Balboa Park History 1978
January 5, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Old Forms/New Life/Saving Damsels in the Park, by Carl Ritter.
It would come as no surprise to Vince Ninteman if he is called upon to protect a fair lady one of these days in Balboa Park simply because he is head of the company removing sculptured ornamentation from the Electric Building in Balboa Park.
January 13, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-4. El Prado becomes Landmark . . . El Prado section of Balboa Park has been designated a national historical landmark by Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus.
January 13, 1978, San Diego Union, B-7. Balboa Park Landmark Bid Backed . . . Balboa Park has been recommended for designation as a national historic landmark by Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus. The action was requested two years ago by the San Diego City Council.
January 16, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Staff unrest surfaces/Natural History Museum; Tempest out of teapot; Museum loses national meeting, by Cliff Smith.
Many informants, some of whom agreed to talk only if they could remain anonymous, saw as the central issue in the dispute an administration policy instituted in 1975 to place a high priority on the ability of museum curators to obtain research grants to feed museum coffers.
January 18, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Controversy Blames; Museum of Natural History loses national meeting of the Association of Systematics Collections, by Cliff Smith.
January 18, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. Our Readers Write: Natural History Museum — Should it abandon research?, by R. R. Darling; also letter by William A. Burns.
January 26, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. Letters from Gerald R. Johnson and George Mitrovich on museum difficulties.
January 31, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Deputy City Manager John Johnson puts park renovation at $46 million, including a dozen now used by the Navy, by John Donner.
February 19, 1978, Los Angeles Times, VI, 3. Superdome a public monument; ignoring cities’ woes, by Earl F. Cheit.
February 23, 1978, Reader. Balboa Stadium.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Memories go up in smoke.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Aerospace exhibit loss in millions; youths blamed in museum fire, by Martin Gerchen.
Fire Captain Art Roberston, chief arson investigator for the Fire Department, said the blaze roared through the building so quickly, destroying it in three hours, because the museum’s walls were hollow and made of wood.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Blaze recalls 1976 warning, by Patricia Dibsie.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-8. Mourners’ memories bring tears, by Ozzie Roberts.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-8. Photos of Colonel Owen Clark and T. Claude Ryan looking at remains of burned museum.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-8. Photo of “Spirit of Saint Louis” replica.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Park buildings seen as risky by fire expert, by Don Learned.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Many historic airplanes due to be rebuilt, by Joe Hughes.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Photo of Aerospace Museum yesterday.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Photo of Aerospace Museum today.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Name simply happened.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Air pioneer/Ryan feels loss of “life’s work,” by Barbara Herrera and Kay Jarvis.
February 23, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Paintings, books feared lost; moon rock survives holocaust, by Rita Calvano and Bill Callahan.
February 23, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Aerospace collection destroyed; ravaging fire burns for hours; by Ken Mimms and Richard Heimlich.
February 23, 1978, San Diego Union, A-4. Museum had Lindbergh plane model, by Eston McMahon.
February 24, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Officials pledge reborn air museum, by Jeanette Corey.
February 24, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. EDITORIAL: From the Ashes.
The Electric Building was constructed, according to one fire official, “so as to spread fire.”
And the flames that whipped through the wood and stucco structure Wednesday night left little but rubble. The San Diego Aero-Space Museum and the International Aerospace Hall of Fame, unable to acquire adequate fire insurance in the rickety, 63-year old building, have been left without exhibits and with few resources.
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Photos of ruins of Electric Building.
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Police surround canyon in hunt for fire suspect; two evade dragnet, by Mitch Himaka and Carl Cannon
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. New aerospace exhibit pledged, by John Donner.
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Historic loss; fire destroys a shrine to heroic flight, by Michael Grant.
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Jenny’s “death” in museum fire mourned by aviation pioneers, by Leigh Fenley.
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-4. Leader says park plan to continue.
February 24, 1978, San Diego Union, B-14. EDITORIAL: Out of the Ashes.
February 25, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Little escapes fire; volunteers comb ashes of Aerospace Museum, by Mitch Himaka and Ernesto Flores.
March 1, 1978 (1983?), (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-4. Councilman Bill Mitchell favors mounted police patrols to curb Balboa Park crime, by Jeanette Corey.
March 1, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. EDITORIAL: A National Treasure (Aerospace Museum and Hall of Fame).
The plan to rebuild the collection by December 17 is as realistic as it is compelling. That is the date the museum is scheduled to reopen in the Ford Building in Balboa Park on the 75th anniversary date of the Wright Brothers’ historic flight at Kitty Hawk, N. C.
March 1, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. Letters from Patie Hansen, Bill Mitchell, Austin B. Olson and Richard Amero about Balboa Park fires.
The City Council, city administration, Park and Recreation Department, Committee of 100, Aero-Space Museum and The San Diego Union must share the blame for the fire in the Electric Building.
This is not the only senseless tragedy that will occur. Conditions are ripe for other fires in Balboa Park.
The Union hails the Committee of 100 as a defender of Balboa Park when this group’s interest is in holding on to buildings that have outlived their lifetimes and in collaborating with other park usurpers — such as the U.S. Navy.
Richard W. Amero.
March 2, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. “Rebuilding a Dream.”
San Diego has mobilized quickly to begin the task of restoring the Aero-Space Museum and Hall of Fame in Balboa Park, both destroyed last week in a fire which leveled the Electric Building.
March 2, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune. Letter, Mrs. Jan Davis is angry about Balboa Park blaze.
March 4, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, C-2. Letter, Bea Evenson thanks Copley press for its support toward the rebirth of the Aerospace Museum.
March 6, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Report due on Organ Pavilion, by Carl Ritter.
A report, prepared by George T. Szabo, a local architect under contract to the city, on work and materials necessary to restore the deteriorated Spreckels Organ Pavilion will be submitted Thursday to the council’s five-member Public Facilities and Recreation Committee.
March 7, 1978, B-3. Balboa Park Committee makes recommendations to prevent future fires, by Ken Mimms . . . demolish the Administration Building, refurbish the House of Charm and its adjacent arcades, and reconstruct the House of Hospitality..
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Old Globe fire connected to two arsonists, by Martin Gerchen and Ozzie Roberts.
The Old Globe Theater, for more than 40 years, the center of San Diego’s cultural life, died in flames this morning.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Tribune offers $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the arsonists responsible for the fires that destroyed San Diego’s Old Globe Theater and the Aero-Space Museum.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. In a flash, dreams gone, by Barbara Herrera.
For many of the people who stood viewing the burned-out shell of the Old Globe Theater today, it was as if a part of their lives had gone up in smoke.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. “Hate that smell of smoke,” by John Sinor.
The Cassius Carter’s curtain will go up at 8 tonight as usual, and we expect to have “The Sunshine Boys” (the play at the Old Globe) at an alternate site by tomorrow night.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. “New Globe” considered, by Jeannette Corey.
Two weeks ago when Balboa Park’s Electric Building burned to the ground, city and Aero-Space Museum officials predicted that “like a phoenix” the Aero-Space Museum and Hall of Fame would rise out of the ashes.
Today, two such miracles are needed.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-8. Experts ponder reasoning of arsonists, by Gus Stevens . . . Is it love? Hate? Jealousy? Getting even with society?
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, E-1. Early Globe days recalled; new theater seen rising from ashes, by Kay Jarvis.
Lowell Davies, an attorney and long-standing member of the Board of Directors of the Old Globe, said that some of the greatest technicians and actors in today’s theater have begun their apprenticeships at the Globe.
“That won’t end. Theater doesn’t die, you know. It goes on,” Davies said, his voice breaking.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, E-1. “Sad, sad day” leaves actor C. Wayland Capwell in mourning, by Frank Stone.
March 8, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, E-1. Loves’ Labor Lost: Playhouse caringly built, won starring role, by Bill Callahan . . . From its inception, the Old Globe Theater held a special meaning for both San Diegans and visitors.
March 8, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. EDITORIAL: (Motor) Scooters are better.
Councilman Bill Mitchell wants mounted police to keep watch over Balboa Park. He envisions the primary function of the mounties would be to curb the park’s rising crime, and secondarily to make the park more picturesque.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Rewards totaling $5,000 spur firebug search.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Old Globe plays in new sites; Shakespeare fete defies blaze . . . Superior Court Judge Charles Froehlich, Jr., president of the Old Globe Board, said, ” . . . our plans are to hold the Shakespeare festival, Just how and where is up in the air right now.”.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Park buildings found lacking in fire safety, by Martin Gerchen and Ozzie Roberts.
