Balboa Park History 1930
(Annual Edition: Page sequence is confused as sections improperly described.)
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:7-8. Nature Guide Service, by Clinton G. Abbott, Director Natural History Museum, Balboa Park.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:4. Miniature golf course opened at 6th and Grape Streets paralleling for a block the lower end of Balboa Park.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:4. Local archery club is active on lawn of Balboa Park along 6th Street, near Laurel Street.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, Life-Industry, 9:1-6. Municipal tennis courts feature of Balboa Park.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1-2. Balboa Park Stadium scene of thrilling contests; recently constructed Gym aids in promoting all sports at “Hilltop.”
January 1, 1920, San Diego Union, 10:2. 18-holes in Park; proposals for grassing offered.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:1-5. Balboa Park is one of San Diego’s show places.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1. Navy operates hospital in Balboa Park; imposing group of buildings overlooking city and bay.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:1-2. Recitals on Spreckels Organ; programs arranged to develop taste for classical compositions, by Dr. Humphrey J. Stewart.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:1-2. San Diego Zoo has attained fame throughout world; system of cages unique feature.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:1-3. Art Gallery is treasure house of masterpieces, by Reginald Poland.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:7. Study of nature promoted by O’Rourke Zoological Institute in Balboa Park, directed by Dr. W. H. Raymenton.
January 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:8. View from California Tower.
January 1, 1930, 10:1-2. San Diego is proud of its Natural History Museum, by Clinton G. Abbott, Director.
January 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:4. Park Board approves nature study museum; authorizes new children’s room at Indian Arts Building.
January 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:5. E. R. Lockheart, 70, leads to death off park bridge.
January 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Park Board hears Torrey Pines grade arguments.
January 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:3. Park Board tables request to build Torrey Cliffs highway.
January 12, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 3:1. Natural History Museum names new directors; annual report shows amount of work accomplished by institution.
January 17, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6, 2:2-3. Park Commission delays action on cliff side road for two weeks.
January 18, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:4. Julius Wangenheim elected president of Fine Arts Society yesterday.
January 19, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 4:1. Annual report shows progress at Art Gallery, by Reginald Poland.
January 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:2. The City Council decided yesterday that San Diego Museum gust get along without a field archaeologist; Councilman Maire did not know what an archaeologist was; hurls charges of budget peddling and misrepresentation.
January 26, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 1:1-2. Chicago to entertain at $30 million “Century of Progress” Fair in 1933.
January 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:2. Council yesterday voted against employment of a field archaeologist at San Diego Museum.
January 30, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:3. William Templeton Johnson opposes Torrey Pines cliff road.
January 31, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7 Park Board offered to cooperate to provide a “bread basket” for victims of involuntary unemployment by improving a road through park.
February 2, 1930, San Diego Union, 14:1. Drop around zoo and see what ground hogs will do on February 2 (illus.)
February 2, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 8:2-3. Arthur H. Hill urges scenic improvements along park trolley line; on each side of the track in the vicinity of the old Yorick theater are unsightly stretches of ground covered with old concrete blocks, torn-up cement walks and a few sickly shrubs.
February 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:4. Dr. R. D. Hollington, head of the Theological Department of Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois, painted a glowing picture of San Diego when he addressed the Rotary Club yesterday at the San Diego Hotel.
February 9, 1930, San Diego Union, Development, 1:7. Mission Bay development is pictured. Completion of causeway expected to open way for big area adjacent to water.
February 14, 1930, San Diego Union, 13:5. Council delays action of park water project; awaits recommendation of Park Commissioners on sewage disposal; proposed plant would tap city sewage lines and recover the water for park and golf course irrigation.
February 16, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:4-5. Wild ducks come home to roost at San Diego Zoo.
February 16, 1930, San Diego Union, Water Progress Section, 1-6.
February 20, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:1. Colonel W. W. Crosby reports to Park Board today on Torrey grade.
February 20, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:2. Miss Helen Ramage, executive secretary of County Welfare Commission, says County-City emergency employment measure to provide temporary employed on Balboa Park roads to those in need is a success.
February 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 12:1-8. Colonel W. W. Crosby, engineer, reports against proposed cliff side highway.
February 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:1. Building of a dam and a bulkhead asked for at Mission Bay.
February 23, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 8:1. Fine Arts group to hear lecture by William Templeton Johnson, by Reginald Poland.
February 24, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:6. William Templeton Johnson to tell of Spanish fair in talk at Art Gallery tonight.
February 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5, 6:2-5. Park Board refuses to permit cliff road on grade; Commissioners Olmstead and Marston align against Crandall.
February 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:1. Council orders plan to build dam across Mission Bay.
February 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:4. Requests of the Park and Playground Commissions for transfer of funds within their own budgets aroused the ire of Councilman Alexander yesterday and caused him to renew his demand for Budget Control Officer to oversee the financial workings of the city departments.
February 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:4, 2:6. Park Commissioners will not sanction a commercial highway through Torrey Pines unless it has been submitted to a vote of the people; Crandall was not at meeting.
February 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:3-5. Natural History Museum will receive three mounted animal groups from University of California.
February 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:6, Captain J.H. Matheson appointed manager of Star of India
March 3, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:3-4. Dr. Humphrey J. Stewart’s composition played at opening of Balboa Park music series.
March 4, 1930, San Diego Union,1:8, 2:5-6. City Attorney M. W. Conkling informed City Council yesterday that the Park Board has no jurisdiction over Torrey Pines Park as the area was never legally set aside as a preserve.
March 5, 1930, San Diego Union,1:6, 2:5-6. Council takes Torrey Pine area from City Park Control; rescinds ordinance of 1899 and instructs Manager Lockwood to proceed with construction of highway.
March 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:5. The Park Board raised no objection to the construction of a water reclamation plant in one of the park canyons provided the plant complies with the restrictions of the State Sanitary Engineer; the Board does not want the cost of water delivered from the plant to park lands to be charged against the park’s budget; cost of project estimated at $500,000 by the promoters; reclamation plant and 18-hole golf course would revert to the city after 15 years.
March 8, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. Captain D. N. Carpenter tells Sciots that Naval Hospital is an asset to city.
March 16, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:4. Huge Ensenada beach resort nearly ready.
March 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6. Fate of Torrey Pines road in hands of court; Judge Haines to decide suit.
March 23, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 3:2-5. I. E. Lovelass, architect who prepared plans for restoration of Mission San Diego donates $600 to restoration fund.
March 23, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 12:3. Richard Requa to show films of Mexico in Fine Arts Gallery, Balboa Park, Tuesday night.
March 26, 1930. Board of Park Commissioners granted U. S. Naval Hospital right to use the field known as “the rockpile” to the right of the highway leading from the Hospital to A Street, formerly used by High School as a football field.
March 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:5. Council to take action on park sewage project; would reclaim 1,500,000 gallons of water daily for use on city land.
Proposed plans for a treatment plant for sewage water to be used for irrigation purposes in Balboa Park, with sufficient water left over for the upkeep of a municipal golf course, were discussed yesterday by the city council.
The plan, as presented, calls for a treatment plant, which would be built in one of the park canyons, capable of handling about 1,500,000 gallons of water daily. Tentative figures show that the city could buy the water from a syndicate formed to treat the water at about 20 cents per 1,000 gallons. This figure, it was pointed out, is slightly less than it now costs the city to get water from the San Diego river.
As a result of yesterday’s conference, the city attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance, which would permit the city to enter into negotiations with the park board. J. V. Alexander, councilman, was appointed to investigate the manner in which water for municipal golf courses is handled in other cities, also to ascertain facts about charges for playing on such courses and other costs connected with such a plan.
Whatever is done, according to Mayor Clark, the plant will have to be approved by the state board of health. The water from one of the large sewer lines would be diverted into the treatment tank, purified, and then distributed through the park in separate pipes. The mayor explained that by this system about 1,500,000 gallons of the city’s water resources could be saved for other purposes. It was announced at the conference yesterday by R. F. Goudy, connected with the water development bureau of Los Angeles, that a similar plans is being built in Griffith Park and that it will be ready for operation in two or three weeks.
With the syndicate’s proposal was seen another opportunity for the city to have its mach talked of grass golf course. The city, according to the proposal, would be protected from all liability and it could take over the course at any time it sees fit, provided the investors are paid the money spent on building up the course. The charge for playing on the course would be arranged to meet the pocketbook of all players, $1 a round being suggested by members of the council as a fair charge. Other tentative fees discussed at $5 a month and $60 a year.
- W. Conkling, city attorney, regarded the treatment plant as a means for saving the city money, besides affording an up-to-date golf course. If successful, he said, that such a system for purifying water might develop into a broader plan for saving the city much of its water resources.
March 30, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:3. Contract ready for golf course; Council to consider plan of Seifert and associates for water plant tomorrow.
April 4, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:3. O’Rourke accuses Park Directors Crandall and Marston of serving two masters.
April 8, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1. Council approves $600,000 park plant; reclaimed water will cost the City $100,000 yearly; grassed golf course to be part of contract and revert to public in 15 years.
The council voted unanimously yesterday to sign a contract providing for construction of a water salvage plant and a grassed golf course in the park, to be financed by city purchase of the reclaimed water for irrigating the park.
