Balboa Park History 1957
January 2, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5. Angelo Blundo, 57, a gardener, was found dead in Balboa Park Sunday; he had been beaten and robbed.
January 3, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. Visitors, exhibits at San Diego Zoo increase; 3,300 animals; total attendance during last 12 months was 1,495, 826 compared with 1,351,697 in 1955; admission charge increased from 50 to 75 cents in December.
January 4, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:3. AWOL soldier held as park slaying suspect.
January 5, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2. A-3:1. GI deserter admits Balboa Park slaying, by Tim Shepard (illus.).
January 5, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-6. More than 150 are expected to participate today in a forum discussion to support the countywide “Don’t Waste Committee” in Conference Building.
January 5, 1957, San Diego Union, A-14:1. More than 400 parakeets are expected to be judged today at the fourth annual parakeet show of the San Diego County Budgie Society in the west room of the Electric Building.
January 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:7. Mayor Dail yesterday said voters will be asked this spring to approve a $3,500,000 civic theater in Balboa Park.
January 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:8. City Council hearing on proposed master plan for park and recreation development is scheduled for 10 a.m. today at Civic Center.
January 11, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. The City Council referred to conference yesterday a proposed 20-million dollar long-range program of parks and recreation development.
January 13, 1957, San Diego Union, A-34:1. House of Hungary in Balboa Park will conduct open house from noon to 4 p.m. today in appreciation of San Diego’s contribution to Hungarian relief.
January 14, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:2. Twenty-six women volunteered to serve on Women’s Committee for a Civic Theater in Balboa Park at a meeting Saturday at the home of Mrs. Henry B. Clark, instigator of the campaign.
January 20, 1957, San Diego Union, C-1:7-8. Can a city grow and stay beautiful? Time for a plan.
January 20, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: What will San Diego look like in 10 years? Teamwork by citizens and officials needed to preserve community’s beauty.
January 20, 1957, San Diego Union, C-3:1-4, C-5:1. A survey of San Diego’s most pressing problems in 1957.
- Water Supply
- Jet Age Airport
- Highways
- Larger Harbor
- Sewer System
- Balboa Park
The Problem: Balboa Park buildings and grounds are deteriorating. Many of the buildings were erected as temporary structures for world expositions in 1915 and 1935.
Parking facilities and roads in the park are inadequate to handle large events, such as the Fiesta del Pacifico, which has requested continued use of park facilities. A plan is urgently needed to insure continued development of the park for use by present and future generations.
- Mission Bay
- Civic Auditorium
January 20, 1957, San Diego Union, C-3:8. Review of past accomplishments and future needs of Balboa Park; deterioration of buildings and grounds told.
January 22, 1957, San Diego Union, B-5:3-4. Group submits plan; Hall would honor City Sport Stars; drawing of architect’s conception of the proposed San Diego Sports Hall of Fame which would be located in the House of Charm in Balboa Park; letter and brochure of the plan have been submitted to the City Council and County Board of Supervisors; estimated cost would be $30,000.
January 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:4. Balboa Park theater site reindorsed; Planning Commission votes unanimously in repeat proposal.
Harry Haelsig, city planning director, said the site comprises seven or eight acres on Park Boulevard just north of Zoo place. He said the location is the best of seven Balboa Park sites considered by the Planning Department. . . . .
The city Park and Recreation Commission reaffirmed its approval of a civic theater in Balboa Park at its Tuesday meeting.
January 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:4. The San Diego Junior Chamber of Commerce yesterday asked the City Council to defer action on a civic theater proposal until more factual information is presented.
“Any deviation from the criterion established in the Stanford Research Institute report (for a downtown auditorium) should be only after the most careful analysis and consideration,” John L. Allen, junior chamber president, said in a letter to the council.
January 25, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1. The San Diego Taxpayer’s Association yesterday wrote Mayor Dail and the City Council that it doubts the advisability and economics of a civic theater in Balboa Park.
January 26, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:6-8. Allen J Sutherland elected head of Fiesta del Pacifico.
February, 1957, San Diego and Point Magazine. Red Network in Balboa Park (map showing Balboa Park as it exists today with a few ideas entertained tentatively in recent years by the Park Department).
February 1, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:1-2. An army deserter, who confessed to the robbery-slaying of a Navy civil service worker January 1 in Balboa Park, was bound over to Superior Court for arraignment February 15.
February 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. Nearly 1,000 pure breeds have been entered in the All-Breed Dog Show of the Silver Bay Kennel Club to be held next Sunday in the Electric Building.
February 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-23:1-2. The City Council will conduct a public hearing at 10 a.m. Thursday on a proposal to include in the city’s master plan a civic theater in Balboa park.
February 13, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. Ruth C. Pearson writes that House of Pacific Relations serves foreign relations.
February 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8, A-23:4-5. The City Council yesterday voted unanimously to have an ordinance drafted which would put a Balboa Park civic theater in the city’s master plan for public buildings. Councilmen will vote on the ordinance Tuesday. They will meet in conference Thursday to decide whether to put a 3-1/2 million-dollar bond issue for the theater on the April 16 ballot, by Peter Kaye.
February 16, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:5. Insanity plea in park killing.
February 17, 1957, San Diego Union, A-33:1-2. An Orange California couple yesterday won the sweepstakes’ award at the 10th annual Camellia Show in Recital Hall, Balboa Park.
February 17, 1957, San Diego Union, B-7:6-8. Public park grows on Shelter Island, by Alfred Jacoby.
February 18, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13;4-5. A bulldog owned by John O. Melveny of Los Angeles yesterday was judged the best of the dogs at the Silver Bay Kennel Club show in Balboa Park.
February 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:7, A-23:4. Council indorses ballot on theater; voters will decide $3.5 million issue.
February 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. “Janus” opens run at Old Globe, by Constance Herreshoff.
February 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:6. Polar exhibit is Engineer Week display feature in Conference Hall.
February 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:3-6, A-28:1-2. Plan Fight For Site: women out to sell voters on theater in Balboa Park (illus.), by Peter Kaye.
Something as old as Eve, familiar as the front door and effective as an A-bomb will be used in San Diego’s latest try for a civic theater.
It is, as every man should know, the women’s touch.
More than 55 women’s groups, headed by Mrs. Henry Clark, 3810 Narragansett Ct., are leading a campaign for a civic theater in Balboa Park.
So far they have gained the approval of the City Planning Commission and City Council to include in the city’’ master plan their site, which is across Park Boulevard from the zoo parking lot.
Now all they have to do is get two-thirds of San Diego’s voters to support a bond issue for three and one-half million dollars in the April 16 city election.
That will be the hardest part of their campaign, which began last year soon after voters for the second time defeated an 8-1/2 million dollar bond issue for a downtown civic auditorium.
The 6.7 acre park site would be used only for a 3,000-seat theater and 600-seat little theater. The location is not suitable for a convention hall, which councilmen believe should be located in the downtown area.
San Diego’s search for a public meeting place began in flames, and has ended in frustration 13 times in the last 30 years.
Firemen were holding their annual dance on November 25, 1925, in the Civic Auditorium at Park Boulevard and Laurel Street when it burned to the ground.
Now after 30 years of arguments, expert opinion and unsuccessful elections, the city is back within a block of the original site.
In 1926 a city planner named John Nolen recommended a grouping of public buildings along the waterfront. Only the present Civic Center was built there.
Voters in 1927 rejected a plan to place public buildings, included an auditorium, in Balboa Park.
A proposal to convert the Federal Building in Balboa Park into a convention hall was unsuccessfully initiated in 1939 and unsuccessfully revived in 1946.
In 1949 voters rejected the Cedar Street Mall proposal which would have placed public buildings, including an auditorium, on Cedar Street between the Civic Center and Balboa Park.
In 1954 four proposals were considered and rejected. They included a convention hall at Sixth and Date Streets, conversion of the Ford Building in Balboa Park into an auditorium, construction of a privately financed convention hall and sports arena at 36th and Market Streets and a privately financed but publicly operated underground parking garage and convention hall at Horton Plaza.
Other proposed sites include blocks bounded by A, Ash, 9th and 10th Streets; the block bounded by 3rd and 4th Avenues, E and F Streets and the short block south of Horton Plaza plus the full block south of it.
A sports arena has been proposed for Mission Bay Park. Later proposals were for a privately financed auditorium downtown or east of downtown.
Mrs. Clark emphasized the women are working only for a theater for concerts, plays, opera and light opera. She said she would leave the location of a sports arena and convention hall to the men.
“The men have failed to get us a theater,” she said in an interview, “and now the women are going to work where the men have failed.
“We still can’t do altogether without men. After all, the mayor, planning commission, council and city manager are all men.”
A reporter reminded Mrs. Clark that about half the voters are men.
“They’ll come along, ” she said in the tone of a woman married many years. “They want a theater as badly as the women do.”
February 27, 1957, San Diego Union, 15:6-7. Civic Theater bonds to get ballot place.
The City Council yesterday took formal action to place a Balboa Park civic theater in the city’s master plan and to call a 3-1/2 million-dollar bond election April 16 to finance the facility.
February 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. A $3,500,000 bond issue for construction of a civic theater in Balboa park, to be voted on at the April 16 city election, yesterday was indorsed by the San Diego Chamber of Commerce. . . . .
“The committee felt that a civic theater would be compatible with the beauties of Balboa Park and that later the possibility of a downtown convention center would be considered,” Ivor de Kirby said.
March 2, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Mrs. Ira G. Stephens wants combined theater-convention hall in Balboa Park.
March 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-16:1-2. Spring Home Fair to open in Electric Building April 23.
March 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-14:3-5. Globe Theater Guilders meet “Tender Trap: actors, by Beth Mohr.
