Balboa Park History 1952
January 3, 1952, San Diego Union, A-11:1. Morley Field – City raises beach, park pool fees so that the city can take up slack by dropping federal amusement tax; adults must pay 60 cents at plunger, former rate was 55 cents, including tax..
January 5, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:3-4. San Diego Zoo – four Koalas arrive; first in 20 years.
January 6, 1952, San Diego Union, C-8:1-3. Dentists popular at Naval Hospital; facilities limited but work always gets done, by Charles M. Hatcher (illus.).
January 8, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Koalas arrive; brought here to appear in “Botany Bay,” motion picture, which will tell of the settling of the first colony in Australia; on “indefinite loan” from Taronga Park Zoological Gardens in Sydney.
February 2, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Conference Building – Boy Scout Merit and Badge Show today.
February 3, 1952, San Diego Union, A-16:1-3.Scout by-products on display before 10,000 persons in Balboa Park (illus.).
February 11, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Zoo dentistry, by Edmund Rucker.
February 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-25:1-2. Rose Garden in Balboa Park believed feasible; Mayor Butler said he was certain that the City Council could not promise to budget $100,000 for the garden in a single year.
February 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:1. Philip L. Gildred, City Planning Commission, said rose garden would increase Balboa Park’s beauty.
February 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Block wardens not recruited in Balboa Park zone; it has no civilian population and therefore no block wardens.
February 25, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Palisades Building – Camellia Show in Recital Hall.
February 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:5-6. “Curious Savage,” hit at Old Globe, by Constance Herreshoff.
March 6, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:2-3. Florida art gallery post offered to Dr. Poland.
March 23, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:6. San Diego Zoo – new quarters for three gorillas, by Quay House (illus.)
March 23, 1952, San Diego Union, A-15:1. Senator George W. Malone (R – Nev.) to give talk April 8 at Balboa Park Club..
March 23, 1952, San Diego Union, D-1:1-6, D-2:6. Museum of Man – hat exhibit, by Ettille Wallace.
March 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2, A-3:4. Carlyle, the Crow, dives on dogs; robs San Diego picnickers, by Frank Rhoades..
March 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:2-4, A-3:5-6. Crow hunt in Balboa Park today, by Frank Rhoades.
April 1, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:5. “Goodbye My Fancy” next at Old Globe.
April 6, 1952, San Diego Union, A-23:1-3. Easter services at Organ Pavilion next Sunday (illus.).
April 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3-4. Conference Building – Ford Show Jubilee opens April 26.
April 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3-4. Federal Building – Home Show opens April 26.
April 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:5. Dr. Margaret Meade to speak April 21 in Conference Building at Spring-Day Institute for County Teachers.
April 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-19:1. Conference Building – Round Dance Institute planned Friday through Sunday.
April 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:1-3, A-3:3. Easter concert at Organ Pavilion; address by Professor Robert Richards (illus.)
April 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:1-2. Boys’ Band praised for Easter concert in Balboa Park Bowl, by Constance Herreshoff.
April 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:4-5, A-4:1-2. Modern Home Fair to open in Balboa Park today.
April 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-10:1-2. Twenty-fifth rose show in Recital Hall this weekend..
April 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:5, A-3:7. Electric Building – Spring Fair of Modern Home Ideas opened last night; more than 9,000 attend..
April 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Full houses predicted for “Goodbye, My Fancy,” at Old Globe, by Constance Herreshoff.
April 19, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:6-7. San Diego Zoo – two of the four Koalas lent by the Australian government moved to quarters which are calculated to be a reasonable facsimile of their natural habitat.
April 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-24:1-2. House of Hospitality – 11th annual Old Timers’ Reunion.
April 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-24:4. Rose Society opens largest show in San Diego.
April 21, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Spring Rose Show tops attendance records.
April 21, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Home Show plans Armed Forces Day next Saturday and Sunday.
April 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Home Show and Food Jubilee to open today.
April 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:4. Calland unveils developed plan for proposed East San Diego park.
