 o’clock next Saturday afternoon with a Boy Scout jamboree, band music, and a general afternoon of show, free to the public. The program has been prepared by the Boy Scout executives of the county, with a view not only to giving a real presentation of the work to be done by the organization for the boys of the county, but of providing an afternoon of entertainment which will be so attractive as any outdoor offering of recent months in this city.
The Boy Scout program Saturday, in addition to the band music, addresses and special entertainment which will be provided for the public will include the following parts:
Grand entry of the Boy Scouts of the city and county, headed by the national colors review of the scouts and a massed pledge of allegiance to the flag. Then there will be a band selection, and then, in three rings, in which there will be simultaneous exhibitions of Boy Scout work, there will be three series of thrilling presentations by the boys. These will include tent pitching, signaling drill, pyramid building, wall scaling, fire by friction, staff drill, scout drill, tournaments and first aid.
After this big show in finished, there will be the assembling of the council, the scout benediction and the exit march. Interspersed among all the numbers there will be band selections, special announcements and special features which are now being arranged by the committee in charge. The band of the day will be the organization of the San Diego Army and Navy Academy, Pacific Beach.
The work of the campaign will be under the general direction of an organization headed by Milton A. McRae, national vice president of the Boy Scouts of America, as director-general of the work, and Charles F. Rinehart, president of the San Diego Council of Boy Scouts as chief executive. The secretarial management of the campaign will be in the hands of John Lawrence Fox, and the various divisions of the work will be cared for by the following executives as “eagle scouts.”
(List of “Eagle Scout” workers follows.)
There are no funds in the Community Chest for the repair of buildings, nor is there any agency in the city through which the work can be done except the Boy Scouts, although the Boy Scout executives are undertaking the work of preservation of the Indian Village for all San Diego.
April 17, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2-4. Easter program this afternoon at Organ Pavilion; Mrs. Edna M. Sylvester, soprano, soloist..
April 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 2:5. Drive to save Indian Village opens Saturday with a three-ring “jamboree” at the Indian Village.
April 20, 1927, San Diego Union, 17:2-4. Speakers take field in Scouts’ drive to raise $39,274 for Indian Village.
(Photographs of a general view of one of the communal buildings and of a corner of a communal building showing how the passage of time and lack of care has affected the structure.)
April 21, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 17:1. Realtors to aid Home Exposition in Balboa Park May 10-14.
April 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:1. California Theater to open tonight at 4th and C.
April 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 20:2-5. Boy Scouts to stage huge three-ring “jamboree” tomorrow as Indian Village fund drive opens (photographs of signal drill, walls scaling, and first-air work).
The Indian Village was built originally for the Panama-California Exposition by the Santa Fe Railway Company. Its cost was $225,000 and it included two large communal buildings, Hopi kivas, Navajo hogans, artificial cliffs and rocks and a cliff wall around the entire enclosure.
April 22, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 21:1. Community Service Group plans chain of parks in city and county.
April 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:2-3. San Diego Boy Scouts’ “Jamboree” today will open County drive to save Indian Village in Park.
Preceding the “jamboree” today there will be in the Indian Village a luncheon of campaign workers, headed by Charles E. Rinehart, president of the San Diego Council of Boy Scouts and executive scout of the present campaign. . . . During the luncheon the final details of the campaign will be completed and the work of solicitation actually put under way.
April 24, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:3-8. Boy Scouts open drive to save Indian Village; Cliffs line with crowds at “jamboree”; program by boys initiates solicitation of $39,274 fund to rehabilitate Balboa work, play center (photographs of Boy Scouts saluting the colors in front of one of the communal buildings’ band of the Army and Navy Academy of Pacific Beach; wall scaling; release of homing pigeons in signal practice’ and Marion H. Hart, Jr., voted by 500 scouts the ideal scout of the San Diego County Council).
President Rinehart announced that the American Legion, through the “40 and 8” organization of that body, has sent word to the Council by Lester Olmstead of the Brown Olmstead Company that it has decided to take over the building of the projected mess hall, a part of the rehabilitation program, at a cost of $2,703. The announcement was cheered loudly.
April 23, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 14:1. Schumann-Heink, Realtor, named director of Home Exhibit to be held in County Fair Building in Balboa Park.
April 23, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 24:5. Elm to be planted today near Pepper Grove by the Nebraska Association in honor of J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day.
April 24, 1927, San Diego Union, 2:5-6. Diablo, giant python at Zoo, to stretch coils on lawn this afternoon.
April 24, 1927, San Diego Union, 18:3-6. Spring Rose and Flower Show in building at southwest corner of main plaza in Balboa Park.
April 24, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-8, 2:5-6. Scouts open drive to save Indian Village.
April 26, 1972, 8:1-2. Local Zoo leading county in activity, says Wegeforth; San Diego supplies world with trained seals; drops unscientific methods.
San Diego Zoo is a step ahead of the rest of the zoological gardens in the country, according to Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth, president of the San Diego Zoological society, who spoke at the Hammer club meeting in Seltzer’s Café yesterday noon. The point of this city’s greatest zoological superiority, he said, lies in the newly completed hospital and research building, where the society expects to learn a great deal about the habits, needs and diseases of animals kept in captivity.
Wild animals have been kept in captivity for educational, entertainment and religious purposes for many centuries said Dr. Wegeforth, adding that only in recent years has any serious effort been made to understand the animals and their needs, to make them comfortable in their captivity, and to learn more about their habits and demands. The increasing demand of wild animals has led to the organization of networks of animal dealers’ agencies which cover the world. Hagenbeck was the first of these dealers to modernize and humanize the treatment, care and training of wild animals, and his methods are now widely used.
Torture methods of handling animals have been abandoned, said the doctor, and the dens now built for captive animals are of the moat type, giving greater freedom and more nearly natural surroundings. Medical interest in captive animals has increased and medical men the world over are studying animal diseases with a view to preventing them, just as human diseases are prevented, through quarantine, isolation, sanitation and diet. The new hospital and research building here will enable scientists to do more along this line than has ever been done before.