Details of the contract will be worked out at an adjourned meeting of the council and promoters of the reclamation project at 10 o’clock this morning. Under an agreement already reached the price to be paid by the city for the reclaimed water must not be more than 18 cents a hundred cubic feet. The contract will run for 18 years and the city may take over the plant at any time by paying the unamortized cost of the project plus 5 percent for anticipation of bonds that would be issued to finance the proposition.
Under the tentative set-up the city would pay the reclamation plant operators around $100,000 a year for the water recovered from sewage and used for irrigation in the park. Filtered water at present used for irrigating the park could be diverted to domestic use, it was asserted.
The project will cost between $500,000 and $600,000 to install. Frank W. Seifert, former councilman said. The city, he said, would get 10 percent of the gross revenue of the golf course and at the end of 15 years would have the whole plant turned over to it free. During the 15 years the promoters of the plan hope to recoup their investment and make a profit.
It is the intention of the promoters to institute a friendly suit to adjudicate the contract immediately after the council signs it. After adjudication of the suit construction will start if the suit is decided favorably for the project.
Efforts to have the ordinance authorizing the council to sign the contract made an emergency measure were blocked by the mayor and several councilmen and the ordinance was made the usual 30-day measure, giving citizens an opportunity to start a referendum if they so desire. So far no protests have been made against the plan.
April 9, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:2-3. Martin J. Healy says city’s future welfare demands water plant.
April 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 16:2-3. Reptile House in San Diego Zoo is like buzzing beehive as new rattlers obtained.
April 19, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:8. Rabbit breeders open 6th show on County Fair grounds across from Zoo.
April 20, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:6. Three great life groups exhibited at Natural History Museum here; new sea lion and mountain sheep specimens reassembled; donated by University of California.
April 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5, 8:1-2. Court holds Park Board has full jurisdiction over Torrey Pines area.
April 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:3. William Templeton Johnson, local architect, honored by Spain.
April 23, 1930, San Diego Union, 14:1-6 and April 27, 1930, II, 1:8. City Attorney to appeal Court’s decision on Torrey Cliff highway.
April 23, 1930, San Diego Union, Classified, 9:8. Yorick Players to resume work at Wednesday clubhouse.
April 25, 1930, San Diego Union, Classified, 10:2-8. H. K. Trask, secretary of League to Save Torrey Pines Park, defends Park Board.
April 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1 and April 27, 1930, 4:1. Annual flower show on main plaza in Balboa Park will open this afternoon.
April 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:1 and April 29, 1930, 8:1. Door of Hope, welfare house at Ocean Beach, is on land that is part of a city park created by ordinance on April 12, 1909, now known as Collier Park.
April 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:1. Council orders opening of 7th Street across canyon to make a continuous roadway from Upas to University.
April 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. Blaze of color features O’Rourke students first annual wild flower show.
April 30, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:1. Council and mayor to ask people to vote right-of-way out of Torrey Pines Park; Mayor expects two members of Park Board to resign if people approve measure.
May 2, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:3. Clash features hearing on park sewage project; Seifert outlines plan before Chamber board; Lessem, city health officer, points out “menace.”
Engineering and other details of the proposed reduction plant and 18-hole golf course in Balboa park to be constructed by Frank Seifert and his associates were outlined to members of the board of directors of the chamber of commerce yesterday afternoon. The entire session was taken up by proponents and opponents of the proposed project.
Dr. Alex M. Lessem, city health officer, differed sharply from the statements of R. F. Goudey, former resident engineer of the state board of health, who in describing the engineering details of the reduction plant, said they represented the highest type of reclamation and were being successfully used in 20 American cities.
Dr. Lessem said that all these plants constitute a public nuisance and that the chief danger of the Balboa Park project was the danger of pollution of domestic drinking water from the lines paralleling those that will be used in carrying irrigation water from the reduction plant. “The board of health has gone on record as opposing this plant,” he said.
Frank Seifert recited in detail the amount of money now required to operate Balboa Park. He declared that 12,000,000 gallons of sewage are being emptied daily into San Diego bay and that in a very few years the city will have to do something to eliminate this menace to the public health.
Seifert said the proposed reduction plant and golf course would be an asset to the city and would be the means of saving the taxpayers a large sum annually. The company with which he is associated, Seifert declared, is preparing to expend $150,000 on the golf course, $250,000 on the reduction plant and $50,000 for buildings and water mains.
The board of directors took no action on the project.
May 8, 1930, San Diego Union, Classified, 2:5. Will open new horseshoe club in park Sunday; chess and checker groups also included in recreation center at 8th and Date Streets.
May 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:3. No compromise seen in Torrey Pines road row; Mayor Clark says voters will have to decide.
May 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. Manager F. M. Lockwood would removed Pershing Drive, the east side of 6th between Date and Upas Streets, and the north side of Date, between 6th and 10th Streets, from city park system so improvements can be conducted.
May 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 13:1. New clubhouse is dedicated at Horseshoe Court; Mayor Clark and B. W. Sinclair praise project as boon to tourists.
May 11, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:4. Indian meeting set for June 1 at Organ Pavilion; Federated Women’s Clubs plan program to aid Indians with their problems.
May 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:2, 3:2. Council to ask withdrawal of five park strips; adds extensive scheme of street improvement if voters grant authority.
May 13, 1950, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Park Board closes Door of Hope on Salvation Army in Ocean Beach.
May 13, 1950, San Diego Union, 5:5. Public hearing set for Tuesday on golf project; contract for course and water reclamation plant in park filed with Council.
With the filing of a proposed contract for construction of a golf course and water reclamation plant in the park to be financed by sale of water reclaimed from sewage, the council yesterday set next Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock for a public hearing in the city hall.
With the contract was filed the opinion of the city attorney’s office on the contract. The project is estimated to cost $500,000.
The contract provides that the promoters shall erect a treatment plant to reclaim water; an 18-hole grassed golf course and a distribution system to carry the reclaimed water through the park for irrigation purposes.
The contract also provides that the city shall buy 1,250,000 gallons of reclaimed water a day, at 16 cents a hundred cubic feet. If the city buys the contract amount per day for 15 years the reclamation plant and golf course will be turned over free to the city.
If the plant is declared a nuisance, the city may require its removal at the expense of the builders and with no obligation on the part of the city. Then the city would be required to pay the project promoters the unliquidated capital investment on the golf course, but the payments would have to be made only from revenue of the course after it was taken over. If the court decides that the contract, as it relates to construction and maintenance of the golf course, is illegal, the city would take over the course and pay for it from revenues, purchasing water from the reclamation plant.
The contract also provides that the city may take over the plant at any time after it is built on paying the capital investment plus 5 percent for anticipation, or before the end of the 15-year period, provided the capital investment is recovered before that date.
The opinion on the contract was written by C. L. Byers, assistant city attorney. He reports that the contract is in a form which he approves, but he admitted there is no parallel under consideration anywhere in the state. Until there is a court finding, he says, the matter probably will be open to argument.
Construction of the golf course and reclamation plant is held not inconsistent with park purposes, and it is the attorney’s opinion that both could be built by the park board. If money used for water purchases must be raised by taxation, the amount must be included in the tax levy for maintenance of the park. There is, however, no legal objection to the donation to the park board funds of money the city might earn in any of its proprietary capacity.
Plans and specifications to the contract are not passed on by the attorney, and his opinion is submitted subject to approval by the engineering department and the state board of health. The plant suggested would have a maximum capacity of 3,000,000 gallons a day and a reservoir capable of holding 5,000,000 gallons.
May 18, 1930, San Diego Union, Vacation Section, 11:1. Summer music program at Organ Pavilion.
May 18, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:3. 7:1. Park reduction plant opposed by Grand Jury; members, acting in “unofficial” capacity, site health factor in letter to Council.
Opposition to the proposed water reclamation plant in Balboa Park was expressed yesterday by members of the county grand jury in a letter to the city council on the ground that the plant might prove a menace to public health.
In giving out the letter for publication the grand jurors emphasized that they had not considered the matter in an official capacity, but as a group of representative citizens and that their communication should be viewed only in that light.
The letter, filed with the city clerk, pointed out that the state health department, in approving the project, did so only on condition that the city assure itself that the private parties who are to finance the reduction plant have ample funds to insure against danger of contagion. It said:
From evidence duly acquired by it in the course of its investigation into the sanitary and economic phases of a certain contract, authorized by city ordinance 12780, approved April 10, 1930, by the terms of which contract it is proposed to permit the construction in Balboa Park, by private parties, of a sewage-reduction plant and other projects, the grand jury finds the following objections to said contract and to the ordinance authorizing the same, appear to be substantiated:
- A dual water system in Balboa Park might become a menace to public health.
- A letter from the state health department appears to be construed by the proponents of this project as an approval of the plans for said plant. This is not a correct interpretation, however, as said letter specifically warns against entering such an enterprise unless the finances are such as to insure adequate precautions against the ever-existing danger of contagion, and that this danger has not yet been eliminated from any sewage-reduction plant yet found in California.