March 20, 1957, San Diego Union, B-7:3-4. Joseph Dryer, retired merchant and a leader in many community projects, said yesterday that he is advocating the building of a planetarium in San Diego as a tourist attraction and an educational facility. . . . .
He said that it may be that the Ford Building in Balboa Park could be remodeled for a Planetarium or it may be cheaper and better to build an entirely new building for it.
March 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-9:4-5. Robert J. McPherson was named chairman of a group which met yesterday to discuss a museum of science and industry for San Diego. . . . .
McPherson said a principal purpose of the museum would be to stimulate the interest of young people in technical careers. He said, in preliminary conversation, it was suggested that the Ford Building be converted to museum purposes.
March 23, 1957, San Diego Union, B-12:8. Faye Smith wants large theater hall in Balboa Park.
March 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Approximately 1,000 orchids were judged yesterday in the 11th San Diego County Orchid Show in Recital Hall.
March 24, 1957, San Diego Union, C-1:1-4. Can San Diego Become Inter-American Cultural Center?, by David Hellyer, Latin American Editor.
. . . our community can and should have an important stake in the development of Latin America.
To this fact, San Diego is awakening . Proof of growing awareness is seen in such developments as the Museum of Man’s new Hispanic American program, with its heavy stress on Mexico. It is seen further in the Fiesta del Pacifico’s Latin theme. It is daily evidenced in this newspaper’s daily pages of Latin American news — the only full-fledged effort of its kind in North American journalism.
March 24, 1957, San Diego Union, C-1:4-8. Can San Diego Become Inter-American Cultural Center?, by Bryant Evans, Science Editor (floor plan of Museum of Man showing cultural exhibits of Mayan civilization).
Walk out of the San Diego sunshine into a Central American jungle. Walk out of the mid-Twentieth Century into the Tenth Century. Rest in the temple of a priest-led pagan people who achieved a civilized level of learning but practiced human sacrifice. Feel for a moment a past so foreign that it was never in your ancestor’s memory.
And then take just a few more steps and enter another Latin American locality that today is in the act of becoming a locality where modern methods, modern architecture, modern thinking are overcoming the Northern Mexican desert. And here you may contemplate the strange mingling of a familiar technology with a racial memory from ancient Indian America.
This is the experience that will be possible when the Museum of Man opens its imaginatively designed Latin American Hall next winter.
On one side of the room under the California Tower will be reconstructions of the Mayan civilization that reached its heyday 700 years before Columbus sailed.
Its people have been called the “intellectuals of ancient America,” because they developed an astronomy, a mathematics and a method of writing comparable to that of the old world. Their calendar was better than the one used in Europe.
On the other side of the hall, a theater of the Americas will present aspects of the life of Sonora — the Mexico of today. The story of Sonora is the study of a country that for many generations as a frontier has felt the strife and stimulation of different peoples.
These two stories typify the museum’s new policy of giving San Diego and California the tools to understand the peoples to the south. It is the first step toward creating an environment for intellectual and artistic exchanges among the various peoples of the New World. It is an overt act toward making San Diego a cultural gateway to Latin America.
The new policy is stated by Donald C. Dickinson, president of the Museum Association, in this way:
“We have decided to concentrate on the job that we can do best and the job that is most appropriate for San Diego. That is, of course, telling the story of how people live and how their customs and way of life developed in our own hemisphere. Most important to us is the story of our neighboring republic of Mexico and the other republics of Central and South America.
“We feel this is appropriate because San Diego is on our country’s southern frontier; it has a manifest economic future as a gateway to these countries. There is a demand and a need and a curiosity to know more about them. San Diego can become a cultural and an intellectual gateway as well as an economic and physical one.”
Clark Evernham, managing director of the museum, and Dr. Spencer Rogers, its scientific director, said the new Latin-American hall will be completed next winter.
They said the ancient and modern stories will be presented in contrasting methods. The Mayan story will be told with full and model sized restorations of the temples and monuments of the Mayans.
The most unusual of these will be the first full-sized reconstruction in history of a room from a temple discovered about 10 years ago in Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico.
The discovery is considered a major find by archaeologists because of its brilliant mural painting. This painting will be duplicated in full size — not as it was found in the Mexican rain forest but as it appeared when it was first built nearly 10 centuries ago.
The reproduction of the original colors has been the subject of long research by scientists at the Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C., and here, Dr. Lowell Hauser, of the San Diego art department, has made it possible to duplicate them accurately. So have technicians of the DuPont Paint Co., who found the ancient rooms can be duplicated in the most modern of paints with a vinyl base.
The use of the brilliant Mayan colors and dramatic lighting are expected to recreate for modern eyes the exotic experience of being in a temple of the Mayans. Among the scenes depicted in the Bonampak murals are the preparations for a religious dance in which the gods are personified in colorful and symbolic costumes.
San Diegans who say the Aztec dancers in the San Diego State Greek Theater during the Fiesta del Pacifico saw such costumes in the Mayan dance sequence.
A more intimate view of Mayan life will be given in a series of dioramas. There will be windows through which one can look and see what Mayan astronomers saw when they calculated the earth’s motions well enough to fashion a better calendar than Europe had at the time.
An old exhibit of the museum, a stele or monument dug up at Quirigua, will be decorated in Mayan colors as the Mayans doubtless decorated it when it was built. Behind it will be the murals from the Temple of the Jaguars in Chichen-Itza, the ancient capital of the Mayan empire in Yucatan.
Two models of restored Mayan buildings — the Castillo at Chichen-Itza and the Palace of the Governors at Uxmal will also be painted in Mayan polychrome and peopled by scale-size figures of Mayans. A dark-light map on which the Mexican and Central American sites can be located by a visitor is planned. The site can be found by pushing an appropriate button.
Evernham said the museum is planning to use robot radio guides to give conducted tours around the museum. A visitor would rent a radio on which he would hear a taped lecture which directs him through the exhibit and explains the significance of what he sees.
Evernham said the modern exhibit showing the dynamic progress of northern Mexico and its historical background will be centered in the Theater of the Americas. This will be a small structure within the main hall to seat 50 persons. In it, an automatic slide projector and an accompanying lecture and music will substitute for the static exhibits.
“This is going to tell the story of the Mexican frontier where in a few years modern agriculture and production methods have supplanted old ones,” Evernham said.
“This is the ultimate contrast with the Mayan display. Sonora is a land that has undergone wave after wave of changes. Its culture has met the challenges of the Apaches from the North, the influence of the Spanish and Central Mexican customs of the South and the technology of the United States.
“To tell the story we shall use photographic dioramas. We shall also use maps, diagrams and photographs of actual scenes. Using this method we can present as much information as would take thousands of years of static exhibits to show.”
There also will be cases of artifacts and craft material from northern Mexico. A full-size patio with a fountain and costumed figures will portray a scene from northern Mexico’s hacienda period.
The northern Mexico presentation, unlike the Mayan exhibit, will be temporary. Evernham said that after a year its exhibit would be given to the Mexican state museum at Hermosillo.
Then, he said a new exhibit representing some other phase of Mexican, Central American or South American life will be substituted for the Sonora exhibit. The use of slides will make a change in subject matter easier to accomplish.
Evernham estimated that the entire program for the Latin American Hall will cost about $25,000.
“This will only be possible,” he said, “because of certain advantages that we have here that no other museum that I know of can equal.”
“One of these is a group of volunteers who are willing to work for the satisfaction of seeing the exhibit materialize. Last year they donated 5,000 hours of work. Much of this volunteer labor has involved hard work, such as the painstaking cleaning of valuable artifacts and plain painting. Other work has been of a specialized nature and has been done by interested persons with graduate training.
“Without such help as this, the job we plan to would cost us from $50,000 to $75,000.”
Evernham said another advantage is having as a staff artist, Mrs. Victoria Nelson (?) who is able to produce be____ grounds, models and dioramas that are not only faithful to scientific fact but also to the spirit of the people they describe.
“We are determined to humanize our museum,” he said. “We think the most valuable thing we can do is to let people know how other people live, or lived. Except for the trained ethnologist, the objects and trinkets of a people are meaningless unless they are fitted into a background that tells how they are used and this we intend to do,” he said.
March 24, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1. EDITORIAL: New Era Dawns For Balboa Park.
A long awaited and most heartening project got underway in Balboa Park last week.
Restoration of the lath house began.
To those who have known this edifice only in recent years — as a dank and rotting chamber — work of its restoration may carry no great meaning. But to those who remember it in all its tropical opulence, a restored lath house is a happy prospect indeed.
To them, it holds memories of lush blossoms, exotic birds and an atmosphere redolent of the great South American orchid jungles. When the reconstruction is completed, sometime in late August, young generations and old, newcomers and third-generation San Diegans, will be able to share a rare pleasure.
Why was such a fascinating structure allowed to decay? As may be expected, part of the answer is money. It will cost $63,500 to restore and refurbish the botanical building.
Lack of money has not been the only cause of park deterioration. Also responsible has been the lack of an accepted grand design for Balboa Park planning.
This deficiency soon may be filled. Since last August the 75-member Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee has been studying the important aspects of the problem. Around the first of April, it will submit a series of recommendations based on findings of six subcommittees which have concentrated on park buildings, landscape, recreation, cultural institutions, street planning and land use, and concessionaires.
It is certainly to be hoped that there will be no recommendation for wholesale demolishing of old park buildings. Some are aged and flimsy but are beloved because of their charm.
The salvation of the lath house sets a new tone for Balboa Park. May its echoes be heard elsewhere!
March 24, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:7. T. J. Haas, Alpine, Calif., writes theater proposal endangers Balboa Park retreat.
