OP 15362-513

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of Ambrosio Castillo, a fire eater, placing a piece of coal in his mouth. He stands in front of a ramada and wears a kerchief tied around his head, collared shirt, striped-print overalls, and shoes.

Same image as the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) print, P02322. According to catalog record for this image, his name is spelled Ambrosio Castillo (Costello). Notes state that he is ‘a Cahuilla medicine man, putting a mesquite-wood coal of fire into his mouth. According to Edward H. Davis, Castillo was known as the ‘fire eater’ and he would put lit coals into his mouth, blow out sparks, chew, and spit out the coal pieces.’

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-513/ 86:15900-1493/ IN REF BOOK/ 515/ [Stamped:] ED H. DAVIS/ Mesa Grande, Calif./ [Written by Davis:] Ambrosio Castillo -/ fire Eater – in act/ of placing coal in/ mouth – Oct 29 1917/ Toro-