- In the aforesaid contract it is stated as fact that the cost to the city of water now used for
Balboa Park irrigation is in excess of $120,000 per annum, and it is indicated that this
money would be available for other purposes if water from the proposed sewage reduction
plant was used for such irrigation. This appears to be a false construction of costs, for
according to evidence as to the estimated cost, if the city could actually save $120,000 per
annum by merely quitting the use of city water for park irrigation, it could by the application
of this money for a period of about four years pay the entire estimated cost of construction of
all the projects provided for in said contract, reclaim all the water necessary for irrigation of
all parts of the park and, in addition, effect a very substantial saving.
- The aforesaid contract obligates the city to pay a minimum of $97,000 per annum for a
period of 15 years which, with the proposed green fees added, appears to make the venture
highly profitable to the payee.
- The aforesaid contract specifies that “the benefits to be received by the city from this contract
are in excess of the obligation assumed.” There is nothing in the said contract, however, to
warrant such a conclusion.
- According to the terms of said contract the part of the second part thereto agrees to assume
certain specified responsibilities, yet no provision is made for a bond to insure the
performance of his obligations.
- The ordinance hereinbefore referred to provides for the creation of a fund from which to
meet the financial obligation assumed by the city in accordance with the terms of said
contract. The evidence at hand indicates that the creation of such a fund would mean an
additional tax burden of no small proportions.
- There is lack of authoritative approval of this enterprise as such, the city attorney’s approval
being as to the legal form of this contract only.
It is requested that this communication be considered as a protest against any action by your honorable body that would result in installing in Balboa Park an irrigation system that might prove to be a menace to public health.
It is not intended that this communication should be construed as embodying opposition to a suitable golf course as an added park attraction.
Respectfully submitted.
By William Kettner, foreman.
May 18, 1930, San Diego Union, 17:4. Indians will camp as in old days at Balboa Park; local organizations unite in plan to bring band of 300 here July 1.
May 18, 1930, San Diego Union, Vacation Section, 6:5. Horseshoe Club fills city need; clubhouse recently opened provides center for successful men.
May 18, 1930, San Diego Union, Vacation Section, 11:1. Summer music programs planned at Organ Pavilion.
May 19, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:2-3. Seifert replies to Grand Jury’s objections to park plant; declares complaints are frivolous and founded on misinformation.
May 19, 1930, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:2-3. R. E. Rule declares Crosby route may solve road problem in Torrey Pines Park.
May 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:5. Council defers action of park sewage project; Lessem again voices objections; Nettleship speaks in favor or reclamation.
May 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:6. Hearing on park roads set for June 23: Council seeks strip of land in Balboa Park for widening and extending streets.
May 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7. Memorial Day program at Organ Pavilion.
May 25, 1925, San Diego Union, 3:2-1. Huge python, Diablo’s successor, prefers chicken and rabbits for diet.
May 25, 1925, San Diego Union, 16:3-4. Daniel Cleveland papers turned over to Historical Society.
May 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:4, 2:2. Park services to be broadcast; veterans of Civil War will be seated on speakers’ platform.
May 30, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. State refuses to take over Torrey Pines road
May 31, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:4-5. Veiled statue of Spanish hero puzzles park visitors; object is copy of statue of El Cid; foundation is being prepared on south side of Plaza..
May 31, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6, 6:1-2. Homage to United States dead at Organ Pavilion and at cemeteries..
May 31, 1930, San Diego Union, Classified, 8:5. Indians to camp at Balboa Park for celebration; Women’s County Federation to entertain Indians of district; expect 200..
June 1, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:5, 10:3-4. To honor Indians of county today at Balboa Park; Ed Davis and W. Coleman lead invasion; Women’s Clubs to sponsor program.
June 1, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:6. Thirty four citizens, headed by Melville Klauber and Miss Alice Lee, petition Council to abandon its plan to set aside park lands, particularly in Torrey Pines park, for highway purposes.
June 2, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:1-5. Mayor welcomes Indians to San Diego; Indian Day said to be first of its kind in the country (illus.).
June 3, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:5-7. Cooperation is stressed; City Park Board shows how it is done; City has widened Pershing Drive where it joins 18th Street pavement, making an easier turn for cars heading north, by John J. Observer.
June 3, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:4-5. Council votes $2,600 for sports projects in park; construction of bowling, shuffleboard and croquet courts with surplus funds; Chamber of Commerce says program part of plan making the community more attractive to visitors by providing facilities for clean outdoor sports.
June 4, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:3. Underground waters of Switzer and Powder House Canyons, which converge at 19th and B Streets, have been tapped by the California Laundries, 1168 19th Street, to end the laundry’s “water problem.”
June 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:5-6. Natural History Museum mecca for students for study of bird life.
June 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:3-5. Canadian says Balboa Park gem of American for outdoor sport; praises roque game.
June 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:3. Investigation of utilizing Switzer and Powder House Canyon water for municipal purposes has been started.
June 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:5. San Diego Elks will give flag program at Organ Pavilion tomorrow.
June 14, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:1-4. State College graduated 103 in Balboa Park yesterday (illus.).
June 17, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:5. Council yesterday started a move to divert funds set aside for Pershing Drive improvement to pay for abandoned street improvement; but opposition sprang up to crush the plan.
June 18, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:5 San Diego High School seniors to get diplomas at Organ Pavilion.
June 19, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7 East road order by Park Board expected today; officials see clearance of all obstacles to Torrey Pines highway to north.
June 20, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:3, 3:2-4. Park Commission votes to permit construction of east Torrey Pines road; Olmstead dissenting.
June 20, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1-5. 750 Junior High pupils got diplomas at Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.
June 20, 1920, San Diego Union, 10:5. Park Board gives $1,200 for shuffleboard and roque courts in Balboa Park.
June 22, 1922, San Diego Union, 9:1. San Diego Zoo will charge children fee to halt vandalism; all youngsters more than 12 must pay admission unless coming with adult; to further protect the grounds exit gates will be closed and locked at 6 o’clock.
June 22, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 9:2-3. Dr. Stewart reports 264 organ recitals given from June 1, 1929 to June 1, 1930.
June 22, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 9:5-7. Three young mangabeys added to San Diego Zoo (illus.).
June 23, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:1. Bozyan recital at Organ Pavilion, by Wallace Moody.
June 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:2, 2:3. Statue of El Cid Campeador to be unveiled in park July 5; Spanish ambassador to represent his king at ceremonies in Plaza de Panama; gift of Hispanic Society.
June 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:1. Citizens assert park water plant not needed now; 43 sign petition against Seifert golf course project; offer alternative plan.
A protest against construction of a water reclamation plant by Frank Seifert and his associates was filed yesterday with the city clerk by Jerauld Ingle and 42 other citizens or taxpayers of San Diego.
The petition asserts that water reclamation from sewage is not now necessary and maintains that there is plenty of water for the city at present. All other sources of water should be developed before the sewer lines are tapped, the protest says.
The proposed contract by which the promoters would install a reclamation plant and golf course in the park is for the benefit of private interests, the petition recites, and adds the project has not been recommended nor advised by the health or water departments or any other city department.
The petitioners assert they are in favor of a golf course in the park and recommend that one be installed, to be financed by council appropriations of $75,000 annually for two years. They add that if it becomes necessary to reclaim sewage, the golf course will provide the interest and the sinking fund for the plant.
The proposed Seifert contract will necessitate an expenditure of $97,500 a year, with an aggregate minimum of about $1,500,00, the petitioners assert and maintain that the expenditure is unnecessary. They also say the projected cost to the city of the reclaimed water is much greater than the cost of pumping water from the San Diego river.
The following names are appended to the petition:
Wayne Compton, Jerauld Ingle, Armand Jessop, J. A. Hemstick, Warren T. Chadwick, John F. Forward, Jr., R. J. Blair, C. H. English, F. H. Thatcher, Frank G. Forward, Chester H. Whalen, C. S. Holzwasser, L. G. Bradley, R. J. Gwinn, E. O Hodge, Paul Jennings, J. G. Driscoll, Jr., C. S. Holliday, J. M. Whitley, M. T. Gilmore, George L. Barney, Heber J. Ingle, F. D. Carper, John E. Boal, G. A. Davidson, C. O. Tanner, Melville Klauber, A. J. Thornton, Roy M. Ledford, M. D., H. W. Wheaton, H. C. Gardiner, Wilbur F. Wilson, Chester N. Munson, Chester Munson, Frank F. Faust, Charles O. Richards, Guy V. Colf, George Bauder, C. L. Cristie, Charles H. Peyton, William Behrens, J. T. Wight, and Samuel F. Fox.
June 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:1. Seifert files plans for golf course in park; contract indicates reclamation plant will supply water for use on links.
June 29, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Veterans seek Memorial Building in Balboa Park; will lay plans before Council Tuesday; financing proposed under new state law authorizing expenditures of amount up to $472,000 here.
June 29, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:3. One thousand children to see wonders of Balboa park; San Diegans announce plan for free educational vacation tours.
June 29, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 4:4. “El Cid” statue to grace Plaza in Balboa Park, by Robert Hunter Paterson, Assistant Director, Fine Arts Gallery.
