Balboa Park History 1964
January 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-11:6-7. San Diego Zoo – stuffed flamingo exhibit.
January 5, 1964, San Diego Union, A-23:1-2. Mrs. Florence Abbey, president of the Balboa Park Protective Association, has urged the City Council to form an architectural commission which would pass on the suitability of new construction in Balboa Park.
January 5, 1964, San Diego Union, A-23:3. Aerospace exhibit due January 12-19.
The Air Force, Navy and Army will move indoor and outdoor exhibits into Balboa Park for an aerospace exhibit scheduled for the week of January 12-19.
Charles Dixon, Jaycee president, said the indoor exhibit would be houses in the Aerospace Museum on Zoo Drive and the outdoor exhibits would be placed on the parking lot across from the San Diego Zoo.
January 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-8:1-8. “Shot in the Dark” will open at Old Globe.
January 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-10:4-5. Public tryouts will be held Monday and Tuesday at the Old Globe Theater’s Falstaff Tavern at 7:30 p.m. for “Take Her, She’s Mine”; William Roesch will direct.
January 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:4. City Council yesterday approved a $19,000 contract to demolish Medical Arts Building; part of the contract calls for removal of 50 eucalyptus trees.
January 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:8. Mimbo and Timbo, 2-year old gorillas obtained from Fort Worth, Texas, will go on display today at 1 p.m. in the children’s section of the San Diego Zoo.
January 10, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:7. James Britton decries loss of “forest” near Old Globe.
January 12, 1964, San Diego Union, C-2:5. Dee Smith pleads for Spanish architecture.
January 13, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2, A-17:1. Aerospace Week observance opens; ceremony held at museum in park to dramatize missile defense role (illus.).
January 13, 1964, San Diego Union. Fire School sailors do park drill on Zoo Drive; performance of precision drill team of the Fire Control Technician’s School at the Naval Training Center; part of ceremonies opening Aerospace Defense Week observance, by Robert Zimmerman.
January 16, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:7. William H. Strong urges tree preservation.
January 16, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Robert Mosher and Roy Drew deny grove to be lost.
January 18, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8. San Diego Zoo – three rare ducks get home at Zoo.
January 21, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:8. James Britton again protests removal of 50 park trees.
January 22, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:4. Warren Beach, Fine Arts Gallery director, appointed to state’s new Art Commission.
January 22, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:3. Old Globe cast plans “The Crucible” to open February 7.
January 23, 1964, San Diego Union, A-29:3, A-30:3. Balboa Park Café del Rey Moro closing set January 30; café is now being operated on a sublease held by Garner P. Dicus.
The café was operated in 1935 by Mrs. Iva Valle who operated it until the Navy took over during World War II. The sublease was obtained by Mrs. Helen Priest after the water and remained in her name for three years.
Last operator before Dicus was Miss Helen Thompson who held the sublease until October, 1962.
January 25, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:2-3. San Diego Zoo – turkey spared by President Kennedy joins San Diego Zoo, by Mitch Himaka.
January 25, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:5. Councilmen disagree on park group to advise on style of buildings in Balboa Park.
January 27, 1964, San Diego Union, A-16:1-2. San Diego Zoo – Zoo’s hospital well stocked.
January 30, 1964, San Diego Union, 23:2. The Balboa Park Protective Association yesterday stated its opposition to the proposed Fine Arts Gallery west wing and criticized the city for removing trees to allow for its construction; about 60 eucalyptus trees are to be removed for the $1.6 million west wing.
February 6, 1964, San Diego Union. Thomas, 55-pound turkey, outweighs many youthful admirers at San Diego Zoo, by Joe Stone.
February 7, 1964, San Diego Union. Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” opens an 11-performance run tonight in the Old Globe arena at Falstaff Tavern.
February 8, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:2-3. “The Crucible” brews strong drama, by Joe Brooks.
February 8, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Dee Smith pleads save Prado from ruin.
February 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:6, A-20:7. Mayor Curran still silent on appointments to Commissions; defers filling of posts on four boards despite State legislature ratification of charter amendments passed by voters in September primary election, by Michael O’Connor.
February 12, 1964, Park and Recreation Commission Minutes, Council Conference Room, Civic Center.
Present: Chairman Bowen; Vice Chairman Kupiec; Commissioners Fay, Geyer, Kerrigan, Lowe and Stickney; Park and Recreation Director Earnest; Assistant Park and Recreation Director des Granges; Mr. Mitchell Angus of the Colina Park Recreation Center, Inc.; the Press.
Absent: None.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The accelerated Public Works Program of the Federal Government is allocating $804,000 toward the construction of a wing to the Fine Arts Gallery. Construction must be started 120 days from January 28, 1964. This has resulted in a tight schedule to demolish the old Medical Arts Building and to remove 60 trees to prepare the area for the new wing.
An injunction obtained by the Balboa Park Protective Association to restrain the City from cutting down trees was served on the City Council Tuesday afternoon, January 11th after 25 of the 60 trees have been cut down. The court hearing will be held at 10 a.m. on January 13th, 1964 and all work has ceased pending the outcome of that hearing.
Two weeks ago the president of the Balboa Park Protective Association was invited to go over the site with a representative of the Park Department who would explain the plans to remove the trees. Lloyd Lowrey, the Park representative, pointed out to the president why certain trees had been selected for removal. He explained that some of the trees were being removed because they were diseased. No trees were being removed except those located within the boundaries of the new building.
At this time the Balboa Park Protective Association has taken the stand that the removal of the diseased trees is logical, but that an alteration in the plans for the Fine Arts Gallery Wing would obviate the removal of the rest of the trees.
The City takes the position that since public hearings on this subject have been held for more than a year, ample time has been allowed for objectors to present their views for consideration.
CAFÉ DEL REY MORO: Director Earnest requested that Assistant Director des Granges make a report on the Café del Roy Moro lease. This she did, stating that the Café del Rey Moro lease, which is a sublease from the House of Hospitality Association, terminated its lease as of January 31st of this year. The House of Hospitality Association is attempting to secure a new sublessee. In the meantime, all groups who meeting at the House of Hospitality who wish to have catering can continue to be served as a San Diego catering company has been doing this catering separately for these groups. It is the hope of the House of Hospitality Association that the new sublessee will not only run the Café del Rey Moro but will cater as well. Five applicants for the sublease are new under consideration and it is hoped the matter will be resolved shortly.
February 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:7. The City Council has turned down a proposed charter amendment which would require a vote of the people to approve road projects in Balboa Park.
February 13, 1964, San Diego Union, A-23:8, A-25:1. Twenty five eucalyptus trees in a Balboa Park grove, that a citizens group was seeking to retain by court action, were cut down by a firm holding a city contract (illus.).
February 14, 1964, San Diego Union, C-1:4-5. Balboa Park Protective Association loses fight for Balboa trees, by Homer Clance.
Superior Court Judge Vincent Whelan said, “Frankly, I don’t think that equity calls for the court to halt plans for construction of the building as planned and designed at the very last moment.”
The city on February 4 awarded a $2,500 contract to El Cajon Tree Surgery to removed the 60 trees, and 25 were demolished before the restraining order was served on city officials Tuesday.
A second contract for $8,585 was awarded February 6 to Waco Services Inc. to tear down the old Medical Arts Building, where the west wing will rise.
February 16, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:5-6. Fourteen hundred dogs slated in one-day show next Sunday in Electric Building.
February 18, 1964, San Diego Union, A-9:5-6. “Take Her, She’s Mine” opens tonight at Old Globe.
February 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:6-8. “Take Her, She’s Mine” proves easy to take, by Joe Brooks.
February 21, 1964, San Diego Union, A-27:4. The Fine Arts Society of San Diego yesterday presented the City Council a check of $530,000 as a contribution to the new West Wing of the Fine Arts Gallery.
February 24, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5, A-16:1. Canines give Dog Show crowd the eye, by John Wood.
February 26, 1964, San Diego Union, 13:3-5. Robert M. Golden, construction executive, wants to spend $15,000 as his gift to the city, in project to restored 50-year old balustrade and urns in Balboa Park’s lily pond and botanical building; City Council accepted offer and expressed appreciation; existing wooden structure will be replaced with concrete (illus.).
March 8, 1964, San Diego Union, A-23:4-7. Zoos find animals costly, by Dick Bowman.
March 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-23:5-7. Eleven grandmothers modeled spring fashions in Conference Building yesterday.
March 22, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:5. An ordinance creating an 11-member Parks and Recreation Board has been prepared and will be on the City Council agenda Thursday.
March 23, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:5. Parks Board ordinance is ready; 11-member unit would replace commissions..
