Balboa Park History 1947
January 2, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:3. Dr. Edgar Hewett, former San Diego Museum director, dies.
January 5, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:3-4. Colonel Arthur F. Fischer appointed director of Museum of Natural History yesterday; succeeds late Clinton Abbott, who directed museum from 1922 until his retirement a year ago.
January 5, 1947, San Diego Union, II, 1:1. First new city recreation unit near completion; buildings in park to become huge public play area.
Workmen were sanding the floor yesterday of the first unit of what is destined to become the nation’s finest indoor recreation center. It will comprise five of the 1935 exhibition buildings in Balboa Park in the area designated by the navy during the war as Camp Kidd.
Leo B. Calland, assistant city manager in charge of recreation, declared that when the new center is in operation it will serve 50,000 San Diegans “in a dull month.”
January 10, 1947, San Diego Union, A-14:3-4. Opposition to the plan of Supervisor James Robbins for locating Civic Center building in Balboa Park was expressed in a letter filed with the county supervisors yesterday by De Graff Austen, board chairman; Robbins had advocated that the Civic Center buildings, including the Hall of Justice, be placed in that part of Balboa Park where the riding stables now are, not far from the Naval Hospital.
January 12, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2-3. Boy Scouts to have 10-acre camp in northwest corner, Balboa Park, a few hundred feet west of Roosevelt Junior High School; camp has already been fenced; Harvey H. Atherton, president of the Cuyamaca Camp Association, said that when ready for use improvements to the city-owned site will be worth between $25,000 and $30,000; improvements would be kept to a minimum to preserve the naturalness of the park site; a bowl for seating 500 boys will be built in a depression at the west end of the site; scouts from outlying towns would come here to camp, visit points of interest in the city; within the San Diego Scout Council are 5700 scouts and cubs and 1700 adult assistants.
January 12, 1947, San Diego Union, A-10:3. The city stands to clear more than $250,000 in wrecking and salvaging Camp Callan, although the primary object was to provide material for veterans’ homes rather than make a profit on the transaction, J. H. Shaw, city purchasing agent, reported yesterday.
January 12, 1947, San Diego Union, B-3:5-8. Hot rods usher in new season of San Diego Stadium speed duels today.
January 14, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:1. Joseph G. Shea, real estate man, mall plan foe to make race against Mayor Harley E. Knox, by Henry Love.
January 14, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:2-4. San Diego voters will be asked to determine the location of a new city library, county hall of justice, state building, and other proposed public buildings in the April election, city councilmen and supervisors decided yesterday in a joint conference.
January 15, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:2-5. City Council denies revived Cedar Street Mall plan; four sites proposed for public building program
January 19, 1947, San Diego Union, A-14:3-6. Wartime Use by Army Leaves Mark on Spanish Village; Groups Assigned to Majority of Park Buildings.
The city park department has allocated most of the buildings in Balboa Park — many of them to the same organizations that occupied them before the war — but it probably will be several months before the buildings are ready for occupancy and the park returns to its pre-war status as an outstanding attraction, Fred A. Rhodes, city manager, reported yesterday.
Extensive building repairs necessary after their wartime service as navy buildings will not be started in most cases until the navy pays the city for damage done to the structures while the navy used them. The navy has agreed to pay more than $800,000, but has not yet made the payment.
Meanwhile the city and army are attempting to reach an agreement on what the army owes the city for damages to the Spanish Village, only group of buildings taken over by the army during the war. The city has set the figure at $12,000, but the army wants to make its own survey and has promised to send an investigation board to the village within the next few weeks, Rhodes said.
One of the few buildings turned back to the city by the navy which will be ready for use soon is the municipal gymnasium, where workmen have been busy more than two weeks repairing the floor and fitting the structure to be used for basketball, badminton and volleyball. Leo Calland, city recreation director, said the building may be ready in about two weeks.
The Federal Building, California State Building, Palace of Entertainment and Hall of Education will be turned over to the recreation department, and with the municipal gymnasium, will form the finest indoor recreation center in the country, Calland said.
Disposition of other buildings as announced by Rhodes:
Photographic Arts Building, to be occupied by the Photographic Arts Society.
Floral Building, to be occupied by the San Diego Floral Association.
California Building, to the San Diego Museum of Man Association.
House of Pacific Relations, to the Pacific Relations Society.
Fine Arts Gallery, to the Fine Arts Society of San Diego.
Medical Arts Building, east and center sections, to the Fine Arts Society.
Old Globe Theater group, to the San Diego Community Players.
The Spanish Village, to Spanish Village Art Center, Inc.
Rhodes listed these buildings as still available: The refreshment stand and exhibit building; west wing of the Medical Arts Building; American Legion Building; Food and Beverage Building; Red Cross offices and workroom; House of Hospitality; electric show building and Bank of America Building.
These organizations have applied for space in Balboa Park buildings, but their applications have not been acted upon, Rhodes said: Home Planners’ Institute; Fighting Bob post, American Legion; Post 8299, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Post 6, American Legion; Post 5, Canadian Legion; Padre Serra post, American Legion; United Spanish War Veterans; Native Daughters of the Golden West; Daughters of the British Empire; Veterans of the 251st Coast Artillery, and Josiah Grundy’s nautical museum.
January 22, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:3-4, A-3:5-6. “GET TOUGH” policy city plan unless Navy acts on Park.
Unless the navy makes good immediately on its promise to pay the city $840,000 for repairing the damage it did to city-owned buildings in Balboa Park during the year, the City will adopt a “get tough” attitude, city councilmen said yesterday.
Pointing out that the navy promised payment “in three weeks” when it returned the park to the city last October, Councilman Charles B. Wincote declared “it’s time to get tough with the navy.”
“I agree,” responded Councilman Gerald C. Crary. “This has been kicked around long enough.”
The discussion came up in a council conference in the mayor’s office when City Manager Fred A. Rhodes reported he had received a letter from Vice Adm. J. B. Oldendorf, commandant of the 11th Naval District, asking the City’s attitude on the Officers’ Club, still operated by the navy in Balboa Park.
Rhodes said Oldendorf wanted to know how much longer the navy would be permitted to operate the club and what terms and whether the city would seek payment for restoring the building to its former condition when the navy returns it to the city.
Asked whether he had answered the letter, Rhodes growled: “No. It made me so mad I haven’t answered it yet. I’m going to cool down a bit before I do anything. We try to be nice to them, then they try to put the squeeze on us, and I’m getting tired of it.”
Councilman Charles C. Dail said he objects to operation of “an exclusive, private club in a public park,” and said he believes the navy should be ousted before long.
Wincote said he objects to the fact “I can’t go and wander in our city park, but any officer or retired officer who is a member of the Officers’ Club can take 50 people up there with him.”
Councilmen did not indicate what steps they might take, if they find it necessary to get “tough,” but city hall observers pointed out that if they wanted to be tough enough they could oust the navy from Balboa Park, the Sonar School at Point Loma and other city-owned property on which the navy has short-term leases.
Mayor Harley E. Knox suggested the council meet with Adm. Oldendorf and other 11th Naval District officers and try to come to an agreement with them, but the council finally left it up to Rhodes to carry on the negotiations and asked him to report back to the council next Tuesday.