July, 1930, California Garden, Vol. 22, No. 1. Parks As I Know Them by C. I. Jerabek
“Where is Balboa Park?” usually the first question asked by the tourists. And why is this? Largely because here there have been planted trees, shrubs and plants from all over the world. Mr. J. G. Morley, Superintendent of Parks, has kept them in groups, and a rotation of bloom continues the year round. In some parts the vegetation is as dense as any jungle and in others there are beautiful flower beds or spacious lawns with trees or palms scattered about. Balboa Park is a veritable paradise for the botanist and the horticulturist.
It would be impossible for lack of space to tell about the thousands of plants that are grown here, so I will mention a few by families. The shrubs in this article are in the Myrtaceae family and are commonly called bottle brushes from the cylindrical shape of the flower clusters.
Melaleuca Huegelii (sometimes called imbricata) has leaves resembling fish scales, light green, flowers white, a thick, compact shrub when young.
M ericifolia has leaves linear, like the heather, flowers yellowish, white, bark soft.
M armillaris is a graceful shrub with pendulous branches, soft needle-like foliage and in the spring spikes of white flowers about three inches long. A group of them can be found southeast of the Sixth Street Aviary. In this same planting are some fine Huegelii, ericifolia, and styhelioides.
M hypericifolia with oval, flat leaves, opposite and slender, dull green in color resembling
St. John’s Wort, but the flowers are orange scarlet, usually inside of the bush. Some good shrubs may be seen along the Prado east of the California Building.
M nesophila (sea loving) has small, oblong, glossy leaves of a bright green. The flowers are about an inch long, of a deep lavender shade. A group of these are on the east side of the driveway leading to the Girl Scouts’ Building.
M leucadendron (silver or punk tree) has leaves oblong, about two inches in length, silvery,
flowers creamy white, bark thick and spongy. This can be separated in thin sheets like tissue paper; reminds one of Birch bark. There are some of these trees here and there among the shrubbery along the west side of Twelfth Street, also a fine grove of them near Pershing Drive and Arizona Street. Another tree with similar bard is M. styhelioides, a small-leafed variety. Leaves about one-quarter inch, slightly twisted, with a very sharp point, creamy white flowers. A large group of these fine trees are along the bank south of the Natural History Museum.
And then there are the Callistemon lancelate hybrids (sometimes called melaleuca) which come in cream, salmon, yellow, and all shades of red. After these shrubs bloom they should be pruned heavily as the new growth is as pretty as the flowers, coming in delicate shades of pink and bronze. There is a fine planting along the west approach to Cabrillo Bridge; also on the rim of the canyon south of the Montezuma Gardens.
Callistemon rigidus is a stiff-branched shrub with narrow leathery leaves, flowers deep red, about five inches long. There are about twenty fine shrubs along Twenty-eighth Street near Ash.
Metrosideros tomentosa, called the New Zealand Christmas tree because it generally blooms around the Yuletide. Its oval leaves are gray and downy underneath (often mistaken for Pittosporum crassifolium), a very ornamental tree. There is one at the side of the walk near Seventh and Juniper Streets.
Along Quince Street hill, east of Sixth Street, you will see some shrubs that at a first glance might be taken for Melaleuca. They are Calothamus quadrifidus. The foliage is deep green, needle-like, about three-quarters of an inch long, flowers a deep red, cylindrical, very imperfect, only part way round.
July 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:1. Council decides not to inquire into Park cost; Alexander and McMullen defeated in move for acceptance of Presidio.
July 2, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 12:4. Councilman Alexander wants people to know upkeep of parks; starts inquiry into costs of maintaining lands given by Marstons.
July 4, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:2-3. $203,000 lopped off city budget in fast round; operating and park departments suffer; salary increase probable.
July 5, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:3-4, 2:4. Spanish ambassador here to unveil statue of El Cid.
July 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:2-4, 14:6-7. Spanish envoy unveils statue of El Cid in Balboa Park (illus.).
July 6, 1930, San Diego Union, Ii, 1:5. City Attorney Conkling says park revenues should be put in general fund; informal decision of $31,000 yearly intake based on clause in City Charter.
July 8, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:5. Council accepts Presidio Park in stormy session; cost of upkeep causes heated discussion; Alexander opens attack on gift.
July 9, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7. Financial help for park units to be chopped; budget cut of $72,160 to be levied against Art Gallery and Museums.
July 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:5-6. Frank Y. Van Vrelin, president of Grant School, arranges for children to have free summer trips through park institutions.
July 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 3:4. Council slashes funds to Balboa Park attractions; Park Board declares Fine Arts Gallery and two museums will have to be closed unless deduction of $72,000 is reconsidered; Lester F. Olmstead, Park Board Chairman, says cuts “make San Diego sideshow to border activities.”
Doors of the San Diego Museum, the Fine Arts Gallery and the Natural History Museum will have to be closed to the public unless the City Council reconsiders its recent action in slashing $72,000 from the Park Commission’s budget request for $252,000, it developed at a meeting of the Park Board yesterday afternoon.
The three park commissioners turned sympathetic ears to requests of representatives from the three institutions for financial air, but declared they were powerless to do anything unless the Council gives them money.
Representatives from the museums and gallery seemed to recognize the Park Board’s stand, and decided unofficially to recruit about 25 persons to go before the Council in a determined effort to get a larger appropriation for the Park Department.
During the fiscal year just ended, the San Diego Museum, from Park Department funds, go $12,000, the Fine Arts Gallery, $20,000, and the Natural History Museum $2,200.
“When the Council blue-penciled $72,000 from the budget request,” Lester T. Olmstead, chairman of the Park Board, said, “it made the statement that we were not to cut our force of employees.” The only way the Commission can abide by that, the commissioner said, is to cut off the museums and gallery.
Earlier in the day the Council refused to listen to Frank J. Belcher, Jr. and Julius Wangenheim when they appeared to urge more appropriations for the three park institutions.
A note from the two was read to the Council by Louis Maire, presiding in the temporary absence of Mayor Clark, called away to a port officials’ convention.
“Do you want to hear these two gentlemen?” asked Maire.
His colleagues, declaring the council already had taken a stand for lower taxes, agreed they didn’t care to hear Wangenheim or Belcher. Notwithstanding, Wangenheim rose to address the Council.
“I just wanted to ask a question,” he said. “I want to know if you realize the different museums will have to close>”
Councilmen said this appeared to be an unfortunate contingency, and the two representatives from the park institutions left. Later, when the budget for the park was discussed, several councilmen said it was their understanding that the museums and gallery would get what is left of the $180,000 after the normal park requirements are met. This normal, they indicated, was the amount spent of parks last year, exclusive of the institutions. Councilmen appeared to feel that $180,000 was not spent in the park exclusive of the museums last year, when an allowance of $204,000 was granted the parks.
After some discussion, the Council agreed to find out exactly was spent last year on parks outside the money spent on museums and again to notify the Park Board that the amount above the park expense should be allowed the museums.
That the City Council seems to lose sight of the fact that the City Charter forces the Park Board to give the Zoological Gardens yearly two cents out of the tax rate, was the opinion expressed by park commissioners.
Last year, the Park Board said, they received 13-1/2 centers on the dollar of assessed valuation. This year, they say, they are to get a fraction more then 11 cents, leaving them a net of nine cents after the Zoo gets its money. Rate for the park is a 10-cent minimum and 16-cent maximum.
John W. Snyder, who appeared before the Park Board, said it “was a shame to close the museums and gallery. The community is aroused to the necessity of entertaining tourists,” he continued, “and with the city’s best step forward in this direction, it would be unwise to close the park institutions.”
W J Bailey, vice president of the San Diego Museum, who appeared before the commissioners, said that what revenue his institution gets from outside of city funds goes into research.
George W. Marston, a park commissioner, said “that money should be used for operation. We can’t go into scientific research when we can’t keep the doors open and floors swept.”
Closing of the three institutions would put about 17 persons out of work, it was said.
Wangenheim also appeared before the Board. The only other solution, he said he saw in the matter, was a “relaxation on the part of the Council in its order to the Park Board not to cut its forces.” He suggested that the museums receive a smaller amount than last year, and that the Park Board do a little more pinching.
“If you have to stick to the recommendation of the Council to keep your force, you can’t help leaving us out,” he said. “The fault lies with the Council and they won’t listen to us.”
W S Wright, of the Natural History Museum, also addressed the Board. He referred to the program of the San Diegans to entertain tourists and intimated that closing of the museums would be a direct slap in the face to the Chamber group.
“Close the doors of the museums,” Snyder added, “and you will make San Diego more of a sideshow than ever to activities below the border. Our civic assets must be protected.”
July 12, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 3:4. Citizens assert City must keep park museums, art gallery open; proposed closing for lack of funds would be economic and cultural loss to City.
Closing the Fine Arts Gallery and the two Balboa Park museums which the Park Board says will be necessary unless the City Council reconsiders its action in slashing $72,000 from the Park Commissioner’s budget request, would be a serious loss to the community, prominent citizens said yesterday in expressions made to The San Diego Union.
Mayor Harry C. Clark said the closing of these institutions would be “unthinkable.” “Closing the Fine Arts Gallery and the San Diego and Natural History Museums,” he said, “would be extremely unfortunate for the community. It may be necessary to curtail expenses, but the institutions should not be closed, If they are, it would be a serious loss to San Diego.”
