Balboa Park History 1944
January 9, 1944, San Diego Union, C-8:3-5. Danish Cottage, House of Pacific Relations, to entertain Thursday.
January 26, 1944, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. Corrington Gill, executive officer of the President’s Committee for Congested Production Areas, aid people who have no war business in San Diego must stay away if the city is to pull its full weight in the struggle.
February 1, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Natural History Museum sets La Jolla tidepool walk.
February 7, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. Osa Johnson promises more gorillas for San Diego Zoo.
February 8, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:5. Young gorilla rules as “Queen” of San Diego Zoo.
February 9, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
The Director reported that Captain Willcutts, Commanding Officer of the U. S. Naval Hospital, has approved and forwarded to the Public Works Office of the 11th Naval District the request for temporary comfort station facilities at the east gate of Balboa Park, to replace those taken by the Navy in the Natural History Museum and other buildings.
February 9, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Naval Hospital building 9-acre sporting field.
February 20,, 1944, San Diego Union, A-6:2-3. San Diego Zoo gives body of Ngagi, gorilla, to scientists.
February 21, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Birds take over unique abode in San Diego Zoo; Indonesian bird house built by Karl Koch.
February 23, 1944, San Diego Union, B-3:5-6. Naval Hospital to build underpass.
February 24, 1944, Mailgram; Originating: COMELEVEN; Release: C. C. JERSEY; Action To: NAVHOSP SD NAVREPHASE SD; National Archives, Pacific Southwest Region’
February 25, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:4-5, A-3:5-6. Captain Henry Chalfant Gearing, Jr., training station commander, succumbs in Naval Hospital.
March 2, 1944, San Diego Union, March 2, 1944, A-5:2-3. Retail bakers treat Naval Hospital men.
March 5, 1944, San Diego Union, 11:4. Recreation Board to plan facilities in Mission and Ocean Beach areas.
March 5, 1944, San Diego Union, C-7:2-3. Thirteen thousand books read monthly at Naval Hospital.
March 7, 1944, San Diego Union, A-6:4-6. Michigan girl leads Naval Hospital class.
March 12, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:3, B:2-4. Military show, “San Diego Attacks,” at Balboa Park Stadium.
March 12, 1944, San Diego Union, A-6:1. Naval Hospital food bill rungs $225,000 monthly.
March 14, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Fund to obtain gorilla for San Diego Zoo after war begun here by boys and girls of the San Diego Children’s Convalescent Home..
March 20, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. War Memorial backers deny charge by Harbor Commissioner Emil Klicka that backers intend to put building on present site of Lane Field baseball park.
March 21, 1944, San Diego Union, A-9:3-4. San Diego Zoo acquires Serval, rare species of cat.
March 25, 1944, Naval Speedletter, To: BUPERS (National Archives Pacific Southwest Region)
Your 201610 re Camp Elliott and Camp Kidd, my spdltr 22 March. Following additional relative Camp Kidd; ComEleven recommends no action be taken transfer facilities Camp Kidd to Hospital until Camp Elliott has been made available by Navy, because of mounting Receiving Ship requirements; particularly necessary receive recruits completing training Training Station due to stepped-up program and awaiting transportation.
Upon availability Camp Elliott, following recommended: Transfer to Hospital for Hospital Corps School, Buildings 22, 3, 4, 5, 6 (less one of four sections), 20, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 27, 14, 25, 11, 12, 13, 14, 26 and ½ of Bldg. 2. Retain for ComEleven for proposed Commissioned Officers Mess and transient BOQ’s, Buildings 1, 6 (one of four washroom-toilet sections), 12, 19, 15, 17, 18, ½ of Bldg. 2, and Cottages A to 0, incl., and part of parade ground for parking areas. Separation of areas and facilities indicated on attached blueprint enclosed within red line.
This will provide 3,067 over-capacity bunks for Hospital Corps School. For Commissioned Officers Mess 223 B0Q beds or bunks, 50 bunks mess personnel and Bldg. #1 for mess building. Cottages and portion of Bldg. 2 have been used by Commandant for some time to berth approximately 200 transient and miscellaneous BOQ’s 11th Naval District due hotel shortage, San Diego. Commandant will submit proposal for Commissioned Officers Mess and transient BOQ’s separately.
