Balboa Park History 1938
January 2, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:5-8. Scientists to make long cruise to get specimens for Zoo.
January 3, 1938, San Diego Union, 9:1. Scouts, parents hold reunion at Indian Village.
January 9, 1938, San Diego Union, 12:8. Works by Marius Rocles, Everett Gee Jackson shown at Spanish Village.
January 11, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 12:2-3. Natural History Museum strides told at annual meeting; directors named.
January 13, 1938, San Diego Union, 7:6. City Manager Flack, acting on Park Commission recommendations, approved a new Plaza on the Palisades, developed for the Exposition.
January 16, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:6. John Barrymore, handsome llama from San Simeon ranch, newest arrival at San Diego Zoo.
January 17, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:4. Edwin Capps, 77, twice mayor of San Diego, dies in Los Angeles.
January 18, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:4. City Attorney Ault rules Market Street okay for Police Station.
January 19, 1938, San Diego Union, 7:3. On being informed that the Nolen plans for a 200-foot drive around the bay may never be realized because two miles of the road run through federal reservations where there is no municipal right-of-way, the City Council yesterday instructed the City Attorney to begin action to get such a right-of-way from the government.
January 21, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-2. George W. Marston recalls that pioneers were aware that climate was San Diego’s capital; population was 2,000 when he arrived; praises Alonzo Horton.
January 23, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-3. “Know Your San Diego” class attention! Take “trip” though beautiful Balboa Park.
January 24, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:1. Largest crowd since Exposition visited Balboa Park yesterday.
January 27, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:2-3. Board rules out fox hunt in Balboa Park; rejects application of Silver Gate Riding Club: “What would happen if a rabbit — with which the park abounds — should cross the trail of the hounds? . . . Could a motorist avoid an accident if he suddenly found himself in the middle of a hunting scene?”
January 28, 1938, San Diego Union, 8:4. City to force removal of sidewalk signs.
January 30, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-4, 2:4. Gorillas at San Diego Zoo.
February 2, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 9:2. Plan that scenic county outing on 14-foot relief map at Natural History Museum; landscape features shown.
February 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 8:2-3. Park facilities attract many; fly-casting pool planned.
February 13, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:6-7. Captain C. Allen Hancock’s Treasure Hunt for Zoo to Cocos Island fails.
February 15, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 9:1. One hundred attend Red Cross school in the San Diego Headquarters, Balboa Park.
February 15, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 12:1. War Memorial building drive explained.
February 20, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:3, 4:2. Osa Johnson makes social call on captured gorillas.
February 20, 1938, San Diego Union, 7:1. San Francisco’s Magic City taking form.
February 21, 1938, San Diego Union, 2:3. Two thousand attended federal music projects concert band program in Ford Bowl yesterday.
March 4, 1938, San Diego Union, 6:2. James H. Bell, city social welfare director, urges conversion of municipal gymnasium into dance hall; San Diego’s young people need suitable place to dance.
March 6, 1938, San Diego Union, 2:4. William Templeton Johnson named Fine Arts Gallery head yesterday.
March 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:5. Karel Hujer, Czech, to talk in House of Hospitality Sunday afternoon.
March 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 10:3. National Guard commander asks for use of Ford Building as Armory.
March 13, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:4. San Diego Adult High School art displayed at Spanish Village today; program of song and dramatic readings sponsored by school this afternoon.
March 13, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 2:2-3. Thousands acclaim park organ were concerts have been given since 1915.
March 14, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:5. Karel Hujer speaks in House of Hospitality.
March 14, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 10:1-3. Three little bears from Andes make debut at San Diego Zoo; only ones of kind in country.
March 18, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:7. City studies park buildings upkeep plans; Harry L. Foster, who supervised the 1933 project, told city officials yesterday a $2,000 annual expenditure would keep the buildings in shape for 35 to 40 years; maintenance should be directed at replacing outside plaster when it falls off to keep water from getting in.
March 27, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 8:1-4. Park shuffleboard courts lure hundred every day.
March 28, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:6. Community Players meet in old Globe Theater tonight to read parts in next production.
March 29, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:3, 2:3. John Forward, former mayor, dies at home.
March 30, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:5. H. K. Raymenton, traveler, lauds Balboa Park landscaping in talk before Kiwanis Club yesterday.
April 1, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:1. George W. Marston tells Rotary Club that present downtown district sold for $275.
April 2, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 9:1. Mrs. John Morley dies.
April 7, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Canadian warship’s officers honored at luncheon in Balboa Park.