The number of park buildings protected by sprinkler systems can be counted on one hand — there are five. They are the auditorium in Casa del Prado, the Balboa Park Club, the Timken Art Gallery, the Fine Arts Gallery and the Reuben Fleet Space Theater and Science Center.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-2. Storm cut swath through trees, by Paul Cour.
Trees in Balboa Park have been hit heavily as the ground is softened by the rain and the winds blow. Damage has been particularly heavy on the west side of the park.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. Fire site combed for clues, by William Polk.
While the mystery of why the two San Diego landmarks were torched remains unsolved, arson investigators quickly determined where the fires were set at both locations.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. “It’s for the people.” . . . Theater staff vows the play will go on, by Barbara Herrera.
Within hours of the fire yesterday board members were searching for a new location for tonight’s performance of “The Sunshine Boys” — Neil Simon’s play which had been on stage at the Globe.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. Lost plane may land in exhibit . . . An oceanographic firm located in Sorrento Valley announced yesterday that by sheer chance one of its submersibles discovered the intact remains of what may be a World War II fighter plane that may duplicate one lost in flames..
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. Undercover police officers — some riding bicycles —aid firebug watch, by Patricia Dibsie.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, D-1. M. H. Golden Construction Company in 1935 raised theater in 25 days; was paid $17,493 by the English Concessions Corporation, by Alison Da Rosa.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, D-1. Bill Easton, Globe Theater veteran, mourns loss, looks ahead, by Joseph Thesken.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, D-1. Valeda Turner, who portrays Queen Elizabeth I during the Old Globe’s Shakespeare Festival, loses her stage, but knows there will be another, by Alison Da Rosa.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, D-1. Old Globe pros vow to bounce back; even in tragedy there is room for laughter, by Bill Hagen.
March 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, D-2. Globe’s actors say go on with show, by Greg Joseph.
March 10, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Firebug dragnet widens, by Ozzie Roberts.
Meanwhile, the city has hired a 16-member security force to patrol the park around the clock and police increased their surveillance with plain-clothed and uniformed men.
March 10, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-10. The kids want museum to fly again . . . Students of Jones Elementary School in Serra Mesa voted to donate $150 they earned running a carnival booth and from collecting newspapers to the museum.
March 10, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. EDITORIAL: Organ Pavilion, a “heritage” for this generation and future generations.
March 10, 1978, San Diego Union, A-5. Balboa Park Security tightened (incomplete).
March 10, 1978, San Diego Union, A-5. Fire inspectors swarm over park in a stepped-up effort to find fire hazards, by Gene Cubbison.
March 10, 1978, San Diego Union, A-5. Funds sought; Governor Brown and State Senator Jim Mills, D-San Diego, will inspect Globe site at noon today.
March 10, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. B-8. A City Council committee yesterday approved $350,000 of restoration work on the Organ Pavilion.
March 11, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1, A-4. Third fire in park extinguished in time, by Don Learned.
March 11, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, C-2. Richard Amero writes about park issues.
Editor: Bea Evenson (VOP, 3-4-78) thanks the Copley Press for its support of the Aero-Space Museum and then places the blame for the defeat of three efforts to get San Diego voters to restored the Ford Building and one effort to rebuild the Electric Building “on lack of education of the citizenry.” This statement is not true as the Copley Press in 1971, 1972 and 1973 abandoned all pretense of objective journalism and ran article after article, day after day, promoting the rebuilding program. The citizens, for reasons of their own, did not buy the arguments of the Committee of 100 or the Copley Press.
March 11, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. B-5. Guards curb late-night loitering in Balboa Park.
March 11, 1978, San Diego Union, B-5. Old Globe finds site for two shows, by Welton Jones.
The Globe Theater’s production of “The Sunshine Boys” will reopen Tuesday for one-week in the 1,400-seat Spreckels Theater downtown, Globe officials announced yesterday.
March 12, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Guard, 20, is held in third fire at park, by Gene Cubbison.
A 20-year old woman employed as a private security guard in Balboa Park was arrested yesterday in connection with a minor early morning fire — the park’s third blaze in less than three weeks — in the House of Hospitality.
March 12, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. “Soldiers” patrol streets; specter of woe haunts Balboa Park, by Jon Standefer.
March 13, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. Letters advocating protection and restoration of Balboa Park.
March 14, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-8. Security guard arrested in connection with an arson attempt in Balboa Park is now a suspect in Old Globe blaze during which she claimed to have seen two young men fleeing the scene, by Ozzie Roberts.
March 14, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. Janice E. Greaves wants the city to pay more attention to the needs of human beings and less to the protection of buildings at Balboa Park.
March 14, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Shakespeare Festival plan proposed for site near burned-out Globe.
William Eaton, public relations director, said: “Mayor Wilson supports the plan. So does the fire marshal, the park and recreation people and Globe board members.”
March 14, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Temporary stage planned in a Balboa Park canyon east of the fire-ravaged theater for Shakespeare Festival, by Gene Cubbison.
March 15, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-2. Balboa Park arsonists sought; the City Council today voted a $5,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those who set fire to Balboa Park buildings..
March 16, 1978, Los Angeles Times, IV, 23. Stage Notes: Getting a new Globe Theater rolling, by Sylvie Drake.
The Globe’s board of directors has hired a professional fund raiser, Jim Mulvaney, to head a drive and the California Arts Council is recommending to the National Endowment for the Arts that it make emergency funds available for (construction of a temporary “treehouse” stage in a Balboa Park canyon approved a year ago by the city council as the site for a third theater).
March 16, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. City Council, Contractors; park fires reward hits $15,000.
March 16, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. False alarm in Balboa Park.
March 17, 1978, San Diego Union, B-14. Letters from Alfred C. Strohlein, Sally Holzbach and Agnes M. Kinsella bemoaning loss of Old Globe Theater.
March 20, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Police Chief Kolender requests 29-cop Balboa Park patrol.
March 20, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. A Grumman J2F-6 biplane, known as the Duck, waddles to museum which has taken up temporary residence at the Coast Guard Air Station on the Embarcadero.
March 20, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. Kenneth Borthwick, lord provost of Edinburgh, Scotland, pledges aid for Old Globe; Edinburgh became a sister city to San Diego on January 22.
March 20, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. James K. Poole wants more park protection.
March 21, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. In separate 7-2 votes, the City Council last night created a citywide open-space park district and placed a $65 million bond issue on the June 6 ballot to acquire thousands of acres of open space land, by Daniel C. Carson.
March 24, 1978, San Diego Union, B-2. Aerospace Facility/Museum pledges hit $200,000.
March 28, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1, B-3, B-4. Museum of Natural History: All’s not quiet; research and money; history of a conflict, by Barbara Herrera.
March 29, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-6. Carol Reid wants high-rise apartments for senior citizens in Balboa Park.
March 29, 1978, San Diego Union, B-10. Richard W. Amero writes suggesting Old Globe Theater get out of Balboa Park.
March 29, 1978, San Diego Union, D-5. Globe resolution asking the state Arts Council to provide whatever assistance it can to keep live theater going in San Diego following the destruction of the Old Globe Theater was sent to the Senate floor yesterday.
April, 1978, San Diego Magazine. City on Fire, by Zenia Cleigh.
A Tragedy and a Miracle; the Electric Building and the Aerospace collection get a second chance.
April 3, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 1. Old buildings stand in center of dispute; City, State clash over Powerhouse in El Pueblo Park, by Ray Hebert.
April 4, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-2. Historic tag perils site (Administration Building in Balboa Park is on the National Register of Historic Places).
April 4, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. City gets KGB’s gift of $62,000 for soccer field in Balboa Park.
The gift was given in celebration of the 50th anniversary of KGB AM and FM radio stations in San Diego, the KGB chicken said.
April 4, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. Voice of the People: letters commenting on Barbara Herrera’s article on turmoil at Natural History Museum from George Mitrovich, Fay Dalton, James C. Dice, Bob Dorn, George Mitrovich, Harriett Pratt and Eiveen Weiman.
April 4, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Historic designation may prevent razing hazardous building.
The building involved is the old administration building in Balboa Park. . . . the building is listed as part of the California Quadrangle, which was declared a national historic site in 1976 and, as such, cannot be immediately torn down.
April 4, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. San Diego Regional Employment and Training Consortium officials are studying the possibility of using federal job money to hire workers to aid in the rebuilding of the Electric Building and the Old Globe Theater in Balboa Park.