Encl. (HW)
- Map of Rec.Sta.Extension TempHosp. Facilities. (Handwritten) Copy in envelope #25.
Copies to: MOIC, NavHosp, San Diego Signature and Title.
Navy Personnel Offcr. Assistant Commandant (Logistic)
Eleventh Naval District,
San Diego 30, Calif.
March 26, 1944, San Diego Union, A-2:1. W. A. Kerns, superintendent, said yesterday City Playgrounds Department plans for dances include “name bands” as soon as location and funds are available.
April 6, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:5-7. Exchange Club purchases press for Naval Hospital occupational therapy; members donate $100 to hasten recovery of men.
April 9. !944, San Diego Union, C-4:1-2. Plastic surgery at Naval Hospital repairs features.
April 15, 1944, Letter, M. D. Willcutts, Captain (MC), U. S. Navy, Commanding, U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego 24, Calif., to Mr. Walter Cooper, City Manager, San Diego , California (National Archives, Pacific Southwest Region)
Dear Mr. Cooper:
I have just been informed that the Army is relinquishing the Canadian Building located in Balboa Park on Park Boulevard, adjacent to the Naval Hospital.
If and when the Army does evacuate this building and surrenders further occupancy of it, I desire to make application so that the building may be turned over to the Naval Hospital on conditions similar to those governing our other holdings in Balboa Park.
The hospital continues to expand with an ever increasing influx of war casualties, and we could use this building as a warehouse for light storage. Any consideration that you may given us will be greatly appreciated.
Yours very sincerely,
Captain, (MC), U. S. Navy
Copy to:
Assistant Commandant (Logistics)
April 16, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:5, B-16:1. Glenn Rick to oppose restriction of War Memorial Site; criticizes limiting location to city-owned property.
Balboa Park locations all are described as too remote from the city’s hotels to be desirable for a convention center or auditorium. As to their desirability for a veteran’s memorial, or an auditorium, the report described them as probably quite desirable.
Those along the western edge of the park, however, would interfere with highly developed landscaping. That, it was explained, is not true of the federal building or the Park Boulevard site. The latter was emphasized as desirable for use of San Diegans rather than visitors to a convention because it is near the center of the city’s population.
April 21, 1944, San Diego Union, A-8:4-5. Zoo guidebook aids visitors.
April 22, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:3-5. San Diego recreation facilities held inadequate for today’s population, by Bob Nichols.
April 22, 1944, San Diego Union, A-4:2-4. Civilians build altar for naval receiving barracks at Balboa Park.
April 23, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Public building program will cost millions; city planning aid reveals survey of post-war needs, by Melvin Mayne.
April 24, 1944, San Diego Union, B-10:5-6. House of Pacific Relations honors Frank Drugan, founder at dinner.
May 14, 1944, San Diego Union, B-4:3-4. Twenty-eight strange birds reach San Diego Zoo from Solomons.
May 20, 1944, San Diego Union, A-7:1. Victor McLaglen light-horse group to show tricks tonight in Balboa Park.
May 25, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:3-5. A-2:3. Harold Bell Wright, author, dies at La Jolla after two-week illness.
May 25, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:3-4, A-2:3. Highway 395 indorsed for post-war program, by Richard Pourade.
May 28, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Five new play centers planned for San Diego; Lanham act funds to finance work.
June 4, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:7, B-14:4. Public hearing set on memorial site; veterans favor Lane Field; two other locations to be discussed, by Melvin Mayne.
The Balboa Park site has been suggested as one of the alternatives because it, like the ball park, is on publicly-owned property, and because the harbor commission has taken the position that the harbor front should be reserved for commercial development. Veterans, however, say that the location is too far from the center of the city and would be inconvenient for veterans’ meetings, conventions and theater crowds.
June 6, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:1-8. ALLIES INVADE FRANCE (headline).
June 9, 1944, San Diego Union, B-3:3. Purple hearts award 16 at Naval Hospital.