In the matter of education, the Zoological gardens of the country are taking a leading part. Here the children are taken on regular trips to the zoo, where the education director lectures on the subjects they happen to be studying: if it is geography, he tells about the animals in the region they are studying, showing the animals and telling of their habits. Through such agencies, the school children of the country are learning more about animals and are more interested in them and kind to them as a result.
The doctor then told some interesting stories of the capture of wild animals from elephants to cats and monkeys, how they are shipped and trained. San Diego, he said, provides practically all the trained seals seen in circus and vaudeville acts in this and even in other countries. A careful method of selection and training is used to the end that this zoo has a reputation for furnishing healthy, intelligent, well-trained animals. They are valuable for trading also, the local zoo receiving many fine exhibits in trade for the sea lions captured off this port.
Dr. Wegeforth concluded by urging greater interest in the San Diego Zoo, which has one of the most beautiful locations and arrangements of any zoo in the country. It will be one of the show spots of the county if it continues to develop as it has in the past, he predicted.
April 26, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:1. Scouts pledge selves to save Indian Village; luncheon at noon at the San Diego Hotel; prominent citizens, firms praise good work done by organization; opening day receipts $5,245,84.
Mayor John L. Bacon said that Herbert Hoover had told him in Washington, D. C., recently that in tests made recently the percentage of honesty in boys of the public school who were not boy scouts was 60, while boy scouts rated 90 percent in the same tests.
April 27, 1927, San Diego Union, 26:2-3. Many interesting events await Natural History Museum patrons.
April 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:1. Trades offer $1,000 in labor on Boys’ home; McRae boosts Indian Village fund by $2,000; Gas Company gives $1,000.
With a total contribution of $12,434, after two days of solicitation, the campaign for rehabilitation of the Indian Village now being conducted by the Boy Scouts in an effort to preserve the village from destruction went a long way toward the goal of $39,274.50.
April 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 15:3-4. Odd Fellows to hold big booster meeting in American Legion Building in Balboa Park tomorrow night.
April 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:1-4. $25,244 pledged in campaign of Boy Scouts to save Indian Village in park; city-wide donations lauded; Disable Vets contribute $14 with highly-prized letter; workers to make final report Wednesday.
May 4, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:3. San Diego Public Safety Committee discussed new truck road through Balboa Park yesterday; northern outlet at Florida and University Streets and southern terminus at some point between 18th and 20th on B Street.
May 4, 1927, San Diego Union, 6:3. Think Boy Scout drive goal reached; workers to make final reports today; Rinehart praises support offered by entire city to save Indian Village; luncheon today at San Diego Hotel; more than $25,000 subscribed already.
May 5, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:4-6. Boy Scout workers near goal in drive for funds to restored Indian Village; cash and pledges now $35,500.
May 8, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 1:1. City to celebrate first annual Better Homes Week; Balboa Park to be scene of exposition for home builders; 6-day program starting tomorrow in County Fair building will feature lectures and advice for improvement of dwellings.
May 10, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1-2. Five thousand attend dedication of Better Homes Exposition.
May 10, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:2-4. Impressive ceremony marks Masons’ groundbreaking for 80-foot flagpole to be erected in Balboa Park on Marston Point.
May 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1. Throngs visit Better Homes Exposition in Park; public interest aroused by fine booth displays; authorities will take up builders’ problems at today’s program.
May 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:7-8. Miniature stucco dwelling by Quality Building and Securities Company awarded first prize at exposition for most original and unique booth.
May 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:7-8. Better Homes Show today featuring “Own Your Own.”
May 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:1-2. Many enjoy Better Homes Show program.
May 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:5, 2:5-6. City Planning Commissioners favor Nolen plan modification; harbor dredging would give warship basin and seaplane runway; would add 500 acres to North Island.
May 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:1-4. Visit to Better Homes Show gives reporter new ideas.
May 14, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1. Record-breaking crowd to see Better Homes Show finale; special features to end week of park exposition; Academy Band to give program this evening.
May 14, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Henry Lowe finds one pair of eyes not enough to see everything at Better Homes Show in Balboa Park.
May 15, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:2-3. Zoo gets rare kangaroo that lives in tree tops (illus.).
May 15, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:2-3. Homes Exposition ends successful week’s run here; San Diego Chamber of Commerce staged the exposition under the sponsorship of the Federated Women’s Clubs of San Diego County; music program given last night by San Diego Army and Navy Academy Orchestra
May 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 22:3-5. Motley crew of animals from Australia busy finding Who’s Who in Zoo today.
May 22, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3, 2:1. Zoo raises rate to pay for new rare collection; children will be admitted free; shipment from Australia doubles attractions.
May 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 3:1-4. Academy of Our Lady of Peace (Villa Montemar) overlooks Mission Valley; facilities for 600.
May 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:6, 3:4-6, May 31, 1927, 1:2-3, 3:5. Memorial Day ceremonies at Organ Pavilion
June 3, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:3. Masons of city to dedicate flag pole on June 14 on Marston Point; big parade planned.
June 5, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 12:2-5. Drawing of Cuyamaca Club by Frank P. Allen, Jr., new $500,000 home to be built at Second and A Streets.
June 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:2-3. Bids for fight on Argentine ant pest in park demanded by Council.
June 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:5. Three school bands to give program at park Sunday.
June 10, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:5. City Park Board plans projects costing $900,000.
June 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:7-8. Fire Chief and Park Officials look horns on Balboa Park site for proposed fire alarm station.
June 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:3-4. Free cooking school tomorrow in American Legion Building, sponsored by Union-Tribune.
June 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 24:1. Royal A. Brown to give his final concert at Organ Pavilion.
June 12, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-5. John Austin, Spreckels organ builder, returns; finds work good.
