The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1981, Volume 27, Number 3
Thomas L. Scharf, Managing Editor

Retired San Diego attorney and former SATC member

Images from the article

Over sixty years ago, from a day in October to a day in December, United States Army soldiers were stationed on the campus and slept in the corridors of the main building of a local high school. They were issued and trained with rejected thirteen-pound rifles which had no ammunition. The termination of the military program was celebrated by a blizzard of talcum powder.

THE ABOVE EVENTS occurred in the fall of 1918 during “the war to end all wars.” The army camp was on the campus of San Diego High School. This unique army unit was the Student Army Training Corps, known as the SATC, and consisted of ninety male students, most of whom were enrolled in San Diego Junior College. The talcum powder celebration was triggered by the World War I armistice on November 11 and took place in downtown San Diego only blocks away.

While the ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) was part of the curriculum in many schools before World War I, the War Department realized in the late winter of 1917 that it did not provide the army with needed collegiate manpower. To fill this gap, the Student Army Training Corps was born. An appeal was beamed to male (at that time women were not considered) students already enrolled in colleges and universities, to enlist in the army, become soldiers, live in an army camp and receive military training while at the same time continuing with their academic studies. An essential difference between the ROTC and SATC was the requirement that students in the latter program be in the army. Courses in military law and military training while living on campus in barracks or tents was another distinguishing feature. The program had wide appeal to both schools and students. There ensued a scramble among schools to obtain units. Not only was it the patriotic thing to do, some prestige came to a college with an SATC unit. Although many new institutions were granted units during 1917 and 1918, the War Department suspended the ROTC in the fall of 1918 in favor of the Student Army Training Corps which trained enlisted men for special assignments but not for commission.1 While the SATC was not an officers training school, plans were afoot to transfer men in the SATC who appeared to be officer material, to such a camp. For instance, those majoring in mathematics were tentatively ticketed to go to Camp Zachary Taylor for training in the artillery. The war ended however, before any transfer was made.

After months of planning, the Bureau of Education of the Army activated the program by announcing in the spring of 1918 that it was conducting a survey of the facilities of colleges and universities and that SATC units would be established in those institutions that qualified by meeting army standards. On March 22, 1918, Arthur Gould, principal of San Diego High School, enlisted the help of San Diego’s energetic Congressman, Bill Kettner.

Following Mr. Gould’s kickoff letter in March, 1918, a barrage of correspondence and telegrams went forth to Washington urging the establishment of an SATC unit in San Diego. In addition to Gould and Kettner, those who sang the praises of the city loud and clear were the president and secretary of the Board of Education, Dr. L.G. Jones and S.W. Belding2; Dean of the Junior College, Mott H. Arnold3; Board member Mary W. Lancaster4; State Normal School President, Edward L. Hardy, and faculty member Benjamin O. Lacey5.

In late May 1918, in answer to an inquiry by the War Department regarding availability of facilities and faculty at the State Normal School, President Edward L. Hardy replied:

The State Normal School of San Diego would be very glad indeed to undertake this instruction, were it not for the fact that its student body now consists entirely of women, all of the men having either enlisted or entered the army through conscription.6

This left the Junior College as the only San Diego institution that could meet the SATC standards fixed by the War Department.

On May 8, 1918, the Board of Education sharpened its pencils when it submitted the following offer: “Our bid one sixty-five per man per day exclusive of cots and bedding.”7 With the government paying a salary of $30 a month, the cost would be $2.65 per day per man. Rather a good bargain even back then.