April 8, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 9:1. Ceramic show opens at Fine Arts Gallery tonight.
April 10, 1938, San Diego Union, World Wide Features, 2:1. Second piano festival set for May 15 in Balboa Park.
April 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:2-3. Rare birds, animals on display at Zoo; wild life filmed.
April 17, 1938, San Diego Union, 9:1. Exhibit set at Hall of Education, Balboa Park, during Adult Schools Week, April 25-May 1.
April 17, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 2:4-5. Gallery talk will feature Mrs. Henry A. Everett bequest, by Reginald Poland.
April 17, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 2:6-7. Water color paintings at Spanish Village, by Sherman Trease.
April 18, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:4. Easter services at Organ Pavilion yesterday.
April 22, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:4. WPA would use park buildings; may discontinue aid of projects.
April 24, 1938, San Diego Union, 7:1. Park exhibits to demonstrate education.
April 24, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:8, 2:6-8. Interpretation of Nolen’s plan for San Diego basis of jail site dispute.
April 24, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 2:3-4. San Diego children to participate in Piano Festival in Balboa Park.
April 29, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:5-7. San Diego’s Pan-American Fiesta emphasizes friendship of Americas; consular corps host at dinner program in park.
May 1, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:1. Flower show opens in park.
May 1, 1938, San Diego Union, 10:6-7. Modern home show will open in park May 18.
May 1, 1938, San Diego Union, 11:1. Maynard Dixon, guest critic, at Spanish Village Friday meeting of discussion group.
May 3, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:2. O’Rourke attack on Market Street jail fails; demurrer upheld.
May 5, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 9:3-4. San Diego Life Underwriters Association will sponsor Mothers’ Day concert in Ford Bowl Sunday evening.
May 9, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:6-7. Mothers’ Day concert in Ford Bowl yesterday afternoon.
May 12, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:4, 2:2. WPA funds sought to improve San Diego waterfront.
May 12, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:1. Planners will set hearing today on highway routing; inland highway; tunnel under University Avenue; divided highway through Cabrillo Canyon.
May 15, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 4:1. Grant piano festival will be heard today in Balboa Park; 600 players to take part.
May 16, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:4-7. Thousands hear 574 pianists at park festival.
May 18, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:6. Electric Show to open tonight in Balboa Park.
May 19, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:5, 2:3. Six new buildings for Marine base.
May 21, 1938, San Diego Union, 2:2-3. Silver Strand State Park dedicated; aid promised.
May 21, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:7. Second annual city school band festival tomorrow afternoon at Ford Bowl.
May 22, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:2-3. Officials aim at 350,000 acres for Anza desert tract.
May 22, 1939, San Diego Union, 1:5. Schumann-Heink tablet unveiling set after Memorial Day exercises at Organ Pavilion May 30.
May 22, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:4. Officials of 9th District, P. T. A., announced yesterday that a musical pageant of San Diego’s past will be presented in the Ford Bowl next summer.
May 22, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:8. City WPA projects near completion; La Jolla cove work to start June 16.
Total of 24,000 square feet of maple flooring has been laid in Balboa Park recreation building and painters yesterday were striping courts for basketball, badminton and other games.
The project, which also included installation of new lights by the city electrical department, was financed by a $3,000 city appropriation and a $________ WPA allotment.
The building, known during the exposition as the Palace of Electricity, is a 228 by 117 foot structure and is situated just north of the Ford Bowl. When the improvement finally is completed, which probably will be in two weeks, it will be placed back in use as one of the major centers in the city’s recreational facilities under William A. Kearns, city playgrounds and recreation department superintendent.
May 23, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:4-5. Three hundred and twenty-five cubs compete in spring “Stampede” at Indian Village.
May 23, 1938, San Diego Union, 6:5. School bands thrill crowd in Ford Bowl.
May 25, 1938, San Diego Union, 8:1-8. City Council replies to Grand Jury in police headquarters site case; George W. Marston favors Market Street site.
May 27, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 12:2. Schumann-Heink service planned at Memorial Day observance Monday at Organ Pavilion.
May 29, 1938, San Diego Union, 5:6. Johann Strauss’ opera “Die Fledermaus” will open the 1938 season of “opera under the stars” in Wegeforth Bowl, Wednesday night.
May 30, 1938, San Diego Union, 6:1. Silvergate Riding Club announces June 12 for 6th annual charity horse show to be held in the Balboa Park riding arena.
May 30, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:8l Crowd heard federal music project concert band in Ford Bowl yesterday.
May 31, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:4-5, 2:4-5. Veterans of Four Wars parade in fallen comrades’ honor; Memorial Day observed in park program.