Later, in a council meeting, councilmen referred to Rhode’s letter from R. L. Palmer, of 3525 Thirtieth St., protesting against the City’s maintaining guards at Laurel St. gateways to the park. Palmer said maintaining guards “does no good except provide employment for guards to make cars stop.” He asked that the council make the park available to the public.
At present, traffic is permitted on Laurel St. through the park, but the public is barred from going on the park grounds.
January 22, 1947, San Diego Union, 4:2. Navy, City iron out row over park buildings.
The disagreement between the city and the navy over Balboa Park buildings has been ironed out, City Manager Fred A. Rhodes reported yesterday.
Rhodes said he and Vice Adm. J. B. Oldendorf, commandant of the 11th Naval District, had agreed that any negotiations concerning continued operation of a navy Officers’ Club in the park would be conducted separately from the city’s attempt to obtain payment from the navy for damages done to other buildings in the park when they were under navy control.
Rhodes said Oldendorf had agreed to inform navy headquarters in Washington there was no connection between the two negotiations.
A letter from Oldendorf indicating the negotiations might be tied together touched of a stormy discussion in a city council conference Tuesday morning in which councilmen expressed resentment over the fact the navy last October promised to pay $840,000 for restoration of the buildings but has not yet made the payment. Councilmen said they believed discussion of the navy Officers’ Club had no part in negotiations for funds to restore other city buildings in the park, and that it was time to “get tough” with the navy.
January 22, 1947, San Diego Union, 4:2. Exposition use forecast.
A suggestion that the city leave the way clear for using the buildings in Balboa Park for another exposition was transmitted to the City Council yesterday by Stanley Grove, manager of the Chamber of Commerce.
Grove wrote that Chamber directors believe “the time will come when the community will again desire to use these buildings for the purposes for which they were originally erected” and suggest that leases for use of the buildings should contain provisions reserving to the city the right to cancel the leases or resume possession of the buildings for “expositions, festivals or similar activities.”
January 26, 1947, San Diego Union, B-4:6-7. Balboa Park Municipal Gymnasium to reopen Friday night.
Revival of the San Diego County Badminton Association, with its pre-war membership of some 300 as well as the renewal of dozens of other athletic activities cut short by war, is in prospect with the announcement that the municipal gymnasium will be reopened Friday night.
January 29, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:2, A-2:3. Navy will pay City Park claim; restoration fund due here soon.
Secy. of the Navy Forrestal has approved the city’s $840.800 claim for restoration of Balboa Park buildings. The navy’s check will be mailed as soon as necessary forms can be exchanged, it was learned yesterday.
Capt. A. K. Fogg, 11th Naval District public works officer, said he had been told by the navy department that the claim had been approved by Forrestal.
“The only remaining step is release of claims from the city,” Fogg said.
Customary procedure, Fogg is for the navy’s bureau of yards and docks to sent the forms for release of claims. To expedite handling of the forms, city councilmen recently authorized Fred A. Rhodes, city manager, to sign the release for the city.
“It will only be a matter of a couple of weeks,” Fogg said.
Mayor Harley Knox said the news from the navy was the best the city had received in months. “We have been working eight months for this,” he said.
Thus it appeared yesterday that the city’s long fight for repossession of buildings loaned without charge to the navy for hospital use throughout the war was nearly ended.
Balboa Park will be formally opened to the public Friday for the first time since the navy took over most of the park, Rhodes said yesterday.
Rhodes said guards now stationed at Laurel St. entrances will be removed and will be put to work patrolling the grounds to prevent unauthorized persons from entering buildings which will not be open until they have been restored.
First of the park buildings to be restored is the municipal gymnasium, which will be opened Friday evening. The building will be available for badminton and table tennis games at 6 p.m. A rededication ceremony is scheduled for 8 p.m.
Rhodes said other buildings will not be opened until they have been restored — a project that probably will take a year.
City recreation officials have mapped a program of public and group events in Balboa Park. Arts and crafts classes, music programs and many other activities have been outlined.
In addition, the Fine Arts Society, the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Man and similar scientific and cultural groups — during the war dispossessed to make way for Pacific battle casualties and for hospital trainees — have been waiting for a chance to get back into their old quarters.
The navy took over the exposition and other park buildings early in the war, when there was no time to haggle over costs, rents or other agreements. The navy simply told the city officials it had to have the buildings.
A large part of the area became Camp Kidd, training area for hospital nurses and corpsmen. The city, as soon as museum pieces and art objects could be moved, turned over the property on a “gentlemen’s agreement.”
With the end of the war the city began negotiations for return of the park, once the axis around which most of the city’s cultural life turned and the scene of two world expositions.
Then came the long struggle toward agreement on the cost of restoring buildings and grounds to their former state. The Fine Arts Gallery, for example, has been remodeled drastically to accommodate hospital patients. It will require extensive remodeling again to become an art center.
Engineers, aided by a citizen’s committee, appointed by city officials, worked out the cost details of restoration.
January 31, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:4. Disabled Veterans seek space in a Balboa Park building.
Harry S. Nelson, chapter No. 2, Disabled American Veterans, yesterday asked the city council for space in a Balboa Park building if and when any of the buildings is made available to veterans’ organizations.
None of the buildings has yet been allocated to veterans’ organizations, but several are not finally disposed of, the park commission reported. Other veterans’ groups also have applied for office space in the structures.
February 18, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:2-4. Thanks, Almost a Million, But It Took a Long Time; Spoils of war: Navy pays city $790,000 for damage to park.
The Navy is sorry it damaged the city buildings in Balboa Park during the wartime occupation. It is $790,000 and 35 buildings sorry.
The check was turned over to Mayor Harley E. Knox and City Manager Fred A. Rhodes yesterday by Vice Adm. J. B. Oldendorf, Commandant of 11th Naval District.
The city asked for $840,000, but all the Navy could scrape together was $790,000. To pay the bill in full the navy offered 35 temporary structures ranging from plywood shacks to stucco buildings. The city said sure, and come back anytime.
February 25, 1947, Letter, From: R. W. Benson, Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel; To: Commandant, Eleventh Naval District; P21-1 ND11-152A/c1 Serial: 74/152A; National Archives, Pacific Southwest Region.
Subject: U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, California – Inspection of Welfare Department.
Reference: (a) ND11/EN-N (LSF-GE) Serial E-8 dtd 9 Oct. 1946.
Enclosure: (A) Inspection Report dtd 13 February 1947.
- In accordance with reference (a), Lt. Comdr. J. K. BARRON, USNR, Assistant District Recreation Officer at Eleventh Naval District Headquarters, San Diego, California, visited the U. S. Naval Hospital, San Diego, California, on 13 February 1947, and conducted a routine inspection of the Welfare and Recreation Department. Conferences were held with Captain I. W. HUNKEL (MC), Executive Officer; Lt. J. T. STRINGER (NC), Recreation Officer; and Chief Pharmacist G. R. SOUKUP, Civil Readjustment and Insurance Officer.
- The recreation facilities inspected were billiard room, bowling alleys, auditorium, projection booth, CPO’s and enlisted men’s lounge, library, golf course, softball diamond, swimming pool and storeroom. The inspector found facilities in order with minor exceptions. No housing officer is assigned because all problems are referred directly to the District Housing Office. The insurance officer, who has other collateral duties, is consulted only upon the request of the insured themselves. The officers’ mess accommodates 130 officers and guests, and the inspector found it to be well organized.
