The Explorers, 1492-1774
TRANSLATION: Palou’s Historical Memoirs of New California
This is a collection of memoirs of Old California, for the time when its missions were administered by the missionaries of the Regular Observance of Our Seraphic Father of San Fernando de Mexico; and of the missions which these missionaries founded in the new establishments of San Diego and Monterey.
It was written by the least, because the most unworthy, of these missionaries, one who, having been in Old California from the time when it was taken charge of by that College until it was delivered to the reverend fathers of the Sacred Order of Our Cherubic Father Santo Domingo, afterward went up to the missions of Monterey with other missionaries of the same College of San Fernando. This material labor, which follows the trails marked out for me by the apostolic ministry, has no other purpose than to note down whatever has happened and may happen while God may give me life and health to labor [in this new vineyard of the Lord etc.].
Translated by Herbert Eugene Bolton in “Historical Memoirs of New California” by Fray Francisco Palou, O.F.M., XCV.
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Ch. 1. Before the Explorers
Ch. 2. The Early Explorers
Ch. 3. The Story of Cabrillo
Ch. 4. The First to Arrive
Ch. 5. Sebastian Vizcaino
Ch. 6. Padres Lead the Way
Ch. 7. Fray Junipero Serra
Ch. 8. Expeditions by Sea
Ch. 9. Expeditions by Land
Ch. 10. Portola Goes North
Ch. 11. The Cross is Raised
Ch. 12. Anza Finds the Way
Ch. 13. Settlement at Last
1. Historiae Verdadera of Bernal Diaz del Castillo
2. Relation of the Voyage of Cabrillo
3. Informacion of 1560
4. Father Ascension’s Account of the Voyage of Sebastian Vizcaino
5. Diary of Sebastian Vizcaino
6. Palou’s Historical Memoirs of New California
7. Costanso’s Narrative of the Portola Expedition
8. Diary of Vicente Vila
9. Diary of Junipero Serra, Loreto to San Diego, March 28-July 1, 1769
10. Diary of Don Gaspar de Portola
11. De Anza Diary
12. Father Garces’ Diary
13. Record of Voyage by Francisco de Ulloa