June 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:6. A delegation of citizens from the northeast section of the city will ask the City Council Monday morning that a bond issue be submitted at the approaching election for the widening of Pershing Drive through Balboa Park; work would cost about $60,000.
June 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:5. Minnesota Society plans to plant trees in Pepper Grove next Saturday in honor of Charles Lindbergh and father.
June 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:5-6. George W. Marston pays tribute to memory of Russel C. Allen of Bonita who died last Saturday.
June 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:1. St. Francis Chapel will be setting for wedding tomorrow.
June 19, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 6:2. Colonel John A. Griffin, former Los Angeles city engineer, visualizes plans for beautification of Mission Valley and future city growth; would establish new park between Linda Vista mesa and San Diego proper. (illus.).
June 19, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 5:1. Combined orchestras of Senior Junior Schools to present annual symphony this afternoon at park organ (illus.).
June 21, 1927, San Diego Union, 16:4. Pershing Drive will get place on bond ballot in August; City Council agrees to add $60,000 to issues for proposed improvements.
June 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:2-3. A dance in honor of all the enlisted men in the destroyer fleet now in San Diego will be staged at the American Legion auditorium, Balboa Park, Wednesday night, from 8 until 12 o’clock under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce.
July 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 7. C. A. Gummere of La Jolla told San Diego Rotary Club yesterday to sell San Diego through fame of park.
July 3, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:3-4. Outdoor evening recitals to be given at Organ twice weekly by Miss Gladys Hollingsworth.
July 4, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:8. Civic Orchestra in Park concert yesterday.
July 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:4-5. Hopi Indians will stage tribal dances at Organ Pavilion tomorrow; program offered by Natural History Museum, San Diego Museum and Fine Arts Society; no admission will be charged; contributions may be made to restoration fund.
July 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:3-4. Philharmonic Orchestra to offer second concert of summer series at Organ Pavilion Sunday; nominal admission charge.
July 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:4-6. Organized labor lends Boy Scouts hand in building Indian Village Mess Hall; roofers and lathers turn to on work sponsored by “40 and 8’; plasterers to complete construction Sunday (photographs of building as it is being finished by members of the American Legion and organized labor; of work starting on the mess hall a little more than a month ago, and of people prominent in the construction of the building).
The completion of the mess hall will be the first step in the improvement and rehabilitation of the Indian Village for the use of the Boy Scouts
The second step will be the construction of a swimming pool and bluejackets from the naval training station have been busy excavating for the last week.
The San Diego Pyramid of Sciots will have charge of the third step in the reconstruction and it will take the form of the conversion of the northern portion of the Zuni pueblo into sleeping quarters, offices and work rooms for the Boy Scouts who may be quartered in the Indian Village.
July 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:1-2. Mrs. Kent Hamilton Abbott, Ohio resident, donated $500 “toward a permanent museum building”; announcement by Clinton Abbott, director, Natural History Museum.
July 15, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:2. 2:6. O’Rourke suit puts crimp in city park work; curtailment of budget fund releases 22 workmen; action proves boomerang; action to restrain City Council from making any appropriations in addition to the original budget established last December.
July 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:6. Patrick F. O’Rourke asserts ample cash left for park.
July 17, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Fire damaged local zoo warehouse last night; caged animals are crazed by smoke clouds; trapped dog victim in blaze doing $2,500 damage; caretaker burned in dash to save park bus.
Crazed by the smell of smoke pouring from the burning warehouse of the zoological gardens last night, elephants trumpeted and lions roared from their compounds only a few blocks away from the burning building, enacting realistically the pandemonium depicted in the fabled circus tent filled with performing animals.
Less fortunate than the caged animals a dog, placed in one of the rooms earlier in the day after he had been chasing deer in the zoo, paid with his own life when the flames reached him. His owner remain unidentified last night.
Believed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion in a first floor room of the warehouse containing paints and oils, the fire which broke out at 7:30 last evening, destroyed part of 15 tons of hay stored in the loft of the building, damaged the wall of the structure, and almost completely destroyed the body of one of two motor sightseeing buses parked in the building. The other, which was removed from the burning house when the fire was first discovered, was undamaged.
Causing flames that were clearly discernible in the University and park areas of the city, the building, which is located at the north end of the zoological gardens, was saved only from total destruction by the combined efforts of four engine companies from throughout the city. Although the walls were severely damaged, belief was expressed by Battalion chief J. A. Wood, who placed the total loss in the neighborhood of $2,500, that the structure can be repaired without necessitating a complete rebuilding.
To prevent another outbreak during the night in the smoldering hay, Wood said engine company No. 3, from Fifth and Palm, would probably remain at the scene most of the night.
Harry Edwards, laborer and night watchman, was painfully burned on the hands while trying to drive the second bus from the flaming building.
The fire, which burned more than two hours, attracted a crowd, nearly a replica of that seen in the park two years ago when the civic auditorium burned to the ground in the central portion of the old fair grounds.
July 17, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:3-5. Stock converts Zoo corner into nursery for 16 deer; babies of Japanese, English, Mexican and Asian extraction cavort for visitors in paddock (illus.)
July 17, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1. Balboa Park is scene of pretty wedding; 100 guests at St. Francis Chapel ceremony.
July 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:5. Zoo warehouse is total loss; no insurance held; fire believed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion.
July 19, 1927, San Diego Union, 4:2. City Attorney Shelly Higgins yesterday made a ruling that the Park Commissioners had no legal right to grant the use of the old Nevada State Building to the O’Rourke Zoological Institute without the consent of the Zoological Society of San Diego; Dr. Wegeforth needs the building.
July 19, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1. Demurrer filed in O’Rourke suit; action expected as City declares attack on appropriations are groundless.
July 20, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:1-2. Spreckels Organ program notes for free recital this evening by Gladys Hollingsworth.
