Exposition Postcards ~ Postcard Index ~ Poster Cards
Exposition Cancels ~ Rare Exposition Postcards ~ Exposition Postcards by Allen Wright
GM10 Adler (green allegorical cards)
Front and back printed in green; no border
“Published by Geo. Adler, San Diego” on back
Earliest Date: 4/16/1912
- “San Diego 1915 California the Exposition State” in seal (San Diego city-Exposition buildings in clouds)
- “San Diego 1915 California the Exposition State” in seal; “Administration Building” (Admin, California Bldg & Tower) vertical Back
- “San Diego 1915” in banner – “View from roof of American National Bank” (couple in foreground)
- “San Diego 1915” in banner (view over Expo, San Diego, bay with airplane) (shown above)
- “Administration Building” (vertical; artist rendering of Administration, California Building and Tower; fountain in f/g) (this image is from Elite Printing Co. booklet which included b/w versions of two of the above postcards) – back of booklet
Variation: “Steele’s Premium Tuna” overprinted in blue on back