The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1975, Volume 21, Number 3
James E. Moss, Editor

Book Notes

David J. Weber, Book Review Editor

The Forty-Niners. By the editors of Time-Life Books. Text by William Weber Johnson. New York: Time-Life Books, 1974. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Maps. 240 pages. $9.95.

As with other volumes in the Time-Life Old West series, this is a lavish book containing numerous illustrations taken from contemporary photographs, sketches, and paintings. The handsome graphics, many in color, are held together by a smooth and authoritative narrative by veteran journalist and professor emeritus of journalism at UCLA, William Weber Johnson, who now makes his home at Warner Springs. Johnson tells the general reader everything that he might want to know about the life and times of the forty-niners. This is history in a most palatable form and a bargain at today’s book prices.