July 24, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2-3. Lovers of horseback riding plan move to establish bridle paths in park by raising fund of $1,000.
July 24, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club. Philharmonic Orchestra to give 4th concert of series this afternoon at Organ Pavilion.
July 26, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:4. O’Rourke loses Zoo building by Council’s order; Park Commission’s transfer declared illegal.
July 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:5, 3:6. New Switzer Dam proposed; park lake to be provided; canyon dams would save $500,000 for drains, Council told; property owners protesting the plan urged to file objections; hearing scheduled next Monday.
July 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 3:3. Mayor Clark declares present Council is not responsible for canyon plan; protest meeting announced for tonight.
July 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 3:4-6. Map of boundaries of assessment district, formed under provisions of Mattoon act, for payment of costs estimated at about $653,000 of proposed Switzer Canyon drainage district .
July 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:6. Judge Shortall in Superior Court yesterday sustained city demurrer in O’Rourke action; extra expenditures authorized legally; funds still tied up; O’Rourke given five days to amend his complaint.
July 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1. Sunday Balboa Park concert will end season of Philharmonic.
July 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. Switzer Canyon plan protests our in as petitions circulated; housewives work early to get signatures of owners objecting to assessment district; Council action to be taken at meeting Monday.
July 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:5. Golden Hill body enters protest on Switzer Canyon drain.
August 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:6, 2:2. Crowd to hear Council action on storm drain project today; property owners will back up protests with presence.
August 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:6-8. Colonel E. N. Jones, park commissioner, defends Nolen plan and cotton warehouse on tidelands.
August 2, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:5, 2:5-6. City Council kills Switzer Canyon, Chollas Valley drain projects; only one man speaks in favor of projects; City is out $4,640 for surveys.
August 4, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:4. O’Rourke amends original suit; charges duty dereliction on part of Mayor in allowing “extra budget.”
August 5, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:5-6. Natural History Museum is back with many Mexican exhibits.
August 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 3:3-5. Sick, lame and lazy fill zoo hospital.
August 7, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1. John Doane recital at Organ Pavilion Thursday evening for benefit of Christmas pictures.
August 7, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 4:5. Committee in charge of card party to be given by Girl Scout executive board tomorrow afternoon at Girl Scout Headquarters in Pepper Grove has completed pans.
August 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:2. City Council intends to widen 6th Street at some future date from Upas to University and to establish a set back line on the east side of that street 26 feet from property line.
August 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:4. Doane concert in park.
August 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:2-3. “Diablo,” zoo python, to be “stuffed” while dozen men hold him Sunday afternoon.
August 14, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 1:2-6. San Diego prepares to build nation’s finest airport.
August 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:4, 2:3. City Officials order plan for lakes in Balboa Park; canyon dams would eliminate need for drainage system and provide irrigation; will consult Park Board.
August 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:3. Scientists seek hairy tiger from Orient for Zoo; shipping board in Washington, D. C., authorizes use of ships on expedition asked by Senator Shortridge.
August 19, 1927, 26:1. O’Rourke files appeal notice in budget fight.
August 21, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-7. Big boys make play easier for little boys; swimming pool dedicated at Indian Village; electrical workers, members of the electrical contractors association of San Diego and electrical workers comprising Union No. 569, spend day wiring headquarters; labor and materials donated (illus.).
The fine new swimming pool in the Indian Village was dedicated to the use of the Boy Scouts of San Diego yesterday, and with a short time after the brief ceremony it was in full use by many eager scouts of the organizations.
August 21, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 6:2. Interest keen as San Diego County Fair opening nears; El Cajon and Chula Vista to be strong competitors for best agricultural exhibit staged at fair honors; $5,000 offered for best farming exhibits; fair will be held September 13 to 17.
August 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:2-4. Sailor radioman wins love of doe by saving her life from dog in Panama Canal zone; to be given to local Zoo (illus.).
August 26, 1927, San Diego Union, 22:5-6. County Fair’s attractions to eclipse previous years.
August 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:4-6. Aeolian Quarter to aid Austin D. Thomas, organist, in recital Wednesday night.
August 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 16:1-4. Art Gallery announces changes for September, large collection of canvases by French and American artists, groups of Japanese prints, and interesting monotypes to be on display for month at museum, by Reginald Poland.
The Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego is making radical changes for the exhibitors for September. The temporary exhibits which will be on view for that month include a large collection of French and American paintings, drawings and prints from some of the more advanced American and French artists. There will also be a small collection of painting by Helen Forbes, president of the Society of Women Artists, located in San Francisco. A very carefully selected group of Japanese prints from the best epoch, by the leading artists have been sent by Goodspeed’s of Boston. The fourth special exhibition is by William H. Clapp, creative artist and director of the Oakland Art Gallery. These will be on view just after September 1.
In the big gallery of permanent acquisitions will be installed the fine old master portrait of Queen Isabella by Coello of 16th century Spain, recently given by the Misses. Putnam of this city. The El Greco “St. Francis of Assisi” from the same school and time, will again appear upon those walls as well as the delightful “Girl with Pet Dog” by Nicholas Maes, associate of Rembrandt. More and more the gallery will try to keep the older paintings together, and the more modern works by themselves. No doubt visitors will be most happily surprised to see what a glorious nucleus the Fine Arts Gallery already owns, a collection which already definitely counts in the field of Spanish art.
The California art will also be segregated, so that it may thus be still more effective. Again we are sure that the citizens and others will be impressed with the way in which the San Diego Gallery is patronizing not only early American art, but very specifically the contemporary Southern California painting. The purchases from the second annual Southern California exhibition are an indication of one of the policies.
One of the galleries has been set aside for the month for the exhibition of art given by the University Women’s Club. This club is interesting itself in fine prints, of which it has given a number, including the work of Rembrandt, Zuloaga, Gordon Craig, Rockwell Kent, and George W. Bellows. The club is already planning meetings at the gallery for the study of prints and their execution.
