The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 1983, Volume 29, Number 3
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor
Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor
Chaining the Land: A History of Surveying in California. By Francois D. Uzes. Sacramento: Landmark Enterprises, 1977. Illustrations. Appendices. Index. 315 Pages. $19.50.
The publishers have just announced a new printing of Uzes’s authoritative book on surveying in California. The book, by a surveyor from the California State Lands Division who is now the president of the Surveyors Historical Society, covers many topics: surveyors’ instruments, early surveys in California, both state and federal surveys in the state, licensing laws and fraudulent surveys. There are also sixteen appendices containing many lists of surveyors, information on equipment and other topics. Chaining the Land contains several pages on early surveys of the Pueblo of San Diego and Rancho de la Nacion.