OP 15362-141

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of three Images (ceremonial figures) created by Campo Indians for the Keruk (Karuk or Koo-Rook) ceremony. Photograph shows the Images wearing cloth dresses and feathers placed at the back. A bow and arrow is placed over the Image on the right. According to notes in Davis’ notebook (Notebook 19), Davis asked Jim McCarty (also known as Ha-la-pooka, Jim Cuero or Qualsch) to make these Images to represent a man, his wife, and child. They were named Cinon Mataweer, his wife Catalina, and child Josecito.

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-141/ 86:15900-895/ IN REF BOOK/ CAMPO INDIAN RITUAL -/ IMAGES USED IN DANCES/ 3 IMAGES/ 6/ 1918