April 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-18:3-5. Public School Week ceremonies scheduled for Balboa Park Bowl; young musicians to appear at opening event.
April 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-33:1-3. Crowds throng Home Show opening; displays spread through Federal and Conference Buildings..
April 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:1-3. Bowl concert launches Public School Week (illus.).
May 1, 1952, San Diego Union, A-18:1-2. Smoky Rogers, western entertainer, to make a personal appearance at Food Show Jubilee tomorrow
May 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-4. Two Humboldt penguins at San Diego Zoo keep cool despite formal dress, by Bryant Evans (illus.)
May 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:4. Museum of Man – free film program extended on Sunday afternoons.
May 4, 1952, San Diego Union, C-4:1-3. Delza Martin scores in “Goodbye My Fancy.”
May 5, 1952, San Diego Union, B-4:2. EDITORIAL: Should be probed (transfer of ships from San Diego to Long Beach).
May 7, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:8. J. Wells Hershey advocates city rose garden.
May 11, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. “Alert America” exhibit opens this afternoon in Conference Building (illus.)
May 11, 1952, San Diego Union, A-27:1. A Spanish ball and two-day fiesta in Balboa Park has been added to the program of the San Diego County Historical Days celebration here June 14 and 15..
May 11, 1952, San Diego Union, A-29:2-3. House of Pacific Relations – Poles to observe holiday this afternoon.
May 12, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:3-5. Conference Building – Alert America show visited by 2,240..
May 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:2-3. San Diego Zoo – millionth visitor since July.
May 14, 1952, San Diego Union, B-16:1. City Council yesterday requested a study of auto traffic in Balboa Park.
May 18, 1952, San Diego Union, A-20:5. Palisades Building – Nine -day Field Economic Mobilization course starting tomorrow in Recital Hall; 147 men from San Diego area preparing to attend.
May 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:4-5. Civic Auditorium hearing scheduled by Planning Commission for June 18.
May 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:4. Park systems revenue tops City estimate.
May 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:1-2. “Evening With the Arts” slated at Balboa Park.
May 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. “Reluctant Dragon” to offer two outdoor shows in Wegeforth Bowl, Friday and Saturday; production by Junior Theater Wing of San Diego Community (Globe) Theater.
May 25, 1952, San Diego Union, C-4:1-8. Energy and enthusiasm mark work of Craig Noel at Old Globe, by Edwin Martin..
May 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:2-3. Naval Training Center Band concert in Balboa Park Bowl yesterday afternoon, by Constance Herreshoff.
May 26, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:5-6. Scouts will trace history of nation; more than 1200 boys to take part in circus at Balboa Stadium, June 6.
May 26, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:7. Stanley N. Myers, horseman, protests ruling for Camp Los Caballos, Cuyamaca State Park.
May 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:1-2. “Caught in the Act – 1952) opens tonight, by Edwin Martin.
May 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. “Caught in the Act” catches fancy of Old Globe crowd, by Constance Herreshoff.
May 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-15:3. Carl B. Callahan, technical coordinator, here to supervise Star-Light Opera sets.
May 31, 1952, San Diego Union, B-14:1-3. Dr. Leslie Hodge will conclude Philharmonic Orchestra season tomorrow afternoon in Balboa Park Bowl with Maintenance Concert
June 7, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Seven thousand Explorers, Sea Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cubs staged annual Balboa Park Stadium circus last night (illus.).
June 9, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:1-3. Star of Balboa Park Bowl sports a new proscenium arch (illus.).
June 9, 1952, San Diego Union, A-10:1-2. San Diego Zoo – animal study classes to open July 7.
June 9, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:6. Helena Russell objects to cutting down trees to make room for rose garden northeast of Bowling Green.
June 10, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:5. San Diego Masons will celebrate Flag Day Sunday with ceremonies at Inspiration Point in Balboa Park.
June 10, 1952, San Diego Union, B-9:3. San Diego Zoo gets rare birds from New Guinea.
June 11, 1952, San Diego Union, 1:2-4, 3:1. Forum declares convention hall, smaller auditorium needed in San Diego.
