Balboa Park History 1963
January 3, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2, A-19:5. City may ask United States to aid city in building of west addition to Fine Arts Gallery, by Edwin G. Martin.
January 3, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. James S. Copley donates $50,000 to Fine Arts Gallery; second substantial gift from Union-Tribune and Copley Charities Foundations.
January 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:8, A-18:6. Ceremony marks start of Center City project, by Edwin G. Martin.
January 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:3. City readying request for $810,000 federal grant for Fine Arts Gallery.
January 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:5-6. San Diego Zoo received rare Spur-Wing goose (illus.).
January 13, 1963, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8. San Diego Zoo – black leopard killed James Tuttle, attendant yesterday, animal slipped out of cage; struck from behind, by Dick Bowman (illus.).
January 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:6-8. San Diego Zoo defends safety set-up, blames human error.
The San Diego Zoo’s safety practices were defended yesterday by an official who said the fatal mauling of attendant James Tuttle by a leopard was caused by human error.
The “human error” factor was explained by Dr. Charles Schroeder, Zoo director, during investigation of the Saturday attack. He said that no visitor ever has been hurt by an animal at the Zoo in its 44-year history and that safety procedures will not be modified.
Tuttle’s death was the second among employees there. A bear trainer was clawed to death 20 years ago.
Zoo attendance averages 1.25 million a year, making it the city’s biggest tourist attraction.
“Just last month, the Zoo had its insurance premium reduced 36 percent because of our outstanding safety record,” Schroeder said.
Publicist Wallace Wade said the Zoo prides itself “as a place where parents can bring their children and let the Zoo be the baby sitter.”
Schroeder reconstructed the fatal attack this way:
Tuttle, 35, who had taken care of the Zoo’s big cats for 10 years, saw Jet, the 140-pound leopard, in the front section of the cage when he arrived with chunks of horse meat. He entered a rear maintenance cage and pulled a lever closing off the display sector out front from the feeding cage adjacent to where he stood.
“But the big cat apparently had raced into the feeding area before Tuttle pulled the lever, and when Tuttle slid open the door to the feeding cage to throw in the meat, the cat leaped out at him. We believe Tuttle turned and made a lunge at the exit door — which was closed but not locked. The cat landed on his back and he went down.”
Tuttle died in an ambulance en route to the nearby Naval Hospital.
Schroeder stressed that the door leading outside from the safety cage could only be pushed in. “None of the zoo’s cage doors open out,” Schroeder said.
“We’ve discussed at great length how this accident might have been prevented. But how do you control human error. Apparently Tuttle didn’t look into the feeding cage to see if the leopard was inside. He was sure that the cat was still out front. The error here is that those leopards move so swiftly and so silently, you can’t be too careful.”
Schroeder said that all the other attendants “will look inside from now on — at least for a year.”
Frank Bonnet, the Zoo’s security chief, said that an elaborate system of communication has been set up to meet emergency situations.
“When we get word of trouble, we sound a buzzer over the public address system to alert all personnel. Then we direct them by code to the trouble spot.”
An example, Bonnet said, would be code 300 in post six. That means a fire has been started in cat canyon (where the fatal accident occurred). All the attendants would move into that sector. There they would be directed by a security officer in the Zoo’s station wagon.
The wagon carries all types of rifles from a .300 magnum to .22s,” Bonnet said. It also contains a variety of nooses for catching loose animals, fire extinguishers, first aid kits and the like.
“If an animal is loose, you can’t have a lot of people hastily grabbing guns and creating a panic,” Bonnet said. “A stampede of people might cause more injury than a loose animal.”
Only once has a loose animal been shot to death. “Shooting is a last resort,” Bonnet said. “We’ll only shoot if a visitor or employee is in danger of losing his life.”
A bear was shot in 1936 when it walked across a board workers had left over a moat. No one was hurt.
Bonnet said new attendants are taught safety from the first day on the job when they are taken on a bus tour of the Zoo.
Bonnet said a keeper was fired several weeks ago for failing to padlock a door leading from the bird cage. “The animal couldn’t open to door but suppose some kid walked by and stole the lock? Or maybe walked into the cage.?”
January 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:5. San Diego Zoo – animal prices rise in South Africa; political unrest blamed; Zoologists map supply plan, by Bill Parry.
Three San Diego Zoo officials yesterday said world unrest, especially in South Africa, has increased the cost of wild animals imported for zoos.
Plenty of animals are available, but prices have gone up as much as three times in 10 years.
Dr. C. R. Schroeder, zoo executive director, said he could not predict the long-range effect on zoos in this country. “This will depend pretty much on the political stability in the countries where these animals come from,” said Schroeder.
Schroeder, Dr. George Pournelle, curator of mammals, and Clyde Hill, Pourelle’s assistant, were asked about reports that brush-fire wars are making wild animals harder to obtain.
“As of today we can get any species we want, but the cost is two or three times what it was about 1953,” Schroeder said.
As a result, Zoo officials have become conservation-minded and undertaken a continuing breeding program to perpetuate rare species. The zoo has 4,176 mammals, birds and reptiles of 1,134 species from all over the world.
An example of the trend is the Australian Koala. Threatened with extinction, the animal that looks like a teddy bear no longer can be exported from Australia except in rare cases. So the Zoo here is taking special care to encourage breeding of the Koalas.
“We hope to establish a breeding herd, so we will have plenty and be in a position to trade with zoos that can raise other rare species,” Pournelle said.
Other animals being encouraged to reproduce here are Thomson’s gazelle, okapi, Sable antelope, Grant’s gazelle and the orangutan.
Schroeder and his assistants blamed several factors for rising animal prices:
- Increasing transportation charges.
- Higher quarantine prices.
- Brush-fire wars have made collecting more dangerous for hunters.
- Native hunters “are getting smarter and have learned they can charge more for animals.”
- Importers are being forced to pay higher prices, and, in turn, have boosted their prices to zoos.
- Several governments have increased trapping fees because of the rising demand for zoo animals since World War II.
Zoo officials purchase new animals from importers who keep in touch with native hunters and trappers in such countries as Africa, Alaska, India, Australia and the Malayan Peninsula.
January 14, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Dedication set for fountain, bench in park.
Ceremonies dedicating a new bench and drinking fountain in Balboa Park will be conducted at 11 a.m. February 4 at the northeast corner of Balboa Drive and El Prado.
The date was set by City Beautiful after consulting with city officials, said Mrs. Raymond E. Smith, president of the organization.
A luncheon in the San Diego Zoo restaurant will follow the ceremony which will include the planting of three magnolia trees honoring charter officers of the beautification group.
City Beautiful bought the green and white terrazzo fountain and redwood bench with money from a fund drive last year. At the dedication a metal plaque will be installed on the fountain. The plaque will be inscribed: “A gift to the people of San Diego, City Beautiful, 1963. A gift to the City of San Diego from citizens who love beauty, truth and their fellowmen.”
Mrs. Smith said several city officials and the Park and Recreation Commission and contributors have been invited.
The magnolia trees to be planted next to the fountain will honor Mrs. Philip Crittenden, corresponding secretary; Gladys Newell, treasurer, and Mrs. James Elliott, historian. They are expected to attend.
January 18, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:3. United States Fund Plea Set For Fine Arts Gallery.
Details have been worked out on the proposed application by the city for a federal public works grant to pay half the cost of building a west wing to the Fine Arts Gallery, it was reported yesterday.
William T. Stephens, president of the Fine Arts Society, said directors approved a plan in which an estimated $530,000 raised privately toward cost of the new gallery will be turned over to the city.
This amount will be swelled by a $200,000 city contribution to the gallery, making $730,000 available to match a federal grant.
The City Council next Tuesday will consider a resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Community Facilities Administration, part of the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency.
The grant will be sought under the federal public works acceleration program.
Stephens said the society originally hoped to apply for a grant of $810,000 but lowered the amount upon finding that a maximum of $730,000 could be raised as matching money.
“We’re now revising our plans for competitive bidding procedures,” Stephens said. “If the council approves the city applying for the grant and it is approved by the federal agencies we may be able to begin construction after July 1.”
The design of the proposed west wing has been approved by the council. It will occupy the site of the existing Medical Arts Building on the west side of Plaza de Panama in Balboa Park.
January 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13;8. City Council Okays Plea for Aid on Art Gallery.
Authority for the city to apply for a federal public works grant to help finance the new west wing of the Fine Arts Gallery was given yesterday by the City Council.
January 24, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. “Year of Rabbit” to start tonight; Chinese Benevolent Association will sponsor a variety show in Balboa Park’s Conference Building, February 3.
