Balboa Park History 1949
January 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:3-8. Conference Building, remodeled from State Building, nears completion; will seat 2300 persons in hall surrounded by conference rooms; Palisades Building houses Recital Hall seating 700, Puppet Theater seating 254, and hobby shops.
January 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-3:1. Because it has no place in a museum devoted to San Diego flora and fauna, a mounted African elephant yesterday was taken out of the Natural History Museum and handed back to the San Diego Zoo, which lent the exhibit in 1941.
January 6, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:1-3. Park construction project set for Boy Scouts; City Planning Commission approved plans yesterday; two-story rustic type building will be erected on a ten-acre site set aside in 1945; site has a 600-seat capacity amphitheater and six camp sites with rock stoves; campaign committee preparing to launch a campaign to raise $50,000.
January 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:3-8. Park buildings prepared for new role in civic cultural center; 2300 seats provided in convention hall.
All work on the remodeled Conference and Palisades Buildings will be completed and the two structures will be turned over to the City by February 1, according to L. E. Earnest, assistant to the parks and recreation director. Cost of the two projects is $170,000.
January 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A:1. Leo Calland, Park and Recreation director, said yesterday the Officers’ Club in Balboa Park has been closed and the Navy has until March 1 to move the equipment.
January 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:2-4. Canary Island Phoenix Palm in Palm Canyon, Balboa Park, falls victim to disease (illus.).
January 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:7. Park revenues “satisfactory” despite drops.
Despite unexpected losses early in the fiscal year city park revenues seemed to be stacking up
satisfactorily at the Jan. 1 halfway mark, Parks Director Leo Calland said yesterday.
The park department’s annual budget is $1,300,000. Up to Jan. 1, it had collected 48 percent of the revenue expected for the fiscal year, but Calland added cautiously, “The first half of the year is usually best.”
January 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-14:2. Plans for reopening of Spanish Village without waiting for city to restore run-down buildings announced yesterday by Spanish Village Art Center, Inc.; a member of the group has taken up residence at the Village as a caretaker to prevent further vandalism.
January 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-18:3-6. Newly modernized House of Hospitality setting for initial concert of the Sinfonietta orchestra of San Diego on the night of January 31.
January 16, 1949, San Diego Union, D-4:1-2. Old Yorick Theater brings on memories, by Ralph W. Hastings.
January 23, 1969, San Diego Union, A-21:1. Sixteenth annual All-breed Dog Show of the Silver Bay Kennel Club opened yesterday at the Federal Building in Balboa Park (illus.).
January 28, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:3-7. Spanish Village to become artists’ colony again.
Spanish Village Art Center will repair the one building which has about six studios and pay no rent on it until the whole village is restored, City Manager Rhodes said.
He reported that rentals will be “very reasonable,” naming no rate.
January 30, 1949, San Diego Union, C-9:-5. Spreckels Organ in Balboa Park, by Esther Mugan Bush.
A Sunday afternoon . . . the organ pavilion in Balboa Park flooded with glorious sunshine . . . perfume from flowers riotously abloom . . . tall, graceful eucalypti swaying and nodding and whispering in the gentle breeze . . . birds flitting about from branch to branch, warbling an obligato to the inspiring strains from the organ now awakening as masterly fingers touch the keys.
Winter in California! Time again to begin telling the world at large and newcomers to San Diego in particular about this wonderful gift to San Diego — the largest pipe organ in the world — and about our marvelous climate which permits recitals virtually every day of the year in Sunny San Diego.
The organ was presented to San Diego to commemorate the Panama-California Exposition, or “Exposition Beautiful,” in 1915, It was the gift of Adolph Spreckels, of San Francisco, and John D. Spreckels, of San Diego, late sugar kinds of the West Coast. It stands today an enduring monument to their memory.
We pause here to pay special tribute to our own John D. Spreckels, who more than any other man or group of men (since the early Franciscan Padres founded here the birthplace of California) contributed to the cultural and civic growth of our favored city. The missionaries, who established a chain of 21 missions along the coast northward to Sonoma County, tilled the soil and blessed it, civilized the woefully ignorant and dirty Indians, and taught them useful trades, established a spiritual culture which exerts its influence to the present day, an influence of which the Spreckels brothers were not unmindful when they donated this magnificent instrument to the city. It was installed at a cost of $100,000, a staggering figure in those days. The Exposition formally was opened to the world at midnight on December 31, 1914, when the late President Wilson in Washington pressed the electric button to signal the first all-year exposition in history. The inaugural concert was played on New Year’s Day. Casting about for an artist worthy to preside over the console, Spreckels had chosen Dr. Humphrey J. Stewart, of San Francisco, as the one best qualified to do justice to the instrument and give to San Diego the very best organ music obtainable.
Dr. Stewart as an English gentleman of the old school, distinguished not only as an organist, but as a composer worthy to rank with some of the old masters. Of kindly aristocratic bearing, no one who ever witnessed his courtly bow and heard him speak from the platform, or in “Songs Without Words” from the organ, could forget him. He presided at the console uninterruptedly until soon before his death shortly before Christmas 1932.
Perhaps his greatest claim to immortality is his oratorio “The Hound of Heaven,” based on the sublime poem by Francis Thompson. For this outstanding work and for his Requiem Mass he was decorated by the Pope with the insignia of Knight of the Holy Sepulcher. A deep spiritual quality marked his creative genius.
Dr. Stewart was mourned greatly in passing but not without foresight had he developed a successor who was to reflect credit on his teacher and to perpetuate the fame of the organ for many years to come. Royal A. Brown, F.A. G.O., our present civic organist, was Stewart’s pupil and protégé. He completed his studies abroad under Marcel Dupre, who recently gave a concert in San Diego, and was the logical and undisputed claimant of the position which had been held by his illustrious predecessor.
Great was the rejoicing amongst San Diego music lovers when it was announced through the newspapers that Brown again had been chosen to bring to life the beloved organ after its seven years of doleful silence behind the asbestos curtain during and following the war years.
Brown and his music are one. In it he “lives, breathes and has his being.” I was amused by the incident related to me by a friend who rode one day on the La Jolla bus opposite this avid student of organ technique. Even away from his beloved console he could not forget his five-finger exercises, which he diligently practiced, using his trousers as a keyboard, oblivious to the curious stares of fellow passengers. As far as he was concerned there was no one else on the bus. No wonder he performs so unerringly, never fumbling the keys, never a discordant note.
As one who was in frequent attendance at pre-war recitals, I feel justified in asserting that never has the Spreckels organ possessed such magnificent tonal quality; nor have I ever heard Royal Brown in such fine fettle as he was on the Sunday of which I speak. He performed the most stupendous works with ease and seemingly untiring vigor, ranging from Bach fugues to melodious Strauss waltzes . . . from compositions by old masters to those of contemporary aspirants to fame and fortune.
That, as was true of his renowned predecessor, is one of Brown’s endearing characteristics. Himself a composer of unusual themes, which allow the full play of his artistry — and with centuries of classics to draw from — he graciously lends of his talents to further the ambitions of his contemporaries.
This writer has several times had the honor of listening to her own compositions played by Brown in his inimitable style. “How does it make you feel,” inquired a friend who sat beside me on the Sunday referred to, “to see your name up there besides Strauss?” “Oh, that, I replied facetiously, “but how do you think Strauss feels about it?”
Which may be taken anyway you like. Be that as it may, “even as I do say it who oughtn’t,” my Silver Strand Waltz was as well received as the “Fruhlings Stimmen,” by the waltz king. In fact, never have I heard a recital on Balboa’s organ in which every number drew forth such enthusiastic response. It was happily diversified, appealing both to academic and popular tastes (not meaning the juke box variety).
After the concert someone remarked about this pleasing arrangement and Brown assured the gentleman that it would be his policy at all times to avoid stuffy programs, too heavy with renditions which only those far advanced in musical knowledge might be able to appreciate, at the same time guaranteeing that each program would feature some numbers representing the best organ music, ancient and modern, obtainable.
He particularly favors American music and will make it an outstanding feature of his recitals. One of his most gracious characteristics is his willingness to promote the efforts of contemporary composers when he might be presenting works of his own which allow full play for his organ technique.
On the occasion of which we write Brown graciously responded to repeated encores at the end of his programmed numbers. I believe he would have been kept at it indefinitely had he not brought his audience to its feet by playing the National Anthem, with which he always closes his performance. He literally was besieged before he could leave the platform. Curious interested persons thronged about him.
“How many pipes are there in the organ,” one woman queried. “About 5000,” Brown replied. Think of it! Five thousand pipes to be kept in tune 365 days of the year, come rain or shine, mist or high fog rolling in from the sea. Thank God for our beneficent climate which produces a minimum (dare I admit it?) of inclement weather. Still these pipes are extremely sensitive and require an expert technician constantly in attendance. They are more allergic to hot, dry weather, than to moisture. Forest fires, of which we usually have an epidemic in the fall of the year, scatter their hot breaths far and wide, filling the air with tiny specks of smoke and ashes. The organ has two types of pipes — the flues and the reeds. It is the latter “temperamental prima donnas” that become annoyed as these atmospheric “bugs” are wind-driven into their mouths (similar to those of a flute) ticking their sensitive throats.
