
(Documentary Artifact): One hand-colored lantern slide of an elderly Cocopah medicine man, Liebra, also known as Jack Rabbit. He holds an items with feathers in his hand. He wears feathers at the back of his head, kerchief, shirt, pants and ribbons tied at his elbows.

Notes on lantern slide:
2010.50.1.10-t/ 10/Cocopa Man/ Photo Ed H. Davis 1923

According to additional information provided on 10/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: The object held in his hand might be an owl feather wand.
The feathers also resemble eagle feathers in this close-up detail.

According to additional information provided on 12/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: This looks like a feather wand held in his hand. Often these are used ceremonially, held in the hand or placed in a headband as a headdress.