January 25, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4. San Diego’s new Aerospace Museum will formally open February 15 in Food and Beverage Building.
Backers said they hope the museum will be the first step in a master plan to develop an entire Science Center complex in the park that will represent all the physical and life sciences.
Capt. Norval R. Richardson, USN, a director of the museum, said a long range plan for such a center is being developed and the master plan will ultimately be presented to city officials. . . . .
The opening of the museum will feature until June 17, the NASA “Man in Space” exhibit from the recent world’s fair in Seattle.
February 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:1. Camellias go on exhibit in Conference Building today.
February 3, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:6, A-24:1-3. City studying Maple Canyon road routes; decision due on three alternate, by Joe Brooks.
February 5, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. W. Merghart claims buildings in park in need of repair.
February 9, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:8. San Diego Zoo – rhinos get 130-foot living room, by Bob Zimmerman.
February 9, 1963, San Diego Union, B-3:1-2. “The Captain’s Paradise,” comedy at Old Globe, proves big hit, by Constance Herreshoff.
February 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:4-5. North route urged in park road plan; Commission favors Upas-Landis alternate for projected artery of the proposed Maple Canyon Road in Balboa Park.
February 15, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:3-5. More than 4,500 trees are being raised at the city nursery in Balboa Park for tree planting program of parkways and major streets, by Paul Richards (illus.).
February 15, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2, A-22:7. Aerospace Museum dedicated in park; banquet last night hailed opening today of new facility.
February 16, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. New Aerospace Museum tells story of air age.
February 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:7. Fourteen hundred dogs expected as show today in Electric Building.
February 18, 1963, San Diego Union, 11:4-5. Crosstown links due to open June 1; freeway changing city’s appearance; roads make wide sweep, by Cliff Smith.
February 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:7-8, A-13:6. Valid goals urged in recreation field; opening day of the California and Pacific Recreation and Park Conference in Balboa Park; first general session in Recital Hall.
February 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:8, A-13:1-2. Ten thousand attended Dog Show in Electric Building yesterday; fans snarled San Diego traffic.
February 21, 1963, San Diego Union, C-6:1-3. Shrubs, trees to sprout at 395-101 freeway interchange.
February 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:3. “Giant Step” won praise at Old Globe opening last night, by Constance Herreshoff.
March 2, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Mary Bouman, city traffic engineer, will present his recommendation Monday to City Manager Tom Fletcher on the proposed Maple Canyon Road in Balboa Park.
March 3, 1963, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. San Diego Zoo – EDITORIAL – Zoo has magic for young, old.
March 7, 1963, San Diego Union, A-27:5. The Federal government has agreed to give San Diego 46.29 acres surrounding the Padre Dam in Mission Gorge for inclusion in the proposed Fortuna Mountain-Mission Gorge Park.
March 9, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:3. The Balboa Park Protective Association yesterday announced opposition to the construction of any roads in Balboa Park.
March 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:7-8, Boyle Engineering firm of San Diego urged sewage reclamation plant for park irrigation; City Water Reclamation Commission recommended project as answer to rising water cost, by Bill Parry.
March 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Workmen will begin placing ice plant today or tomorrow under a contract to landscape the Crosstown Freeway interchange.
March 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-26:5-7. Les Earnest outlined city’s park needs yesterday; said city hopes to attain 20-acre average for 1,000 population through new site acquisitions in the next 10 years..
March 15, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. “Not In The Book” by Arthur Watkyn will open a four-week run March 26 at the Old Globe Theater.
March 22, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:4. Members of the City Water Reclamation Commission unanimously urged yesterday that the City Council act on construction of a plan to reclaim sewage water.
March 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:2-3. Old Globe’s “Not In The Book” has humor, thrills, by Constance Herreshoff.
March 29, 1963, San Diego Union, A-27:5-6. Two public tryouts for “Man in the Dog Suit,” Old Globe’s final offering of season.
March 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8. San Diego Zoo – Zoo arrival is a day owl.
April 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Rose Show beginning April 13 in Electric Building will honor the late Joseph J. Kenneally.
April 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:1-3. Map showing Park Boulevard to Market Street link of U. S. 101 (crosstown) freeway.
(Map shows Park Boulevard to Market Street link of U. S. 101 (crosstown) freeway. Route will provide access from State 94 to U. S. 395 with ramps serving streets in southern and eastern portions of the city. Arrows indicate one and two-way traffic flow on city streets near freeway. Also show is pedestrian overpass to Balboa Stadium from Naval Hospital parking area. The 1.1 mile section is being built under a $7.3 million contract for state Division of Highways.)
April 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:4. The Science Fair will be held tomorrow through Sunday at the Federal Building.
April 3, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:5, A-21:1-3. City Manager Tom Fletcher asks compromise on Maple canyon routing, by Michael O’Connor (map showing route suggested by City Mgr. Fletcher).
A compromise route for Maple Canyon Road which would speed up movement of traffic from downtown to Hillcrest area was submitted to the City Council yesterday.
At the request of City Manager Tom Fletcher, the council set a conference on the proposal with the city Planning Commission for 2 p.m. April 16.
Fletcher’s proposal introduced a new alignment into previously discussed alternates by connection of northern and central routes by way of Richmond Street.
The city manager said the compromise would have the lowest cost ($3,165,000) and use the least amount of Balboa Park land (2.4 acres).
The over-all project calls for construction of a four-lane divided highway between State Street and 28th and Utah Streets.
A Upas-Thorn streets alternate discussed in earlier public hearings was eliminated from final consideration, Fletcher said, because it would interfere with Boy Scout and Girl Scout camps in Balboa Park and pass adjacent to the north side of Roosevelt Junior High School.
He said following the Upas-Thorn proposal also would require relocation of the Blind Recreation Center. Construction of a tunnel to avoid adverse impact of major street traffic on the camps and the school and recreation center would cost more than 4 million, he added.
Construction was recommended in four stages from State Street to Sixth Avenue, Sixth Avenue to the Richard and Upas Streets area, Richmond-Upas to Park Boulevard, and Park Boulevard to 28th and Upas Streets. He did not include a time schedule.
One-way streets would be maintained at Palm and Quince Streets with an interchange at U. S. 395.
As outlined by Martin Bouman, city traffic engineer, eastbound traffic would use the road by leaving 395 at Quince Street and turn north on Richmond Street, west of Roosevelt Junior High School.
Bouman aid traffic reaching the end of Maple Canyon Road would be diverted onto existing access streets. There are long-range plans to widen 28th Street from its present two lanes to four lanes by 1966, he said.
The 1966 date would coincide with tentative completion time of the Maple Canyon route.
Bouman said additional widening and improvement would be done on State Street, as indicated by traffic use.
Access to Maple Canyon Road would be via Park, Texas, Richmond and other existing north and south streets.
Bouman said there was no anticipated bottling up of traffic at either end of the project when it is completed.
In making his recommendation, Fletcher said:
“Development of Maple Canyon Road as a major city street . . . is necessary to relieve traffic congestion to the Hillcrest area, provide adequate east-west transportation, and for the proper development of Balboa Park.
“Without Maple Canyon Road, the building of Balboa Park in accordance with the master plan will be extremely difficult. Through traffic would probably continue to use routes in the park for east-west traffic to the detriment of the Prado area.”
Fletcher said present traffic flow across 395 on Laurel Street, Robinson Avenue, Washington Street and University Avenue totals 69,800 vehicles daily.
Cost estimates on the construction of the Upas and Landis and the Quince-Upas streets alternates were higher than the new alternate.
(Map showing route for Maple Canyon Road suggested by City Manager Tom Fletcher, and previous alternates.)
April 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8, A-18:3. Life science, solar cell experiments win at Science Fair, by Bryant Evans.
April 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-20:1-2. Prize orchids due at 17th annual show tomorrow through Sunday in Conference Building.
April 5, 1963, San Diego Union, A-25:2-3, A-26:1-3. Crowds praise science exhibits, by Edward Niciejewski.
“Bigger and better than ever,” was the unanimous verdict of an estimated 4,500 persons who had seen the fair through last night. The ninth annual fair is sponsored by The San Diego Union in cooperation with business and educational groups.
A total of 446 exhibitors are showing at 379 booths.
The fair, which opened Wednesday, will continue through Sunday in the Federal Building. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and tomorrow. On Sunday the fair will be open from noon to 5 p.m.
(List of winners.)
April 6, 1953, San Diego Union, A-18:1-2. Santa Barbarans top orchid show.
