Balboa Park History 1968

San Diego Union, January 11, 1968, B-1:4. Spanish Landing seaside park is dedicated.

San Diego Union, January 11, 1968, B-1:5-6, B-8:2-3. Zoo’s babies get new incubator, by Beverly Beyette.

San Diego Union, January 15, 1968, B-2:7. Bessie Barnes calls sports car hazard in park.

San Diego Union, January 16, 1968, B-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Crumbling Buildings Mar Park.

San Diego Union, January 17, 1968, B-1:7, B-4:3. Site sought in San Diego by Mexican Fair, by Beverly Beyette.

San Diego Union, January 18, 1968, B-1:4. Hom eyeing Balboa Park truck ban; congestion cited on U.S. 395 in bid for ruling, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, January 18, 1968, B-9:2-8. State decision awaited on widening U.S. 395 in park.

San Diego Union, January 19, 1968, B-1:2-4. Two Gibraltar apes in new quarters at Zoo.

San Diego Union, January 19, 1968, B-1:6-7, B-4:1. 395 ban on trucks termed unlikely, by Charles Ross.

San Diego Union, January 19, 1968, D-5:6 City Council sets Spanish as design for Prado.

San Diego Union, January 24, 1968, A-11:4. Planetarium is proposed for Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, January 26, 1968, A-13:5-6. Old Globe Theater asks for tax refund.

San Diego Union, January 26, 1968, B-2:7. Mrs. W. P. Cronan writes rebuild park buildings.

San Diego Union, January 27, 1968, B-1:8. Planetarium project slated for April start; tell plan for park building, by Nancy Stanford.

San Diego Union, January 28, 1968, B-1:1-3, B-16:1. New park located at site where Spaniards landed, by Joe Stone.

San Diego Union, January 29, 1968, B-8:4-5. Chamber of Commerce has asked the City to fix up the crumbling exterior of the Food and Beverage Building in Balboa Park for the 200th anniversary observance in 1969; request made by chamber president Joseph F. Sinnott in a letter to the City Council.

San Diego Union, February 11, 1968, A-22:5-7. Camellia 21st annual show attracts crowds to Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, February 13, 1968, B-1:8, B-8:4-6. Council gets Planetarium financing plan; joint powers unit eyed, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, February 13, 1968. B-2:7-8. Samuel Corbbet writes cans to catch rain mar Space Museum.

San Diego Union, February 18, 1968, B-1:2-4. Monkey “cousins” of man aid cancer research at Zoo, by Bryant Evans.

San Diego Union, February 28, 1968, D-4:4. Panel Studies Plan to Raze Park Building

The Balboa Park Committee of the Park and Recreation Board has heard protests against razing the Food and Beverage Building and using the area as a parking lot.

The Committee voted to study the matter and ask the Park and Recreation Board to delay any recommendation to the City Council

The Park and Recreation Board previously has voted to spend $24,000 for a face-lifting job on the building, more than 50 years old, and then referred the matter to the Balboa Park Committee.

Eventual Razing

The Committee chairman, Richard M. Bowen, said some members of the Park Board and others had protested spending money on a building that cannot be used during the 200th anniversary celebration next year and which eventually must be razed.

Representatives of the San Diego Council on Arts for Youth and the Committee of 100, which raises funds for park projects, appeared to protest razing the building. A letter of protest signed by professors of the art department at San Diego State was read at the Monday meeting.

Costs Cited

Lloyd T. Lowrey, superintendent of Parks and Recreation, told the Committee it will take $24,000 to facelift the building and $50,000 if the face-lifting includes fixing the roof, which leaks.

He said it would cost $25,000 to raze the building and a total of $61,000 to raze it and build a parking lot with temporary landscaping for the 200thanniversary celebration.

Mrs. Philip Martin, vice chairman of the Committee, said it would take at least $250,000 to make the building usable.

San Diego Union, February 28, 1968, C-7:4-6. “Barefoot in the Park” at Old Globe loses some sock, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, March 4, 1968, B-1:5. Balboa Park building faces doom; Food and Beverage Building houses youth activities, by Andrew Makarushka.

San Diego Union, March 4, 1968, B-2:1. EDITORIAL: Save Balboa Theme

It would seem that one of the best contributions to our birthday would be the erection of a new building even more suitable for use by many community groups.

San Diego Union, March 5, 1968, A-11:4-5. The Natural History Museum will establish a docent program to make future class tours of the facilities instructive as well as entertaining.

San Diego Union, March 5, 1968, B-1:6-8. A Los Angeles officer urged close tie for recreation, police agencies at a California and Pacific Southwest Recreation Conference in Convention Hall, sees way to reach youth, by Joe Stone

San Diego Union, March 7, 1968, B-3:5. City Manager Walter Hahn yesterday recommended against banning trucks on U.S. 395 in Balboa Park because there is no satisfactory alternative route.

