Balboa Park History 1939
January 1, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1, B-2:8. San Diego preparing display for San Francisco Exposition; murals, miniatures to show world county attractions, by W. B. France.
January 5, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:8. Percy C. Broell, 35; E. J. Waterhouse, 39; and William Allen Perry, 35, seek Park Director post; salary ranges from $297 to $371 a month.
January 8, 1939, San Diego Union, F-3:1-2. B. O. Larsen built Civic Center; costs total $1,730,474.
January 13, 1939, San Diego Union, A-11:1-2. Goya portrait of Marque de Safraga given to Fine Arts Gallery anonymously, by Reginald Poland.
January 14, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:6. Park experts to conduct quiz for San Diego job.
January 15, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:2. Natural History Museum elects directors
January 15, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:8. National Guard moves to Ford Building.
January 16, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:6-7. Federal Concert Band wins plaudits at first 1939 program in Bowl.
January 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:2. John G. Morley to retire Saturday; fete set.
January 19, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Plaza palm goes on trial for life today; unlawful possession of dry rot may doom tall arboreal culprit.
January 20, 1929, San Diego Union, B-1:3-4. Park officials hold plaza palm guilty; death mandatory after dry rot found.
January 21, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:2. John G. Morley honored as duty ends.
January 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A:6-5. Spanish Village seats officers.
February 5, 1939, San Diego Union, A-2:1. Experts invited to quick park job aspirants.
February 15, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:5. Committee takes up Mission Bay plan.
February 17, 1939, San Diego Union, C-1:1-2. City Planning Board favors delay in seeking Mission Bay park control.
February 19, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:8. WPA aid of $51,000 approved for Presidio Park; jobs provided for 68; to uncover historical ruins.
February 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:6-8, A-4:6. Balboa Park beauty recalled as San Francisco Exposition opens, by Forrest Warren.
February 21, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1. City Council to act on Richard Requa’s plan to remodel courthouse.
February 22, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1. City Council orders proposition of land shift for Naval Hospital.
February 26, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Park authorities due here Tuesday to interview applications for Park Director.
March 12, 1939, San Diego Union, A-10:7-8. Work to start on recreational facilities April 3, City-sponsored WPA project costing $36,647; lockers and dressing rooms to be constructed inside Balboa Park Gymnasium; building to be painted.
March 12, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:3-7. Girl Scouts to hold open house in Balboa Park headquarters today.
March 14, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Crowds hamper film cameraman in Balboa Park.
March 14, 1939, San Diego Union, A-8:1-5. Councilman Wansley, in hot attack on mayor, says feud with Sears animates Benbough.
March 14, 1939, San Diego Union, B-12:1-3. City Charter trims boards from seven to two divisions beyond City Manager control.
March 15, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:8. Hitler takes Czechoslovakia.
March 15, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:6-7. Youth dies, two hurt in park crash; car skids 186 feet, overturns; accident on Zoo road, south of Roosevelt Junior High School.
March 15, 1939, San Diego Union, A-7:1-3. City Manager builds force; advances executives.
March 16, 1939, San Diego Union, A-10:1-3. City Departments cooperate to cut costs, aid services.
March 17, 1939, San Diego Union, A-10:1-6. City Manager puts city’s finances, records on business basis.
March 18, 1939, San Diego Union, B-12:1-3. San Diego government efficient under City Manager plan.
March 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:3, A-3:4. Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady, visited San Diego yesterday; spoke at Russ Auditorium.
March 28, 1939, ELECTION: Vote on grant of land to U. S. Naval Hospital (final vote)
Yes 27,393 No. 8,111
March 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:8, A-2:4-5. Benbough reelected mayor by big margin in primary; Proposition No. 3 giving Balboa Park Land to U. S. Naval Hospital:
Yes 19,299 No 5,697
March 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:1. Spanish war ends as Madrid falls; Franco’s forces take over city, leaders flee.
March 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-6:4. County Democrats would ban Hitler’s pictures in Balboa Park.