June 14, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
Since the Commission is on record as opposing the erection of public buildings in Balboa Park, it was moved by Mrs. Bretz, seconded by Mr. Friedman and unanimously carried that the Board of Park Commissioners express their opposition to the location of the War Memorial Camp at 6th Avenue and Laurel Street in Balboa Park.
June 14, 1944, San Diego Union, A-7:4. City to assume $40,000 cost of sewer through the upper part of Power House Canyon in Balboa Park.
June 14, 1944, San Diego Union, A-7:5. Recreation plans prepared by Frank Hope, Jr., architect, approved for Pacific Beach, Old Town, Memorial Playground and Balboa Park, near the swimming pool.
June 14, 1944, San Diego Union, B-3:2. “D” Day invades work as stork brings baby giraffe at zoo (NOTE: Incredible as it may seem, this was actually a headline!)
June 15, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Planning Board divided on War Memorial sites.
All members of the park commission were present to announce through their chairman, Milton Sessions, that they would oppose the Sixth Avenue and Laurel Street site on grounds that no more park land should be diverted to other than park uses.
June 16, 1944, San Diego Union, A-11:2. Naval Hospital opens cadet nurse course.
June 16, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Harbor Board opposes War Memorial site at Lane Field.
June 18, 1944, San Diego Union, A-9:1-2. William E. Angel, Balboa Park’s mounted officer, has many varied duties.
June 18, 1944, San Diego Union, A-12:3. John Paul Scripps elected director of San Diego Zoo.
June 28, 1944, San Diego Union, A-8:4. Public hearing called on War Memorial site.
June 29, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. City Planning Commission, by a vote of 6 to 1, favors six blocks bounded by 6th and Ninth Avenues and Cedar and Date Streets, as the site for San Diego’s proposed war memorial buildings; property is now privately owned and is assessed at more than $300,000.
George P. Kerrigan was the lone planning commission voting against the site the commission is recommending to the city council. He said he favored placing the buildings along Park Boulevard, south of the old Indian Village. Mrs. Lottie Crawford, another commission member who did not attend yesterday, wrote the commission stating she favored the Park Boulevard site..
July 2, 1944, San Diego Union, B-2:4-5. San Diego Zoo birds, beasts eat victory garden yield; two gardens located In Mission Valley under direction of Milton Leeper, chief of the landscaping department.
July 2, 1944, San Diego Union, B-2:3. More than 900 swimmers open Balboa Park pool.
July 6, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. City Council postpones War Memorial Site.
July 8, 1944, San Diego Union, A-4:1. Chapel to serve all faiths at Naval Hospital.
July 8, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Navy praised for building Naval Hospital.
July 12, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
Mr. Irving E. Friedman was elected President for the ensuing year; Mr. Milton P. Sessions, retiring.
July 13, 1944, San Diego Union, A-6:5. Dr. Clinton G. Abbott, in an address before the San Diego Realty Board yesterday, stated his belief in the government’s willingness to return all buildings to the city. Natural History Museum contains 960 beds or 3 times as many as Mercy Hospital. Underpass being constructed between Naval Hospital and park grounds. Delay of at least a year in returning buildings after cessation of hostilities might be expected.
July 14, 1944, San Diego Union, A-4:7. County Bakers Retail Association send 7,200 cookies to Naval Hospital.
July 16, 1944, San Diego Union, D-1:1. Balboa Park Mounted Troop set show next t Sunday in the Balboa Park stables.
July 16, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:5-6. Mynahs whistle at girls at San Diego Zoo.
July 18, 1944, San Diego Union, A-4:2-3. Rare Kagu bird added to population at San Diego Zoo.
July 20, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8, A-3:3. First Lady visits San Diego Naval Hospital.
July 20, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:7. Recreation aid praises City’s 10-year plan.
July 21, 1944, San Diego Union, A-11:6. Blind, friends attended picnic in Pepper Grove yesterday, by Forrest Warren.
July 23, 1944, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. Franklin S. Miller, Navy man posted at the chaplain’s officer at the Naval Hospital, gives Sunday recitals on park organ, by Constance Herreshoff; began his series last Sunday and is all set for another concert today..