- It is recommended that the softball diamond now used for storage or surplus materials be reconditioned.
- Appreciation is expressed by the Inspection officer for the courtesies shown by the Executive Officer, the Staff and other personnel aboard the station while on tour.
March 29, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2. Miss Gertrude Gilbert, President of the Amphion Club and one of the City’s recognized cultural leaders, died yesterday morning in her home, 139 Fir Street.
April 1, 1947, San Diego Union, B-2:4-5. Benjamin A. Buker writes letter reciting Miss Gertrude Gilbert’s contributions to city.
April 2, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1, A-2:1. Cedar Street site fight laid to profit; Mayor Knox charges speculators eye Date Street deals; raps proposed Balboa Park site for public buildings.
April 5, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:4. City Planning Commission urges Cedar Street site; opposes buildings in park.
April 6, 1947, San Diego Union, 1:2-3, A:5. Balboa Park Protective Association formed April 6, 1947; Mrs. Clinton G. Abbott, president; William Templeton Johnson, vice-president; for the purpose of protecting San Diego’s park areas from confiscation for any other purposes than recreational and cultural development.
April 6, 1947, San Diego Union, A:5. Supervisor James A. Robbins yesterday said that as a result of a ruling by the District Attorney’s office that the present Civic Center building cannot be used for any other purpose, location of other City and County administration buildings in Balboa Park is not feasible.
Robbins, a leader in the fight to locate public buildings in Balboa Park, said, however, he still would oppose the Cedar Street development plan and urge that cultural buildings be situated in the park.
He listed as cultural buildings a public auditorium, new library, war memorial buildings, and a school administration building.
April 6, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine Section, 1:2-4, 5:3. Long civic struggle background for Cedar Street, park sites campaign, by Henry Love.
April 6, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine Section, 2:1-3. San Diego adds to outdoor music facilities as Ford Bowl reopens this afternoon; Concert last Sunday afternoon by the San Diego Symphonic Band at the Organ Pavilion, by Constance Herreshoff.
April 6, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine Section, 5:1-4. “Roquers” in Balboa Park 25 years.
The 25th anniversary of the San Diego Roque and Shuffleboard Clubs at 6th Avenue and Redwood Street in Balboa Park was celebrated recently when the officers of both clubs met to pay special tribute to C. S. Harnish, one of the founders and the only surviving charter member.
April 7, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:3-5. Bonham Brothers Boys Band Easter Sunday concert in Ford Bowl yesterday.
April 8, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-2:5. Henry Ford dies unexpectedly; most noted of auto pioneers.
April 8, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:4-5, A-2:5. Balboa Park, Cedar Street building sites debated.
Traffic and convenience aspects of the Balboa Park-Cedar Street controversy over the location of proposed civic buildings were aired over KSDJ last night by Thomas Hamilton, of the Cedar Street Development Committee, and Humphrey Lane, of the Citizens and Taxpayers Committee.
April 9, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-3:4. Lower Cedar Street building sites grow in favor; Balboa Park fades as new side issues offer alternatives.
April 11, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-2:5. Cedar Street site gains support of City Council.
April 11, 1947, San Diego Union, B-12:3. W. Allen Perry, city park director, was elected president of the San Diego Rotary Club yesterday.
April 12, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-2:4. Mayor says Cedar Street site will cost less.
April 13, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A:6. Building fight to liven city voting Tuesday.
April 14, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:5-7. Smoke from park brush fire pours over golf course; 70-acre brush fire in northeast corner of Balboa Park yesterday.
April 14, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Balboa Park took on a festive air yesterday when for the first time since 1941 decorations were installed for a major event. The lamp posts on Laurel Street from Park Boulevard to 6th Avenue were decorated with bunting announcing the National Boat Show from Saturday to April 27; will be staged in California State Building (illus.).
April 15, 1947. ELECTION: Proposition 4 – Cedar Street Mall, acquisition of land between westerly line of 3rd Avenue and easterly line of Pacific Boulevard for the location of public buildings.
Yes 18,306 No 26,389
Proposition 5 – Use of Balboa Park for public buildings
Yes 7,441 No 36,145
April 16, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:7, A-2:6. Cedar Street, park site rejected; councilmen reelected by heavy majorities; fire department, police pension fund approved; move to withdraw park lands for the public buildings was defeated 5 to 1.
April 16, 1947, San Diego Union, A-2:1. Navy approves Miramar for San Diego.
April 16, 1947, San Diego Union, A-9:2-3. The City is going ahead with plans to establish a blood bank, health department laboratory and tuberculosis clinic in New Town Park despite a recent opinion of the City Attorney that only cultural buildings legally can be operated on Park lands, City Manager Rhodes said yesterday; buildings are only “temporary.”
April 17, 1947, San Diego Union, A-3:2. Leo Calland, city recreation department director, yesterday recommended that the City and School Board get together and work out plans for developing into a recreational and athletic area, the ground in Balboa Park now occupied by a riding academy; Calland said the riding academy should be moved to Morley Field in the northeast corner of the park.
April 20, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine Section, 1:3-6, 5:2. Spindling 30th Street bridge still carries traffic after surviving threats of fire, flood and politics, by Henry Love.
April 23, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:3. City Manager Rhodes denies free Stadium use to Al Bahr Shrine charity football game.
April 23, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Councilmen decided yesterday they will consider development of the riding academy area in Balboa Park into an athletic field and picnic ground when they begin deliberations on next year’s budget.
April 27, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine Section, 1:4-6, 5:1. Location of new public buildings may precipitate some hot fights; defeat of Cedar Street project opens the way of alternate locations, by Henry Love.
April 30, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:6, A-2:6-7. City Council rejects city tidelands as site for new state building.
May 26, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Boy Scouts end park Camporee at 12-acre plot in Balboa Park; 1,500 Boy Scouts dedicate camp.
The Balboa Park site is expected to be used for overnight Camporees by more than 160 local Scout troops this year. A former Army installation, it replaces the Indian Village which has been razed.
June 1, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:2-5. Sponsored by the 11th Tank Battalion, Marine Corps Reserve, the Marine Base Band will make its second appearance this year at the Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, presenting a concert from 3 to 4 this afternoon.
June 1, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Repairs to Ford Bowl start tomorrow.
City crews will move into Ford Bowl in Balboa Park tomorrow morning to restore the outdoor theater to its pre-war condition.
Under direction of D. M. Hammond, Acting Superintendent of the City Building Division, crews will repair, replace and repaint the seats, paint the stage and shell, smooth the stage floor, and check the entire electrical system.
Estimated to cost $10,000 to $12,000 the project will be financed from the $790,000 the City received from the Navy to restore Park facilities after their wartime use by the Navy.
June 1, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:6. Sale of buildings in park to begin.
June 8, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Army dilatory on park repair.
The City may be forced to file a formal claim against the Federal Government for damage the Army did to the Old Spanish Village in Balboa Park during its wartime occupancy.
After more than a year of negotiations, the Army still retains technical possession of the former art colony and has made no move to rehabilitate the area, despite considerable prodding from the City. If the stalemate continues much longer, the City probably will file a claim with Congress, it was indicated by Russel W. Rink, Assistant to the City Manager, who has handled negotiations for the City.