The park budget request was high, Mayor Clark said, and “is being refigured, making allowance for individual institutions. It will be submitted to the City Council Tuesday.
Dr. E. L. Hardy, president of San Diego State College, made the following statement: “The Fine Arts Gallery and the Balboa Park museums are cultural and educational assets to individuals of this community and have great publicity value to the city. I believe that this matter can and should be adjusted without closing the institutions, which would be most unfortunate.”
“The idea that our Fine Arts Gallery and museums should be closed for lack of funds is incredible,” said Mrs. Frank Grandler, retiring president of the Wednesday Club. “To possess these institutions is such good fortune for a city that their closing would be a calamity. I cannot believe that we shall be guilty of such short-sightedness. The cultural institutions of this city offer an attraction to just the sort of tourists and new residents we want. From a utilitarian point of view, we need our art gallery and museums, aside from the fact that they are a job and inspiration to the people now here.”
Mrs. Homer Oatman said: “The Fine Arts Gallery and museums are San Diego’s finest possessions. To lose them would be a great detriment to the city, since they are out major attractions. It seems unfortunate that such a thing should even be considered, especially now that the Chamber of Commerce is doing such excellent work and San Diego women are working so earnestly for the advancement of the city.”
“Citizens should know just why such a reduction is necessary,” said Miss Josephine Seaman, first vice president of the California State Federation of Women’s Clubs, “and just what are the city needs which would be met by the sum that is curtailed from the budget requested for maintaining Balboa park, the Fine Arts Gallery and museums. Taxes are high and should be adequate to provide for proper maintenance of the city’s finest assets. Such a reduction may be necessary — I do not know exactly why it is necessary. Undoubtedly, closing of the park gallery and museums would be a great loss to the entire community.”
July 12, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: The Budget and the Park.
San Diego cannot close the San Diego Museum, the Fine Arts Gallery or the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park, even for one year or part of a year.
All efforts to adjust the new budget to suit the city’s requirements for the coming year, must be governed by that inescapable fact. These institutions and their activities are profoundly important to the city — far more important to San Diego than the work of similar institutions is to the life of other cities which maintain them. They are definitely a part of the civic life of our city, and they cannot be closed without irreparable injury. The city council must take that into consideration. The park board must realize that fact.
We frankly recognize that current conditions call for retrenchment; but if times are to become better, rather than worse, that retrenchment must be wisely managed. Any injury to Balboa Park, or to the nationally known institutions that serve thousands of visitors every year, would constitute the wildest kind of extravagance.
We are inclined at this time to discount the drastic claims of both the immediate parties to the argument. We doubt the wisdom of a cut so drastic as the $72,000 reduction which the common council has ordered against the park board’s budget estimate. We doubt the accuracy of the statement made by the chairman of the park board to the effect that closing of these three institutions in the only alternative. There must be an adjustment here. No matter which party has to give in and make concessions, these institutions must be kept open and their normal activities maintained.
Nothing tends to aggravate hard times so much as the extravagant timidity which leads business men and public officials to curtail essential activities at the moment when depression appears. The attendance records, the national publicity, the opinions of our leading citizens, all go to prove beyond any doubt that the institutions in question here are among San Diego’s essential assets. To impair them is to serve notice to every citizen and to untold thousands of visitors that San Diego is in desperate circumstances. That is not true. It can be made true, however, by impairing our greatest assets at a season when we most need them.
If the difference of opinion between the council and the park board cannot be ironed out in any other way, we suggest the mayor appoint a committee of dependable and disinterested business men to study the park board budget and the needs of the institutions under the board’s administration. We should be assured that these business men are aware of the importance of the park activities. And when their decision is made, there should be a general demand that the city meeting the resulting budget proposal.
It can be done. The city is not bankrupt. If can afford to maintain its most important assets unimpaired by false economy.
July 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 17:4. Free park trips are offered to local children; second week of visits to various institutions will start next Tuesday.
July 13, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1, 8:3. Councilmen Maire and McMullen claim park buildings need not be closed; budget provides ample funds; tentative provision is only $26,000 less than last year.
July 13, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 7:1. Movement started to erect carillon in Balboa Park, idea presented by English bell foundry, by Wallace Moody.
July 15, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:6, 3:3-4. Council raises park’s fund by $10,000; bitter argument staged; total fixed at $190,000 by three to one vote; Commissioners say amount will do “with skimping.”
Responding to appeals for more funds, the council by a three to one vote, added $10,000 to the park budget yesterday, and precipitated one of the bitterest discussions of the entire budget hearing.
The vote to add the money, making the park total $190,000, was followed by a motion to permit the park board to spend the money in the manner it deems best for the city and the park.
Councilmen McMullen then announced he would seek to allow various city departments the same increase as given the park board, as changed. He was joined by Councilman Alexander, who also voted against the $10,000 increase to the parks.
McMullen also said he would seek advice on whether the parks could be allowed more money than would be raised by a tax of 16 cents on each $100 assessed valuation, contending that the $190,000 allowance, with water costs, exceeds the 16-cent rate.
The addition to the budget was made after George W. Marston and W. C. Crandall, park commissioners, had stated their belief that the park could skimp along on $190,000. This would mean, Mr. Marston said, after the $10,000 was allowed, that there would have to be reductions in allotments to institutions. He estimated that the $190,000 allowance would suffice, with a 40 percent cut in museum appropriations, a 10 percent payroll cut and an indefinite percentage from the supply account.
Discussion preceding the vote was long and, at times, rather involved. Deciding to meet in the afternoon, when they found the council docket completed at noon, councilmen summoned the park board without the 25 prominent citizens who has been expected to appear before the council today at a budget session.
Crandall told the council he had gained the impression that it wanted all park budget cuts borne by the institutions, stating this had been transmitted through the secretary from the city auditor’s office, but councilmen denied that was their idea.
Crandall said there was little likelihood that the Natural History Museum would close even if the city aid was completely eliminated and added that city assistance to that institution amounts only to the salary of one man, about $2,000.
Mayor Clark said he had expected the Fine Arts Gallery to do a little trimming in its budget, asserting he was surprised no cutting had been done. The mayor said that private funds supply at least half of the Fine Arts galleries finances.
“If the council allowed every department to operate like the Fine Arts Gallery, the city would go broke,” Alexander said. He found fault with the fact that the institution has a director, assistant director, superintendent, secretary, assistant secretary, stenographer, guards and watchmen, and held there was too much help around the place.
Commissioner Marston pointed out that $31,000 of the park appropriation must be turned over to the zoo by vote of the people, and the park board has control over only the rest. Marston agreed with Crandall there was no intention to get the council in a “jackpot” over budget appropriations.
The park board’s statement to the institutions on the budget cuts was based on the assumption that the council wanted all the cuts borne by the institutions, and if such is not the case the board withdraws what it has said on the matter, Marston added.
Commissioners and councilmen went into a mass of figures to try to find out how much would be available for the institutions under the proposed $180,000 park budget. There was talk of cutting the park payroll, and Dowell took the floor.
“If for the sake of keeping open the art gallery, we’re going to take food out of the mouths of wives of workmen, it is a shortsighted policy,” he said. “If we take out the cut in salaries and wages we’re going to hear a protest that we can’t resist. The museums won’t close in spite of all that has been said.”
Discussion on the relative matter of the organ and the other park institutions took a little time. No agreement was reached. Commissioner Marston pointed out that for less than $50,000 San Diego gets an organ, the Fine Arts Gallery, San Diego Museum, California Building and similar institutions, a record not equaled by other cities, he added.
Discussion of private financing of institutions followed. Marston expressed the belief that without some municipal funding it would be difficult for some of the institution to continue.
Councilman Alexander asserted that he had conferred with Frank J. Belcher, Jr., last week, after the council had refused to listen to Belcher’s park plea.
“He took me into his office,” Alexander said. “He said, ‘You boys are perfectly right. The park is getting enough. You’re right about the institutions in the park, but I can’t come out and say it.’ That’s just the way. The slap the institutions on the back and then they slap us on the back.”
Mayor Clark created a diversion by wondering what should be done with the buildings in the park. It was agreed that some of them should come down, but no decision was reached on which one would be wrecked. It was agreed that money spent on repairs to the old exposition structures would be wasted..
Then talk switched to salaries, and Alexander asserted that if lower taxes were wanted the city would have to cut off some men and reduce salaries. The mayor expressed the thought that instead of discharging men the city would let them work four days a week in the park department.
Irey then suggested that this be done in all departments. Dowell objected that a municipality’s business was almost all labor, as it brought no great supplies to manufacture, as do industrial corporations with which Alexander was comparing the city.
Then the amount to be allowed the park came up again.
Allow use $140,000 for payrolls and expenses,” said Commissioner Marston. “Say we cut the museums from $30,000 to $19,000, making a total allowance of $190,000 and we get by on a skimpy basis.” He added that the zoo’s $31,000, over which the park board has no control, would be included in the $190,000 total.
“If you raise this, I will come in and work for increases in every department, not saying the park isn’t necessary,” said McMullen.
“Why not reduce the zoo?” someone asked.
“I’m in favor of it,” McMullen said. “They’re charging the children admission now.”
It developed that the zoo rate is fixed by charter amendment voted by the people and no reduction is possible unless by another vote.