San Diego Union, March 9,1969, B-1:7. Representatives of about ten organizations will meet tomorrow to discuss preserving the Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, March 9, 1969, B-2:7. Professor of Art History Robert Wallace says “every effort should be made by the city to restore the building to a presentable condition and to get the terminal arcade back up as a fitting celebration of our heritage and our 200th anniversary.”

San Diego Union, March 11, 1968, B-1:6. Ten San Diego cultural groups plan to lobby for a proposal that would allot $50,000 to refurbish the exterior of the Food and Beverage Building and provide a new roof for the 200th Anniversary next year.

San Diego Union, March 14, 1968, B-3:6-7. The city manager’s office will form a task force to look into the possibility of saving the Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, March 21, 1968, B-3:1-3. City Manager Walter Hahn yesterday, in a report to the mayor and city council, said cost of any remodeling or reconstruction work of the Food and Beverage Building should not be shouldered entirely by the city.

San Diego Union, March 25, 1968, B-2:7-8. Byrl D. Phelps, engineer, says a concentrated effort should be made to repair and replaster the park buildings; “Balboa Park is the greatest asset we have in San Diego.”

San Diego Union, April 1, 1968, B-1:6-8. Science Fair ends successful run here; 25,000 attend, by S. A. Desick.

San Diego Union, April 4, 1968, B-4:2-3. Three art works due at Timken Gallery.

San Diego Union, April 4, 1968, B-4:4. County park priorities due in May, by Nancy Ray.

San Diego Union, April 5, 1968. HEADLINE: Martin Luther King Slain By Assassin In Memphis.

San Diego Union, April 5, 1968, B-4:1-2. Robert C. Bacon, outgoing member of Park and Recreation Board, hits city park commercialization policy.

San Diego Union, April 5, 1968, B-1:7-8, B-4:1-2. Council blocks Mayor Curran’s nominees to Park and Recreation Board.

San Diego Union, April 6, 1968, A-1:6-7. Balboa Park rites for Dr. King 3 p.m. tomorrow in Balboa Bowl.

San Diego Union, April 8, 1968, B-1:4. King Memorial rites draw 5,000 to park, by S. A. Desick.

San Diego Union, April 10, 1968, B-1:8, B-4:3. Food and Beverage Building shut down; City acts on park structure, by Frank Exarhos; task force recommended the public use of the building should cease.

San Diego Union, April 11, 1968, B-1:4. The U.S. Air Force gave the Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park a Delta Dagger yesterday.

San Diego Union, April 11, 1968, B-2:1. EDITORIAL: Our Spanish Heritage.

Senor Manuel Fraga Iribarne, Spain’s minister of Information and Tourism, on visit to San Diego to “explore” our endeavors to commemorate 200 years of development which began with those Spanish missionaries under Fr. Junipero Serra.

San Diego Union, April 12, 1968, B-1:4. Mayor wins fight over Park Board; Council confirms his appointments after a two-week delay.

San Diego Union, April 12, 1968, B-2:1. EDITORIAL: Balboa Park Crisis.

Dictates of safety support the decision of the city manager to close the Food and Beverage Building; the “temporary building” now is a danger to human life; San Diego cannot afford the loss of this building and further erosion of Balboa Park; the park will be one of the focal points for the visitors who come here for the 200th anniversary of our city in 1969.

San Diego Union, April 13, 1968, A-9:4. Park events, formerly held in Food and Beverage Building, moved to new sites.

San Diego Union, April 13, 1968, B-1:2-4, 3:5. Spain declines to finance pavilion for Balboa Park, by Beverly Beyette.

Spain cannot give money toward construction of a Spanish pavilion in Balboa Park, that country’s minister of information and tourism said yesterday; Manuel Fraja Iribarne, who has presented the city a Spanish architect’s drawings for the pavilion, valued these drawings at $30,000 and said this will be Spain’s major contribution to San Diego’s 200th anniversary celebration.

San Diego Union, April 14, 1968, B-1:4. Multitude of roses on show in Conference Building this weekend.

San Diego Union, April 14, 1968, F-11:1-4. Botanical Building always has spectacular display of beauty, by Arthur F. Otis.

San Diego Union, April 15, 1968, B-1:1-4, B-6:2. Easter services in Presidio, Balboa Parks.

San Diego Union, April 16, 1968, B-5:6-7. Planetarium project advances.

Minutes of the Park and Recreation Board, April 17, 1968.

