(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of a group of five men standing in a row. Three of the men each hold up Images or ceremonial figures. At left are singers Jim McCarty (also known as Ha-la-pooka, Jim Cuero or Qualsch) and Joe Cuero. At right are dancers Joe Quiso, Aostakia Toba, and Lucas Cuero holding up Images. Images are for Keruk (Karuk or Koo-Rook) ceremony.
SAme image as: Op 15362: 319
Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-607/ 86:15900-1591/ IN REF BOOK/JIM MCCARTY & JOE CUERO, SINGERS AT LEFT/ JOE QUISO, AOSTAKIA TOBA & LUCAS CUERO, RIGHT/ ARE DANCERS/ SIMILAR TO 86:15900-1272/[Written by Davis:] Dancers and with Images elevated/ Campo May 7 1918/ EHD