As the city becomes bigger, noisier and smellier, Balboa Park grows as a quiet and necessary retreat for the battered city dweller and his children. Under these circumstances there is not a tree in Balboa Park that is not worth more than any civic theater.
March 25, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. San Diego Zoo most popular recreation spot, by Danah Colby.
Statistics compiled in a survey made by students of Dr. Oscar J. Kaplan at San Diego State indicate that San Diego Zoo is the most popular recreation spot in either Balboa Park or Mission Bay Park.
Of those questioned, 42 percent said they had visited the zoo one or two times within the last year. Twenty-four percent visited it three times or more.
The next most popular spot is the Balboa Park Bowl for concerts or performances. Twenty-two percent of those questioned visited the bowl one or two times. Thirteen percent visited it three or more times.
In Mission Bay Park, swimming proved the most popular attraction, 14 percent of those questioned having visited the beaches one or two times and 17 percent having gone three times or more.
The survey was taken as part of Kaplan’s class in public opinion measurement. Field work for the survey was done in October, 1956. Students interviewed 480 respondents. Each geographical area in metropolitan San Diego was represented. Equal numbers of men and women were interviewed.
Following are complete results of the survey (See Newspaper article for figures.)
- Which of the following Balboa park facilities have you visited or used during 1956?
3 times or more 1 or 2 times Not used or visited
Zoo 24 42 34
Picnic 10 21 69
Golf course 4 3 93
Swimming pool 3 3 94
Globe Theater 7 19 74
Museums 13 22 65
Balboa Park Bowl 13 22 65
- Which of the following Mission Bay Park facilities have you visited or used during 1956?
3 times or more 1 or 2 times Not used or visited
Boating-water skiing 7 8 85
Swimming 17 14 69
Picnic areas 11 15 74
Fishing 5 4 91
- Assuming that Mission Bay Park is completed and that existing Balboa Park facilities are improved, in your opinion which park will be a greater tourist attraction?
Balboa Park 44
Mission Bay Park 32
Undecided 23
Other 1
March 26, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. J. H. Neil writes physical education should come before culture.
Let’s build gymnasia and recreation areas and provide a solid vigorous physical education program for our children. Then, if we can afford culture, both our youth and our culture will have much better chance for survival.
March 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:5-6. Mayor Dail has issued 2,000 invitations to a noon luncheon April 9 at the U. S. Grant Hotel to stir interest in the proposed civic theater and music hall, which will be voted on in a city election April 16.
March 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-20:3-4. The San Diego Drama Guild will present William Inge’s “Bus Stop,” a comedy, for one performance only at 8:30 tonight in the Puppet Theater, Balboa Park.
March 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-20:6. “The Tender Trap,” a spicy comedy by Max Schulman and John Paul Smith, was cordially indorsed by the customers at the preview and again at last night’s opening at the Old Globe Theater, by Constance Herreshoff.
March 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-28:6-8. “Women at Work” seek theater in Balboa Park, by Kathryn Steffan.
March 28, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Mary G. Marston writes letter saying civic theater in Balboa Park has great merit.
We need an easily accessible, well appointed building. Where could we find a better site than the one proposed? It has room for parking and is near a bus line. It will add to the value of our park as a
March 29, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. M. F. Culbertson writes Ford Building offers theater site.
The Ford Buildings has never been an asset to the park. It is out of harmony with the architecture of the other buildings. Now it is used only for storage. It seems to me it would be of great benefit to raze the Ford Building and put the new civic theater there.
March 30, 1957, San Diego Union, B-12:7. Richard D. Cooley, La Mesa, writes letter in answer to letter by Mr. Neil; says gymnasia are not as important as “culture.”
March 30, 1957, San Diego Union, B-12:7-8. Florence R. Goss, San Diego, writes theater-music hall not compatible with commercial convention hall.
San Diego is so fortunate in possessing both beauty of setting and fine climate and these assets are something wonderful and unique. They are ours, and herein lies our fame. Balboa Park is another blessing with its art gallery, Globe Theater, museums and Balboa Park Bowl with its outstanding summer musical programs rapidly spreading the fame of San Diego’s “Festival of the Arts” throughout the country. Now, let’s add to our Balboa Park — a beautiful civic theater-music hall.
April 2, 1957, San Diego Union, 9:3. Unanimous support for the proposed civic theater in Balboa Park was expressed last night by a panel at a public forum on the theater bond issue attended by 75 persons in the House of Hospitality, Balboa Park.
Three speakers — Supervisor Dent, Mrs. Henry B. Clark and architect Lloyd Ruocco — discussed the theater project and answered questions at the forum, sponsored by the San Diego Town Meeting.
Mrs. Marguerite Schwarzman, chairman of the town meeting organization, said there is no organized opposition to the theater proposal.
Two women spoke in opposition from the floor. One, Miss Margaret Culbertson, of 1648 Adams Avenue, said three groups would vote against the theater. She listed them as persons opposing higher taxes, those favoring keeping the park as a park, and citizens who believe the site is wrong.
Mrs. Harriett Synder, of 3524 Alabama Street, said she opposed the park site because of congestion.
April 3, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10:3. Applications are being accepted by the San Diego Community Theater for scholarships to the acting company of the National Shakespeare Festival.
April 4, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:8. Exhibits representing thousands of hours of study and work started to move into Conference Building, Balboa Park, last night.
April 4, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Helen Muehleisen in favor of civic theater and music hall in Florida Canyon.
April 5, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:1-2, A-20:6-7. Exhibits placed for third annual Greater San Diego Science Fair; judging today.
April 6, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Science Fair Inspires All.
The Science Fair will be open through Tuesday. From it, everyone can derive both scientific education and personal inspiration. Don’t miss it.
April 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-23:8, A-24:2-3. Mission Bay airport weighed; park section suggested in site report; problem referred to presidential coordinating group.
April 7, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:7. Carol Sperry in favor of a Japanese tea house in Balboa Park.
April 7, 1957, San Diego Union, F-11:1-3. The nation’s largest rose show will be held next Saturday and Sunday in the Conference Building, Balboa Park.
April 8, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:5. Three thousand see exhibits at Science Fair.
April 8, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. John Cotton, San Diego, says ladies should get credit for civic theater.
. . . this is a use for which we have been saving our Balboa Park.
April 8, 1957, San Diego Union, B2:8. Mary Buck Farrow, San Diego, writes new theater is ideally located.
April 9, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:7-8. Navy effects hospital cut at Coronado; family in-patient care eliminated; 47 workers shifted to park unit.
April 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2. Theater bond issue approval foreseen; Mayor Dail predicts success during luncheon meeting of project’s backers.
April 10, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. Harry Warburton for theater in Florida Canyon.
April 11, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:1. Civic theater backers name 91 to committee.
April 13, 1957, San Diego Union, A-5:4-6. Easter Sunrise services to be held in Balboa Park and county areas.
April 13, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. 110 fancy autos displayed in Electric Building.
April 14, 1957, San Diego Union, A-23:4-5. Women spearhead Civic Theater plan; $3.5 million bond issue up to voters; project conceived by distaff leaders (architect’s sketch of civic theater in Balboa Park).
Last week Sam Hamill, one of the consulting architects who made preliminary plans for the proposed theater, told a mayor’s civic luncheon how the theater would eliminate the critical parking problems at Russ Auditorium. The auditorium is used mostly for theatrical and musical productions.
Hamill said plans for the theater call for split level parking lots on the site to accommodate 1500 cars, more than enough for capacity audiences.
He said the parking terraces would take advantage of the sloping terrain from Park Boulevard to the east. The terraces would be at the sides and rear of the theater and a patron could park on the same level as his theater seat.
April 14, 1957, San Diego Union, A-23:8. City’s voters will choose three councilmen Tuesday; three propositions include Civic Theater bonds; only 40 percent of registration is expected to ballot, by Henry Love (architect’s sketch of civic theater in Balboa Park).
A ballot issue proposition promoted almost entirely by women will be decided by San Diego voters at the municipal election Tuesday.
The proposition would authorize $3,500,000 in bonds for construction of a civic theater on an undeveloped seven-acre site just east of Park Boulevard in Balboa Park.
Plans call for a 3,000-seat theater for the presentation of theatrical and musical events, lectures, public meetings, motion pictures and live television performances.
Conceived by women civic and social leaders, the civic theater proposal has been directed and financed by women. For these reasons it is unusual among San Diego bond issues.
However, the proposition is more than the pet project of club women. It has received support from organizations in every facet of San Diego life. And numerous men and men’s organizations have assisted in the campaign.
Last week Sam Hamill, one of the consulting architects who made preliminary plans for the proposed theater, told a mayor’s civic luncheon how the theater would eliminate the critical parking problem at Russ Auditorium. The auditorium is used mostly for theatrical and musical productions.
Hamill said plans for the theater call for split-level parking lots on the site to accommodate 1,500 cars, more than enough for a capacity audience.
He said the parking terraces would take advantage of the sloping terrain from Park Boulevard to the east. The terraces would be at the sides and rear of the theater and a patron could park on the same level as his theater seat.
One terrace on each side of the theater would provide parking on the balcony level, Hamill said. A lower one on each side would be on the same level as the orchestra seats.
Another terrace, lower and farther east, would run from north to south behind the theater. It would provide parking for performers and deliveries to the theater workroom beneath the stage.
Elevators would carry patrons from the lower level to the orchestra and balcony levels, Hamill said.
He said entrance and egress to the parking lots would be provided from Laurel Drive, Park Boulevard, Florida Drive and Morley Field Drive.
The number of exits would provide rapid dispersal of cars, Hamill said.
Proponents of the proposition have said that parking is only one of the deficiencies in local cultural facilities that would be alleviated by a civic theater in the park.
