The Explorers, 1492-1774
TRANSLATION: Record of Voyage by Francisco de Ulloa
In the great city of Temuxtitan, Mexico, in this New Spain, on 29 May, year of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ 1540, Francisco Sanchez de Toledo, on behalf of the Marquis del Valle, appeared in person before the very noble Juan de Burgos, regular alcalde for Their Majesties in this said city of Mexico, and before me, Alonso Diaz de Gibraleon, Their Majesties’ scribe and public scribe, one of those on the numbered list in this city of Mexico, and presented a written petition of the following tenor:
Very Noble Sir, I, Francisco Sanchez de Toledo, major-domo of the very illustrious Marquis del Valle, and on behalf of the said Marquis, appear before Your Grace and state that I need certain certified transcripts of particular writings which Captain Francisco de Ulloa is sending to the aforesaid party of mine from the new country and exploration, where my party had sent him. As I fear that they will be torn or lost or wet or burned, I accordingly ask and supplicate that you order them to be copied clearly so they may be faithful. Please indicate in each one of them your authority and judicial order as much as in justice is proper, and order them delivered to me so that I may present them where suitable to the rights of my party.
And thus was presented the said written petition, in the manner aforesaid, and the said alcalde took into his hands a written report and seven acts of possession, and noted that they were not torn nor cancelled nor in any part at all suspicious, and said he was ordering and did order me the said (The remainder of this is missing.)
Translated by Brig. Gen. Maurice G. Holmes, USMC, Ret.
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Ch. 1. Before the Explorers
Ch. 2. The Early Explorers
Ch. 3. The Story of Cabrillo
Ch. 4. The First to Arrive
Ch. 5. Sebastian Vizcaino
Ch. 6. Padres Lead the Way
Ch. 7. Fray Junipero Serra
Ch. 8. Expeditions by Sea
Ch. 9. Expeditions by Land
Ch. 10. Portola Goes North
Ch. 11. The Cross is Raised
Ch. 12. Anza Finds the Way
Ch. 13. Settlement at Last
1. Historiae Verdadera of Bernal Diaz del Castillo
2. Relation of the Voyage of Cabrillo
3. Informacion of 1560
4. Father Ascension’s Account of the Voyage of Sebastian Vizcaino
5. Diary of Sebastian Vizcaino
6. Palou’s Historical Memoirs of New California
7. Costanso’s Narrative of the Portola Expedition
8. Diary of Vicente Vila
9. Diary of Junipero Serra, Loreto to San Diego, March 28-July 1, 1769
10. Diary of Don Gaspar de Portola
11. De Anza Diary
12. Father Garces’ Diary
13. Record of Voyage by Francisco de Ulloa