May 31, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:5-6. Veterans see plaque unveiled honoring Mme. Schumann-Heink.
May 31, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:1. Reiser directed closing winter series concert in Ford Bowl yesterday afternoon; George Otto, honorary president, will make opening address.
June 4, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:4. House of Germany, House of Pacific Relations, will present a music program this afternoon.
June 5, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 3:4-5. Strangers meet become pals in “Friendship Village”; Roque Club in Balboa Park; M. E. Gowan, president.
June 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:2. Dr. Wegeforth back from 7-month tour; makes contracts for animals for San Diego Zoo.
June 15, 1938, San Diego Union, 8:1. Natural History “onlys” to greet scientists in session here; unique fossils, eggs, early humans.
June 19, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:7-8, 2:1. Island birds, nest shown in Natural History Museum exhibit.
June 19, 1938, San Diego Union, World Wide Features, 4:4-5. V. Bakeleinikoff to direct opening of music series in Balboa Park.
June 19, 1938, San Diego Union, Building, 1:4. U. S. Navy improves Naval Hospital area; work on grounds to cost $25,000; walks and benches being installed throughout 15-acre leased tract; facilities are being completed for a nine-hole pitch and putt golf course, tennis courts, shuffleboard, croquet, horseshoe and other recreational needs; lease is for 25 years.
June 24, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:2-3. Scientific convention at House of Hospitality; nearly 800 scientists reporting.
June 26, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 3:1. Lawn bowling draws enthusiasts to park.
June 26, 1938, San Diego Union, World-Wide Features, 4:2-3. Spanish Village seeks title for coming fiesta play.
June 29, 1938, San Diego Union, 6:1. Children to learn San Diego fauna, flora in classes at Natural History Museum.
July 4, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-4. Vespers at Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.
July 5, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:6-7, 2:3. Twenty five thousand see fireworks, three-ring circus at San Diego Stadium.
July 9, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Bakaleinikoff leads impressive Ford Bowl premiere.
July 10, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 4:2. House of China, House of Pacific Relations, to offer Lion Dance today.
July 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:5-6, 2:4. President Franklin D. Roosevelt will dedicate San Diego Civic Center Saturday.
July 12, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:3, 2:7. San Diego County quits support of San Francisco Exposition; “closed town” debate marks dizzying session.
July 12, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:1. WPA plan for occupancy of Federal Building furthered.
July 13, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-3. Dermestid family moves in at Natural History Museum; bug house squad cleans up cobra corpse; former pests turn workmen in penthouse shop.
July 15, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:6. Belcher says San Diego owes San Francisco aid at Exposition.
July 15, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. George W. Marston host to Rotarians at Presidio Park; tells of rich historical finds.
July 16, 1938, San Diego Union, 4:3. Blind “see” San Diego Zoo animals, birds on visit.
July 17, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:8, 4:2. President Franklin D. Roosevelt tells 25,000 he is proud of San Diego; says motto of “noblest motive is public good” insures eternal democracy.
July 17, 1938, San Diego Union, New of the World, 2:1-5. Presidio Park is shrine of San Diego history, by Percy C. Broell.
July 17, 1938, San Diego Union, New of the World, 4:4-5. History of San Diego Orchestra reveals steady progress, by Sally Brown Moody.
July 22, 1938, San Diego Union, 13:2. Frank Drugan, here for visit, urges permanent exposition for San Diego; since June 1937 he has been a member of the Los Angeles exposition staff.
July 24, 1938, San Diego Union, II, B-1:6. Plans speeded for playground project here; “jungle gyms” slated; $25,000 city-side program; work will be done by WPA labor.
July 26, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:7-8, 5:2. WPA okays immediate start on San Diego Police Headquarters.
August 2, 1938, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Tonight’s symphony concert in park dedicated to Mrs. Marshall G. Terry, president of San Diego Symphony Association.
August 5, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:1. Celebration of 150th anniversary of ratification of U. S. Constitution will be held afternoon of September 17 at Ford Bowl.
August 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:5. Picnic in park tomorrow afternoon will highlight Governor Merriam’s visit.
August 11, 1938, San Diego Union, 5:2-3. Federation of State Societies and Veterans of Foreign Wars will improve Pepper Grove.
August 15, 1938, San Diego Union, B-9:1. Liberal response in campaign for Pepper Grove benefit.
August 19, 1938, San Diego Union, II, B-1:5. Theodore Rosloff will present his ballet concert in Ford Bowl tonight as a benefit for the orchestra fund.