With summer vacation over, and the powers that be still wanting a SATC unit, San Diego vigorously reactivated the application. Following a survey by Washington of school facilities, a six page detailed questionnaire was completed and filed.8 On three occasions in September, 1918, in telegrams to the Army begging favorable consideration, offers were made to pay for telegraphic replies:

“Location very desirable—night message my expense-” (Mott H. Arnold, Sept. 16)9

Have we your authorization to proceed wire collect (H.O. Wise, Principal, Sept. 24)10

‘From military naval point of view—makes this ideal for unit, please wire directions at once collect” (G.V. Whaley, Supt., Sept. 24).11

To tell the United States Government that one wanted a reply so badly that a collect wire would be accepted seems a bit out of step in today’s atmosphere. But it worked—the perseverance of these dedicated citizens paid off. On September 26, 1918, the Bureau of Education wired the San Diego Junior College: “SATC unit established.”12 The city of San Diego had the distinction of having the first such unit in the country. It was implemented and continued under the supervision of Mott Arnold, dean of both the Normal School and San Diego Junior College. Were it not for his dedication and hard work, San Diego would never have been selected.

On being informed that San Diego would have a SATC, Dean Arnold asked the army when he could expect to receive the necessary equipment. To this inquiry he received, on October 2, 1918, the following telegram: “Two hundred and ninety cots, two hundred and ninety mattresses, five hundred and eighty mattress covers, eight hundred and seventy blankets ordered shipped your unit. Two hundred and ninety cotton uniforms will be ordered shipped. Committee of Education”13

Guns, ammunition, pillows, boots and other articles of clothing were not mentioned. The storage of this equipment, inadequate as it was, had it arrived would have posed a problem mainly because there were neither tents nor barracks. Fortunately the problem never developed because the shipment never arrived.

SATC got under way by notice in the press as well as to individual students that the first assembly would be held at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, October 6, 1918, in the Russ Auditorium. At this assembly the students were welcomed by H.O. Wise, principal; Guy V. Whaley, school superintendent; George Chessum of the YMCA and L.C. Sherwood, on the high school faculty. Sherwood held a certificate from the War Department authorizing him to teach military training. He discussed the course of instruction in his classes as did Miss Sara Dudley regarding her English classes.

Arnold outlined the program; the course would take twelve weeks of fifty-three hours a week, eleven of which would be devoted to military training, etc. The San Diego Union reported that on satisfactorily completing the course, students twenty years or over would receive a commission in the Army; those under twenty, with a high school diploma, would be evaluated and transferred to an appropriate officer training school; men, not having a high school diploma, but who had done high school work and additional work of a “disciplinary character” (whatever that meant), would receive a high school diploma. Those under eighteen would be accepted, but would not receive the base pay of $30 a month, and would be required to buy their uniforrrvs.14 What actually happened was that in December 1918, each man received an honorable discharge as a private in the U.S. Army.

On Friday, October 10, the world wide influenza epidemic reached San Diego, resulting in the imposition by the Board of Health, of a citywide quarantine. Wearing of face masks in public was mandatory.

While this quarantine became effective on October 11, it was not until December 9, 1918, that the City Council got around to adopting an Emergency Ordinance making it a misdemeanor for anyone outside of his home not to: “wear, securely fastened over his nose, and mouth, a gauze mask made from at least four-ply surgical gauze, or preferably from at least three-ply butter cloth.” There was partial relief in that the ordinance did not prohibit “any person from removing said mask while being served and while actually consuming articles of food or drink.” Not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars was the fine, and/or thirty days in jail. By its terms the ordinance expired after nine days on December 18.

Everyone in camp wore face masks. Under the direction of Sgt. Charles Kenneth Flood, all masks were collected at the end of each day and laundered. In company formation each morning freshly laundered masks were given out.

Because he was an ROTC veteran, Flood was named sergeant. In addition to the flu mask duty, Flood supervised the “hospital,” a classroom adjacent to the cafeteria. Flood recalls that the number of patients in the hospital did not at any one time exceed twelve. This hospital was in addition to the “apartment hospital,” so enjoyed by Private Joe Jessop and his friends. Evenings, men were marched into Study 86, a large room in the north building, and told to study, and study they did. The non-coms on duty saw that they did.