Food and Beverage Building

Mr. Wilhelms stated that, in accordance with the recommendations of the Board at the last meeting, a Task Force had been convened composed of 2 architects, 2 contractors, 2 structural engineers, the Director of Building Inspection, the Fire Marshal, the Chairman of the Facilities Committee, the Chairman of the Park and Recreation Board, the Chairman of the Balboa Park Committee, the Director of Public Works, and the Assistant City Manager. The Task Force had made a report, copies of which had been furnished the Board. The recommendations of the Task Force were as follows:

  1. “That public use of the Food and Beverage Building cease.”
  2. “The Park and Recreation Board and the City Council allow a 6-month period for interested citizen groups to raise funds to carry out desired objectives. In the event such action does not take place in this period of time, that the City demolish the building and landscape the area.”
  3. ” . . . that the architectural ornamentation be preserved for any future building on the site. Steps should be taken to have molds prepared to preserve the ornamentation or investigate the possibility of preserving the ornamentation intact.”

Mr. Wilhelm stated that on the recommendation of the Task Force, the building had been closed and the activities formerly housed in the building had been moved elsewhere.

Mr. Greer Ferver, member of the Task Force, then summarized the report of the Task Force. He stated that the building was in a serious state of disrepair and was considered unsafe for public use. The Task Force strongly recommended preserving the form of ornamentation of the exterior of the building. He said that the Task Force presented four alternatives as follows:

  1. “Demolish the building and landscape the area. Provide other facilities for groups that are presently using the building. Estimated cost: $75-80,000.”
  2. “Clean exterior surface, patch the stucco and ornamentation, paint the facility, make minimum repairs to roof and roofing, and close the building for any public use. This would allow the building to stand during the 200thAnniversary Celebration. Estimated cost; $80,000.”
  3. “Rehabilitate the building to meet minimum requirements for occupancy of 15-20 years. Estimated cost: $930,000. Work to rehabilitate would include: Replace roof, replace floor, replace exterior walls and salvage staff work, install fireguard ceiling and sprinklers, construct rest rooms and install plumbing, remove and reinstall heating, electrical wiring and reuse existing fixtures.”
  4. “Remove the existing building and construct a new facility. The estimate of the Botanical Society for the building they are presently proposing at this site is $1,750,000. The estimate to demolish and reconstruct this building in the same site and type of use is 2.5 to 3.75 million dollars.”

Mrs. Frank Evenson of the Committee of 100 presented a report stating that the Committee of 100 is strongly opposed to tearing down the Food and Beverage Building unless a structure of substantially the same size and architecture is built in its place. The Committee suggests that an identical building could be built for approximately $1,003,300 which would admittedly be little more than a shell, but would be of tremendous value for a number of uses in Balboa Park. Mrs. Evenson said that the Committee of 100 had been working with the San Diego Botanical Garden Foundation and that the proposed “shell” building could be put to use by the Botanical Society. Mrs. Evenson further stated that the building as proposed by the San Diego Botanical Garden Foundation (the Hamill Plan) was not satisfactory to the Committee of 100 and that it was too small a building for the valuable property which it would occupy. The Committee of 100 recommends that the funds which were tentatively allocated for the “Patch and Paint” Job on the Food and Beverage Building be re-allocated at this time for the making of molds of the present building’s decoration. These molds would then be used for making the ornamentation on the replacement building. The Committee of 100 is interested in making an appeal to the citizens of San Diego through a bond issue to assist in building a permanent useful structure of similar design to the present building.

The Chairman remarked that the proposal to construct a new building with General Obligation Bonds is not in accordance with current Council policy which, in effect, requires that construction of buildings for Cultural Institutions in Balboa Park will be by private subscription or by revenue bonds under a Joint Powers Authority.

Mr. Bowen remarked that he felt the Committee of 100 would like to be assured that the Park and Recreation Board would support any fund drive for the Food and Beverage Building.

The Chairman replied it went without saying that the Board would support such a drive. The Chairman then suggested that the Board defer action on this matter for 60 days at which time progress reports and proposals could be submitted by the Committee of 100 and the San Diego Botanical Garden Foundation.

San Diego Union, April 17, 1968, B-1:8. Zoo greets first baby sea otter.

San Diego Union, April 18, 1968, B-1:5-6. Decision delayed on Food and Beverage Building; Park and Recreation Board gives Committee of 100 and other groups time to offer plans on edifice.

San Diego Union, April 18, 1968. Lew Scarr: Most people acknowledge that more parking space is needed in Balboa Park. . . . And most of them say they can’t imagine what it would be like if the F and B Bldg. were torn down and turned into a parking lot.

San Diego Union, April 18, 1968, C-6:4. Orchid show set Sunday in Conference Hall.

San Diego Union, April 18, 1968, C-6:5-6. Old Globe’s “eh?” to open April 25.

San Diego Union, April 19, 1968, B-10:1-4. A new $25,000 home for two snow leopards opened in the Zoo yesterday.