August 21, 1938, San Diego Union, A-1:4. Frank Lloyd Wright says American life, economy need rebulding.
August 21, 1938, San Diego Union, II, B-1:8, B-3:5. Scientific titles disguise anteaters, zebras, etc. at Zoo.
August 25, 1938, San Diego Union, A-3:8. Burlesque auction at Spanish Village; many art events on 5-day program opening Thursday..
August 28, 1938, San Diego Union, C-3:5-6. Polish group to join House of Pacific Relations, by Naomi Baker.
August 30, 1938, San Diego Union, A-3:2. Dog show in Balboa Park Saturday-Sunday; entries top 500.
August 30, 1938, San Diego Union, II, B-1:1. San Diego Union to honor handicapped at park picnic at 6th Avenue and Juniper Street tomorrow.
September 1, 1938, San Diego Union, A-5:1-3. “El Greco” to open at Art Fiesta today; exhibitors will receives prizes at tea.
September 1, 1938, San Diego Union, B-12:1. One thousand attend San Diego Union picnic in Balboa Park.
September 11, 1938, San Diego Union, C-4:1-2. Amphion Club leaders photos form gallery of great; Gertrude Gilbert tells anecdotes of famous artists who came here.
September 11, 1938, San Diego Union, C-4:6. Throngs enjoy Spanish Village Art Fiesta, by Sherman Trease.
More than 6,000 persons paid the small admission to the village, and judging from the many who came every one of the five days and lingered into the night, they felt well satisfied with the entertainment offered.
All funds received are used for operating, maintaining and improving the buildings.
September 15, 1938, San Diego Union, A-7:6. Naval Hospital seeks 40 acres of land lying south and east of hospital.
September 18, 1938, San Diego Union, A-6:6-7. Community Players opened a 10-day engagement of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Thursday evening in Zoro Gardens, Balboa Park.
September 21, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:3. Transfer of 40 acres of Balboa Park to U. S. Navy scheduled for ballot November 8, 1938.
September 22, 1938, San Diego Union, A-1:3. Vote on seven city proposals deferred until January 31; insufficient time to prepare for ballot.
September 23, 1938, San Diego Union, A-4:5-6. Red Cross Exhibit to demonstrate services in the Hall of Education, Balboa Park, to open today; part of Community Chest “Exposition of Agencies.”
September 26, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:1, 6:1. Program Ford Bowl yesterday afternoon honored 110 retired officers of the Salvation Army; Salvation Army pioneers recall worth, growth of 73 years; more than 2,500 attended.
September 27, 1938, San Diego Union, A-4:3-4. William Templeton Johnson defends palm plantings at Civic Center.
October 2, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:1, B-5:1. Nature walks unveil park mysteries; world’s first tree fascinates visitors, cycad is Java fern that grew up in dinosaur era, by Ruth Taunton.
October 6, 1938, San Diego Union, A-1:2. U. S. Navy proposes $500,000 in buildings; park land sought for two additions to Naval Hospital; voters have final say.
October 6, 1938, San Diego Union, A-1:4. John Morley has been named a fellow of the American Institute of Park Executives.
October 9, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:8, B-2:4. Harbor Drive completion looms as Navy indicates readiness to grant road right-of-way.
October 13, 1938, San Diego Union, A-6:3-4. House of Italy, House of Pacific Relations, reopened yesterday at Columbus Day festival; bust unveiled of Virgil Brushi, for many years a leader of American-Italians and for several years a member of the City Council..
October 16, 1938, San Diego Union, A-11:5-6. Credit for House of Hospitality due to Auditorium Association.
October 16, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:5. San Diego Union, B-1:5. San Diego’s federal music project band, Carl Kuehne, director, will present regular weekly concert this afternoon in the Ford Bowl; “Overture to Flying Dutchman” by Wagner on program.
October 21, 1938, San Diego Union, B-3:6. County okays $20,000 for San Francisco Exposition exhibit.
October 23, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:8, 4:1. Flack resigns City Manager’s post.
October 26, 1938, San Diego Union, A-1:6-7, A-2:2-3. Lofty and Patches, giraffes, enter Zoo, by Ruth Taunton.
October 30, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Pershing Drive job to double capacity; City considers widening, dividing road, erection of grade-separation structure at junction of Pershing 26th Street and Powder House Canyon Road.
November 4, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:2-3. Senator David Walsh, Senate Naval Affairs Committee chairman, says Naval Hospital in Balboa Park “is badly in need of enlargement.”