June 11, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:7-8. San Diego Zoo – four Koala bears in Zoo (illus.).
June 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-13:1-3. San Diego Historical Days Fiesta opens tonight in the Plaza at Old San Diego; three days of western pageantry, modern entertainment and historical reveries; afternoon-long celebration in Balboa Park Sunday (illus.).
June 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:7-8. San Diego Zoo – two elephant seals arrive.
June 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:4-8. Egyptian tomb at Museum of Man open to public today (illus.).
June 19, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:6. F. E. Hutzell sound call to save Pepper Grove in Balboa Park.
June 24, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:3, A-3:6. Frank Belcher, Jr., civic leader, dies.
June 25, 1952, San Diego Union, A-2:4-5. San Diego Library starts moving to Food and Beverage Building (illus.).
“Turning the Pages,” by Clara E. Breed, 1983, Kingsport Press, Kingsport, TN.
Chapter 12. “Interlude in Balboa Park – More Planning for the Future, 1952-1954, 93-102.
June 25, 1952, San Diego Union, B-4:6. H. Howe wants to save park trees.
June 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:3-4. Eucaylptus versus roses for tree-filled area north of the Bowling Green on Balboa Drive (illus.).
June 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-23:4-5. Private funeral services for Frank J. Belcher, Jr. today.
June 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5. Plan to put Rose Garden in Balboa Park ends because of lack of city funds; eucalyptus trees saved.
June 27, 1952, San Diego Union, B-3:6-7. Letters from B. J. Liebing and Marian Smith regarding tree destruction in park.
June 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:6-8. Forrest L. Hieatt, chairman of rose committee of San Diego Rose Society, comments on objections to moving eucalyptus trees for rose garden.
“These trees were planted before the 1915 Exhibition, and they were planted thickly for a quick effect. The intention was to thin them out later, so the trees might develop naturally.”
June 30, 1952, San Diego Union, A-15:1. Conference Building – native dances (illus.).
July 1, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:5-8. Star-Light Opera attendance to be boosted by bus service.
July 3, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8, A-3:3-4. “Show Boat” characters to parade before play.
July 3, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:2. EDITORIAL: Stars in Star Light.
July 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:5, A-3:6. Parade marks opening of “Show Boat.”
July 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:7-8. “Show Boat” at Star-Light Opera, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 5, 1952, San Diego Union, B-12:7. Mrs. J. W. Humphrey pleased library is moving to Balboa Park.
July 6, 1952, San Diego Union, C-2:1. Summer classes at Fine Arts Gallery will start tomorrow, by Thomas B. Robertson.
July 6, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-4. Superb programs slated for San Diego Symphony summer concerts, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 6, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:5-6. “All’s Well That Ends Well” billed at Old Globe (illus.).
July 7, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:3-4. Starlight Opera adds to “Show Boat” run, by Constance Herreshoff (illus.).
July 7, 1952, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. San Diego Zoo – reservists from Hawaii visit Zoo (illus.).
July 8, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:5. Servicemen to be guests at “Show Boat.”
July 8, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:5-6. Fuchsia Society plans show at park.
July 8, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:8. E. J. Coraje writes park already has plot for roses at the north side of the Natural History Museum.
July 9, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Rose Garden plan defeated because of the urgency of other projects more vital to the city.
July 10, 1952, San Diego Union, A-22:4-6. “Show Boat: breaking Starlight Opera marks.
July 12, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:4-5. Fuchsia show will open today (illus.).
July 12, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:1-3. Tomorrow last chance to see “Show Boat” (illus.).
July 13, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:1-3. Spanish Village active.
July 13, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. In “Student Prince” (illus.).
July 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. Palisades Building – Fuchsia Show in Recital Hall yesterday (illus.)
July 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:3-4. Charlie Cannon will re-create the role of Dr. Engel in “The Student Prince.”
July 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:5. Park symphony sale to end Saturday..