Leonard Dowling, technician, to the rescue! Brown gives Dowling full credit for keeping the organ in top condition. The instrument is tuned one hour before each performance. Not only does the technician understand the fine art of tuning but he is a skilled electrician into the bargain. At present, what with machinery grinding away, hammers pounding and various other noises incident to rehabilitation of the park buildings (which served as barracks and officers’ quarters during the war), the technician works under difficulty.
That, by the way, is why we are having only two recitals a week at present. No doubt the recitals will be held daily and when be broadcast over a national network when this work is finished. The Chamber of Commerce should see to this.
Surely there could be no better way of letting the world know about our superb all-the-year round climate, or of showing that we bear no ill will toward anyone as we present without prejudice the works of international composers the world over.
What a messenger of peace our organ could be. We might even penetrate the “Iron Curtain” and reach the seemingly non-existent heart of “Good Old Joe.” . . . “The Voice of San Diego!” Wouldn’t that be a whizzbang title for a radio program over a national hookup? Think it over, C. of C. . . . And for a theme song, “Echoes from Heaven on Earth.” How about commissioning me to write it, Joe Dryer?
Brown and his technician are hatching up some kind of scheme to add novel effects to the organ. “Don’t you think after seven years of silence the organ deserves a present?” Brown asks. “What kind of present?” we queried. “Oh, that’s a secret,” he replied, with a sphinxlike expression that makes us very curious, and leaves use in a state of delightful anticipation. In a similar state of anticipation we hope to leave our readers until our second article about our wonderful outdoor organ appears — soon.
January 30, 1949, San Diego Union, D-7:1-3. Fine Arts Gallery has constructive season, by Reginald Poland, director.
Last year was an exceptionally busy and constructive one at the Fine Arts Gallery. Most important were the additions of many “top” works of art to the permanent collection of Old Masters and Old Asiatic Arts. Respectively exemplifying there are Rubens’ portrait of an Italian princess and a group of ancient Shang Dynasty Chinese bronze ceremonial utensils.
Among other outstanding achievements was the development of work with children, collaborating with the San Diego Chapter of the Junior League in the Junior Art League project. This is four-fold: creative art work by any child who cares to join this project; a theme exhibition (“Mexico” is the current show); movies, illustrating the current theme exhibition, and guided study of important phases of the gallery’s permanent collection.
The third feature of the year was the improved correlation of the art of art-enthusiasts and workers through such newly formed groups as the San Diego County Art Council, the several Studio Art Guild sections, and the Asiatic Arts committee. The council represents 23 art organizations with a total membership of 3000. Directed by Edward Longstreth, it already has sponsored the art show at the County Fair, has taken charge of the most successful and most comprehensive Art Mart, held last fall in Balboa Park, and is at work on a most important art feature for our County Fair.
The Studio Art Guild in an outgrowth of last summer’s large and successful Institute of Art classes, headed by Fred Taubes of New York city. With Lt. Carroll Walsh heading this guild, about 75 members have been working regularly in painting, drawing and in ceramic arts. This is one of the most promising and encouraging art developments among our younger people.
The Asiatic Arts committee, headed by Mrs. Irving T. Snyder, is a volunteer group of Asiatic art connoisseurs and enthusiasts. It has been meeting regularly to study and to schedule exhibitions and lectures for the public. Dr. Kenneth Foster spoke on the great, Old Chinese ceramics and bronzes; the Obatas also came to San Diego to give painting and floral arrangement demonstrations. Prince Giovanni del Drago’s internationally famed collection of old Chinese paintings appeared here through this committee.
The educational activities, with Margaret Erdt as chairman, have progressed as never before. In addition to the above mentioned activities, there have been all sorts of events, from meetings of the Print Club with Freda Klapp, to regular radio programs, the staging of 245 programs in the gallery by outside organizations, a score to talks by the gallery staff outside the gallery, and 100 tours in the gallery to about 4250 persons, not counting the thousands who have made visits through the Junior Art League project.
Attendance of more than 147,748 indicates the measure of success. More than 400 a day, this brings the attendance to 100 a day more than during the year preceding World War II.
Important and numerous art acquisitions increase the value of San Diego’s art collection to a sum in excess of 3-1/2 million dollars. About $1800 worth of new publications have also stepped up the value and significance of the gallery’s art reference library. A number of anonymous donors have principally contributed toward this two-fold development. Fourteen examples by Old Masters have still further enhanced the departments of Old Italian and Spanish arts, which already were the finest in the entire West. The Laura Wangenheim bequest has added greatly to both the old and new modern arts, to the representations from the Orient and the Occident, also to the library.
Not forgotten were the contemporary arts. Exemplifying the donors was Saide A. May who has added to her collection of Modern arts for the gallery, paintings by Harry Bertoia and Edward Rosenfeld.
No museum or art institution can be alive or influential without a representative membership. The Fine Arts Society of San Diego totaled 1477 members on December 31, 1948, appreciably larger than a year ago. Under the vice chairmanship of Mrs. Hervey K. Graham, this membership is now developing in a big way.
In closing it may be pointed out, toward still more important progress this year, that the gallery has three prime needs: a still large and more active membership; also much larger funds, first as an endowment fund to take care of annual, running expenses, and second, the means for the addition of a wing to the present structure in Balboa Park. Such a wing would better house San Diego’s most important permanent collections, and make it possible for this city to study and enjoy more comprehensive and significant temporary exhibitions of art.
February 3, 1949, San Diego Union, II, B-1:1. Harvey Atherton, chairman of a Citizens’ Campaign Committee of civic leaders, announced yesterday that more than 800 Scouters will attend the “kickoff” dinner-meeting tonight for the $50,000 campaign to build a permanent “home for Scouting” in Balboa Park.
February 4, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:1. A new children’s exhibit of the Junior Art League entitled “Arts and Crafts of Mexico” is currently being shown in the Fine Arts Gallery.
February 6, 1949, San Diego Union, D-9:1-5. “Unusual” winter weather fails to dampen enthusiasm for recitals on outdoor organ, by Esther Mugan Bush.
In this, my second article about the famous Spreckels outdoor organ, I am recording the date of writing, Sunday, January 9, 1949, because it makes a most unusual event, the first indoor recital performed on the instrument since its installation in 1915.
This is the day on which San Diego sunshine went A. W. O. L. and left about 300 music lovers out in the rain. . . . . Because of the enviable reputation which our favored city enjoys for no rainy Sundays, these enthusiasts refused to be frightened away by the weather man’s predictions or ominous clouds.
Anticipating the inevitable, though most unusual downpour, Royal A. Brown, civic organist, told the crowd that if it should rain the concert would be held inside the “asbestos curtain.” Before he was half way through the concert, with no preliminary drops, came the deluge.
Quickly the asbestos curtain was dropped in front of the organ and in less time than it takes to tell the tale, the audience, with heightened rather than dampened enthusiasm, sought shelter inside the pavilion. Comfortably seated in a warm, cozy hall (made possible by recent alterations), they enjoyed the complete program, followed by a merry chat-fest.
Brown was in his element.
“This is the first interruption we have had in the six months since our initial concert following the war,” he proudly boasted, “and it makes me happy that you are taking the innovation so agreeably.”
The crowd made good use of the occasion to ply the organist with questions. Get him to talking about the organ and you will hear some strange and interesting stories. For instance, about those tame squirrels which are regular attendants at the recitals. They invariably come in increasing numbers whenever he plays “The Squirrel” by Powel Weaver. “Don’t take my word for it,” says Brown. “Just ask Dowling about it.”
Thus appealed to, the technician laughed and insisted that the squirrels recognized their own language and seem to be holding a convention about it as they hop about, chattering gladly, or sit up in a listening attitude. “We must have our little jokes,” says Brown, smiling.
More seriously he explained that there are five keyboards — four for the hands and one for the feet (and don’t think he doesn’t perform some gymnastics on those foot pedals). There are approximately 75 stops, most of them representing 73 pipes. Each of these pipes has its individual room inside the organ, so it is sheltered from the slightest changes in temperature. In spite of all this, however, and the evenness of our climate, the technician most constantly be on the job.
Only one thing seems lacking at these organ recitals. Some persons in the audience cannot read the program which is printed on the blackboard which stands on the platform; some have not read the one published in the newspapers or have forgotten to bring them along. Others may have dropped into town just for the day and only accidentally have stopped at the organ pavilion, not knowing that a great treat was in store for them. Wouldn’t it be fine if they could carry away with them a souvenir program? Isn’t there some civic-minded person or firm who can see the advertising possibilities in this suggestion that would be willing to sponsor such a program? Or again, is it a matter for the Chamber of Commerce to take over?