March 27, 1964, San Diego Union, 15:6. The City Council yesterday approved an ordinance creating an 11-member Parks and Recreation Board; members will be appointed by mayor with consent of council; would supplant the Park and Recreation Commission and the Mission Bay Commission; the ordinance must be placed before the Council again for final passage.
March 30, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:2-3. Easter rites at Organ Pavilion attended by 2,000, by Edward Niciejewski.
March 31, 1964, San Diego Union. “Third Best Sport” to open at Old Globe tonight.
April 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:2. International park at border urged by Hugo Fisher, director of state resources.
April 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:5-6. County Orchid Show in Conference Building ends tomorrow.
April 5, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:5-8, A-32:1. Science Fair opening in Federal Building Wednesday.
April 5, 1964, San Diego Union, F-17:1-2. Spring Rose Show opens next Saturday in Electric Building.
April 8, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:4-6. Greater Science Fair opens tonight with 396 exhibits.
April 9, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:7-8, A-29:1. Computer, botany projects win top science awards.
April 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:2-3. Two million mark this fiscal year hit early at San Diego Zoo (illus.).
April 12, 1964, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8. Starlight Opera reaches out for young new faces, by Joe Brooks (illus.).
April 12, 1964, San Diego Union, E-8:1-3. Old Globe to move into St. Francis Chapel for “A Sleep of Prisoners,” by Christopher Fry, article by Joe Brooks.
April 12, 1964, San Diego Union, I-2:1-2. In 1872, they tried to steal Balboa Park and they might have succeeded, had it not been for Daniel Cleveland, by Jerry MacMullen.
April 14, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:2-5. San Diego Zoo – City, County eye game preserve in San Pasqual; another parking lot being studied, by Michael O’Connor..
April 14, 1964, San Diego Union, A-l7:1-2. San Diego Zoo – a nocturnal hootenanny, that’s the Zoo at night, by Robert Zimmerman.
April 14, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:1-2. Sally Rand gives Carny bare facts, by Donald Freeman.
April 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-24:1-2. Spring Fair opening Friday in Electric Building.
April 26, 1914, San Diego Union, A-17:1-8. Dr. E. Yale Dawson, Natural History Museum director, solves problem of how to move dinosaur, by David Farmer (illus.).
April 30, 1964, San Diego Union, A-25:7-8, A-32:4-6. Mayor Curran backs Motel-Hotel tax proposal, by George Story.
Mayor Curran said yesterday he supports enactment of local hotel-motel room taxes and warned that the alternative is a state room-tax with the revenue going to the state.
May 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-31:5. A bid of $1,543,000 by the M. H. Golden Construction Company was the lowest received yesterday for construction of new West Wing of Fine Arts Gallery.
May 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-32:2-3. Exhibits showing America’s progress in space will be displayed through May 30 at the Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park, Mrs. Frank Gabaldon, president of the Aerospace Museum, said yesterday.
She is president of the Aerospace Museum, which has obtained the display for San Diego.
“Project Mercury — A Report to the Nation,” is scheduled as one of the major exhibits. It will consist of a Mercury capsule, containing a mannequin wearing an actual space suit.
Graphic exhibits with the capsule are to include details of all six Mercury flights and reports on other aspects of Project Mercury. These include human responses to thrust and space, radiation protection, international cooperation in the space program and the proposed Gemini program for manned flights to the moon and beyond.
Mrs. Galbaldon said exhibits also will include a display, “Photography From Five Years of Space,” with 96 pictures of the program.
The Aerospace Museum also is to unveil its latest permanent acquisitions — two Discover capsules from unmanned U. S. space flights that will be kept here. Mrs. Gabaldon said the museum and the auxiliary have been working for more than a year to acquire the capsules.
Four space flight films also will be shown during the month-long exhibit. These include “Friendship – 7,” a report of the John Glenn flight; “Sigma 7,” the Walter Schirra flight; “Faith 7,” the Gordon Cooper flight, and “Mystery of Space.” The movies are scheduled on weekends.
Charles Brown, director of exhibits at the museum said the exhibits will cover more than 12,000 square feet of floor space. The museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays with no admission charge.
May 1, 1964, San Diego Union, B-10:3-4. San Diego Zoo – City Council gave Zoo permission to develop additional parking adjacent to present lot.
The City Council yesterday gave the Zoological Society permission to develop additional Zoo parking adjacent to the present parking lot.
The society will develop the 26 acres in five increments and hopes to being soon in order to provide some additional spaces this summer, the city manager’s office said yesterday.
The land is east of the present parking lot and total development will coincide with plans to relocate Park Boulevard east of its present location. Zoo Drive will become a cul-de-sac when this is completed.
Under terms of the agreement to be signed with the Society, City Manager Tom Fletcher said only cars which belong to employees and patrons of Balboa Park attractions, including the Zoo, will be permitted to use the lot.
He said this provision is designed to stop groups of persons from parking their cars in the most favorable positions of the lot all day and taking buses to other places.
Current plans call for realignment of the Boulevard in 1965-66, and the Balboa park Tennis Club also would be relocated. The Zoological Society said additional parking spaces are urgently needed
May 2, 1964, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3, A-6:5-8. Twelve thousand San Diegans went to Balboa Stadium under a cloudy sky and threat of rain last night to hear Billy Graham exhort them to be “born again” by turning in simple faith to Jesus Christ.
May 2, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:3. Balboa Stadium beer sales facing fight, by Charles Davis.
A battle over Balboa Stadium beer sales will be reopened at two locations next week — the Board of Education’s meeting chambers and Superior Court.
Both instances represent an effort by James Hervey Johnson, a former county assessor, to prevent an Oakland firm, Duchess, Inc. from selling beer at the city-owned stadium
It will be up to the board — at opposite poles with Johnson on another matter — to decide whether to side with him as a friend of the court in the beer sales protest.
That other matter is the city schools’ June 2 tax ceiling proposition. Board members are signers of an official “pro” argument going to voters; Hervey is a signer of the “con” argument.
Johnson on Thursday will attempt in Superior Court to prevent a 2-1 decision by the appeals board of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control department from being carried out.
The decision, issued March 30, upholds a conditional beer license recommended for Duchess by the department and its hearing officer, Coleman Stewart.
It coincides with a position adopted by the school board last summer, but which was changed to one of total opposition December 2 when three of the board’s members were replaced.
May 2, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:8. Walter R. Hooper scores tax-exempt foundations.
May 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-1:5, A-8:1-2. Billy Graham told 27,500 men, women and children in Balboa Stadium yesterday that they are living in a world as wicked and marked for destruction as the Biblical city of Sodom.
May 5, 1964, San Diego Union, A-11:3-4. The final production of the Old Globe Theater’s 27th season, “A Far Country,” opens tonight at 6:30.
May 5, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:1-3. Balboa Park tower gets a face-lifting, by David Farmer . . . $80,000 renovation that includes replacing original walls of hollow clay tile around the first 7 floors of the tower with gunite concrete, 4 to 6 inches thick, by Art A. Gussa Construction Company, El Cajon (illus.).
May 6, 1964, San Diego Union, A-20:1-3. “A Far Country,” drama about Freud’s life, is brilliantly done at Old Globe, by Joe Brooks.
May 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-35:1-2. Sketches, plans and cost estimates have been completed for a proposed new wing and auditorium at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park.
The $157,000 auditorium will seat 500 for wildlife films and lectures, museum officials said. Total cost of the new wing will be about $360,000.
May 8, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:7. Letter about Daniel Cleveland.
May 8, 1964, San Diego Union, B-7. San Diego Zoo – Council votes to block Zoo parking fee plan.
The City Council yesterday unanimously voted to block a $1 parking fee proposed for the San Diego Zoo.
The Council endorsed recommendations by Councilmen Uvaldo Martinez and Dick Murphy to scrap the fee indefinitely, while allowing Zoo and city officials to work on traffic studies for Balboa Park, where the Zoo is located.
The Council also suggested amendments to the Zoo’s lease with the City that would reduce any future parking fees for Zoological Society members and allow for a reserve fund for a future parking structure.
A City Council committee recommended such action last week.
May 9, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:4-5. San Diego Zoo – Zoo parking plan OK’d over protest.
An ordinance allowing the San Diego Zoological Society to pave a Balboa Park parking lot and add five acres to Zoo property has been approved by the City Council.
The measure was opposed by the Balboa Tennis Club, which holds a lease on three acres near the Zoo parking area. The club facilities would be removed as part of the four-stage parking lot improvement.
The Zoo is to finance and maintain the paving, landscaping and marking of the 26.6-acre parking area adjacent to Park Boulevard.
Council approval also means the north boundary line of the Zoo will be extended to Richmond Street, bringing in the additional five acres. The Zoo made this request to eliminate a “no-man’s land” corridor between the old northern boundary and Richmond, which was not maintained.
