Balboa Park History 1994
January 1, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Soup kitchen restriction; closing the doors on outdoors more than ever; feeding homeless is no picnic, by Terry Rodgers.
January 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-3. Border patrol makes roundups in Balboa Park; suspects reined in via bike and horse, by Lionel Sanchez.
January 3, 1994, City Council Agenda. House of Charm, Municipal Gymnasium, Hall of Champions
January 4, 1994, San Diego Daily Transcript, A-1, A-4. Federal Building Gym handed over to Hall of Champions; Council move disappoints current users of facilities, by Lynne Carrier.
January 11, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1, B-2. Court permits park’s Nativity scenes, by Valerie Alford.
January 23, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. Science met halfway at Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater and Science Center, by Neil Morgan.
January 24, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-7. Letter, Jerry Sanders, Chief of Police: Increased police patrolling in Balboa Park is effective.
January 28, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-7. Letter, Tim Tapscott questioning whether park’s police patrol has increased.
February 7, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune. Gym haven becomes less hectic this year; City tries to meet needs of homeless and museums, by Eric Young.
February 14, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune. Gates put a crimp in nighttime park crime; prostitution, drugs ebb on Balboa Drive, by Mark Sauer.
February 18, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-8. Zoo fights tax on animal transfers, by Karen Kucher.
February 25, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. More police will patrol Balboa Park, by Kelly Thornton.
February 28, 1994, San Diego Daily Transcript, A-5. Center City East Gym site shortened; other spots proposed, by Lynne Carrier.
March 12, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune. Facing a cutoff of its funding HELP is in need of help; program offers job training to the homeless, by Terry Rodgers.
March 14, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. City policy sought for homeless; advocates march; urge aid with jobs, housing, mental problems, by Ronald W. Powell.
March 15, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Ban on feeding homeless in park to start, by Ronald W. Powell.
March 17, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Hundreds say goodbye to shelter and “family,” by Ronald W. Powell.
March 18, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-6. EDITORIAL: Close the soup kitchens; shelters just doom the homeless to despair.
March 21, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-5. The Arts: Commission for Arts and Culture gives full support to Balboa Park’s AIDS garden, by Preston Turegano.
March 26, 1994, Vancouver Sun, A-3. Park Board puts bad poetry into motion; Stanley Park Interpretive Program.
April 3, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, G-6. Dreaming comes easy on the 520-acre Naval Training Center’s greens, by Don Stevens.
April 3, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-3. Critic At Large: Training Center would be an ideal home for Navy Park, by Welton Jones.
April 19, 1994, San Diego Daily Transcript, A-5. City Council okays Space Theater $14 million renovation plan; repayment of an $8.5 million bond issue would come in part from revenues generated by the new facility and funding from transient occupancy taxes, by Lynne Carrier.
April 23, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1, B-8, B-9. City will consider Gym plan; Balboa Park, L-Street sites proposed, by Terry Rodgers.
April 23, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-2. City purchases 78 acres in south San Diego for Otay River Valley Regional Park.
April 26, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Wind claims a grand lady in park — a 120-foot eucalyptus tree on the 6th Avenue side, by Patricia Dibsie.
May 3, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-1, A-15. Balboa Park attack puts spotlight on area crime; John Lentz, 24, killed in a drive-by shooting Sunday as he walked with his girlfriend across the Laurel Street Bridge in Balboa Park, by Ronald W. Powell.
May 3, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-1. Slain student actor mourned, by Kelly Thornton and Joe Hughes.
May 8, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune. Critic At Large: Kathy Puplava, a tree plan takes root in Balboa Park, by Welton Jones.
May 10, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. 1935-style floodlighting will return to House of Hospitality, by Terry Rodgers.
May 10, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-2. San Diego to increase fees at golf courses 5 percent, by Terry Rodgers.
May 17, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. Did you ever wonder why it is Balboa Park?, by Neil Morgan.
June 8, 1994, Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, Part A Section, A-24. San Diego to raise hotel room tax to fund new sports arena and renovations at the Convention Center; raised from 9 cents to 10.6 cents on the dollar, beginning August 1..