July 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:3. “Student Prince” at Star-Light Opera; Frank Humphries, marine corporal, sings title role
July 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-11:3-4. Shakespeare festival opens tonight.
July 17. 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. “Good Queen Bess” opens Fourth Annual Shakespearean Festival at Old Globe.
July 17, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. “Student Prince” opens tonight.
July 17, 1952, San Diego Union, A-16:4-5. “Queen Bess” rules at Old Globe opening, by Edith Cushing.
July 18, 1952, San Diego Union, A-19:2-3. Symphony sales slated today, tomorrow.
July 18, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Planning Board backs civic auditorium plans..
July 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-17:4-5. San Diego Zoo receives gift of Guinea fowls (illus.).
July 20, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:1-3. Spanish Village offers two shows; Charles A. Small poses with one of the paintings in exhibition of his work at Southwest Artists’ Association Gallery (photo)..
July 20, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-4. San Diego Symphony to give first summer concert Tuesday, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 20, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. Favorites — Winifred Fipp, Zelda Schumann-Heink, Charlie Cannon and F. Allen Richardson — in “The Student Prince.”
July 20, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. Frank Kinsella plays role of braggart Parolles in “All’s Well That Ends Well” (illus.).
July 22, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:3-4. Symphony to open 1952 season tonight.
July 23, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. San Diego Symphony opened summer season last night in Balboa Park Bowl.
July 23, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Finesse of symphony conductor lauded, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 23, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:1-3. House of Hospitality – Mrs. Robert Hadley presides at House of Hospitality meeting (illus.).
July 24, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2. Nixon invited to reception in Balboa Park July 30.
July 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:5. Junior Theater plans two plays for Recital Hall in Balboa Park.
July 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-10:4. “Student Prince’ packing Balboa Park Bowl.
July 26, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. San Diego Zoo – new group of parrots from Ecuador at Zoo.
July 27, 1952, San Diego Union (INFILL). Arizona Landfill – Arizona site not ready for infilling; second site planned, by James Montgomery.
In the sanitary fill method, daily waste material is dumped into a canyon or large open space having suitable soil. It then is compacted with heavy equipment and covered with dirt.
July 27, 1952, San Diego Union, C-1:1-8. Behind the scenes at Starlight (illus.).
July 27, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:1-8. Two special shows to be on view at Fine Arts Gallery — Paintings by Gyorgy Kepes and Contemporary Painting in Japan, by Thomas B. Robertson (illus.).
July 27, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:1-2. Edna B. Hotchkiss reception today in Spanish Village.
July 27, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-4. “Kiss Me Kate” to open Thursday night in Balboa Park Bowl.
July 27, 1952, San Diego Union, C-14:1-4. Palisades Building – Junior Theater presents two plays in the Puppet Theater and Recital Hall, Balboa Park.
July 29, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2. San Diego reception set for tomorrow for Senator Nixon.
July 29, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3. “All’s Well That Ends Well” starts final week tonight.
July 30, 1952, San Diego Union, B-16:1-2. Cannon, Finch to star in “Kiss Me Kate.”
July 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:6-8, A-3:5. The survival of America is involved in the coming presidential election and it can be achieved through election of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as president, Sen. Richard M. Nixon told more than 3500 cheering San Diegans at Balboa Park Club last night.
July 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:6-8. Balboa Park Club thronged with Nixon greeters.
A fervent crowd of over 3500 San Diegans attended the reception for Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator Nixon, las night in the Balboa Park Club.
Half a dozen well-wishers were standing outside the closed doors of the club just before 6 p.m., almost two hours before the arrival of the senator’s procession from Lindbergh Field.
As the clubhouse ballroom filled, the soda fountain and outer reception rooms filled too, and the crowd overflowed to the rise of ground across the street, where hundreds made themselves comfortable to await the reception.
To the astonishment of observers, the entire throng found space inside the main hall in time to hear the senator’s brief remarks, and few backed out even though the press of people made the hall stifling.
While political and social groups were well represented, it was obvious from a glance at the crowd that a large proportion of them had gathered as individuals on their own initiative, to look over the man they hope will be part of the next national administration.