Spokesmen for the Tennis Club said the group had been using park facilities since 1922, Its $50 a month lease is scheduled to expire next year.
Councilmen indicated they would not be in favor of a club request to relocate the club at city expense. Les Earnest, Park and recreation director, said the city is planning to add new courts at Morley Field in the park and improve dressing room facilities.
May 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-29:5-8. Aero Museum visualized as a “do it yourself” spot; “hands off” signs are missing, by David Farmer.
The Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park doesn’t want to over-awe anybody. It’s not even sure it wants to be a museum.
“We can’t bear the thought of being a Smithsonian Institution,” said director Charles Brown.
The museum would rather be a kind of Aerospace Disneyland.
Brown, who looks for all the world like a young engineer, with his crew-cut brown hair and friendly face, explains:
The museum is designed to motivate people, mainly children. So its job is to be interesting, not necessarily to hoard mementos. The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. free. It is a place where children — or adults — can see a lunar excursion module, for instance, when they learn about it in the news.
Brown plans to convert an old aircraft training mockup so it can be “flown” by visitors.
“Whenever possible, we refuse to put glass cases or ropes around things. We prefer to have things broken than to have signs up saying “Hand off,” said Brown.
Children are growing up into a more and more complicated world, says Brown, and they need to be motivated early to plunge into science.
“What we started out to do was force motivation on youngsters,” said Brown, his voice echoing in the huge, hangar-like room in the old Food and Beverage Building.
“When school groups come in, we drop everything to take them on tours and answer their questions. That’s the most important thing at the museum, the only reason why we’re here.”
The Aerospace Museum preserves many historical items.
An airplane engine made by the Wright brothers; the engine of the plane that first broke the sound barrier; the first supersonic seaplane; the largest collection of possessions on pioneer glider pilot John Montgomery; two Discoverer capsules; a full-size mockup of a moon exploration craft; and others.
They are mostly to use as an environment to stimulate the visitor.
“It doesn’t mean a thing, if there’s nothing to be gained by it. Perhaps one of the children will go home, have a brainstorm, and invent the greatest thing every made,” Brown said.
Before the museum was organized, said Brown, San Diego had almost no place to display aerospace historical items.
“San Diego has had more aviation firsts than any other city in the world, and was the birthplace of Naval aviation,” he said.
He said many valuable things were going to waste for lack of a museum. He explained:
“I was an engineer at Convair, specializing in the design of training devices. One day I saw a mockup of an 880 jetliner being thrown away. I couldn’t stand it.”
So he quit his job to help found a place where this material could be shown to the public.
May 10, 1964, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8. New vistas on the Fine Arts horizon, by Joe Brooks (incomplete)..
“In 40 years the society had an increase in members of about 300,” Barrett said. “We hope to be up to about 5,000 at the end of the year. We plan to take the story of Clairemont and every other community in the county.”
Barrett noted that the broadened membership base will help support the expanded operations of the gallery.
The exhibit space will be doubled “letting us bring many works out of the basement,” Barrett said. The new wing will contain space for a library and a 400-seat auditorium.
Beach said the expanded membership will have two effects:
- It will provide additional operating funds for accelerated activities such as exhibitions and programs.
- It will generate interest in the gallery. “More people will receive the bulletins, keep up with the activities, come to things. There will be more interest, and the interest will spread,” Beach said.
One of the major benefits of the new wing will be to enable the gallery to exhibit more of its permanent collection of works.
“Now we can exhibit only the top works of the European masters,” Beach explained. “With more exhibit space, we will be able to show the best works from all directions of our collections. People will be amazed at what we have.”
The San Diego Art Guild will stage an art fair next Sunday in connection with the groundbreaking ceremony. Artists and craftsmen will exhibit their works in all media and give demonstrations outdoors in front of the gallery.
Officials of the society, the City of San Diego, and the contracting company will start work about May 29 and finish some time early next summer.
The wing was designed by the architectural firm of Mosher and Drew.
When added to the present gallery and the Timken Gallery, now under construction to the east, the new building will give San Diego one of the finest art facilities in the West.
“We believe it will produce the impetus for the society to grow apace with the city,” Beach commented.
May 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-1:1-3, A-6:1-6. Billy Graham crusade finale attracts crowd; 35,000 at Stadium, by Robert Zimmerman.
May 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:1-2, A-19:6. Mayor Curran’s wife poured a mixture of water from Manila Bay and San Diego Bay on the fuselage of the plane “Spirit of San Diego” in the Organ Pavilion yesterday; plane will soon see service in the Philippines helping spread the written word among primitive people, by Robert Zimmerman..
May 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8, A-19:4. Hotel men assail 4 percent room tax plan, by Michael O’Connor.
May 13, 1964, San Diego Union, 17:4. M. H. Golden Construction Company awarded $1,543,000 contract for construction of west wing of Fine Arts Gallery.
May 15, 1964, San Diego Union, A-25:5. Singers, dancers and guitarists will be auditioned Sunday at 2 p.m. in Falstaff Tavern for the Old Globe’s pre-performance festivities of the 15th National Shakespeare Festival.
May 16, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:4. Defense Secretary Robert S. MacNamara’s decision to close the San Diego Naval Repair Facility caught the Navy by surprise, testimony made public last night indicates.
May 17, 1964, San Diego Union, E-1:1-8. Summer and the symphony, the ideal of classical and light, warm-weather music is balanced, by Alan M. Kriegsman . . . opening night will be July 21 in Balboa Park Bowl.
May 17, 1964, San Diego Union, E-2:1-8. Old Globe’s drama, “A Far Country,” a turn-of-the-century drama based on the life of Dr. Sigmund Freud, really dressed up, by Beverly Beyette.
May 17, 1964, San Diego Union, E-3:1-8. Putting Starlight Opera’s best foot forward, by Olga Maynard (illus.).
The Starlight season at Balboa Park Bowl won’t begin until July 16, but the first steps toward a successful season are being taken at the Ellicott School on Central Street.
May 17, 1964, San Diego Union, E-7:1-8. An art gallery under the trees at 6th Avenue and Laurel Street, Balboa Park.
May 18, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:2, A-19:1. Gallery west wing work begins with paint job.
“Groundbreaking” was done with paint brushes yesterday for the west wing of the Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park.
A 12- by 30-foot painting of the addition stood in the middle of the land the wing will occupy.
Representatives of the city, Fine Arts Society, and the contractor — all clad in artists’ smocks — wielded paint brushes to put color in the barely outlined sketch.
- J. Reed Barrett, San Diego Fine Arts Society president; Robert Faust, chairman of the society’s development committee; Robert Golden, representing H. M. Golden contractors, who will build the addition; and William Gerhardt, assistant to the city manager, wielded brushes.
Various colors were available for artists, and when help was needed, they received assistance from Margaret Beach, 17, daughter of the gallery director, Donald (sic) Beach.
Construction of the $1,543,000 wing will begin later this month. The Fine Arts Society has raised more than $800,000 and received a matching gift from the federal government under the Accelerated Public Works Program.
The wing will provide San Diego with an outstanding art complex, Michael Ibs Gonzalez, past society president and master of ceremonies for the event, said.
The west wing will be completed by summer of next year and house predominantly American and Asiatic art.
Along with the Timken Gallery, which should open in about six months and house the Putnam collection of old masters, the Balboa Park galleries will be the finest on the west coast, Gonzalez said.
The more than 200 persons who attended the ceremonies were able to view artists in action. The San Diego Art Guild’s Arts and Crafts Show concluded its presentation yesterday in the gallery parking lot.
Many persons toured the partially finished Timken Gallery after the ceremony.
May 18, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:3-4, A-18:5. New wing started; Gallery to open its storehouses, by David Farmer.
Museums, they say, are like icebergs. In case you haven’t heard that one, it’s because only a fraction of an iceberg is visible above the surface. Museums don’t like being like icebergs, but they often can’t do anything about it. The Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego in Balboa Park is one of the lucky ones. It isn’t going to melt — It’s going to build a new $1.6 million wing.
“Two thirds of our collections are never regularly on view,” said Warren Beach, directory of the gallery.
“Only about half of our European collection is regularly up and one or two tapestries. Almost none of our American, Asiatic or graphic arts are regularly on view.
“None of our textiles, glass or metal arts are normally on view.”
Beach is itching to get more of the $7 million worth of art works in front of the public.
Construction on the new West Wing began yesterday with groundbreaking ceremonies. The wing will about double the size of the museum.
It will include exhibition space, a new library, auditorium, outdoor sculpture court, Asiatic garden court, temporary classroom and storage, kitchen, shipping and receiving areas and two galleries for specialized exhibits — Early American and Asiatic arts.
Beach, obviously pleased, pointed to the new facilities on a big model of the new wing.
