OP 15362-650

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of the house of Chat Helm (also spelled Chatham Helm) at San Ysidro. Structure appears to be made of adobe brick with a thatched roof and an enclosure next to it.

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-650/ 86:15900-1634/ IN REF BOOK/House of Chat Helm/ San Ysidro 1911

According to additional information provided on 12/2011 by Richard Carrico, a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: Chat Helm was an early pioneer in the San Ysidro area circa the early 1870s. He had a reputation as a violent man who was accused, although never convicted, of killing at least three Indians in the area. He was feared by the Cahuillas and Luisenos who lived in the region. See Richard L. Carrico, Strangers in a Stolen Land.