April 5, 1978, Los Angeles Times, IV, 1. What to do about the Queen Mary?, by Art Seidenbaum.
April 5, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. Funds sought to rehabilitate sub-par hotels.
April 6, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Aerospace Museum drive reaches $800,000 in cash, gifts.
April 6, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Old Globe Theater fire started at a rear exist from the stage at the east end of the stage area, Fire Chief Dee J. Rogers said in an interview yesterday.
April 7, 1978, Los Angeles Times, D-1. Fire Insurance canceled for Balboa Park; Company sites dispute with city over two arson settlements, by Nancy Ray.
Assistant City Manager Ray Blair said the city is seeking a new insurance carrier for the city properties in the park and probably will have coverage when the present policy with Maryland Casualty Company expires.
April 7, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Fire Chief Dee Rogers said yesterday that the March 8 arson fire which destroyed Balboa Park’s Old Globe Theater began in an exterior alcove on the east side of the building.
April 8, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Some problems corrected since blazes; possible park fire hazards found, by Ken Mimms.
April 8, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Fire insurance canceled after Balboa Park rift, by Daniel C. Carson.
April 9, 1978, Los Angeles Times, IX, 1. Pan Pacific Auditorium, beleaguered manifestation of an era; preservation force near struggle over old auditorium, by John Dreyfuss.
April 9, 1978, San Diego Union, D-1. The Old Globe: memories amid new dedication, by Beth Mohr.
April 14, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. Natural History Museum politics; letter by Josephine L. Scripps.
April 18, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Elizabethan rebirth of Old Globe urged, by Welton Jones.
April 21, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-7. Senate asks Old Globe theater aid.
April 21, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-4. Twenty three get badges as park patrol officers, by Robert Dietrich.
April 23, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Old Globe campaign fund to raise $6.3 million begins, by Welton Jones.
James F. Mulvaney said an insurance settlement on the Old Globe would provide $600,000 toward the rebuilding, leaving $1.65 million to go.
April 23, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. The quacks keep nibbling at museum row, by James Britton, II.
Is our row of museums (El Prado in Balboa Park) being nibbled to death by ducks? Or is it going to become one of the world’s most satisfying combinations of cultural establishments?
It has the potential for the latter, but greatness can’t happen by blind chance. Trouble is, no one’s in charge. The Park and Recreation Department, the Park Board, the Balboa Park Committee, the Intermuseum Council, the Department of Engineering and Development — all have something to say. Architects and consultants enter the picture from time to time, yet there’s no one to tie together all the design considerations.
Dozens of groups that have nothing to do with the museum idea claim squatter’s rights along El Prado, so its fate is usually a compromise among their conflicting demands. The museums themselves are concerned about their own advantages, not about the total ensemble along El Prado. Indeed, some of them wish others would just go away.
April 24, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 1. Plans revealed Sunday for Old Globe second theater.
James Mulvaney, cochairman of the fund-raising campaign, said that the Old Globe restoration will cost about $2.25 million and a new 750-seat theater costing about $4.5 million will be built in a canyon northeast of the Old Globe site.
April 24, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-1. Old Globe Theater drive begins, by Patricia Dibsie.
April 24, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. Council studies alternatives; Paradise Hills Park sinking into landfill, by Jeanette Corey.
April 24, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. Struggle breaks out for Natural History Museum control, by Barbara Herrera.
David L. Binney, who represents a group of society members openly critical of some board policies, has been denied the society’’ membership list by the board of directors.
April 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-1. Vision of new Old Globe Theater unveiled.
April 24, 1978, San Diego Union, A-12. A good cause draws hundreds (Old Globe Theater rebuilding).
April 25, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. EDITORIAL: Inside the Museum.
The Museum of Natural History cannot be considered a special case when it comes to its public accountability.
April 27, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-9. California Supreme Court decision backs Hare Krishna’s right to solicit at airports..
April 28, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 1. Three trees felled at temporary amphitheater site; Old Globe organization agrees to replace them, by George Frank.
April 28, 1978, San Diego Union, C-1. Construction begins this week on 634-seat temporary outdoor amphitheater in Balboa Park, by Welton Jones.
April 28, 1978, San Diego Union, C-1. The Play’s the Thing Wherein the Bard Will Rise Again.
Spring, 1978. International Hall of Fame Extra:
The Fire, by Colonel E. F. Carey, Jr.
The Recovery Plan, by Richard Knoth
What We Lost, by Commander Bill Dugan
Artifacts Needed, by Major James S. McAlister
Aerospace Recovery Fund, by Richard C. Dietz
Gift Shop, by Janet Clary.
May 2, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 4. Old Globe aide apologizes for felling three park trees, by George Frank.
May 3, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Theater may not be temporary, by Daniel C. Carson.
May 5, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. Public Facilities and Recreation Committee urged updating of Master Plan for Balboa Park.
May 8, 1978, San Diego Union, D-1. Some questions asked; construction begins today on new Mission Playhouse, by Welton Jones.
May 9, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. Citizens Coordinate for Century 3 urges downtown site for Old Globe complex.
May 9, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Ford Building readied; museum rebuilding to start in two weeks, by P. G. Torrez.
May 9, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Citizens Coordinate for Century 3 opposes park theater expansion.
May 9, 1978, San Diego Union, B-10. Charles W. Froehlich, Jr., president Board of Directors, Old Globe Theater, says no decision has been made about making “temporary” theater permanent.
May 11, 1978, READER. You Asked First: about competing fund-raisers being conducted in city.
The San Diego Zoo, which as up to now financed all improvements with operating revenues, is plotting a huge expansion which may well require a public appeal. Projects include an overhauling of the Children’s Zoo, a new nursery, and a panda bear exhibit. When those are completed, the Zoo’s board of directors has its eye on a multi-acre “Bird and Primate Mesa”; an estimated $25 million undertaking which could require ten years to complete.
May 11, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-23. Exchange Club adds honor to Bea Evenson, park booster, by Vicki Torres.
May 11, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-32. Chicago faces suit by Krishna sect charging that it was unconstitutionally denied a parade and fair permit.
May 12, 1978, San Diego Union, D-1. Old Town plans; Playhouse’s future set, by Welton Jones.
May 15, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 10:3-4. Fund raiser to benefit Old Globe Theater.
May 23, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 6. Air show at Brown Field, May 27-29, will benefit museum rebuilding fund.
May 24, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. City Council okays $2.7 million for the restoration of the Ford Building in Balboa Park . . . Robert G. Fisher Company will be paid to complete the renovation of the building’s structure, repainting of the mural inside, work on the electrical system and other repairs..
May 25, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Maintenance woes cited; sports pose problem in East County parks, Virginia Spiller.
May 27, 1978, San Diego Union, D-1. Aerospace, Old Globe plans updated at Chamber of Commerce luncheon, by Beth Mohr.
June 1, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-2. Balboa Park’s Cabrillo Bridge will be closed Sundays from noon until 4 p.m., beginning this Sunday, because of heavy traffic on the bridge during the summer months.
June 6, 1978. CALIFORNIA VOTERS PASSED PROPOSITION 13 BY A VOTE OF 65 % TO 35% reducing property taxes on homes, businesses and farms by about 57%; state constitution amended so that property tax rates could not exceed 1% of the property’s market value and valuations couldn’t grow by more than 2% per annum unless the property was sold.
June 11, 1978, Los Angeles Times, IX, 16. Second phase of restoration underway on California Building in Balboa Park; completion of the $1.62-million federally funded project scheduled for September..
June 11, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Vintage craft planned; landing field at Aero World Park northwest of Miramar Naval Air Station okayed, by Ken Hudson
June 12, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. High-rise plan for downtown seniors fought.
June 13, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-12. Exemption bill that would exempt the San Diego Aero-Space Museum from sales and use taxes on aircraft or other items purchased for display at the museum gains in California State Assembly.
June 15, 1978, San Diego Union, E-1. Assembly unit vote; Arts Council may lose State funds, by Mary A. Fallenstein.
June 23, 1978, San Diego Union, B-7. City provides list of improvements that would have to be made if the “temporary” stage recently constructed in Balboa Park is to remain past October 31; Old Globe needs repairs.
June 24, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 1. Permit at issue; City’s letter to Old Globe raises fuss, by Cilla Brown.
July 1, 1978, San Diego Union, E-3. Old Globe Theater benefit raised an estimated $40,000, by Eston McMahon.
July 2, 1978, San Diego Union, E-3. Advertisement: I’ve come a theater building.