April 6, 1953, San Diego Union, A-18:7-8. Ten thousand people visit Science Fair.
April 8, 1953, San Diego Union, A-18:8. Ten thousand people visit Science Fair on final day.
April 13, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:5-6. Spring rose show will open today.
April 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-22:4-5. Rose exhibits get blue ribbon prizes.
April 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-1:3-5, A-2:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Australia to send Zoo rare albino kangaroos.
April 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:1-3. 20,000 years ago; Scripps Institution of Oceanography study shows San Diego was inland at one time, by Bryant Evans.
April 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:5-7, A-20:5. Tunnel suggested in park road plan, two-block tube urged in Maple Canyon; project would add $1 million to cost, by Michael O’Connor (map).
April 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-20:4-5. Balboa Park Protective Association may seek park road vote.
April 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:7. Legislature gets park transfer bill; would give Ocean Beach land to city; fund change asked.
April 21, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:7-8. Another link in crosstown freeway to open Friday, will extend freeway south from Park Boulevard to Market Street; ribbon-cutting ceremony to start traffic in crosstown artery; will connect State 94 freeway with San Diego and Cabrillo freeways; freeway will eventually be part of a nonstop throughway from the Mexican border past Santa Barbara.
April 21, 1963, San Diego Union, A-30:1-2. Home Ideas Show to open Friday in Electric Building.
April 21, 1963, San Diego Union, E-7:1-4. Fine Arts Gallery seeks new wing for wealth of art, by Hal D. Steward.
Cost of the new wing has been estimated at approximately $2 million when entirely constructed. However, Warren Beach, gallery director, and others of the Fine Arts Society will settle immediately for a minimum wing which can later be expanded.
April 21, 1963, San Diego Union, F-1:1-8, F-14:1-8. Miramar Ranch, a page of history, by Clyde V. Smith.
April 22, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:3. Balboa Park Protective Association, opposing Balboa Park road plan, will ask to put issue on ballot.
April 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:3. Benefits seen in Balboa Park road project.
April 23, 1963, San Diego Union, 13:5. The San Diego Hall of Science is completing plans for a drive to raise between $400,000 and $500,000 for a planetarium in Balboa Park; construction of an adjacent science hall is being considered; site reserved off Laurel Street opposite Natural History Museum.
April 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:7-8. Sixty protest beer sale at Balboa Stadium.
April 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:3-4. Home Fair opens Friday in Electric Building with feature garden lighting.
April 24, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:2-3, A-20:1-3. Robert F. Faust, co-chairman of the Fine Arts Society Development Committee, affirmed West Wing Fine Arts Gallery plans last night, by Dick Bowman.
April 24, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:7-8. A financial report on tunnels as part of Maple Canyon Road will be submitted to the City Council May 7, City Manager Tom Fletcher said yesterday.
April 26, 1963, San Diego Union, A-25:4-5, A-26:3. Home Fair offers glimpse of future; displays include new phones, lighting, refrigeration, by Syd Love.
April 26, 1963, San Diego Union, A-25:4. Beer in Balboa Stadium seen fostering moral decay, by Michael O’Connor.
April 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:7, A-21:6-7. City opens one-mile link in freeway; crosstown section connects U. S. 101, 395, State 94, by Cliff Smith.
April 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-20:2-3. Home Fair attracts 15,000 opening night.
April 29, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2. San Diego Zoo – rare seal found here sent to Zoo.
May 1, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19. The 1963 Spring Fair of Home Ideas in Electric Building will close tonight.
May 3, 1953, San Diego Union, A-36:7. As a prelude to Music Week, the 65-voice Concert Choir of Central High School, Phoenix, Arizona, will give a concert tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the Organ Pavilion.
May 5, 1963, San Diego Union, 15:4. Joseph Dryer, 82, to dedicate site for Hall of Science.
May 5, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-4, A-18:1-4. Balboa Park changes stir opposition; 249 acres lost from original 1,419; additional 29.7 acres used by lessees on a $1 a year basis, by Michael O’Connor.
Although there have been many individual uses proposed and granted on park property, none stirs up more controversy than roads. However, in most cases the park land has been turned over by a vote of the people.
One of the major exceptions was 72.9 acres released to the state Division of Highways for development of the U. S. 101-395 interchange in the park’s southwest corner. Other street uses which started without voter approval were dedications for Sixth Avenue (7.2 acres in 1904), Upas and 28th Street dedications (6.9 and 6.5 acres) in 1923, and Russ Boulevard dedication (9 acres in 1923).
The state got is biggest chunk of parkland in 1941 when the city deeded 38.3 acres to the Division of Highways for development of U. S. 395 (Cabrillo Freeway).
Another big user is the Navy, which obtained 81.5 acres from the city as a gift in four portions from 1919 to 1938 for development of a hospital. A total of 7.2 acres was obtained by the hospital in 1961 under a lease arrangement.
The San Diego School District is another big tenant with school sites covering 51.6 acres. This property is used by San Diego High School and Synder Continuation high schools and Roosevelt Junior High.
Major leases are the Boy and Girl Scout buildings (18.5 and 11.9 acres); the Campfire Girls (6.1 acres); and the Blind Recreation Center (.4 of an acre).
If the amendment (being pushed by the Balboa Park Protective Association) is successful, it could possibly curtail city plans for road development in the park. However, the charter amendment would have no effect on state highway projects, according to Les Earnest, city park and recreation director.
Two other functions occupy a large portion of the park and one is the 200-acre Municipal Golf Course.
The other, which got no argument from the anti-road groups or any other person who has been in San Diego at least a day. It is the Zoo, which provides a haven for animals, birds and fishes of the world on 94.2 acres.
May 5, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8. “Man in the Dog Suit” at the Old Globe; drama with split personality.
May 7, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4-6. The State Highway Commission has returned to the city three times as much usable Balboa Park space as it has used for freeway purposes, the Highway Development Association was told yesterday.
May 9, 1963, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3. San Diego Zoo – a-year old proboscis monkey put on display yesterday.
May 9, 1963, San Diego Union, A-41:1. Old Globe’s “Man in the Dog Suit” scores hit, by Constance Herreshoff.
May 10, 1963, San Diego Union, B-4:1-2. San Diego Zoo – rare pygmy hippo dies at Zoo; second sick.
May 16, 1963, San Diego Union, A-30:6-8. San Diego Zoo – Kookaburra birds doubled with laughter, by Dick Bowman.
May 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:4. San Diego Zoo – two-millionth visitor honored.
May 19, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8. Starlight in 1963, early birds rule, by Joe Brooks.
May 19, 1963, San Diego Union, F-4:1-3. Home Show opens Wednesday.
May 20, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:4-5, A-23:4. Council will visit one-acre swim-pool site; decision on Serra Mesa application deferred after denial by planners.
May 20, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:1-4. City will receive bids on three parking lot in Balboa Park where fees are to be charged (map).
May 23, 1963, San Diego Union, B-5:6-7. San Diego ballet will dance at House of Hospitality tomorrow, Saturday.
May 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:5-6. Assistant City Manager Walter Hahn said a detailed cost study of a proposed two-block long tunnel will be made before any further reports on Maple Canyon Road are submitted to the City Council.
May 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. Fifteen more beds due for Naval Hospital.
May 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:1-2. City Manager Tom Fletcher claims Torrey Pines State Park to get $268,000 in the next two years from state.
May 31, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:1-3. San Diego Zoo – baby elephant on display near Children’s Zoo.
June 5, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Nine cultural units ask city money amounting to $75,743 more than was appropriated last year.
June 9, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-2:4. Curtain going up on the Old Globe’s 14th Shakespeare Festival Tuesday night June 18, by Joe Brooks.
This year’s company will consist of 11 Equity or professional actors; 20 students on scholarships, and a few local spear-carriers.
June 9. 1963, San Diego Union, E-2:4-7. Starlight’s long-time friend appears again . . . a little rod box tied together with a length of gold-colored cord; has appeared in everyone of Starlight’s 85 productions since the company’s debut in 1946 at the Zoo’s Wegeforth Bowl.
June 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:1-2, A-24:1. Putnam Foundation yesterday announced plans to proceed with construction of $1 million gallery in Balboa Park, which will house Putnam collection of about 40 Old Masters; construction will begin when an unoccupied American Legion Building, which now stands on site, has been demolished by city, which will probably be within 60 to 90 days; will be about two years before building is completed and open to public.
The facility will be named the Timken Gallery because the Timken foundation of Canton, Ohio, “will contribute generously to the cost,” Ames said. This foundation was formed by the late Henry H. Timken, founder of the Timken Roller Bearing Company. It is not connected with the Putnam Foundation. Two members of the Putnam family, Misses Anne and Amy Putnam, resided in San Diego. Both are deceased.