We hear mentioned the national interest that could be aroused by broadcasting a daily organ recital as was done previous to the war. But even before the invention of the radio, the organ had been quite thoroughly exploited.
As assistant editor of the Santa Fe Magazine, mouthpiece of the great western trail-blazer, I handled much copy concerning the Exposition Beautiful held here in 1915. As a tourist, I cam here during that year and my first objective was the outdoor organ about which I had heard so much. I wanted to see and hear the master organist, Dr. Humphrey J. Stewart, perform. Thousands upon thousands of tourists shared my objective. Though the great maestro has passed into higher fields of endeavor, his spirit lingers fondly over the fingers of his protégé, Royal Brown. I am satisfied that these concerts have lost nothing of their appeal to tourists and that our outdoor organ is one of our greatest assets, and deserves widespread exploitation. In spite of the weather’s naughty performance on this date, where in all the world will you find a climate where organ music may be enjoyed al fresco almost 365 days in the year?
On a less recent Sunday, in mid-December, this fact was impressed upon me by remarks of some friends who were seated beside me — the A. J. Schweigens of New York, who recently came here to make their home. They are ardent music lovers and dyed-in-the-wool boosters, and were enjoying their first outdoor winter concert.
“Isn’t this something to write home about?” questioned Mrs. Schweigen of her husband. “How’d you like to be sitting out in Central Park trying to listen to music on this cold winter day?”
“Br-r-r! I’ll take San Diego,” said Pop, pulling an imaginary coat collar around his ears. “ME, too,” echoed the family. Mrs. Schweigen is a lyricist who constantly sings the praises of California in her song melodies.
During the second exposition in 1935-36, San Diego was a veritable mecca for musical America. Most of the great artists of that day visited use and gave of themselves to further the enviable reputation we enjoy as a city of culture.
Included in the category of brilliant artists were our own Charles Wakefield Cadman, foremost American composer, and the beloved Madame Schumann-Heink, greatest contralto the world has ever known, both of whom have passed on, leaving the world richer for their having tarried with us for awhile. No doubt there will be other world fairs and other artists of renown and ability to grace our organ platform, but none can take the place of our two beloved world-esteemed San Diegans. Who that was present can forget Cadman Day at the Exposition, when every musical group of the grounds sounded forth in Cadman numbers? Incomparable, his Indian melodies!
How many times his “Land of the Sky Blue Waters,” “At Dawning” and other favorites, with their flute calls ringing clear, have been heard at the organ, while the composer himself made a personal appearance and told how he had spent years in the reservations to capture the spirit of their plaintive airs. He loved Balboa’s organ and he greatly respected Brown’s interpretive ability.
Loving, beloved Schumann-Heink, “mother” to all the boys in the service in World War I. She gave unstintedly of her golden voice to entertain these men in camp. I heard her sing “Holy Night” in a chapel at Camp Kearny at a midnight Christmas Mass. Almost I wish I could forget the last time I heard her sing — the last time she sang in the park.
She had given an afternoon performance which taxed her failing vocal chords. At her evening appearance it was evident that she was suffering from exhaustion. “I did much better this afternoon — but I’m tired now and I’m h-o-n-gry.” How pathetic she was. There was not a dry eye in the audience as we realized that the grand old trouper was bowing out.
Not very long before that she had sung at St. Joseph’s Church, where Brown was organist. The number, I believe, was Bizet’s “Agnus Dei.” At rehearsal her voice was strained. “It’s a little too high for me now, isn’t it?” she asked Brown. “Would you like me to transpose it into a lower key?” he inquired. “Oh, if you would,” she exclaimed gratefully. At the service she sang it well, too. She asked Brown to autograph the copy he made for her. What a privilege to have known this great diva. What a sadness, never to see her again.
We recall, too, the many delightful choruses that performed here, the organ lending sympathetic accompaniment to such aggregations as the famed choir from the Salt Lake Tabernacle. Our own Exposition Chorus, under direction of Dr. Earl Rosenberg, offered some unforgettable programs. It would take too much space than we are allotted to recount the many delightful events which filled our days and our nights with veritable feasts of music in its highest forms of expression.
Commenting on the quick transition from day to night in our city, beautiful Isabella Churchill, in charming phraseology, writes:
There is not twilight in the town
Where incandescent light
On every thoroughfare
Anticipates the night.
Nevertheless our days to lengthen on as the year wears on and the Vespers hour gives up brief, restful surcease from the day’s activities. I for one look forward, come the good old summertime, to a revival of those last afternoon musicales which were so popular during the Exposition days.
And now let me present a prelude to an article I wrote in September, 1936, entitled “Music Hath Charms,” while I was under the magic spell of “Music at Dusk.”
It is the vespers hour. A hush as come upon the milling throngs, weary from much seeing. Quietly they drift into the organ theater and seat themselves before the great outdoor organ, soon to awaken to the touch of a master’s fingers. A feast of beauty is before them. The pavilion, of exquisite architecture, with its symbolic decorations in bas-relief; its circular peristyle bordered with tall, graceful eucalypti. Gorgeous flower beds add color to the picture.
How soothing the first soft strains that float out upon the air! Simple melodies, now tender, now gay, enthrall us. Or perhaps it is a Bach fugue whose complex progressions, skillfully handled, display the technique of the recitalist.
Now we are listening to a composition into which strange, elusive harmonies have been woven . . . harmonies which you enjoy but cannot quite grasp. That would be the original work of the composer at the console. Individual, modernistic, yet chastened by influence of old masters. Delightful to sit here in the deepening shadows, drinking in the healthful tang of the sea air. Music at dusk — happy, restful interlude between the activities of a busy day and a busier night at American’s exposition.
February 11, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Rotarians given $500 to Scouts’ building fund.
February 13, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:4-5. Competitive classes for the annual camellia show the San Diego Camellia Show will sponsor next Saturday and Sunday in Balboa Park were announced yesterday.
February 13, 1949, San Diego Union, D-7:1-4. Directory of Fine Arts Gallery will discuss important art acquisitions of 1948, by Thomas B. Robertson, Asst. Director (illus. of “Agnus Dei,” by Francisco de Zurburan, recent gift to the Fine Arts Gallery).
The “Agnus Dei” hangs with San Diego’s two other Zurburans, a monumental “St. Jerome,” painted 1640-45, just a few years after the Lamb, and replete with beautifully modulated grays and whites against the Cardinal’s beretta and cloak, and a late “Madonna and Child with Infant St. John,” inscribed 1653, and showing the strong influence of Murillo, which became apparent in the artist’s last years.
February 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:6 Henry G. Fenton, contractor, dairy owner and rancher, donates another $1000 to Boy Scouts.
February 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:6-7. “John Loves Mary” made March choice at Old Globe Theater.
February 17, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:1. “Chicken Every Sunday,” comedy, pleases crowd at Old Globe.
February 17, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:6-7. Public gives $30,000 for scouting home.
February 18, 1949, San Diego Union. A-6:5-6. Fred L. Annable, past president, proposes San Diego Exposition in 1955 to Chamber of Commerce.
February 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-16:5. W. Allen Perry disclosed yesterday that there will be no more denominational religious services in Balboa Park.
The Park Commission has found the City Charter prohibits them, and in making the discovery the Commission has solved the thorny, old problem of which sect to admit and which to exclude.
Board Clerk Gladys M. Anderson wrote that the Church of Christ Scientist arranged last fall to rent Balboa Bowl on May 8 for a Christian Science lecture, but recently had been informed by park officials the bowl will not be available “due to a statute in the City Charter which forbids” the lecture.
February 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-20:4. Scout campaign meeting slated.
February 19, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:6. Scout building campaign fund reaches $36,649 or 75 percent of the $50,000 Scout building campaign goal.
February 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:1. Public responds generously to Scout fund campaign.
At the most recent tabulation of results, the public, the major donors as well as the “little ones” had contributed $36,649 — 73 percent of the goal.
February 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:3-4. Facilities for major Scout events provided in new home.
The building will have a large assembly hall with dining facilities and adequate space for all units of the central headquarters, according to Harvey Atherton, general chairman of the current fund-raising campaign.
February 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:5. Bishop Buddy asserts San Diego cannot let Boy Scouts down.
February 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. “Chicken Every Sunday” held for second time at Old Globe Theater.
February 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:4. Boy Scouts’ fund campaign nearing goal.
March 3, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:4-6. Construction of new, permanent home for the County’s 6300 Boy Scouts is assured; subscriptions total $59,742.24 or 119-1/2 percent of the $50,000 goal.
March 6, 1949, San Diego Union, A-22:2-4. Female llama born at San Diego Zoo (illus.).
March 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:6-7. Burglar ransacks Old Globe Theater dressing rooms.