Almost three months ago the City rejected the Army’s offer of $6453 for restoration of the area and requested that the Army undertake the rehabilitation work. O. N. Nail, Field Representative of the Army Engineers’ Real Estate Division, told City Officials last week the Army still is studying the request and has not decided definitely to do the work or reject the City’s request.
Army forces took over the Village soon after Pearl Harbor and moved out soon after V-J Day. After negotiations for rehabilitation started, City engineers estimated cost of rehabilitation at $13,717. The Army offered $2765 in September, but in March revised the figure to $6453. On March 18, the City rejected the revised offer and requested the Army to do the work, subject to City acceptance.
June 8, 1947, San Diego Union, B-3:2-3. Sea lions enroute to Antwerp from San Diego Zoo.
June 8, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 1:2-4. Animals in San Diego Zoo run up $1,000 a week grocery bill, by Bryant Evans.
June 15, 1947, San Diego Union, A-22:1-5. Rededication of flagstaff set by Masons.
History will repeat itself at 9:45 this morning on Inspiration Point in Balboa Park, when San Diego Masons, in their annual Flag Day ceremony, rededicate the flagstaff they gave to the City just 20 years ago.
June 25, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-4. Federal Building conversion costs into a Civic Theater set at almost $400,000 by architect H. Louis Bodmer (drawing of how Federal Building would look as a theater)..
Rhodes and Bodmer estimated conversion work on the building itself would amount to more than $300,000, and that good theater seats, drapes, other furnishings and landscaping would add another $55,000.
June 26, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:1. Park building rehabilitation set by group.
A complete program for rehabilitation of Balboa Park buildings will be drafted by the City Park Commission and Park and Recreation Director Leo Calland before much more work is undertaken.
City Councilmen made that decision yesterday when Calland and City Manager Fred A. Rhodes asked them if they were ready to go ahead with work on the Hollywood Building and the Fine Arts Building. Councilmen said rather that authorize rehabilitation building by building they want a complete program laid before them so the work can be undertaken on a comprehensive basis.
They agreed that work of remodeling the Federal Building into a Civic Theater, a project that goes far beyond rehabilitation, will have to wait until more funds are available and construction costs are down. At present costs, the work is estimated at nearly $400,000.
Rhodes said the City will open bids soon for repair of the Fine Arts Building, which he estimated would cost $28,000. If the bids are far above that figure, he said he will ask Councilmen for permission to do the work with City forces.
July 5, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:4. City officials think it’s about time Army returned Spanish Village to city.
July 6, 1947, San Diego Union, 1:1-3. Star Light Opera to open summer season in Wegeforth Bowl, San Diego Zoo, Wednesday night with “Eileen,” by Helen Zugelder..
July 6, 1947, San Diego Union, II, 1:1-4, 14:3. Demolition of famed 1915 Fair landmarks strongly recommended; ERASURE OF PARK EXPOSITION BUIDLINGS URGED IN REPORT; Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., planning specialist hired by City advises removal of four or five such structures, by Winthrop Cady.
Removal of four or five of the famous old 1915 Exposition buildings along Laurel St. in Balboa Park is recommended in a report prepared for the city by a nationally-known park planning specialist, Frederick Law Olmsted, hired by the City Park Department in March to make a survey of Balboa Park, recommends that the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion buildings along the Plaza de Panama be torn down to make way for extension of wings of the Fine Arts Gallery; that the Food and Beverage Building be torn down but eventually replaced with a museum or museums; that the Electrical Building be torn down except for the extreme west end and that a careful study be made as to the advisability of removing the International Arts Building.
Olmsted’s report also recommends that the City immediately abandon any plans it may have for erecting public buildings other than those of a cultural nature in the Park and that it undertake a long-range, thorough study of development of the Park as a whole before it undertakes any work other than repairing wartime damage.
The report, recently received, has not been studied in detail in connection with the City’s long-range plan for Park development, but will be given to the new Park Commission when it holds its first meeting, City Manager Fred A. Rhodes said.
Rhodes said the recommendations “appear a little rich for our blood,” but would be taken under consideration when the Park Department drafts the overall remodeling program recently requested by the City Council. . . . .
Pointing out that the only justification for large parks is to provide recreational areas combined with “the refreshing effect of spacious country-like landscape surroundings,” he (Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.) strongly recommended that no more of the Park be devoted to buildings.
Parts of the original Park have been given away for other purposes and “this intermittent yielding to the old set of ideas that it was just vacant land available for parceling out to meet any kind of use advocated at the time by any strong pressure group has led to whittling away parts of the original area and to greatly curtailing the value for park purposes of what has been retained.”
For example, the giving away of the 100-acre hill now occupied by the Naval Hospital and the construction of a mass of Naval Hospital buildings dominating the hill not merely reduces the area usable for park purposes, but destroys the spacious rural character of the views retained in the park. Other examples are the use of the park for school buildings and the introduction of heavy traffic thoroughfares separating one piece of park from another.”
FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED, JR. QUOTED IN The Civic Auditorium for San Diego, A Report of the Planning Commission, 1953.
- 26. We have greatly changed the “spacious country-like landscaped surroundings hoped for when the park was developed” (said Frederick Law Olmsted, landscape architecture consultant in April, 1947. “From time to time progress has been made in developing the park for the special purposes for which it was set apart. But pressure of population and urban congestion, comparable with those of New York in 1868, were slow in coming to San Diego, so that the justifying purpose of the park was often forgotten or ignored and its land treated just as if it never had been set aside for that purpose.
July 8, 1947. San Diego Union, A-4:4. The Technical and Scientific Societies Council of San Diego has suggested the establishment of a Hall of Science and Industry in Balboa Park; City Manager Fred A. Rhodes endorsed the suggestion and suggested the Ford Building be used for the museum.
July 8, 1947, San Diego Union, A-7:5-6. Leo Calland, Park and Recreation director, reported yesterday that the “Recreation Round-Up” will be held in Balboa Park August 29 through September 1 in the State Building, Municipal Gymnasium and Ford Bowl.
The four-day affair will include athletics, hobbies, craft and art work, music, dramatics, dancing, pet displays, puppet shows, and other phases of recreation.
July 8, 1947, San Diego Union, B-3:5. Otto C. Kiessig, operator of sport fishing boats, denounced the city’s subsidization of recreation yesterday.
July 9, 1947, San Diego Union, B-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: A Fine Cultural Contribution . . . regarding Star-Light Opera.
July 10, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:6-7. Ideal weather setting marks “Eileen” opening, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 11, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:8. Ford Bowl will be reopened to symphonic music Tuesday evening when a free public concert will be given by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Nino Marcelli.
July 13, 1947, San Diego Union, A-3:3. J. H. Shaw, City Purchasing agent, reported yesterday that the City will wind up with a fair-sized profit from the former Navy buildings and equipment it is salvaging from Balboa Park.
Although disposal of the property accepted in lieu of cash will show a profit, the City still faces a deficit on the whole Park rehabilitation program if all the work is undertaken in the immediate future, because construction costs have gone up considerably since the estimate of $840,000 for the entire project was made.