Because recruit G. Burch Mehlin had evidenced an interest in medicine, he became the group “doctor.” During the quarantine, he had the duty of daily spraying with gasoline the throat of every recruit. It did not make any sense to Burch and he was the only who was not sprayed. It was somewhat of a miracle that the gasoline and a lighted match never came close enough to cause an incident. After leaving the service, Mehlin was admitted to practice, and for thirty-five years enjoyed an outstanding reputation in medicine in San Diego, retiring in 1965.

Since Washington failed to supply San Diego’s SATC, an emergency call for equipment went forth to local establishments. It was answered promptly; by Saturday evening, October 11, 1918, the Navy delivered 100 cots and Coronado Tent City delivered 200 blankets, 400 sheets, 200 pillow cases and 100 pillows, and the San Diego SATC was “in business.” With the quarantine closing the high school buildings, the men set up their cots in the corridors of the main building. The non-coms took over classrooms. Those who had been living off campus, suddenly found themselves in camp twenty-four hours a day.

At the start of the following week, this was the schedule:

6:00   Reveille.
6:15   Assembly.
6:30 7:00 Mess.
7:30 9:20 Drill, stadium (L.C. Sherwood).
9:25 10:20 Issues of the war (Berlough, Miss Mabel Woodruff, Haig and Price).
10:25 11:20 Topographical Dr. (J. Stanton); English (Dudley and Hill); electrical construction.
11:25 12:05 Mess.
12:10 1:35 Drawing (L.C. Sherwood and Lunt); algebra (Dunlevy); machine design; analytics (Libby); machine shop (J.J. Green); radio (B.D. Lacey).
2:40 3:55 Trigonometry (Arnold and Libby); geometry (Taylor); trigonometry; English (Miss Sara Dudley and Mrs. Mary A. Hall).
3:40 4:35 Topographical Dr. (L.C. Sherwood and Lunt); military law (J. Stanton); physics (Doughty); chemistry (H.H. Ross).
4:40 5:35 Physics (Doughty); chemistry (H.H. Ross).
6:00 6:30 Mess.
7:00 9:00 Study.
10:00-   Taps.15

The most popular instructor was J. Stanton, an imposing, retired lawyer who was not at all bashful in delivering with force, vigor and colorful language, his many strong opinions about most everything.

It was not until Thursday of that week, October 23, that the United States Army finally took over in the person of Lt. Col. Percy B. Trippe, USA Ret., a graduate of West Point (Class of ’76, and a cavalry officer for over thirty years); the San Diego Union reported that the Colonel “will remain in the harness until the Hun has been soundly beaten.”16 But it was not to be.

Within days, Capt. Klare F. Covert replaced Col. Trippe as commandant, and it was the Captain who two months later would sign SATC Honorable Discharges. The Captain had four aides on his staff, Capt. Theodore Jessup, and Lieutenants Perkins, Baker and Milliken.

The physical examinations by Drs. I.D. Webster and H.B. Wilson went remarkably well. Again quoting from the San Diego Union: “Out of the whole number examined so far, and nearly all have been looked over, only one student had to be rejected. This is considered a remarkable record.”17

Enlistments started on October 25 and ended two days later. Ninety men responded to the call. They were finally in the Army of the United States of America. The following thirteen veterans are living in or fairly near San Diego, and are in good health.

Paul W. Colburn
James C. Edmonds
Wilder A. Estey
George Paul Evans
Theodore M. Fintzelberg
Charles Kenneth Flood
Joseph E. Jessop
Louis D. juch
Dr. George B. Mehlin
James E. Reading
Clark L. Rude
William R. Stevenson
Jefferson K. Stickney, Jr.

There may be others, and if so the omission of his or their names is unintentional

The San Diego Union reported: “Cots and mattresses enough for the enlarged unit will be sent and the measurements for the uniforms to be worn are on the way.”18

As to uniforms being individually “measured,” none of the members of the Gray Castle Camp can recall this being done. They were special, yes, but not quite that special.