Then the vote was taken on increasing the park budget to $190,000, which is $14,000 less than the amount allowed last year. Maire, Irey and Dowell voted for it, and Alexander and McMullen against it.
“You’re not going to get away with it,” warned McMullen. “I knew they would high pressure some of you and make you change your vote.”
“You may have to go to court over this,” Mayor Clark warned Commissioner Marston.
Proceedings were interrupted briefly by a discourse between Irey and Alexander on the amount of talking each one does. Irey said that he would talk if he wished, and Alexander say he would like to hear him talk more. Irey said he could talk as much as he wanted to and Alexander also asserted his ability to talk.
“No one questions that you talk all the time,” flared Irey.
“Well, I can talk if I want to,” returned Alexander.
After the talking matter has been settled to the satisfaction of neither participant, McMullen said he believed the people in voting a 16-cent limit on park appropriations believed that the money would cover all expenses. He said that with the water cost added to the $190,000 the total was more than would be raised by a levy of 16 cents on each $100 valuation.
An opinion of this matter was requested by Councilman Alexander. In a preliminary ruling, Judge Conkling said that on the surface it appeared that the 16-cent limit was in addition to any other taxes the city might raise for parks. He is now supposed to be working on a more formal opinion on this matter, as McMullen announced he intends to have a showdown on the matter.
With this out of the way, the council discussed the water development budget briefly and adjourned without setting another meeting date.
July 17, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Water charge discussed.
July 18, 1930, San Diego Union. 1:7. Budget increased.
July 27, 1930. Park Commission favors widening Park Boulevard, north of Yorick Theater Building, realigning Cabrillo Canyon Road; is projecting road through Powder House Canyon.
July 27, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7. Council offered California Building to veterans yesterday as a War Memorial Building.
July 27, 1930, San Diego Union, Park concession profits stir hot Council debate; McMullen asks why auditor hasn’t figures and Alexander seconds motion.
July 27, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1, 4:8. Council approves 8-cent slash in tax levy; majority votes $21.9 maximum levy for fiscal year; Alexander dissents at extra penny to cover budget deficiencies; still defiant on park allotment.
July 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7, 3:5. Girl, 19, fatally injured as Plaza plan to falls.
July 30, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:1-2. Plaza palm death laid ants; may cut trees.
July 30, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:6. Second triumph for Civic Orchestra at Organ Pavilion last night, by Wallace Moody.
August 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. Coroner’s Jury blames park officials for plaza palm death.
August 2, 1930, San Diego Union, Classified, 3:1. Arthur Stibolt, Los Angeles architect, stabs self to death in Balboa Park.
August 3, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. “Know San Diego” campaign to close today; crowds throng parks, museums; sports feature final program.
August 3, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 4:4-5. John Doane to play organ Tuesday to raise funds for Christmas day pageant.
August 5, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:3. McMullen gives winning vote to city budget; joins majority on $2.19 tax rate when park cut fails; total $5,171,663.
August 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:3. Symphony concert at park, by Wallace Moody.
August 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:3. Cut three more of the palms in the downtown plaza after a survey showed them dangerous; survey began after a 19-year old girl was killed last week while standing underneath a palm tree in the northwest quarter of the plaza.
August 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:5. San Diego Museum, Fine Arts Gallery to retain funds.
August 6, 1939, San Diego Union, 5:5. San Diego Museum Lecture Series begins tomorrow afternoon; Professor William S. Ament of Pomona College will speak on “The Heroic Age in Iceland and its Influence”; lectures will be held in the museum lecture hall, southeast corner of the California Quadrangle; the public is invited.
August 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:2-5. Gildreds to erect business corner building at 7th and C Streets; William Templeton Johnson, architect (drawing).
August 8, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:5 John Doane played organ to raise funds for Christmas day pageant.
August 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:1. San Diego Zoo wants City to return $3,452 in Reserve fund; Mrs. Benchley says that auditor’s transfer from Zoo fund to Reserve fund does not allow Charter levy.
August 10, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. San Diego entertaining 12,000 visitors here today; lodging places are jammed by tourist throngs at season peak.
August 11, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 4:3. Boy Scout Merit Badge exhibits will occupy the entire assembly hall at Indian Village; model troop headquarters also will be installed with patrol corners, lockers, totems, charts and all things that go to make up a local troop quarters; more details of the museum will be given at the scoutmasters’ legion meeting soon.
August 12, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:6. Council refuses return of San Diego Zoo funds.
August 14, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:1. Marcelli brothers greeted at park concert, by Wallace Moody.
August 16, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-2. City Manager hopes to complete Pershing Drive widening; estimated cost of $15,000 calls for construction of a five-foot shoulder on each side of present pavement over entire length of drive; shoulders will be of same material as existing road and will increase width of pavement to 30 feet.
August 23, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-2. San Diego play “Heart’s Desire” will open tonight at High School Stadium for one week; more than 200 in cast dealing with early history.
August 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:4. W. S. Hebbard, Los Angeles architect, stricken with heart attack while visiting his daughter in Coronado.
August 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5-6. Julius Wangenheim reports $2,500 book stolen from Fine Arts Gallery; 15th century Italian “Book of Hours.”
August 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: “Heart’s Desire” . . . This is San Diego’s own outdoor play.
August 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:5. San Diego Museum Fine Arts Gallery to retain funds; Council permits two park institutions to have use of unexpended balances.
August 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:1-2. Civic Orchestra delights audience, by Wallace Moody.
August 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:3. Park officials approve Torrey Pines road plan.
August 29, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:3. Bonds for state parks in San Diego County defeated by a small vote at Tuesday primary election; may become an issue at general election in November.
August 31, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:1. Lockwood opposed Seifert plan to build park golf links; says city can handle work cheaper, disapproves signing of contract.
Pointing out that the city could do the work at considerably less cost, City Manager Fred Lockwood yesterday recommended against signing a contract with Frank W. Seifert, former councilman, for a golf course in Balboa Park and a sewage reclamation plan near the 32nd Street outfall.
Under the proposed contract, which probably will be considered by the city council on Tuesday, Seifert and his associates would construct both units of the project and operate them until they had paid for themselves, with interest at 8 percent. Both golf course and a reclamation plant then would become the property of the city.
Lockwood, in disapproving the contract said the city should not operate with 8 percent money when money can be had for less than 5 percent. He also ruled against the projected purchase of reclaimed irrigation water at 21.4 cents per 1,000 gallons, saying that the water should be delivered for a little more than half that rate. Other objections made by Lockwood were as follows:
Plans for the development are very incomplete, while the contract should be based on submitted plans will full specifications.
Bids, awarding of contracts, construction work and bonds should be subject to the approval of city officials.
The contract should provide that the installations be maintained and operated at “full efficiency.” Expenditures, payrolls and salaries should be approved by city officials.
It should also provide for accurate accounts of expenditures and revenues, while agreements for the sale of water, sludge and other income-producers also should come under the eye of city officials.
“I am very much in favor of reclaiming water from sewage and putting it to beneficial uses,” Lockwood’s report said. “But the city should make use of the most advantageous methods of accomplishing this reclamation.
“In my opinion the city should program these installations. The golf course should be the first installation and the amount of money which should be set up in the budget each year to pay for the 1,250,00 gallons of water, as proposed in the form of the contract submitted, in two years time will pay for the golf course and in another three years will pay for the reclamation plant.”
The time that would elapse before the city, by purchase of water, paid for the two units under the proposed contract has been estimated at from 10 to 15 years.
August 31, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 7:1. Plans underway to enlarge cast in Stadium play; “Heart’s Desire” success opens way to unite many civic units in feature, by Myron Lustig.
September, 1930. Synder Continuation School opened.
September 1, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:3-4. San Diego Zoo’s exhibits increase in variety; python lays three eggs and regards them with disdain (illus.).
September 4, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:3. Dahlia section to be feature of Floral Show next Saturday and Sunday.
September 4, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 8:4. Council to consider park golf course today.
September 4, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:1-2. Council approves reclamation project; instructs City Attorney to get contract ready; Seifert defend project.
September 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:5. City Manager will argue against park golf and water reclamation.
September 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 14:4. Flower growers vie for honors at annual show; quality marks 24th fall display at Balboa Park.
September 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 15:1. Superintendent John Morley says $10,000 unemployment relief appropriation set aside by City and County has benefited park; road, 6000 feet long realigned and graded through Cabrillo Canyon; one wooden bridge widened; new road 3600 feet long constructed connecting Cabrillo Canyon with park drive south of Organ Pavilion; two and one-half miles of bridle paths constructed; dead brush cleaned up.
September 7, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:8. County Fair to feature industrial exhibits; “golden anniversary” exposition, October 7 to 11, promises to surpass all previous efforts in magnitude.
September 8, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Officials named for County Fair here.
September 8, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 4:3. Boy Scouts received 350 awards at Court of Honor in Indian Village.
September 8, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 8:4. Children enjoy San Diego Zoo trips.
September 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:3-5. Mme. Klosterman, pianist, scores at Organ Pavilion symphony, by Wallace Moody.
September 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:6. Frank F. Gander, naturalist, added to Natural History Museum staff.