Other shortcomings are in acoustics, lighting, air conditioning, orchestra, pit, dressing rooms and stage equipment, they said.
The civic theater would be equipped with the most modern seats, air conditioning, lighting and acoustics and attractive draperies and curtains.
There would be a large stage and proscenium arch, adequate dressing rooms for performers, a rehearsal room for orchestra and choral groups, storage space and lockers, motion picture projection booths and offices.
The stage would be 150 feet by 50 feet and the proscenium arch would be 75 feet wide and 35 feet high.
Supporters say the theater would attract more and better cultural events and larger audiences, raising the cultural level of the community.
Because the land is city-owned, the cost of acquiring private land for a site would be eliminated. This also would mean no loss of tax revenues to the city through the removal of property from the tax rolls.
Other salient features of the civic theater listed by its supporters are”
The site is convenient because it is near the city’s population center. It can be easily reached by cars, trucks and public transportation.
Located in a pleasant setting, the civic theater would be architecturally attractive, conforming to its functional use and the requirements of the setting.
It would be built of reinforced concrete and steel. It would be fireproof and would occupy 40,000 square feet of ground space.
Inside the structure will be seating for 3,000 persons, a spacious entrance lobby with box office, a large foyer with a lounge, a large stage, orchestra pit and an engineer’s control room.
The orchestra pit would accommodate 75 musicians.
An expenditure of $3,500,000 would finance the entire project. The city would sell 25-year general obligation bonds at about 3 percent interest. The average annual cost to the city would be approximately $194,600. This would cost the average home owner about 96 cents.
The theater would be controlled by the city’s governing body. It would be managed by a department head or a appointee.
Operation of the theater would be as nearly self-sustaining as possible. Rental rates and charges would be predetermined. All expenses incident to the production of events would be charged to the events.
Only actual management and maintenance expenses would be charged to the theater.
Mayor Dail has said that the civic theater is not planned to replace other needed public assembly facilities in San Diego.
April 14, 1957, San Diego Union, A-24:1-2. “Montezuma Rose,” queen of show.
April 14, 1957, San Diego Union, A-30:1. Crippled children will be special guests at the Easter Parade of Wheels Sunday noon at the Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park.
April 14, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Civic Theater Issue One For Voters To Decide.
The civic theater this time goes before the voters on its own merits. Previously, a civic theater had been included in a combined downtown facility which called for a convention hall, sports arena and little theater as well. The voters twice rejected this much more costly and elaborate project. The civic theater proposal has the added advantage of being located on publicly owned unused land. The theater would take its place with the city’s other major cultural structures in Balboa Park.
The civic theater has not been confronted with an organized opposition though disapproval has been expressed by the San Diego Taxpayers’ Association. Some political figures and leaders have questioned the timing over other civic projects.
April 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:1-2. “Zip,” San Diego Zoo’s prize chimp, has heart ailment, by E. G. Martin.
April 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-3. Annual Rose Show draws 5,000 visitors here.
April 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2. Spring Fair of Modern Home Ideas, April 23-28, in Electric Building.
April 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:8. Four robbed in Balboa Park area.
April 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:3. Women to urge theater backing in phone drive.
April 16, 1957, ELECTION: Proposition A – Shall the City of San Diego incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal sum of $3,500,000 for the acquisition and construction by said city of a municipal improvement, to wit: a civic theater, with vehicle parking thereof, to be located within an area of Balboa Park, bounded on the west by Park Boulevard, on the north by Morley Field Drive, on the east by Florida Street, and on the south by Laurel Drive; said civic theater to be used for pageants, public gatherings and other public uses, and to include radio and television facilities, movie projection booth, equipment, furniture and furnishings, and all incidental facilities necessary therefor, and said improvement to include construction and public utilities, paving, drains, sewers, structures and facilities therefor?
Yes 31,804 (31.72%)
No 25,441
April 17, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8, A-2:3. Schneider, Kerrigan whip challengers in light city voting; Civil Service, Pueblo Land Proposals Okayed as Auditorium Misses Required Support, Ross G. Tharp defeats John M. Ashton for Council seat vacated by Claire Burgener, by Henry Love.
April 18, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Architects’ Institute Honors Samuel W. Hamill, San Diego Architect.
Samuel W. Hamill, 54, a San Diego architect, has been selected as a fellow of the American Institute of Architects. He will go to the Washington, D. C. Institute headquarters to accept a medal and diploma in connection with the honor during the organization’s centennial convention May 13-18. Only two other San Diegans, William Templeton Johnson and Louis J. Gill have been named Institute fellows. Both are retired.
Fellowships in the AIA are limited to 3 percent of the professional organization’s initial membership. Hamill was chosen by a jury of fellows, he was told by Edmund Purvis, executive secretary of the Institute.
Hamill, a native of Globe, Arizona, came here in 1908 when he was 5. He attended San Diego High School and San Diego State before taking an architectural degree from the University of California. He became a junior partner in the firm of Requa & Jackson and in 19?0 became its sole operator when his partners retired.
One of the architects designing the proposed Hall of Justice here, Hamill helped design the Casa de Temp and the Veterans War Memorial Building in Balboa Park, the Civic Center, the Del Mar fairgrounds and other San Diego County structures. He is a director and past president of the San Diego chapter of the Institute.
Hamill was president of the Community Chest for two years and served as chairman of its budget committee, of which he is still a member. He is a member of the boards of the Fine Arts Society and the Museum of Man. He lives at 4467 Ampudia Street.
April 18, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:1. EDITORIAL: The No’s Had It.
Despite the tireless advocacy of a dedicated band of women, Proposition A — the civic theater — was rejected by the voters in Tuesday’s city election.
It marked the third time San Diegans have turned down propositions which would provide civic theater facilities in one form or another. Unlike the previous attempts, this week’s proposition split off the civic theater from convention hall proposals; a different site was to be used.
The need for public assembly facilities in San Diego is undenied. Indeed, in two of the three elections a majority of the voters wanted the project to begin. In Tuesday’s election, the “YES” vote was 31,471; the “NO” 25,264. In the first 1956 election 62,751 approved and 41,063 disapproved.
In bond issues of this type, a two-thirds majority must approve. It is a responsibility of the city government and community leadership to find the combination of site and facilities which will win the required amount of approval.
April 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:4. The combined Junior and Senior Bonham Brothers Boys’ Bands will present a 90-number Easter concert at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Balboa Park Bowl.
April 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-6. New fountain in Flaming Lagoon at San Diego Zoo is accepted as gift to city (illus.).
April 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10:1-3. An egg hunt in Golden Hill Park, a parade on Imperial Avenue and a band concert in Balboa Park today will conclude organized Easter festivities which began in the San Diego area yesterday.
April 21, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-3:3-4. Santos and Missions: timeless, timely art on view.
April 22, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6. Approximately 700 persons braved showers to be at the community Easter service at the Organ Pavilion, sponsored by the San Diego County Council of Churches.
April 23, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13;8. Spring Fair to open tonight.
April 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:2-3. Spring Fair opening attracts 15,000.
April 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Modern Fair attendance to top 100,000.
April 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6. “Zip,” the San Diego Zoo chimpanzee, has recovered from his heart trouble; will perform again.
April 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:1-4. U. S. Navy will dedicate Surgical Building at Naval Hospital.
April 29, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5. Home Idea Fair ends; estimated 135,000 attended.
April 30, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:6. The City Council yesterday considered a request to remove the Starlight stage framework during symphony concerts.
May 4, 1957, San Diego Union, A-7:4-5. “Witness for Prosecution” by Agatha Christie at Old Globe.
May 8, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. Arthur Godfrey to be guest star in “The California Story.”
May 12, 1957, San Diego Union, A-37:1-2. Craft, Hobby show attracted 3,500 to Conference Building yesterday, where more than 325 exhibits are on display.
May 12, 1957, San Diego Union, A-39:2-3. A program cutting down on daytime park watering and other conservation measures was announced yesterday by Leo B. Calland, city park and recreation department director.
May 13, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2. Tribute to mothers at Organ Pavilion.
May 13, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. Harry Warburton writes private enterprise could build theater in Balboa Park.
May 16, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:1-3, A-20:1. Naval Hospital dedicates 9-story surgical structure, by Bryant Evans.
May 17, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. M. D. Marcus, San Diego, writes two reasons spelled defeat of theater.
There are two major reasons, one of which seems a bit far removed from theatrical productions. That is the sewer bond issue.
The other reason is that people feel that the park already has too much blacktop and concrete.
May 18, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2. San Diego Home Show will open at 1 p.m. today in Electric Building.
May 18, 1957, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. “Witness for the Prosecution” at Old Globe full of unexpected.
May 19, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:7-8. C. I. Jerabek says Botanical Gardens in Balboa Park should be expanded.
The lath house of the Botanical Building in Balboa Park is being reconstructed. We hope that as soon as this is completed, the glass house will be rebuilt. Without an enclosed place that can be heated, a botanical garden would not be anything.
One tourist out of 10 on coming to San Diego asks this question: Where is the famous Botanical Garden of Balboa Park. Now I am asking, where is it?
May 19, 1957, San Diego Union, F-7:1-8. Home Show underway; exhibits draw crowds; Rumpus Room, Hawaiian home on display (map)..
May 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-3. Renovation of Botanical Building will be completed by July 1 (illus.).
The City Council awarded a $63,500 contract April 12 to Nielsen Construction Co. to renovate the lath house and install a new electrical system.
May 24, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Mercedes S. Gleason says Hall of Science in Balboa Park could aid students.
May 26, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:3-4. Folk dance fete in Balboa Park to attract 2,000.
May 26, 1957, San Diego Union, 17:3. Balboa Park Citizens’ Study Committee to make report to City Council tomorrow.