July 13, 1947, San Diego Union, A-14:3-5. San Diego Zoo’s three Indian elephants will begin working for peanuts this afternoon.
In one of the more painful items in their routine, one of the elephants lies down while the others sit on him. They also play a rather heavy-footed equivalent of ring-around-the-rosy and stand on their hind legs.
July 13, 1947, San Diego Union, A-15:5. Fifth offering of “Eileen” today at park bowl.
July 16, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:2-6. Symphony concert reopens war-halted programs at Ford Bowl., by Constance Herreshoff.
July 17, 1947. San Diego Union, A-9:4. Members of the new Recreation Commission met informally with retiring members of the old Commission yesterday afternoon at the Press Club; the old Commission ceased to function under a City Charter amendment establishing a new Commission on July 1..
July 18, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2. Harry S. Nelson, Chapter 2, Disabled American Veterans, became the first veteran’s organization to apply for use of the Canadian Legion Building in Balboa Park as a meeting place.
July 20, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2. City to regain Spanish Village; Senator William Knowland of California promises prompt restoration.
July 20, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 2:1-3. “Eileen” will end successful run; “The Pirates of Penzance” coming, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 20, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 10:1-2. Donal Hord completes “Thunder,” his new sculpture in jade, by Julia G. Andrews.
July 22, 1947, San Diego Union, A-5:2-4. Chapman Zebras added at San Diego Zoo.
July 23, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:3-4. San Diego starts restoration of park buildings; Fine Arts building fumigated.
July 23, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:2-3. The City Council yesterday authorized conversion of Balboa Park buildings into a convention headquarters.
Conversion of Balboa Park buildings into a convention headquarters was authorized by the City Council yesterday after Councilmen were told the City stands to lose a million dollars next year if it does not have a larger place for conventions.
Councilmen authorized City Manager Fred A. Rhodes to employ an architect to draft plans for converting the State Building into a convention hall and the Hollywood Building, across Palisades Plaza, into a supplemental meeting place.
The development was recommended by Elwood T. Bailey, City Park Commissioner and Manager of the Convention Bureau, who said 41 conventions already have been scheduled for the city for next year, and that, unless a larger hall is available, the city will lose 10,000 delegates who could be expected to spend $1,000,000 here. One large convention was lost to the city this year for lack of a large convention hall, he said.
Rhodes estimated the cost of conversion of both buildings at $125,000. The State Building will be remodeled into a large convention hall, with several committee rooms, he said. The Hollywood Building will contain two theaters, and a Recreation Department workshop. The theaters can be used for smaller conventions or for sectional meetings of large groups.
July 24, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:4-6. San Diego audience approves of “Pirates of Penzance,” by Constance Herreshoff.
July 25, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1., A-3:5. City officials condemn Palace of International Arts and six other buildings in Balboa Park, by Winthrop Cady.
Seven of the architecturally famous buildings in Balboa Park, most of them along Laurel St., have been condemned City Manager Fred A. Rhodes disclosed yesterday.
The action leaves only two buildings immediately adjacent to Laurel St. — the California Building and the Administration Building — open for use.
The condemnation was ordered by Oscar Knecht, Chief City Building Inspector, and Fire Marshall Al Penrose on grounds that because of structural defects and fair hazard they are unfit places of public assembly.
The buildings are the Canadian Legion, House of Hospitality, Food and Beverages, American Legion, Medical Arts (also known as Veterans for Foreign Wars Building); Electrical (also known as the Red Cross); and the House of Charm (sometimes called the International Arts Building).
Most of the condemned structures are of Spanish-Colonial architecture, heavily ornamented and intricately carved. Most were erected as “temporary” structures for the 1915 Exposition, but were strengthened and revamped for the 1935 Exposition.
Whether the buildings will be torn down or closed and left standing as “window dressing” has not been determined. If they are left standing, it will be only because of their architectural interest; the condemnation order bars their use for any purpose whatever.
Rhodes said the buildings were actually condemned Wednesday, but the suppressed news of the action until yesterday “so we could get the condemnation signs tacked up before the protests came in.”
July 26, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1. Razing of Park Buildings Opens Controversy; condemnation brings protests against removal proposals.
The 1915 Exposition Buildings in Balboa Park, which already have weathered three threats of demolition in their 32-year history, yesterday were the center of still another controversy over whether they should be torn down, rebuilt as permanent structures or refaced as a backdrop to the park’s gardens.
Seven of the buildings, acclaimed as one of the world’s finest groups of Moorish-Baroque architecture, have been condemned by City officials because of structural defects and because they constitute a fire hazard.
The proposed condemnation brought a storm of protest from many San Diegans. The fame of Balboa Park has come because of the Exposition buildings declared G. Aubrey Davidson, Chairman of the Balboa Park Restoration Committee.
“The building should not be wrecked until other buildings of like architecture and permanent material are ready to take their places,” he said.
Both sides of the demolition question will be aired Wednesday at 2 p.m. at a meeting of the City Park Commission in the Park Administration Building. Leo Calland, Park and Recreation Director, announced yesterday he would recommend employment of a special park consultant to advise the City on what action to take.
July 26, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-6:1-7. Some San Diegans advocate repairing the facades even though the interiors must be closed; Sam E. Mason, president of the San Diego Electric Railway Co., advocates maintenance of building’s exteriors for their beauty and because they are “a unique attraction known to a good part of the world. . . . If necessary all interior construction, should be torn down.” Joseph Dryer, president of the 1935 Exposition, also advocated preserving fronts.
July 26, 1947, San Diego Union, A-7:8. San Diego Zoo adds new 50-seat bus.
July 26, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2-3. Stork brings llama to San Diego Zoo.
July 27, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine Section, 2:2-3. Long Beach Symphony Orchestra to play at Organ Pavilion today.
July 29, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:2-5. Here’s way new section of proposed structure will look when complete; addition of east wing to Fine Arts Gallery may cost $400,000 (drawing).
Addition of the proposed East wing to the San Diego Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park will cost between $300,000 and $400,000, Frederick G. Jackson, President of the San Diego Fine Arts Society announced yesterday. It will replace the American Legion building, one of seven 1915 Exposition buildings condemned recently/
The West wing, which will be built later to match the East wing, also will cost between $300,000 and $400,000, Jackson said. It will cover the area where the condemned Medical Arts building now stands.
July 29, 1947, A-6:6. Rhodes urges outside view on park buildings.
Replying to statements that the buildings are no more of a fire hazard or structural risk now than they were during the 1935 Exposition, Rhodes said, “It must be pointed out that the Fire Department had three pieces of fire equipment on duty at the site at the time, and, in addition, kept a fire patrol going over the entire area continuously.”
July 29, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:6-7. City Council to give park pool to fly-casters.
In Rhode’s absence two weeks ago, Councilmen approved the application of Milton Kraft, President of the San Diego Angling and Casting Club, for temporary use of the pool. Rhodes said the club withdrew its application after the Park Commission explained it was interested in restoring the pool “for the esthetic enjoyment of all park visitors,” and Councilmen acted after the application had been withdrawn.
July 30, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1. City Council authorizes remodeling plans for State and Hollywood Buildings in Balboa Park.
July 31, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:2-4. Park Commission asks detailed report on condemned buildings.