September 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:2-3. Pershing Drive widening sure by end of year; improvement advancing rapidly; finished roadway to be 30 feet across according to City Manager Lockwood.
September 14, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:1. Mexican Independence Day celebration in park tomorrow; two-day observance.
September 15, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:4. “See Mexico Now” excursion, October 12 – November 1, headed by Richard S. Requa.
September 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:6. Extra symphony concert for benefit organ rehabilitation fund.
September 21, 1930, San Diego Union. II, 7:1. Schools closed when Fair held in National City back in 1880; buggies and saddle horses were at premium then for entire county attended, by Thornton Boulter
Next month in Balboa Park, another county fair will be held. It will occupy several large buildings and will offer as premiums nearly $5,000 in cash, merchandise and ribbon awards. The showing, arranged as the most ambitious one ever held here, will be the golden anniversary of a fair held from September 22 to 24, 1880.
September 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:4-5. San Diego Zoo telephone busy with off calls.
September 23, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:4. Action delayed on Seifert plan; Councilmen set Monday for conference.
September 24, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:2. Civic Orchestra season closes, by Wallace Moody.
October 1, 1930, San Diego Museum Bulletin, No. 13.
An important source of income to the San Diego Museum is derived from rentals in the New Mexico Building, which is owned by the Museum. . . . The San Diego Museum Association purchased it several years ago when some of the unoccupied Exposition buildings were being demolished, and since that time has place it in thorough repair and made it available to the public for the many purposes to which it is fitted. It contains a number of studios, suitable for artists and sculptors, an auditorium suitable for lectures and similar gatherings, a card room for card parties, dances, etc., and the delightful Spanish patio lends an added charm to any use made of the other facilities. The building has recently been made doubly accessible through the opening of a new road from the south, which also offers an approach during concerts at the Organ Pavilion.
October 2, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:4. Refusing to ban trucks again from Bancroft, 32nd and 6th Streets, the City Council yesterday ordered City Manager Lockwood to furnish cost estimates of truck arteries in Switzer and Power House Canyons.
October 2, 1930, San Diego Union. Milkmaids to view at Fair; contest sponsored by Qualitee Dairy Products Company (photo).
October 5, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1., 5:1. Plans perfected for Fair opening; Golden Jubilee celebration to get underway in park Tuesday; old-time motif will be featured in program of entertainment, exhibitions and competitive events; James Rolph, Jr., Republican nominee for governor, will open the fair.
October 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:1. Fair to offer education for city residents; close-ups of farm conditions as they are will be shown at park.
October 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:8. John Armitage, victor, at Balboa Park horseshoe courts (photo).
October 6, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:1. Police to have safety display at County Fair.
October 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:1-4, 2:2. Golden Jubilee County Fair to start tonight.
October 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:2. Mayor Clark advanced yesterday a proposal to widen Pershing Drive to 50 feet and use it as a truck highway.
October 7, 1930, San Diego Union, 10. Minutes of first San Diego County Fair in 1880 shown.
October 8, 1930, San Diego Union, 1;7, 5:3. Mayor James Rolph, Jr. of San Francisco arrives to open San Diego County Fair; record crowds attend first night; acts re-creating San Diego scenes from 1880; fireworks at horse show field; 150 booths of industrial and commercial exhibits in Industrial Building including display by San Diego Police Department; crowning of Miss California in Industrial Building.
October 9, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:1-3. Horse Show features second night of Fair (illus.).
October 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:2-3. Back country features in Fair events today; horse show, hog-calling and milking contests and rodeo on program.
October 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:4. Making of honey shown at Fair; full colonies of bees and what they do is exhibited in apiary display in Agricultural Building.
October 10, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:5. Arena track in excellent shape for horse show despite afternoon rain; awards are made.
October 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:3-4. Fair gates will be open tomorrow night; horse show to continue; success of events factor in deciding on extension.
October 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:1. Twenty exhibit speed in coaxing cows to deliver goods.
October 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:6-7. Strolling around Fair . . . variety keynote at exhibits.
October 12, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1, 6:1-2. Fair closing today; children free on Family Day; healthiest boy and girl names; livestock parade and horse show afternoon attractions (illus.).
October 12, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 6:3-6. Sights worth seeing at Fair.
October 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:5. Sunday opening of Fair opposed; Ministerial Association objects to move; Landis says no assurance given.
October 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 8:5. 35,000 persons attend Fair in 6-day exhibit; Sunday opening adds 5,000 to total; 3,000 in excess of last year’s record.
October 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1. Expect decision on park sewage plant tomorrow; action on long delayed water reclamation project on Councilman’s program.
Fate of the Seifert water reclamation and golf course plan may be decided tomorrow by the city council, which has set that date for a final decision on the project.
Under the plan advanced by Seifert, he would contract for the erection of a sewage disposal plant tapping the sewer outfalls on 32nd and 28th Streets. The effluent from the plant would be pumped to a reservoir in a canyon adjoining Pershing Drive in the park and metered to the city for use in irrigating the park. The cost of this reclaimed water to the city would be between 15 and 20 cents a thousand gallons under tentative plans. Proceeds of the sale of water would be used to amortize the investment of building both the disposal plant and an 18-hole grassed golf course which would be built by the project promoters. Upon amortization of the investment, with interest, the plant would revert to the city.
The council months ago passed a measure authorizing a majority of its members to contract for the reclamation plant and golf course. Since then numerous contracts have been drawn but signing has been postponed from time to time for one reason or another.
Several months ago the plan appeared to have been “buried” by common consent, but Seifert and his attorney appeared before the council and revived it. Manager Lockwood was asked for a recommendation and he recommended against the plan, declaring the interest rate provided in tentative contracts is much too high. He added that the city, by setting aside for several years sums equal to the payments that would have to be made on the reclamation project, could easily build a golf course, which was declared by some to be the biggest talking point of the whole plan. Payments by the city for water would run between $90,000 and $100,000 a year, it was estimated.
Because of negotiations over the disposal plant, the city’s plans for moving the 32nd Street outfall, as desired by the navy, have been held in abeyance. The council promised to remedy the situation caused at the destroyer base by the outfall and made tentative provision for moving the outfall in the last budget.
Since that time the navy has again complained and there have been three more postponements of action on the reclamation plant. Councilman explained delay in moving the outfall on the grounds it would be unnecessary to move it if the disposal plant was installed and utilized the sewer’s flow.
The council is reported sharply divided on the reclamation project. At a recent council meeting, Councilmen Dowell and McMullen spoke favorably on the project, while Irey urged more consideration and Maire was non-committal. Councilman Alexander, who is out flat-footedly against the project, was absent at that meeting. Since that time the council members, with the exception of Alexander, have made no public announcement of their stand on the project.
As the matter stands, three members could by signing the contract put it into effect.
Since the plan was first considered the city has joined with the county to put in a sewage reclamation plant at the new State College. Results of the operation of that plant probably will go far to determine the city’s policy on sewage disposal. The disposal problem is being acute as the city grows and more outfalls pour sewage into the bay.
In the background of the whole disposal matter is a rumor that Hollywood film interests were planning to acquire large interests of the Otay mesa region, plant it in citrus or avocado, install a gigantic disposal plant in San Diego and uses reclaimed water for irrigating the groves. Plans for this project were reported to have been fairly well advanced before the stock market crash of last year rattled the back teeth of the film men.
Ten to 15 million gallons of reclaimed water a day was reported to be the goal of the plan.
October 15, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:4. No action taken on Seifert’s reclamation plan yesterday; Seifert now wants to divert all bay sewage.
October 19, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:1-2. William Templeton Johnson, architect, defends harbor site for civic building; denies piling, noises, dampness present obstacles.
October 19, 1930, San Diego Union, 12:4. Two grizzly bears and chimpanzee join San Diego Zoo family.
October 20, 1930, San Diego Union, 10:1. Loris, strangest of animals, are “at home” in San Diego Zoo (illus.).
October 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5. Definitely rejecting the Seifert water reclamation-golf course project yesterday, the Council agreed to consider a much large water reclamation proposition whereby an irrigation supply would be developed sufficient to irrigate thousands of acres of land lying on the coastal plain and foothills south and east of the city.
October 21, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:3. The Council yesterday adopted a resolution transferring thousands of dollars from the Reserve fund to the Zoo fund after Dr. Harry Wegeforth and Mrs. Belle Benchley told the Council that the fund represented Zoo savings of last year which went into the Reserve fund last June 30.
October 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Good Bye Golf Course
That grassed golf course, situated in Balboa Park and irrigated with water from a sewage-reclamation plant, apparently has turned out to be another mirage. The objection to it, according to the public prints, was the reclamation plant. Now, however, in its place we are to have a bigger and better sewage-reclamation plant without the golf course attached. The latest reclamation project reported under consideration at the city hall is quite a project as projects go.
Promoters of the latest golf-course proposition wanted permission to establish a grassed course in Balboa Park with a reclamation plant in conjunction to supply irrigation. They proposed to develop the course at their own expense, paying rental and a share of the profit and turning the course over to the city after a term of years. The opposition has knocked that plan very cleverly — but the substitute project, announced yesterday, would appear to be just a bit extravagant.