May 26, 1957, San Diego Union, F-10:1-3. Home Show ends tonight.
May 27, 1957, Balboa park Citizens’ Study.
- 71. Landscaping Committee Report – Section 29.
Section 29 is the area around the Veterans’ War Memorial Building. It is bounded by Zoo Drive, Park Boulevard and the northerly line of the Park Boulevard parking lot. This is a small and recent development and requires little improvement. The only recommendation is for additional trees to be planted to breakup and shade the vast expanse of lawn area.
Undesignated Areas.
Consideration has been given to areas of Balboa Park which are not included in the numbered sections and still are not within allocations to independent agencies or developed for a specialized use.
Such an area is the east side of Park Boulevard from Morley Field Drive to Laurel Street, or El Prado. The landscape development of this section is already included in the Master Plan. The committee recommends that those proposals stand.
The Florida Drive Canyon area will doubtless be given over to an increased traffic way. No landscape development is proposed at this time due to priorities established for other areas. It is also the feeling of this Committee that the natural state of this canyon has its own merit and need not be disturbed. It is recommended, however, that cuts along Laurel Drive and Florida, as well as those at the intersection of Laurel and Pershing Drives, be given a ground cover. Ground cover is also recommended for all cut portions along Florida Drive.
Specific recommendations for Morley Field, from this Committee, are impossible due to pending revision of recreation and traffic facilities. These changes are inevitable results of the relocated golf course.
Wherever topography permits, after the construction of the Date Street Freeway, it is recommended that screen planting be made on both sides of Pershing Drive, from 18th Street to 26th Street Road, to hide the cuts made by development of the Naval Hospital grounds and by the City’s Public Works Service and Storage Yards.
And, since it affects a major street as well as Balboa Park, this Landscaping Committee wants to reiterate its objection to the proposal to remove a row of Cocos plumosa on the easterly side of Sixth Avenue to permit the widening of this avenue in excess of that proposed in the major street plan.
May 28, 1957, San Diego Union, 17:1-8, A-23:1-3. City gets Park Development Plan; Citizens Committee submits blueprint for improvements; Closing of Laurel Street to traffic; End to horseback riding, archery proposed, by Peter Kaye (illus.).
Lease Policy Surveyed, Wins Praise: City lease policies in Balboa Park were commended yesterday by the commercial subcommittee of the Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee.
“Present leasing policies in effect should not be changed due to the unique situation and unusual business conditions in Balboa Park,” the report said.
“We feel there has been much thought give by the city to setting up the present schedule. We highly commend and approve the action that has been taken and the management of the leases at present.”
The subcommittee studies contracts, leases and administrative regulations. Fifty-two leases were reviewed. Hugh L. McCoy was subcommittee chairman.
Twenty-nine Acre [sic] Landscaping Program Advocated: The landscape subcommittee of the Balboa Park Citizens Committee yesterday submitted details for developing 29 areas of the park.
“The greatest effect of this report should be to alert San Diego citizens and administration not only to the needs for additional landscape development but also to the additional maintenance program necessary to salvage what already has been planted and developed,” the report said.
The 29 areas generally already are planted. The subcommittee, headed by Edward A. Heilbron, also outlined a general plans for undeveloped park areas.
Complete Overhaul of Park’s Traffic System Requested; Plan Proposes To Eliminate Congestion By Keeping Autos From Center Area: A complete overhaul of streets and parking areas was recommended yesterday by the traffic subcommittee of the Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee.
Generally the plan would eliminate congestion by removing auto traffic from the center of the park; improving access along freeways, major streets and park roads; building new perimeter parking lots and setting up a system of public transportation to the park and within the park.
Some of the major recommendations of the subcommittee, headed by Ray E. Stauffer, follow:
- Three major freeways and proposed Highway 101 and Switzer Canyon will lie partly within the park and will carry the bulk of visitors to and from the park.
- Five major streets will carry the remainder of the through traffic — Sixth Avenue, Park Boulevard; Florida Street which would be extended south to 25th Street; 28th Street, and a proposed east-west through road along Olive Street Canyon to connect with the Cabrillo Freeway at the Richmond Street overhead.
- Construction of a loop park road surrounding the cultural area with connections to Park Boulevard, Cabrillo Freeway and Balboa Drive; construction of a new road from Park Boulevard to 16th Street and Russ Boulevard; connection of Eighth Avenue and Balboa Drive to Sixth Avenue and improvement of other existing park roadways.
- Closing of El Prado (Laurel Street) between Cabrillo Bridge and Park Boulevard to auto traffic.
- Construction of new parking lots east of the Globe Theater; south of the Electric Building; in Gold Gulch Canyon; north of Balboa Stadium; at the site of the Children’s Home; west of the Naval Hospital; west of Florida Street; at the proposed new golf course clubhouse, and northeast of Park Boulevard at El Prado.
- Development of public transportation to major park events and installation of electric cars, pony cars, rickshaws or skyways to operate entirely within the park.
- Improvement of pedestrian ways and elimination of equestrian trails.
City Council Gets Development Plan for Park: A blueprint for future development of Balboa Park was presented to the City Council yesterday by the Balboa Park Committee. For two hours Dr. Douglas McElfresh, committee chairman, summarized the eight-month work of 75 committee members.
The 80-page report that McElfresh read contains recommendations of six subcommittees — buildings, finance, traffic, recreation, landscaping and cultural and educational.
Its scope covers the entire 1400 acres of the park for the next 50 years, McElfresh told reporters. It does not contain a timetable for proposed improvements, an estimate of their cost, or a recommendation for their financing.
“We were asked to develop the type of park that would best serve the community,” McElfresh said, “with no recommendation on economics. Finances are not a part of this study.”
Subjects covered ranged from pony carts to freeways, from archery to the zoo. Some of the important recommendations included:
- Removal of such major buildings as the Medical Arts Building, American Legion Building, Administration Building, House of Charm, the gymnasium and the Food and Beverage Building.
- Intensive development of Morley Field as a recreational area.
- Closing of El Prado (Laurel Street) to auto traffic.
- Development of the Ford Building for the future use of the Museum of Man or another exhibit of unusual interest.
- Prohibition of archery, horseback riding and model airplanes and model autos from the park.
McElfresh told reporters that the recommendations represented an attempt to preserve the heritage of the park and at the same time to increase its usefulness.
Traffic and parking, for example, should be placed around the edges of the park to permit cultural, educational and recreational activities to develop in a central pedestrian island.
Recreational activities would be kept east of Park Boulevard and separate from museums, theaters and galleries. Landscaping would blend in existing and proposed parking areas and roads.
The committee commended the city’s present leases with commercial interests within the park. It recommended a stepped up program to publicize park activities. Facilities and activities for senior citizens were encouraged.
“That our primarily practical people have for so long been deeply moved and attracted by the beauty of the composite of buildings and gardens at Balboa Park,” the report said, “is proof positive that all future development must be directed to continue this esthetic masterpiece through carefully considered maintenance and development.”
Balboa Park’s future was referred to the committee by the City Council last year after the Chamber of Commerce requested a decision on renovation of park buildings.
The study later was expanded to include other aspects of present and future park use. Committee members included both public officials and private citizens, technical experts and laymen interested in park development. McElfresh is a North Part optometrist.
Mayor Dail dismissed the committee after thanking members for their time and effort. He asked the executive committee to remain on call for future discussions with the council.
In addition to McElfresh, the executive committee consists of Robert Frazee and Arthur Butler, vice chairman; Paul B. Rayburn, chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission; Leo Calland, park and recreation director; and Philip L. Acker, Dail’s administrative assistant.
Demolition Urged For Many Buildings; Retention of Architectural Heritage Recommended in Replacement Plans: The buildings subcommittee of the Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee yesterday recommended retention of the park’s architectural heritage in the face of demolition of many park buildings. More than half the 31 buildings surveyed were recommended for demolition eventually. Most of them were built as temporary structures for the 1915 and 1935 world fairs.
“To the thousands of citizens who wish to retain Balboa Park in all its beauty and to many of those citizens who dread the removal of a single beautiful old structure,” the report said, “we call attention to the fact that the immutable hand of time and decay will sooner or later destroy each of the temporary structures.”
It said the greatest tribute would be to carry on a continuing program of park development to replace each building or garden with a structure of commensurate beauty.
Major recommendations of the subcommittee headed by Samuel W. Hamill follow:
Park and Recreation Department Administration Building – Be retained until offices are relocated then structure be torn down and area landscaped.
Museum of Man – Be retained permanently.
Globe Theater – Be retained until comparative facilities can be obtained elsewhere.
Medical Arts Building – Be retained until Fine Arts Gallery expands into area. If Fine Arts Gallery does not expand, building should be reevaluated and possibly removed.
Fine Arts Gallery – Be retained permanently.
American Legion Building – Be removed prior to Medical Arts Building. It is understood contemplates expanding into area [sic].
Botanical Building – Be retained permanently.
Food and Beverage Building – Be removed unless a usage exists that justifies its replacement in permanent construction. If building is removed, exposed ground should be suitably landscaped.
Spanish Village – Be retained until a more critical use appears for the area.
Natural History Museum – Be retained permanently.
House of Hospitality – Be retained.
House of Charm – Be retained only until proper redevelopment plans are made for the area.
Organ Pavilion – Be retained permanently.
Federal Building – Be retained permanently if its exterior is redesigned architecturally to improve its appearance.
Gymnasium – Its location crowds Balboa Park Bowl. Its removal would provide better access to proposed new parking areas.
Balboa Park Bowl – Be retained if rebuilt for permanency.
Ford Building – Retention depends upon use considerations and consideration of the unusual area available.
Conference Building – Be retained if need continues.
Palisades Building – Present uses eventually will require relocation.