The City Park Commission yesterday asked for detailed reports on the condition of seven condemned buildings in Balboa Park to aid it in making its recommendation on the future of the famous structures. Meeting yesterday in the officer of Park Superintendent W. Allen Perry, Commission members asked City Manager Fred A. Rhodes to supply them with detailed reports on the buildings from Fire Marshal Al Penrose and Oscar Knecht, Chief Building Inspector, who ordered the buildings condemned.
“We can’t proceed intelligently to draft an over-all plan for the Park unless we know in detail the defects of each building and what would be required to bring it up to standards prescribed by the building code,” Commission President Milton P. Sessions said.
The Commission also voted to ask Rhodes for funds to employ a park consultant to help plan future development and give advice as to whether the condemned buildings should be left as “window dressing” or demolished and the area landscaped.
July 31, 1947, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. Nearly two million took advantage of playgrounds at public schools and Federal housing sites in the 1946-47 fiscal year according to report of Recreation Director Leo Calland.
August 3, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:6. Need to raze buildings foreseen in 1915.
August 10, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. City profits in sale of salvage from park.
City sold buildings and equipment in park for $12,000. So far the City has realized $62,000 from the sale of buildings and equipment left by the Navy. City accepted buildings and equipment in lieu of $50,000 cash when it negotiated with the Navy for rehabilitation of the park. Concrete from temporary buildings erected by Navy dumped over the cliff at the foot of Hill Street in Sunset Cliffs to stop beach erosion.
August 21, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Lily vs. casting pool protests just too much.
The City Park Commission doesn’t like to be blamed for the sins of the City Council.
When Park Commissioners received four letters yesterday protesting against the conversion of the Balboa Park lily pond into a fly-casting pool, they quickly pleaded innocence and forwarded the letters to the real culprits, the Councilmen.
The aesthetic sense of the Park Commissioners was upset no little several weeks ago when the Council overrode their recommendation and ordered the lily pond converted into a temporary fly-casting pool. Their sense of justice was even more outraged yesterday when they received the protests.
August 21, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:3-6. Large audience approves park opera opening of “Rio Rita,” by Constance Herreshoff.
August 21, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:5-6. Park Commission approves construction of a $300,000 Veterans’ Memorial Building on western site of former Indian Village.
Construction of a $300,000 Veterans, Memorial Building on the site of the old Indian Village in Balboa Park was approved yesterday by the City Park Commission.
The Commission rejected a proposal that the structure be located along Laurel Street to take the place of one of the six 1915 Exposition buildings recently condemned by the City Fire Marshall and Building Inspector.
It is premature to plan for replacing any of the condemned structures until it has been determined definitely which ones will be kept in place and which ones, if any, will be razed, Commissioners said.
To help them solve the problem they recommended that a topographical survey be made of the central area of the Park and that the City employ a Los Angeles landscape architect to aid in drafting Park rehabilitation plans. Park Superintendent W. Allen Perry reported that, on the Commission’s instructions, he had discussed Park planning with Ralph D. Cornell of Los Angeles, and Cornell had offered to undertake a thorough survey for $5000 and expenses.
Perry also objected to the Laurel Street location for the Veterans’ building because “it would cost that much to match the architecture of the buildings in that area and you wouldn’t have any space inside.”
Commissioners agreed to a location on the western side of the Indian Village site, closer to Zoo Place than to Park Boulevard, where the structure would be close to a parking area and would not interfere with landscaping.
The suggestion that the building be located on Laurel Street came from City Manager Fred A. Rhodes, who also informed the Commission that a survey is being made to determine whether the House of Hospitality can be restored and made available for public use. A preliminary survey indicates it might be restored to acceptable standards for less than $100,000, Rhodes said. The House of Hospitality was one of the buildings condemned as a place of public assembly.
“It has occurred tome that if the City assisted the Fine Arts Gallery ton construct (a wing) to its building and restored the House of Hospitality, and even encouraged the San Diego Society of Natural History to construct its proposed Library Building by granting them monetary assistance, the City would then have a good start to maintaining the architectural effect which has existed in the Park so many years on temporary structures,” Rhodes wrote.
“One might even go so far as to place the Veterans’ Hall on the southwest corner of the Plaza de Panama, except for lack of parking space in that particular location. Probably a better location would be where the Electric Building is now located, which would be much closer to a parking lot.”
Rhodes pointed out the City had $800,000 in the park restoration fund and $300,000 in profits from dismantling of Camp Callan. He estimated it would cost $100,000 to restore the California Tower Building, the long Exposition building along Laurel Street that escaped condemnation, and $100,000 to restore the House of Hospitality.
“In being relieved of the necessity of restoring the wooden Park buildings, considerable sums could be saved which would be applied to permanent buildings,” Rhodes wrote.
In advocating construction of the Veterans’ Building, Mayor Harley E. Knox suggested the City use $250,000 from the Camp Callan fund, $50,000 in restoration funds for one of the condemned buildings which will not be restored and furnish the structure with the $18,000 fund from the wartime Buddy Bed operation.
September 14, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1. Park recreation plan approved; facilities radiate from picnic area in large project.
A comprehensive plan for developing the Morley Field area of Balboa Park into the City’s largest and most complete recreation center has been drafted by the City Park and Recreation Department and approved by the Park Commission.
The entire plan revolves around a large picnic area, with facilities for almost all outdoor recreational activities scattered around the edge of the picnic area lawn. The area is arranged so that after a picnic lunch members of a party can scatter to the bowling greens, swimming pool, riding stable or archery range according to their interests.
The plan calls for construction of bowling greens, shuffleboard courts, roque area, horseshoe pitching court, children’s play area and swimming pool north of the picnic area, riding stable and parking lot on the east, parking lot on the west and flycasting and model yacht pool and two archery ranges on the south.
The partially-developed area now contains tennis courts, shuffleboard courts, swimming pool and horseshoe pitching courts. The archery ranges now on the Sixth Street side of the Park would be moved to the Morley Field area, but other activities on the west side of the Park, such as bowling greens and shuffleboard courts, would continue to operate in their present locations, in addition to the new facilities at Morley Field.
The complete development probably will cost approximately $300,000, but is expected to be overtaken in small stops over a period of years. One of the first steps may be construction of the fly casting and model yacht pool, at an estimated cost of $35,000.
There are no fly casting or model yacht facilities in the City at present, but over the objection of the Park Commission, the City Council has authorized temporary use of the Balboa Park lily pond as a casting pool.
In addition to serving as a picnic and play area, the big section of lawn in the center is designed for occasional use for special events. In the event of an archery tournament too large for the ranges farther south, for example, the central section could easily serve as a supplement.
The entire development encompasses 75 to 80 acres immediately south of Upas Street from Alabama Street eastward to Arnold Street. Only the northern part of the area, centered about Texas Street, is developed for use now.
The Morley Field plan is tied to another plan for developing Balboa Park in that the riding stables now located on a mesa west of Park Boulevard and north of Balboa Stadium will have to be moved to Morley Field before the City can go ahead on plans to develop the mesa into a picnic area, playground and supplemental athletic field for San Diego High School.
September 14, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:5-8. Sketch shows additions proposed to make Morley Field city’s finest sports center.
September 21, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Sam W. Hamill will draw up Veterans’ meeting hall plans; $300,000 building to be financed from proceeds of Camp Callan salvage and funds for park restoration supplied by the Navy.