July 24, 1944, San Diego Union, A-8:6-8. Thirty-nine Naval Hospital patients guests at Mothers’ Club outdoor dinner, by Forrest Warren.
July 25, 1944, San Diego Union, A-8:4-5. Boys, girls aid will receive big check from Balboa Park horse show, by Irene M. Clark.
August 9, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
Location and general plan of Model Yacht Basin and Fly Casting Pool approved; general plan for recreation facilities at Morley Field approved.
September, 1944, California Garden, Vol. 35, No. 2. Balboa Park in Wartime, by W. Allen Perry
The sun still shines on Balboa Park, but we value its ways in a different manner. Photosynthesis, resulting in the manufacture of sugar and starch, is of secondary importance. The prime importance of the sun in the Park these days is the restoration of muscle and nerve and the manufacture of robust health in the thousands of sick and wounded patients in the “Balboa Annex” of the great United States Naval Hospital.
The entire Exposition Area of the Park is devoted to the hospitalization of medical cases, the greater portion of which are ambulatory. All hours of the day you will find these men with their shirts off or in trunks, taking up the actinic rays as eagerly as any shrub or flower. Others are out on wheel chairs. Perhaps the happiest patients are those which are wheeled out on their beds. With their blankets off and the legs of their pajamas rolled up these men are getting some of the most important medications of all. And the colors of the flowers are temporarily of little significance compared with the deepening, glowing sun-tans of these fighting men.
And what do we have in the Moro and Alcazar Gardens at this season” We have Navy Nurses and Waves — and who would ask for roses or Pansies? Since these gardens are adjacent to the buildings in which the girls are quartered, they afford wonderful private and secluded recreational and lounging spaces. They are gay and comfortable with tables, umbrellas, swings and those furnishings which contribute to the relaxation of these busy and immensely valuable women.
Balboa Park is accustomed to “the first,” “the greatest” and “the only.” Now, in the Palisades Area, we have the greatest and only school of Navy Hospital Corpsmen in the United States. All such training has been consolidated in this one school which will send fourth thousands of Corpsmen to aid the sick and wounded.
Naturally, the conversion of this park area from a great cultural and recreation center to a component of a 12,000 bed hospital has necessitated many changes. However, no irreparable damage has been done, and every consideration has been given to preserving every possible permanent park improvement. For this consistent and conscientious cooperation the City of San Diego and everyone interested in the Park is indebted to Captain Morton D. Willcuts [sic] (MC), USN, Commanding Officer of the United States Naval Hospital. In every instance, Captain Willcutts [sic] has sought to provide for the vital functions of his tremendous hospital in a manner which will leave no permanent “scar tissue” on Balboa Park.
During this period when the park program is so drastically curtailed, the Department has been dealing in futures by planning many improvements. Of primary importance are those plans for the development of the Park Boulevard frontage from Upas Street to the Naval Hospital. The dilapidated Indian Village will be removed, lawns and trees will make this area comparable to the Sixth Avenue side of the Park. Ample parking spaces will be provided. The Park Service Yard will be removed from the south side of Laurel Street and an appropriate park entrance will be developed in this location. A Municipal Rose Garden is projected for the west side, a garden in which roses will glory in beds, on pergolas and on treillage [sic].
Extensive recreation developments will be added to Morley Field. A Model Yacht Basin, a fly casting pool and a proper archery range will be added and planting will be completed throughout the entire area. The Riding Academy will be moved to this general location to permit extensive park development on the site of the present stables. And, of course, the Exposition Area will be rehabilitated as a project of primary importance.
With public support and an active citizen interest, Balboa Park will be tremendously improved and developed. The future will demand much work and the expenditure of considerable money if the possibilities of this great area are to be realized. The present demands patience, active planning, and a recognition of the fact that the Park is now serving well its immediate, vital function.
Joyce Kilmer doubted the possibility of ever seeing a poem lovely as a tree. Doubtless, he would have had an equally keen reaction upon seeing men come back to life and usefulness under these trees.
September 13, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners
Director was requested to prepare a preliminary study of the area adjoining the Prado which would call for the elimination of the Park Administration Building, the American Legion Building, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Building, the House of Charm and the Food and Beverage Building.