San Diego Union, April 20, 1968, A-9:4-5. Members of the Intermuseum Council of San Diego will hold special showings next week in observance of International Museum Week.

San Diego Union, April 20, 1968, B-3:6-7. Dozen of orchid varieties exhibited at San Diego County Orchid Society’s 22nd annual show in Conference Building.

San Diego Union, April 21, 1968, AA4:1-2. Nature’s animate experiments on display at San Diego Zoo, by Bryant Evans.

San Diego Union, April 21, 1968, E-1:1-8, E-5:6. Old Globe names first seven actors for 1968 Shakespeare Festival.

San Diego Union, April 21, 1968, F-11:1-5. Palm safari around Zoo, by Arthur F. Otis.

San Diego Union, April 23, 1968, B-2:8. N. R. Keough criticizes foot dragging on Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, April 23, 1968, B-3:6-8. Committee of 100 will conduct a fund-raising drive to replace Food and Beverage Building; cost of removal and reproduction of the ornamental molds and statues has been estimated at $68,800.

San Diego Union, April 24, 1968, B-1:7-8. Zoo skyride planned for opening in 1969.

San Diego Union, April 24, 1968, C-11:3. English farce “eh?” slated in Falstaff Tavern, Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, April 25, 1968, A-1:1-2, A-4:1-2. Student rampage hits Columbia University; about 80 Negro students protested the erection of a university gymnasium on Harlem recreational park land.

San Diego Union, April 25, 1968, B-1:1. Mayor Curran suggested yesterday that a prefab be studied to replace Food and Beverage Building, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, April 26, 1968, A-16:4-7. “eh?” amuses, bemuses at Falstaff, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, April 28, 1968, C-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Park Architecture Invaluable.

It is sad news that time has caught up with the largest of the original buildings of the 1915 exposition, which helped to make San Diego known around the world; but it is too late now, and it would be too costly, the city believes, to bring the old structure known as the Food and Beverage Building back into some kind of safe, usable condition.

San Diego Union, April 29, 1968, B-1:2-5. Merry-go-round stops; carousel to whirl away at new park spot, by S. S. Desick.

San Diego Union, April 29, 1968, B-1:7-8. Veterans of Foreign Wars patriotic program at Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.

San Diego Union, April 29, 1968, B-2:7-8. Mrs. G. Aubrey Davidson writes in support of preserving Balboa Park buildings.

San Diego Union, April 30, 1968, B-2:7. D. Burgess wants Ford Building for Aerospace Museum, not Spanish Pavilion.

San Diego Union, April 30, 1968, B-3:1. Committee of 100 asks for park building ornamentation samples.

San Diego Union, April 30, 1968, B-3:6-7. City Manager Walter Hahn yesterday recommended formation of a joint city-county authority to build a planetarium in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, April 30, 1968, B-3:6-8. Natural History Museum Board asks for permission to charge entrance fees.

San Diego Union, April 30, 1968, B-7:3 Old Globe starts Shakespeare rehearsals.

San Diego Magazine, May, 1968. “Saving our Grandest Man-Made Wonder,” by Marilyn Hagberg.

San Diego Magazine, May, 1968. “Palace . . . or Parking: A nasty new phase in the fight to preserve the Spanish splendor of the Food and Beverage Building,” by Marilyn Hagberg.

San Diego Union, May 19, 1968, B-1:1-3. Samuel W. Hamill has completed plans for a $3 million concrete replica of the Food and Beverage Building, by Judith Morgan.

San Diego Union, May 20, 1968, B-1:8. Balboa Park will be 100 years old Sunday. It was on that date in 1868 that 1400 acres of pueblo lands were dedicated as a public park by three trustees of the city — Jose Estudillo, Marcus Schiller and Joshua Sloane. The action of the Board of Trustees was ratified by the State Legislature of February 4, 1870, but in 1871 a move was made to put the lands up for sale. All 2,301 residents, San Diego’s population at the time, rose up in protest against the move. The State Supreme Court upheld the trustees.

San Diego Union, May 26,1968, B-1:5-6. Food and Beverage Building Key to Park Splendor, by Judith Morgan: article about changes in Balboa Park after 1915.

San Diego Union, May 31, 1968, B-3:6-7. The Committee of 100 will sponsor a gala fund-raising party at 8 p.m. tomorrow, with proceeds going to help replace the Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, May 31, 1968, B-3:6-7. Old molds sought for new facility.

San Diego Union, June 2, 1968, C-2:8. Vonea E. Rodasi writes park’s 100th anniversary was overlooked.

San Diego Union, June 4, 1968, B-2:7 Alexander Doig urges support of Committee of 100.

San Diego Union, June 9, 1968, E-1:1-4, E-3:1-6. Globe directors examine the bard; articles by Ellis Rabb and Robert Moss.