“The most important of all will be the new exhibition galleries and courts,” he said. “For the first time in many years, we will be able to display regularly the best of the full range of all our collections.
“This also will encourage persons to make gifts of fine art works. (Some) had been reluctant, knowing that we could seldom display their gifts.
Beach is so happy about the museum’s building progress that he called 1964 “this fabulous year.”
For the new West Wing is not the only expansion for the gallery.
Already under construction is the Timken Gallery, which sets to the east of the museum, like a mushroom near a rock. It is expected to house about 40 paintings.
“These include a small number of very fine Renaissance, Baroque and 19th century European paintings and one of the most important groups of Russian icons in America,” said Beach.
He said the Fine Arts Gallery already is one of the top general art museum in the United states.
“The gallery, built in 1926, has collections of Dutch, Flemish, Italian and especially Spanish Renaissance and Baroque painting finer than any other West Coast museum,” he said.
Nearly all art forms are represented from all ages, races and cultures, Beach said.
The quality of some of the collections draws scholars from all over the world, he added.
“The gallery stages more than 30 changing exhibits each year. It drew more than 110,000 visitors during the past nine months.
The gallery, not content to sit, panting from its efforts, still has more plans dancing in its leaders’ heads.
The Fine Arts Society of San Diego, which runs the gallery, plans another million dollar building next to the west wing in the future. It will be for art education.
After that, the society will try to build up bequests and gifts. It will start at once to try to double its present membership of about 1,700
All this, says Beach, because “We need more than ever in the history of the world to develop the ability to choose the finest, rather than the most popular.”
May 20, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:1-2. City Manager Tom Fletcher asks $84.5 million for San Diego improvements; Council gets six-year program for streets, parks, buildings, by Michael O’Connor.
Among the major 1965-65 projects were:
$75,000 for renovation of the Balboa Park electrical system.
$147,000 (?) for construction of arcades on the north side of El Prado adjacent to the Timken and west wings of the Fine Arts Gallery.
May 21, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:4-5. Mayor Curran foresees need for bond financing to meet park, recreation, police, fire and library needs.
May 24, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:3, A-15:1-3. Pueblo lands sought for city projects, by Michael O’Connor.
May 25, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:3, A-18:4. Propositions B and C deal with pueblo lots; city backing use of 956 acres for University of California development.
May 25, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:7-8. Council, citizens split on Proposition D, by Michael O’Connor.
Proposition D calls for widespread changes in planning procedure, including a transfer of control of the Planning Department to the City Manager.
May 27, 1964, San Diego Union, A-25:3. Dr. E. Yale Dawson announced yesterday that grants of $67,000 for special projects from National Science Foundation and San Diego County Medical Society have been received by the Museum of Natural History.
May 27, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:1-3. San Diego Zoo – oldest Zoo monkey dies, Irish came to San Diego in 1927.
May 27, 1964, San Diego Union, B-7:5. Veterans Building Seeks Funds.
An official of the corporation operating the Veterans War Memorial Building told the City Council yesterday the facility is having financial problems and asked for $2,489 to pay bills.
The request, presented to councilmen by R. B. James, a director of Veterans War Memorial Building, Inc. was submitted to City Mgr. Tom Fletcher.
James said the money was needed before the end of the current fiscal years on June 30 to meet debts which are nearing delinquency. He said corporation officials also wanted to meet with councilmen to find ways to make the building self-supporting.
One way, he said, would be through a corporation liquor license. Licenses for alcoholic beverages, however, are not permitted in Balboa Park.
The War Memorial Building was constructed by the city in 1950. It is operated by the corporation for veterans’ activities under a $50 a month lease with the city.
Pauline des Granges, assistant park and recreation director, said the corporation rents the building and its auditorium and averaged $770 a month income from this source during the current year.
May 28, 1964, San Diego Union, A-36:3. Starlight Opera’s opening set for July 16.
May 31, 1964, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. EDITORIAL: “Yes” on propositions will aid city’s future.
June 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:1-2, A-23:1-2. City to spruce up Balboa Park area, by Mike O’Connor.
More than $542,000 will be spent in Balboa Park next year to provide a series of improvements mainly in utilities, landscaping and streets.
The largest single expenditure will be $143,000 to construct arcades on the north side of El Prado adjacent to the West and Timken wings of the Fine Arts Gallery.
June 3, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:3. The City Council yesterday tentatively approved an appropriation of $10,000 to assist financing of Starlight musical productions next year.
It was the first time in the 18 years of Starlight shows that a city subsidy had been sought. A similar amount is being requested from the county.
June 3, 1964, San Diego Union, B-3:3-4. Mayor Curran appoints 11 members to recently formed Park and Recreation Board.
Holdover appointees are Douglas R. Giddings, Mrs. John T. Ready and Marion Richards from the Mission Bay Park Commission and Richard M. Bowen of the Park and Recreation Commission.
New appointees are Alfred Schneider, a savings and loan executive; Dr. John R. Ford, a physician; Robert L. Covell, an electronics firm executive and president of Mission Bay Association; Wallace Vine, a druggist; Richard F. Lustig, an accountant; Dr. Lou Robinson, a dentist; and Patrick Scott, a Young Men’s Christian Association executive.
Curran announced the appointments for two-year terms ending My 3, 1966.
June 3, 1964, San Diego Union, B-3:3. “Gentleman” thief robs the Aerospace Museum of $250 in cash and equipment valued at $540.
“But he was gentleman enough not to touch the displays,” said director Charles Brown. “A carelessly thrown match could have been disastrous.”
June 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-33:8. San Diego Zoo – $1.5 million to Zoo from estate of Elmer C. Otto due in August.
June 5, 1964, San Diego Union, A-25:5-6. Councilman Harry Scheidle yesterday asked the city manager’s office for a report on the controversial Maple Canyon Road project.
June 6, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:5. Padre Dam dedicated as United States landmark set October 11.
June 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-12:5-8. City playgrounds ready for summer.
June 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:1. San Diego Zoo – $12,000 incubation and brooding facility for birds built at Zoo.
June 7, 1964, San Diego Union, E-1:1-2, E-3:1-2. It’s Bard Time at Old Globe; “Much Ado About Nothing” to open Shakespeare Festival
June 9, 1964, San Diego Union, B-3:3-4. Shakespeare run opening tonight.
June 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-20:2-3. New Parks Board begins functioning; Douglas Giddings named chairman.
June 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-22:1-2. “Much Ado About Nothing” cast does self proud, by Joe Brooks . . . Director B. Iden Payne back at the festival after an absence of 11 years.
June 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-37:4-7. “Much Ado About Nothing” is a frolic despite a few minor flaws, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
The play itself, while certainly more than nothing, is less than much.
June 14, 1964, San Diego Union, A-25:1-4, A-26:4. Spanish Village Art Center developing world-wide fame, by Dave Farmer.
June 14, 1964, San Diego Union, E-1:1-2, E-3:1-8. “Macbeth” added to Old Globe’s Shakespeare Festival, by Joe Brooks.
June 17, 1964, Minutes of Park and Recreation Board.
Lease renewed for House of Hospitality; sublease approved for Mr. Lou Haas for Café del Rey Moro.
Concept of $200,000 addition along western portion of Old Globe Theater approved.
Civic Light Opera Association has agreed to replace benches in Balboa Park Bowl with stadium-type seats in lieu of paying rent.
Zoological Society plans to develop parking lot “for the use of all park patrons’; entails closing Zoo Drive to traffic.
June 17, 1964. REPORT TO PARK AND RECREATION BOARD by Pauline des Granges, Assistant Park and Recreation Director.
In 1868, with a population of 3,200, San Diego’s farsighted citizens dedicated 1,400 acres of park lands as City Park, now Balboa Park. Within five years, sub-dividers appealed three times to the State Legislature to set aside the dedication. They were rebuffed each time. Since them, Park Commissions and citizen groups have been protecting park lands from every conceivable type of encroachment — a site for State College, home for the blind, professional baseball park, civic auditorium and convention center, all-faith shrine, wax museum, and a permanent home builders exhibit. If all the proposed uses had been granted space, Balboa Park would have been used three times over.
Citizens interest and Park Commission vigor have maintained Balboa Park for today’s citizens and those of the future as a center of cultural and recreational activities. Among the institutions and activities of Balboa Park are:
Museum of Man Youth Symphony Morley Field Tennis
Natural History Museum Junior Civic Ballet Balboa Tennis Club
(one for discussion soon)
Fine Arts Gallery Golf Courses Field and Target Archery
Zoo Badminton Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls
Organ Concerts Table Tennis Blind Recreation Center
Old Globe Volleyball Starlight Opera
House of Pacific Relations Volley tennis Summer Symphony
United Nations Building Tumbling Junior Theater
House of Hospitality Basketball Kearns Swimming Pool
Floral Building Fencing
Aerospace Museum Shuffleboard and Bridge Clubs
Hall of Champions Roque Club
Spanish Village Art Center Horseshoes
San Diego Art Institute
and provision of building space for social and hobby interest groups. All operate under policies established by early Park Commissions and the later Park and Recreation Commissions. The policies for building use in Balboa Park are due for review in the future.