March 31, 1939, San Diego Union, B-4:7. City Attorney Ault says U. S. Navy will get only 37 acres of Balboa Park.
Fear expressed by North Park civic leaders that electors Tuesday had voted “all of Balboa Park” to the Navy for expansion of its hospital were set aside yesterday by Dayton Ault, city attorney, and H. B. Daniel, assistant.
When the Navy first presented its request for additional land, said Daniel, it marked the area it wanted on a map. This area then was surveyed and is described in meters and bounds in an ordinance referred to in the proposition transferring the land.
Daniel says 37 acres and a fraction are involved, and that much of the land is in a ravine adjacent to the hospital. The proposition, as it appeared on the ballot, read in part: “Said lands to be abandoned and discontinued as a public park, being more particularly described in Ordinance No. 1519 (new series) of the ordinances of said city.”
April 2, 1939, San Diego Union, A-8:1. Easter service set; concert by Bonham Brothers Boys’ Band with Royal A. Brown at organ console.
April 2, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:5-6. Board opposes Anza park land transfer.
April 3, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:3-4. San Diego County Democratic Club yesterday protested display of portrait of Adolph Hitler in House of Germany, House of Pacific Relations; Park Superintendent William A. Perry rebuffed protest.
April 4, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:2-4. Hitler portrait to remain in House of Germany, House of Pacific Relations; Gracia Mae Carpenter, president Young Republican Club, agrees with Park Superintendent Perry.
April 8, 1939, San Diego Union, B-10:6-7. Walter S. Lieber prefers cocos plumosas to Washingtonias for Civic Center; disagrees with William Templeton Johnson.
April 14, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:6. County Ministerial Association plans park vespers for Sunday.
April 23, 1939, San Diego Union, A-10:1. Spring Flower Show opened yesterday in Floral Building, Balboa Park.
April 23, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Mrs. Belle J. Benchley, secretary of the Zoological Society, yesterday urged rehabilitation of building at northeast corner of Balboa Park Plaza; estimated cost $2,178; Veterans of Foreign Wars and O’Rourke Zoological activities housed there; quarters have been assigned to Veterans of Foreign Was in Plaza building.
April 23, 1939, San Diego Union, C-8:1-4. Photographic Arts Society presents exhibit in Balboa Park
May 1, 1939, San Diego Union, A-9:2-3. Representatives of Japan, Germany and Italy failed to extend a welcome to local Czech colony to keep House of Czechoslovakia a member cottage of House of Pacific Relations.
May 3, 1939, San Diego Union, A-8:6-8. Move begun to make auditorium of Federal Building by enlarged directorate of local convention bureau; federal help to be sought.
May 5, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. Mexicans to celebrate Cinco de Mayo; Balboa Park.
May 7, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1, B-2:1. City Engineers Office reported that $45,411 would be required annually to operate Mission Beach Amusement Center on a part-time basis.
May 12, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. Supervisor Walter Belton yesterday opposed extension of Anza park boundaries.
May 12, 1939, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Clinton G. Abbott, director Natural History Museum, relates history of institution.
May 18, 1939, San Diego Union, B-12:1-5. Old Presidio rebuilt on elevation map, by W. B. France.
May 20, 1939, San Diego Union, A-2:4-5. R. L. Palmer wants Balboa Park building for Bonham Boys’ Band.
May 21, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:2. Rehabilitation of Food and Beverage Building and House of Hospitality will be completed by Wednesday; Al Bahr Temple requests permission to practice in Food and Beverage Building, which used to house County Fairs.
May 26, 1939, San Diego Union, A-13:1. Scouts to receive awards in Wegeforth Bowl.
May 26, 1939, San Diego Union, III, 1:5. Parks ordered to halt watering in daytime to relieve unsatisfactory pressure and supply situation; Voters yesterday defeated a $250,000 bond issue, which would have made possible the installation of much-needed mains.
May 28, 1939, San Diego Sun, II, 11:4. State Societies will dedicate new park tables at Pepper Grove next Sunday.