Another gallery will be devoted to Eastern and Near-Eastern Art. There will be shown not only the glorious early Chinese landscape, jades and porcelain, given by Mr. and Mrs. George D. Pratt, but the selected Japanese prints from Goodspeed’s and an interesting Gubri vase of the 10th century or earlier, given by M. Demirdjian of Paris.
A number of pieces of English furniture loaned by Joseph Torrey, of colonial household objects, and a few of the earlier English and American pictures will be assembled in one of the long galleries.
The modern French and American art will be reviewed when installed in one of the big galleries. It includes 230 items and will thus offer a large enough representation to be significant of some of the advanced tendencies of the day.
A number of the artists are already well-known. There is Rockwell Kent, for example. He is represented by oils, water colors and lithographs, including some of his noted Alaska themes. Arthur B. Davies, whose work has been called “as good as government bond,” also exhibits oils, water colors and lithographs. Maurice Sterne is showing a group of drawings made in Greece, New Mexico and Bali. Albert Zorach has both prints and drawings while the three French painters, Dufy, Vlaminick and Signac, are also on the list of the better known.
Among the sculptures, Malliol is fortunately included. There will be five of his most recent bronzes, including a life size bust of the late French painter Renoir.
(See original for balance of article.)
August 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:2. Exhibit space in County Fair building at County Fair is going rapidly; most of available industrial area already contracted for, says Manager J. D. Pritchard.
August 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 15:1-4. San Diego plumbers of Local 230 of Journeymen plumbers and supply houses aid Boy Scouts to realize dreams of modernized Indian Village; workmen’s services donated to provide sanitation and outdoor bathing pool (illus.).
The result is a perfect system of sanitary plumbing, with numerous showers, toilets, sinks, floor drains and last, but not least, the largest outdoor swimming pool south of Hollywood. The pool is supplied by three direct water lines.
August 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 15:3. Unions set pace in rehabilitating Scout’s Village.
September 2, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1-2. Federated Trades to stage park Labor Day celebration; San Diego Council arranges program featured by sports; addresses to be given by Senator Johnson, Oil Workers’ chief, and Mayor Clark; band concert and picnic lunch will have place in day’s events.
September 3, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1. Rabbit exhibits to be featured at County Fair.
September 4, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:7 Park Commission notifies City Council of determination to handle parks; should be consulted in matters affecting city recreation grounds.
September 5, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:3. Labor Day observances at Organ Pavilion.
September 6, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:1. Every convenience planned for crowds visiting annual County Fair next week.
(Photograph: Over the top! Members of Troop B, United States cavalry, stationed at Camp Hearn, executing one of the many dare-devil riding stunts which thrilled the huge crowd at the San Diego County Fair last fall. Captain Fenton S. Jacobs has drilled his troops daily during the past few months for a more extensive and diversified program at the fair this year.)
Parking space, sufficient for the biggest crowds that every attended the county fair, will be available next week in Balboa Park, close to livestock barns, show rings and grand stand. There will be little walking for people.
Two parking spaces will be established, one along Park boulevard from the tennis courts south, the other will extend from the Roosevelt Junior high school to the boy scouts Indian village and zoo.
Inclines are being installed along the curbing to make the park space readily accessible from any point along the pavement. Both areas will be served by entrance gates which put the visitors immediately at the livestock stables, show ring, or grandstand.
The parking space will be well lighted, policed and free. Accommodations will be available for thousands of cares in anticipation of the largest crowd in the history of the fair.
Afternoon fair concerts this year are expected to be unusually large because of the attractive program that is being arranged. The events at the grandstand will be free in the afternoon. In addition to the cavalry program to be staged by the Camp Hearn unit, there will be many trick and fancy riding stunts by men and women horsemen.
Old Timers’ Day on Friday will be one of the special days that will afford a change from the usual list of events. Every day of the fair week which runs from next Tuesday to Saturday will feature some special activity.
September 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 18:4-5. Twenty-first annual flower show to open in Balboa Park Saturday.
September 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 21:1. Want 2,000 girls to dance with the enlisted men of the fleet at dance which is to be given Saturday night in the American Legion Hall.
September 9, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:6. Troop B, 11th Cavalry will be stated at Balboa Park for the following two Sundays, where it will take part in County Fair activities and attend Sunday morning services at Organ Pavilion
September 11, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1-5. Fall flower show mirrors charm of county.
September 11, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 4:3. Preparatory to participating in both special exhibition stunts and the nightly horse show at the County Fair, opening in Balboa Park Tuesday evening, Regiment B of the 11th Cavalry went into camp in the park yesterday.
Forty-eight men are in the camp with their mounts. Six men have been left at Camp Hearn, Imperial Beach, where the 11th Cavalry is stationed.
September 11, 1927, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 3:1-2. Horse show big event with many popular attractions signed up, by Arthur G. Mathews.
September 11, 1927, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 6:1-2. Special events planned for each Fair day; will stress aviation exhibits with stunt features.
September 11, 1927, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 7:1-2. “Best Fair Ever” is promise to public.
September 11, 1927, San Diego Union, County Fair Section, 8:1-4. Prizes offered to best domestic breeders; merchants are donors in local rabbit, poultry exhibit.
September 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:1-4. “Bounding mane” artists pitch pointed tents in Balboa Park.
September 12, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:5-6. Completion of rehabilitation work on Indian Village brings influx of boys wanting to be scouts.
Only registered scouts will be permitted to use the swimming pool, building or equipment at the Indian Village.
Every day brings the rehabilitation of the Indian Village nearer completion. Two groups of rooms in the Zuni pueblo were completed last week and are now open for inspection. The truck garage and work shop were also completed during the week. A large amount of work on the Taos pueblo has been done, a big percentage of the new concrete footings being in place. This week work will start on the troop rooms in the Taos building. The finishing touches were put on the swimming pool last week and scouts are now enjoying a swim every afternoon after school hours. The mess hall has been completed and furnishings for it will be started, it is expected, this week.