Balboa Park Club – Be retained through its useful life.
House of Pacific Relations – Be retained for buildings’ useful life.
Photographic Arts Building – May be considered for retention for the balance of its useful life depending upon use considerations.
Floral Society Building – May be considered for retention for the balance of its useful life depending upon use considerations.
Panel Urges Stadium for Park Tennis; 2,000 Capacity – Construction of a 2,000-seat tennis stadium and improvements in other recreation facilities were recommended yesterday by the Recreation subcommittee of the Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee.
The subcommittee, headed by Ivor de Kirby, recommended archery activities be removed from Balboa Park and auto racing from Balboa Stadium. It said equestrian activities will have to be removed from the park when construction of the crosstown freeway begins.
Better facilities for picnicking and elderly persons were recommended, including bridge, shuffleboard and lawn bowling.
The subcommittee recommended recreational activities be continued in the Palisades and El Prado areas, including gymnasium events, arts and crafts, square dancing, dramatics, model railroading, horseshoes, shuffleboard, lawn bowling, bridge and drill teams.
The subcommittee said the present 18-hole golf course should be enlarged to 27 holes when the Switzer Canyon freeway is developed.
The subcommittee suggested Morley Field should be developed as follows:
- Improvement of the fly casting pool.
- Construction of nine or ten tennis courts, storage space, a clubhouse and dressing rooms.
- Development of a new picnic area and ball field for picnickers. Improvements to the present ball field.
- Maintenance of the cross country track.
- Elimination of model airplane and automobile activities because of the noise.
The subcommittee said auto racing should be removed from Balboa Stadium and a permanent athletic running track be installed.
May 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:8. Balboa Park Citizens Study panel urges 2,000-seat tennis stadium in Balboa Park.
May 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-23. Added Cultural Facilities Asked: A program that would allow retention and expansion of most cultural and educational facilities within Balboa Park was recommended yesterday.
The cultural and educational subcommittee of the Balboa Citizens Study Committee made these general findings and recommendations.
- Space near the present site of the Natural History Museum should be retained for expansion. City and county schools should reimburse the museum for special services rendered.
- The Museum of Man facilities are poorly arranged. Management of the facility suggest a move to the Ford Building if the city would repair it. Such a move would cost the museum $213,000.
- The Ford Building should be made available for the Museum of Man or another exhibit of unusual public interest.
- The American Legion Building and Medical Arts Building should be razed to permit construction of wings to the Fine Arts Gallery.
- Spanish Village should be brought up to a better standard of maintenance and should be renamed. Tenants should keep their studios open and artists should be required to be actively working at least half of the hours the building is open.
- Dressing rooms, public rest rooms, box offices, concession stands and a scene dock should be provided for Star Light performances. These facilities also would improve conditions for summer symphonies.
- Electronic transmission of organ music from the outdoor concerts might be transmitted from speakers to the California Tower to compensate for light attendance.
- The San Diego Zoo should be granted its request for additional land between Cabrillo Freeway and the Globe Theater.
- The Fire Alarm Station should be removed from the park.
- The Children’s Home should be moved to a more suitable location outside the park.
- Consideration should be given to providing space for a planetarium and a science and industry museum in the park.
- Continuation of existing facilities is generally recommended for Business Man’s Art Group, Junior Theater, House of Pacific Relations, Youth Symphony, Roosevelt Junior High School, House of Hospitality, Naval Hospital, San Diego High School, San Diego Junior College, Snyder Continuation School and Floral and Photographic Arts Building. J. Colin Hodge was subcommittee chairman.
May 29, 1957, San Diego Union, A-8:3-4. Junior Theater will hold down the morning stint by rehearsing some six plays beginning June 25, with production dates set for the last week in July and the first week in August
One junior high three-act production will be presented in the Recital Hall, Balboa Park. . . . Four 40-minute plays will tour city playgrounds during week of July 29th.
May 30, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Charles Shatto, civic organist, will present a Memorial Day program Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in Organ Pavilion.
May 31, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-3. Folk Dancers open four-day festival; 2,000 participants expected (illus.).
The United Folk Dance Association of San Diego, composed of three clubs in San Diego and one in Chula Vista, is host for the convention, the first to be held here. It is sponsored by the city Park and Recreation Department and the Folk Dance Federation of California.
May 31, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:2. EDITORIAL: Broad Blueprint.
A great deal of fact-finding and thought obviously were expended by the Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee in preparing the survey of the park’s needs.
June 3, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4. A colorful parade and lawn program at the House of Pacific Relations yesterday was the closing event in a four-day festival of the Folk Dance Federation of California; approximately 1200 persons attended one or more sessions of the festival.
June 3, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2. Mary Coffen horrified by recommendation of Citizens Study Committee which urged an end to horseback riding in Balboa Park.
June 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5. Children’s Zoo to open June 30; reflects new concept; located on 1.75 acres of land; cost $190,000; designed by Lloyd Ruocco.
June 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-9:4-5. A. J. Sutherland, president of the summer celebration, announced yesterday that a featured event two weekends during the second annual Fiesta del Pacifico will be an outdoor Fiesta Art Mart in Balboa Park.
June 23, 1957, San Diego Union, 11:2. O. W. Todd, Jr. and Ed Breitbard ask use of House of Charm as Sports Hall of Fame; Fiesta del Pacific asks use of an undetermined number of buildings; Industrial Development Council will ask for Ford Building as a Science Museum.
June 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-18:1. Sixty-nine boy scouts break camp in Balboa Park.
June 24, 1957, San Diego Union, B:1-8. The old Spanish plaza this summer will be transformed into a Spanish market for the Fiesta del Pacifico.
June 26, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6. Fiesta asks control of park units.
Directors of the Fiesta del Pacifico yesterday asked the City Council for exclusive use next year of the Ford Building and the Spanish Village in Balboa Park. They also requested a $50,000 city contribution and $75,000 worth of city services. A. J. Sutherland, Fiesta president, said he would like a decision by August 1.
Wayne Dailard, Fiesta producer manager, estimated it would cost $86,000 to rehabilitate the Ford Building for use as an exhibit hall. He said the Fiesta would maintain the building and Spanish Village.
The Council earlier this year tabled a Fiesta request for use of the Ford Building until completion of a citizens’ committee report on the development of Balboa Park.
Graydon Hoffman, a Fiesta vice president, said the Fiesta would get about $335,000 through the sale of space in the Ford Building under a plan to market it as an international exhibit building. Sutherland said 60 firms have indicated they would purchase space there. He said the Fiesta plans to use the building for about 60 days, starting in August 1958.
June 27, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:6. Austin W. Corditz suggests changes to script of “The California Story.”
June 29, 1957, San Diego Union, B-12:2. EDITORIAL: Real Life Fairy Tale.
The small monarchs of San Diego’s new junior-sized animal kingdom will survey their domain tomorrow when the Children’s Zoo opens in Balboa Park. It’s a democratic kingdom, however, for the children, ranging in age from 2 to 10, will be on hand-to-paw and nose-to-nose terms with their subjects once past the 25-inch high ticket counter.
Three years of planning an designing went into this fairy tale come to life. Everything to delight the heart of a child has been incorporated in the 1-1/3rd acre, $200,000 project. There are burros and turtles to pet, monkeys to make faces at and 200 animals and 30 exhibits to see.
The zoo is built to the scale of a child of four years. Adults who can’t stoop, duck or bend over will have to settle for animal crackers.
June 29, 1957, San Diego Union, B-12:7. Margarita Faxton wants more local talent in Fiesta del Pacifico.
June 30, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:2-4, E-3:3-8. A little zoo for little people, by Jack Miner (drawing of plan).
Because feeding the animals is exciting for children, the push carts and refreshment stands are supplied with appropriate foot which can be purchased and fed to the animals.
July 1, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:1-5, A-17:3. Dad, Mom “help” kids open Children’s Zoo, by E. G. Martin (illus.(.
July 4, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. “Guys and Dolls” to open tonight at Starlight Opera.
July 5, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. “Guys and Dolls” in colorful start, by Joe Brooks.
July 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. Puppeteer series will open today in Puppet Theater.
July 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-29:1. City Council will discuss park buildings use Tuesday with Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee; will also discuss use of Balboa Park buildings by Fiesta del Pacifico, Breitbard Foundation and Industrial Development Council.
July 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-31:7-8, A-34:7. Variety spices your appetite at Balboa Park, by Even A. Koala.
July 8, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:1-8. Fiesta! San Diego hears call for celebration, by Alfred Jacoby.
July 8, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8. Botanical Building restored in park.
The renovated Balboa Park Botanical Building will be turned over to the city Thursday, one month ahead of schedule, W. Allen Perry, Balboa Park superintendent, said yesterday.
It won’t be open to the public for five or six months, however. Perry said it will take that long to plant flowers and trees inside, realign paths and do other necessary work.
July 9, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6-7. Summer concerts will open tonight.
July 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-7:4-5. City may call a halt to organ recitals; Council members cited low attendance records at the concerts in questioning the advisability of extending organist Charles Shatto’s contract and contract for Leonard L. Dowling to tune and maintain the organ for another year.
July 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5, A-20:3. Balmy evening greets San Diego Symphony concert series opening.
July 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6-7. Symphony opening warmly received, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 14, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1. George Sementovsky to be guest pianist Tuesday at the Robert Shaw-directed Summer Symphony, (photo).
July 14, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1. “South Pacific” is next for Starlight Opera; Maxine Edwards as “Bloody Mary” (photo).
July 14, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:4-8, E-2:3. “King Lear” to open Old Globe Festival with Don Gunderson in lead part, by Priscilla Sellman (illus.)