March 8, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Clean-up party to prepare Spanish Village for official opening, April 17.
March 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:4. Horseman plan big free show for Boy Scouts.
March 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:3. Old Globe Theater sets new run with 21st staging of the comedy hit “Chicken Every Sunday.”
March 13, 1949, San Diego Union, A-18:1-4. Horseman will ride today to aid Scout fund (illus. and map).
The horseman of San Diego County will ride today to help the Boy Scouts furnish and equip the two-story rambling home and headquarters to be built in Balboa Park.
The Horsemen’s Jamboree is being stages this afternoon as a benefit to raise funds for the new building which recently was given the County’s 6300 Scouts by public contributions to a $50,000 campaign.
Gates of the Scouts’ camp site, where the Jamboree will be held, open at noon, or earlier if the crowd requires it, according to Walter Church and Robert Harness, co-chairmen of the free show.
March 13, 1949, San Diego Union, A-19:3-4. Open House to dedicate new Arts-Craft Center in Palisades Building Saturday and Sunday, March 19 and 20..
March 14, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:2-4. Thousands attend Jamboree to aid home for Boy Scouts (illus.).
Exact sum realized through the jamboree had not been determined by late last night, but officials estimated it would be about $3000.
March 14, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:2-4. Spanish Village gets cleaning (illus.); artist move into the center on Easter Sunday, April 23.
Organizations to use the center include the San Diego Art Guild, Allied Artists Council, Allied Craftsmen, Junior Painters Work Shop and San Diego Press Women’s Club.
March 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1-6. Rehabilitation of Balboa Park structures nearing completion; Food and Beverage Building and House of Charm about 95 percent finished: Open House planned at Palisades Building (illus.).
The Palisades Building has been remodeled into a puppet theater, recital hall and crafts section. The work was done by F. E. Young Construction Co., which also remodeled the Conference Building as an auxiliary convention hall and exhibit building.
Contracts will be awarded soon on remodeling of the Medical Arts and American Legion Buildings. These two projects will overdraw the fund by about $118,000.
March 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:2-4. Museum of Man plans exhibits of primitive weapons (illus.).
Malcolm Farmer, museum director, said yesterday that the first major post-war reorganization effort would open to the public on May 2 in its new primitive weapon room. Its 6000-item weapon exhibit has for its core the archery collection given the museum by the late Joseph Jessop, San Diego jeweler.
March 21, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1-8. City gives 223 feet wide and 86 feet deep Palisades Building to crafters (illus.).
The San Diego Folk Dancing Club uses the recital hall for learning new dancers and practicing old ones. When it is not being used for dances, the floor can be used for seating an audience of 400 persons in movable chairs.
The building will be used as city headquarters for the department’s arts and crafts programs.
The Puppet Theater in the same building has space for 254 permanent seats. It is decorated with paintings of Donald Duck and family.
March 27, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. New-born chimpanzee makes debut in San Diego Zoo today (illus.).
March 29, 1949, City Council Resolution No. 93275, Doc. No. 400116, rescinding Resolution No. 92207 determining rental charges.
March 30, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2, A-2:1. Street cars will bow out here April 24.
April 3, 1949, San Diego Union, B-16:6. Balboa Park use given to schools; Louis M. Karp, deputy city attorney, wrote new clause into policy governing use of park facilities that gives San Diego City and County schools free use of Balboa park buildings, except the Stadium and leased structures; events are limited to hose for which rent would ordinarily be paid from tax funds, such as graduation exercises..
April 7, 1909, San Diego Union, A-15:4-5. Mosquito “plague” hits Balboa Park.
Leo B. Calland, director of parks and recreation, last night put the “curse” on the Wishing Well at the Spanish Village. He gave orders to have the well’s stagnant water drained out after village artists complained about the mosquito onslaught.
April 9, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:5-7. Rare orchid flown to San Diego for San Diego County Orchid Show in Balboa Park, April 30 and May 1 (illus.).
April 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-15:4. Palm Sunday Organ Pavilion program planned today.
April 17, 1949, San Diego Union, A-14:1-5. San Diego Zoo reclamation plan for water in operation (illus.).
The San Diego Zoo’s new system for reclaiming the 200,000 gallons of water daily, which formerly ran into the bay, is now in operation, it was announced yesterday by Ralph J. Virden, general superintendent.
Built at a cost of more than $6000 the system is reclaiming the waste water and sending it back up on the deer mesa to irrigate the erstwhile barren hillsides bordering on the Cabrillo Freeway, Virden said.
The system, with its one mile of pipelines, is centered in a canyon in the southwest corner of the zoo grounds, where a pool containing about 500,000 gallons of water is located behind an earthfill dam with a concrete core.
Just below the dam is located the pump house, which contains a 15-horsepower, two-stage pump which lifts the water into lines running over the western edge of the zoo, and operating 30 sprinklers.
The pool in which the water is collected also will serve as a haven for wild ducks and other fowl in the winter season, and will be another colorful exhibit, Virden said.
April 17, 1949, San Diego Union, A-20:4. Rose Garden Show fund to be used for the future establishment of a Municipal Rose Garden in Balboa Park; Show will be held Saturday and Sunday in Recital Hall.
April 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1. Sixteen hundred at Balboa Park Easter rites.
April 22, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1-2. Organ Pavilion to get face-lifting (illus.).
The Spreckels Organ Pavilion is due for a $5420 face-lifting, Parks and Recreation Director Leo Calland said yesterday.
The “treatment” will include sand blasting to clean up the ornamental plaster and cast stone work, patching of cracks and a complete paint job.
Money for the work will come from the park’s restoration fund.
April 22, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:4-5. Catholic schools to give concert; one thousand students to have part in Music Festival at Ford Bowl next Sunday afternoon.
April 24, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:3. Catholic schools to open festival series in Balboa Park Bowl this afternoon.
April 25, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-4, B-5:1. Street cars close San Diego transit era (illus.).
April 25, 1949, San Diego Union, B-12:6. Catholic group pleases crowd at Balboa Park Bowl in music fete.
April 27, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. County-grown orchids to be shown at park Conference Hall Saturday-Sunday (illus.).
May 4, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:1-3. Band concert at Plaza by St. Augustine High School Band, Balboa Park Carillon by Thomas Cain among today’s events; celebration of National Music Week reaches half way point (illus.).
May 5, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:1-3. Best stock horses in county to compete in Balboa Park show, by Ilma Pourade (illus.).
May 6, 1949, San Diego Union, A-13:2-3. William F. Connell, Jr., visiting recitalist, to play park organ.
May 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. Family Fair to open in Conference Building, Balboa Park, this morning; exhibits ranging from the family records of A. E. Horton, founder of modern San Diego, to the genealogical records of the Kearney High School.
May 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Development of some sections of Silver Strand Park has been started despite lack of navy-state agreement on use of park areas for amphibious landing exercises.
May 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:2. The U. S. Naval Training Center band will offer its second annual Music Week concert in the Organ Pavilion at Balboa Park today at 4 p.m.
May 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:3-4. Frank C. Bonnet, Black Dan’s rider, to return to Balboa Park as a guard at the San Diego Zoo following his retirement from the Police force (illus.)
May 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:1. San Diego Zoo displaying pair of rare wolverines (illus.).
May 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-22:1-2. Blind Welfare Center opens with public ceremony today.
Dr. Anthony C. Moran, general chairman, emphasized that the facilities at the center are for all the blind and all local blind organizations. “The blind will be in full control, and will formulate their own varied programs and activities — from handicraft to theatricals, from card parties and educational therapy to dinner dances,” Moran said.
May 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. Recreational Center given over to blind.
May 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:3-4. Stops, marked walks asked for park riders.
As protection for women and children who patronize the riding facilities at Balboa Park, 339 citizens yesterday petitioned the City Council for bus stops and marked crosswalk on Park Boulevard at the Date Street Drive and Eighteenth Street junction.
May 12, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:1-3. Sunday Horse Show entries close today (illus.).
May 12, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:7. Three one-act plays moved to park Recital Hall from Puppet Theater due to an anticipated larger attendance tomorrow night.
May 14, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:8. Mary Ann Getty, San Diego State college student, to play organ at Balboa Park this afternoon.
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-16:1-4. Horses compete today in Silver Gate Riding Show in the Balboa Park ring (illus.), by Ilma Pourade.
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Star-Light Opera opens 4th season June 30.
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, C-13:4-7. House of Hospitality has colorful history.
San Diegans have awaited the reopening of the House of Hospitality in Balboa Park for this marks one further step in the process of reactivating park facilities for the use of San Diego citizens. Prior to the war, this building served as a cultural, educational and social center and was managed by the House of Hospitality Association, an incorporated group of civic-minded citizens. The building was taken over by the Navy immediately following Pearl Harbor.