September 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:6, 2:5. Appeals to City Council against horse show ban at County Fair; John P. Mills says wife and daughters are barred from exhibiting; trainer ruled off, Manager states.
Several society women who own fine horses, including Mrs. Mills, are said to have applied for permission to exhibit their horses at the fair, provided the animals may be placed in charge of F. W. Robinson, a horse trainer, who at one time conducted a stable of saddle horses in Balboa Park.
The county fair authorities, headed by Felix Landis, are said to have refused to allow Mrs. Mills and other women to exhibit their horses if Robinson has anything to do with it, owing to difference between Robinson and the fair officials a year ago.
September 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:1-3. Doors of County Fait to open tonight; more attractive than any event of kind in past; 50-piece Santa Ana Band to appear in concert; horse show tomorrow.
September 14, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:3-6, 9:1. Holiday spirit animals crowd as gates open for County Fair; Army and Navy to be favored on bill today; fine horses and wide range of exhibits attracting much comment; industrial and agricultural exhibits in main building.
September 14, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:2. New Zoo gate closed for County Fair.
September 14, 1927, San Diego Union, 24:2. City Council files Mills’ protest on Horse Show.
September 15, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:1-4. Horse Show attracts 2,300 persons to Balboa Park annual program; today set as “Service Club Day.”
September 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:1-3. Bronco events, spills offer thrills at County Fair.
September 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:1-2. County’s greatest Fair closes tonight; snappy program, horse show will be final day features; thousands from outside communities have made their plans to attend.; golf-putting contest on the green at the side of the Midway; doll and doll buggy contest; Mutt dog parade.
September 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:3. Encinitas gets second honors in “Boost” talk; handsome silver loving cup given James Love for his speech favoring La Mesa.
September 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:4-5. Half Minute Interviews: On a Trip to the County Fair, by Forest Warren.
September 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:4-6. Bears at Zoo offer exhibit to public (illus.).
September 18, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:2-5. 12,000 persons pass through County Fair turnstiles to set new day’s record for annual San Diego event; estimated crowd of 4,000 witnessed the final night horse show last night; dance pavilion popular; hundreds of men from the fleet were on the grounds all day.
September 20, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Fair surpasses previous years’ exhibits, report; attendance failed to equal last year’s; horse show, the outstanding feature.
September 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:1-2, 14:4-5. San Diego welcomes Lindbergh here; 150,000 greet him; 60,000 at Stadium.
September 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:1-8. 60,000 hear Lindbergh at Stadium.
September 27, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:7, 2:5. $128,250 given as costs of two dams proposed in Balboa Park; Council favors Seifert’s flood control plan on ballot; will confer with Park Commissioners.
September 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1-2. $1,575,000 Bond Election to be Held Early in December; Airport to cost $650,000 major item on ballot; Council votes to eliminate Seifert plan for control dams in Balboa Park.
The list includes:
Paving of Sixth and Date Street along park, $45,000
Widening Pershing Drive, $65,000
Municipal golf course, $150,000
Dams Not Included
Councilman Seifert’s plan for constructing two flood control dams in Balboa Park canyons, at a cost of $128,000, was not included in the bond proceedings by the council yesterday, although Seifert made a determined fight for his project. Bruschi voted with Seifert to place this item on the ballot but McMullen Maire and Dowell opposed it. The vote was taken after members of the park commission, George W. Marston, Colonel E. N. Jones and W. Templeton Johnson had expressed opposition to the plan.
The commissioners declared that the construction of dams in the canyon would interfere with the Nolen plan for park development, and that other park experts has opposed any such plan of drainage. John Morley, park superintendent, said that if such dams are built at all, park shrubbery along the water courses of the canyons would be ruined. Commissioner Marston said the same plan was considered 20 years ago, but rejected as not feasible.
Councilman Seifert continued yesterday to maintain that the dams proposed by him in Balboa Park were the logical means of much-needed flood control. He declared that he had not given up the fight and that the dams will be built in time as thousands of citizens favor the project.
October 2, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:4-6. Baby buffalo arrives at Zoo; addition first ever born in captivity here.
October 2, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 4:3-4. Furnishing the California home, by Richard S. Requa.
October 2, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:1. St. Francis Chapel is scene of morning wedding.
October 4, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 13:1. Zoo, O’Rourke Institute wrangle nears finish; Park Board expected to decide O’Rourke status at meeting next Thursday.
October 4, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 12:1. Park Board declines to improve Sunsets Cliff Park; no funds available to do work on land given to city by J. P. Mills.
October 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:4. City Council sets November 22 as date for $1,540,000 bond election.
October 7, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1 and October 8, 1927, 10:4. Yorick Players will open season tonight.
October 9, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:1-2. Orange vervet monkeys added to children’s pets at Zoo.
October 9, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:1. Pershing Drive crash hurts two; one driver arrested for alleged recklessness; to sent to hospital.
October 9, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 6:4-5. Chills and ills of home furnishing, by Richard S. Requa.
October 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1. Zoo action urged; City Council asked yesterday to speed up Board of Park Commissioners in returning old Nevada Building, known as O’Rourke Institute Building, to Zoological Society.
October 13, 1927, Letter, J. W. Sefton, Jr., President, San Diego Natural History Society, to the Board of Park Commissioners, Balboa Park, San Diego, California.
When we presented to you our letter of March 31, 1927, and at other times, your Board has recognized the principle that the Natural History Museum, in maintaining an important public exhibit in Balboa Park, and in conducting an extensive educational program in the City of San Diego, is in a position similar to that occupied by the Zoological Garden, the Fine Arts Society and the San Diego Museum, and is entitled to some support from city funds. Inasmuch as your Board has stated that, for the present, it would seem advisable for institutions in Balboa Park to seek city support through the Park Board, we respectfully submit herewith a proposed budget of the Natural History Museum for the year 1928, amounting to $10,000, which we earnestly urge that you include in the total Park budget.