The gallery will be one-story construction to provide natural overhead lighting for the paintings. It will be of contemporary architecture with a travertine marble exterior with bronze trim and ornamental grills.
Ames said the building will be fire-proof, air-conditioned and humidity-controlled to protect the very valuable paintings.
Frank L. Hope & Associates designed the building. M. H. Golden Construction Co. will be the builder. Richard Kelly of New York was lighting consultant. Construction of the building previously was delayed after heated City Council discussion.
Ames said about 20 of the paintings would be Old Masters now hanging in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the National Gallery in Washington and other leading eastern galleries.
The other 20 will be selected from paintings purchased by the Putnam sisters and given to the Fine Arts Gallery, Ames said. They will be loaned for the new exhibit. He said the foundation will make additional purchases from time to time.
The Misses Putnam acquired about 90 percent of the Old Masters now owned by the Fine Arts Gallery.
The gallery was built and presented to the city by Mrs. Amelia Bridges of San Diego, who also was a member of the Timken family.
“Our gallery will house paintings of the same stature and value as found in the best eastern galleries, like the Metropolitan of New York and the National Gallery of Art in Washington,” Ames said.
The Putnam Foundation and the city signed an agreement last July 24 authorizing the foundation to build the gallery on city property. The foundation is delivering a $25,000 performance bond to the city.
Other directors of the foundation, in addition to Ames, are Allen J. Sutherland, a San Diego banker, and Dale E. Sharp, vice chairman of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York and William A. McRitchie, a Morgan vice president.
June 15, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2. Balboa Park Protective Association seeks vote on Balboa Park roads.
June 15, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:2. EDITORIAL on house big a contribution the Timken Gallery will be to culture in San Diego.
June 16, 1963, San Diego Union, C-2:7-8. Florence B. Abbey, president Balboa Park Protective Association, writes watering in park inadequate; Lloyd Lowrey, park superintendent, responds park irrigation system is inadequate and pipes are being replaced as funds become available.
June 16, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-3:1-4. Starlight Opera faces old and new in 1963, by Joe Brooks.
June 16, 1963, San Diego Union, E-3:1-6. Director Ellis Rabb plans perfect “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” for Shakespeare Festival, by Joe Brooks (illus.).
June 16, 1963, San Diego Union, H-7:4. Ballet, music, theater classes slated in Balboa Park by city Park and Recreation Department.
June 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:1-3, A-14:4. Trees in Balboa Park struggle for life against troublesome odds, by Hal D. Steward (illus.).
Lloyd Lowrey, park superintendent, said yesterday . . . the major problems can be boiled down to lack of rainfall, inadequate irrigation system, shallow top soil, severe competition among trees that are killing off the weaker ones and the need for more money to combat the problems.
Lowrey said the tree care problems in Balboa Park began about 50 years ago when persons planted trees without a specific plan in order to create an immediate effect.
June 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2, A-17:3. Citizens Study Committee for Park and Recreation said the city would need an additional 18,400 acres for park development by 1985.
June 20, 1963, San Diego Union, A-10:3-5. Shakespeare Festival opens 14th season on festive note with production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” by Constance Herreshoff.
June 23, 1963, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. EDITORIAL: Park Plan Showing Results.
Faced with an austerity program, the city cannot afford to pour money into Balboa Park improvement for an overnight transformation. But it can and should emphasize the current day-to-day improvement program already showing results.
Balboa Park, already one of the nation’s most beautiful parks, must not at nay time be placed in a position to lose its greatest assets, trees and shrubs.
June 23, 1963, San Diego Union, I-7:1-8. Ford’s going to the Fair again.
June 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-29:4-5, A-30:4-5. Old Globe spins “A Winter’s Tale.”
June 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:3. “A Winter’s Tale” starts Shakespeare Festival in fine fettle, by Constance Herreshoff.
Personally this great-grandmother would have been happier sitting quietly at home reading some of Shakespeare’s beautiful sonnets.
June 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:2-3, A-26:1-2. “Around the World in 80 Days” opens at Starlight Opera in Balboa Park Bowl; 2,400 attend premiere, by Joe Brooks.
June 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:1-2. Elaborate settings enhance “Around the World in 80 Days,” by Alan M. Kriegsman.
June 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-26:6. The City Council yesterday received a request from Mrs. Florence Abby, president of the Balboa Park Protective Association, to place a charter amendment on the fall election ballot restricting use of Balboa Park land for road purposes.
July 1, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. Representatives of United States Cottage at House of Pacific Relations opened the annual Pageant of Patriots at Organ Pavilion yesterday (illus.).
July 3, 1963, San Diego Union, 21:5. A one-year agreement for operation of three city parking lots near Balboa Stadium was approved by the City Council yesterday; agreement was authorized with A. Paul Sutherland, operator of All-Day Parking, Inc.
July 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:3-4. Cast for Old Globe production of “Antony and Cleopatra” set.
July 5, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:1-2. Development of park sites held a major problem here, by Michael O’Connor.
July 7, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-2:4-6. A smooth voyage charted for San Diego Symphony, by Joe Brooks.
Gershwin and Friml, Tchaikovsy and Dvorak, ballet and chorale, Kostelanetz and Fiedler — these are among the figures the San Diego Symphony orchestra hopes will add up to a satisfying summer season of music under the stars.
July 8, 1963, San Diego Union, A-10:3. “Antony and Cleopatra” to open at Old Globe July 26, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 8, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:5, A-16:5. San Diegans live it up at Balboa Park during Fourth of July weekend.
July 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2, A-16:1. City Council rejects renewal of lease on United Nations Building; Councilmen Allen Hitch, Justin Evenson, and Harry Scheidle criticize organization, by Michael O’Connor.
July 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:4-5. Park road ballot proposal rejected; Council refuses Balboa Park Protective Association’s request on restricting of Balboa Park land use.
July 13, 1963, San Diego Union, A-22:1-2. San Diego Symphony to open series, by Constance Herreshoff.
July 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:1-2. City Council saves hot issues on United Nations building, balloting, by Peter Kaye.
July 14, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8, E-3:1-3. “The Desert Song” returns to Starlight, by Joe Brooks.
July 14, 1963, San Diego Union, E-2:3-8. Kostelanetz conducts Symphony Tuesday in series opener.
July 15, 1963, San Diego Union, A-10:3. Second concert slated tonight at Old Globe.
July 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:4. City Orders Hearing on United Nations Lease; 30-day renewal granted for unit’s building in park.
A 30-day extension of the United Nations Association’s Balboa Park building lease was granted by the City Council yesterday to permit time for a public hearing on the controversial renewal.
The council set July 20 at 2 p.m. for the hearing.
In chambers packed by spectators, council members argued parliamentary procedures before approving a motion by Vice Mayor Harry Scheidle to reconsider the action of last Thursday that killed the lease in the Photo Arts Building.
The lease, which had expired July 1, was considered again yesterday for a three-year renewal. Councilman Allen Hitch and Justin Evenson, who had joined Scheidle to evict the association from Balboa Park in a 3-3 split vote, Thursday voted against reconsidering the subject.
After seconding Scheidle’s motion, Councilman Frank Curran moved to confirm a new lease for the association. Councilwoman Helen Cobb seconded Curran’s motion.
Mayor Dail then asked City Attorney Alan Firestone for a ruling on parliamentary procedure.
At this point, Council Ivor De Kirby, who previously favored the lease, said he could not now back renewal because “serious questions had been raised as to whether this is a proper use of the park.
“Maybe we should consider making available similar quarters to persons who oppose the association,” he said.
Mayor Dail, who presided, accepted De Kirby’s motion to amend the renewal motion to extend the lease until August 1. This amended motion passed 5 to 2 with Hitch and Evenson dissenting.
De Kirby’s motion for a formal public hearing passed unanimously.
The controversy over the association’s lease renewal developed last Thursday when it came up for what was thought to be a routine extension of the $35-a month lease.
Mayor Dail, a member of the association’s board of directors, did not attend the meeting. He later told a reporter he favored continuing the lease for seven years.
July 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:5, A-18:1. Kostelanetz leads first of Symphony series, by Ed Nichiejewski.
July 17, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:2-4. Kostelanetz shows skill, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
July 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-26:5-8. Artistic, popular success at Globe; Concert-theater series is a hit; the second event, “Elizabethan Concert,” was something of an omnibus, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
It is a gladsome task to report that the Old Globe Theater’s new concert-theater series is winning for itself both artistic and popular success. The series of five events, on alternate Monday evenings, has been conceived as an entertainment corollary to the National Shakespeare Festival and is under the supervisory direction of William Roesch.
