Time of the Bells, 1769-1835
First page of George Vancouver’s letter to Viceroy Revilla Gigedo from his ship “Discovery” dated Monterey, Jan. 13, 1793 (Page 82)
My Lord,
Being on the eve of taking my departure from this country under the government of your excellency, I should be guilty of a point of the highest ingratitude were I to omit returning my most sincere and grateful thanks for the refreshments we have received, and the civil and hospitable reception we have experienced; yet, however well inclined we have found the whole of His Catholic Majesty’s subjects to relieve our wants and add all in their power to our happiness, I cannot avoid attributing that conduct in a great measure to the advice, direction, and example, of my much esteemed and brotherly friend Sr. Quadra, whose unremitting attention to our welfare, as likewise that of the service of the King my master entrusted to my charge, has stamped such an impression of …
From R. H. Dana’s ship’s log — Journal of a voyage from Boston to the coast of California (Page 210)
Thursday, Aug. 14th, 1834. Went on board brig “Pilgrim” lying at central Wharf. Towards night, being nearly ready for sea, the vessel hauled out into the stream, & came to anchor.
Friday, Aug. 15th – 34. Took on board gunpowder, had a fine breeze but did not set sail.
Saturday, Aug. 16th – 34. At 10. A.M. Wind E.N.E. took a pilot on board, weighed anchor, & set sail; but the wind coming round dead East, came to anchor in the Roads. At 10. P M. a light breeze springing up from the Southward & Westward, got under weigh, & stood out to sea.
Sunday, Aug. 17th – 34. Here out of sight of the land. At night all hands called aft, & the sea watch set. The Crew consists of Fr. A. Thompson, Captain; Andrew B. Amerzene, chief mate; Geo. Forster, 2nd Mate; 5 able seamen, 4 greenhands, Steward, Cook, & Carpenter. This vessel is about two hundred tons burthen & owned by Messrs. Bryant, Sturgis & Co., Boston.
Tuesday, Aug. 19. Came into the Gulf Stream. In the evening wind, rain, and a heavy sea. Double reefed the topsails.
Wednesday, Aug. 20. Fine weather returned with the morning. About two o’clock PM. two sails hove in sight; they passed to leeward, out of …
Log from Journal On The Coast of California, by Alfred Robinson, on ship Brookline — Year 1829. (Page 192)
… made the Islands of St. Clements. Set the main top G Sail — At 2 AM St. Clements bore N.E. by E by compass. At meridian it bore the S.E. point NW/N distance 12 or 14 miles.
Lat. Obsn. 32.41. north March 25th, Wednesday — Commenced with light airs and pleasant weather. Midnight modirate the Islands in Sight — At meridian the Coronados bore S.E. by S. per compass — Point Loma East by N per compass.
Lat. Obsn. 32.40. north
Thursday, 26th — Commenced with good Breezes and Cloudy. At 2 PM. hove too off Point Loma (St. Diego). Mr. Gale went up in the boat to the Precidio. Directly wore Ship and stood out for Sea — during the night we lay off, on towards the sand — Meridian Point Loma bore N. per compass. At 1 P M. the boat returned with orders from Mr. Gale to Capt. Locke for to run the Ship into proper anchorage and then to wait further orders.
Therefore every thing was prepared — the cables were ranged the deck — the decks clearid and ship directid for the harbour — at 2 P M. came to anchor in 31/2 fathoms — during the night came in and anchored close along side the Brig Maria Esther Capt. A. Holmes.
Friday, 27th — At 10 AM with the directions of Mr. Gale the Ship proceeded for the usual place of anchorage above the Fort — to be as handy as possible for discharging cargo and came too in 91/2 Fathoms. Hoisted out the Launch clearid the decks and landed all our Spars.
Saturday until Sunday, April 26 — The carpenter employed erecting a house for the acomodation of Hides & c — the crew discharging lumber & c — Employed settling with the Government for duties April the 2nd, we were visited by the Rev. Padre Antonio (Peyri) of the Mission of St. Luis Rey — Fired a Salute of Guns and hoisted the colours. At dinner we were accompanied by Mr. Vermond owner of the Maria Esther and Mr. Anderson of the Ship Thomas Nowlan (trading on the coast) with Captains Holmes & Barry & several others. The following day made shift to trade with the Padre Antonio to the amt of about $4,000.
Return to Books.
Ch. 1 The Ring of Faith
Ch. 2 The Fight to Live
Ch. 3 The Test by Fire
Ch. 4 Death on a River
Ch. 5 Opening the Land
Ch. 6 Fr. Serra’s Death
Ch. 7 George Vancouver
Ch. 8 The Boston Ships
Ch. 9 The Golden Age
Ch. 10 Capt. Duhaut-Cilly
Ch. 11 The Mountain Men
Ch. 12 The Hide Droghers
Ch. 13 Alfred Robinson
Ch. 14 Richard Henry Dana
Ch. 15 The Toll of Time
Historical Statistics