San Diego Union, June 9, 1968, E-1:3-4, E-8:1. Globe series will offer ballet, poetry and music.

San Diego Union, June 10, 1968, B-1:2-5. Balboa Park memorial service of Senator Robert F. Kennedy attended by 4,500.

San Diego Union, June 12, 1968, B-1:5-6. Old Globe glows for first nighters, by Dick Bowman.

San Diego Union, June 12, 1968, B-1:8, B-4:4. Food and Beverage Building razing gets Council support; planting urged on site, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, June 12, 1968, B-6:1-4. Globe’s “Hamlet” misses the heights, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, June 14, 1968, B-13:5-6. Old Globe to open “As You Like It”.

San Diego Union, June 15, 1968, A-10:1-3. Old Globe imparts its own magic to “As You Like It”, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, June 15, 1968, B-1:2-3. Zoo’s attendance passes 2.5 million for year.

San Diego Union, June 16, 1968, C-2:8. Betty Wright, Abraham Lincoln High School, wants to save Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, June 16, 1968, E-1:1-2. Carnival Night Friday to begin Balboa Park’s summer program.

San Diego Union, June 19, 1968, B-11:1-2. Summer show series opens at the Organ Pavilion Friday.

San Diego Union, June 19, 1968, B-12:5-6. “King John” to open at the Old Globe July 11.

San Diego Union, June 19, 1968, B-13:3. City okays lease for continued operation of Merry-go-round in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, June 21, 1968, A-13:3. The City Council yesterday cleared the way for staging Starlight Opera productions this summer in Balboa Park’s Wegeforth Bowl.

San Diego Union, June 21, 1968, B-10:1-2. The City Council yesterday gave the Committee of 100 formal permission to make molds of ornamentation on the Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, June 26, 1968, A-11:3. Chamber of Commerce to boost drive for annex to Museum of Natural History at Sea World.

San Diego Union, June 26, 1968, B-1:8, B-8:7. San Diego Zoo budget boosts told Kiwanis.

San Diego Union, June 28, 1968, A-19:4-5. City Council approves Starlight Opera move.

San Diego Union, June 28, 1968, B-1:6-8. Rare Vietnamese monkeys to catch the eyes at Zoo, by Dick Bowman.

San Diego Union, June 28, 1968, B-3:5. The City Council yesterday gave final approval to city participation in a city-county joint powers authority to build a $1.35 million planetarium in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, July 1, 1968, B-1:1-2. Singing in Balboa Bowl opened Patriot Week yesterday, by Dick Barnes.

San Diego Union, July 5, 1968, B-4:4-6. Revised city aid formula sought for cultural groups.

San Diego Union, July 7, 1968, B-1:1, B-4:1. City Manager Hahn tells plans for recreation, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, July 7, 1968, B-1:7. Tour to cover buildings of 1915 Exposition.

San Diego Union, July 7, 1968, E-1:1-2, E-7:5. Symphony to open its summer season, by Carol Olten.

San Diego Union, July 7, 1968, E-1:7-8, E-3:1-8. Globe to open “King John”, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, July 11, 1968, B-1:3. Balboa Park tea garden plan backed.

San Diego Union, July 12, 1968, A-15:4-6. Globe’s “King John” uneven, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, July 14, 1968, B-1:4-6, B-12:1. Former two-time mayor Charles Dail dies.

San Diego Union, July 14, 1968, B-1:5-8, B-8:1. Museum of Man to display famous Egyptian jewelry collection, by Beverly Beyette.

San Diego Union, July 14, 1968, E-1:2-8, E-8:1. Globe will enlarge Tavern for arena-stage theater, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, July 17, 1968, A-1:7-8, A-2:1-2. Zoo’s rare kiwis both found dead; hepatitis blamed.

San Diego Union, July 17, 1968, B-2:4-5. San Diego History Center holds Zoo fete.

San Diego Union, July 19, 1968, B-1:1. Council backs Food and Beverage Building idea.

San Diego Union, July 20, 1968, B-1:6-8. Park projects lead list for undergrounding wiring.

San Diego Union, July 21, 1968, E-1:6-8, E-4:6-8. Starlight casts 3 leads in “Walking Happy”, the first of the two Starlight musicals at the Zoo’s Wegeforth Bowl this summer in August.

San Diego Union, July 21, 1968, E-7:1-4. Fine Arts Gallery acquires third Thomas Moran painting, by Martin Peterson.

San Diego Union, July 21, 1968, F-13:1-3. Shade and color await visitors at Zoo’s Fern Canyon, by Arthur F. Otis.

San Diego Union, July 22, 1968, B-1:2-3, B-7:1-2. Museum of Man tunes in tours, by Tina Qualls.

San Diego Union, July 23, 1968, B-2:7-8. Supervisors okay county park plans, by Nancy Ray.

