The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1972, Volume 18, Number 3
James E Moss, Editor

Book Notes

David J. Weber, Book Review Editor

The California Indians: A Source Book. Edited by Robert F. Heizer and M. A. Whipple. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Maps. Notes. Tables. 619 pages. $12.95.

The most popular one-volume introduction to the study of California Indians is now back in print in both hard cover and paperback. First published in 1951 The California Indians has become a classic “reader,” enjoying widespread popularity as a reference book and textbook. This second edition is truly revised, containing new articles, illustrations and maps, some of which have replaced outdated items. As with the first edition, this is divided into five parts: General Surveys; Archaeology; Historical Accounts; Ethnology: Material Culture and Economy; and Ethnology: Social Culture. In the final selection Heizer and Whipple (respectively with the Anthropology Department and the English Department at Berkeley) bring together recent statistics and studies to describe succinctly the “Number and Condition of California Indians Today.” Readers of the Journal may be disappointed that the Diegueños receive little attention in this volume, but that will probably be the only disappointment.