And a survey of the crowd by a Union reporter verified this impression. A sampling of expressions from members of Senator Nixon’s audience follows: (not included with this copy)
July 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-26:1-2. Museum of Man – Museum plans county-wide tour; films to illustrate institution’s vast collection in programs open to public, said Clark C. Evernham, managing director, yesterday..
July 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-27:1. “Kiss Me Kate” opens tonight.
August 1, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:3. “Kiss Me Kate” at Star-Light Opera, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 2, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Seats available for “Kiss Me Kate.”
August 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:4-5. Unidentified man found hanging in Balboa Park 200 yards north of fire alarm station yesterday morning..
August 5, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:5-7, A-3:5. San Diego Zoo – Zoological Society picnic for 750 members in Pepper Grove last night.
August 5, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:5. Third concert slated tonight in Balboa Park Bowl by Nan Merriman, soprano, and Robert Gerle, violinist, as soloists.
August 6, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:4-5. Enthusiastic audience approves Balboa Park Bowl concert, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 8, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:3-4. Shakespearean festival will open tonight with “As You Like It.”
August 9, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:7-8. Constance Herreshoff likes “As You Like It.”
August 10, 1952, San Diego Union, A-2:3-6. Electric Building – Dahlia Show judging set today.
August 10, 1952, San Diego Union, C-4:1-8. Lively Bill Dean, guiding genius of Starlight Operas..
August 10, 1952, San Diego Union, C-4:1-4. City Park and Recreation Department to present “The Bartered Bride” in Balboa Park Bowl on evenings of August 28 and 29.
August 10, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1. San Diego Symphony concert Tuesday will honor Mrs. Lotte Buch Porterfield and the memory of the late Mrs. Loleta Lavete Rowan.
August 10, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. “Bittersweet” set Thursday by Starlight Opera.
August 12, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:1. Fourth concert opens in Balboa Park Bowl tonight.
August 12, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Letter, Ellen Schau, regarding Fabien Sevitzky, symphony director.
Mr. Sevitzky made a speech, short, but to the point, complaining that San Diego people has failed him by not filling all of the seats. Yes, there were seats empty, but only comparatively few. Mr. Sevitzky even went so far as to say that on account of his disappointment he would withhold an encore, which he did.
August 12, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. Jay V. Sperry Family does not want “profanity” at Starlight Opera.
August 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:5-6. Noel Coward’s “Bittersweet” to open tomorrow in Balboa Park Bowl.
August 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-10:5. Mrs. Lotte Buck Porterfield and the memory of Mrs. Lolete Levete Rowan were honored by symphony presentation last night in Balboa Park Bowl, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:5-6. “Bittersweet” opening night at Star-Light Opera, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:1-4. Nominees for Atlas awards selected..
August 17, 1952, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. Electric Building – Sixty four different breeds entered in dog show August 24.
August 17, 1952, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. Frank Crawford scores as Touchstone in “As You Like It.”
August 17, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-2. Jean Whelan sings the soprano role in “Bittersweet” playing in Balboa Park Bowl tonight at 8:30 (photo).
August 17, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:3. 500 pianists set to play in Balboa Park Bowl on the afternoon of September 21.
August 19, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Fine Arts Society selects Thomas B. Robertson as director (photo).
August 19, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Spanish dance artists, Antonio and Luisa Triana, to appear with summer symphony orchestra in Balboa Park Bowl tonight.
August 19, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Burmese mousetrap on display in Museum of Man (illus.).
August 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3. Bigger audience enthralled by symphony, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3. Robert Smith’s new play “Strike a Match” at its world premiere last night at La Jolla Playhouse, by Bob MacDonald.
August 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Ivan E. Hall gives wild animals to Zoo (illus.).
August 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:6-8. Next Tuesday to be last of Sevitzky’s concerts.
August 21, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:5. City park revenue $414,537 for fiscal year, compared to $325,375 in fiscal year 1950-51..
August 24, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:4-5. “Bittersweet” to close eight-night run tonight.
