The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1976, Volume 22, Number 1
James E. Moss, Editor
Main Articles
- A Bicentennial Guide to Significant Events in the San Diego Region
- Compiled by Iris Wilson Engstrand
- Lovell’s Report on the Cahuilla Indians, 1854
- Edited by Robert W. Frazer
- William Marshall, “The Wickedest Man in California”: A Reappraisal
- By Leland E. Bibb
- The Imperial Valley in 1904; An Account by Hugo de Vries
- Edited by Peter W. van der Pas
- The Death of Fray Luis Jayme: Two Hundredth Anniversary
- By Msgr. Francis J. Weber
Book Reviews
- Baja California Guidebook.
- By Walt Wheelock and Howard E. Gulick. Reviewed by W. Michael Mathes.
- Historical Atlas of California.
- By Warren A. Beck and Ynez D. Haase. Reviewed by Dr. Kenneth A. Smith.
- The Presidio: Bastion of the Spanish Borderlands.
- By Max L. Moorhead. Reviewed by Leon G. Campbell.
- Chiefs and Challengers: Indian Resistance and Cooperation in Southern California.
- By George Harwood Phillips. Reviewed by Leland E. Bibb.
- Francois X. Aubry: Trader, Trailmaker and Voyageur in the Southwest, 1846-1854.
- By Donald Chaput. Reviewed by Janet Lecompte.
- L.A. in the Thirties: 1931-1941.
- By David Gebhard and Harriette Von Breton. Reviewed by Robert Redding.
- The Crown City’s Brightest Gem: A History of the Hotel del Coronado.
- By Marcie Buckley. Reviewed by Nicholas Fintzelberg, Ph.D.
Book Notes
- Considerations on the Political and Social Situation of the Mexican Republic: 1847
- Translated by Dennis E. Berge.
- The Western Journal of Issac Mayer Wise, 1877.
- Edited by William Kramer.
- California Indian History: A Classified and Annotated Guide to Source Materials.
- By Robert F. Heizer, Karen M. Nissen, and Edward D. Castillo.
- The American Indian.
- Edited by Norris Hundley.
- The Indispensable Enemy: Labor and the Anti-Chinese Movement in California.
- By Alexander Saxton.
- The Mariposa Indian War, 1850-1851.
- University of Utah Press facsimile.
- Diaries of Robert Eccleston: The California Gold Rush, Yosemite, and the High Sierra.
- By edited by C. Gregory Crampton.
Letter to the Editor
- Father Serra’s leg troubles
- Clifford L. Graves, MD.