This association dates back to November, 1923, when a group of civic-minded citizens, both men and women, formed the non-profit organization known as the Balboa Auditorium Association. Funds were raised to rebuild one of the 1915 Panama-California International Exposition buildings on Laurel Street at the east end of the park. This building had several auditoriums and studios, which were rented to clubs and organizations.
One Saturday night in 1925 the Balboa Auditorium was rented for the Firemen’s Annual Ball. Just one hour before the guests were to assemble, a fire broke out and the auditorium was burned to the ground. Following this tragedy the Balboa Auditorium Association continued as a well-organized corporation waiting for the day when it could again offer the same facilities.
Following the 1935 and 1936 expositions, the Balboa Auditorium Association was called upon by the city to manage the present building, located on the southeast corner of the plaza in Balboa Park. This building also was originally constructed for the 1915 Exposition. It was remodeled and used during the 1935 expositions and became known during these years as the House of Hospitality. Exposition officials made this their headquarters and world renowned celebrities were entertained there. In 1938 the Balboa Auditorium Association changed its name to the House of Hospitality Association.
In December, 1941, the Association was given 24 hours notice by the Navy to vacate the building. The Navy purchased some of the furnishings. However, the entire furnishings of the Gold Room and part of the Loggia furnishings were put in storage.
The City again has called upon the House of Hospitality Association to manage the building as a greatly needed center for social, cultural and educational purposes. It has been necessary to completely furnish the building with the exception of the Gold Room and loggia. The building has a large auditorium, several smaller ones, studios, a beautiful loggia, the Gold Room and the Café del Rey Moro. The former decorations of Flamingo Studio have been duplicated. The Flamingo hangings have been done by Esther Barney, former local artist, now living in Ramona. The La Verde Room is used for wedding receptions, teas, club meetings and small concerts. The Junior League of San Diego has is headquarters in the building and several studios on the second floor have been rented to State College sororities and fraternities. The loggia overlooking the beautiful patio, centered by Donald Hord’s Indian Woman, is available for wedding receptions and teas.
Casa del Rey Moro Café on the first floor, again will be popular as an outstanding place for entertaining. In this delightful Spanish setting guests may dine under colorful umbrellas on the terrace or in the main dining room. The dining terrace overlooks a lower garden terrace reached by iron balustraded steps. This garden is a replica of the garden of the Casa del Rey Moro at Ronda, Spain. Guests on the terrace often will be able to hear strains from the outdoor organ, played by Royal A. Brown. The carillon chimes from the California Tower may be heard hourly.
Outstanding room is probably the Gold Room. This Spanish type, skillfully appointed in gold, will be opened daily, with a hostess in attendance. Guests will meet their friends there or relax in its quiet atmosphere. Groups dining in Café del Rey Moro will find it convenient to assemble in the Gold Room, adjacent to the café.
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. Fine Arts Society, concerts, opera, symphony feature summer events, by Constance Herreshoff.
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, D-11:1-2. Home Show exhibits arranged for opening in Electric Building Sunday; building materials, furnishings on parade at 8-day San Diego event.
The biggest home show ever held in San Diego opens Sunday at the Electric Building, Balboa Park at 2 p.m. with a display of everything for the home, from “America’s smallest complete kitchen” to a fully-furnished, two-bedroom dream house.
It’s the start of the 8-day San Diego National Horse Show presenting a lavish showcase of new building materials and furnishings for everyone interested in buying or remodeling a home.
More than 100 exhibits, many on a large scale, will show San Diegans the most recent developments in construction and home furnishing. Every detail of the home from drawing board to the completely furnished product will be demonstrated.
Booths have been arranged to provide convenient display of the products. Sponsors’ representatives will be on hand to explain the items, many of which are being displayed publicly for the first time.
Among the major displays will be Chris Cosgrove’s “Model 833,” a low-cost home with luxury features. Designed for a quality home at a moderate price, the building contractor has provided comfort without loss of distinction or sacrifice of budget, large storage closets, parquet flooring, tile and beamed ceiling represent a few of the features installed in the home as a result of surveys which indicated their popularity with American home makers.
Most of the furniture, appliances and decorative effects of the model home have been created by the CBM Company, an organization affiliated with Cosgrove. Each room is a modern blending of furnishings and color.
The hope will be open to the public throughout the show and its to be landscaped by Walter Anderson to provide the most natural setting for the display. To complete the scene, the Lansing Patio Furniture Company of La Jolla will furnish striking redwood outdoor furniture and Jack Brem will display the latest barbecue equipment.
The tuna industry will be represented by a Sun Harbor Packing Company display of a model clipper in addition to a valuable, heavily-insured scale-model tuna boat, loaned by the National Steel and Shipbuilding Corporation. Representatives of the tuna company will be on hand to pass out tuna food specialties to all visitors from a cleverly-designed giant tuna can.
A distinctive and refreshing patio exhibit has been prepared for the Altes Lager Brewing Company by Richard Smith, local industrial designer. In achieving the theme of hospitality, the designer, aided by G. R. Burrows and G. S. Wright, required a half tone of flagstone plus redwood beams and Aurelia plantings. Alsynite, a new translucent building material, produced by Allied Synthetics Company of San Diego, is combined with special lighting to produce outstanding effects.
Numerous other exhibits will be actual working models so that home owners can visualize how the products will look and work in the home.
New building materials and methods, modern housing design, economical financing and a complete array of home furnishings in typical settings will round out the gadget to model home scope of the show.
Reservations for exhibit space moved rapidly from the opening announcement of the event. Many of the current sponsors are already requesting larger space for next year’s show.
Curry Home Shows, producer of this first annual San Diego National Home Show, recently concluded highly successful expositions in Oakland and Houston. The organization has staged more than 30 shows on a nationwide scale throughout the country. The show here is being produced in cooperation with The San Diego Union and The Tribune-Sun.
Civic leaders have pointed out that increased building activity may result from the wide public response to the home show. Attendance is expected to top the 70,000 mark.
Home Show Week in the community was stressed last week when Mayor Harley Knox issued a proclamation setting aside May 15-22 as official “Home Show Week” in San Diego.
The mayor urged maximum attendance for the event. He noted that home ownership represents a major aim of the average American family and this type of home show presents the best opportunity for residents to obtain a panoramic view of home building and furnishing.
Wide interest is also evident in the cooking school to be directed by the nationally-famed Martha Logan. The Swift and Company home economist will personally supervise the elaborate program planned for the daily afternoon and evening sessions.
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, D-12:1-3. The Electric Building will be the scene of the National Home Show beginning Sunday at 2 p.m. and continuing for 8 days (illus.)
May 15, 1949, San Diego Union, D-12:4-6. Edward C. Borgens to play organ music each day at National Home Show in Electric Building (por.).
May 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:1-5. Favorites take most ribbons in yesterday’s Silvergate Club Horse Show (illus.).
May 16, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:4-7. Nine thousand attend Home Show opening day (illus.).
Once inside, they had a 3-hour job ahead of them just to see all the gadgets, aids and equipment displayed to supplement the American way of life.
May 17, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:3-4. Home Show draws interested crowds.
May 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:1-3. Cosgrove Model House biggest event at Balboa Park exhibition (illus.).
May 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:4. Girl Scouts to use abandoned Officers’ Club building at Camp Callan as a camp; the Girl Scouts will pay no rent and no money will be spent on the building.
May 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-20:2. Square dance round up set at old Officers’ Club in Balboa Park tomorrow at 8 p.m.
May 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-20:3-5. Fun gets underway today; Lions from four counties will start registering for conclave; dinner and entertainment tonight in the Conference Hall in Balboa Park; stag breakfast tomorrow in Palisades Building; luncheon and business session tomorrow in Conference Hall.
May 22 1949, San Diego Union, A-2:5-7. San Diego Home Show concludes successful debut tonight.
May 22, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. San Diego Symphony arranges four park concerts in August, by Constance Herreshoff.
May 29, 1949, San Diego Union, D-5:4-7. Art and Artists; Miss Frances Roberts Nugent, speaker to tell of “old masters” this afternoon, by Thomas B. Robertson, asst. director, Fine Arts Gallery (illus. of “Apollo and Daphne” by Paolo Veronese, owned by the Fine Arts Gallery).
May 30, 1949, San Diego Union, B-10:5. Larry J. Manford, 45, ends life in leap from Cabrillo Bridge.
May 31, 1949, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. Frank Drugan plans another exposition (por.).
June, 1949, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ANNUAL REPORT, Fiscal Year, 1948-1949.
Development and execution of plans for expanding facilities at 20th and B Streets were the responsibilities of the Public Works Division of Public Buildings.
- 4. An amendment to the General Plan of Morley Field Recreational Area for an enlarged Fly
Casting Pool and other lesser activities.
An amendment to plan and landscape development area adjacent to Park Boulevard from
Plaza de Balboa to Upas Street to permit construction of a Veterans’ Memorial Building.