Hamill, who has agreed to undertake the work, was selected because he has worked on plans for other proposed veterans’ buildings and is familiar with their needs.
Mayor Harley E. Knox, who proposed the structure, said he would appoint a committee representative of veterans’ organizations to consult with the architect before work gets underway.
As approved by the City Council and City Park Commission, the structure will be erected on the west side of the old Indian Village site in the park and will be financed with Camp Callan salvage profits and park restoration funds provided by the Navy. Furnishings would be purchased from the wartime Buddy Beds trust fund assigned by the courts to the City for veterans’ benefit purposes.
September 21, 1947, B1:1. Bowl rehabilitation soon to be complete.
Rehabilitation of the Ford Bowl will be completed about the first of next month and rehabilitation of the House of Pacific Relations will be completed about November 1, D. M. Hammond, Superintendent of the City Building Division, reported yesterday. Work in both areas is being done by city forces.
In the Ford Bowl, workmen are finishing the lighting and sound systems and replacing the last row of seats. The 78 (?) buildings in the House of Pacific Relations are being painted inside and out, roofing and wiring are being replaced and structural defects are being remedied.
October 1, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:4. City to spend $1,911,000 for improvements.
The City has $1,363,000 in its capital outlay fund but has need for $1,911,000 to spend for major public improvements in the next two years, City Manager Fred A. Rhodes told City Councilmen yesterday. In addition, Rhodes reported the fund now contains $1,608,000 appropriated for specific projects but not yet spent.
Expansion of the sewer system is the most expensive work contemplated for the next two years, Rhodes said. The work is expected to cost a total of $1,570,000, of which a million has been earmarked for enlargement of the sewage treatment plant.
October 2, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:6. Science Show set in Balboa Park on November 18.
October 3, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:4-5. City to defy Federal Housing expediter’s ban on Balboa Stadium repair.
October 3. 1947, San Diego Union, B-2:1. EDITORIAL: Bureaucracy and the Stadium.
October 5, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:3-4. Pauma kittens latest San Diego Zoo arrivals.
October 7, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:4, A-3:4. City wins fight over Balboa Stadium improvements.
October 12, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Old Globe Theater group to open membership campaign.
October 12, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Baby Lesser Pandas at San Diego Zoo.
October 17, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:6. The Old Globe to sell group memberships.
Members, Lowell Davies, President, said will receive six reserved seat exchange tickets, nominally priced, and at a worthwhile reduction from the cost of the same number of individual tickets. The ducats are transferable and interchangeable, and may be suing singly or for one performance. . . . .
Selected for the opening play is William Saroyan’s Pulitzer prize winner, “The Time of Your Life,” to be presented starting Wednesday, October 29.
October 19, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:2. Park clubhouse planned near tennis courts in Morley Field area.
The City plans to move one of the former Navy buildings in the Camp Kidd area of the Park to serve as the clubhouse, which will have locker room, tennis shop and food concession.
October 19, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:2-5. Plans to extend San Diego Zoo education program.
October 26, 1947, San Diego Union, A-5:2-4. San Diego Zoo obtains rare exhibit of ducks.
October 26, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1, B-16:3. Tentative remodeling plans for Exposition buildings to be ready soon; three of Balboa structures due for civic use; trimming of costs now main job of Calland, architects.
Tentative plans to remodel three of the 1935 Exposition buildings in Balboa Park into a Civic Theater, an Exhibit Building and an Arts and Crafts Building will be submitted to City Manager Fred A. Rhodes in the next few weeks, Leo B. Calland, City Parks and Recreation Director, reported yesterday.
“Plans are near completion on all three projects,” Calland said, “but now we have to trim the costs down to what the City Council expects to spend.”
Calland conferred Friday with architects and Russel Rink, Assistant to the City Manager, on the Arts and Crafts and Exhibit Building, and the group pared $20,000 from the remodeling cost of that project.
October 28, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3, A-3:3. Forty thousand crowded Balboa Stadium in welcome to Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in Navy Day program last night.
October 28, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:5. Globe Theater to open season tomorrow night.
Dark since Pearl Harbor, the little Balboa Park playhouse has been reconditioned, the most noteworthy improvements including cushioned seats, replacing the former benches, and interior decoration.
October 30, 1947, San Diego Union, A-13:2-5. Electrical Show renewal set in Balboa Park December 27.
October 30, 1947, San Diego Union, A-17:2-3. City Manager Rhodes yesterday approved plans for remodeling the State Building into a civic exhibit building; the architect was directed to draw up specifications for the $80,000 project; original plan called for $98,000.
October 30, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. “Curtain call” trumpets to herald reopening of Old Globe playhouse, by Constance Herreshoff..
October 31, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:5. “Kiss and Tell” to be offered at Old Globe Theater.
October 31, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2-4. San Diego Zoo invaded by itinerant ducks.
November 2, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:5. Tryouts for “Kiss and Tell,” a comedy to be presented at the Old Globe Theater for two weeks starting December 3, will be held today.
November 2, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 1:2-4, San Diego artist colony valued feature in cultural life of city.
November 3, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:3-5. Thomas Robertson, assistant director of Fine Arts Gallery, wife arrive from Portland to make home (portrait).
November 3, 1947, San Diego Union, A-10:4. Tenth annual Fiesta of the House of Pacific Relations Saturday night in the San Diego Women’s Clubhouse.
November 9, 1947, San Diego Union, A-10″2-4. Eleventh Avenue canyon as it appears today (illus.).
November 9, 1947, San Diego Union, A-21:2-3. Victoria pigeons increase at San Diego Zoo.
November 12, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:2-4. Armistice day ceremony at Organ Pavilion yesterday; rearmament plans outlined; nation’s traditional policy of maintaining a small peacetime army has been junked says Colonel E. L. Tidwell of the 309th AG Replacement Depot.
November 16, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:2-4, B-16:4. Square dance roundup brought 200 to State Building in park last night.
November 16, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:5, B-16:4. Atomic energy exhibit due at Federal Building in Balboa Park; show to explain blast potential in laymen’s language; Science and Industry show opens tomorrow.
The atomic energy exhibit was prepared by the American Chemical Society for display in Paris a year ago to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It will be shown here under auspices of the San Diego section of the society.
November 16, 1947, San Diego Union, Amusement, 4:3. Lowell Davies, president of the San Diego Community Theater, announced decision yesterday to extend the number of performances of any one play at the Old Globe from 10 to 14.
November 16, 1947, San Diego Union, Amusement, 7:6-8. Old Masters will be featured when Fine Arts Gallery opens in park, by Thomas R. Robertson.
November 19, 1947, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Painters, city clash over job on park tower.
Painting of the dome of the California Tower Building, Balboa Park, was halted yesterday by a difference of opinion between the City and AFL Painter’s Union on whether the work should be done by brush or spray gun. . . . .
Herbert C. Baker, Business Agent of the Union agreement with contractors permits use of spray guns “where they are practical.”
November 19, 1947, San Diego Union, A-5:5-6. The City Council yesterday lowered its rental fee for use of Balboa Stadium in an effort to come to an agreement with Al Bahr Shrine Temple.
November 23, 1947, San Diego Union, A-20:6. Spanish Village rehabilitation nearly ended.