The SATC program did not lack local opposition, causing Mott Arnold to say: “I sincerely hope the opposition to this work from citizens more or less prominent in San Diego will cease. A great many hindrances have been put in our way. The government has recognized our junior college in a very gratifying way and has done all we could ask. Is it too much to ask the loyal citizens and patrons of higher education?” The opposition faded; the program was not impeded.

It was not all work despite the rugged schedule. There were diversions: It developed that one of the non-commissioned officers became quite unpopular, and it was felt by many that he had something extra coming. Who was responsible for what took place does not appear in the record, nor has the identity of the men involved ever been established. But toward the end of SATC service, the legs of the sergeant’s cot were well smeared with limburger cheese, the subsequent attempted removal of which was not entirely successful. Several days later, after the sergeant had vainly tried to find the culprits, in the early hours of one morning, four or more men took the sleeping man from his cot, and carried him struggling to the fountain in the patio adjoining Study 20, into which they unceremoniously dumped him. It was a very dark night, and the water was cold, all of which added to the sergeant’s unhappiness.

At the Point Loma home of Private Robert I. Barkley, in the same month that the SATC Unit was formed, several recruits founded the Hod Club. A corn cob pipe, called “hod,” was the Club’s insignia. At meetings and initiations, it was considered most sophisticated to smoke such a pipe, often with disastrous results to one’s digestive system. This activity would have passed unnoticed were it not for the fact that, when the Junior College became part of San Diego State College, the Hod Club went along, changing from a society to the Etta Omega Delta Fraternity. On December 9, 1947, the fraternity went national, and became the Epsilon lota Chapter of Kappa Sigma.

The SATC officers wanted to be sure to get their mail and get it as soon as possible. On learning that one of the men, Theodore (Thid) Fintzelberg, had a magnificent new red Indian Chief motorcycle, making him something special, he was ordered, the quarantine notwithstanding, to pick up their mail every day at the post office. It was quite a sight to see Thid, in uniform, riding his motorcyle to and from the post office, wearing a flu face mask, and smoking a cigarette through a hole punched in the mask.

Thid was a top flight cartoonist, and with the cooperation of Private Bob Barkley, photographer, he mounted cartoons and photographs of everyone in the unit. The composite picture has been preserved and is in Thid’s possession. At one assembly, Thid put on a show by drawing cartoons on a large blackboard on an easel. Cabbages, carrots and other delicacies thrown on the stage were Thid’s reward for his performance.

One man, whose name is lost with the march of time, was quite nimble on the steel guitar, and the commissioned officers were so taken with his talents that he was not only relieved from the menial duties of the other privates, but he was not required to stand and salute when an officer walked by. Once again it was proved that music did have charms.

While sleeping in the corridors, several men, one of whom was Joe Jessop, caught the flu and were hospitalized, not in the “hospital room” near the cafeteria, but in a model apartment in an alcove tower above the principal’s office. One of the nurses was a most attractive Canadian, and it was her joyous duty to take care of the ill soldiers. This apartment was a part of the Domestic Science Department, and its shelves were loaded with jams, jellies, preserves, pickles, and other food put up by the students. This slowed down what otherwise should have been a routine recovery. The patients and nurses enjoyed themselves with the piano and hot biscuits that complemented the jams and jellies. It was after camp was closed and the men discharged, that Jessop learned from reliable sources that the high school, on taking inventory, billed the U.S. Army for some $125.00 for the missing goodies. Regrettably, the record does not disclose what action was taken on the claim. The record was clear, however, that the illnesses in that hospital lingered on and on.

A military camp without guns is an anomaly to say the least, but a camp with guns but no ammunition is even more so. Thirteen pound rifles manufactured for our then ally, Russia, and returned by Russia unused because they were too heavy, were then sent to SATC camps and put to use in military drills. Several men in camp were lightweights, weighing not much in excess of 100 pounds. Marching with rifles resting on a fatless shoulder was bad enough, but when an order came to “double time,” it was a miracle that clavicles did not disintegrate. Putting the other hand on the shoulder under the gun to ease the pain helped, but also brought sharp rebuke from the top kick.