June 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:4. Dr. Fabien Sevitzky is to reorganize the San Diego Symphony next month for a series of five concerts to be presented in Balboa Park on Tuesday evenings in August and the first Tuesday in September.
June 12, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:3, B-14:1. San Diego Symphony is to be heard in five concerts in Ford Bowl August and September.
June 12, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Leo Calland, Parks and Recreation Director, says varied recreational programs ready for children at 53 playgrounds and other centers.
June 13, 1949, San Diego Union, 1:6-7. Masonic group raised colors on Inspiration Point in Balboa Park yesterday; 23rd annual Flag Day observance (illus.).
June 19, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:1-4. Sketch of San Diego Veterans War Memorial building to be erected in Balboa Park; the city has approximately $270,000 available for the job from the sale of salvage at Camp Callan; construction contract awarded Tuesday to F. E. Young on a $217,957 bid, the lowest of thee..
June 19,1949, San Diego Union, A-16:1. Royal A. Brown will play music of Dr. Humphrey J. Stewart this afternoon at Organ Pavilion.
June 21, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:5-7, A-3:4-6. G. Aubrey Davidson will bring long business career to end; unofficial “first citizen,” 81, to retire from bank today, by Henry Love.
June 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-16:3. The Planning Commission yesterday afternoon removed the lower Cedar Street location for public buildings from the City’s Master Plan.
June 27, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:6. Natural History Museum officials preparing to reopen first floor of Museum to public visitors for the first time in six years Sunday; will go before City Council with plea for aid.
June 28, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:8. Undersecretary Don A. Kimball says San Diego activity cutback not on Navy’s plans.
June 29, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:3, A-3:1. City budget cut; $1.96 tax rate predicted; $20,000 item for rehabilitating Botanical Building cut out; park lighting is now $55,000.
June 29, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:1. EDITORIAL: Star Light Opera.
June 30, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3, A-3:4-5. Fair weather to greet Star Light Opera opening of fourth season in Balboa Park Bowl; troupe to present “Naughty Marietta” tonight.
July 1, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:5-6., A-2:!. Four thousand seen Star Light Opera raise curtain.
July 1, 1949, San Diego Union, A-2:5-6. “Naughty Marietta: delights audience, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 3, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-4. Dr. Fabien Sevitzky, who organized the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra 12 years ago and will conduct it next winter, will arrive here July 28 to begin auditioning musicians for San Diego’s “Symphonies Under the Stars” series next month in Ford Bowl.
July 3, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:5-6. City Manager Rhodes to ask City Council to shift library annex to park for economic reasons; will point out that the recently rehabilitated Food and Beverage Building is adaptable to library needs..
July 3, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:6. J. H. Shaw, City purchasing agent, said yesterday that he will recommend that the City Council accept the $12,298 bid of Hazard Slaughter, Inc. for restoring the Medical Arts Building in Balboa Park.
July 3, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. Star Light Opera cast to rest after tonight’s Bowl performance of “Naughty Marietta,” by Constance Herreshoff.
July 5, 1949, San Diego Union, B-12:1-2. Balboa Park organ noted world over.
July 7, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:4-6. Two thousand offer final tribute to Forrest Warren, newspaper man, at Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park.
July 7, 1949, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Fine run of Victor Herbert’s “Naughty Marietta: opens tonight; will be presented four times in Balboa Park Bowl by big cast (illus.).
July 7, 1949, San Diego Union, A-14:5. Old Globe Theater to present Shakespeare beginning July 20 when the San Diego Community Theater and San Diego State College present “Twelfth Night,: under the direction of B. Iden Payne; dancing on the green will precede each performance.
July 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-14:1-3. Fifty young San Diego artists on field trip to San Diego Zoo.
July 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:6. A festival of songs, fearing more than 500 voices, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in Conference Building auditorium in Balboa Park.
July 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:1. “Twelfth Night” cast completed at Old Globe Theater.
July 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-2:4-5. Mrs. Benchley, San Diego Zoo director, seeks young gorillas.
July 10, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. Star Light Opera ends “Marietta” tonight; “Rose Marie” next, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 12, 1949, San Diego Union, B-14:5-6. San Diego Zoo plan to adopt pair of gorillas falls down.
July 15, 1949, San Diego Union, B-2:3. “Rose Marie” please big crowd, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 17, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. Shakespeare’s plays to be revived at Old Globe Theater (illus.).
This year’s revival of the Shakespearean Festival in the Old Globe Theater will be the first since the 1935-1936 Exposition when all the world came to the park to get a taste of Elizabethan England.
July 17, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:4-5. Martha Gene hit of “Rose Marie” at Balboa Park Bowl.
July 21, 1949, San Diego Union, A-13:1-5. Color marks opening of “Twelfth Night” (illus.).
July 22, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Recital by Paul D. Peery on reconditioned Ona May Lowe chimes scheduled Sunday at 2 p.m.; bells have been in Los Angeles where the manufacturer, the Mass Organ Co., has brought their partial overtones into pure harmony.
July 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-12:1-5. Hyacinthine Macaws get new home at San Diego Zoo.
July 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-15:1-4. Lily Pond becomes photographic joy; restored after use as a swimming pool for Naval Hospital during war; planted with white, yellow, blue, crimson water lilies; water hawthorne, Egyptian water papyrus, lotus and pickerel.
July 24, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:4-5. “Student Prince” next in Balboa Park Bowl opera series.
July 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:5-6. Bit of Jolly Old England revived on lawn of Old Globe Theater yesterday afternoon.
July 28, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. Size of Star Light Opera audiences intrigues; Friday night 3437 persons say “Rose Marie.”
July 29, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:3. “The Student Prince” pleases big crowd at Balboa Park Bowl.
July 31, 1949, San Diego Union, A-15:1. Swiss Society to celebrate on House of Pacific Relations lawn today.
July 31, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. Melody joined with mirth in Old Globe’s Shakespeare, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 31, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:5-6. “Student Prince” ends Balboa Park Bowl run this week.
August 2, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:1. Star Light Opera draws young hearers; “The Student Prince’ to open its final week Thursday night.
August 2, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:5. “Twelfth Night” and the Shakespearean Festival opens the third and final week at the Old Globe Theater tonight.
August 2, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:5-7. Actors, actresses nominated for 1948-49 Community Theater “Atlas” awards.
August 2, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:1. L. M. Klauber chosen head of San Diego Zoological Society (illus.).
August 3, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:4. A Boston Terrier puppy match will beheld Sunday afternoon in Balboa Park, 6th Avenue near Quince Street, under auspices of Boston Terrier Club of San Diego County.
August 7, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:1-3. Star Light Opera’s “The Red Mill” opens Thursday (illus.).
August 7, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. San Diego Symphony will present first of five concerts Tuesday in Balboa Park Bowl, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:1-3. Dedication ceremonies set Sunday at new Boy Scout Headquarters; swimming pool construction to begin the day following the dedication.
August 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2, A-6:1-2. Symphony music returns to San Diego; home-grown aggregation opens tonight in concert at Balboa Park, by Bryant Evans.
All of the art activities in the park are participating activities. The Star Light Opera has offered a chance for acting and singing and dancing to hundreds of talented young San Diegans.
The Old Globe has offered a medium to talented actors of all ages and more than 400 artists and students have availed themselves of the facilities of the Fine Arts Gallery this summer, without counting the artists who have used the nine studios which the City has made available in the old Spanish Village.
The Symphony gives employment to 60 local musicians, some of whom it has brought back to San Diego from other cities.
August 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:7-8. “The Red Mill” to open engagement at Balboa Park Bowl Thursday.
August 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:3-5, A-4:1-2. San Diego welcomes return of own symphony after an 8-year lapse.
August 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:3-6. Orchestra, Dr. Sevitzky win “vivas” as Symphony returns; concert praised as golden milestone in San Diego, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 12, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:1. Cast of “Red Mill” scores hit.
August 12, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Park West Civic Association yesterday called on City Council to prevent further suicide leaps from Cabrillo Bridge.
August 14, 1949, San Diego Union, A-16:1-4. Dedication of Scout’s new home set today (illus.).
San Diego’s new Home for Scouting, 1207 Upas Street, valued at $75,000 and made possible by generous donations of civic-minded citizens and organizations, will be dedicated today. The informal, public ceremonies will be a “double-barreled” one. As soon as the dedication service is over, ground will be broken for a new $20,000 to $25,000 swimming pool 60 feet to the rear of the new building.
August 14, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:1-5. The county’s enthusiasts in everything from model trains to gadgets and copper tooling to tropical fish will display hundreds of hobbies in Balboa Park’s Conference Building Aug. 25-28 at the Craft, Hobby and Inventors’ Show.
August 14, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:5. City Manager Rhodes lists 49 parks in city limits.
Biggest park is Balboa with 1280.37 acres while the smallest plot 0.12 acres is at Wabash and Dwight.