May 28, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. Miss Ellen Scripps honored for aid to Natural History Museum; bronze plaque commemorates donor’s generosity.
May 30, 1939, San Diego Evening Tribune, A-8:1-4. County Federation holds annual Fine Arts Festival and Art Exhibit in American Legion Hall, Balboa Park, Monday.
June 2, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:5-6. Official presentation of picnic and recreational facilities at Pepper Grove will be celebrated Sunday at picnic starting at noon.
June 2, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:2-3. Bonham Brothers Boys’ Band to give concert in Ford Bowl tonight to raise funds to go to San Francisco.
June 3, 1939, San Diego Union, II, 1:2-4. Eider ducks displayed in Natural History Museum.
June 4, 1939, San Diego Union, A-6:3. Two hundred pupils fly model planes in Balboa Park.
June 4, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:2, B-3:7-8. City Council gets plan for vast playground area at Mission Bay.
June 4, 1939, San Diego Union, C-7:3. Donal Hord’s statue “Mother of Water” to be placed this week.
June 12, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:2-3. Old Glory floats at 12th annual flag raising on Inspiration Point, Balboa Park, Sunday.
June 16, 1939, San Diego Union, A-13:3. Three dance concerts to open in Ford Bowl for benefit of United Shoe Fund.
June 16, 1939, San Diego Union, A-13:6. Vespers set Sunday afternoon at park organ, auspices County Ministerial Association.
June 17, 1939, San Diego Union, A-8:2-3. Two hundred dancers delight crowd at shoe fund event in Ford Bowl.
June 21, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:2, A-3:2. City Manager Rhodes removed W. Allen Perry as Park Director; will name Percy C. Broell to position.
His action followed closely his selection Saturday of three new park commissioners and swept away one faction of opposition to realignment of the inland highway, and routing traffic over a bridge across the Mission valley through a tunnel under University avenue, and then through the park to Eleventh avenue and A street.
June 22, 1939, A-1:7, A-3:2. Fine Arts Gallery gets self-portrait of Rembrandt from an anonymous donor.
June 22, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:3. Dr. Schroeder to return as hospital head at San Diego Zoo.
June 22, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Park Director W. A. Perry mum on ouster.
June 23, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:5-6. City Manager Rhode’s dismissal of W. A. Perry; highway issue discussed.
Before the ouster can be effective, it must be approved by two of the three members of the Civil
Service Commission.
June 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:7, A-3:1. Highway Board views million dollar link through Balboa Park.
June 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:5. “Charm House” from Exposition is attached.
June 24, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. Former park commissioner Fred Kunzel criticizes City Manager Rhodes for park director change.
June 25, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:6-7, A-8:2-3. Protests pour in on Councilmen, Mayor as Perry’s ouster fought.
June 25 1939, San Diego Union, A-8:1. Mary A. Greer planting garden dedicated yesterday in Balboa Park with the planting of a live oak tree at the intersection of Pershing Drive and Arizona Street.
Miss Kate O. Sessions expressed the hope that the exotic trees now in the area eventually will be removed and replaced by native cedars and ceanothus.
June 27, 1939, San Diego Union, B-9:1-2. George W. Marston writes letter defending Percy C. Broell.
June 28, 1939, San Diego Union, B-4:4-6. Midget cars race in Stadium again tonight.
June 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:1. City Service body to settle park director case today; Perry, Rhodes to appear before commissioners.
June 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:2-3. Letters to editor regarding ouster of W. A. Perry as park director.
June 30, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Robbins absent; Perry decision postponed.
July 3, 1939, San Diego Union, B-6:3. Swimming pool at Indian Village attracts more than 250 Boy Scouts; opened last week.
July 6, 1939, San Diego Union, II, B-1:2-3. War Memorial Museum in Balboa Park gets flag followed in Spanish-American War; posthumous gift of Mrs. Berry, widow of Colonel John R. Berry, who led the Seventh California Volunteer Regiment into the war and at the end received the colors when the organization demobilized..