June 12, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-8. Hindsight: For a 1915 “temporary” building House of Charm has led a charmed life, by Roger M. Showley.
June 23, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-3. AIDS garden gets panel okay for Balboa Park, by Preston Turegano.
June 25, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. David Hargrove’s community, kids are center of attention; director of Golden Hill Recreation Center, by Ronald W. Powell.
July 14, 1994, San Diego News, 32. Facilities & Recreation Committee approves site and maintenance plan for AIDS garden, by Fred Scholl.
July 24, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Park’s lily pond problem is finally cleared up, by Terry Rodgers.
August, 1994, On Air. The pride of San Diego, Balboa Park, was once a diamond in the rough, now it is our city’s crown jewel; can we keep it from losing its luster?, by Claudia Pearce.
August 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Council kills AIDS garden, by Preston Turegano.
August 5, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-5. Opinion: Richard W. Amero says stop charging admission fee to the city’s “free and public park.”
August 8, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Balboa Park ticket sales are off, but why? Zoo unhurt by weather, fear or whatever, by James Steinberg.
August 11, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, Television & Radio: PBS seeks Balboa Park’s magic, by Robert P. Laurence.
August 12 – 21, 1994. America’s Finest City Week.
August 14, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-7. C. Anthony Moran, 89, won sight; aided others; conducted a fund-raising drive that led to the creation of the Blind Recreation Center in Balboa Park.
August 16, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. Summer in our number one park; rated by Weisman Travel Reports as North America’s Number One City Park, by Neil Morgan.
August 21, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. There will be no statue of Balboa in Balboa Park, by Roger M. Showley.
August 29, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Vietnam memorial at Old Town must be relocated after its site is sold, by Pat Flynn.
(January 11, 1993, San Diego Union-Tribune. Monumental glut? Funds being sought for three move veteran memorials in state, by Steve Gibson.)
September 8, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-8. Memorial to honor black soldiers.
September 11, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-3. Opinion: A new conflict over war memorials, by Richard W. Amero.
(May 30, 1995, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1, B-6. Veterans gather for final Peace Memorial ceremony, by Ed Jahn.)
September 11, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-3. Owners who secretly unleash dogs in park lobby to make it legal, by Barry M. Bloom.
September 15, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. Tension between the Old Globe Theater and the San Diego Zoo caused by music at Treetops facility, by Neil Morgan.
September 16, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-1. Navy wants space on Inspiration Point and another chunk just south of the new hospital in Balboa Park; land would be used for a second entrance to the hospital and for parking, by James Steinberg.
September 19, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-6. State of the Arts: Globe’s faithful saluted in brass on walls and benches and near trees and light posts on Copley Plaza, by Preston Turegano.
September 20, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-6. EDITORIAL: Just Say No; Deny Navy’s expansion in Balboa Park.
September 21, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1. Natural History Museum gets gift, $1.6 million donated by Thomas W. Sefton, by James Steinberg.
September 22, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-2. New city program to reach out to youth with athletics, academics; program announced by Mary Ann Oberle, deputy director of Park & Recreation Department, by Joe Hughes.
September 23, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-2. American Indian fete this weekend at Park Boulevard and President’s Way; 11th annual California American Indian Days celebration.
September 25, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, G-3. Letter, Morton Friedlander: Use Balboa Park Gym again as a cold-weather shelter.
September 27, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-1. Critic At Large: Navy schemes to find more parking space at Balboa Park; history of conflicts, by Welton Jones.
September 27, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-4. In Step: If it’s Thursday . . . Malashock Dance and Company has resumed its Thursday workshops for the city schools’ Balboa Park program, by Anne Marie Welsh.
October 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. Natural History Museum, our oldest museum has come back to life, by Neil Morgan.
October 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-1, Children’s Zoo “dream” may be on right track, by Roger M. Showley.
October 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-1. Restoring House of Charm, Balboa Park face lift, by Roger M. Showley.
October 2, 1997, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-6. Balboa Park embarks on several expansions, by Roger M. Showley.
