One b/w negative of church congregation at Thirty First Street Seventh Day Adventist Church showing people exiting church with automobiles parked on street in front of church. Signage reads “SEVENTH DAY / ADVENTIST CHURCH”. Address over doorway reads “414”. Outdoor photo shows street viewand parked automobiles as well as church building. City directories, year 1967, show entries for Reverend Eric C. Ward as Pastor of the Thirty-First Street Seventh Day Adventist Church. City directories, year 1967, show address for Thirty-First Street Seventh Day Adventist Church at 414 31st Street.
Client name: Ward, Reverend
Original Baynard index card reads “10530 / Seventh Day Adventist Church / 5805 Alto Visto / Rev Prince Ward / XXX-XXXX / Oct 1968 / Residence XXX-XXXX”