July 6, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4. City Council files letters about park director.
July 7, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Civil Service Commission hears sides on removal of W. A. Perry as park director.
July 7, 1939, San Diego Union, II, 1:5. Rare animals from Taronga Zoological Park, Sydney, Australia in ship’s cargo for San Diego Zoo; the Limerick, first vessel to call here direct from Australia in more than two decades; shipment consists of a Tasmanian devil, eight tiger snakes, eight black snakes, 10 water dragons, three rock lizards, 12 blue-tongued lizards, six long-necked turtles and two turtles of species not announced..
July 11, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1. Symphony series begins tonight in Ford Bowl.
July 12, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1. Carl H. Heilbron, convention bureau executive secretary asked City Council yesterday to find room for WPA projects housed in the Federal Building.
July 14, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:1. J. W. Scudden, president of a local ice cream service, urged the City Council yesterday to investigate sale of ice cream made outside San Diego by park concessionaires.
July 15, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:4. Actors organize to produce plays in park; Wegeforth Bowl Stock Company announces opening of its first production, “That’s My Wife,” Wednesday night in Wegeforth Bowl, San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park.
July 15, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4. City asked to find room for W. P. A. projects now at Federal Building, Balboa Park.
July 16, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1, B-2:1. Presidio hill, mission setting for celebrations observing San Diego’s 170th birthday, by Ruth Taunton.
July 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Varied musical fare wins acclaim in concert at Ford Bowl, by Sally Brown Moody.
July 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1. Albert Flowers attacks Board of Education rental charges for convention use of Russ Auditorium.
July 21, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:4-, A-4:2. Civil Service Commission unanimously overrode W. A. Perry’s dismissal as park director; City Manager Rhodes will abide by decision.
July 22, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Bowl concert wins acclaim, by Sally Brown Moody.
July 23, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1. Louis Weggenman proposed yesterday creation of a stadium fund to permit continual operation of the Bowl on a self-liquidating basis and immediate installation of floodlights for night attractions.
July 23, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1. Convention Hall in Balboa Park hampered by lack of funds; William Allen Perry, Park Director, advised Fred Rhodes, City Manager, yesterday that Park Department could not meet expense of maintaining Federal Building as a civic auditorium without “serious detriment” to the park’s budget.
July 26, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:5. City Council favors new auditorium
July 26, 1939, San Diego Union, A-7:6. City Council plans a study and possible revision of City Playground policy; residents of Cabrillo Terrace district object to floodlights for night baseball games.
July 27, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:6-7. Mission Beach “honky-tonk” days numbered as title goes to City.
July 30, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5, B-5:6-8. Tireless work by San Diego scientists wins aid of Natural History Museum showpiece; artists win $25,000 project, by Ruth Taunton.
July 31, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Disabled Veterans of the World War will hold memorial services for the late Mme. Schumann-Heink at the plaque erected in her memory at the Organ Pavilion this afternoon at 5:15.
August 1, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3, A-2:2. Municipal courts still “homeless: as County Law Library site in Balboa Park doubtful; Assistant City Attorney Daniels says park regulations may prohibit use of a building for the library.
August 1, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:6-8. Baby llama at San Diego Zoo awkward but determined at age of four days.
August 4, 1939, San Diego Union, A-13:2-3. Nino Marcelli’s light opera “Carmelita” planned for Ford Bowl, August 22-24.
August 6, 1939, San Diego Union, B:1:3-4. Merry-go-round’s okay in Balboa Park, but County Library, No, No, No!; opinion of H. B. Daniel, assistant city attorney H. B. Daniel given to city council and county supervisors Tuesday.
August 6, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Remodeling asked for Indian Village.
August 6, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:8. Councilman Louis Weggenman yesterday mapped a comprehensive plan to improve the city Stadium.
August 12, 1939, San Diego Union, B-2:5-7, B-12:1. George W. Marston plans to enhance beauty of approach to San Diego.
August 14, 1939, San Diego Union, B-6:1. Indian dances planned for Boy Scouts’ court at Indian Village.