We would call to your attention that the items listed in the budget are confined to the minimum requirements necessary to maintain our public exhibits, to continue our city educational work and to keep our building and equipment in repair. Expenditures for administration, research, exploration, securing of specimens and scientific publication will be met by membership fees and other contributions.
Should you desire, we should be most pleased to appear before your Board at a regular or special meeting and answer fully any questions which you may care to ask. In any event, we shall desire to urge our claims as strongly as possible before the City Council, and thus add our plea to securing for the Park Board the full sum that it is seeking.
We might add that we understand and are ready to meet the City’s requirements, in such matters as civil service and use of City money only for City property.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. W. Sefton, Jr., President
San Diego Society of Natural History.
October 13, 1927, San Diego Union, 11:2-4. Granite marker set in park to remind San Diegans of veterans’ peacetime activities; Civil War veterans joined by Women’s Relief Corps in dedicatory services near Organ Pavilion; Major General Kuhn makes address of day.
October 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 16:1-5. Zoo rebuilds elephant pen.
October 16, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 4:2-3. Facts Regarding Color, by Richard S. Requa.
October 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 13:3. Scouts to camp overnight at Indian Village.
October 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:7. Bond election brings record in registration; property owners rush to qualify for vote on coming $1,540,000 bond issue.
October 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:2-4. Baby kangaroos at Zoo provided with last-word in sleeping accommodations.
October 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 16:1-3. Captain Fenton S. Jacobs, 11th U. S. Cavalry, Camp Hearn, Imperial Beach, wants improved bridle paths, polo field in Balboa Park.
October 23, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 6:1. C. C. Hicatt, president National Association of Real Estate Boards, declares parks are Realtor’s asset.
October 26, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 5:3-5. Aimee Semple McPherson packs Russ Auditorium.
October 30, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:3-4. European squirrels added to uncaged population of Balboa Park.
October 30, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 5:1-6. Mission Cliff Gardens, by Ada Perry.
October 30, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 6:1-2. Appreciation of Color Harmony, by Richard S. Requa.
November ?, 1927, Statement from the Board of Park Commissioners.
(Note: see San Diego Union, November 19, 1927, 12:7-8.)
The Board of Park Commissioners deems it a duty to the voters of the City to submit a brief introductory statement as to the merits of Propositions 6, 7, and 8, to be voted upon at the Special Bond Election next Tuesday, November 22nd, 1927.
The Park Commission recommends that you vote YES on Proposition No. 6 for paving the east half of Park Avenue (Sixth Street) abutting on Balboa Park. This half street should be paved in order to better traffic conditions and also to finish off and beautify this border to Balboa Park. The abutting property owners have borne the expense of paving the west half of the street; and inasmuch as Balboa Park is the only property abutting the east half, the City (which owns Balboa Park) should, in all equity, bear the expense of paving that half abutting on its property. For the same reasons, the north half of Date Street, between Sixth and Ninth Streets, which abuts on Balboa Park, should be paved at the expense of the City.
Pershing Drive is a city thoroughfare connecting the fast growing north and east sections of the city with the downtown business district, and is the shortest available route between these points. It is, therefore, dangerously crowded by people going to and returning from business. Regardless of the fact that many of the accidents which have occurred thereon were due to reckless driving, it cannot be disputed that the narrowness of this thoroughfare is a contributory cause of all these accidents. If Pershing Drive is widened, traffic can be speed up with safety and with resulting economy of time. We recommend that you vote YES on Proposition No. 7.
We have collected much data as to the financial operations of Municipal Golf Courses. Highly developed Municipal Golf Courses, without exception, show net profits over and above maintenance expenditures amounting to from ten to sixty thousand dollars per year. This will be sufficient to pay off the bonds and provide a surplus to be used in further park development. Golf players willingly pay for the privilege of playing over high developed golf courses; and if Proposition No. 8 carries, we do not believe that it will cost the taxpayers one cent. Those who do not play golf should vote YES, knowing that fees paid by the golf players will pay off the bonds; and in addition will provide a handsome fund for park development.
We have limited out official recommendations to those propositions affecting our City Park System.
John G. Morley Wm. Templeton Johnson
Park Superintendent George W. Marston
A S Hill E. N. Jones
Executive Secretary Park Commissioners, City of San Diego.
November 6, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:4-6. Monkeyville at Zoo takes on new interest when babies appear (illus.).
November 6, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:4. Museum of Natural History cancels lectures when funds run low.
Educational lectures which have been held each Sunday during the winter from November to April at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park have been canceled for the forthcoming winter and will not begin this afternoon as previously planned, it was announced yesterday by Clinton G. Abbott, director of the museum.
Several causes have combined to necessitate the discontinuance of the lectures which each winter have been an important feature of the park, Abbott stated. Chief among the causes is the financial liability of the lecture course, for the collections have never met the fixed expenses, despite that most of the speakers donated their time, it was stated.
“The constant difficulty of getting lecturers with no fund available for their remuneration, the general burden of the course upon the shoulders of the already occupied staff, and the unsatisfactory ventilating conditions of the lecture hall have all contributed to the decision,” Abbott said.
It was pointed out by Abbott, however, that if adequate funds every become available to re-establish the lecture course on a proper basis, the series will be renewed. Meanwhile, the Natural History Museum will confine itself to special lectures when unusual opportunity presents itself, in addition to its regular walks and excursions.
“The increasing demands of a growing city have outstripped the income derived by strenuous efforts from membership fees and private contributions,” Abbott announced. “The Natural History Museum, therefore, is making an earnest appeal at the present time to the city council for an appropriation of $10,000 from city funds for 1928, and continuance of the museum’s operations is vitally dependent upon their favorable action,” he said.