July 2, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. Architect Mosher — top ten designer, and still at it, by James Britton, II.
July 2, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden wins national honor; a rosy glow in Balboa Park, by Saruca D. Jhabvala.
July 4, 1978, San Diego Union, B-2. Jared Jacobsen, musician, pledges to involve audience; organ “junkie” now at Balboa Park, by Richard Ruane.
July 4, 1978, San Diego Union, B-2. Students from Point Loma High Schools’ history class have donated $400, the proceeds from a benefit dance, to the Aero-Space Museum Recovery Fund.
July 14, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Fine Arts Gallery posts fee to meet rising costs, by Bob Dorn.
The Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park has completed its first week of charging adults $1 and those under sixteen 50 cents for admission to the museum.
July 17, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-1. Reader survey: Here’s how you voted.
July 18, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-5. The third theater — from the ashes, truly a phoenix, by Bill Hagen.
It is, allegedly, I suppose contractually, only a temporary structure. According to terms of the agreement, it will be restored to its natural state at the conclusion of the season. It would be a crime to do so.
July 22, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-8. Old Globe Theater names campaign leaders.
July 22, 1978, San Diego Union, B-5. Executives head campaign for Old Globe rebuilding.
July 23, 1978, San Diego Union, B-8. Marie Hitchcock writes about Puppet Theater; Charlie Cannon writes about Starlight Opera.
July 27, 1978, San Diego Evening Tribune, B-3. Letter, Richard W. Amero, regarding article by Bill Hagen, July 18, 1978.
The current sales promotion of three professional theaters in Balboa Park is another in a constant series of onslaughts against the beauty and integrity of the park by people who put their elite cultural interests ahead of the general public.
July 27, 1978, San Diego Union, E-4. Old Globe wins $44,000 from National Endowment of the Arts.
July 28, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. The City Council’s Public Facilities and Recreation Committee recommended yesterday that the Ford Building be renamed the Aero-Space Historical Center.
July 28, 1978, San Diego Union, B-14. The Ford Building may be renamed the Aero-Space Historical Center; the proposed new name has to be considered by the full City Council; the new center will be dedicated December 17 — Kittyhawk Day — and will be open to the public in early January.
July 31, 1978, Los Angeles Times, II, 1:1. Old Globe Theater drive will “sell” seats for $5,000 each; $6.3 million goal; fund drive finds going is tough, by Laurie Becklund.
August 5, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Temporary site still needed; Old Globe Theater says it cannot move; wants City to let the group use the site for another year..
August 6, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. Planner John Nolen in 1908 said Balboa Park was nice, but nuisance, by James Britton, II.
A good question is whether John Nolen in 1978 would say Balboa Park should be converted to close-in residential usage. I think he would.
It is only fair to note here that, while Nolen had that massive doubt about Balboa Park, he was sporting enough to congratulate the people of San Diego on having it. Still, that was in 1908. What would he say today? And would he be run out of town?
August 13, 1978, San Diego Union, E-5. Veteran carousel is park delight, by Craig MacDonald.
The carousel was built by the Herschell-Spillman Company of Tonawanda, New York, in 1910.
Shortly after its construction, the ride was shipped to Luna Park in Los Angeles. In 1913, it was shipped to Tent City (between Coronado and Imperial Beach).
The carousel first visited Balboa Park for the 1915-16 Panama-California Exposition. For 46 years it resided at Park Boulevard and Laurel Street, but in 1968 it was moved to its present location south of the San Diego Zoo parking lot.
August 13, 1978, San Diego Union, F-6. Richard W. Amero defends Balboa Park’s status.
I do not think citizens of San Diego would run John Nolen out of town, as Britton suggests, but they might be interested in setting up a fund to sent James Britton back to school.
August 15, 1978, Park and Recreation Board Minutes.
- Old Globe Proposal for an Additional Theater at the Rebuilt House of Charm, Mrs. Danah Fayman (Considered by the Balboa Park Committee, 5/1/78: No Action Taken.
It was noted that the City Council has approved the concept of a Third Theater in Balboa Park, and that the Balboa Park Committee has been on record as opposing such a theater until parking problems in the park are resolved.
On May 1, 1978, Mrs. Fayman, a member of the Board of Directors of the Old Globe Theater, appeared before the Balboa Park Committee and requested that consideration be given to the proposal to locate the Third Theater in the rebuilt House of Charm. The Committee took no action, the assumption being that the matter would be passed on to the Board for a decision.
Mrs. Fayman appeared at the Board meeting to request that the Old Globe be considered for use of the rebuilt House of Charm, in lieu of the canyon site, for the following reasons:
- The House of Charm facility would be close to other Old Globe structures.
- The Old Globe feels a compelling need to grow with San Diego and accommodate increased population.
- A building already exists at the site, thus overcoming the objection of developing the canyon.
- Three would be no need for additional parking, as parking would have to be provided for whomever occupies the House of Charm.
Mr. Leyton inquired as to whether the Old Globe would relinquish the canyon site if approval were given to relocate in the rebuilt House of Charm. Mrs. Fayman indicated that the Board of Directors has not been clear on the subject, but she agreed with him that it was important to get a definitive answer.
Mr. Milch announced that he and Mr. Leyton are members of the Board of Directors of the Old Globe. They have no financial interest. In the past, they have absented themselves from deliberations on Old Globe matters; however, in light of Conflict of Interest Code interpretations, and in light of the fact that there would be no quorum if they so abstained from deliberation, they would participate in the discussions and any voting. He would leave it to the Board members to weight any “prejudices” they might have.
Mr. Atkinson suggested that, if the Old Globe proposal is dependent upon including rebuilding of the House of Charm in the CIP, the proposal should be held in abeyance until such time as Council approves the project.
At that time, Mr. Sadler suggested that the Old Globe get in line with other organizations that may wish to use the building.
(Next page missing.)
- Centro Cultural Mural, Frank Salz
Mr. Salz, director of the Centro Cultural in Balboa Park, addressed the Board. The center occupies the old water tank structure off Park Boulevard near the Naval Hospital. Redesign of the mural on the exterior of the tank was proposed. Sketches were solicited from various artists, and Mr. Gilberto Ramirez was commissioned for the mural design. Mr. Salz introduced the artist, who exhibited sketches and explained the symbolism of the proposed painting. The new mural will cover about one-third of the tank on the side facing the hospital.
The Balboa Park Committee and the Facilities Committee recommended approval of the proposed mural.
MOTION: Mr. Leyton moved Board approval. Mrs. Moss seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
REFERRAL: Mr. Milch asked that staff secure a copy of the proposed design, and maintain it in the Community Services Division Office so as to enable staff to monitor compliance with Council Policy 700-35, Decoration of Public Structures by Private Citizens.
August 20, 1978, Los Angeles Times, Calendar-56. “Dream” funded despite Proposition 13 cutbacks, by Sylvie Drake.
August 20, 1978, San Diego Union, F-10. Michael Gottfried, Richard E. Reed and Clarence T. Paul, readers, comment/object to concrete park as described by James Britton, II, (August 6, 1978).
September 16, 1978, San Diego Union, B-5. Fine Arts Gallery in Balboa Park renamed Museum of Art yesterday; name change was recommended by Jerold Panas & Partners, a San Francisco consulting firm..
September 16, 1978, San Diego Union, A-27. O’Neill made playhouse famous; burned-out theater to be replaced, by John J. Mullins.
September 19, 1978, Park and Recreation Board.
City Council Actions
- Ford Building, Designation as Aerospace Historical Center, 8/28 #151
- Revised and Proposed Fees and Charges, PUBLIC HEARING (Recommendations tentatively were scheduled to be heard by the Park Facilities and Recreation Committee, 9/28/78; as that meeting has been canceled, PF&R has tentative rescheduled the matter to 10/12/78.
- Golf
- Staff Introduction: Mr. Makie distributed a September 7, 1978 Statement of Revenue and expenditures for the Balboa Park and Torrey Pines golf courses for Fiscal Years 1976, 1977 and 1978. He noted the total revenues for Fiscal Year 1978 fall short of total direct and indirect expenses. In addition, the City Council, in reviewing a proposal to turn over municipal golf courses to a lessee, has indicated that the City would gain approximately $65,000 in possessory use taxes if the courses were leased out. The total loss to the City would thus come to approximately $111,000. Staff is proposing a revised fee schedule as follows, in order to increase revenue to approximately $120,000.