August 18, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:2-3. Unusual gourd group to be displayed at handicraft hobby show in Gymnasium, August 23-26.
August 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:4. Kosloff ballet brings glamour to Ford Bowl.
August 20, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Boy Scouts vie in aquatic meet at Indian Village.
August 20, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Councilman Weggenman suggests free admission to Stadium for San Diego youngsters.
August 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:6. Large crowds view hobby show in Balboa Park Gymnasium.
August 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:4-5. Final performance of “Carmelita” tonight; Craig Noel, drama director.
August 26, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:4. Flower Show opens today in Balboa Park.
August 27, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:1. Six hundred expected at Union-Tribune picnic to be held Wednesday at 6th Avenue and Juniper Street, Balboa Park.
September 1, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:2. Spanish Village opens Art Fiesta today.
September 2, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Art Fiesta lures many to Spanish Village.
September 3, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:1-8. BRITAIN DECLARES WAR.
September 3, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4, B-2:1-2. San Diego Zoo teaches peace principles; “no hunger, no war,” animal rule, by Ruth Taunton.
September 3, 1939, San Diego Union, B-16:1. Public invited to Art Fiesta today.
September 3, 1939, San Diego Union, C-8:1-2. Leavitt collection from Brooklyn is being exhibited in Photographic Arts Society Building, Balboa Park..
September 6, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:6. City Council votes Stadium 10-foot wall, two opposed; to replace six watchmen.
September 10, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:2-3. North Park Boys’ Band to give concert this afternoon at Organ Pavilion.
September 10, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2, B-4:2. California’s beginnings sown in San Diego photographs as State celebrates 89th Admission Day, by Ruth Taunton.
September 13, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1, A-4:2. Representative L. W. Schuetz, Illinois, proposes Naval Hospital building program
September 16, 1979, San Diego Union, A-5:3. City Council yesterday agreed to lend U. S. Navy 40 acres of Balboa Park for Naval Hospital expansion; land voted out of park and ordered given to Navy at last municipal election.
September 17, 1939, San Diego Union, A-10:3-4. W. A. Kearns, City Recreation Director, releases ten-year recreation program.
September 17, 1939, San Diego Union, A-11:2-4. Spanish Village Art Fiesta a success.
September 20, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:4. City Council yesterday voted to lease to the government for $1.00 a year 40 acres of Balboa Park land to be used for construction of temporary 60-bed ward buildings.
September 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1. San Diego Zoo placed in role of “classroom.”
San Diego Zoological Gardens have a new function this year. Only last week they began their career, to the delight of San Diego city and county children, as a regular classroom of the public, private and parochial schools, with Mrs. Lena P. Crouse as instructor.
It is one thing for a class to be studying forests, for instance, as its special school project, but having only classroom facilities to work with. It is another thing for the class to be transported in a bus to the zoo, where pupils are shown the animals of the forest and hear from Mrs. Crouse a factual, but sympathetic story.
No effort is made to show a given class the whole zoo. The children merely continue their study of the school project, whatever it is. The trip is not a picnic. It has no connection with the familiar “reward” trips to places of interest.
One of the first classes to use the “zoo” classroom was a group of students from Horace Mann Junior High School who wanted to sketch the animals. The young artists from all the schools are allowed to sketch the animal in which each is specially interested but they have to work. At the end of the regular class period they must produce black-and-white results of their study.
Mrs. Crouse, head of education work at the zoo, meets the children when the buss arrives, invites them into the Education Building (old O’Rourke Building) and lectures on what the pupils are to see in the zoo. She expects to take science laboratory classes to visit the zoo hospital, and next year — a big dream — she hopes there will be a barnyard at the zoo.
“City children,” she said, “have almost no opportunity to get acquainted with barnyard animals. Some of us wish that we might have ready at the zoo by next fall a real barn with a real cow, hogs, pigs, chickens, old Dobbin and all. We’d like a rail fence around the barnyard so that the boys and girls could climb up and sit on it while they study a barnyard face to face.”