July 19, 1963, San Diego Union, A-12:2-6. Starlight recreates magic of “The Desert Song,” by Charles Hull.
A near-capacity audience overlooking first-night rough spots and too frequent interruptions by planes overhead took the skilled company into its hearts as once again the cherished story of intrigue and romance evolved in drama and music.
July 20, 1963, San Diego Union, 19:2-3 and July 21, 1963, 30:3. Directors of Balboa Park Protective Association to decide whether to pursue an effort to stop demolition of American Legion Building.
July 21, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Group to ask public; Park architecture opinions sought.
Directors of the Balboa Park Protective Association decided yesterday to call on the public to help resolve the argument over Spanish colonial or modern architecture in the park.
Mrs. Florence Abby, association president, said the group “wanted to be sure it the expressing the opinion of the majority.”
“Does the public want to retain the style of architecture that now exists in the park central area or not? — the question is as simple as that,” she said.
Mrs. Abbey, 1408 Capitan Ave., said the association has drafted a letter to the county grand jury asking that it take a close look at the contract between the city and the Timken Foundation concerning the proposed Timken Art Gallery.
The letter to the grand jury will not be sent, however, until the group gets some kind of response from the public, she said.
The association has criticized the architectural style of the proposed gallery as being inconsistent with the park’s Spanish Colonial theme.
The City Council has approved plans for the $1.5 million Timken building. Mrs. Abbey also criticized the contract with the city on the grounds it was supposed to be cost-free and ended up with San Diego paying for care of the building exterior, the heating and conditioning, she said.
“Timken can withdraw from the contract just by forfeiting a $25,000 bond, which is a pittance.,” Mrs. Abbey said. “And the Putnam Foundation can withdraw its paintings on a 90-day notice — what would that leave us with?
July 22, 1963, Park and Recreation Commission Minutes, Administration Building, Balboa Park.
Present: Chairman Bowen; Vice Chairman Kupiec; Commissioners Fay, Geyer, Kerrigan, Lowe and Stickney; Park and Recreation Director, L. E. Earnest.
Absent: None
Chairman Bowen requested Commissioner Lowe to make a statement in regard to a motion which the latter has presented to the Commission at its meeting on July 10, 1963. Commissioner Lowe read that motion. “That as an encouragement to citizen groups which may be vitally interested, this Commission reopen and review its position, especially with regard to the proposed removal or the permanent use of the Ford Building in Balboa Park.”
Commissioner Lowe then stated that he had the opportunity of July 20, 1963 to meet with a representative of three groups which have been concerned with problems in Balboa Park and that he had asked this representative, Captain Norval R. Richardson of the Naval Air Station at North Island, to appear at this time and give a picture of what has been going on among these three groups.
Captain Richardson was introduced and stated that he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aero-Space Museum which is located in Balboa Park; that he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hall of Science and Industry for the Planetarium and that he is a member of the Balboa Park Inter-Museum Council. All of these organizations have been working together as they have mutual problems in relation to the development of Balboa Park. It is their desire to work with the Park and Recreation Department in formulating plans for improvements to the existing plans for park development.
Commissioner Lowe then stated that, in view of the remarks just made by Captain Richardson on behalf of the groups he represents, he would like to present a substitute motion to the motion of July 10, 1963. The new motion was: That this Commission thank Captain N. R. Richardson for his cooperation in bringing this report of the united activities of the three groups — Hall of Science and Industry for the Planetarium, the Aero-Space Museum and the Balboa Park Inter-Museum Council, all of whom we congratulate for their interest and with whom we hope to share in future reports as their plans may develop. Commissioner Fay seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Chairman Bowen stated that the San Diego City Council in the meeting of July 16, 1963 adopted a resolution extending the United Nations lease in Balboa Park for one month, set a public hearing on the same subject for July 30, 1963, and referred the matter to the Park and Recreation Commission for its determination as to whether or not the United Nations organization’s use of a building in the park conformed to existing park policy. He also stated that since the City Council had already set the time for a public hearing, this Park and Recreation Commission meeting was not a public hearing and that it would be necessary not to recognize questions or statements from the audience unless a specific question was asked of someone by some member of the Commission. Director Earnest announced that the public hearing is to be held in the International Room of El Cortez Hotel at 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 30, 1963.
Commissioner Kupiec requested that the section in the San Diego Municipal Code which governs the use of the park be read. Director Earnest read the section which is as follows:
“SAN DIEGO MUNICIPAL CODE – SEC. 63.04 BALBOA PARK – AREA FOR MEETING PLACE OF CERTAIN GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS – AUTHORIZED – That the Park and Recreation Department be, and it is hereby empowered and authorized to select a suitable area of not to exceed ten (10) acres, within Balboa Park, to be developed and used primarily, but not exclusively, for regular meeting places and headquarters by non-commercial local societies, groups and organizations which are engaged in civic, social, educational, recreational or philanthropic work and activities; and within said area to allot or allocate sites upon which buildings, structures and other facilities may be erected in furtherance of such use and enjoyment.”
Commissioner Lowe asked when the United Nations had first been issued. Director Earnest replied that it was first issued three years ago. Review of the minutes showed that the lease was first issued at the present location, the Photo-Arts Building, Building 644, on July 1, 1960.
In order to determine what type of leases have been issued in Balboa Park, Director Earnest was requested to read the list of the present lessees. This he so did.
Commissioner Stickney asked if the Council wanted the Commission to go on record as favoring or not favoring the policies of the United Nations. Director Earnest replied that the intent of the Council was that the Commission should determine whether the United Nations activity conformed with park leasing policies.
Commissioner Stickney suggested that, since Mr. Vernon Gaston, President of the American Association of the United Nations local chapter, had been invited to the meeting to answer questions as to whether or not his organization came within the prescribed organizational uses as outlined in Section 63.04 of the Code, he should be asked to outline the activities of the United Nations. Mr. Gaston was introduced and said the activities of the association included bringing speakers to San Diego, operating a speakers’ bureau, supplying literature on the United Nations, providing college students with United Nations information, conducting an annual high school United Nations contest and taking a role in the annual promotion of United Nations Day and Week. It also provides flags of the United Nations when requested to do so and entertains prominent United Nations visitors, both national and international.
Chairman Bowen asked Mr. Gaston what advantage it was to the local chapter of the United Nations Association to have a location in Balboa Park rather than in some other section of the City. Mr. Gaston replied that the proximity to the Houses of Pacific Relations in the park was of immeasurable value to the United Nations organization. Commissioner Kupiec asked how many paid employees there were in the local chapter. Mr. Gaston answered there was but one part-time employee who as an executive secretary. Commissioner Kupiec asked where the money came to run the organization. Mr. Gaston stated that each of the 600 members paid $5.00 annually. Commissioner Kupiec also asked if the local chapter kept a file on anti-United Nations material. Mr. Gaston said that it did and that it was available to all students. He added that any anonymous virulent material was destroyed.
Mr. M J. Montroy in the audience requested permission to make a statement insofar as the President of the United Nations chapter had been granted permission to speak. Chairman Bowen said he could speak for one minute. Mr. Montroy said that he felt the John Birch Society should be permitted to have space in Balboa Park on the same terms as the United Nations insofar as the United Nations is functioning as a political organization.
Commissioner Fay said she would like to ask the opinion of a Mrs. Kay Martin in the audience.
Mrs. Martin spoke in opposition to the United Nations’ occupancy of the park building, saying that it was a political organization and, as such, did not meet the qualifications of Balboa Park lessees.
Commissioner Stickney moved that the Park and Recreation Commission go on record that in its opinion the American Association of United Nations is a non-profit, educational group and falls within the scope of Municipal Code Section 63.04. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously.
Chairman Bowen said that, subject, of course, to availability of space, any groups wishing space in Balboa Park who can meet the park requirements should make written application to the Park and Recreation Department.
The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.
Signed L. E. Earnest
July 22, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:2-3. Eight-inch dahlia wins top prizes at show in Balboa Park.
July 22, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Park architecture opinions sought.
July 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2, A-14:4-6. Park and Recreation Commission backs United Nations lease; crowd at meeting is denied chance to speak; hearing due next week, by Hal D. Steward.
July 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:2-3. Robert A. Ward, one of Allen Hitch’s mayoralty campaign aides quit yesterday, charging the candidate with “unrealistic thinking.”