September 17, 1944, San Diego Union, C-4:4. City recreation program goal of conference held yesterday in office of Mayor Harley E. Knox. September 17, 1944, San Diego Union. D-3:1-5. Hospitality House (House of Hospitality) holds title of “Woman’s Building,” by Irene M. Clark. September 19, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:3-5. President Woodrow Wilson’s visit to San Diego 25 years ago recalled.
September 24, 1944, San Diego Union, A-10:4. Jackie Schermerhorn, San Diego Zoo aid, fulfills life ambition in San Diego post.
October 1, 1944, San Diego Union, A-3:1. Fairfield Osborn, president New York Zoological Society, says San Diego Zoo is known around the world.
October 1, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:8l Natural History Museum sets nature walks.
October 2, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Naval Affairs chairman sees San Diego facilities.
October 9, 1944, San Diego Union, A-9:3. Museum of Natural History marks 70th anniversary.
October 13, 1944, Letter, NH16/A1-1/A16-3 (Serial P-16162), from W. L. FRIEDELL, Commandant, to Budocks, via Bumed
Subj: U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, California, Balboa Park Annex, City of San Diego owned exposition buildings. REPAIRS TO
- On or about 10 December 1941 the Navy took over for hospital use all City of San Diego owned exposition buildings in Balboa Park. At this time no commitments were made as to the maintenance or future restoration of these structures. About a year and a half ago Budocks allotted funds under CPFF Contract Noy-4412 for repairs to roof, structural members and foundations. This work was not the repair of damage or useage [sic] caused by Navy occupancy but rehabilitation required for stability.
- Recently a letter was received from the San Diego Chamber of Commerce which recognized the work already done by the Navy in structural maintenance but requested that the scope of maintenance work be increased to include the repair or replacement of exterior plaster, trim and ornamental cornice. Considerable of this ornamental trim has been damaged by Navy occupancy in addition to the normal deterioration which is usually rapid for this type of trim.
- It is not practicable to show in detail the extent of the work involved in this repair, however, in enclosure 1 is shown the buildings in Balboa Park requiring repairs. The estimated cost of this work is $75,000, however, by the very nature of the work involved the accuracy of the estimate cannot be definitely determined.
- The Commandant is making no recommendation with regard to this work as it is felt that a matter of Bureau policy is involved as to whether work of this nature should be accomplished during Navy occupancy or as a program for future restoration.
- (HW) P.W. drwg. #NH16-1/N1-1(P1)
- (HW) Check-off list.
October 13, 1944, A-12:2-3. Balboa (Shuffleboard) Club 16th birthday observed with dinner, by Forrest Warren; present membership is 340.
October 15, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. Missoula Exchange, Missoula, Montana, gives $6,500 to San Diego Naval Hospital; money helps finance plastic, prosthetic surgery departments.
October 15, 1944, San Diego Union, A-11:6 Two rare Sarus cranes born at San Diego Zoo.
October 18, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
An inspection was made of plans for the Municipal Rose Garden to be constructed in an area north of the Bowling Greens in Balboa Park.
A communication was received from the Silvergate Riding Club stating their objection to the proposed Riding Academy location south of Morley Field.
Extended discussion was devoted to the preliminary plans for the landscape development of the Prado section of Balboa Park in the event it becomes necessary to remove certain of the existing buildings.
October 22, 1944, San Diego Union, B-14:1-3. San Diego Zoo noted for birth of rare species; Lesser Pandas, Pygmy Oxen born here.
October 26, 1944, San Diego Union, A-7:1. Naval Hospital patients donate to war chest.
October 27, 1944, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Gifts sought for servicemen in hospitals.
October 29, 1944, San Diego Union, A-:2-4, A-14:2-3. Seeds of more beautiful San Diego now sprouting; park nurseries plan Post-War beauty now, by Melvin Mayne,
October 29, 1944, San Diego Union, A-9:2-3. Zoological Society committees selected for years.
October 29, 1944, San Diego Union, C-7:6-8. House of Pacific Relations to present annual Fiesta next Saturday afternoon in the San Diego Woman’s clubhouse.