While on the subject of guns, one night the author was assigned guard duty from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m., patrolling the east side of the high school. The only instructions were to walk back and forth carrying the ammunitionless gun on my shoulder. There was absolutely no reason for a patrol. The absurdity got to me, and at one time I laughed out loud. Fortunately, if anyone heard me, which I doubt, nothing came of it.

The signing of the Armistice on November 11 triggered noisy and wild celebrations everywhere. San Diego had its own, and as it turned out probably the most original. The City Council met in a special session, and declared a half-holiday. Politicians were not too generous back then.

In 1918, all business was concentrated in a few downtown square blocks; shopping centers and supermarkets existed only in fantasy. The core of San Diego’s hot spot was Broadway, from Third to Seventh avenues. As on New Year’s Eve, people poured into this area, filling the sidewalks and streets. Word filtered up to camp, and naturally we all wanted to be part of the action. Requests for leave were summarily denied, resulting in many going AWOL that night.

Midway in the celebration, a joyous soul bought from one of the several drugstores that were open for business a can of talcum powder, removed the top and threw the contents at anyone who was near. This caught on, and within minutes the crowd bought up all cans on the shelves; enterprising store managers cleaned out the storerooms of what was there, and set up tables in front of the stores, manned with salesmen. Within minutes, all cans of talcum power in storage as well as on the shelves had been sold. The excited citizens had powder in their eyes, ears, noses and throats, and could not care less. The next morning, Broadway looked as if a blizzard had hit San Diego. This was quite original. What a way to celebrate the end of a war—to be “buried” in talcum powder!

On that same day, November 11, an SATC football team was formed, followed a few days later by the naming of Joseph Jessop (he had recovered by then) captain and quarterback, and John Zimbelman guard, positions each had held on earlier high school teams. Money to be used to purchase equipment was proposed to be raised through popular subscription. Practice and scrimmage with the San Diego High School eleven was set for every afternoon. A coach had not been named; it was hoped that Coach Evans of the high school could be talked into taking the job.19 With the heavy academic schedule, it is difficult to see how the student-soldier-athletes would have had any time for football. No one now living can recall seeing this “team” take the field even for practice.

On November 17, the quarantine was lifted and schools were reopened. Students returned, and the SATC moved into pup tents the men had put up on the north side of the Domestic Science Building. The origin of the tents is unknown. After thirty-six days of sleeping in school corridors, for the first time the recruits felt that they were finally in the army, notwithstanding the fact that fighting had stopped a week before. There was one drawback to this location, the unsurfaced field. Rain turned it into a gooey mess. Drilling under such conditions left much to be desired.

Some of the men, knowing nothing about guns, did not care for their rifles. Many, that is guns, started to rust. One beautiful, sunny Sunday morning, with the men in a relaxed mood and nothing urgent on hand, they were jolted by an order over the loudspeaker that in fifteen minutes there would be rifle inspection. There had been no instruction about care of firearms. A few minutes later, again over the loudspeaker, the C.O. said that it had come to his attention that sand or gravel was being used in cleaning rifles, and that was absolutely forbidden, and any man caught using sand or gravel would be on report. My tent mate, Hallen Marsh, son of Superior Court Judge S.M. Marsh, and I took turns watching for the approach of a non-com. We each finished the job with sand. Neither I nor my tent mate got caught, and inspection went as scheduled.

The “Military Training” received came mostly from books and lectures. There was a semblance of basic training. All of the activities were confined to the high school campus. As a unit, SATC never left base camp.

