(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of Anna May Davis posing in front of a large cactus while wearing rabbit skin cloaks around her shoulders and her waist. Three large ollas are at her feet. Cape and cloak may have been purchased from Maria Johnson of San Manuel on November 20, 1917 (Notebooks 16 and 17).
Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-414/ 86:15900-1378/ IN REF BOOK/ [Written by Davis:] Anna May in rabbit/ skin cloaks + old Ind ollas from/ Banning -/ Red cands [?]/ EH Davis
*According to additional information provided on 10/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: Rabbit pelt blankets. May have been a cloak, but blanket is the more general use. The ollas or ‘aaskay (in ‘Iipay Aa, the Indian language)are pottery water jars.
**According to additional information provided on 12/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: The San Manuel Reservation is the Serrano Tribe and so it is presumed that the maker was Serrano. The blanket would not have been worn as a skirt–this is for the posed picture.