OP 15362-720

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of Francisco Lugo using a stone tube as a listening tube. Davis purchased seven stone tubes from Lugo. According to Davis’ notebook (Notebooks 17 and 17A), Davis bought them for $38.00. Lugo found them near Highland twenty years ago and they were two feet under ground and found while digging a hole for planting orange trees.

Same image as the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) print, P00496. Notes from catalog record for this image state: ‘According to Edward H. Davis, this stone device is a listening tube to hear spirit voices.’

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-720/ 86:15900-1704/2/IN REF BOOK/ [Written by Davis:] Francisco Lugo/ with one of the 7 stone/ tubes purchased from/ him – using it as a/ listening tube-/ Cahuilla/ Nov. 14 1917