John w. Olsen, President of the Spanish Village Art Center, a group that operated the Village before the Army took it over has asked to lease the area again, it was reported by Park and Recreation Director Leo Calland.
Before negotiating a lease, the City Park Commission has requested the Property Division to establish proper rentals and has asked Olsen for details on how artists qualify for membership and how the studios will be assigned to them, Calland said.
Because the structures do not measure up to the State building code requirements, they will be available only for studios and workshops. No one will be permitted to live in them, Calland said.
November 23, 1947, San Diego Union, Amusement, 4:6. New plays planned at Old Globe Theater.
November 25, 1947, San Diego Union, A-18:3-5. Sitatunga antelope arrives at San Diego Zoo from Chicago.
November 26, 1947, San Diego Union, A-7:3-5. More than two million dollars worth of works of art sent to park from temporary gallery in Mission Hills; official reopening ceremonies of Fine Arts Gallery December 13 at 2:30 p.m.
November 27, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Thanksgiving rites at Organ Pavilion this morning sponsored by San Diego County Ministerial Association.
December 2, 1947, San Diego Union, B-2:1-2. Tenth annual Electric Show will open tonight at Federal Building, Balboa Park.
December 3, 1947, San Diego Union, A-1:6, A-4:1. Fifteen thousand attend Electric Show.
December 3, 1947, San Diego Union, B-14:2-4. Army has rehabilitated Spanish Village; Art Group balked in plan to return to old quarters.
December 4, 1947, San Diego Union, A-18:5. Electric Show attracts 20,000 on second day.
December 4, 1947, San Diego Union, A-19:5. University fund rally planned at Organ Pavilion Sunday.
December 6, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:3. Electric Show attracted 20,000 yesterday.
December 6, 1947, San Diego Union, A-8:6. Pat O’Brien, movie actor, to speak at University Foundation Fund rally in Balboa Park.
December 7, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:5. Pat O’Brien speaks today at fund campaign rally for San Diego University.
December 7, 1947, San Diego Union, A-35:2-4. San Diego Zoo acquires two cassowaries.
December 7, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 10:1-4. Reopening of Fine Arts Gallery in park planned Friday, Saturday; member’s preview at 8 o’clock Friday evening; official reopening at 2:30 p.m. Saturday.
December 8, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-5. Mass meeting at Organ Pavilion for Catholic Bishops’ Foundation Fund for proposed San Diego University.
December 8, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:8. 30,000 attended last day of six-day Electric Show in the Federal Building in Balboa Park yesterday afternoon and evening
Total attendance at the show was more than 135,000, compared to 125,000 for the last show six years ago, Clark Chamberlain, director of the exhibit, said.
December 9, 1947, San Diego Union, A-6:2-5. Orangutan gets monkey companion at San Diego Zoo.
December 9, 1947, San Diego Union, A-9:1. Mayor Knox says city’s aim is not an idealistic plan.
December 11, 1947, San Diego Union, A-12:7-8. The 1947 County Grand Jury recommended playgrounds to curb juvenile delinquency.
December 11, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. Greater Fine Arts Gallery to reopen tomorrow night; old master’s works included in new exhibit in park; Dr. W. R. Valentiner, Director Consultant of the Los Angeles County Art Museum and Vincent Price, stage and screen act and art collector, will speak at the membership preview and public ceremonies the following day.
December 13, 1947, San Diego Union, A-10:1-5. Notables who attended opening of Fine Arts Gallery, by Eileen Jackson.
December 14, 1947, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Fine Arts Gallery reopened after 4-1/2 year lapse; Reginald Poland tells how Fine Arts Gallery came into being.
As the Balboa Park carillon tolled 21 times — a note for each year of public service — the doors of the Fine Arts Gallery were reopened to the public yesterday afternoon for the first time since March, 1943.
December 14, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 10:1-4. Fine Arts Gallery open to public today.
December 17, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. Snake-killing Secretary bird newest resident at San Diego Zoo; purchased from an animal dealer for $400; it will be fed strips of raw meat.
December 17, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:6. City Council yesterday released $300,000 available for construction of a proposed Veterans’ Memorial Building in Balboa Park to be used as a meeting place for veterans’ organizations.
The money will be taken from profits realized from sale of equipment and materials salvaged from Camp Callan.
The fund for the building was made available at this time so that fees could be paid to architects for designing the structure, City Manager Fred A. Rhodes said. The building will be erected on the west side of Park Boulevard, opposite the Zoo, on the site of the old Indian Village.
December 21, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Decision due soon on fate of Fair buildings; rehabilitation will hinge on early surveys.
A detailed survey will be started soon to determine how many of the six condemned 1915 Exposition buildings along Laurel Street in Balboa Park can be rehabilitated, City Manager Fred A. Rhodes indicated yesterday.
It already has been determined that the House of Hospitality can be saved, and as soon as plans and specifications for its rehabilitation have been completed, surveys will be made of the other structures, Rhodes said. The work is being done by Paul A. Wenhe, structural engineer, and W. Templeton Johnson, architect, both hired by the City on a contract basis to handle rehabilitation of Park buildings.
December 21, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 7:1-4. Fine Arts Gallery attendance gains, by Thomas B. Robertson.
Attendance at the Fine Arts Gallery since its reopening last weekend attests the popularity of this institution among San Diegans. Nearly a thousand members and guests gathered for the evening preview, and another 700 attended the official Saturday evenings. It was Sunday’s attendance, however, which astounded this writer. Although art galleries are seldom the scene of mass gatherings, nevertheless, from 1 and 5 p.m. last Sunday more than 1600 people entered the gallery.
December 28, 1947, San Diego Union, A-2:1-4. Fine Arts Gallery wing will look like main building.
The proposed “silver-plate” east wing of the Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park will duplicate the architecture of the main gallery and approximate the style of the Laurel Street buildings built for the 1915 Exposition.
The wing to be built on the site of the condemned American Legion building will be of Plateresque architecture, so-named because it follows the ornateness of the work of 16th century Spanish renaissance silversmiths.
December 28, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 1:2-3. San Diego flora collection, one of best in world, by John E. Olsen.
Chiefly responsible for the valuable collection is the late Dr. Harry Wegeforth, founder and for many years President of the Zoological Society. Throughout his frequent world travels, Dr. Wegeforth sent rare seeds and plants from all over the globe back to the zoo. His favorites were palms, and the palm gardens he started in the zoo are regarded by many horticulturists as the finest collection of the West Coast.
December 28, 1947, San Diego Union, Magazine, 7:1-4. Reginald Poland to speak at Fine Arts Gallery today, by Thomas B. Robertson.
The Fine Arts Gallery Sunday afternoon talk will be given this week by Reginald Poland, the gallery’s director. He will discuss the Venetian spirit in art as illustrated by paintings in the gallery’s collection. The talk will begin at 3:30 in Gallery 8. Chairs will be provided for listeners who will be admitted without charge. The gallery is open daily except Monday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m.
December 31, 1947, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. The City Council yesterday vigorously opposed reported attempts by the Navy to acquire title to Silver Strand Park for amphibious training purposes, but expressed the hope an arrangement can be worked out to permit the Navy periodic use of the beach when necessary
Return to Amero Collection.
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