(Citing his vote in the City Council against continuing the United Nations Association in the park), he (Ward) accused Hitch of listening to “an extremist group: of supporters and said Hitch could not make San Diego an internationally-minded city.
July 24, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:3-5. San Diego Pops Orchestra makes its debut at Balboa Park Bowl, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
Sparked by the superb pianism of guest artist Earl Wild and the vigorous leadership of Earl Bernard Murray, “Gershwin Night” proved to be an exemplary musical entertainment.
July 25, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:4-5. Public backs United Nations lease by 6-1 in tabulations made yesterday by Phil Acker, city clerk.
July 28, 1963, San Diego Union, E-2:3-7. Lorin Hollander, acclaimed as a phenomenon at the piano at 19, makes his first San Diego appearance Tuesday, playing a Tchaikovsky concerto.
July 28, 1963, San Diego Union, E-2:3-8. Ed Flanders, Old Globe’s comic, is right at home; back at the Old Globe this season in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “The Winter’s Tale” as a member of the Equity Company.
July 28, 1963, San Diego Union, E-2:4-6. Third offering of the Old Globe’s Festival Concert series tomorrow night: Shakespeare in drama and opera.
July 29, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:4-5. Old Globe’s “Antony and Cleopatra” an imposing feat, by Alan M. Kriegsman
In Louis Edmonds, the drama has a Mark Antony of giant dimension and an acting performance as masterly as any seen at the Globe.
If Jacqueline Brook’s Nile queen meets him only halfway, it is a least understandable.
July 29, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Letter, James P. Erdman, president San Diego Chapter, American Institute of Interior Designers.
The controversy over the gift of the Timken Art Gallery and its art collection only makes me believe that we need a Protective Association to protect us from Protective Associations.
In building a new building we should built a new idea — a building which represents this age, and not one which turns us back to horse and carriage.
July 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:2-3. Public hearing set today on United Nations park lease in the International Room of the El Cortez Hotel; City foots bill.
July 30, 1963, San Diego Union, 14:1. Henry M. Hester says Timken Art Gallery compatible with other buildings in park.
July 31, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. The San Diego Civic Ballet and the San Diego Youth Symphony Orchestra climax their summer activities tonight with Summer Sounds of Music in Balboa Park Bowl.
July 31, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:3-5. Shakespeare readings, music provided rewarding evening at concert series at Old Globe Monday evening, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
July 31, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:1-2. United Nations group’s lease aired at hearing; 30 speakers heard by 1,000; decision due tomorrow, by Hal D. Steward.
July 31, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Charles Cannon writes of increased costs for Starlight.
July 31, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Albert E. Bruton decries controversy over Timken Gallery.
Build a barn if the Timken Foundation will allow it to hold the paintings. What the building looks like is of little interest.
August 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:1-3. Stadium East to Reach by Car or Bus for tomorrow night’s benefit football game between the San Diego Charges and the Kansas City Chiefs (map showing location of Balboa Stadium and some of the parking lots in the areas).
August 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:7, A-24:1. United Nation Group’s lease extended by Council; 5-2 vote reverses earlier decision, by Hal D. Steward.
The controversial United Nations Association’s Balboa Park building lease was extended for three years yesterday by the City Council in a 5-2 vote.
Councilman Allen Hitch and Justin Evenson voted against approval of the renewal.
The council’s action climaxed a public controversy that began July 11 when the council by a vote of 3 to 3 failed to renew the lease. Yesterday’s action reversed that decision.
Councilman Frank Curran’s motion to approve the lease was seconded by Councilwoman Helen Cobb.
“Inasmuch as the lease was in force three years, was not in dispute until a recent date, and met all requirements of the park, I move it be extended,” Curran said in making his motion.
Vice Mayor Harry Scheidle switched his vote from the “no” he cast July 11. At the time he was presiding in the absence of Mayor Dail.
In switching, Scheidle said: “Because of the vital interest in the issue, the effect it will have on our local and national image and because of our efforts to encourage industry to come here and to
stabilize business, I request those who voted “no” with me to change their vote and vote “yes.”
When Mayor Dail called for action on the issue, Councilman Justin Evenson asked for unanimous consent to refer the matter of the American Heritage Council to council conference. Councilman Ivor De Kirby objected, which resulted in Evenson failing to get the consent he requested. Evenson left his sick bed to vote on the issue.
Evenson was referring to a request of the American Heritage Council, made at a public hearing on the renewal of the lease, Tuesday at El Cortez Hotel. At that time the council had asked the building be turned over to it for an American Heritage Center.
In the discussion that preceded casting of votes on the lease renewal, Hitch asked City Attorney Alan Firestone for an opinion on the legal aspects of the lease.
“This lease was first reviewed in detail in 1960 by the city attorney’s office, under the late Jean Du Paul, and approved as a proper park use,” Firestone responded. “Nothing has occurred to change the legal approach to the situation. I see nothing to say it is not legal now.”
John T. Schall, an attorney, raised the legal question at the public hearing Tuesday. He said the United Nations group was in violation of the Municipal Code by selling literature in the park. Schall also maintained it was unlawfully conducting business as a “foreign corporation.”
Earlier in council conference and again during the actual council meeting, Scheidle proposed the section covering leases in Balboa Park be reviewed.
“Procedures should be set up for such leases so all lessees will know the rules,” Scheidle said. Mayor Dail said the mayor would be referred to council conference.
The action to reconsider the cancellation of the United Nations group’s lease began on July 17 when the council, on motion of Scheidle, extended the lease for a 30-day period so a public hearing could be held.
Supporters at the public hearing told the City Council San Diego’s image as an international trade center would suffer if the lease were not renewed.
Opponents of the lease based their arguments on charges that the United Nations Association was a political organization engaged in issuing propaganda and, therefore, was not eligible to lease space in Balboa Park.
The council action yesterday extends the United Nations group’s lease for three years from July 1. The Association pays the city $35 a month for the lease of the Photo Arts Building.
August 3, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1, A-22:5. Chargers, Chiefs to provide Balboa Stadium fireworks tonight.
August 3, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:2-3. Craig Noel, producing director of the Old Globe Theater, last night was named winning designer for San Diego’s float in the 1964 Tournament of Roses parade.
August 4, 1963, San Diego Union, E-1:1-6. “The King and I” to reign again at Starlight.
August 4, 1963, San Diego Union, E-4:2-4. Old Globe makes plans for fall drama season.
August 4, 1963, San Diego Union, F-16:1-4. San Diego Zoo – Zoo, a plant museum, by Arthur F. Otis.
The San Diego Zoo has an exchange arrangement with the Griffith Park Zoo in Los Angeles. We trade them animals for plants!
August 5, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:3. Planetarium site to be dedicated; $500,000 drive set for project in Balboa Park.
The site of the $500,000 planetarium and hall of science in Balboa Park will be dedicated tomorrow.
Dr. Ernest O’Byrne, president of the San Diego Hall of Science, said a six-foot by four-foot sign will be posted at the site on Laurel Street directly across from the Museum of Natural History.
The site will be dedicated by Joseph Dryer, 82, longtime San Diegan and founder of the Heaven On Earth Club. Dryer founded the club, to publicize local climate and attractions, in 1936. It was absorbed into the Convention and Tourist Bureau in 1954.
Dryer is head of the Planetarium’s Planning Committee.
The placing of the sign at 2:30 p.m. will start a drive for funds for the planetarium, which will be comparable to the Hayden in New York and the Morrison in San Francisco, O’Byrne said.
The location is part of the Bartholomew Master Plan adopted by the City Council.
O’Byrne, also vice president of San Diego State, said the planetarium would be the first wing of a hall of science there.
“The planetarium will be built and start operation, then we’ll worry about getting money for the other half,” O-Byrne said.
The planetarium will seat 400 and features a $175,000 projector, one of three of its kind in the country. It is hoped that the planetarium will be able to exist off of admission charges to the public, he added.
O’Byrne said a group of backers is looking for a single donor who would be willing to donate most of the $500,000 in one gift. The planetarium would probably be names after the donor, he said.
A contract should be called for by December and the earliest the planetarium would be open is December of 1964, O’Byrne said.
August 6, 1963, San Diego Union, 3:1-8, 9:4-5. Section of plaster, two feet across and a foot thick, fell off east wall of American Legion Building over the weekend..
No one was injured, but Lloyd Lowrey, park superintendent, said employees of Wayco Inc., demolition contractors tearing down the 48-year old structure, were not surprised by the mishap.
Lowrey said the building is completely deteriorated and falling apart on its own. Wayco is speeding the process under an $87,000 contract.
