OP 15362-444

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of Bill Nelson standing on a dirt trail with arms crossed. He wears a hat, collared shirt, pants, and shoes. Two men on horseback are in the background. Notes on the verso of the print state that he is 6’4′ tall.

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-444/ 86:15900-1408/IN REF BOOK/ Bill Nelson/ 6′-4’/ June 1918/ 6

According to additional information provided by the community on 10/2011: Bill Nelson played baseball and lived in La Jolla, not Mesa Grande. His wife’s name was Myrtle Blodgett (Indian from Northern California). Went to Sherman Indian School. They had about 6 children – Leonard, Bill, Teddy, Rose, Maxine, Robert.