November 4, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:4. John G. Morley to retire from Park Director post January 21 on reaching his 72nd birthday; he will assume honorary title of director emeritus; City Charter requires retirement on employees reaching age of 72.
November 5, 1938, San Diego Union, A-2:1-2. San Diego High School honors “Class of 1891” with series of homecoming events.
November 6, 1938, San Diego Union, A-4:2-3. Goodwill, folk dances, songs in Fiesta of Nations at House of Pacific Relations last night.
November 15, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Canyon artery pledge urged in move for funds.
November 15, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:6-7. Lights will blaze November 29 in annual Electric Show.
November 17, 1938, San Diego Union, B-2:1. Balboa Park “desert” attracts student artists; tourists flock to cacti-studded slope behind Hall of Education.
November 20, 1938, San Diego Union, A-7:2-3. Thanksgiving rose show to open in Spanish Village Saturday.
November 20, 1938, San Diego Union, A-16:2-4. Monkeys, geese sold to New Zealand.
November 24, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:2. $36,674 recreation projects planned; dressing rooms at Gymnasium.
November 25, 1938, Minutes of the Park Commission
Present; Fred Kunzel, president; Thomas Hamilton, Nicholas J. Martin.
City Manager Flack recommended that W. Allen Perry be appointed Park Director.
November 28, 1938, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. San Diego Federal Music Project Band favorites scored hit at Ford Bowl yesterday.
November 28, 1938, San Diego Union, 3:5. Electrical Show to open tonight; fourth annual show by Bureau of Radio and Electrical Appliances of San Diego County.
November 30, 1938, San Diego Union, 1:5, 2:2-3. Six councilmen vote to retain City Manager Flack; Mayor Benbough angry at surprise move; manager withdraws resignation; Mayor opposed to selection of any man who is not now a resident of San Diego.
“I’m one-seventh of this council and that action today was camouflaged. Why haven’t they got the intestinal fortitude to come out in the open instead of pulling statements out of their pockets?”
November 30, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Miss Kate O. Sessions returned to her native San Francisco for dedicatory exercises on the Treasure Island site where a 250-foot building will house 30 flower shows during 10 months of the Golden Gate Exposition.
November 30, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:8 Councilmen delay park director pact to retain John Morley as park consultant and to grant him free use of his park home for life; Morley is on vacation and W. Allen Perry, assistant, is acting director.
December 2, 1938, San Diego Union, A-6:6-7. Civic leaders honored John G. Morley at luncheon at Casa del Rey Moro yesterday; Louis Weggenman, president of Chamber of Commerce committee which sponsored the luncheon); Mayor P. J. Benbough; Fred Kunzel, chairman City Park Commission; Donald E. Hanson, president Chamber of Commerce; George W. Marston; Julius Wangenheim.
December 4, 1938, San Diego Union, Anniversary Edition, 3B. San Diego Zoo is fourth largest in United States.
December 4, 1938, San Diego Union, Anniversary Edition, C3:5. City features playgrounds and parks; large municipal swimming pool attracts many.
December 8, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:2. “Civic Affairs Day,” project whereby high school students of San Diego “take over” various city offices in the fall and county offices in the spring, originated with San Diego High School Boys’ Federation in 1925.
December 9, 1939, San Diego Union, A-6:4-6. Fine Arts Gallery displays Bosch masterpiece “Christ Taken Captive,” donated anonymously.
December 11, 1938, San Diego Union, A-15:5-6. City Manager Flack announced yesterday completion of a $33,838 playground project by City, WPA; cost to city was $14,601.
The cost for improving the municipal gymnasium was $5,274 and included draining in front of the building and placing 26,000 square feet of maple flooring.
Dance pavilion and 30 concrete tables and benches constructed for Pepper Grove. . . . Individuals and organizations contributed to the Pepper Grove work, said City Manager Flack.
December 16, 1938, San Diego Union, A-10:3. D. A. R. group will plant a tree in Palisades today to commemorate Sesqui-centennial of the U. S. Constitution.
December 18, 1938, San Diego Union, A-1:2, A-10:5. Twenty five thousand expected in Stadium today for Union-Tribune-Ryan Christmas party; 60-foot tree set up.
December 21, 1938, San Diego Union, A-2:1. WPA makes $142,706 grant for Battery Park walks, sea wall, navy boat landing.
December 28, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. Ten seals shipped to Germany from San Diego Zoo.
December 29, 1938, San Diego Union, B-1:5. J. Elton Green, Natural History Museum taxidermist, knows his stuffing.
December 30, 1938, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. Ethel C. Scott praises Presidio Park Nativity scene.
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