
One b/w negative of fire station interior. Group of four men in front of fire engine vehicle. Numbering on right of vehicle reads “19”. See note below for possible identification of firefighters.

Client Name: Mr. Perry

Original Baynard index card reads “Mr Perry / no 3314”

Note: The firefighters may be identified as Sheldon Perry, Joe Smith, Timothy Williams and Captain Alfredo Salazar. See negative 79:241 for another view of the same firefighters by fire truck.

*Additional information provided by the community on 3/2011: The firefighters in the photograph are identified as the same firefighters listed above.

**Additional infromation from community on 3/2011: This is an interior of Station 19 at 36th and Oceanview. Man, 1st on left, is identified as Joe Bowden and man, 2nd from right, is identified as Mr. Perry who died in airplane crash.

***Additional information from the community on 3/2011: This is Fire Station No. 12.