
One b/w negative of street intersection showing houses, parked automobiles and business. Image of street intersection is at Imperial Avenue, near 26th Street and 27th Street. Signage lettering reading “Batie’s Auto Parts & Supply” is partially visible in far left of photo. Campaign poster in window of Batie’s Auto reads “RE-ELECT / JAMES / R. / MILLS / ASSEMBLYMAN”. Lettering at left of intersection reads “WATCH / CLOCK / REPAIRS”. Sign at right of intersection reads “Ernest J. Botts / PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT / INCOME TAX SERVICE”.

Client name: Cleo

City directories, c.1960-1970, show entries for Batie’s Auto Parts & Supply located at 2692 Imperial Avenue near 26th Street and 27th Street.

*Additional information provided by the community on 3/2011: Ernest J. Botts – Public Accountant and Income Tax Services was located at 2692 Imperial Avenue near 26th and 27th Streets, and near Batie’s Auto Parts & Supply.

**According to additional information provided by the community on 3/2011: The building on the right corner was a tax business owned by a Mr. Long. Later, there was a real estate office in that building.