When the SATC program peaked in the first part of November 1918, 250,000 nationwide had enlisted. The program started its decline when, as hoped for, the “Huns” surrendered. It appeared that Washington took almost three weeks to realize that hostilities had ceased, and that the army did not need the officers the SATC was training. Finally orders arrived, and demobilization of the San Diego unit was scheduled to start on December 7, and be fully completed December 21.20 There were at least six corps in southern California, the largest at the University of Southern California, where eight two-story barracks buildings and a mess hall had been built to house the men. Other schools in this area with SATC units were Los Angeles State Normal, Redlands, Pomona, and Throop School of Technology.21 The orders directed that every man receive an Honorable Discharge, be given a complete uniform, and be told that he could wear it for ninety days after discharge.

On December 19, 1918, each man received an Honorable Discharge, the blanks being filled in with pen and ink (typewriters were not available) by the jack-of-all-trades, Sergeant Flood, and his assistants. On application, a bronze medal commemorating the fifty-three days of army duty was mailed to any veteran.

Generally the program was a success. The fact that it terminated so abruptly brought the entire concept into question. As a result, SATC personnel didn’t really become soldiers. It was facetiously referred to as “Sit Around the Campus” and “Saturday Afternoon Tea Club.” Men joining the American Legion, and attending meetings were ofttimes embarrassed trying to explain to disabled veterans, who were in the “real” army and saw active duty overseas, what the SATC was all about.

Shortly before the soldiers were mustered out, the press reported that: “Plans are under way to maintain similar units of student officers throughout the United States and probably will be adopted here, especially since the worth of the system has been demonstrated.”22 This, however, never came into fruition.

Former SATC members later received the standard $60 bonus, and had a tax break for awhile because they were veterans of the “war to end all wars.” All had profited by instruction, both military and academic, given by able and dedicated instructors and teachers. Most of all they were given, in capsule form it is true, a broad overview of military life while at the same time not completely overlooking education goals. It was a rewarding and unique experience.


The author wishes to acknowledge, with sincere thanks, help received from the following persons in preparing this article:

Wilder Estey, one of the soldiers who persevered over months in his successful effort to get complete rosters of the men (1) at start of service, (2) midway through, and (3) on December 19, 1918, date of discharge.

Ms. Rhoda Kruse, of the San Diego Public Library, who ferreted out and made photocopies of the several articles relating to the SATC appearing in the San Diego Union in the Fall of 1918, to which reference is made in the article.

Former Congressman, Bob Wilson, who furnished the name and address of the Government Agency whose files contained correspondence and telegrams between San Diego and Washington, D.C., in the year 1918. Photocopies of the file were secured and were of great help in recording the history of local efforts to secure a SATC Unit in San Diego.

Dr. G. Burch Mehlin for furnishing a copy of the Flu Mask Ordinance, and to the many ex-soldiers, Thid Fintzelberg, Joe Jessop, Ken Flood, Jim Reading, and others who furnished photos and data regarding the Camp.


Capts. Inf. U.S.A. 1. Klare F. Covert . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not discharged: Commanding Officer

2. Theodore C. Jessup . . . . . . . Not discharged: Discharge requested but not received.

2nd Lts. Inf. U.S.A. 1. Ralph W. Baker . . . . . . . . . . Not discharged: Discharge requested but not received.