The zoo as a schoolroom is an idea which originated with the San Diego Zoological Society, in so far as Mrs. Crouse knows.
Many communications have been received from other cities, asking for information. It was started here as an experimental program on a small scale last spring. But by the end of school, 3,000 pupils had studied at the zoo. This year, each class is to have at least one chance to participate in the zoo’s educational program.
Getting into the realm of international goodwill, the society also will invite Tijuana schools to send classes of Mexican children who wish to study a special project in which the Zoological Gardens can be of aid, Mrs. Crouse said.
September 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-8:4. WPA approves $69,211 project to improve San Diego Zoo.
Continuation of extensive zoo improvements was assured yesterday when Fred Rhodes, city manager, was notified by C. Walter Heinecke, area projects manager, Works Projects Administration, that a $69,211 project has been approved for the work.
All of the $9,848 sponsor’s share, said the manager, has been put up by the Zoological Society of San Diego, and the program will be carried out at no cost to taxpayers.
Informed of Heinecke’s letter to Rhodes, Dr. H. M. Wegeforth, society president, said the work will include building rehabilitation, improvement to pens and cages, painting, and development of drainage facilities, roads, walks and paths.
The manager was warm in his expressed praise of the work being done by Dr. Wegeforth and his colleagues, and said that for three years they have been sponsoring similar WPA projects at no cost to taxpayers.
Coincidental with receipt by Rhodes of the WPA executive’s letter, he received communications from Robert Wayne Burns, San Francisco national youth administrator, announcing approval by that agency of the following projects:
Repair and reset flagstones, Spanish Village, Balboa Park; construction and operation of pottery kiln, erection of adobe wall for arts and crafts center, construction of cement flower pots, total cost $1,948 of which $1,478 will be federal funds and $470 will be provided by the park department.
Mounting of specimens, laboratory and other work at zoological hospital, total cost $9,600 of which $7,626 will be in federal funds, project to operate 12 months.
Development of park areas, propagation of sees, trimming and pruning and improvement of park storm drains, basins, spillways and other drainage devices, total cost $8,847 of which $6,705 will be federal funds, six-month project sponsored by park department.
Clerical assistance in compiling data pertaining to rainfall variance by years throughout the county and related work in water development department, total cost $8,400, of which $3,840 will be provided by the government; water development department sponsor; 12-month project.
Cataloging and clerical work for San Diego Museum, Natural History Museum and Spanish Village Art Center, including construction of facsimile pottery and reconstruction of Indian pottery from fragments, 12-month project with $8,816 in federal funds and $2,160 provided by sponsors.
Switching back to WPA, Rhodes said it has approved a project for construction of a gauging station on Dulzura Creek, at the upper end of Lower Otay. The federal agency is to provide $4,141 and the city will put up $2,019.
In each instance, the documents signed by the manage included the signed contracts under which the projects are operating and in several instances it was explained that the work is a continuation of jobs started under previous allotments.
September 25, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:6-8. William Templeton Johnson to be made a fellow in American Institute of Architects today in Washington, D. C.
September 30, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1. Natural History Museum gets new exhibits.
October 1, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1. B-2:3. Walter W. Cooper, Oakland, San Diego’ s utility consultant, brands as “unreasonable” the present basis of charging for Balboa Park lighting; has recommended to City Manager Rhodes that meter installations be surveyed to determine whether any may be eliminated or consolidated.
October 1, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Inadequate parking at Presidio Park; W. A. Perry, park superintendent, thinks a lot could be put in near Serra cross.
October 1, 1939, San Diego Union, C-4:1-5. Hundreds of young musicians will take part in 3rd annual piano festival scheduled today in Ford Bowl.
October 1, 1939, San Diego Union, C-4:5. Betty Crates, executive director of 1939-40 season of the San Diego Community Theater, has planned musical and dramatic events for the Old Globe Theater.
October 1, 1939, San Diego Union, D-8:4. Spanish Village bridge party set Saturday.
