The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1980, Volume 26, Number 3
Thomas L. Scharf, Managing Editor

Original Articles

San Diego Indians and the Federal Government: Years of Neglect, 1850-1865
By Richard L. Carrico
San Diego’s “Portia of the Pacific:” California’s First Woman Lawyer
By Nicholas C. Polos
From Gopher Traps to Electronics: The Southern California Exposition at Del Mar Celebrates Its 100th Anniversary
By Bill Arballo
Fighting Tom Sweeny: The California Years
By James Edward Moriarty IV
In Memoriam: Bert M. Fireman

Book Reviews

Hispanic Culture in the Southwest
By Arthur L. Campa
California Catholicity
By Msgr. Francis J. Weber
The Mexican War in Baja California. The Memorandum of Captain Henry W. Halleck Concerning His Expeditions in Lower California, 1846-1848
Introduced and Edited by Doyce B. Nunis
National Parks: The American Experience
By Alfred Runte
New Spain’s Far Northern Frontier: Essays on Spain in the American West, 1540-1821
By David J. Weber
Water for the West: The Bureau of Reclamation, 1902-1977
By Michael C. Robinson

Front Cover image

Southern California IndianThis detail from a colored drawing of Southern California Indians was completed by the German artist H.B. Mollhausen during an American expedition to the area in the late 1850s. Note the hunting equipment hanging on the nearby bush. The plight of these Indians following the American acquistion of California in 1848, specifically those in and around San Diego, is explored further in an article by Richard L. Carrico starting on page 165. Reporoduced from “Report Upon the Colorado River of the West by Lt. Joseph C. Ives,” Washington D.C., 1861

This issue of the The Journal of San Diego History was scanned and proofread by volunteer Bill Parsons