OP 15362-393

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of Chapa Alamo using a stone pestle in a wooden mortar. She wears a kerchief around her head and long-sleeve dress. Davis purchased an olla, mesquite wood mortar and long stone pestle from her (Notebook 16).

Same image as the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) negative, P00685. According to catalog record for this image, her name is spelled Chappa Alamo. The stone pestle and wooden mortar are in the NMAI collection (NMAI objects 072242.000 and 072273.000).

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-393/ 86:15900-1357/ IN REF BOOK/ [Written by Davis:] Chapa Alamo – wood/ mortar Oct 26 1917/ Martinez