October 2, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:2-5. Five hundred and fifty girls, boys play at park Piano Festival.
October 2, 1939, San Diego Union, B-7:1. 300 attend Indian Village Boy Scout cub’s stampede.
October 4, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:1. W. A. Perry appoints Percy Broell cemetery superintendent.
October 4, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Hazard awarded $2,980 Stadium block job.
October 5, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:4. House of United States sponsoring program at House of Pacific Relations Sunday afternoon.
October 8, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:7, B-5:1. Rick drafts plan for Mission Beach work.
October 11, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:1. City Manager Rhodes closes deal for Mission Beach center control.
October 22, 1939, San Diego Union, C-6:3-5. Article about Ephraim W. Morse by Winifred Davidson.
October 26, 1939, San Diego Union, B-12:1. John Crown, pianist, praised for recital at Old Globe.
October 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-7:2-3. Blasts from a siren that would be placed on top of California Tower would be used as a signal for units in city disaster organization according to J. E. Parrish, fire chief.
October 29, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:3. Music of nations at House of Pacific Relations next Saturday.
October 29, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:8. WPA approval for building program expected in 6 weeks; repairs to House of Hospitality included.
An $83,278 city building rehabilitation program, calling for improvements to virtually all Balboa Park structures and provision for new quarters for Veterans of Foreign Wars in the Exposition Medical Science Building, is contemplated under an application being prepared by B. D. Phelps, assistant city engineer, for submission to the Works Projects Administration.
Cost of materials, he said, will be put up by the city and benefiting agencies, and he expressed belief that the application would be approved by the WPA within six weeks, and that work will be completed within six months thereafter.
Also included in the project is demolition of the old Fifth Avenue and G Street City Hall, as ordered recently by the City Council. Described as unsafe, this building has been vacant since city offices were moved into Civic Center last December. Fred Rhodes, city manager, has announced his intention of using materials salvaged from the hall to build a warehouse adjacent to city shops.
Provision of V. F. W. quarters in the Medical Science Building would settle amicably a long-standing three-way controversy involving the veterans, the city and the Zoological Society over occupancy of the park building commonly known as O’Rourke Institute. The Zoological Society has asked the veterans to vacate this building on the ground it is needed for classroom expansion. Under the rehabilitation program, said Phelps, the veterans and the zoo will pay for materials to be used at the Medical Science Building.
Another high spot in the program, said Phelps, will be the construction of a new clubhouse at Sixth Avenue and Redwood Street. At present, there is a small clubhouse there, but it is unable to accommodate the ever-increasing crowds using shuffleboard and other recreational facilities.
Park buildings and improvements included in the project, as listed by Phelps, are:
Foods and Beverages, Federal Housing, House of Hospitality, American Legion, Fine Arts, Organ Pavilion, Medical Science, House of Charm, Old California Building; Administration Building, Museum, Palace of Education, Palace of Entertainment, Ford Building and Bowl, Stadium, Park Comfort Stations, Indian Village and miscellaneous small buildings, tool houses and substations.
In general, the work will consist of removing dangerous parts of buildings which are a menace to health and safety from earthquake forces, termites, fire hazards or sanitation. In this category are cornices, old walls, partitions and old plaster and concrete. Rehabilitation will include carpentry, painting, plumbing, roofing, lathing, plastering, pipe fitting and electrical and concrete work.
Work also is to be done on seven fire stations and the Balboa Park Central Fire-Alarm Station. The branch city hall at University and Van Dyke Avenues is to have its walls replastered and Normal Heights and University Heights Libraries are to be improved.
New comfort stations are to be erected on Saratoga Street and in New Town Park, and the Plaza comfort station is to be reconstructed, said Phelps. Work also is planned at La Jolla playground and Golden Hill Park and University Heights comfort stations.
October 29, 1939, San Diego Union, B-3:1. Russ to honor “Class of 1892” Friday.
November 4, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:6. San Diego High School’s 7th homecoming.
November 5, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Osa Johnson gives animals to San Diego Zoo.