San Diego Union, July 25, 1968, B-7:4-8. Zoo aids study of strange diseases.

San Diego Evening Tribune, August 1, 1968. Demolition Crews to Dissolve Spanish Dream; Balboa Park Palace Yields to Progress; Committee Efforts to Preserve Ornaments for Future Use, by Scott Newman.

San Diego Union, August 2, 1968, B-1:5-6. Two rare dragons from Indonesia invade city Zoo.

San Diego Union, August 2, 1968, B-2:7. Mrs. A. W. Janoch concerned about fate of Cabrillo Bridge.

San Diego Union, August 3, 1968, B-2:7-8. George Gilson opposes Red Baron’s niche in San Diego Aerospace Hall of Fame.

San Diego Union, August 3, 1968, B-3:5-6. Museum of Natural History displays seaweed from California waters.

San Diego Union, August 4, 1968, B-1:6-8. Merry-go-round spins again at new Balboa Park location, by Tina Qualls.

San Diego Union, August 4, 1968, E-1:1-3, E-3:3-6. Starlight announces five singers for “100 Years of Musical Comedy”, the second of the two Starlight musicals at the Zoo this summer.

San Diego Union, August 6, 1968, A-1. Gentle touch will mark razing job; steps to guard plaster figures, by Andrew Makarushka; L. J. Ninteman Construction Co. will save 180 of the most representative decorations for future use.

San Diego Union, August 6, 1968, B-1:2-6. Bees fail to stop Food and Beverage Building razing job in park, by Andrew Makarushka.

San Diego Union, August 6, 1968, B-1:7. Carleton Winslow, Jr., son of the original architect, says Food and Beverage Building set place until 1930s.

San Diego Union, August 8, 1968, B-2:2. EDITORIAL: Heritage Lost

Nostalgia, regret and a touch of anger are prime emotions as razing crews begin to demolish the Food and Beverage Building; has the City of San Diego become concerned long ago, the building could have been saved; even today there is a lack of concern about other buildings in the park that will eventually fade into oblivion if nothing is done.

San Diego Union, August 10, 1968, B-3:1. Park building tours slated by Committee of 100.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1968, B-1:5. Park building’s scrollwork in excellent shape.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1968, E-1:1-8, E-3:1-5. “Walking Happy” to open Starlight season at Zoo, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1968, E-1:4-5, E-3:3-6. Old Globe’s pro troupe includes three San Diegans.

San Diego Union, August 11, 1968, E-1:4-6, E-2:5-7. Anthony Zerbe will recite “surprise” selection of E. E, Cummings at Globe tomorrow.

San Diego Union, August 13, 1968, B-6:3-4. Zerbe serves up a rare Cummings, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, August 13, 1968, B-7:3. Starlight set to open Friday with “Walking Happy”.

San Diego Union, August 15, 1968, B-8:5. City Park Board sending group to Highway 395 talks.

San Diego Union, August 17, 1968, A-6:4-8. “Walking Happy” crawls at Starlight, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, August 17, 1968, B-1:6-7. “Walking Happy” audience curious, by Jim McVicar.

San Diego Union, August 17, 1968, B-3:1-6. Committee of 100 makes $1 million gift, by Homer Clance; Chris Mueller retained as consultant for the removal of the ornaments.

San Diego Union, August 18, 1968, E-1:1-2. Starlight opens musical comedy revue Tuesday, by Carol Olten.

San Diego Union, August 18, 1968, E-1:1-2, E-3:2-6. Fifty actors nominated for Globe Atlas awards.

San Diego Union, August 18, 1968, E-1:7-8. Park will showcase Youth Symphony, Civic Youth Ballet.

San Diego Union, August 21, 1968, B-8:1. “100 Years” parades old show hits, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, August 21, 1968, B-9:4-5. First Old Globe tryout for “Ah, Wilderness” set Sunday.

San Diego Union, August 22, 1968, C-8:5-7. Mrs. Nieves Green urges save Balboa Park buildings.

San Diego Union, August 25, 1968, E-1:5-6, E-2:3-4. Two rare harpsichords to be Globe stars, by Carol Olten.

San Diego Union, August 27, 1968, A-10:4-6. Harpsichord appeals, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, August 27, 1968, B-1:4, B-4:3. Balboa Park plaza work speedup wins backing.

San Diego Union, August 27, 1968, B-3:6-7. Food and Beverage Building figure display proposed.

San Diego Union, August 28, 1968, B-1:2, B-8:4-5. A Zoo within a Zoo in Balboa Park for disease organisms.

San Diego Union, August 29, 1968, B-3:4. A new facility designed to encourage private art collecting will open September 6 at the Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, August 29, 1968, B-5:1-3. Aerospace Hall of Fame to install six new members at banquet September 7 at El Cortez Hotel.

