
One b/w negative of barber shop interior. Indoor photo shows hairstylists and customers facing toward camera. Male and female hairstylists are in photo. Lettering in window is partially visible as “Fay’s Barber Shop”.

City directory, year 1955, shows entry for: “Fay’s Barber Shop & Beauty Salon (Ernest Fay) 2816 Imperial av” City directory, year 1955, shows entry for: Imperial Avenue / 28th Street intersects / “2816 Fay’s Barber Shop & Beauty / Salon BE 2-9801” City directory, year 1960, shows entry for: “Fay’s Barber Shop (Leroy Arthur) 2816 Imperial” City directory, year 1960, shows entry for: Imperial Avenue / 28th Street intersects / “2816 Fay’s Barber Shop BE 2-9801” City directory, year 1965, shows entry for: “Fay’s Barber Shop (Leroy Arthur) 2816 Imperial av” City directory, year 1965, shows entry for: Imperial Avenue / 28th Street intersects / “2816 Fay’s Barber Shop 232-9801”