BALBOA PARK / Non-Res / Resident / Non-Res / Resident
9 holes weekdays 1.50 2.00 1.75 2.75
9 holes weekends 1.75 2.75 1.75 2.75
18 holes weekdays 2.50 3.50 3.00 5.00
18 holes weekends 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00
18 holes weekdays after 3 p.m. 1.25 1.75 1.50 2.50
18 holes weekends after 3 p.m. 1.50 2.50 1.50 2.50
Monthly ticket 9 holes 7.50 10.00 10.00 12.50
Monthly ticket 18 holes 15.00 20.00 20.00* 25.00*
Student Monthly ticket 3.50 —— 5.00 —–
- Not good between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
- Report of Golf Task Force Committee, John Sasso: John Sasso, of the Golf Task Force Committee, gave the following report of the Committee’s actions of July 12, 1978:
Subject: Proposed rate changes at Torrey Pines and Balboa courses
After thorough discussion of the proposed rates presented by staff, the committee:
- Agreed that under present fiscal and tax conditions, there was need for additional income for City operations of these courses;
- Recognized that present fee structures are too low in comparison with other courses in the area (Balboa rates have remained substantially the same since 1965);
- In approving the new rates, a number of committee members expressed disapproval of the disproportionate rates between Balboa and Torrey Pines. Artificially low rates have been held for years at Balboa and this accounts, in their opinion, for the fact that the Balboa course losses must be offset by Torrey Pines profits.
- Reaffirmed its position that recreational facilities must pay their own way, but must not be used as a profit course. The committee does notsupport the concept that golf recreational facilities should be subsidized in any way.
The committee voted unanimously to support the proposed raises in rates with one exception.
That exception is the proposal that monthly rates not be honored between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. The committee unanimously rejected this proposal on the basis that it represents a change in policy rather than a rate change.
The committee’s expression is that, if some change is required in the use of monthly tickets, that change be the subject of a future meeting of the committee where adequate public input and discussion can be held.
The committee believes that this proposed change would result in a minimal increase in income, but would also seriously disrupt the tournament activities of both the men’s and women’s clubs at these courses inasmuch as some members purchase monthly tickets while others pay resident rates. The devaluation of playing time on monthly tickets would also be unfair to ticket holders, many of whom are seniors.
The committee unanimously requests that the Park and Recreation Board ask staff to remove that suggested change from their proposal when it goes before the Public Facilities and Recreation Committee for preliminary approval.
The committee reports that the reservation system is working well, and that residents now have an opportunity to get on the courses without undue waiting.
As a final request, the committee wants to go on record as asking that, in the future, suggested changes in golf procedures be routed through the Park and Recreation Board, as in the past, by staff.
Public Testimony
- Jack Pyle suggested that the price of the monthly tickets be raised even more than suggested by staff.
- Joe Stern, Steering Committee member of the Congress of California Seniors, and the Chairman of the Policy Committee of the Unity Action Partnership for the County, stated that attempts to recoup all costs for recreation programs would exclude the poor and those on fixed incomes. The taxpayers are entitled to the use recreation facilities at reasonable fees.
- Gerald Newport stated that when the government subsidizes recreation programs, it is rewarding those who take care of their health. This is preferable to subsidizing health care. If the City has to recoup costs for recreation programs, it would be better to do so by placing taxes on liquor, cigarettes, junk food, etc.
- Ernie Post stated that he does not feel that the municipal golf courses should be subsidized. However, users of the Balboa Park and Torrey Pines courses should not have to pay for losses at leased courses. Mr. Milch noted that the losses on the Auditor’s Report are just for Balboa Park and Torrey Pines.
- Diana Keown, President of the Torrey Pines Women’s Golf Group, talked about the extensive volunteer work done by her organization. She stated that the proposal to eliminate use of monthly tickets between 8 and 10 a.m. would greatly impair their tournaments.
- Ethel Dille, President of the Balboa Park Women’s Golf Group, concurred with the need to increase fees and charges, but disagreed with the staff proposal to disallow use of monthly tickets between 8 and 10 a.m.
- A. Bame protested the proposal that monthly tickets not be good between 8 and 10 a.m.
- An unidentified resident of La Mesa, who lives approximately ½ block from the City Limits, objected to being considered a “foreigner” for City of San Diego purposes.
MOTION/REFERRAL: Public input was closed. After considerable discussion, Mr. Leyton moved that the Board recommend approval of the proposed fees and charges, except that the proposed 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. exclusion of monthly tickets not be applied, and that the exclusion be reconsidered in nine months to allow the development of figures on what the impact would be if the proposal were to be implemented. Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. In addition, Chairman Milch requested that the minutes reflect the consensus of the Board that City expenses for golf which would be recouped with increased fees and charges should exclude indirect costs, as with other fees and charges within the Department.
- Recreation Center Room Rental (increase existing fee)
Staff Report: Mr. Jack Krasovich, Recreation Division Superintendent, stated that the current room rental rates produce approximately $6,000 per year in revenue, whereas the proposed rates would increase revenues by $5,250, for a total annual income of $11,250.
Public Input: None
Board Action: Mr. Leyton moved approval of the staff recommendation; Mr. Sadler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
- Youth Symphony Instruction Fee (increase existing fee)
Staff Report: The current fee schedule is $5 per quarter for residents, and $10 per quarter for non-residents. It was recommended that fees be increased to $30 per quarter for residents, and $40 for non-residents.
Public Input: Robert Bolam, President of the Board of Trustees of the San Diego Youth Symphony stated that the San Diego Youth Symphony orchestra is one of the best non-professional youth orchestras in the country, and that an increase in fees of this magnitude would probably kill the program. He suggested that other revenue sources be found to recoup City costs.
Board Action: It was moved, seconded and carried unanimously that the revised fees be $15 for residents and $25 for non-residents, as it was felt that the break-even point produces an exorbitant increase; of all costs of the program must be recovered, other sources of revenue should be sought.
- Ballet Instruction Fee (increase existing fee)
Staff Report: The fee for City residents would be raised from $5 to $15 per quarter, and the fee for non-residents would be raised from $15 to $25 per quarter.
Public Input: Mrs. Morris stated that there was insufficient notice of the Hearing, and that when notice was given, people were not told what the proposed fees would be. Mr. Milch noted copies of the agenda are mailed to the media, but only the Sentinel papers have seen fit to cover the Board in recent months.
Mr. Larry Sisk stated that he was interested in all youth activities, and that he was opposed to raising all fees, particularly those in the Casa del Prado. Increases such as those proposed would price clientele out of the Casa del Prado. He noted that the purpose of the Bond proposal to construct the building was to provide such an atmosphere for youth activities.
Board Action: Mr. Murphy stated that he shared Mr. Sisk’s concern about pricing young people out of opportunities for recreational programs. He suggested, as an alternative, that additional funding go to such organizations to assure that those in need receive scholarships, etc. Mr. Leyton moved approval of the staff recommendation. Mrs. Schweizer seconded the motion, and it carried 8-2 (Henkel and Skill). The Chairman asked that, in the recommendation to the City Council, staff pass on Mr. Murphy’s suggestion.
- Playground Dance Instruction Fee (increase existing fee)
Staff Report: The current $5 fee per quarter for City residents would be raised to $6.
The current $10 fee per quarter for non-city residents would be raised to $15.
Public Input: Mary Downe stated she was opposed to the general increase in recreation fees.
Board Action: Mr. Sadler moved approval of the staff recommendation. Mrs. Schweizer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
- Athletic Field Use Fee (increase existing fee)
Staff Report: The current fee for lighted fields would be increased from $7.50 per hour for City residents to $10 per hour. The fee for non-City residents would be increased from $15 to $20 per hour. In addition, a fee for reserving non-lighted fields would be set at $5 per hour for residents, and $10 per hour for non-residents.
Public Input: None.
Board Action: Mr. Leyton moved approval of the staff recommendations regarding lighted and non-lighted fields, with the understanding that the matter of the fees for non-lighted fields will be brought back to the Board in six months for review. The motion was seconded, and carried unanimously.
- Specialized Instruction Fees at Recreation Centers (initiate new fee)
Staff Report: A surcharge of $5 per City resident, and $10 per non-City resident was proposed for each specialized instruction activity in order to recover costs involved in coordinating with recreation councils and operating the centers.
Public Input: Mr. Gene McElroy, Chairman of the University City Park and Recreation Council, stated that the Standley Park and Recreation Center has one of the largest fee programs in the City, and that the Recreation Council feels that the proposed surcharge is good in that it will help maintain a full program.