The substitute is a reclamation plant far bigger than the one proposed by the golf-course promoters — one which eventually would disposes of all the city’s sewage. The water developed would be used to irrigate, not a golf course, but “many thousands of acres: of agricultural land south and east of the city.
Many San Diegans have felt the need of a playable municipal golf course. The yearning to irrigate the many thousand of acres aforesaid would appear to have been confined to the owners of the acres. And if a sewage disposal plant of the proposed type would be objectionable in connection with the needed golf course, it would be objectionable anywhere else.
We have no decent municipal golf curse, and are not likely to have one, but we have been taken for some nice buggy rides.
October 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 4:1. EDITORIAL: Eighty Years
Mr. George W. Marston celebrates his 80th birthday today, and some thousands of his fellow-townsmen will observe the day by expressing their surprise that he has attained an age that some call “old.” Mr. Marston came to San Diego as a youngster, some 60 years ago. For all those three-score years, he has devoted himself to his business, his civic ideals, his friends, with an ardor and an energy that have remained youthful. He is known as a civic benefactor, but his generosity has always been active, purposeful, self-starting. He has never been “old.” He is not “old.” It will take more than an 80th birthday to make him so.
Our birthday wish is that Mr. Marston’s youthful enthusiasms may long continue to postpone his ripe old age.
October 24, 1930, San Diego Union, 2:2. San Diego Zoo asks money transfer; City Clerk requested to prepare ordinance shifting sum from General Fund.
October 24, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:5. Chamber of Commerce urges dedication of park land for street uses; indorses Balboa Park, Torrey Pines propositions on November 3 ballot.
October 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5, 3:3. Plan to exhibit 152 rattlers at San Diego Zoo Sunday; reptiles gathered in Prairie Dog Town in Colorado for study by curators.
October 26, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 8:2-3. John Lawrence cites conditions favoring park site for Civic Center.
October 26, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 8:4. J. F. Dornfield advocates park for Civic Center.
October 27, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:4-5. Indian pythons at San Diego Zoo fed with sausage stuffer.
October 28, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:2. Mayor outlines Pershing Drive truck road plan; would add concrete strips to 30 foot asphalt highway for heavy traffic.
October 31, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:4-5. Gertrude Gilbert urges Spanish motif for Civic Center.
November 1, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:2. Mayor Clark stresses value of park land for roads; urges affirmative vote on project as necessary to obtain state aid; unpaved east half of 6th Street and unpaved north half of Date Street would be removed from Balboa Park jurisdiction.
November 2, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:2-4. Drawing by Maurice Braun of proposed Civic Center building.
November 2, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:5-6. San Diego Zoo’s preparation for winter involves simple, sometimes odd protection for “rigors.”
November 3, 1930, San Diego Union, 7:2-5. Sketch prepared by San Diego Architects’ Association of proposed Civic Center building.
November 4, 1930. Proposition 2: Shall the City of San Diego abandon and discontinue the use of portions of Balboa Park as a park and dedicate the portions so abandoned to the municipal use as public streets and highways?
Yes 22,833
No 12,854
November 5, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5-6. Civic Center site beaten on basis of early returns.
November 6, 1930, Resolution of the Board of Park Commissioners changing the name of Arroyo Drive to a “Park Drive.” (City of San Diego Public Library).
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of San Diego, that the projected road through Balboa Park from point of intersection with Pershing Drive near cobblestone bridge running approximately in a northerly direction to the north boundary of Balboa Park to connect with Florida Street, shown and described on Nolen Map on file in office of Board of Park Commissioners as ARROYO DRIVE be, and the same is hereby designated as a PARK DRIVE, to be developed for use such in accordance with the general lines of the said Nolen Map.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed and adopted by the Board of Park Commissioners, November 6, 1930
(Signed) A. S. Hill
Executive Secretary,
Board of Park Commissioners,
City of San Diego, Calif.
NOTE: Above resolution appears to be a preparatory toward step toward deterring the use of Powder House Canyon as a truck road. RWA.
November 6, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 2:5. City Commissions face abolition in new City Charter; may be discarded with special taxes according to freeholders’ sentiment.
November 9, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:5. 2:7. Truck road plan in Balboa Park blocked by Park Board ruling to keep trucks out of Balboa Park; unemployment relief balked; City to act soon on Pershing Drive work.
City administration plans for cross-town truck roads through the park have been dealt a severe blow by the recent decision of the Park Board to keep trucks out of Balboa Park.
In a resolution adopted at the last meeting the board designated the projected Powder House canyon truck road as a park drive to be developed and used as such. This bars trucks from the road, which runs from a junction with Pershing Drive near the cobble bridge to the southern end of Florida Street..
The Board also rejected plans to permit operation of trucks on Pershing Drive but went on record in favor of widening the drive.
Two commissioners were present at the meeting in which the truck question was discussed. Commissioners W. C. Crandall and Lester T. Olmstead joined in adopting the resolution. Commissioner Marston was not present.
The Powder House Canyon road has been urged by truck men who want a shorter route across town. The city and county have set up a $10,000 fund for unemployment relief and it was planned to spend the money on the Powder House Canyon Road. This, councilmen agreed, would give the city and county a useful road in return for the money.
Mayor Clark had advanced a plan for widening and thickening Pershing Drive to a point where trucks might be operated over it without damaging the road. This also was turned down by the Park Board.
Whether the Park Board’s action in declaring that Power House Road a park drive will affect the plans for expending unemployment relief money there had not been determined yesterday. The park board’s action is to be brought before the council tomorrow, and at that time the council probably will decide whether to go ahead and improve the road as a drive or to find some other place to expend the fund.
Manager Lockwood is to lay before the council tomorrow his plans for widening Pershing Drive. These provide for an additional 10 feet to the road on straightways and greater widening or curves, with cutting back of the curve banks to provide more visibility. In addition, the drive bridge would be widened from its present 25 feet width to a width of 50 feet.
The bridge widening and additional work on the turns bring the cost estimate of the job up to $17,000, Lockwood said. The council has $15,000 set aside for the work. If the additional safety of wider turns and wider bridge is not deemed advisable at this time, they may be left off and the work done with the $15,000.
Addition of 10 feet to the width of Pershing Drive will give the drive a width of 30 feet.
November 11, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7. Unpaved section of 6th Street to stay in park; canvass reveals removal defeated at recent election; Torrey Pines plan wins.
November 13, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Colonel D. C. Collier predicts great development for San Diego in near future.
November 22, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1. Mayor Clark recommends city emergency unemployment relief funds be used to work on a golf course and bowling green in park.
November 23, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:2-3. Big snakes at San Diego Zoo get lunches whether they want them or not; to be served today.
November 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:5. The Council adopted Mayor Clark’s recommendations for expenditure of unemployment funds on the park bowling green and golf course yesterday; fund totals $5,000; plan to open up a road through Power House Canyon from Pershing Drive to Florida Street abandoned because of opposition of Park Board to operation of trucks on road.
December 3, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:4. San Diego County will vote late January or early in February on the issuance of $435,000 in bonds to match a like amount offered by the State Commission for four park sites in San Diego County.
December 7, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:7. Mayor Clark announced yesterday that placement of men under the city’s unemployment relief plan will start next Thursday when men begin making a bowling green layout in the park; the green is to be constructed in the old rose garden north of the west end of Cabrillo Bridge; the old garden was doomed by a parasite and is to be duplicated in another section.
December 7, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 3:1. O’Rourke Library given valuable book collections.
December 7, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 16:2-3. Arthur H. Hill sets forth advantages of Civic Center in park along Date Street from 6th Street to 9th Street.
December 8, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:3-4. Maurice Allen objects to posterior view of “that spirited nag ridden by El Cid.”
December 13, 1930, San Diego Union, 3:6. City Planning Commission approved yesterday maps and plans showing projected development of Mission Bay Park as a state park.
December 14, 1930, San Diego Union, II, 1:3-4, 2:5-6. Santa’s branch library in War Memorial Building, Balboa Park, going full blast getting toys ready for children of needy veterans.
December 16, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:7-8. Council signs contract on widening Pershing Drive.
December 17, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:4-5. Birds and beasts at San Diego Zoo write letter to San Diego Union telling their Christmas wants.
December 18, 1930, San Diego Union, 1:5. James Milburn, who constructed Cabrillo Bridge and was Superintendent of Construction of the 1915 Panama-California Exposition here, dies last night in Los Angeles.
December 18, 1930, San Diego Union, 6:1. Organists’ Guild to give 15 recitals at Balboa Park during winter season; starts today.
December 21, 1930, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 9:3-5. Christmas program at Organ Pavilion; living pictures of Nativity to be given after lapse of one year on Christmas night.
December 23, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:4. Christmas program at Organ Pavilion; joint chorus of 50 voices from Morning Choral and Cadman Clubs will sing antiphonally.
December 25, 1930, San Diego Union, 11:2. Christmas program at Organ Pavilion; John Doane, New York organist, gave concert here last summer to raise money for Christmas observance..
December 26, 1930, San Diego Union, 9:2-3. Nativity pictures, concert at Organ Pavilion.
December 31, 1930, San Diego Union, 5:2. Big San Diego Zoo python will get large New Year meal; public invited to see reptile “put on nose bag” tomorrow afternoon; arrived at Zoo early in October.
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