The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1975, Volume 21, Number 3
James E. Moss, Editor

Book Notes

David J. Weber, Book Review Editor

García Hechos and other García Papers. Edited by Antonio Isaac Bonilla. Santa Barbara: Flair Studio of Printing, 1974. Facsimile Document. Illustrations. 194 pages. Not for sale.

This volume contains the recollections of Inocente García, a soldier who served in California under the Spanish and Mexican regimes. Documents of a genealogical nature are also included. lnocente García’s recollections were dictated to Thomas Savage in 1878, when Sr. García was nearly eighty-seven years old, and were utilized by Hubert Howe Bancroft for his History of California. The original manuscript, entitled “Hechos históricos de California,” is in the Bancroft Library, Berkeley. It is reproduced here along with an English translation by Thomas Workman Temple III. Only 300 copies of this volume were privately printed by the editor, Antonio Isaac Bonilla of Santa Barbara, who says that Inocente García “was the father of my paternal great-grandmother.” Mr. Bonilla has provided a copy of García Hechos to be noted in this journal and to be deposited in the library of San Diego State University.