Board Action: Mr. Sadler moved approval of the staff recommendation; Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, which carried 7-2 (Leyton and Schweizer). Mr. Leyton noted that he was not opposed to raising fees and charges when it can be determined that costs are directly related to the program; in this particular case, the “real” costs should be determined during the budgetary review process.
- Community and Municipal Adult League Fees (initiate new fee)
Staff Report: Current fees related to community and municipal adult sports leagues have been assessed to recover the cost of officials, equipment, awards and the like, without charging a fee to recover administrative and operating expenses. It is proposed City resident teams pay $35 per team per season for indoor team sports, and $70 per team per season for outdoor team sports.
Public Input: Mr. Lanny H. Prewitt spoke in opposition.
Board Action: Mr. Sadler moved approval of the staff recommendation, with the notation that it be applied only to teams exclusively using City fields; staff would develop an equitable fee per diem for traveling teams. The motion was seconded and carried 7-2 (Leyton and Schweizer).
Mr. Sadler noted that, if the City is going to charge fees for this reservation process, the fields should be well-maintained. It was noted that the $35/$70 charge was only to cover the cost of the Recreation Division, not the Park Division.
- Organized Youth League Fee (initiate new fee)
Staff Report: Staff proposed that the current non-charge policy be replaced with a $10 per team per 16-week season for City resident teams.
Public Input: Mr. McElroy indicated that his organization would probably have to withdraw its current $1200 per year contribution to upgrade the fields in order to pay this new fee.
Board Action: Mr. Milch suggested that, in this case, perhaps the amount of revenue would not justify losses such as those suggested by Mr. McElroy. Mrs. Schweizer moved that the staff proposal be rejected. The motion failed for lack of a second. Mrs. Henkel moved approval of the staff recommendation; Mr. Skill seconded the motion, which carried with 4 yeas (Green, Henkel, Sadler and Skill), 3 nays (Milch, Miller and Schweizer), and one abstention (Leyton).
- Junior Theater Registration Fee (initiate surcharge)
Staff Report: Currently, the Junior Theater Board of Directors assesses a fee of $25 to meet their operating expenses. It is proposed that a $6.50 City surcharge be assessed each registrant of Junior Theater per semester to cover City costs.
Public Input: Mr. Sisk stated that a lady had left, who would have spoken in opposition to the proposal.
Board Action: Mr. Leyton moved approval of the staff recommendation. Mr. Sadler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
- Tennis Tournament Fee (initiate new fee)
Staff Report: Currently, there are no charges for the use of the City tennis courts. It is proposed that each entrant in adult tournaments be charged $2 per entry, and $1 per entry would be charged for youth entrants. Mr. Krasovich emphasized that the implementation of these tournament fees is the initial step in returning to the City costs for the operation and maintenance of tennis courts. Hourly usage fees and/or reservation fees or other fees are being discussed with the tennis community, i. e., San Diego Tennis Council. Further recommendations will be forthcoming to the Park and Recreation Board after various alternatives have been thoroughly explored.
Public Input: None.
Board Action: Mr. Skill moved approval of the staff recommendation; Mrs. Schweizer seconded the motion, which carried with 6 yeas (Green, Henkel, Milch, Miller, Schweizer and Skill) and 1 abstention (Leyton). (Mr. Sadler has left the room briefly.) Mr. Leyton noted that the reason for his abstention was that he wanted to wait for all the tennis fee proposals to come forth at the same time.
- Badminton Tournament Fees (initiate new fee)
Staff Report: Currently, the San Diego Badminton Club collects fees ranging from $2 to $5 per entry; the City receives none of these revenues. It is proposed that the City assess a $2 surcharge.
Public Input: None
Board Action: Mrs. Schweizer moved approval of the staff recommendation; the motion was seconded and carried 7-1 abstention (Leyton).
- Velodrome Usage Fee
Staff Report: Currently, there is no charge for use of the velodrome. The track is open to the community seven days per week, dawn to dusk. Direct leadership is not provided for this activity. The track is reserved for competitive racing approximately 17 times per year. There are approximately 50 entries in each of these meets. It is proposed that a $2 fee be charged per entry in each of these approved racing programs. This $2 fee will help defray the cost of track maintenance, which is primarily resurfacing.
Public Input: John Butterfield, Chairman of the San Diego Velodrome Committee, stated that his organization had no problem with the proposed fee, but requested that there be some relaxation of current policies that prohibit advertising and admission charges.
Ed Kirkbread, representative of the U. S. Cycling Federation, National Championship Committee, stated that the facilities need finishing; that is, the infield and lighting. Advertising should be allowed, to accomplish fund-raising for this purpose.
Board Action: Mr. Sadler moved that, if the Manager wishes to forward this matter to the Council, it be done without a recommendation on the part of the Board, as it felt that it did not have enough background to make a decision. Mr. Skill seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Staff indicated that it would probably be withdrawing this recommendation.
- Art Mart Exhibitor Fee
Staff Report: Staff proposes that the current “no fee” policy be replaced with a charge of $25 per exhibitor per year.
Public Input: Mr. John Hooper spoke on behalf of the 15 groups (800 artists) participating in Park and Recreation sponsored art marts at Mission Bay Park and Balboa Park. He noted that the groups have no objection to the proposed fee, but are concerned about proposals to install parking meters in the parks. He noted that such meters would not only be an additional expense to the exhibitors, but would, perhaps, curtail the public. The clubs were also concerned that senior citizens who were using the art marts for therapeutic purposes, not to make money, would, in many cases, be unable to afford the fee. He asked that some consideration be given for people over age 62.
Board Action: Mrs. Henkel moved that the proposed $25 fee be assessed on all exhibitors; senior citizen rates will be reviewed in one year. Mrs. Schweizer seconded the motion, which carried 7-1 (Miller).
- Physical Fitness Class Registration Fee (initiate new fee)
Staff Report: Staff has proposed that the current “no fee” policy be replaced with a $5 fee per individual per quarter; $2 per senior citizen, 50 years and over, per quarter.
Public Input: None.
Board Action: Mr. Sadler moved approval of the staff recommendation. Mrs. Schweizer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
REFERRAL: Mr. Milch asked that he be allowed to review a draft of the report to the PF&R Committee.
Mrs. Schweizer noted that the Central Area Committee asked that the proposed Recreation Division fees be reviewed by the area committees prior to any action being taken. Mr. Milch so noted this request; but, in light of what he had said under the Chairman’s Report, regarding moving things forward to Council, this would not be possible.
September 21, 1978, San Diego Union, E-1. The Disney touch — Is it fitting for Balboa Park?, by James Britton, II.
The local (Natural History) museum has been waging a monumental Struggle for Life — that is, a battle over policy, with members testing their strength by voting on board vacancies, six being contested. The outcome will be known Monday, but may not be announced unless leaked until the annual dinner, September 29. Bon appetit!
What’s the Struggle all about? In a word, it’s about Disneylandishness. Opponents of the present administration say the board of trustees, lead by president Burt Raynes, is trying to escalate the Museum’s display activity along Disneyland lines and, in the process, weaken the traditional attention to natural history. For his part, Raynes says he’d be glad to hire Son of Disney to help him bring the marvels of nature to a waiting world of wide-eyed wonders.
October 1, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Fireman say park fires set, by Roger Showley.
A string of small fires — including three apparently deliberately set in brush — struck the west side of Balboa Park last night.
October 1, 1978, San Diego Union, F-8. California Building restoration job nears completion.
The $1.62 million federally-funded restoration by the M. H. Golden Company is scheduled for completion in October and at a fraction of the cost that replacement would have demanded, according to Dave Welshans, Golden’s project manager.
October 6, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Settlement with Maryland Casualty Company gains for park fires, by Daniel C. Carson
October 6, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. Aerospace Center work progresses, by Carl Ritter . . . Restoration work on the 43-year old Ford Building is 11 months along and essentially on schedule..
October 8, 1978, Los Angeles Times, X-17:2-3. Restoration begins on Balboa Park’s California Building; part of a $1.62-million federally funded restoration project.
October 15, 1978, Los Angeles Times, IX, 7. Miami Beach, Art Deco capital, shines brightly, by Jay Clarke.
October 15, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. Aerospace conversion — growing pains seen at Ford Building, by James Britton, II.
Having accepted the Aero-Space Museum as tenant . . . , the city should insist on converting the central patio into the climatic exhibition space that it clearly wants to be.