San Diego Union, August 30, 1968, B-1:5, B-8:3. City may seek Balboa Park bond election, by Frank Exarhos.

Mayor Curran and Harry Scheidle, councilman, quoted in the Union, August 30, as seeing passage of a bond issue as a means of defeating a Watson amendment on the ballot placing limits on amounts of bonds which could be issued by state, county and cities.

City Manager Hahn said [restoration of Food and Beverage Building] would be finished by the fall of 1969, the city’s 200th anniversary year.

San Diego Union, August 30, 1968, B-1:6, B-8:7. Court orders park building work halted; five groups oppose City deal.

San Diego Union, August 31, 1968, B-1:4-6. Park building demolition case advanced to Friday.

San Diego Union, September 2, 1968, B-1:2-4, B-7:6-7. Souvenirs of past bared as structure comes down, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, September 2, 1968, B-3:5-6. Combat art show opens at Aerospace Museum.

San Diego Union, September 3, 1968, B-2:2. EDITORIAL: Balboa Park Bonds.

The City Council should act today to put the $3.5 million Food and Beverage Building bond proposal on the November 5 ballot.

San Diego Union, September 4, 1968, B-1:8, B:4. Bond election called for park building; issue set on November 5 ballot, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, September 5, 1968, B-1:6, B-4:2-3. Balboa Park plans pass major test; Facilities Committee of Park and Recreation Board okays Science Hall, Plaza designs; renderings by Dalawie, Macy and Henderson, architects.

Los Angeles Times, September 6, 1968, Part II. Gem of 1915 Exposition: The Rise — and Fall — of a Palace, by Ken Overaker.

San Diego Union, September 7, 1968, B-1:1. Teamsters and laborers’ unions hit park building demolition.

San Diego Union, September 8, 1968, B-1:6-8. Aerospace Hall of Fame installs new members, including astronaut.

San Diego Union, September 8, 1968, E-2:3-8. Starlight back “home” at Zoo reflects professionalism in shows, by Welton Jones.

San Diego Union, September 9, 1968, B-5:3-4. East Indian music slated in final Globe concert.

San Diego Union, September 10, 1968, B-6:2-4. East Indian musicians perform skillful, lengthy concert, by Donald Dierks.

San Diego Union, September 10, 1968, B-7:5. Shakespeare Festival ending.

San Diego Union, September 11, 1968, B-1:6-7. Court kills case on park building; Judge James L. Focht says City acted legally on sale of Food and Beverage Building structure.

San Diego Union, September 11, 1968, B-1:7, B-2:4-6. T. Claude Ryan backs park building bond issue, by Lew Scarr.

San Diego Union, September 12, 1968, B-1:2-3. Two major projects for park advance; Plaza de Balboa, Hall of Science win Board approval of preliminary plans, by Frank Exarhos.

San Diego Union, September 12, 1968, B-3:1. Plans urged for proposed replacement of Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, September 15 1968, D-5:1-5. House of Pacific Relations to join “200th“, by Jeannette Branin.

San Diego Union, September 15, 1968, E-3:2-4. 1,000 young pianists will accompany Roger Williams in park concert.

San Diego Union, September 16, 1968, B-3:4. Zoological Society plans elephant rides.

San Diego Union, September 19, 1968, B-3:6-8. Elephant rides steal show at Zoo’s annual meeting, by Dick Bowman.

San Diego Union, September 21, 1968, A-10:2-3. Sound of 101 pianos to fill Balboa Bowl tomorrow at the 20th annual Thearle Piano Festival.

San Diego Union, September 21, 1968, B-1:5-7, B-7:2-4. Dennis G. Turner a double winner at Old Globe awards fete.

San Diego Union, September 22, 1968, C-2:1-2. EDITORIAL: Heritage of Park Disappearing

San Diegans seem to be reacting with enthusiasm to the plans for maintaining the grandeur of the world-famed Prado in Balboa Park; a bond issue to replace one of the principal buildings will be on the November ballot; but the Prado is not everything, though it is the jewel of a magnificent setting; another crucial decision is rushing upon us; the question of whether to permit the widening of Highway 395, or the Cabrillo Freeway, through the heart of the park.

San Diego Union, September 22, 1968, F-12:5-8. Moreton Bay fig trees do get big, by Arthur F. Otis.

San Diego Union, September 22, 1968, G-1:1-8. An exhibit in park, September 27-29, will show San Diego’s changing face.

San Diego Union, September 23,1968, B-1:3-4. 202 youngsters win ovation with pianist Roger Williams.

San Diego Union, September 26, 1968, B-7:6. East San Diego Property Association backs Balboa Park bonds.