The Recreation side is not quite as old as the Park Commission, but it developed in much the same manner. In 1909 a group of citizens formed the Playground Association, raised money, and purchased Rose Park Playground at 12th and Island. With dollars and citizen support, they sold the need for playgrounds to the City Board of Trustees, and the Board of Playground Commissioners was created. Golden Hill and University Heights Playgrounds were established in quick succession. Miss Ellen Scripps developed La Jolla Playground and presented it to the City. This playground was a model development and one that with only minor redevelopment is still excellent.
In 1928 San Diego took the lead in the State and the Nation in providing for the use of school playgrounds and facilities for after-school-hours recreation. After 20 years of operation on an informal basis, a formal contract between the San Diego Unified School District and the City for the continuing joint use of facilities was developed in 1948. As the city limits have expanded, the same type of operational agreements have been made with the other school districts, San Ysidro, South Bay, and Sweetwater. In the not too distant future, an agreement with the Poway School District will be required.
Today after-school and summer recreation programs are conducted on 78 school playgrounds. Fifty school auditoriums are utilized for children’s and adult dancing and special events. Eleven high school gymnasiums are scheduled for youth sports.
In 1946 the report of the Civic Recreation Committee, appointed by Mayor Knox, recommended that the recreation program be diversified to include such cultural activities as music, drama and crafts and that the “drab, dull playgrounds and community centers be made more attractive by the addition of trees and turf.” It was suggested that they be given more eye appeal.
From this report a policy was developed to procure, wherever possible, neighborhood parks and community park and recreation sites adjacent to elementary schools, thus providing an attractive area adjacent to the outdoor sports area of the school playground. The Park and Recreation Commissions were combined shortly after the 1946 report.
In addition to the school facilities in operation, the Department operates 19 Park and Recreation Centers. On four of the areas new community buildings are under construction. One half of the funds are supplied by the City Capital Outlay program and one half by the Federal Accelerated Public Works Program. Hopefully, on your tour of facilities, you will have an opportunity to visit one of the new community buildings, at Colina del Sol Park. Also, on the tour you will note many substandard facilities and partially-developed areas. As you review in the future the Capital Outlay Program, the necessity to complete the areas will seem most important. But equally important at this time, if not more important, is the need for acquisition of lands for future parks and recreation sites in new sections of the city.
Our citizens must have some of the foresight of George Marston. He purchased approximately three-fourths of Presidio Park and developed the entire park at his own expense when — in spite of the Park Commission’s urging — the City Council could not believe a park on the hills behind Old Town would ever serve any useful purpose. Today Serra Museum reports electric eye counts of 145,000 visitors annually, and picnic spots in Palm Canyon, the Grotto and the Bowl are at a premium any spring, summer or warm winter weekend.
Some of the same vision went into the early planning for Mission Bay Park. Foresight in planning and dedicated effort have turned the mud flats of the Thirties into the aquatic playground that is Mission Bay Park today. It is our responsibility to maintain this area and develop it for the future.
Mission Bay, Balboa and Presidio are the largest parks. But also adding to the beauty and interest of our city are the shoreline and beach parks, neighborhood and community parks, and plazas. Washington Square and El Campo Santo in Old Town remind us of our Mexican-Spanish heritage and Horton Plaza of decisions to be made. “What happens to the fountain? What will the new look be?” These are questions that must be answered soon.
The landscape development and maintenance of parks and plazas, street tree planting, control and maintenance are all responsibilities of the Park Division. At the present time there are approximately 150,000 street trees in the public right-of-way to be trimmed, sprayed and picked up on stormy nights. A new Subdivision Ordinance requires the sub-dividers to plant trees according to City specifications. Many of the larger sub-dividers in recent years have planted trees voluntarily. In Allied Gardens you will see some excellent examples of street tree plantings.
As you pass the Allied Gardens Recreation Center, visualize the park area around it — rolling lawns, trees, picnic areas — which will be developed during the coming year.
Plant materials for new developments, for replacement in established parks, and for floral displays in the Botanical Building, Alcazar Garden and formal gardens in Balboa Park are grown in the park nurseries. An exciting new task just about to begin is the planting and, in the future, maintenance of the plantings in the new Community Concourse. The Chollas Nursery has recently been established. In progress there at the present time is experimental work to develop drought-resistance and low-maintenance plant materials suitable for slope and erosion control. If successful, the cuts and fills adjacent to our major streets may be more attractive in the future.
In Sunday’s newspaper, most of you say, I presume, that this year Yosemite Park is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its proclamation as a National Park by President Abraham Lincoln. During this same period in history the California Legislature considered for the first time legislation to protect the ocean front of our state for the public. The legislators did not have much success, and in most coastal counties either the local jurisdiction or the State has had to spend millions in purchasing the frontage rights. San Diego again is outstanding. Over 17 miles of ocean front are available to the public. This is not an unmixed blessing. The need for lifeguard service, for controlling the use of the area and refereeing between the users and adjacent neighbors, the provision of parking and rest room facilities all are problems to be met. On tour you will see Kellogg Park, Scripps Cove Park, Pacific Beach Palisades and Tourmaline Canyon Parks, Mission Beach Strand, Ocean Beach Park (with the projected Fishing Pier site), and Sunset Cliffs — these areas are among our major recreational resources.
The Aquatics Division of the Department maintains lifeguards on ocean front and bay beaches and boat patrols on Mission Bay. The division operates the Mission Beach Plunge and Kearns Pool and conducts swimming and sailing classes. It also coordinates and provides service to the many special events in Mission Bay, model yacht races, rowing regattas, power and speed boat races. Summer is the Division’s busy season.
If time permits on your tour, you will think yourself heading toward Los Angeles, but actually you will be making a quick trip to Torrey Pines for a look at two of the most beautiful 18-hole golf courses — why be modest? — in the world.
They were developed in 1950, partially on a portion of Torrey Pines Park with the balance on City Pueblo Lands. Other golf facilities operated by the Golf Division are the 18-hole and the 9-hole course in Balboa Park. Golf courses operating under leases are in Mission Bay Park, Presidio Park and Colina del Sol. A fourth lease is in process with the Sunset International Petroleum Corporation on the lands adjacent to Lake Murray. When lease was suggested, the Park and Recreation Commission insisted that the terms be such that they would protect the right of the public to play and that green fees would be in line with fees at public courses and private courses open to the public.
In spite of the many new golf courses opened in recent years in the county, the San Diego Municipal Golf Courses are popular to resident and tourist golfers. Two foursomes starting every seven minutes at Torrey Pines is S. O. P. on an weather-good weekend. This amount of play makes for maintenance and reservation problems, but well established policies and procedures keep complaints at a minimum. Time schedules for development of additional courses and regulation of play will demand future consideration by your group.
“From the cradle to the grave” has been used to describe the Park and Recreation Department operations. The cradle part is slightly vague, except that, perhaps, it is the result of a wholesome recreation activity where boy meets girl; but the grave portion is a reality in the maintenance and operation of Mount Hope Cemetery. Every attempt is made in the setting of lot prices and fees for services to make the cemetery self-supporting. One-half of each lot sale is placed in the endowment fund. The interest from the fund is used to provide for perpetual care. Other fees charged offset the actual cost. In the past few months, the Council has asked that lot sale and service prices be reviewed in order that a portion of the Capital Improvement costs be met. At the present time a new office building and a new division are under construction at Mount Hope.
A major problem in the cemetery field is Calvary Cemetery in Mission Hills. This was developed with no perpetual care endowment and remains in poor condition. A Commission several years ago recommended that head stones be removed and the area be designated and developed as a Pioneer Park. This is possible under the Health and Welfare Code. At the time it was proposed groups most closely identified with the cemetery were agreeable to such development.
My time is running out. But before it is gone, may I reiterate: the Park System and the Recreation Programs of our city are the result of dedicated citizen interest.
The Bartholomew Plan for Balboa Park, the Park and Recreation Study, and the General Plan, not yet complete, are the results of hours of citizen participation. Their recommendations, contained in the reports made available to you, form an excellent springboard for your future decisions on such matters as the arcades, architecture, road patterns, and proper use of buildings in Balboa Park, fees and charges for and content of recreation programs, building rentals, and park acquisition and development.