A geodesic dome . . . could be mounted atop the giant circle of the Ford patio.
The most surprising climax for the building would be a giant Atlas rocket posed to lift off from the entrance pedestal.
Historic preservation is one of the best things America does — when it works, but this particular preservation program is for the birds.
October 29, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. One Star Pupil, Richard Requa: Did San Diego have a school of architecture?, by James Britton, II.
He (Requa) proceeded to develop the Palisades area as he fancied the ancients would have done if the enjoyed modern technology. The result was an architectural disaster, neither convincingly tradition (like Goodhue’s) nor significantly modern for the most part.
In the Palisades, Requa didn’t even achieve the “sense of Place” that Goodhue et al got in El Prado. His plaza was so broad that unity had a poor chance to start with. Today the plaza is filled with parked cars rather than the gardens Requa planned, so the disunity is more apparent than ever.
Three of Requa’s weak designs in the Palisades — now called the Conference Building, the Gymnasium and the Federal Building — should be studied in comparison with designs Frank Lloyd Wright did a decade earlier when Wright was under the spell of the mighty Mayas.
November 3, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. Park buildings to close under fire code, by Ken Mimms and Mitch Himaka.
Those buildings to be closed include:
- The Municipal Gym
- The Palisades Building
- The Conference Building
- The Centro Cultural de la Raza
The ballroom and public assembly areas of the House of Hospitality and the San Diego Art Institute in the House of Charm also will be closed.
November 7, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-3. Hasty shutdown of fire-peril structures; closing of Balboa Park buildings upsets many, by Matt Potter.
The mass exodus caused many of those affected to speculate that there was some kind of hidden political motive behind the evictions.
November 15, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, B-2. EDITORIAL: Buildings’ rescue vital to park charm.
An engineering firm has been recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department to study the affected structures and make recommendations as to their future. Corrective measures, such as installation of sprinkler systems, should save some of the buildings. Evaluation may dictate that others be abandoned permanently as too costly to upgrade.
November 15, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. State Resources Agency grant of $50,000 benefits Organ Pavilion job, Committee of 100 has raised $125,000, by Roger Showley . . . The City Council previously approved an additional $175,000 from hotel-motel room tax receipts to cover the cost of the $350,000 project..
November 17, 1978, (San Diego) Evening Tribune, A-16. Park fire fund use stirs inquiry . . . The Committee of 100 is urging the city to spend all of the $750,000 insurance settlement it will get for Balboa Park’s Electric Building, destroyed by fire in February, to rebuild the structure..
November 17, 1978, San Diego Union, B-7. Insurance sum urged for Electric Building.
November 29, 1978, San Diego Union, B-6. EDITORIAL: “The Uses of Adversity.”
December 1, 1978, Report. To: Environmental Quality Division; From: Citizens Coordinate for Century 3; Subject: Old Globe Complex, EIP 78-10-48.
Since this draft EIR is so inadequate, we request that a new draft which deals with cumulative significant impact, possible mitigating measures for traffic, and consideration of alternative sites be given a 30-day review period after its preparation.
December 7, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. May 10 opening planned for Aerospace Museum.
December 17, 1978. Dedication of the Aerospace Historical Center, program.
December 20, 1978, San Diego Union, B-1. The House of Charm — park building may fall, by Daniel C. Carson.
The House of Charm could fold like a house of cards, a city engineer indicated yesterday, and other Balboa Park buildings may have such extensive structural problems that it could be cheaper to demolish rather than repair them
John Costa, senior structural engineer, said an engineering study of six park buildings by a private firm is not yet complete. However, he said the city’s own inspection last November showed that several of those six buildings were plagued by rotting columns, weak foundations or sagging beams.
He said it was even possible that the House of Charm could collapse.
“I’ve seen places where termites have eaten through the columns, and they don’t even touch the pilings,” said Costa. “Actually, all those wooden buildings over three are very bad . . . The House of Charm is one that we suspect is probably the worst.”
That building was only one of six structures closed, at least in part, by fire marshals on November 3. The Hall of Champions in the House of Charm was left open.
The city also closed the Municipal Gym, the House of Hospitality ballroom, the Palisades Building, the Centro Cultural de la Raza and publicly used sections of the Conference Building.
A variety of clubs and organizations using those areas were forced to find other temporary quarters or cease their activities. The Art Institute has moved from the House of Charm to the Community Arts Building at Third Avenue and E Street, but the Model Railroad Club could not move its displays and simply closed up temporarily.
City Fair Marshall C. W. Van Rickley said that six wood-frame buildings were fire hazards and that automatic sprinkler systems would have to be installed before they could be completely reopened.
The City Council, obviously anxious to reopen the buildings as soon as possible, yesterday voted to invite bids of installation of that system. The council will decide later whether it will actually approve contracts for the work.
A study by the engineering firm of Atkinson, Johnson & Spurrier was approved earlier by the council so the city can later determine if it is feasible to install sprinklers.
But the study, it turns out, is really more significant than that.
City Manager Ray T. Blair, Jr. said yesterday it should indicate whether some buildings are so unsafe that it would be cheaper to demolish them than to make them safe.
He told the council, “It is possible that one or two may not be able to be reconstructed, but may have to be demolished.”
Of the six, Centro Cultural de la Raza appears to be in the best shape and least in danger of demolition.
City Engineer James Casey said during an interview that many park buildings, some of which date back to 1915, were intended to be temporary.
The House of Charm has already experienced structural failures, which have been temporarily repaired, he said. About 15 months ago, he said, the Art Institute, a House of Charm tenant, had to be closed for a five-or six-week period because trusses had buckled and other supports had failed.
He said he did not know what it would cost to permanently solve the problem.
He said the situation may have been worsened by a lack of structural maintenance in years past. “Maintenance is a problem,” Casey said. “When you’re pressed for funds, maintenance is one of the first things to go.”
December 20, 1978, B-3. Spreckels Organ inner works requires major restoration work, by Roger Showley.
(The Spreckels Organ) received a four-keyboard console in 1935. It was fitted with new leather and rubber cloths for its bellows in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
However, Lyle W. Blackinton, now advises major surgery.
Among problems, he said, are deteriorating leather bellows, clogged pipes and cracking valves.
December 24, 1978, San Diego Union, E-7. Ruth Angell Purkey wants temporary theater retained.
December 26, 1978, San Diego Union, D-18. Going strong since 1897; future of Chicago’s famous “El” train still up in air.
December 31, 1978, San Diego Union, B-3. Park fund drives for the Aerospace Museum and Old Globe Theater appear to be a mixed bag at year’s end.
December 31, 1978, San Diego Union, F-1. “Charm so infectious,” props hold up park buildings, by James Britton, II.
A late report is that the House of Charm (on the Prado in Balboa Park) may fall down “like a house of cards” because of decayed timbers. House of Charm? Any relation to civilization?
Civilization is based on the wisdom of the species, and we all know how sound that is. The House of Charm was a false-face sham from the beginning. That was all right for the exposition of 1915 when this was one of the big display barns. Since then the “temporary” structure, and others like it, have been kept propped up and in use because charm is so infectious.
The Old Globe Theater knows about charm. The production of Shakespeare’s :A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in 1978 was charming in the park, whereas his “King Henry V” was a trial, like civilization. Both plays were mounted in the “temporary” outdoor theater which the Globesters are trying now to keep in place for future seasons though it was announced at first for just one year.
The outdoor theater occupies a canyon that had its own charm before there was any building. After the soldiers of Henry retired, there remained a war, a tug-of-war, at least, between two schools of charm — the one wanting the theater, the other wanting a “natural” canyon.
Globemaster Craig Noel dreams of expanding his famous enterprise into a performing arts center with at least three theaters. Having found a new dimension of success with the outdoor stage, his board of directors abandoned the idea of replacing it with an indoor theater on the same site. Furthermore, Noel and company have been forced to question whether it makes sense to rebuild the burned-out “original” imitation Old Globe — which certainly would have to be much changed to meet present requirements.
Nevertheless, funds are being sought for the latter project and an architect, Eugene Weston, is wrestling plan. Meanwhile, Craig the juggler has sent another architect, Robert Mosher, to drawing plans for a theater (of the proscenium type) to be slipped into the nearby House of Charm.
Of course, the House of Charm would have to be completely rebuilt. That fits right in with the intentions of the Committee of 100, a citizenry lobby, which wants the charm part — the facades — rendered into long-lasting concrete wherever they still exist along the Prado. The committee also wants some facades rebuilt that have disappeared, and is forever pursuing the big dollars needed. The group appears ready to back the Old Globe expansion in Charm.