San Diego Union, September 28, 1968, B-2:7-8. John B. Jenkins doesn’t like cars in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, September 29, 1968, B-1:5-7. Kiwanis Kids’ Day yesterday.

San Diego Union, October 3, 1968, B-4. San Diego Taxpayers’ Association opposes bond issue for rebuilding Food and Beverage Building.

San Diego Union, October 17, 1968, B-1, B-3. Chamber of Commerce endorses rebuilding.

San Diego Union, November 2, 1968, B-4:5. John Leppert, an official of the San Diego Taxpayers’ Association, says City Council should have studied other park and recreation needs before placing a bond issue on the ballot to replace the Food and Beverage Building; Leppert told members of the Kiwanis Club the $3.5 million bond issue, Proposition M on the ballot, was “a hastily conceived proposal and, therefore, cannot be supported by the Association.”

San Diego Union, November 3, 1968, 13:5-6. Ada Perry, Howard Voss of San Diego Botanical Garden Foundation back Proposition M.

San Diego Union, November 6, 1968, 1:2. Bonds winning for port, new park building.

(Proposition M; Yes 152,509 – 68% No 70,148 – 32%)

San Diego Union, November 6, 1968, A-13:4. The City Council yesterday approved a speedup in the development of the Plaza de Balboa in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, November 7, 1968, B-4:3. City Manager Hahn yesterday asked the council to authorize an agreement with Richard George Wheeler & Associates for architectural services for construction of a new building to replace the Food and Beverage Building in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, November 26, 1968. Resolution on Council docket to widen U.S. 395 to 6 lanes through Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1968, B-1:5-6, B-12:1-3. Natural History Museum offers animal close-up.

San Diego Union, December 1, 1968, B-1:1-8. Yule lights to go on today.

San Diego Union, December 2, 1968, B-1:6-7. Christmas lights twinkle at park.

San Diego Union, December 4, 1968, B-1:6. Colonel Irving Solomon named chief of protocol for 200th event.

San Diego Union, December 10, 1968, B-1:1-3. Old Globe’s new theater names for Cassius Carter.

Minutes of Park and Recreation Board, December 11, 1968.

Balboa Park Committee

Mr. Bowen reported that the Balboa Park Committee had considered uses for the new building to be built on the Food and Beverage Building site, but would take this up at a meeting to be held December 30.

Regarding the referral from the Chamber of Commerce expressing a desire for long-range planning in Balboa Park, the Committee is assembling data to make a study on this project.

Regarding the request of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego that the statue of Father Serra which was originally on the Food and Beverage Building be given to the Diocese for installation at the Mission San Diego de Alcala, Mr. Bowen noted that the Committee had taken action on this matter at the October meeting. At that meeting, it was recommended that the statue be located at the Mission San Diego de Alcala provided no expense is incurred by the City. Mr. Bowen reported that the Committee’s recommendation still stands.

Mr. Wilhelms commented that the question of whether the statue could be donated to the Catholic Diocese could not be answered at this time since the architect has not decided as to whether or not it would be used in the design of the new building.

Chairman Giddings directed that this matter be held in abeyance until a decision is obtained from the architect on this matter.

Mr. Bowen reported that the Committee was concerned with the present state of development of the Florida Canyon slopes directly east of the new development of the east end of El Prado. The slopes are without irrigation at the present time. The Committee, following a summary report of the Park Superintendent, indicated their interest in the development of an irrigation system to encourage and preserve the present indigenous growth.


Mr. Bowen then moved that Staff study the development of the Florida Canyon slopes and present a plan for development to the Board. Mr. Fleming seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Mr. Bowen reported that the Balboa Park Committee considered that an appropriate name should be selected for the new building to be constructed on the Food and Beverage Building site and recommended that the Board contact the public for suggestions as to a name. Chairman Giddings suggested that the Balboa Park Committee undertake this task and recommend three possible names to the Board. The Board would then make a recommendation to the Council on this matter.

San Diego Union, December 11, 1968, B-1:1, B-5:5. Gala weekend set for 200th in Balboa Park.

San Diego Union, December 12, 1968, B-3:3-5. Park Board seeks study of smog in plan for U.S. 395.

San Diego Union, December 13, 1968, B-1:3-7. 200th gets portrait of Father Serra.

San Diego Union, December 14, 1968, B-9:1. Park group cites 200th danger spots.

San Diego Union, December 18, 1968, B-1:1. City landscape pact for Mission Bay okayed.

San Diego Union, December 22, 1968, B-1:2-3, B-6:1-2. Huge birthday party at Balboa Park poses a traffic problem.

San Diego Union, December 25, 1968, A-1:1-3, A:6-8. Tears flow at Pueblo crew’s homecoming.

San Diego Union, December 29, 1968, B-1:4. Balboa Park party begins Friday.

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