August 14, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. San Diego Symphony won acclaim in first concert of the Balboa Park series Tuesday night, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 14, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:6. The Star-Light Opera Company will continue its successful run of “The Red Mill” Thursday night at 8:30 in Balboa Park Bowl.
August 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:4-8. San Diego gorillas’ debut spoiled by big chimpanzee (illus.).
August 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1-6. Scouts take over new $75,000 home in Balboa Park; Harvey Atherton named as dynamo behind efforts to get land, building.
August 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-3:2-3. Second symphony concert to open.
August 17, 1949, San Diego Union, B-9:4. Dr. Sevitzky, symphony draw praise, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:3. “Red Mill” to initiate second week.
August 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1-3. New traffic routes to Balboa Park Bowl on nights of Star-Light Opera shows adopted to avoid jams (map).
August 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2, A-12:2-3. “The Red Mill” breaks all attendance records; 4100 San Diegans jammed the Bowl last night (illus.).
Park visitors not attending the opera, especially those residing in East San Diego, fund the new [traffic] system inconvenient, some cars winding up in the opera parking street instead of on a homeward street.
A police radio message Thursday night said 100 autos were jammed in a waiting line on one road.
August 21, 1949, San Diego Union, B-2:1-3. Stragglers irk conductor, most patrons of symphony, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 21, 1949, San Diego Union, B-2:4. “Red Mill” ends run tonight.
August 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:3-4, A-3:5-6. Planned 1955 Fair raises questions; “Where shall we put it?”
August 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:3-4. Crowd due to hear Brian Sullivan, tenor, tonight at Balboa Park Bowl.
August 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Plan started to make Date Street wide arterial.
August 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:3. Congo, Oka and Lady Congo, three baby gorillas, permanent San Diego Zoo citizens.
What the appealing trio cost was not disclosed, but accountants still were figuring Sunday’s gate receipts after one of the largest crowds in years turned out for a look at the babies.
August 23, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. City seeks new locations for buildings.
August 23, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Site of Balboa Park Riding Academy okayed for parking for patrons of Balboa Bowl; city would build pedestrian bridge over canyon between Park Boulevard and the Bowl with salvaged San Diego Transit firm steel..
August 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Late arrivals mar symphony concert, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 24, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:2-5. Tropical fish to be viewed at Hobby Show which begins tomorrow in Conference Building, Balboa Park (illus.)
August 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:3-4. Four-day recreation, hobby roundup to open this afternoon in Conference Building.
August 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:3 City Manager Rhodes plans fight against a foot bridge between Park Boulevard and Balboa Park Bowl.
San Diego Transit System is “not going to be allowed to dump” it abandoned Balboa Park street car trestles on the City, if City Manager Fred A. Rhodes can “prevent” it, he said yesterday.
August 28, 1949, San Diego Union, A-2:6. Naval Hospital tour impresses top medical officers of the armed services.
August 28, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11;4-6. Yarn balls spun from Angora rabbit fur at Hobby Show in Conference Building.
August 28, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. Marine Koshetz to be guest artist in fourth symphony concert, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 28, 1949, San Diego Union D-2:6-8. Start Light books “The Chocolate Soldier” by Oscar Straus.
August 30, 1949, San Diego Union, A-12:1-3. The San Diego Zoo’s male baby gorilla will be known henceforth as Albert (illus.).
August 31, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:6. City declines abandoned street car trestles for building a foot bridge linking Park Boulevard with Balboa Park Bowl.
August 31, 1949, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. Symphony scores splendid triumph, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 31, 1949, San Diego Union, A-12:2. Community Theater sale now at Old Globe Theater.
September 1, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:5-6. Star Light Opera may net 110,000 customers; “The Chocolate Solider” opens tonight.
September 6, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3. Hold Zepeda, brilliant young Mexican pianist, will appear as soloist with the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, directed by Fr. Fabien Sevitzky, tonight at Balboa Bowl.
September 6, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:5. “The Chocolate Soldier” to overtop Balboa Bowl record.
September 7, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:2. Dr. Sevitzky acclaimed as summer season ends, by Howard O. Welty.
September 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:2-6. Unexplained echoes in Park organ fascinate Virgil Fox, organist of the Riverside Church in New York (illus.).
September 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1-2. “The Chocolate Soldier” sets new record for attendance for a first-week’s showing at Balboa Bowl.
September 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:3. Old Globe Theater award given again to actress Helen Giovanazzi (illus.).
September 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:1-6, A-23:1. House of Hospitality opens big fall season (illus.).
Twenty five San Diegans who voluntarily supervise the operation of Balboa Park’s celebrated House of Hospitality, this week saw the beginning of their first big fall season since before World War II.
Luncheons and dinners are served at the Café del Rey Moro under the supervision of Mrs. J. E. Priest, restaurant lessee.
September 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:1-4. San Diego makes opera successful; 115,000 pay admissions (illus.).
Bob Sullivan is one of the three founders of Star-Light. He handles the business-end of things, while William L. Dean and Charlie Cannon, the other founders, take care of production and box-office attraction, respectively.
September 11, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:1-3. San Diego Symphony Association plans large series for 1950, by Constance Herreshoff (illus.).
September 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1-3. Miniature railway traffic halted by cow escaped from trailer and headed for lush turn of park (illus.).
September 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8. Another world exposition scheduled for San Diego; Chamber to sponsor Fair at earliest possible date.
September 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:1. Dedication set for windows at Naval Hospital chapel Sunday.
September 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-26:2-3. Historical pageant “warmup” planned.
September 18, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:6-8, B-16:6. Decision to hold Exposition here based on public opinion.
September 22, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. Goodwin to direct World’s Fair group.
September 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-14:5-6. “Caught in the Act,” Old Globe Theater play, extended to October 15.
September 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-12:1-4. Swedish life exhibited in park today (illus.).
September 27, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:4. Archbishop of York, Cyril Foster Garbett, will speak at a public meeting in Balboa Bowl, October 7.
October 7, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:3-4. Archbishop of York will preach tonight in Balboa Bowl.
October 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-2:6. San Diego’s Exposition set for 1955.
October 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2, A-3:1. The Archbishop of York told more than 1000 San Diegans last night in Balboa Park Bowl that family of nations is God’s plan.
October 9, 1949, San Diego Union, D:2. The Shambles Show House, a fascinating, roofless ruin in the Spanish Village, was the scene of an exotic entertainment put on by Spanish Villagers on the night of Sept. 30.
October 9, 1949, San Diego Union, D-4:1-2. Tunes prove hit in Old Globe comedy, “Caught in the Act,” by Constance Herreshoff.
October 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:2. Committee picks “World Progress” as name of Fair.
October 23, 1949, San Diego Union, D-14:1-8. Museum of Natural History to mark 75th anniversary (illus.).
After 75 years of studying the ever wonderful aspects of nature in Southern California, the San Diego Society of Natural History next Sunday will celebrate by holding open house in the Museum of Natural History in Balboa Park. The Sunday celebration will consist mostly in reintroducing the museum to the public. Scientists will be on hand to chat about the collections in which they have done research. A 4 p.m. Less Passmore will give a lecture on “Insects, Spiders and Their Habits.” A collection of fine natural history photographs by local photographers will be on display. The museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
In 1946 Clinton Abbott died and Laurence M. Huey, curator of birds and mammals, took over as acting director for 11 months. Then Col. Arthur F. Fischer, USA, ret., who had been director of the Bureaus of Forestry and Science in the Philippines, took over the job of reconstruction. The exhibits which are on display represent his conceptions. Fisher is now on a 3-month leave occasioned by effect of tropical illnesses.
October 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-7:5-6. New stage sought for Balboa Bowl; City Manager Rhodes orders cost estimates on revolving device for park.
Rhodes also asked the Public Works Department to determine the cost of building a four-window box-office and changing the location of light projectors in the bowl.
October 31, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:2. Natural History Museum opens post-war show (illus.)
Approximately 4000 San Diegans deployed through the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park for the first full-time dress open-house the museum has held since the war. For the first time since the way the basement exhibits were open to the public.
Throughout the afternoon, the sliding doors of the museum’s outstanding bird’s egg collections were going up and down. Visitors rested on automatic switch rails and saw panoramas of wild life in natural settings light up.
Hours of study were spent looking at the gigantic relief map of Southern California, lent by the Metropolitan Water District. The saber-toothed tiger was universally admired.
A new department in the museum was appreciated by hundreds of youngsters who found their way to the lower floor. Down there are mounted animals with the signs on them, “please touch.” The are the school loan exhibits which are meant expressly for handling and study by young students.
Lee Passmore, veteran photographer and naturalist, entertained audiences by showing slides of photographs of creatures he had filmed. One fascinating sequence shows the life history of the familiar trap-door spider.