November 6, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 7:6-7. Learning Color Harmony, by Richard S. Requa.
November 8, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:1-2. Park Board refuses to permit chest “scoreboard” in Horton Plaza.
November 11, 1927, San Diego Union, Planning to wide Zoo road; and it’ll save lots of fenders, too, by John J. Observer.
I was glad to learn yesterday that the park department is willing to do its share to alleviate those constricted road conditions in front of the zoo. Also, to put sidewalks along the road so the people won’t have to give the Sharpshooters to much of a handicap.
The park board, in a letter to the safety committee, said it would do its share by giving the matter consideration in budget making. The next move is up to the council. I suppose I’d be glad to see that road widened a bit so I wouldn’t get the fenders of the Observer’s bus bent every time I traveled that Alameda calle, or whatever it is called. The last time I talked with the park board members they said they felt the widening was a needed improvement.
November 13, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 5:3-5. Parrot cages at Zoo filled with birds of gorgeous plumage (illus.).
November 13, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 2:1-2. Home Furnishings, by Richard S. Requa.
November 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:6. Council slashes $578,000 from budget requests of departments; Zoo gets same amount as this year; Playgrounds’ increase denied; $15,000 for library turned down.
November 17, 1927, San Diego Union, 16:2. Money available to start bridle paths in park; Silvergate Riding and Driving Association has raised a fund with which to start bridle paths planned by John Nolen.
November 18, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:7-8. Views on the bonds.
November 19, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:7-8. Park Board urges support of paving, golf link bonds.
November 22, 1927. Proposition 6: Bonded indebtedness of $54,000 for acquisition, construction and completion of improvements in Balboa Park
Paving of roads contiguous to 6th Street from Date to Upas; construction of walls, curbs and q sidewalks along same; paving of roads contiguous to Date Street, between 6th and 9th with curbs for same.
Yes 12,096
No 8,924 Failed
Proposition 7: Bonded indebtedness of $65,000 for widening and improving Pershing
Drive in Balboa Park.
Yes 11,621
No 9,446 Failed
Proposition 8: Bonded indebtedness of $150,000 for construction of 18-hole golf
course in Balboa Park and a municipal Club House therein.
Yes 7,622
No 12,893 Failed.
November 23, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. Lindbergh Field Airport carries by nearly 4 to 1; other items on ballot rejected; three rejected by substantial majorities; La Playa Recreational Area, Golf Course and Waterfront Paving Propositions set down hard; remaining five get majorities but not large enough; more than 40 percent of vote cast at election; returns in early.
November 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: City and Zoo urging City to honor Zoo’s request for an allowance of $36,000.
November 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 7:4-6. Thanksgiving Service at Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.
November 27, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:6. Two offers made to finance and maintain golf course in park.
November 27, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:4-6. Elephant seals fed fresh mackerel at Zoo Thanksgiving (illus.).
November 27, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:7. Additional fund is allowed to Zoo by City Council; extra $8,000 granted in line with provisions made by voters of San Diego.
November 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:1. Museum of Natural History plans collection of local specimens.
December 1, 1927, San Diego Union, 8:5-8. Advertisement of new Ford car, which will be on display tomorrow at American Legion Building.
December 3, 1927, San Diego Union, 5:6. 30,055 visitors throng park to view Ford car; hundreds turned away; model will be on display today for public.
December 4, 1927, San Diego Union, 12:1-2. San Diego Zoo has Rocky Mountain ram and two ewes.
December 4, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 1:8. A millionaire lumberman from Portland, Oregon offers to finance golf course in park; suggests plan to Mayor Clark at City Hall; voters overwhelmingly defeated a bond issue for construction of a $150,000 golf course in northeastern section of park; numerous private individuals have offered to install the course and operate it at the usual green fee of $1.00 if they are granted a lease.
December 5, 1927, San Diego Union, 6:6-7. Boy Scouts receive awards at Indian Village Court of Honor assembly.
The Court of Honor session adjourned about 8:30 and from that time until the boys left for home at 9:30, the Indian Village Trading Post did a rushing business. It holds a good deal of attention on weekends from overnight campers and visitors.
December 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:2-4. Zoo sends to faraway lands in search of a cockaburro and orangutan.
December 11, 1927, San Diego Union, 20:1-4. Sundial located at 6th and Date Street corner of Balboa Park, gift of Julius Wangenheim and designed by him, translates solar into standard time.
December 11, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 8:5-6. Finishing the California home, by Richard S. Requa.
December 16, 1927, San Diego Union, 1:7, 3:1-2. Miss Ellen Scripps gives San Diego Museum 4,800 year old relics of Egypt.
December 18, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 6:1. Silver Gate Players will present several plays in New Mexico Building this evening.
December 18, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 3:2-3. Furnishing the California home, by Richard S. Requa.
December 18, 1927, San Diego Union, Development, 28:1-2. El Cortez winning new fame for city (illus.).
December 20, 1927, San Diego Union, 9:5. Clinton G. Abbott made an appeal for $10,000 for maintenance of Museum of Natural History in 1928 before the City Council yesterday.
December 22, 1927, San Diego Union, 14:2-3. Annual Balboa Park pageant scheduled December 26.
December 23, 1927, San Diego Union. 5:6. 30,055 visitors thong park to view Ford car; hundreds turned away; model will be on display today for public.
December 25, 1927, San Diego Union, Society-Club, 1:8, 4:4. Christmas tableaux presentation due.
December 25, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:3-6. Fine Arts Society will contribute to Christmas picture program at Organ Pavilion, by Reginald Poland, director.
December 26, 1927, San Diego Union, Classified, 11:4-5. Red Cross provides Christmas for Naval Hospital patients.
December 28, 1927, San Diego Union, 10:5. “Remote control” is planned for organ so that music may be broadcast by radio station KFSD.
December 29, 1927, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: We Hope So . . . expressing approval of broadcasting daily organ recitals.
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