June 17, 1964, San Diego Union, A-1:7-8. San Diego Zoo – Zoo orders diet for flabby orangutan.
June 17, 1964, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. “Macbeth” opens tonight.
June 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-12:1-4. “Macbeth” creeps at times, by Alan M. Kriegsman.
The biggest disappointment was the direction of Duncan Ross, who gave us a splendid “Winter’s Tale” last summer.
June 20, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:2. “A Night in the Samoan Islands” celebrated last night at Organ Pavilion in connection with the dedication of the First Samoan Congregational Church at 8 a.m. today, by Robert Meierhans.
June 21, 1964, San Diego Union, B-3:3. Donald H. Gordon, air pioneer, to help open Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park.
June 23, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:6. A major addition will be made to the San Diego Aerospace Museum at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow when it is presented a Discover II spacecraft in a special ceremony.
June 26, 1964, San Diego Tribune. Construction to be done by September 1; two-level building to house works of old masters.
The new home of a multi-million dollar art collection is nearing completion.
The $1-million Timken Gallery, which will house the collection of paintings by old masters owned by the Putnam Foundation is expected to be finished September 1, It is being built just east of the Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park on the site of the old American Legion Building.
Designed by Frank L. Hope & Associates, AIA, the gallery features modern classical styling with a Spanish influence. The exterior is travertine marble with bronze trim with ornamental grills.
The two-level building, being built by M. H. Golden Construction Co., will have a basement with 2,000 square feet and a main floor with 8,535 square feet. It has been designed to provide natural overhead lighting for the valuable paintings.
The gallery also will be fire-proof, air-conditioned and humidity-controlled.
Bob Grant, project engineer for University Mechanical and Engineering Contractors, Inc., which is installing the heating and air-conditioning systems, said all rooms in the gallery will have constant temperature control.
The air-conditioning system will have a cooling capacity of 522,000 British thermal units (BTU), he said. Double ducting, lined inside for quietness, is a feature of the system.
The heating system will have a capacity of 498,000 BTUs, he said.
The gallery is named after the late Henry H. Timken, founder of the Timken Foundation in Canton, Ohio. It is not related to the Putnam Foundation.
June 28, 1964, San Diego Union, E-1:7-8, E-8:4-8. Ballet “Juliet” reigns at Old Globe; San Diego Ballet’s version of the play, choreographed by Nancy Johnson; premiere Friday July 10.
July 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:3, A-20:5. Port Board studies to hotel offers; Pacific Highway, Ash Street site sought by firms.
July 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-20:8. City Council asks parks bond issue study; would finance improvements at Mission Bay and Balboa Park; a bond issue has never been asked for Balboa Park in its history, but voters have approved general obligation financing in Mission Bay three times since 1945.
July 3, 1964, San Diego Evening Tribune. Balboa Park adds new, fixes old, by Bill Hagen.
July 4, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:7-8, B-4:7-8. The City Manager’s office yesterday recommended that the City Council abandon plans to develop Maple Canyon road, a controversial major street project designed to alleviate clogged Hillcrest traffic.
As an alternate the council was asked to approve a series of street and highway improvements on existing streets.
July 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:5-7. Captain J. S. Cowan, the Naval Hospital’s executive officer for the past year, has been appointed commander of the Philadelphia Naval Hospital; he will be succeeded by Captain Milton M. Smally, Medical Corps.
July 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-36:4-7. Councilmen studying bonds for park-recreation uses, by Michael O’Connor.
July 17, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:3. New season at Balboa Park Bowl; dusk again gives way to Starlight, by Joe Stone.
July 23, 1964, San Diego Union, 21:6. A subcommittee of the Board yesterday recommended that an architectural commission be established to advise on new Balboa Park buildings; in a related action, the subcommittee recommended to the full Board that construction of arcades around the east and west wings of the Fine Arts Gallery be deferred.
July 24, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:1-3. San Diego Zoo expected to get $1 million from the estate of Elmer C. Otto.
July 27, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:1-8. San Diego Zoo – Zoo lists “most wanted” specimens, by Robert Zimmerman (illus.).
WANTED: Giant panda. Known for cuddly, bear-like appearance. Not seen in Western Hemisphere since World War II. Substantial reward if brought back alive.
WANTED: Tasmanian “tiger,” alias Tasmanian “wolf.” Expert at disguise. Barks life wolf, has stripes like tiger, but is neither. Unknown except in Tasmania, and seldom seen there.
WANTED: Hooded crane. Makes annual flight from hideout in Red China to feeding grounds in Korea and Japan. All members of hooded crane gang wear black “cap” on head. Not dangerous, but clever at evading capture.
This is part of a rogue’s gallery which has the same standing at the San Diego Zoo as the list of “most wanted” fugitives at any police station.
Because of man-caused circumstances or their own sky habits, these creatures are among the rarest, most seldom seen members of the animal kingdom. Any zoo would like to exhibit them but few of them do.
The San Diego Zoo is the home address of 2,479 creature, making it the world’s largest collection of animals on exhibit. It boasts of many specimens that cannot be seen elsewhere in the western hemisphere.
Yet there are gaps which fret curators as much as missing pieces for a jigsaw puzzle.
George Pournelle, curator of mammals, says the most prized acquisition the zoo could make — in his opinion — would be a giant panda. Probably any zoo official in America would agree with him.
The giant panda, which somewhat resembles a raccoon but grows as big as a bear, has become the most sought-after, and hence the most high-priced wild animal in the world. Pournelle figures that if one got onto the open market it would bring $25,000 to $30,000, or more, if many zoos started bidding for it.
“We were on the track of one in 1958, but we ran into the federal regulations on trade with Red China. That one wound up in the London Zoo. Other than that, the only ones we know of in captivity are in the zoos of Moscow and Peking.”
The giant panda clambers through the bamboo forests of the remote Szechwan and Kansu provinces of China. Because of cold war restrictions, the only foreseeable chance of one finding its way to San Diego is via Moscow.
“If the pandas in the Moscow zoo were to reproduce, we would be free to try to acquire one,” says Pournelle. “So far, the Moscow pandas haven’t cooperated.”
Pournelle also would like to see a Tasmanian “tiger” in the San Diego Zoo. This marsupial with a striped back and a barking voice, ranges the “outback” of Tasmania. Naturalists seldom see it — only its pawprints. There are none in zoos anywhere.
San Diego’s zoo has three kinds of rhinoceros, the relatively plentiful species from Africa and India. Pournelle hopes that some day the zoo can add the Javan and Sumatran rhinos before they become extinct.
The scaly-coated Javan rhino and the “hairy” Sumatran rhino are dwindling in numbers at the hands of illicit hunters who shoot them to obtain their horns, which are believed in Asiatic folklore to have aphrodisiac properties. By last estimate there were only 24 to 50 Javan rhinos left and 100 to 170 of the Sumatran variety.
“If pairs of these rhinos could be protected in a zoo where they could reproduce, it might save them,” says Pournelle.
The San Diego Zoo participates in the International Union for Conservation of Nature, headquartered in Switzerland, which is trying to protect rare species.
Political turmoil in Africa and Asia is taking its toll in wild animals. New native governments often are too preoccupied with civil problems to maintain conservation practices in the wild and enforce hunting regulations.
In the bird department of the San Diego Zoo, Dr. James Dolan would pick the hooded crane as the bird that would add the most to his collection. “This is easily one of the rarest birds in the world,” he says.
The hooded crane is only a part-time prisoner behind the bamboo curtain. The cranes breed in the Lake Koko Nor region to Tibetan China, but in the winter, when the lake freezes over, they migrate to Korea and Japan.
“No one has succeeded in catching any,” Dolan says. Another rare bird is the New Zealand blue duck. Wildlife authorities in New Zealand have permitted only one pair of these mallard-sized ducks to be exported — to an English zoo.
Also high on Dolan’s list are the tooth-billed pigeon which as a tooth-like protrusion on its beak and is found only in Samoa, the Congo peacock which is the only pheasant ever seen in Africa, and the kagu, a crane-like bird found only in New Caledonia.
The rarest of all birds is not on Dolan’s list because it is so near extinction that it is counted out as a possible zoo specimen. This is the whooping crane. A truly vanishing American, there are only 36 whooping cranes still surviving, and conservationists are engaged in a crash program to try to save them from total extinction.
Charles B. Shaw, the zoo’s curator of reptiles, believes there are enough snakes in the San Diego Zoo to satisfy almost anyone, and the only important blanks now are in the lizard category.
The zoo’s one and only specimen of the nearly-extinct tuatara lizard of New Zealand died in 1952. Two more are currently en route from down under, filing this gap.
Shaw is still discouraged about the fate of the two Komodo Dragons — giant lizards from the Komodo Islands off Indonesia, which reach the zoo here last year. One of them died in December, the other in January, both the victims of a parasitic disease.