August 24, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-4. San Diego Symphony, musical arts to give final seasonal concerts, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 24, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. Julius Leib, musical director, aids Starlight Opera (photo).
August 24, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. “Bartered Bride” to be offered Thursday and Friday nights at Balboa Park Bowl by 200 teenagers from the Junior Civic Chorus, the Civic Ballet and the San Diego Youth Symphony.
August 25, 1972, San Diego Union, A-3:6-8. Afghan hound named best in show in Silver Bay Kennel Club Contest in Electric Building (illus.).
August 25, 1972, San Diego Union, A-11:4. Starlight Opera slates showings of “Carousel.”
August 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-7:3. “As You Like It” in final week at Old Globe.
August 27, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:2-3. Symphony concert last of season by Constance Herreshoff..
August 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. Robert Shaw to conduct summer series.
August 29, 1952, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. “Bartered Bride” marks new summer high, by Constance Herreshoff (illus.).
August 30, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:4-5. San Diego Zoo – Black rhino gift of H. A. Astlett (illus.).
August 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-2:5. San Diego Zoo – Rhino arrived yesterday; has not yet left crate.
August 31, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:1-8. Japanese exhibition featured at Fine Arts Gallery, by Thomas B. Robertson.
August 31, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:3. Dr. Reginald Poland, director of Norton Art Gallery in West Palm Beach, Fla. and founding director of San Diego’s Fine Arts Gallery, in San Diego for brief visit
August 31, 1952, San Diego Union, C-3:4-5. Portraits by Ernie Wallis on display in Photographic Arts Gallery, by Naomi Kollertz.
August 31, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1-8. Werner Johnson to lead San Diego Philharmonic’ “Carousel” set Thursday.
September 1, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:4-5. San Diego Zoo – penguin dies; dispute lingers on by Joe Brooks.
September 2, 1952, San Diego Union, A-10:3. Starlight cast in dress rehearsals for “Carousel.”
September 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:3. “Carousel” set tonight in Balboa Park Bowl.
September 5, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. “Carousel” at Star-Light Opera, by Constance Herreshoff.
September 6, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:4-6. James Eigo, Sadie Lou Tieri win top awards for Old Globe performances, by Constance Herreshoff.
September 8, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Three extra performances of “Carousel” billed..
September 8, 1952, San Diego Union, A-16:4-5. San Diego Zoo – monkey-eating birds to be mated.
September 12, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Starlight Opera ballots swamp counting staff.
September 13, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:4-6. “Carousel,” most popular musical, books two closing performances.
September 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-26:1-2. San Diego to begin Kids’ Day September 27 with Balboa Park show.
September 14, 1952, San Diego Union, C-6:1. Piano festival with 600 players in Balboa Park Bowl next Sunday afternoon.
September 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3. San Diego Community Theater’s presentation of “Angel in the Pawnshop” will open tonight in Old Globe Theater.
September 17, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:3. Old Globe play, “An Angel in the Pawnshop” by A. B. Shiffrin, curious kind of fantasy, by Donald Freeman.
September 18, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Thearle piano festival slated at Balboa Park Bowl.
September 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2, A:5. Four thousand jam Balboa Park Bowl for Boys’ Club show.
September 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:2-3. Six hundred participate in piano festival today.
September 22, 1952, San Diego Union, B-14:1-2. Piano festival at Balboa Park Bowl (illus.).
September 23, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. Craig Noel silent as the First Drama Quartet, composed of Charles Laughton, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Charles Boyer and Miss Agnes Moorhead, test Old Globe; sat in front row and silently listened to four actors who had their lines so pat he had no occasion to crack the whip.
September 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-22:1-2. Army, Navy plans Kids’ Day exhibits.
September 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-23:5-6. Eddy Arnold, the “Tennessee Plowboy,” brings his radio show to Balboa Park Bowl Saturday and Sunday.
September 27, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:2-3. Kids’ Day expected to attract 15,000.