2. Ernest C. Milliken . . . . . . . . Not discharged: Discharge requested but not received.

3. Rollin M. Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . Not discharged: Personnel Adjutant.


1. Osias Adler 46. Dewey Holmquist
2. John F. Baker 47. Leonard C. Houser
3. Robert I. Barkley 48. Paul K. Hunter
4. Homer H. Bidwell 49. Oswald O. Jenkins
5. Milton A. Birmbaum 50. Joseph E. Jessop
6. Andrew R. Boone 51. Louis D. Juch
7. Russell P. Bowen 52. Francis C. Kahle
8. Roland A. Brandt Not discharged: Just recovering from influenza and held in service on Surgeon’s advice. 53. Lawrence M. Keller
9. Howard W. Brown 54. Lowell G. Kramar
10. Russell H. Brown 55. Frank A. Lebert
11. Sedric R. Brown 56. Percival O. Lee
12. Milo O. Busenburg 57. Cecil Linder
13. Edgar W. Capps 58. Norman L. Madsen
14. William L. Carr 59. Isaac N. Mardock
15. Walter F. Chapman 60. Russell I. Martin
16. Ebon P. Chilton 61. Hallan N. Marsh
17. Glenn S. Christiance 62. Samuel O. May
18. Lee R. Christiansen 63. George B. Mehlin
19. Jean H. Clark 64. Jerome S. Merriam
20. Benjamin Close 65. Martin Meza
21. Paul W. Colburn 66. Stanley E. Millar
22. Elmo G. Crabtree 67. Cecil A. Morrison
23. Guy L. Crandall 68. Richard H. Morse
24. Loyd I. Cronkite 69. George Neale
25. Webster H. Crum 70. William M. Porter
26. Kenneth V. Cushing 71. Garnett F. Potts
27. Abraham Dorfman 72. James E. Reading
28. Donald L. Duncan 73. Clark L. Rude
29. Lawrence M. Duryee 74. Harvey A. Russell
30. Isham Earle 75. Charles L. Seetoo
31. Carl T. Edler 76. Oscar E. Sette
32. Bishop J. Edmonds 77. Leslie M. Sherman
33. James C. Edmonds 78. Mansour Simon
34. Wilder A. Estey 79. Charles E. Smith Not discharged: Just re covering from influenza and held in service on Surgeon’s advice.
35. George P. Evans 80. Montelle H. Springstead
36. John P. Faddis 81. William R. Stevenson
37. Theodore M. Fintzelberg 82. Francis S. Stewart
38. Charles Kenneth Flood 83. Jefferson K. Stickney, Jr.
39. Lawrence H. Fossum 84. Arthur Stone
40. James B. Fugle 85. Milan E. Strait Not discharged: Just recovering from influenza and held in service on Surgeon’s advice.
41. Berry Gano 86. Howard H. Thompson
42. Donald C. Good 87. Theodore R. Walther
43. Daniel R. Grable 88. Thomas D. York
44. James F. Hamilton 89. William H. Young
45. John W. Harrison 90. John L. Zimbelman

I certify to the correctness of this roster and to the fact that all enlisted men and officers named herein were discharged on this date except as stated in the body of the roster opposite the names of such excepted officers or men.

Rollin M. Perkins
2nd Lt. Inf. U.S.A.
Personnel Adjutant


1. The Army Almanac,(United States Government Printing Office, 1950).

2. Letter, April 30, 1918, from L.G. Jones, President and S.W. Belding, Secretary.

3. Letter. May 2, 1918, from Mott H. Arnold.

4. Letter, May 11, 1918, from Mary Walker Lancaster, Chairman Finance Committee.

5. Detailed list of available courses and equipment prepared by Benj. O. Lacey (undated).

6. Letter, May 21, 1918, from Edward L. Hardy, President State Normal School of San Diego.

7. Telegram, May 8, 1918, from Mary Lancaster, Chairman Finance Committee of Board of Education.

8. U.S. War Department, Committee on Education and Special Training Complete Report on Inspection of Educational Institutions.

9. Telegram, September 16, 1918, from Mott Arnold, Dean to Adjt. General.

10. Telegram, September 24, 1918, from H.O. Wise, Principal.

11. Telegram, September 24, 1918, from G.V. Whaley, Supt. City Schools.

12. Memo from War Department, September 26, 1918.

13. Telegram, November 2, 1918, from Committee on Education to Commanding Officer SATC, San Diego Junior College.

14. San Diego Union, October 8, 1918.

15. Ibid, October 16, 1918.

16. Ibid, October 24, 1918.

17. Ibid, October 26, 1918.

18. Ibid, October 26, 1918.

19. Ibid, November 18, 1918.

20. Ibid, December 2, 1918.

21. Ibid, November 29, 1918.

22. Ibid, December 2, 1918.