While the public flocks to see such eerie creatures as Komodo Dragons, Show personally would be happiest at seeing a specimen with the unglamorous name of Fly River turtle.
The Fly River turtle — named for the river in inhabits in New Guinea — is distinctive because it is a fresh water turtle but it has the size and appearance of a big sea turtle. “I’ve never seen one offered for sale by a dealer anywhere. As far as I know there is only one of them in captivity, in a zoo in Australia,” Shaw says.
Shaw believes that visitors to the reptile house are more impressed by the size of creatures than by their rarity as specimens. “Sometimes I think the only way we could really impress people would be to display a tyrannosaurus rex.”
This is one specimen the zoo will never find. Tyrannosaurus rex, a 50-foot dinosaur, has been extinct for 50 million years.
July 28, 1964, San Diego Union, A-9:5-6. San Diego Park and Recreation Department will sponsor a summer musical, August 21-22, at 8:30 p.m. in Balboa Park Bowl presented by the San Diego Civic Arts for youth; it will be “Tom Sawyer,” based on the Mark Twain classic.
July 29, 1964, Minutes of Park and Recreation Board
Richard Bowen, Chairman of the Balboa park and Other Parks Committee, made the following report. The Committee met on July 15th. A discussion on arcades in Balboa Park was held and Mr. Barrett, President of the Fine Arts Society, indicated that the Society would prefer not to have arcades adjacent to the West Wing. The Committee adjourned and proceeded to Balboa Park where they inspected the model of the West Wing and walked around the Timken Gallery, inspecting the Lily Pond and the reconstruction work being done at the present time. On July 22nd the Committee met in the Conference Room of the Park and Recreation Department Administration Building. Mr. Bowen reported that Mr. Lustig, Mr. Scott and he had met with Mr. Frank Hope, architect, on Tuesday, July 21, 1964, and viewed the model of the Timken Gallery. Mr. Hope indicted that arcades to the south of the Timken Gallery would, in his opinion, destroy the beauty of the new gallery. Mr. Henri Jacot, architect, and former president of the Balboa Park Protective Association, was introduced. He indicated that he was speaking for the Balboa Park Protective Association and stated that the buildings under construction did not add to the atmosphere of Balboa Park, and that it was the hope of the Balboa Park Protective Association that arcades would unify the El Prado area. He also indicated that the arcades add to the pleasure of park patrons because of their capacity to afford changing views, provide protection from sun and rain, and access for the entrance into activity buildings.
Mr. Jacot recommended that the construction of the arcades by delayed until after the completion of the Timken Gallery and the West Wing in order that all concerned may have the feel of the buildings and also develop to some extent the pedestrian traffic pattern. He recommended that a committee be formed which would gather all of the facts regarding use and public attitudes prior to a decision to actually construct arcades.
Mrs. James B. Abbey, President of the Balboa Park Protective Association, stated that she was in wholehearted accords with the opinions expressed by Mr. Jacot and would like to recommend in addition that an Architectural Commission be established in order to study Balboa Park problems and to recommend a unified plan for the overall architecture of the park. She indicated that it was
(Note: page #19 missing from Amero files.)
- That the funds for the construction of sidewalks be taken from the 1964-65 Capital Project for arcades, and that the balance of the funds be deferred to the 1969-70 Capital Program.
- That an Architectural Review Committee, with subcommittees, be appointed.
Chairman Giddings states that the Board should act upon the above recommendations of the Committee. Accordingly, the following actions were taken:
It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that a recommendation be made to the City Council to build sidewalks in the location of the arcades and that construction of the actual arcades by delayed.
Chairman Giddings requested that the second recommendation “That the funds for the construction of sidewalks be taken from the 1964-65 Capital Project for Arcades, and that the balance of the funds be deferred to the 1960-70 Capital Program,” be deferred to Item 6 on the Agenda of this meeting which is specifically Capital Outlay Program.
It was moved and seconded that the third recommendation “The appointment of an Architectural Review Subcommittee” be put on the Board Agenda.
A discussion ensued. As a result of the discussion, Chairman Giddings appointed Board Member Lustig to act as liaison representative of the Board to work with Director Earnest and staff in the selection of qualified architects to serve on the proposed Architectural Review Committee.
Accordingly, the motion which had been seconded was tabled by unanimous consent.
July 30, 1964, San Diego Union, A-12:1-2. San Diego’s annual Dahlia Show opens Saturday in Conference Building.
July 31, 1964, San Diego Union, A-20:8. Park and Recreation Board recommended deferring construction of arcades around east and west wings of Fine Arts Gallery; money will be used for construction of four tennis courts in Morley Field.
Board members also delayed adoption of a policy to control Balboa Park land and building leases until they can be assured the policy will not exclude such organizations as the United Nations.
August 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:2-3. San Diego Zoo – $1 million check presented to Zoo; funds turned over to Society from estate of the late E. C. Otto, by Edward Niciejewski.
August 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:5. Dahlia Show opens today in Conference Building.
August 2, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:4. Winners chosen at Dahlia Show.
August 2, 1964, San Diego Union, C-2:1-3. EDITORIAL: Balboa Park, A Jewel That Will Not Tarnish.
Balboa Park is not a natural advantage, such as our beaches. It is the result of detailed planning, carried on by one generation after another of San Diegans who have pride in their community. Much of the current improvement campaign is financed through private contributions.
August 3, 1964, San Diego Union, A-9:4. The San Diego Symphony will present three ballets in the third summer concert series starting at 8:30 p.m. in Balboa Park Bowl.
August 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-11:1-2, A-13:1. Harry C. Haelsig quits planning post; will join development firm, by Michael O’Connor.
August 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-12:7. For the fourth event in the Old Globe’s Festival Concert series, the John Biggs Consort presented a program of music by Shakespeare’s contemporaries, by Alan Kriegsman.
August 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. Starlight Opera goes wild with “Wizard of Oz,” by Joe Brooks.
August 9, 1965, San Diego Union, A-11:7-8, A-13:1. Balboa Park face-lifting underway; new art museums highlight era of renovation, by Cliff Smith (illus.).
The existing Fine Arts Gallery recently received two semi-automatic doors, which improved the extension appearance of the building.
August 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:5. Attendance mark of 3,800 set by “Wizard of Oz” last night at Balboa Park Bowl.
August 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-14:3-5. One hundred and eighty-nine youngsters graduated at San Diego Zoo summer school, by Windsor Ridenour (illus.).
August 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:3. “Acting Shakespeare — Then and Now” will be presented Monday as the fifth event of the Shakespeare Festival Concert-Theater series.
August 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:4-5. Audience delights in soprano Mary Costa at last night’s San Diego Symphony concert in Balboa Park Bowl, by Alan Kriegsman.
August 13, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:1-2. Planning Commission Board promotes R. James Fairman to City Planning Director.
August 16, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:1-7. San Diego Zoo – animal exchanges with many countries enrich Zoo.
August 16, 1964, San Diego Union, A-38:1-3. Museum of Man researchers find Mixtex Indians in Tijuana, by Syd Love.
August 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-14:1-2. “Then and Now” Shakespeare program diverting, by Alan Kriegsman.
August 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:1. Nominations announced for Old Globe awards.
August 19, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:2-4. Last night’s San Diego Symphony concert had novel twist, sonic glamour, by Alan Kriegsman.
August 20, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:3-4. Old Globe announces 28th season; first fall production will be “Once More With Feeling.”
August 21, 1964, San Diego Union, A-14:1-4. “Tom Sawyer” opens at Balboa Park Bowl tonight.
August 21, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:4. Arthur Fiedler will be guest conductor of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra in a program to begin at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Balboa Park Bowl.
August 26, 1964, San Diego Union, A-8:1-4. Arthur Fiedler, Symphony run gamut, by Alan Kriegsman.
August 28, 1964, San Diego Union, A-12:1-4. “The Sound of Music” scores again at Starlight Opera, by Joe Brooks.
August 29, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:6. H. O. Davis, San Diego Exposition leader, died yesterday in Palm Springs; director of the 1915-16 Panama-California Exposition in San Diego and public works director of the 1935-36 California Pacific International Exposition; originated the idea for night illumination of the exposition buildings an supervised landscaping of the structures in the park.
August 31, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:6. The French film, “The Lovers of Verona,” will conclude the summer festival concert theater series at the Old Globe Theater tonight at 8:30.
September 16, 1964. Community Concourse (Civic Center) dedicated.
September 30, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:3. Citizens’ Coordinate group criticized reorganization of the former Park and Recreation Commission by City Manager Tom Fletcher.
September 30, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:6. Maple Road would delay other street improvement projects; Council confers with aide, by Michael O’Connor.