July 14, 1957, San Diego Union, E-3:3-8. Art in Action: Children’s Zoo, a lesson in form, by Dr. Armin Keitzmann (photo of spider monkey cage).
The architects and artists who set up the “magic stage” of the Children’s Zoo were Lloyd and Ilse Ruocco, Charles Faust, John H. Dirks, William Noonan, Jean Swiggett, Barbara Wand and Gilbert A. Watrous, all of San Diego, Louis W. Walker of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Mervin W Larson constructed the rodent’s tunnel. Supervisor of construction was Robert Jarboe.
July 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:1. San Diegans marked French Bastille Day yesterday at House of Pacific Relations.
July 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:2-3. Devotees defend organ concerts.
July 17, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10:3-4. Second concert of San Diego Symphony in Ford Bowl, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 17, 1957, San Diego Union, A-12:3. City Council plans conference on organ concerts.
July 17, 1957, San Diego Union, B-5:4. Chamber of Commerce supports Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee’s recommendations.
July 18, 1957, San Diego Union, B-4:4-5. City Manager Campbell outlines park building use plan.
Both Fiesta del Pacifico and Museum of Man could use a rehabilitated Ford Building under a plan outlined by City Manager Campbell.
Balboa Park Citizen’s Study recommended it be used to house the Museum of Man to replace the antiquated museum building.
Tom Fletcher, assistant to the City Manager, explained:
- City would pay $100,000 for rehabilitation of the building.
- Permit the Fiesta to use it for 5 or 6 years as a trade show building for Inter-American products.
- Require the Fiesta to pay the cost of rehabilitation from admissions and exhibitor’s rental fees.
- Permit the Museum of Man to gradually move into the Ford Building while it is occupied by the Fiesta, and to take it over completely at the end of the Fiesta.
July 19, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:6-8, A-2:8. Julius Leib, 72, Starlight conductor, dies; stricken while on podium.
July 19, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. Large audience welcomes revival of “South Pacific,” by Constance Herreshoff.
July 20, 1957, San Diego Union. A-13:3. Greensward fete heralds Old Globe production of “King Lear,” by Brian Duff (illus.).
July 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5. Fine performance at “King Lear” opening, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 20, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6-8. Arthur Godfrey flying to Fiesta del Pacifico; will broadcast from here (photo of Palomino stallion belong to Godfrey).
July 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:7-8. Fiesta to begin Wednesday; “California Story” again to highlight colorful program, by Alfred Jacoby.
July 21, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-2:4. Staging “California Story” is show business on big scale.
July 23, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:7-8. One hundred thousand set Fiesta spirit in review; fancy costumes crowd downtown, by Joe Brooks.
July 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-8:4-6. Robert Shaw, Symphony honor Julius Leib, conductor of the Starlight Opera company, in concert at Balboa Park Bowl, performance of “A German Requiem” by Brahms dedicated to his memory, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 24, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:8. Gay Fiesta opens tonight, by Joe Brooks.
July 24, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Fiesta Spirit Never Dies.
July 24, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Peggy M. Anzer writes netting needed at Organ Pavilion.
July 25, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:8, A-18:3. Colorful ceremony opens 1957 Fiesta del Pacifico.
July 26, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:5-7. Final rehearsals set today for parade, “California Story.”
July 26, 1957, San Diego Union, A-18:3. “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” opens at Old Globe, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:7-8. Fiesta parade, pageant set today.
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:4-6, A:5-8. Three hundred thousand line Sixth Avenue to watch Fiesta parade.
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:7-8. Sixteen thousand attend opening of “The California Story,” by Alfred Jacoby.
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:1-3, A-20:1-4. New songs, revamped script make “The California Story” better than ever, by Edwin Martin.
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:4-8. Starlighters play “The Pajama Game” (illus.).
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, E-3:3-8. Shakespeare at the Old Globe, “King Lear,” “The Tempest” and “Knight of the Burning Pestle” in rotation, by Priscilla Sellman.
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, E-3:3-4. The Hi-Los, the male vocal quartet currently riding the top of the popular music crest, will appear Tuesday with Robert Shawn and the San Diego Symphony Orchestra in the fourth summer series concert in Balboa Park Bowl at 8:30 p.m.
July 28, 1957, San Diego Union, F-8:1-3. Eight thousand dahlias in Conference Building.
July 29, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:7-8. Thousands join in Fiesta pageant, tours, dances.
July 30, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Balboa Park flag thieves fined $25; taken from Fiesta del Pacifico Avenue of Flags displayed along Cabrillo Bridge in Balboa Park.
July 30, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5-6. Fiesta week offers art, music, drama.
July 31, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:6-7, A-21:4. Dancing, parades lead Fiesta fare.
August, 1957. San Diego Magazine, 39, 46. Festival fever: The Uses of the Past, by James Mills.
August 1, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:3-4. “The Pajama Game” opens at Starlight tonight.
August 2, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:5. Panel favors retention of park music; hopes to find way to increase appeal of organ concerts.
The city committee named to decide the fate of Sunday concerts on the Spreckels organ in Balboa Park yesterday said it had no intention of abolishing the concerts.
Committee members, meeting for the first time, said they hope to find a way to make the concerts appealing to more persons. Poor attendance at the concerts has been cited by the City Council in delaying a renewal of a contract with Charles Shatto, civic organist.
Improved programming with emphasis on light music rather then “the old masters” was cited by Councilman Schneider as a means of attracting larger audiences.
The park organ is not suitable for “bebop music,” said Isabel Tinkham, dean of the San Diego Chapter, American Organists Guild. “That’s for electronic organs.”
Schneider said he thought an electronic organ could be placed at the pavilion and would attract more listeners than the pipe organ. Miss Tinkham said an electronic organ would “desecrate the pavilion.”
“There’s nothing sacred about that organ,” Schneider said of the Spreckels organ, said to be the largest outdoor pipe organ in the world.
Councilman Tharp suggested having band concerts as well at the pavilion.
Dr. Frank Lowe suggested alternating soloists and occasional band concerts.
Ivor de Kirby, a member of the Balboa Park Study Committee, said he thought occasional use of an electronic organ would attract to the concerts persons who might become interested in pipe organ music.
Miss Tinkham said the organists guild recommends renewal of Shatto’s contract.
August 2, 1957, San Diego Union, A-20:4-5. “The Pajama Game” is entertaining, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 2, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. Mrs. Allen Caldwell writes organ concerts are important to city culture.
August 3, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5-6. Fiesta del Pacifico promises continued gaiety.
August 3, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Two pair of quokkas, rare little animal cousins to the kangaroo, have been shipped from Australia to the San Diego Zoo.
August 3, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:8. Dr. Paul Wedgewood elected head of Park Board.
August 4, 1957, San Diego Union, A-9:1-8. Junior Ballet will present two shows at Organ Pavilion tomorrow and Wednesday evening.
August 4, 1957, San Diego Union, A-16:3-6. Attendance at “The California Story” expected to pass 100,000 tonight.
August 6, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. H. M. Kroll objects to hard park benches.
August 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10:1-2. Large audience enjoys fifth concert of summer series in Balboa Park Bowl, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:2-4. “The California Story” artists make sacrifice to appear.
August 8, 1957, San Diego Union, A-8:1-2. Ticket offer made for Bard’s festival; sale of series tickets extend beyond the time limit set in previous years..
August 8, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:1-4. Challenge of “The Story” lures other show’s talent.
August 9, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8. Three governors arrive for final days of Fiesta.
August 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5. Grand Ball caps 1957 Fiesta.
August 11, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:4-7, A:1-2. Fiesta head reveals plan to house “The California Story” in new ball park.
August 11, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: For Fiesta Workers, A Hearty Well Done!
August 12, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:8. Four hundred attend Youth Concert at Recital Hall.
August 14, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Fine Arts Gallery asks more city land for expansion.
Michael Gonzalez, president of the gallery, said it would require 150 feet of land on either side of the Plaza de Panama to build east and west wings of the gallery.
August 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:5-6. Starlight Opera’s “Showboat” drops anchor tonight.
August 16, 1957, San Diego Union, A-16:4-5. Compositions by three San Diego composers — Robert Kurka, Howard Brubeck and Robert Heninger — will be played this afternoon in a concert in the Fine Arts Gallery, Balboa Park.
August 16, 1957, San Diego Union, 30:1-2. Chamber of Commerce Supports Balboa Park Master Plan
Development of a master plan of Balboa Park improvement, support of the La Jolla-San Diego County Theater and Arts Foundation and establishment of a military affairs department yesterday were furthered in action of Chamber of Commerce directors.
In a resolution, the directors urged that city personnel be designated to develop a master program of Balboa Park maintenance and capital improvement, “using the recommendation of the Balboa Park Citizens Study Committee.”
The directors urged that the citizen’s committee park improvement recommendations be acted on as soon as possible.
August 16, 1957, San Diego Union, A-45:1-2. Symphony of offer “Messiah” tonight.
August 16, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Claire V. Hoerig writes park organist brings pleasure.
August 18, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Craft exhibition to be held in Federal Building next weekend.
August 18, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:4-7. “Messiah” receives bravos, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 21, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-2. Performance of Honegger’s “Joan of Arc” in Balboa Park last night called a “triumph.”
August 22, 1957, San Diego Union, A-7:1-3. Marine Depot donated $2,700 for Children’s Zoo.
August 22, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10:4. Hobbyists show arts in Craft Fair in Federal Building.
August 22, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:3. Directors vote to stage third annual Fiesta.
August 23, 1957, San Diego Union, A-19:4. Balboa Park Craft, Hobby Fair opens today in Federal Building.
August 25, 1957, San Diego Union, A-6:1-3. Community leaders advise shorter Fiesta del Pacifico.
August 25, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10:4. Hobbyists show arts in craft fair.
