The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1974, Volume 20, Number 1

From the Daily San Diegan, October 28, 1892
O. C. Eberhart: Scavenger and Chimney-sweep. Office, 1423 E Street.

From the San Diego Evening World, March 29, 1874
LAUGHING GAS! LAUGHING GAS! LAUGHING GAS! The only harmless anaesthetic agent. No pain, no pain, no more pain. Dr. D. Cave, French Dentist.

From the San Diego Sun, March 28, 1895
Best care with home comforts; pleasant surroundings. Rates, including physician, $5 to $20 per week. Carriage free. Sixth and University Ave. ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL AND SANITARIUM.

From the San Diego Union, October 30, 1880
Five tons of sauerkrout, also splendid pickles, for sale by Jake Solomon.