September 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-8:4-5. Eddy Arnold radio show in Balboa Park Bowl Saturday and Sunday; fans jam Bowl.
September 30, 1952, San Diego Union, B-16:12. San Diego Council of Churches presents Gabriel Pierne’s “The Children’s Crusade” oratorio in Ford Bowl tonight; 300 singers.
October 5, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:1-5. Art Mart at Sixth Avenue and Laurel Street in Balboa Park drew large crowd Saturday (illus.).
October 5, 1952, San Diego Union, C-1:1-8, C-2:1-2. San Diego Zoo – behind the scenes (illus.).
October 5, 1952, San Diego Union, C-4:1-2. Junior Theater to present “Dear Ruth.”
October 12, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Museum of Man – Ghosts at Museum plan on roaming Halloween night, October 31.
October 19, 1952, San Diego Union, B-7:4. Palisades Building – three-day Square Dance course begins tomorrow in Recital Hall.
October 20, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:1. Constance Herreshoff says “Dear Ruth” in Falstaff Tavern is laugh hit.
October 21, 1952, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Museum of Man – C. N. Pinco praises Museum.
October 25, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Fall rose show opening today in Balboa Park.
October 26, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:1-6. San Diego Zoo – Zoo educates school children (illus.)
The San Diego Zoological society will conduct tours of Balboa Park Zoo for more than 30,000 youngsters during 1953-53, officials estimated yesterday.
October 28, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:1-2. “Ladies of Jury” at Old Globe tonight.
October 29, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. “Ladies of Jury” tense but amusing, by Constance Herreshoff.
October 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-6:1-4. Square dance festival to attract 8,000 (illus.).
November 2, 1952, San Diego Union, A-5:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Tuatara from New Zealand due today; will probably go on display in Reptile House tomorrow (illus.).
November 2, 1952, San Diego Union, A-20:1-6. Conference Building – Square Dance exhibition and style show yesterday (illus.).
November 2, 1952, San Diego Union, B-7:1-3. House of Pacific Relations’ annual fiesta yesterday in United Portuguese Hall, Point Loma (illus.).
November 15, 1952, San Diego Union, A-11:1-2. One play running on main stage of Old Globe Theater next week, another being rehearsed in Falstaff Tavern, and tryouts being conducted for a third.
November 19, 1952, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. City Manager O. W. Campbell said yesterday San Diego officials have not changed the name of the Plaza de Panama in Balboa Park and are not even considering a change.
November 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:3. The City Council yesterday voted to charge the armed forces a flat fee of $200 for an event in the Balboa Park Club.
November 25, 1952, San Diego Union, A-4:1-2. San Diego Zoo – State Fish and Game Commission gave Zoo permission to trap a pair of California condors.
November 21, 1952, San Diego Union, A-14:3. Balboa Park Club rental fees made easier for ships and organizations of armed forces; City Council voted to charge a flat $200 fee for an event.
November 29, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8, A-3:4. Electric Building – lights turned on Home Appliance Show; opened in east end of Electric Building last night.
November 30, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. Thousands attend electric exhibition; ranges, washing machines, freezers highlight show in Balboa Park.
December 4, 1952, San Diego Union, A-23:5-6. Salvation Army has asked free use of Balboa Stadium for a jalopy racing event.
December 7, 1952, San Diego Union, A-49:1-3. Naval Hospital’s Christmas program to start tomorrow.
December 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3. Poinsettia Week pageant in Balboa Park Bowl Saturday evening (illus.).
December 14, 1952, San Diego Union, A-23:1. Conference Building – Yule ballet for children set for December 23 at 8 p.m.
December 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-2:3-4. Countywide traffic toll meeting called for January 15 in Conference Building to work toward reducing highway and street deaths and injuries in 1953.
December 16, 1952, San Diego Union, A-9:1-2. Yule festival opens tonight with “The Rose and the Ring” at the Old Globe.
December 23, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Christmas party for gorillas (illus.).
December 31, 1952, San Diego Union, A-3:7-8. San Diego Zoo – Suma, orangutan, new addition to Zoo.
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