Mayor structural beams have deteriorated away from the foundation and in some sections workmen could force their feet through the floor., Lowrey said.
Lowrey said the medical arts building across the street is probably in the same shape. But he said other buildings, although just as old, are still safe.
“The building sin daily use have received constant maintenance. They are also open to air and light which helps to hold down deterioration.”
August 7, 1963, San Diego Union, A-20:6-7. Conductor Earl Bernard Murray and the San Diego Symphony played host to a sister enterprise, the San Diego Ballet, at Balboa Bowl last night, in a program which offered visual and aural rewards of uncommon measure, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
August 8, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Bruce P. Greene urges opposition to United Nations park space.
August 9, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:3-5. “King and I” is still a hit, by Joe Brooks.
August 10, 1963, San Diego Union, A-8:1-3. Teenagers have many roles; volunteers at Old Globe act, sew, paint, usher, by Joe Brooks (illus.).
August 11, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2, A-20:6-8. Starlight summer shows facing financial problems, by Joe Brooks.
August 11, 1963, San Diego Union, E-2:3-7. Old Globe takes time out for opera tomorrow night, by William Roesch.
August 11, 1963, San Diego Union, E-3:1-5. In tune with the Bard; Conrad Susa, 28-year old composer, has furnished incidental scores for 14 productions of the Shakespeare Festival since 1959, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
August 11, 1963, San Diego Union, H-3:1-8. El Cid —- legend of the statue, by Syd Love (illus.).
August 12, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:3-4. Old Globe to give “Dido and Aeneas,” 17th century opera today..
August 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:1-2. Opera at Old Globe is San Diego milestone, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
August 16, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:5-6. Old Globe sets public audition for “Sunday in New York.”
August 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:5, A-26:1-2. Balboa Park edifices show effects of age; buildings of 1915 crumbling, by Michael O’Connor (photo of American Legion Building being wrecked).
Balboa Park is showing its age.
The majestic trees still stab into the sky and its quiet, lush surroundings continue to weave a spell of charm for San Diego. But other things are changing.
A stroll down El Prado reveals some of the wrinkles. Buildings constructed in 1915 and not planned for use for more than two years, are crumbling. Deteriorated exterior plaster and rotting wood tell the story.
The sad state of Balboa Park buildings does not come as shocking news to city officials. They have known for years that periodic maintenance was not the answer to the problem.
A report by Harland Bartholomew & Associates in June of 1960 only served to make it official.
In a master plan for park development, it was recommended that several old buildings be torn down, including the administration, food and beverage and conference buildings.
The Bartholomew report said the building should be replaced with those of compatible architecture. The City Council indorsed this section of the report.
But little has been done since 1960 and the aging process continues.
One building, the American Legion structure, is coming down now to make room for a wing of the Fine Arts Gallery. The unoccupied Medical Arts Building nearby also will be razed to make way for a second gallery wing.
Demolition of the American Legion structure, which had not seen use since World War II, pointed out the far-gone condition of the 1915-era construction.
Its foundation posts were rotten and roof paper fell away in the path of demolition crews.
Les Earnest, park and recreation director, said there is no timetable on razing of the old buildings. It will depend on when money for replacement buildings is available in the capital outlay budget.
The first order of business — when money is available — will be renovation of the California Tower, popular symbol of the park.
Earnest said the city has applied for a per percent matching appropriation from the federal government to complete the $100,000 project. Plans are drawn and the work is ready to go, he said.
Renovation will be complete inside and outside the tower, Earnest said, and the architectural style of the building unchanged. Weak plaster exterior fixtures would be removed and coated with gunite and all of the upper three floors would be reinforced.
Many of the buildings marked for destruction are in daily use, bringing up the inevitable question: How long will they remain safe?
Earnest said all structures received continual maintenance and inspection by city public works crews to insure their safety. But he points out that maintenance can never solve the serious structural weaknesses the buildings have.
All buildings were out of the city’s hands during World War II when the Navy took them over for military purposes. After the war, Earnest said the Navy paid the city $900,000 to assist in maintenance expenses.
August 18, 1963, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. EDITORIAL: Balboa Park Should Come First.
August 18, 1963, San Diego Union, E-3:1-6. Atlas nominees named by Old Globe.
August 21, 1963, San Diego Union, 17:6-8. Aerospace Museum is planning to move into a Science Center.
The Ford Motor Company to be asked to help finance the remodeling of the Ford Building as a museum for scientific exhibits, said Councilman Ivor de Kirby. Pascal Dilday, a San Diego auto dealer, has proposed the idea to the Ford Company at Detroit.
August 22, 1963, San Diego Union, 17:4-5. Chamber of Commerce urged City to develop a high priority program for maintenance of park buildings.
August 24, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:6-8. Balboa Park is buzzing; bee problem becomes stinging, by Michael O’Connor (illus.).
August 24, 1963, San Diego Union, 16:8. San Diego County Grand Jury has indorsed new Putnam-Timken Foundation Fine Arts Building in Balboa Park; jury in press release called Balboa Park Protective Association either “misinformed or, perhaps, only partially informed”; Jury feels building will greatly enhance park in every respect; details.
August 25, 1963, San Diego Union, C-2:5. Gretchen Griswold proposes campaign to help Starlight.
August 26, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Silver Bay Kennel Club Dog Show held yesterday in War Memorial Building.
August 26, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:3. Arthur Fiedler arrives for Balboa Park Bowl concert.
August 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-12:3. Arthur Fiedler to lead San Diego Symphony tonight.
August 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:5-6. “Molly Brown” set to open Thursday in Balboa Park Bowl.
August 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:2-5. San Diego Zoo’s two new Komodo dragons wow kids.
August 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:1-4. Miss Margaret Webster conveyed Bard’s art at Old Globe, in an edifying conclusion of the Concert-Theater series Monday evening, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
August 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:1-2, A-23:1. Park’s Inter-Museum Council approved a proposal to study possible use of Ford Building as a Science Center (illus.).
August 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-22:5-6. Both Starlight, “Molly Brown” unsinkable, by Charles Hull.
September, 1963, San Diego Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 11, 109. Coming to the park: a planetarium, science museum, by James M. Clarke.
September, 1963, San Diego Magazine, Vol 16, No. 11, 106. Theatre: Roberta Ridgely. Starlight’s revival of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The King and I was such a dazzler that for a period in August, San Diego was treated to the anomaly of a semi-professional company (Starlight) outclassing two professional groups (Circle Arts and La Jolla Playhouse).
September, 1963, San Diego Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 11, 134. Theatre: Roberta Ridgely. After last year’s affair of Iago vs. Othello, we looked for Allen Fletcher to make a triumphal entry with Antony and Cleopatra and to re-establish himself as one of our favorite Shakespeareans. We still don’t understand what has happened. That the play is much too long is ot surprising, resistance to cuts to suit popular taste being an old Fletcher foible. But we cannot see why he cast Louis Edmonds as Antony to Jacqueline Brook’s Cleopatra, or how he could let a good actress go so wrong.
September 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:6-7. Feeding time at San Diego Zoo; Down the hatch goes $122,000, food bill last year, by John Wood.
September 2, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:7-8. San Diego Zoo – 26,122 visitors breaks all records..
September 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1. San Diego Zoo – Cape hyrax enclosure at Zoo (illus.).
September 5, 1963, San Diego Union, A-21:3. Great ape enclosure and an adjoining bird area at San Diego Zoo were named (Belle) Benchley Plaza yesterday.
September 16, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:1. Balboa Park Bowl rings with “El Grito”; 5,000 attend, by John Wood.
September 17, 1963, ELECTION: Delete Park and Recreation Commission as a charter commission and give responsibility for Park and Recreation services to City Manager.
Yes 65,266
No 29,497
September 19, 1963, San Diego Union, A-18:8. Proposition Q transferring Park and Recreation responsibilities to City Manager approved.
September 21, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:1-3. Carnell Kirkeeng and Rita Kadubec, co-stars in Old Globe comedy, “Man in the Dog Suit,” win top acting honors, by Barbara Hartung..
September 23, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:6-7. E. Yale Dawson, noted botanist, appointed director of San Diego Museum of Natural History.
September 28, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:2. San Diego may celebrate its 200th anniversary in 1969 with an exposition, a special Chamber of Commerce committee was formed to plan the year-long celebration.
September 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:2-3, A-19:7-8. “An Albino Kind of Logic” wins six Old Globe acting awards in the Old Globe Original One-Act Tournament, by John Wood (illus.).