November 5, 1939, San Diego Union, A-13:1. Electric Show to open November 28 in Palace of Better Housing; started six years ago; has become the outstanding event of Christmas season; Christmas tree land through Balboa Park will sparkle again.
November 5, 1939, San Diego Union, B-12:1 and November 8, 1939, B-12:1. Rose Society will mark Kate O. Session’s 82nd birthday at its dinner meeting in Hotel San Diego tomorrow.
November 6, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:1. San Diego Zoo accepts Osa Johnson’s gift of five cheetahs and orangutan.
November 8, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Armistice Day program planned for Ford Bowl Saturday.
November 9, 1939, San Diego Union, A-2:7-8. Addison Housh and Albert Flowers expressed opposition to using Federal Building for auditorium at a City Council meeting yesterday.
November 10, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:1. Proposed Mission Beach Center cost set at $33,278.
November 10, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:1. WPA may move its park headquarters from Federal Building to Foods and Beverage Building; 487 women are employed by the library; visual education, toy loan and sewing projects are in Federal Building.
November 10, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:2-3. Park Commissioners urged a master tree-planting plans for San Diego yesterday.
November 10, 1939, San Diego Union, A-12:5. Eight termite-infested cocos plumosa palms at Plaza to be replaced.
November 12, 1939, San Diego Union, A-2:6-8. Twenty thousand children to attend 10th Community Christmas party at Balboa Stadium, Sunday, December 17, to receive gifts from Santa Claus.
November 15, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:6-8. City Council okays control of Mission Beach Center.
November 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:1. City Manager Rhodes aid that if County paid for electricity used by a county-sponsored sewing project in Federal Building there would be funds available to convert that building into an auditorium.
November 19, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:2-3. Santa Claus will attend San Diego Union’s party at Balboa Park Stadium.
November 19, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:8. City takes control at Mission Beach.
November 22, 1929, San Diego Union, B-1:6. City Council favors convention hall in park by unanimous vote.
November 24, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:5, A-6:1. Dr. Wallace Hamilton, First Presbyterian Church, gives address at Community Thanksgiving service in Balboa Park.
November 25, 1939, San Diego Union, A-3:5. San Diego Pacific Roller Canary Club will present its annual Roller Canary exhibit in Hall of Education today and tomorrow; San Diego Rose Society will display roses in Fine Arts Gallery today and tomorrow.
November 26, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A:5. San Diego Sun stops publication; increased costs given as reason; subscribers to get Tribune-Sun.
November 16, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:7- Park Board to relinquish control; Mission Beach Center to be directed by Playgrounds Department.
November 28, 1939, San Diego Union, A-2:2. City may employ boys’ recreation director.
November 28, 1939, San Diego Union, B-2:1-2. Electric Show to open tonight and end Sunday.
December 1, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:2-3. Chamber of Commerce has proposed creation of an extensive convention center in the Palisades area of Balboa Park.
December 3, 1939, San Diego Union, B-1:3, B-3:5. Charles A. Smith animal man at San Diego Zoo, going to India, Africa an way stations to pickup elephants, rhinoceroses and reticulated giraffes.
December 17, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1-5. Eighteen foot oak dedicated to John G. Morley, builder of Balboa Park.
December 18, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-4:4-5. Fifteen thousand greet Santa Claus during Christmas party at Balboa Stadium.
December 26, 1939, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8, A-2:3-4. Van Dyck’s “Lady in Blue” added to Fine Arts Gallery, by Reginald Poland.
December 31, 1939, San Diego Union, A-4:1-4. San Diego Chamber of Commerce to celebrate 70th year; George W. Marston recalls early ventures with Father Horton.
December 31, 1939, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Three new wards being added to Naval Hospital.
December 31, 1939, San Diego Union, B-3:1. Entertainment and Sports Center to be built on Pacific Highway, north of Juniper Street; plans submitted by Louis Bodmer; Wayne W. Dailard, director of 1935-36 Exposition, to head project.
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