November 3, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:2-4. San Diego Art Mart will be held in the open air at 6th Avenue and Laurel Street in Balboa Park, Friday through Sunday (illus.).
November 5, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:1-4. San Diego Art Mart opens at park (illus.).
November 6, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:4-8. Annual stamp show opens at Fine Arts Gallery, by Reginald Poland (illus.).
November 7, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:6. Art Mart big success in Balboa Park; sales net $5623.
November 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-8:3. Parks Superintendent W. Allen Perry yesterday apparently killed the idea of a revolving stage for Balboa Park as proposed by the San Diego Civic Light Opera Association.
Perry said he made his recommendation “in view of the need for such facilities as rose gardens and reconstruction of the Botanical Building and Japanese Tea Gardens.”
November 8, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:2. The abandoned street car right-of-way in Balboa Park would become a permanent four-lane highway under a proposed plan for parking 16,000 automobiles in the park during the California World Progress Exposition in 1955, it was revealed yesterday.
The plan, advanced by James E. Reading, city traffic engineer, also calls for an 800-foot bridge across Florida Drive to link Park Boulevard with a 10,000-car parking area south of the Municipal Pool.
Still another improvement would be an escalator rising 100 feet in the air to deliver pedestrians to the Plaza de Balboa from a 2000-car parking lot in the canyon just east of there.
After the exposition, the escalator would be moved to Ford Bowl canyon on the west side of Park Boulevard to serve bowl patrons who would use a projected parking area in the canyon, Reading said.
November 9, 1949, San Diego Union, A-16:2-5. San Diego Zoo’s rock hyrax cousin to elephant (illus.).
November 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Centennial Council for 1950 celebration formed.
November 12, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:4, A-3:4. Military parade to Balboa Bowl features City’s Armistice fete; Army-Navy football game in Balboa Stadium; concert in Spreckels Organ Pavilion.
November 12, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. San Diego World’s Fair design sketched; Clyde Vandenberg suggests exposition featuring people.
November 13, 1949, San Diego Union, B-2:4-8. Renoir, Cezanne to be discussed in first of this season’s education lectures at Fine Arts Gallery Tuesday evening (illus.).
November 14, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-2:1-3. City ready for changes in streets; plan involves 3 belt routes about downtown areas.
November 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:3. “The Beautiful People,” by William Saroyan starts final week at Old Globe Theater.
November 17, 1949, San Diego Union, A-5:6-7. San Diego’s World’s Fair will be mapped during the first quarter of 1950 by Clyde M. Vandenberg, exposition authority; Exposition committee headed by Ewart Goodwin.
November 19, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:8. City Manager Rhodes said yesterday the City probably will keep control of the $350,000 Veterans’ Memorial Building being constructed in Balboa Park and will set up a scale of charges for organizations using it.
November 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1. Parking set for electric exhibition in Balboa Park; attendance of 150,000 anticipated.
A “two-way stretch” of parking facilities that will materially ease the situation for persons attending the 12th Annual Electrical and Home Appliance Show in Balboa Park Friday to November 30, was planned yesterday by park, police and show officials.
Meeting with Leo Calland, parks and recreation director, Lt. Bill Thien, police traffic division head, and Show Manager J. Clark Chamberlain mapped a one-way traffic pattern designed to channel cars rapidly into enlarged parking facilities on both sides of the Laurel Street Electric Building site for this year’s show.
City crews have expanded both parking areas, Calland said. One of these, considerably enlarged, lies to the south back of the Outdoor Organ. The other is north of the Electric Building, extending to Roosevelt Junior High School.
November 20, 1949, San Diego Union, A-16:4-5. Osa Johnson says he will deliver rare African animals to San Diego Zoo.
November 20, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:4-6. Dr. Reginald Poland to talk on “Old Dutch Masters” today, by Thomas B. Robertson.
November 23, 1949, San Diego Union, B-14:2-4. San Diego animals depart for sea voyage to Honolulu Zoo (illus.).
November 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:1. Action held up on street plan; City Park Department objected to limited access highway up Switzer Canyon which it maintained would ruin the 18-hole golf course in Balboa Park.
November 24, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:4. Cash pledged to aid San Diego Exposition.
After a meeting of the Exposition committee it was announced that $9000 of a $2500 preliminary expense fund had been pledged.
Incorporation papers have been filed with the secretary of state at Sacramento, naming Harold B. Starkey, Ewart W. Goodwin and Edmund T. Price as incorporators.
November 24, 1949, San Diego Union, C-3:1-4. Appliance show offers biggest exhibit ever stages on coast (map showing parking areas).
The newly renovated Electric Building provides 250 percent more space for spectators and 50 percent more space for exhibitions than the Federal Building, previous home of the electric shows.
November 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:3-4. Lighting of Christmas Tree lane to open 12th annual Electric and Home Appliance Show in Electric Building, Balboa Park, tonight; 6-day show sponsored by Bureau of Radio and Electrical Appliances of San Diego County.
November 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Crowd of more than 3000 persons at Thanksgiving Day services of the San Diego County Ministerial Association in the Organ Pavilion (illus.).
November 25, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:2-4. Parade marks San Diego State College’s Homecoming Day; replicas of Balboa Park’s Cabrillo Bridge and California Tower win prize for float (illus.).
November 25, 1949, San Diego Union, B-2:4. Preparations for the presentation of a colorful pageant entitled “Christmas in Olde England” are underway at the Old Globe Theater; included in the pageant will be a performance of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”.
November 26, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:1-4, A-6:1. Electric Show draws first night throng, 75 manufacturers and distributors of 200 appliances have exhibits in the free show (illus.).
November 27, 1949, San Diego Union, A-23:5-6. Electric Show anticipates big crowd.
November 27, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:1-8, B-16:1. Thousands take up square dancing; City Recreation Department finds diversion at peak in community (illus.).
November 27, 1949, San Diego Union, D-2:4-8. Art education aims will be discussed by Thomas B. Robertson (illus.).
November 30, 1949, San Diego Union, A-9:1. Electric Show to end tonight.
Another 30,000 persons visited the show’s four huge display rooms yesterday, J. Clark Chamberlain, show manager, estimated, bring the total attendance in the first 5 days to approximately 140,000 — equal to last year’s total attendance, with one more day to go in this year’s event.
November 30, 1949, San Diego Union, A-10:2-4. Mickey Rooney, movie star, practices in Federal Building for roller skate speedway scenes in “Dark Challenge” (illus.).
December 4, 1949, San Diego Union, A-17:1. Buffalo calf at San Diego Zoo offers big problem (illus.).
December 5, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:6. Many of San Diego’s outstanding choral groups will sing Christmas carols at the Old Globe Theater during the run of the “Olde English Christmas” presentation which opens Wednesday.
December 8, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:5-6, A-3:5-7. Committee sets San Diego World’s Fair for 1953 (por.).
December 10, 1949, San Diego Union, A-4:3. Chamber told City to benefit by World’s Fair.
December 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-22:1. Seventy-five thousand dollar remodeling project underway to give city banquet hall; structure, to be known as Balboa Park Club, will be ready for reopening in February (illus.)
L E Earnest, administrative assistant of the Park and Recreation Department, said the building, with a ballroom of nearly 13,000 square feet, measuring 71 by 180 feet, will provide a banquet hall for serving more than 500 and up to 1500 persons. For dancing the capacity will be nearly 2000.
Earnest stressed that the banquet hall is intended only for the use of groups of 500 or more,
because facilities are available in downtown hotels for smaller conventions.
The former barroom of the officers’ club is being converted into a soda fountain and snack bar.
December 11, 1949, San Diego Union, A-32:4. A tea will open the annual pre-Christmas exhibition and sale of art objects of the Allied Craftsmen in Spanish Village today.
December 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-11:1. San Diegans to ask state aid for Fair.
December 15, 1949, San Diego Union, A-23. A Mexican Posada will be featured on the Pan-American League Christmas program December 19 in the House of Hospitality.
December 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:5. Plan for San Diego Exposition laid before Governor Warren.
December 16, 1949, San Diego Union, A-13:1. Yule events planned for playgrounds; Christmas tableaux, carols at Organ Pavilion December 23 a 7 p.m. featuring Civic Chorus.
December 18, 1949, San Diego Union, A-30:1. San Diego Zoo seeking flamingo’s pink blush.
December 23, 1949, San Diego Union, A-6:2. Nativity scenes will be staged at Organ Pavilion by members of San Diego Civic Chorus and students in city playground’s dramatic classes at 7 tonight.
December 25, 1949, San Diego Union, D-10:3. Balboa Park famous for beauty, attractions.
December 29, 1949, San Diego Union, A-1:7, A-2:3-6. City Council forces Rhodes to quit as City Manager; O. W. Campbell appointed to take job (illus.).
December 29, 1949, San Diego Union, B-1:2. San Diego youngsters pursued “fox’ through Balboa Park yesterday (illus.).
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