
One b/w negative of adults and children standing next to automobile with buildings seen behind them.

Client name: Brink, Kurt W., Reverend

Original Baynard index card reads “Mr Rev Kurt Brink / no 851 / Church / 2=8×10 / Service 235 S 32nd / 630 PM”

City directory, year 1950, shows listing for “Logan Heights Lutheran Church Rev K W Brink pastor 310 S 31st” City directrory, year 1950, shows listing for “Brink Kurt W Rev (Martha) pastor Logan Heights Lutheran Ch h235 S 32nd” City directrory, year 1955, shows listing for “Brink Kurt W Rev (Martha) pastor Logan Heights Lutheran Church h320 S 31st” City directory, year 1955, shows listing for “Logan Heights Lutheran Church Rev Kurt W Brink pastor 310 S 31st”