With the Committee of 100 and the Old Globe both raising funds, Craig Noel’s latest ploy may play. Thereafter, the logical step will be for the Globemaster to revive his old plan of chasing the Museum of Man out of the California Building and converting that haunted house to still another theater. It could be a far better use of the handsome permanent structure, and would be in keeping with the expressed hope of its architect, Bertram Goodhue, who in 1915 envisioned this as an auditorium.
Taken together with the neighboring Cassius Carter Centre Stage and the outdoor Shakespeare staging these developments could give San Diego a performing arts center at least as attractive as the original imitation Old Globe ever was. One shouldn’t underestimate the power of architecture in this context.
The atmosphere, the ambiance — the charm — of the Old Globe probably had more to do with its reputation as a place of distinctive entertainment than the prevailing standards of the productions, though these be held in fond memory. The stagecraft of the Old Globe, indoors and out, is of a superior order, and is a valuable form of architecture itself.
On this point it is useful to quote the view of Professor David Gebhard (UC Santa Barbara) that all architecture aims to fulfill the function of stage sets. Die-hard modernists will bridle at that, especially when he cites as recent examples the J. Paul Getty Museum (“a first century Roman villa”} in Malibu and, as he names it, “Split-Pea Anderson’s Restaurant” on I-5 north of Santa Barbara.
The latter is a simulated Danish windmill. Gebhard finds it significant that the windmill actually works, producing electricity. The lesson for the Globesters is not to build a dozen windmills or any other variety of Danish pastry in the park, nor, even to rebuild the original imitation Old Globe. Rather it is to stretch their artistic sensibilities and come up with a new architectural milieu there on the Prado, incorporating the leftover charm and encouraging their architects to add true delights of design instead of tired professional cliches. The Globe veterans, and particularly Craig Noel, should be an excellent client for architecture because of their easy familiarity with design challenges.
Architects these days are trying every variety of design caper to overcome the curse of sameness rising out of modern technology. The thing to watch for in Balboa Park is that every new construction there should have quality not easily found elsewhere.
The old 1915 baroquetry of the Prado can’t be found anywhere else in quite the same mix, so it remains one of San Diego’s few architectural distinctions. As this stuff of dreams is transformed into tough concrete, one would expect a client like the Old Globe to maintain a worthy standard in the new interiors.
More than that one would expect the New Old Globe to combine the spaces of the House of Charm and the California Building to provide classrooms, studios, workshops — all the appurtenances of a globeworthy performing arts center where music, dance and motion pictures, as well as stage plays are offered under quality control.
Unless this is the ultimate objective, unless the California Building is included in the complex, the placing of a theater in the House of Charm will amount to no more than opportunistic grabbiness by the Globesters.
Making the most of the New Globe will only happen if big private money attaches to the idea. Government can’t supply the major funds. Our city government probably cannot even endorse such a big idea — because of the conflicting claims of Downtown. Yet there is no reason on earth why San Diego should not consciously aim to take the main action away from New York in all the arts. What place is better qualified to do so?
Chasing the Museum of Man out of its old haunts will take some doing. The Museum is run by Victor Frankenstein’s famous monster, the one made familiar for all time by the late Boris Karloff’s movie rendition. When last seen in Mary Shelley’s account, the monster had vanished in the polar ice fields. But, like so many other senior citizens, he finally settled in San Diego and proudly assumed the name of his flattering filmic impersonator, Boris Karloff II.
As spiritual leader of the Museum of Man, Karloff II attracts talented people to work there in the dank, dark, dungeony passages. What’s Karloff up to? Why, he’s cloning about. He’s trying to make a whole tribe of monsters like himself, using the Museum’s vast collection of bones. Knowing the public’s fascination with lugubrious make-believe, he lets people into his museum on a paying basis. Monsters need cash too.
As the misanthropic Karloff II operates it, the place comes on as a Museum of Anti-Man, and is tolerated by a time that also welcomes anti-Art. He has begun to see the light, however, and has proposed that a huge glass blister be built attached to one side of the California Building as a space for expanded exhibits.
Architecturally, the blister is a monstrous idea because the one aspect of the California Building that ought not to be changed is its carefully composed exterior. The interior does need artful alteration, for its chief feature now is a horror-movie echo due to the configuration of the dome.
Where’s the Museum of Man to go then?
Karloff and company should pick up their bones and march one mile south to the Palisades area of the park, where they could become good neighbors of the new Aero-Space Museum. The area has a number of large, disposable structures which could be replaced when funds allow. Meanwhile, one or more of the barns could be halfway houses where the minions of Karloff II could set about evolving from ingrown to outgoing in their policy.
They should be inspired especially to develop outdoor exhibits. Light and air will do wonders for the monsters.
The grand aim should be to make the Palisades a permanent exposition on a non-commercial but still paying basis — a demonstration of the best efforts of civilization, with our reformed Museum of Man reaching out to connect the millions to their heritage.
Date unknown, Los Angeles Times, II, CC-1,6.. Ethnic cottages threatened; City seeks 260 percent rent hike for park facilities, by Laurie Becklund.
The city of San Diego is proposing a 260 percent increase in rent for the 15 cottages of the House of Pacific Relations in Balboa Park — a hike some of the cottages claim may force them to close.
Rent for the international cottages and their Hall of Nations is jumping from $2,184 a year to $7,500 according to Jane Humes, associate city property agent.
“The increase is based strictly on what it costs to run and maintain the buildings,” Ms. Humes said. “Proposition 13 doesn’t have any effect on the rent increase at all.”
According to a 1967 City Council policy, all nonprofit groups that lease city buildings in the park are supposed to pay the cost of maintaining the buildings.
When the lease for the houses was last set five years ago, the cost of maintaining the 40-year buildings was underestimated, Ms. Humes said.
Most of the cost increases was due to repairing plumbing, windows and locks on the aging buildings, as well as other general maintenance, she said. Utility rates also went up.
The rates were determined by tallying costs during a two-year period since the lease was negotiated and projecting future costs.
The rent increases are scheduled to take place February 1. The rent is divided among the houses.
The individual cottages, which were formed into a nonprofit corporation under the name House of Pacific Relations, have been operating since 1935, when the California Pacific International Exposition opened in the park.
Open to the public every Sunday afternoon and to schoolchildren once a month, they run on dues paid by mostly elderly people with ties to foreign countries and on donations from visitors.
“One rainy Sunday a month is just about enough to knock some houses out of being able to pay their dues now,” said Harry Cowan, president of the House of Israel.
“The donations we get are mostly coins. If we get paper money, it is from people who usually ask for change.”
Members of several of the cottages were reluctant to speak with a reporter because, they said, they hope to convince the City Council’s Public Facilities & Recreation Committee, to cut back the proposed rent without antagonism.
“Some groups have ties with ethnic clubs around town and they may be able to survive, but others don’t and I frankly don’t see how they’ll make it,” and officer for one cottage said.
“I’d say most cottages could last another year and then would have to fold,” another said.
“We probably will have to add additional money ourselves,” said Virginia Fung of the House of China. “Our dues are $2 a year now and we have about 50 members. Unlike a lot of the other Houses, most of our families are young and it could be a hardship,” she said.
“But then, the senior citizens are on fixed incomes.”
Six groups — those from Colombia, Cuba, Iceland, Portugal, Lithuania and Mexico — do not have cottages of their own and are now paying dues to participate in House of Pacific Relations events and to use the 13,000 square-foot Hall of Nations.
The House of Pacific Relations uses the hall for meetings and for some displays. Members also sue other park buildings for dances.
“We will simply have to withdraw from the House of Pacific Relations,” said Clem Freres, president of the cottageless House of Lithuania. “That’s all.”
Freres said some members feel the city is trying to oust the House of Pacific Relations from the park because many members are aging and, in some cases, membership is dwindling.
“But what else would they do with the cottages: Put up hamburger joints: There are enough shops in the zoo and the museums now,” he said.
Ms. Humes denied that the city is in any way trying to get rid of the small stucco community.
Mary Ann Oberle, Balboa Park community service superintendent, agreed.
“The idea is for all buildings to pay for themselves,” she said. “My own feeling is that this is a little high, though. This group just doesn’t have any way of making money unless they could sell something.
“But that opens the door for commercialism, and I, for one, would not like to see that there.”
Date unknown, Wall Street Journal. California’s recreation of an Elizabethan Festival, by William Wong
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