There is no money in the six-year capital outlay program for streets to cover Maple Canyon construction. A recommended route for the major East-West street would cost $1 million and more if tunnels are used for certain parts.
October 3, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:2-4. San Diego Zoo – Monday is Founder’s Day and a free day at Zoo
October 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:6-7, A-22:1. Thousands of San Diegans shuffled through House of Hospitality to see John F. Kennedy library exhibit (illus.).
October 4, 1964, San Diego Union, I-10:4-5, I-13:1. Sea World pleases Walt Disney.
October 8, 1964, San Diego Union, A-22:1. Planners back Maple Canyon alternative; Park Board voices opposition, by George Story.
October 12, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:1-3. Balboa Park scientific expedition probes nature, by Joe Stone (illus.).
October 13, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:3. The Highway Development Association yesterday urged construction of the proposed Maple Canyon Road as far east as Park Boulevard.
October 15, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:8. Park and Recreation Board yesterday set November, 1966 as a target date for a proposed multimillion-dollar park bond issue; indicated no objection to a Café del Rey Moro operator’s plans to apply for a license to permit the café to serve cocktails to dinner customers..
October 16, 1964, San Diego Union, A-29:2. Representative William E. Miller, GOP vice presidential nominee, to give speech at Balboa Park Bowl tomorrow night.
October 17, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:6-8. Museum of Man – Museum offering nudes for sale, by Beverly Beyette . . . canvases, signed by L. Ruel, dating from 1881.
October 18, 1964, San Diego Union, C-7:6-8. At halfway mark, New York fair more than a fair success..
October 22, 1964, San Diego Union, B-20:1-2. Bond issue study planned on parks.
October 23, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:4. Starlight Opera tells 1965 plans at dinner tonight.
October 24, 1964, San Diego Union, A-18:6-8. Starlight Opera looks back, plans bright future, by Joe Brooks.
October 25, 1964, San Diego Union, A-31:4-5. Flag ceremony planned November 8 in Balboa Park.
October 28, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:3. Hearing set November 10 on disputed Maple Canyon Road project; compromise plan to be offered, by Michael O’Connor.
November 1, 1964, San Diego Union, A-33:1-2. Fourteenth annual Fiesta de la Cuadrilla to being Friday at Balboa Park.
November 2, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:1. Maple Canyon Road heading set for November 10.
November 4, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:1-2. Massing of Colors Sunday in Balboa Park.
November 6, 1964, San Diego Union, A-10:3. John Ellsworth, actor, Craig Noel, director, give “Galileo” a lift at Old Globe, by Alan Kriegsman.
November 8, 1964, San Diego Union, A-23:5. Massed color rites scheduled at Organ Pavilion today.
November 9, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:7. 7,000 attend color rites, by Jerry Marcus.
November 11, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:4-5. Old Globe picks “Five Finger” cast.
November 11, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:4, B-3:4-5. Council defers decision on park road proposal after 2-hour hearing, by Michael O’Connor.
November 13, 1964, San Diego Union, A-22:5-6. Café del Rey Moro gets liquor okay.
November 14, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:4-5. Dr. E. Yale Dawson quits as Museum of Natural History chief.
November 15, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:4. Maple Canyon Road seen as aid to park plan, by Michael O’Connor.
November 17, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:3. Mayor Curran names World’s Fair unit; citizens to decide on seeking 1967 event set in state.
November 17, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:7, A-18:1. City’s hotel tax is ruled subject to vote of public; lower court ruling is upheld on appeal, by Homer Clance.
November 17, 1964, San Diego Union, A-20:2. San Diego Zoo – Dr. Charles Schroeder, Zoo chief, gets marsupials, six rare birds.
November 18, 1964, San Diego Union, A-11:4-5. “Five Finger” play quite an exercise, by Joe Brooks.
November 18, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:1-2. New site proposed for Memorial Arch at Balboa Park; Park and Recreation Board chief urges Maple Canyon Road location.
The chairman of the city Park and Recreation Board yesterday suggested that a memorial structure could be constructed along the path of the proposed Maple Canyon Road because it would become the main entrance to Balboa Park.
November 18,1964, San Diego Union, A-19:7, A-25:7. Special election planned on city hotel room tax; Council okays action after court setback, by Michael O’Connor.
November 19, 1964, San Diego Union, B-3:3. San Diego Players will perform “Bus Stop” at 8:30 p.m. November 25-28 in Puppet Theater.
November 27, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:1-2. Home Show opens in Electric Building.
November 28, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:1. A pair of Chinese leopards — the only ones in the United States — went on exhibit yesterday at the San Diego Zoo. In separate cages. (illus.).
November 28, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:7. Yule Tree Lane lit in Balboa Park; event coincides with debut of Electric Appliance Show.
November 28, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. Barbara Marsh fears network of roads in Balboa Park.
Editor: If the proposed Maple Canyon Road slashes its ugly way across the northwest corner of Balboa Park, I shall concur heartily with the suggestion that it be spanned by a memorial arch — a memorial to the beauty of “The Park That Was.”
I am puzzled, however, by Douglas Giddings’ suggestion that this road, which heretofore has been described as a high-speed road designed to route traffic around Hillcrest, can now be described as “a dramatic entry way” to the park.
December 4, 1964, San Diego Union, A-17:8, A-23:2. Maple Canyon Road is approved; work started.
The City Council yesterday approved a route for Maple Canyon Road and set aside the first increment of a total of $2,000,000 construction cost to begin work this fiscal year.
Approval of the two actions in conference was unanimous with Mayor Curran absent. Official documents certifying the route and the initial expenditure of $______ will be on the official docket for approval in the next few weeks.
The decision ended more than two years of controversy on the major east-west street, which is designed to speed traffic from downtown to Hillcrest.
In a related action, councilmen referred the question of the road route in Balboa Park to the Park and Recreation Board for review. The board also will study a “memorial arch” concept of a new gateway to Balboa Park where Maple Canyon Road will enter the park.
December 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:4. Yule Center opened in Organ Pavilion yesterday before 3,000 persons.
December 7, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:1-3, A-14:1-2. Doctor from Mercury staff to direct Naval Hospital.
December 9, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:8. Citizens’ group urges City to drop World’s Fair talk.
December 9, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:4. Naval Hospital rites mark command shift.
December 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:6. Yule program slated today in Balboa Park.
December 10, 1964, San Diego Union, A-20:5. Two city advisory agencies — the Park Board and Planning Commission — study Maple Canyon road.
December 10, 1964, San Diego Union, 21:1-3. Park and Recreation Board reshuffled its committee organization to encourage more citizen participation; members of subcommittees given for Mission Bay, Balboa Park, northern parks, central parks and southern parks.
December 13, 1964, San Diego Union, C-2:6. Priscilla Murphy cites park plight.
Editor: The approval by the City Council of another traffic road through Balboa Park (via Maple Canyon) brings home to us that in 1953 the people of San Diego made an unwise decision when they surrendered their right of approval on park projects to the council and city manager.
December 14, 1964, San Diego Union, A-19:6. Thousands saw Community Yule program at Balboa Park yesterday; two-hour program began with an organ recital by Douglas Ian Duncan of famous Christmas carols.
December 15, 1964, San Diego Union, A-15:7. Drive urged to widen 395 in park; freeway already overloaded Highway Development Association told.
December 16, 1964, San Diego Union, A-1:2-3. Two San Diego City College students were killed today when the car in which they were riding plunged from the Ford Building hill in Balboa Park and rolled 178 feet onto Cabrillo Freeway.
December 16, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1:5-6. Downtown mall plan is unveiled.
December 23, 1964, San Diego Union, A-13:1-2, A-14:2-3. City Council continues study of possibility of 1969 exposition as part of city’s 200th birthday celebration; city and California World’s Fair Corporation come to parting of ways regarding 1968 Fair here.
December 25, 1964, San Diego Union, A-21:3. San Diego Zoo – educational center in Zoo area to be named after Elmer C. Otto.
The new center would accommodate three separate functions in addition to providing classrooms and facilities for the use of students. It would house a public relations office, a facility for curators and librarians and facilities for communications such as television, graphic arts, photography and similar activities.
December 27, 1964, San Diego Union, A-11:4-7. Switzer Canyon Road, third freeway to bisect park; freeway would be 2-1/4 miles long and would cost about $10 million.
December 30, 1964, San Diego Union, B-2:7-8. N. R. Keough writes park being destroyed with roads.
December 31, 1964, San Diego Union, B-1. San Diego Zoo – Otto Building will give Zoo educational lead.
An educational program far more extensive than that offered by any other zoo in the world will be made possible by the new Elmer C. Otto educational center here, Dr. Charles Schroeder, San Diego Zoo director, said yesterday. The project was announced last week.
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