October 31, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:5-6. Irving E. Friedman resigned from Park Board yesterday; the two other members are Milton Sessions and Roland Hoyt.
November 3, 1944, San Diego Union, A-8:3-5. Natural History Museum received rate bird, mammal specimens; donated include Jewett collection, penguins, “spiders.”
November 8, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners,
Joint meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission and Park Commission to discuss proposed
charter amendment to consolidate Park and Recreation Departments.
November 8, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:1-8. ROOSEVELT ELECTED TO FOURTH TERM.
November 12, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:2-4. Supervisor Walter Bellon describes County’s parks; leaves office in January.
November 13, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:1-4. New recreation units opened at San Diego Naval Hospital in Balboa Park; new $200,000 McIntire recreation building.
November 13, 1944, San Diego Union, A-10:1-4. Zoo officials report record crowds.
November 19, 1944, San Diego Union, A-11:2-3. Lesser pandas among rarest of San Diego Zoo animals.
November 22, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:4. Opposition to use of the Balboa Stadium for displays involving the use of explosives was voiced yesterday by the Veterans’ Coordinating Council after it had heard complaints that loud noises from shows there had been harmful to patients in the Naval Hospital nearby.
November 22, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. City studying development of a group of civic buildings along Cedar Street.
November 23, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:6-7. District conference on youth welfare to study city’s recreational facilities Monday night in the County School Service building.
November 26, 1944, San Diego Union, A-11:4, San Diego Zoo tapir safe after seeing sights of city.
December 1, 1944, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Thirty-four decorations presented at Naval Hospital.
December 1, 1944, San Diego Union, A-10:1-4. San Diego Fine Arts Gallery now in new home on Sunset Boulevard.
December 2, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:1-4, A-3:1-8. Probe begun in air crash fatal to San Diego City Manager Walter W. Cooper.
December 2, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:5. President Roosevelt approves $17,500,000 San Diego aqueduct plan.
December 2, 1944, San Diego Union, B-3:1. Yule gift center in Balboa Park moved on Army’s order; on October 1 the Army loaned the mess hall to the camp and hospital committee of the San Diego Red Cross chapter as a room for packing and storing Christmas boxes for servicemen.
December 3, 1944, San Diego Union, A-20:1. Naval patients take interest in museum jobs.
December 10, 1944, San Diego Union, C-8:1-4. Opening of new Fine Arts Gallery building to be marked by ten shows, by Reginald Poland.
December 13, 1944, Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners.
The Commission reviewed plans for the proposed development of the Prado with certain buildings replaced by landscape developments. It was suggested that the entire Botanical Building be replaced with a modern glass house.
December 14, 1944, San Diego Union, A-12:1. Play facilities urged to curb delinquency.
December 16, 1944, San Diego Union, B-4:1. Arthur Hays, 76, man who landscaped Balboa Park, succumbs; rites today.
December 17, 1944, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Marines resume study at Naval Hospital.
December 17, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Enough jobs seen for San Diego, Oscar Jensen, chairman of the post-war planning committee of the chamber of commerce, predicted yesterday.
December 24, 1944, San Diego Union, D-12:1-4. Many art treasures to be shown when Fine Arts Gallery opens next Sunday on Sunset Boulevard.
December 25, 1944, San Diego Union, A-1:1. A-2:6. San Diegans greet Christmas.
December 28, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Date Street Freeway proposed to link canyon, Pacific highways; Glenn Rick draws sketch for Planning Department.
December 31, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1. Crash fatal to City Manager Cooper tops new stories for year.
December 31, 1944, San Diego Union, A-6:1. Dr. Bard to end 32 years of San Diego service today.
December 31, 1944, San Diego Union, B-1:2-3. Cheetah, San Diego Zoo’s fastest animal, like hunting.
December 31, 1944, San Diego Union, B-12:6. City group asks park in northeastern section of city, policing of underpass on El Cajon Boulevard.
December 31, 1944, San Diego Union, C-12:1-2. Outstanding exhibition will mark opening of new Fine Arts Gallery today.
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