August 25, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Shakespeare Festival Has Music Too.
Those who have gone to the Old Globe have been charmed by the nightly pre-curtain dances and songs on the green. In addition, two full concerts of baroque music feature this season’s Festival.
August 25, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-3:3-8. Summer finales — festival productions entering last act.
August 25, 1957, San Diego Union, E-3:1-2. Matters of Note: Audience enjoys Festival music, by Constance Herreshoff.
August 25, 1957, San Diego Union, E-3:3-8. Finale” “Anything Goes” Ends Show Season.
August 30, 1957, San Diego Union, A-24:4-5. Starlight audience enjoys “Anything Goes,” by Constance Herreshoff.
August 31, 1957, San Diego Union, A-12:4-5. “Anything Goes” on again.
August 31, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7. Lucy M. Nicholson says “Keep Fiesta long.”
September 1, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-6:1-2. Classics highlight of city’s varied summer music series, by Constance Herreshoff.
September 1, 1957, San Diego Union, E-6:3-8. Old Globe’s new season around corner, by Craig Noel.
In looking back over the Old Globe’s summer program we find that in many ways it has been an unusual season. In spite of the fact that our attendance has been smaller this year than in past seasons, the number of out-of-town reservations has grown considerably. One of the problems that faces our festival is that of building up strong attendance during the opening weeks of the season. San Diego is now enjoying such a thriving summer theatrical program many of our patrons are postponing their evening with Shakespeare until late in the season.
September 1, 1957, San Diego Union, E-6:7-8. San Diego’s Ninth Piano Festival to be held September 22 in Balboa Park Bowl.
September 2, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:5-7. “Teahouse of August Moon” next at Old Globe.
September 3, 1957, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Junior Theater registration begins today.
September 5, 1957, San Diego Union, B-8:3. Zoological Society told San Diego Zoo retains high rating.
San Diego’s position of having the nation’s largest zoo was continued last year, its sponsors were told here last night.
“We had an increase of 435 animals for a total of 3,693 — 25 percent greater than the next largest zoo,” Milton Wegeforth, president, reported to 2,000 persons attending the annual meeting of the San Diego Zoological Society.
Dr. Charles Schroeder, zoo director, said in an interview the nation’s second largest zoo was the National Zoo, Washington, D. C.
The society’s 12 directors named Fred Kunzel, an attorney, as president for the 1957-58 fiscal year, to succeed Wegeforth.
September 6, 1957, San Diego Union, A-10. Charles Shatto, organist at Spreckels Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park for the past three years, last night said he is not renewing his contract approved by the City Council and is moving to San Francisco.
On Thursday, the City Council approved a $3,228 contract for continuing his concerts.
September 8, 1957, San Diego Union, E-10:1-5. Final Starlight show tonight.
September 14, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:6-8, A-19:1. Nan Adams, Victor Buono receive top Old Globe awards.
September 16, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. Fred Kunsel, president Zoological Society of San Diego, writes two zoos would add to costs of both.
Editor: In recent letters two of your readers asked why the new Children’s Zoo does not have its own entrance and exit. We would like to explain why this is impractical.
September 22, 1957, San Diego Union, E-1:1-4, E-5:1-4. “Teahouse of August Moon” opens season, by Priscilla Sillman.
September 23, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. One thousand two hundred and twenty-five pianists at festive here, by E. G. Martin.
September 23, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. Fine Arts Society plans bazaar to buy Asian art.
September 25, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. “Teahouse of August Moon” opens season at Old Globe, by Constance Herreshoff.
September 28, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. Mrs. Carol Sanderson writes lily pond fence not needed.
October 1, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:2-4. Lotus, baby hippo, poses for first pictures at San Diego Zoo (illus.)’
October 4, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2. Guy M. Miller writes letter expressing his approval of fine job being done by guest organist Douglas Ian Duncan. . . . He has left out the real heavy music and added a few of the lighter and more tuneful classics with the balance of the programs consisting of songs and music that we all have learned to love so much.
October 9, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2. Edward M. Little writes letter expressing preference for classics at park concerts.
Mr. Miller’s letter in The San Diego Union, October 4, extols the interim organist’s playing of popular music and light classics in Balboa Park. Mr. Duncan is an excellent organist but I am disappointed in his decision to play such music.
Concert organs are at their best when used for organ compositions, not transcriptions of pieces written for other instruments. Furthermore, they sound better in classics, such as the thrilling compositions by the semi-modern French school of Franck, Guillmant, Wider, Vierne, Boellman and modern light classics by Bingham, Clokey, Weingerger and Weaver.
I believe some people are mistaken when they think they prefer the familiar tunes. I believe that people who thrill over music, thrill just as much over unknown music. The important thing is for the organist to choose musically, not necessarily traditionally.
Mr. Shatto did this very thing and we are sorry he was allowed to slip away to San Francisco while we delayed renewal of his contract.
October 11, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Jesse J. Gildon, janitor, sentenced in thefts of sprinkler heads at Balboa Park.
October 15, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Baton contest slated November 9 in Balboa Park Bowl.
October 20, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1-2. Guy M. Miller prefers popular music on park organ.
October 25, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:8. J. L. Silberman upset because Balboa Park does not have enough flags on display; he notes only one public building in San Diego does not display American flag.
October 27, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:3. Bigger, best Science Fair is promised; 4th annual showing of student exhibits in Conference Building and Recital Hall set for April 11-15.
October 28, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2. Edward M. Little writes good music needed for park concerts.
. . . even good theater organ music becomes boring after a few minutes and I doubt whether a really good theater organist could make the Balboa organ sound good even for good popular music.
November 2, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5. Park flags will honor war heroes tomorrow afternoon in Organ Pavilion.
November 4, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:6-8. Massing of Colors — 200 city groups honor war dead.
November 10, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:5-6. A nearly all-red canary was exhibited yesterday at the 11th annual show of colored canaries, sponsored by the Fed Factor Bird Club of San Diego in the west wing of the Electric Building.
November 15, 1957, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5, A-2:6. Dozen penguins from Antarctica due at San Diego Zoo today; arriving by special Air Force plane from Portland..
November 16, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:4-5, A-2:6. Penguins waddle into pool at San Diego Zoo, by Floyd Thomas (illus.).
November 29, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:1-2. One thousand at park service; thanks offered by San Diego in homes, churches, by Joe Brooks.
November 29, 1957, San Diego Union, A-12:6. Future kitchen highlights 1957 Electric Show tonight.
November 30, 1957, San Diego Union, A-11:7-8. Christmas lights show on in park; “miracle kitchen,” most spectacular exhibit in Electric Show (illus.).
December 1, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:7-8. San Diego Zoo plans $1.5 million for improvements; program designed to bring animals closer to visitors; first projects include new penguin, okapi facilities; to be finished by July (illus.).
December 2, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:2-3 (Monday). One hundred thousand attend Electrical and Home Appliance Show in Electric Building; show will continue through Wednesday.
December 7, 1957, San Diego Union, A-17:4-5. City’s Christmas tree lights will shine Sunday; Community Christmas Center opening to feature carol singing, nativity scene.
December 8, 1957, San Diego Union, C-2:1. EDITORIAL: San Diego Zoo Enhances Natural Beauty.
December 9, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. Yule tree lighted in Organ Pavilion rites (illus.).
December 9, 1957, San Diego Union, A-15:7. George E. Bean, new city manager, will take over job today.
December 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:1, A-2:3. G. Aubrey Davidson, first citizen of San Diego, dies; pioneer builder, 89, sparked drive to bring Navy, Expositions to city.
December 15, 1957, San Diego Union, A-1:1. A:1. Civic chiefs pay tribute to Davidson.
December 16, 1957, San Diego Union, A-12:1. G. Aubrey Davidson rites will be held here today.
December 17, 1957, San Diego Union, A-13:2-4. G. Aubrey Davidson lauded for civic service at rites, by Joe Brooks.
December 17, 1957, San Diego Union, B-2:1. EDITORIAL: G. Aubrey Davidson
Every community that claims a place in the sun must be blessed with men who couple vision with action. Such a man was G. Aubrey Davidson, whom San Diego now mourns.
The pioneer banker and real estate developer was credited with bringing the Navy and Marine Corps to San Diego. For his activities on behalf of the Navy, Mr. Davidson was awarded the Navy’s highest civilian honor, the Distinguished Public Service Award.
San Diego’s honor for Mr. Davidson was to give him he unofficial title, “First Citizen of San Diego,” at a community banquet when he retired in 1949.
In business life, Mr. Davidson organized the Southern Trust and Savings Bank, which later became the San Diego branch of the Bank of America. He also organized the company which completed and operated the U. S. Grant Hotel.
In civic life, he led a campaign which culminated in the Panama-California Exposition of 1915-16. The exposition led to the construction of buildings which have served the community for years and still stand in Balboa Park. He was also chairman of the California-Pacific Exposition of 1935-36.
In addition to playing a major role in bringing Navy and Marine Corps installations to San Diego, he led campaigns for the Naval Hospital, the Armed Services YMCA and the First Presbyterian Church.
Men in all walks of life sought the counsel of Mr. Davidson. He had faith in the goodness of his fellow men and a quiet but enthusiastic love of his city. He helped guide San Diego along an orderly development, as San Diegans recall, that sought to combine geraniums and smokestacks.
More than anything the beauty of the old Exposition buildings in Balboa Park is somehow symbolic of the character of Mr. Davidson and the things he left to his city.
December 19, 1957, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Playground holiday shows planned by City; schedules announced.
December 19, 1957, San Diego Union, A-21:4-5. “Friends of Los Angeles Zoo” gave wild kitten from Bolivia to San Diego Children’s Zoo yesterday (illus.).
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