October 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-7. Balboa Park construction boom, 1994-1997.
October 2, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-8. Something for everybody, a Reader’s Guide to Balboa Park.
October 14, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-6. EDITORIAL: Some strings should be attached to helping the homeless.
October 15, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, B-3. Prospects for winter shelter dim as debate heats up over city plans, by Ronald W. Powell.
October 16, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-8. Letter, Florence Joiner claims the Naval Hospital has symmetry and that Welton Jones has ignored the Hospital’s artistic merits.
October 16, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-3. Letter, Doug and Hilda Branch: Proposed changes to Balboa Park are an absolute disgrace.
October 23, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, E-10. Letter, Henry Dupree: The land requested by the Naval Hospital will not be lost, it will beautified and it will serve a useful purpose; those who served the nation in wartime are the crown jewels of our nation.
November 6, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-2. A lath a minute: Botanical Building in Balboa Park to reopen after renovation, by Karen C. Wilson.
November 16, 1994, Letter, David W. Look, AIA, Chief, Preservation Assistance Branch, Division of National Register Programs, U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Western Region, San Francisco, Calif., to Douglas G. Myers, executive director The Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, Calif.
Re: Balboa Park National Historic Landmark District: Proposed Pavilion, San Diego Zoo.
Dear Mr. Myers.
Thank you for submitting information on the San Diego Zoo’s proposed tent pavilion, to be constructed adjacent to and partially within the Balboa Park National Historic Landmark district. We have reviewed the proposed project and have developed the following commends and recommendations under the National Park Service’s responsibility to provide assistance for the preservation of National Historic Landmarks. The aim of this assistance is to promote the highest preservation standards and practices for our nation’s Landmark properties.
Based on the information we have, the principal contributing resources of the Landmark district that are closest to the proposed project site include the carousel and the Spanish Village. It appears that neither the carousel nor the buildings of the Spanish Village will be directly altered as a result of the proposed pavilion project. We recommend that the area of the Landmark district nearest the proposed project site be surveyed again to ensure complete identification of all contributing district resources, even those that are more supportive than principal in nature, such as plantings and pavings that date to the 1930s or before. All such resources should be recognized and treated sensitively in project planning and implementation.
The proposed pavilion will have some impact on the Landmark district because it will be visible from the Spanish Village and perhaps from the carousel, and because a portion of the pavilion will actually extend into the area of the district. It is our opinion, however, that this impact will not be substantial and that the “tent” concept for the design of the pavilion is compatible with the park/exposition character of the Landmark district. Further, the heavy planting proposed to surround and conceal the pavilion from the district will lessen visual impact. Despite this opinion, we would strongly support any changes in the project that would result in lessening the visual impact of the proposed pavilion. Such changes might include reducing the height or footprint of the proposed pavilion, and/or relocating it to a site entirely outside and farther from the Landmark district.
With regard to new landscape elements proposed to create a connection between zoo property and the Spanish Village, we strongly recommend that these new elements be simple and subordinate in design and otherwise exhibit a high level of compatibility with the character, scale, materials, and other design properties of the Landmark district. Further, all existing contributing resources in the project area, including pavings, plantings, and other supporting landscape elements should be retained and treated sensitively.
As always, we appreciate the opportunity to assist in the preservation of the Balboa Park National Historic Landmark district. Paul Alley or Ann Huston of our office is available at (415) 744-3988 for consultation regarding this matter.
(Original signed by David W. Look.)
November 22, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, D-2. New Balboa Park nine-hole golf course not lacking for business, by T. R. Reinman.
November 28, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-2. A skate in the park turns into a day in jail, by Jim Gogek.
December 4, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, H-3. Letter, Parker H. Jackson — House of Hospitality architecture.
December 22, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune. Opinion: Richard W. Amero — Japanese Garden or commercial hodgepodge?
December 31, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, Letter, Ted Knight — Don’t despoil Japanese Garden.
December 31, 1994, San Diego Union-Tribune, A-1. One Last Toast: Café del Rey Moro . . . popular wedding spot in Balboa Park closes doors tonight, by Sharon L. Jones.
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