October 6, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:3-7. San Diego Zoo to celebrate founding; free admission tomorrow, by Jim Adams.
October 8, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:8. San Diego Zoo – 10,200 see animals as Zoo’s guests, by Bill Parry.
October 25, 1963, San Diego Union, A-22:1-2. Aerospace Museum adds 1929 Consolidated Aircraft biplane.
October 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-30:3. Aerospace Museum growth plan is outlined by Navy Captain N. R. Richardson, chairman of the museum Board of Directors.
October 28, 1963, San Diego Union, A-19:7, A-21:7. Padre Dam Park awaits land deals, by Michael O’Connor.
October 28, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Square Dance Fiesta to draw 5,000 members’ square and round dance and fashion show Saturday night in Balboa Park Bowl.
October 31, 1963, San Diego Union, A-26:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Ralph Davis retires as mammal keeper at Zoo (illus.).
November 1, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Square Dancers will begin fling tonight.
November 9, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:4-5. San Diego Zoo – Two tiny Argentine-bred horses given to Zoo (illus.).
November 10, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5. Lawn bowling, Balboa regulars await Canadians, by Jim Adams (illus.).
November 11, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:5-8, A-15:4. Massing of colors at Organ Pavilion, 5,000 attend
November 13, 1963, San Diego Union, A-16:1-3. Old Globe’s “Night of the Iguana” is powerful drama, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
November 14, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:8. The Park and Recreation Commission abandoned a plan to close Morley Field Drive to cross-town traffic yesterday.
November 21, 1963, San Diego Union, A-25:5-6. Chamber of Commerce tells of Mayor Dail’s accomplishments; he will be succeeded on December 2 by Frank Curran.
November 21, 1963, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Mrs. R. E. Smith thinks Ford Building should become an Aerospace Museum.
November 24, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:4-5. Appliance Show to open Friday.
November 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:1-2, A-12:2. Meeting yesterday reviewed plans for $1.5 million planetarium; 1964 start slated; facility also will include Science Museum.
November 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:4-8, A-12:1. Community leaders laud Mayor Dail for job “well done’; 750 attend luncheon of tribute; members of the Chamber of Commerce are assembling a portfolio of stock in San Diego firms as a gift to the retiring mayor.
November 27, 1963, San Diego Union, A-11:1-2, A-12:2-3. Construction will being early next year on a $1.5 million San Diego planetarium, it was announced at a meeting yesterday of those concerned with the Balboa Park project. (illus.)
The planetarium, which will include the city’s first physical science museum, will be among the most modern in the world.
Purpose of the meeting yesterday was to review plans with consultants at the building’s site which is south of El Prado from the Natural History Museum.
Dr. W. E. Degenhard of New York, science director of the Carl Zeiss optical instruments company of West Germany, viewed plans, an architect’s models of the buildings and the setting in an informal sidewalk conference.
“This planetarium will be one of the most impressive in the world,” he told a reporter. “I think it will be wonderful in this spot with its simplified Greek style.”
Degenhard recommended to the local developers that they equip the planetarium with a relatively new projector designed to serve the space age.
H Ernest Keller, manager of the Zeiss office in Los Angeles, said the German-made instrument simulates the night sky better than was possible before.
The projector is capable of adding man-made earth satellites to the celestial show and can place the viewers into orbit and include the earth in the big picture.
“An instrument like this is being used to train astronauts and as an actual space simulator for nautical astronomical systems,” he said.
An increasing number of aerospace industry firms are using such planetariums as a scientific tool, Keller said, and the local facility may be able to derive some income in this way.
Dr. Bernard Gross, president of a non-profit corporation formed to build the San Diego Hall of Science and Planetarium, said construction of the planetarium will begin early in 1964 and will be completed within 18 months. He said two museum buildings will be added later.
Dr. Ernest O’Byrne, treasurer of the citizens’ group, said, “it appears that a pledge for approximately half of the money necessary to build the entire facility will be forthcoming.”
Estimated cost of the planetarium itself is $500,000 and an additional $1 million will be needed for the museum.
Predominant feature of the proposed 100 x 100 foot planetarium building is a dome 60 feet in diameter upon which the projections would be made.
Louis Bodmer, architect for the project, said the planetarium would have 10,000 square feet of floor space with an equal amount in a basement level for research work.
He said the museum building, which will project east into what now is Park Boulevard, will have about 70,000 square feet on three floors, one of which will be below ground.
November 28, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:1. Mammoth Yule tree put in place yesterday at the Organ Pavilion by Navy Seabees and Marines.
November 28, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:8. The 30th annual Electrical and Home Appliance Show will open at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Electric Building and will continue through Wednesday; “Then and Now” is the them of this year’s show; many exhibitors will display 1933-model appliances along with new ones, such as an oven that cleans itself automatically, an electrically operated bed, and a push-button device for a wash basin, shower and bathtub.
November 30, 1963, San Diego Union, A-17:7, A-18:2. Twenty three thousand attend opening of Electric Show.
December 2, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:7, B-4:8. Tree lighted in Balboa Park Yule ceremony.
December 3, 1963, San Diego Union, B-1:3-4. The central area of Balboa Park was blacked out for 45 minutes last night, leaving an estimated 2,500 visitors at the 20th annual Electric and Home Appliance Show in darkness.
December 4, 1963, San Diego Union, A-1:4-5. San Diego Zoo – Elmer C. Otto, Alpine man, wills Zoo $1.5 million, by Homer Clance.
A retired drug manufacturer who died November 14 has left an estimated $1.5 million of his $6 million estate to the San Diego Zoological Society, it was announced yesterday.
The gift was among bequests in the will of Elmer C. Otto, vice president and secretary of the Charles P. Pfizer Company, one of the largest drug firms in the nation.
Otto retired in 1950 and he and his wife, Gladys, moved to a 265-acre ranch at Alpine, two years later.
The announcement was made by Dr. E. Minton Fetter, president of the society, which operates the San Diego Zoo in Balboa Park; Oliver B. James, vice president and senior trust officer of San Diego Trust and Savings Bank, executor of the estate; and Byron F. White, attorney for the estate.
The gift is one of the largest in the history of the society.
Otto never had been a member of the society and society officials said they had never heard of him.
James said, however, that Otto was a member of the New York Zoological Society and the American Museum of Natural History.
Fetter said the major needs of the Zoo are renovation of old exhibits, a project which has been underway for several years. However, he said, it will be up to the board of directors to decide how to use the bequest. This will be discussed at a board meeting Saturday, he added.
Under terms of the will, the bulk of it will go in equal shares to the San Diego Zoological Society, the New York Zoological Society and the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
December 6, 1963, San Diego Union, B-6:5; December 18, 1963, 31:7-8. City Council has decided to take a longer look at the type of leases it grants for Balboa Park buildings.
December 18, 1963, San Diego Union, A-13:1-1. Park and Recreation Department plans ballet gift to San Diego children Friday in Russ Auditorium; ballet is called “Twelve Dancing Princesses.”
December 21, 1963, San Diego Union, A-15:8. United States government approves 10 grants; way clear for work at art gallery with approval of an $840,000 grant from the federal Housing and Home Finance Agency.
Robert F. Faust, chairman of the development program, said working plans for the west wing will be completed in about 45 days.
The new west wing will be a colonnaded, one-story structure spanning the space between the present gallery and the California Tower
Traditional features of deeply recessed courtyards, covered skylight loggias, sculptured columns and richly ornamented screens, gates and eaves are incorporated into design of the west wing.
Faust said future plans are for construction of a $1 million education section attached to the west wing.
December 29, 1963, San Diego Union, C-7:1-8. A building boom for art’s sake in Balboa Park (plans).
GALLERY GROWTH: San Diego’s art complex in Balboa Park, centering around the city’s present Fine Arts Gallery, will be enlarged by the construction of two additions — the cost of which is estimated at more than $2.6 million. At right (east) is the $1 million Timken Gallery currently under construction. This gallery, being financed by the Timken and Putnam Foundations will house primarily the Putnam Foundation collection of European masterworks. At left (west) is the proposed $1.6 million west wing addition to the Fine Arts Gallery. A federal grant of $804,000 announced last week, has assured financing of construction of the west wing. The addition will include exhibit rooms, an assembly hall with small stage, an art library and sculpture courts. The federal grant will be matched by funds from the city and the Fine Arts Society; architects’ fees have been paid. Construction of the educational wing at far left is not considered in immediate plans. This wing is expected to be constructed when additional funds are raised. Plans for the west wing addition are expected to go to bid early next year. Completion of both buildings is expected in 1965.
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